People Reveal 'Insider Secrets' The Company They Work For Is Hiding From Customers (r/AskReddit)

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what insider secrets does the company you work for not want its customers to find out I work for a casino protip don't go casino employee here to the dealer wants you to win unless you're a stiff our Chinese manufacturers will be more than willing to supply us with a certificate assuring us and our clients that the cardboard and paper packaging for our new line of electronics is 100% recycled and eco-friendly 1,000% [ __ ] I called our Chinese suppliers for a food-grade certificate for the food grade conveyor belt they sold us they sent over our OHS certificate saying their product could be safely disposed of in a landfill sadly the auditor accepted that I recently started working for a cleaning firm my boss basically said it doesn't actually have to be clean it just has to look clean edit yeah what I meant was it doesn't have to be sanitized it just has to look clean English is not my first language so I didn't realize there was a significant difference pretty much my motto as a kid every time my mom told me to clean my room getting paid to just shove everything in the closet where do I sign up at your local military recruitment office form a sandwich shop employee they put soy sauce in the tuber salad there that's the secret recipe manager made me sign an NDA about it spy sauce tuber salad doot-doot I work at a big store in the Netherlands and at the end of every advertisement week we have to make sure the shelves are almost empty so it will look like almost everything sold out and the products we sell are popular in reality we still have a lot in the stock room but this way people will buy it faster because one it's on sale two it's almost sold out three it's a popular product for they think the company as a whole is doing a great job it isn't really a big secret but I thought it's quite funny this is why customers ask if you have more in the back and then employees get mad this is true of academia in general but you have no idea how much money textbook companies spend on wooing professors just to give a couple examples the last time I went to the big conference in my field which was held in Atlanta that year Bedford Street Martin rented out the Atlanta Braves Stadium gassed everyone at the conference there about 2,000 people gave us a free buffet that stretched through three rooms we were up in the box seats with an open bar and they opened up all the games in the back hallways for us to play Pearson's party was far more modest they rented out the coke museum gave us all three tours and their free buffet only stretched through one freaking room but with much classier food but still had an open bar just in case you were wondering why those text books of yours are so expensive duck Pearson so while MyMathLab sucks balls in every way shape and form they are busy renting out the coca-cola Center and giving people fancy dinners and that's just their shitty behavior at the college level nobody here is talking about them waving their donk around in public k-12 education big technology companies providing really slick services especially where you buy things online make it look like they really have their [ __ ] together most of them don't their back-end systems are held together by virtual rubber bands and blue and their staff stumble from one fire to another because the management teams never stop trying to develop new features to allow technical debt to be repaid they public-facing and is just fancy enough to hide that all from you this is as true for AWS as it is for Ticketmaster Jesus Christ if Ticketmaster looks like it has its [ __ ] together I don't want to know what their back-end is like it's a bigger [ __ ] show than you can imagine trusting Ticketmaster with your credit card info is like trusting Michael J Fox with your fine china I used to work for IBM it was well known within IBM that all projects would be significantly understaffed this meant that the people working on those projects would work their asses off we were all salaried employees so we made no more money by working 80 hours per week compared to the normal 40 hours per week IBM did make more money however since most of our projects were billed as time and materials effectively hourly when some internal people started complaining about the excessive overtime IBM offered them the option of becoming an hourly employee this meant that they no longer had access to healthcare 401 K et Cie but they would be making significantly more money in some cases more than doubling their previous salary since they would be getting paid for every hour worked IBM didn't think many people would choose the hourly option thinking that their benefits plan was enough to keep people there as salaried employees of those that were offered the option something like 95 percent chose to become al aliy every single person that chose the hourly option was fired within one month that meant that some projects that were already understaffed were even more understaffed many projects were canceled or delayed because IBM chose to use these employees as an example of what happens when you complain too loudly the garlic butter we put on our pizza crust is in fact garlic marjorine there's no dairy in it at all I'll get customers calling and every once in a while who asked for soy cheese and no garlic butter and if I'm feeling nice I'll let them in on the secret who they can enjoy that garlic goodness without worrying garlic butter just sounds more appetizing than the truth I take donations at Goodwill we throw away a good 90% of what we get once upon a time I worked at a goodwill people think that clothes that are sold are washed clothes ah not washed I once was putting stuff away and found a dirty menstrual pads stuck to the crotch of a pair of jeans yeah definitely not washed it's how they get that specially curated Goodwill smell you don't have to get a GED it's just one type of high school equivalency but GED is synonymous with that concepts so people don't know there are other options Pearson likes it that way because they can charge 120 dollars per test with most of that money going to Pearson Pearson doesn't want you to know that depending on availability you can also take the higher CT or the TAS C battery of tests for half the price or less until a few years ago before Pearson stepped in the GED cost $10 to $20 in most places edit not all colleges accept all forms of high-school equivalency and often the higher CT or TAS C can be almost as expensive as the GED unfortunately it's complicated and you have to do your research depending on where you live you might be screwed either way added context because I didn't expect this to blow up for decades the GED was dirt cheap because people who need a GED are usually broke and then magically when education giant Pearson showed up everybody had to charge 10 times as much because one of the easiest ways to get rich in America is to exploit poor people scientist here about 50% of all published results cannot be reproduced in another lab a lot of statistics are tweaked with to get results that are statistically significant which is skimming the edge of what's legal and what is not pee hacking man it's gotten out of control I just watched a series of masters student thesis presentations and eight out of ten of them had results based off of statistical analyses with holes big enough I could have driven a truck through what I find really funny is that it was obvious that 99% of the audience just accepted the information didn't ask questions and gave standing ovations all day long it felt like a relevant eree school science fair for adults one of my Facebook friends interviewed for a teaching position at the School District I worked for she was nervous and awaited the news with one hundred percent more anxiety than she should have the teacher shortage we have here is so bad will pretty much take anyone that's completed their certification including people that have just obtained it and have never stepped foot in a classroom before the sad thing is I believe the shortage has more to do with how the state handles education and how teachers are treated they demand higher and higher expectations with no increase in wages the top of the industry get paid very very well teachers get paid on then the good teachers who have been doing it for a while and are doing well are being pushed out because they cost too much what you are left with are a bunch of inexperienced teachers being pushed very hard and are doing the best they can with what little they get I worked for a home security company two big secrets one about 90% of the salesmen are line douchebags that will say anything to get you to sign up and then think they can hold a contract against you but if you complain enough to the right people the legal department will cancel your contract outright - the equipment is super cheap despite the fact that they tell you that you are basically paying for the equipment over the length of your contract so that you don't have a huge upfront cost the parts for an average home with an eight piece system panel included only run about eight hundred dollars at Cost if at but it depends on the stuff you get but you will pay out several thousand over the length of your initial three or five-year contract any extensions on top of your initial contract with no new equipment or services is money straight into the pocket of the company monitoring ends up costing the company a few cents a day when you break enough systems across enough operators if peace of mind is worth that to you then go ahead and sign up monitoring service is excellent but the equipment is [ __ ] a long time ago I worked in a pet store Adam all the company's motto was the customer comes first which is a kind of ducked up motto to have when you're selling you know a live animals they obviously cared more about sales than the animals welfare and would pushed rabid sales around Easter even though buying a rabbit just because they are cute around a particular holidays are terrible terrible idea they also sold a number of exotic small animals that I'm pretty sure would have actually made terrible pets due to being nocturnal and high-strung in short don't shop at pet stores your local animal shelter has your new best friend waiting for you for much cheaper or maybe even free the sustainability policy is not about environment at all is about cost reduction I don't think anybody believes that companies are putting in less plastic in their bottles or washing your towels at the hotel less because they care same reason lawmakers are now supporting marijuana legalization in multiple states they don't give two shits about public opinion and social issues they just watched Colorado and Washington start raking in money and they want to get in on the ground floor if those states legalization measures didn't create a substantial revenue flow it wouldn't even be on the ballot in any state this November I work at a very large farming company that grows and packages a certain vegetable hint Bugs Bunny the store brand in the private label brand right next to it are from the same field and there is no difference between the product in it Domino's Pizza Tracker isn't accurate employees can enter [ __ ] on the computer to make your order to appear at a different stage than it actually is the horror seriously two weeks ago I ordered Domino's for the last time in my life after 10 minutes it was on delivery 45 minutes later I call and ask hey where's my food she puts the phone down for 15 seconds without muting it I might add yeah the driver just left call back another 45 minutes later different person picks up hey I've been waiting over an hour and a half where's my pizza oh I'm so sorry that driver was in an accident worried making it pizza arrives after two hours 15 minutes this ticket says the pizza was done two hours ago delivery guy oh no we put the time in our back so they get out sooner this [ __ ] is cold it's been 2.5 hours when it said it was out two hours ago I'm complaining to corporate and doing a chargeback on my credit card tips him for bringing it slams door I call corporate as soon as they open they tell me oh yeah we have had a lot of complaints about that location thanks for the input hangs up
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 1,181,069
Rating: 4.8343563 out of 5
Keywords: r/ askreddit, reddit company secrets, r/askreddit secrets, secrets companies hide, best posts and comments, reddit industry secrets, people share
Id: wQeyHkp90fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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