People Making Joe Rogan Die Laughing (Kevin Hart, Theo Von Joey Diaz, Tom Segura, Robert Downey Jr.)

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there's a viral video it is this old guy trying to hoverboard he's like [ __ ] he's gotta be like 69 70 and you know his grandkids there and he's like let me let me try it let me try it and this man gets on his hoverboard and takes if you saw Mike Tyson fall on a hoverboard his fall was worse than Mike Tyson's I've never seen somebody hit their head harder in my life and I didn't laugh out of wanting to see this old man hurt herself I laugh because it was stupid to try to get on his hoverboard in the first place and when he got up he tells the kids why is it moving like this everybody falling makes me laugh okay who you are falling makes me laugh I don't give a [ __ ] who you are if you fall in front of me no shot I'm holding there laughs there's no shot you don't stand a chance if you there's no shot that I'm not my eight-year-old farts on cue she thinks it's hilarious genius she'll tell you that listen I gotta talk to you about something only bit as a kid nothing else but farts that's all you got my wife fell down the steps she got so mad she had a wine glass wine with all over the walls oh my god one of the worst Falls I've ever seen in my damn lap so I would get [ __ ] up and put these vests on and put on sunglasses and not let them know like Buffalo Bill [ __ ] but at least partying by myself you know and one time I was making a smoothie you know cuz I you know I have I got like I knew what kind of blender it is but it's pretty nice and I was making like a nice smoothie and I'm [ __ ] coked up I'm partying you know I'm living high on the hog two vests on maybe right there I thought I heard something outside right which is kind of weird to even think of when you have a blender going right so I'll leave out of my apartment to go in the hallway lock myself out with the blender going to go to my landlord dude right down the hall and tell him like the blender shorts out and smoke happens the fire huh along starts going off in the building right as I'm at his door knocking right and I didn't know what to say I told him that I was throwing a late Christmas party dude it was [ __ ] into January two and a half years ago oh [Laughter] my god I still live there well you know like I've caught him doing some things and then she start to haul your Cuban I dated the Cuban one time he's such a big thing you have a big thing I mean it was that quick I was maybe like 31 she was maybe 50 Wow and she just dropped behind the curtain he took the hammer around the son of Superman I'm sitting there minding my own business and also somebody comes yelling for surely she wouldn't stop I can't I'm over stimulated I feel like I need psychiatric treatment right now and an IV [ __ ] drink well it's mink yeah but when they say suka I thought yeah I'll do that and I'll do that after Ironman and then I started thinking this system wait a minute and then I thought well hold on dude get real here where is your heart and my heart is a I get to be black for a summer night so there's something in it for you and 90% of my black friends are like dude that was great you know did you have anybody that was telling you not to do it with a bunch of agents or anyone who's my mother was horrified [Laughter] really Bobby I am Telling You I have it bad feeling I was like yeah me too mom but uh like for instance the you know never go yeah full no by the way I guarantee you I'm getting out of here my stock is not plummeting when I leave here I'm not smoking dope I'm not doing a musk I'm gonna do everything right the next day I love that you know
Channel: Michael Vangelo
Views: 3,420,020
Rating: 4.9169879 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, The Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, Tom Segura, Your Mom's House Podcast, Joey Diaz, Kevin Hart, Laugh out loud, Kevin Hart LOL Network, Robert Downey Junior, Robert Downey Jr. Joe Rogan, Theo Von, Theo Von Podcast, Theo Von funniest moments, Theo Von random moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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