First FIGHT Stories (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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so rude it have you ever been in a fight if so how did it go down only been in a handful of fights but the first one was bad my sister has a big mouth and was always running it off when we were kids she is the youngest that she was built like an ox so no one ever called her on her BS one day she came in crying she had popped off to the wrong girl and she got her ass whupped my dad looked at me and said go out there and defend your sister I had never been in a fight before and I know the girl who gave her a rap on the Jack Johnson so I knew it wouldn't end well you know she started it I tried to argue that he was having none of it and you will finish it go and don't come back until one of you is beating sigh so I sulked out the door and walked across the concrete and saw her standing with her sister she looked up at me and watched me slowly make my way across the courtyard I stopped right in front of her and put my hands up in front of my face the way I had seen it done in movies she kind of tilted her head to the side and laughed at me but I'm sure she could see the despair in my eyes and knew there was no other way in about 15 seconds she had me in a bull on the ground he swung her arms in a way I had never seen anyone swing before over her head and at her sides it was like two windmills in a thunderstorm and I had no way to prepare for that kind of crab after it was done I got up off the floor and walked slowly back into the house my dad looked at me and shook his head and said at least you tried now you can look your sister in the eye thanks dad your dad is an [ __ ] one time my face bravely fought some guy's foot on me it cost me new glasses and a tooth but I think he left with a blood stain on issue so not bad overall you got the last laugh it'll take him hours to remove at blood stain you know those junior high fights where they just push each other a little and call each other thanks for five minutes while the rest of the school circles around I didn't know you weren't supposed to actually fight while you wearing those [ __ ] wanted to fight because I made him look stupid in class so he starts pushing me and screaming as the crowd gathers and then I punt him in the crotch he collapses and vomits and I'm the [ __ ] for breaking the rules of the fight [ __ ] that school glad I moved away there is no rule book on street fighting if a guy is bigger than me the first place I'm aiming for is his nuts you did right fighting in the streets isn't about winning it's about surviving guy attacks me in tenth grade on the football field before school about half of the school is standing there he lands a solid punch to my shoulder and my martial arts training kicks in I start blocking his Conan O'Brien style punch is managing to break his nose and fracture his collarbone as I put him on the ground I did not technically throw any punches and did not get in trouble at all I was fortunate two weeks later his best friend tried to push me down a flight of stairs and one of my friends pulled me out of the way he fell headfirst down the stairs he was a senior and I took his spot on the varsity football team I guess his measure of exacting revenge was to get suspended and kicked off the football team I have not been in a fight since a friend and I are night fishing when we were 19 at a local pier as was typical we got nothing and our two joints were long gone so we decided to go home approximate 1:00 a.m. I went to get the car to load up our fishing gear and on the way I hear a tense female voice angrily saying stop stop I look down through the planks and saw some shadows through the gaps then I see someone running to the east my left who was grabbed by another person and brought back under the bridge I hear muffled screaming and finally decided I needed to do something I jumped down from the side of the pier four feet above the beach at this point so no big deal and see a guy with his hand over a female's mouth he was restraining her she wasn't happy I went into save-a-ho mode I jump on the guy's back and lock his body with my legs and get him in what was essentially a standing rear naked choke he drops down with his full weight on me because of the sand it wasn't that bad I ended up choking him out I thought I won and was a hero the girl was irate with me and called me an [ __ ] then dude's friends came and jumped me beat my ass while the girl consoled her snoring boyfriend he woke up and proceeded to treat her like [ __ ] as I laid bloodied on the sand story of my [ __ ] life two teenagers tried to mug me on Christmas Eve back in 2009 I think I'd have to go back and look anyway I'm a huge guy I have some extra weight in my gut but I'm not someone most people would think hey let's pick a fight with that guy I was walking home from a haircut instead of walking my usual route I took a detour by the neighborhood park this park is visible from the main street I saw two kids tossing a baseball back and forth one of them occasionally hitting it lightly with his bat as I walked by the two approached me the one with the bad first he asks me for the time it's a little after 1:00 o'clock I say after checking my phone cool thanks now give us your coat wallet and your phone I'm sorry you heard me give us your coat your wallet and your phone no the kid swung his bat at my ribs I stepped into it and pushed his arms down as best I could he hit me but it hit my upper thigh instead after taking the hit I hit him hard in the chest knocking him out of there while he was stunned I broke his arm at the elbow he fell to the ground still unable to catch his breath thanks to the adrenaline at this point I had the full intention of beating this kid within inches of his life that was very scary to me later when it comes to fight or flight my instinct is apparently to fight and fight to win that's dangerous for me thanks to laws regarding reasonable force his friend had come around behind me and punched me once I turned around and landed a hit to his temple he backed off disoriented I don't remember what I said I know I screamed something at him waiting for him to attack again mugger hash one had gotten back up on his feet and the two of them ran away the whole thing must have taken less than two minutes I love thinking about the explanation he must have given his family for why his arm was broken I'm a small five feet four inches one hundred and five pounds girl when I was 17 I was walking to my car in an empty parking lot after a late movie a Hispanic woman appeared from behind my car with a knife gesturing to my purse it was all sort of a blur I suppose my animal instincts came out I bashed her ass together until she dropped the knife I put her in a headlock and she bit my leg so hard through my jeans I screamed bloody murder a big dude came to break it up as I had her pinned to the ground of course I looked pretty bad until I explained the situation I let her limp away and didn't call her cops it felt like we were even I'm super surprised I had it in me I had never been in a fight and I'm not a very violent person at all that Monday I had a cool battle scar peeking out from the bottom of my skull killed a really pretty bruise on my leg it was butterfly shaped I suppose from her teeth ever since then I've never been afraid of walking places by myself I still go to the same movie theatre and parkin the same lot it's nice to know that if something were to ever happen again I could probably handle it I was a sophomore in high school and went to a crazy house party I'm talking hundreds of people and six kegs about a week earlier one of my buddies will call him Matt got in a fight with this guy Jason a senior known for starting [ __ ] with people randomly my friend Matt beat the [ __ ] out Jason which hurt his ego and he challenged him to or a match at this party Matt was running late to the party and I was already there sixteen-year-old me enjoying a few beers Jason notices me and knows I'm friends with Matt so he calls me out asking where my boy was and began getting in my face another guide the party Josh who was a good friend and also friends with Jason steps in and says he's cool man leave him alone Jason came to the party with five other guys who were all at least 18 to 24 beers one of these guys purposely bumps into me and starts yelling at me telling me to watch where I'm walking I apologize but as I turn around he pushes me and I fall on top of the hood of a car Jason and all of his buddies end up surrounding me at this moment I know I'm about to get jumped by six guys with about 200 people watching I think to myself do you want to be a [ __ ] and beg them not to or do you want make a statement I chose the latter I have never been an alleged fight in my life up to this point so I take one swing at the first guy closest to me and knock him out cold then moved on to the next guy as they started closing in on me and just started throwing haymakers landing about five of them on three different guys ended up getting the [ __ ] beat out of me for about thirty seconds before ten cop cars pull up to bust the party I definitely dodged a bullet on that one since I'm sure I would have ended up in the hospital if the cops didn't show up I gained a lot of respect and was the talk of the school the next week Jason ended up coming up to me a couple weeks later at another party and shook my hand and said he did not expect me to fight back [Music] [Music]
Channel: Aussie Ibis Reddit
Views: 14,831
Rating: 4.9582248 out of 5
Keywords: fight, first fight, school fight, high school fight, fight story, first fight story, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, updoot reddit, toadfilms, toad films, TZ Reddit, reddit fight
Id: U9J2sH6edBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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