People HUMILIATED By Others IN RESTAURANTS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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foreign really taking advantage of the system now aren't you um excuse me I'm just saying leave a little bit for the rest of us okay oh did you want some of this oh God no no I actually care about what I put into my body so I look like this did you look like that for your information I oh hey um we were wondering is there a limit to how much one person can eat at the buffet uh no this isn't all you can eat buffet might want to charge her double like she can eat a lot all of our customers get charged the same price regardless of how much they eat carry on man thank you excuse me do you mind if not at all hurry up and get as much as you can four sheets at all how much I eat is none of your business um it is if we're eating from the same buffet that's portion control this is my third place okay well she looks like she at least takes care of herself unlike some people what is your problem my problem is with lazy people like you you probably come here twice a week stay here for hours just gobbling up everything you can find this is actually my first time here judging by the looks of UI hi highly doubt that if I'm not mistaken we are eating from the same buffet and I just came here for a business meeting what business would that be to try to get on disability so you can further take advantage of the system unlike some people I'm here to meet with someone who's actually important the VP of Hot Topic really I have a final interview for a senior executive position and when I get this excuse me are you working on this plates though or should I take it I mean yeah I'm still working on it geez can't you see yeah so much for portion control me whatever I want because I actually take how are you oh I am so good how are you I'm good it looks like the recovery has gone great oh yeah yeah I don't mean to be nosy but um that's not a big plate of food you're hiding behind your back is it no I could have swore I saw the server hand it to you but uh it's more like one one time thing well I hope so because there's no point spending all that money on um well you know just to gain it all back try to eat something healthy will do thank you was he just talking about weight loss surgery no can't believe you would even think that was talking about back surgery he specifically said just to gain it all back what would that have to do with back surgery yeah like my back like back like I explain this to you okay the reason I look so good is because I work really hard at the gym all you have those people who sits around shoving their face full of Haagen-Dazs ice cream all day and then complaining about her husband this is insane you look so different from high school I heard about your procedure on Facebook but I had no idea you lost this much weight hi Jess Brit [Music] you know I don't know what you're talking about what do you mean the weight loss surgery you had you posted it on Facebook no that wasn't me not sure it was you were the one that told me about it right yeah yeah here let me find it no no that won't be necessary oh and to think that was just a year ago crazy we're so happy for you thank you it was so good to see you yeah you too bye great timing tell me again about how hard you work at the gym you lost weight because you had it all vacuumed out or you got your stomach stapled you're trying to make it seem like you do all this hard work when let's be honest it was the doctor that did all the hard work then you have the audacity to say you can't stand fat people because they don't do anything when they have to go through life dealing with people like you saying things like that what is wrong with you why don't you go do something don't be mad at me just because I can afford this surgery okay maybe if you did something other than shove your face full of plates full of food you'd be able to afford it too oh ah speaking of affording things I have a very important meeting to attend to excuse me well hi you must be caring sorry I'm late traffic I'm Alex VP of Hot Topic it's great to meet you and I see you met our president uh uh president yes and you're quite lucky actually Miss Jackie happened to be in town from New York so I asked her to join us as it is for a senior executive position that's great yeah nice to meet you again repeat what you were just saying to me you know being lazy and that you did not take any of that cereal save it there's no way we would ever hire someone like you fortunately I got to know the real Carrie help us dodge a bullet long story short is we definitely won't be hiring her let's discuss it over lunch okay hey by the way my office tells me that you've missed your past couple of payments with us yes I was hoping to have another job lined up today actually but uh seems we're gonna need a little bit more time okay because I really hate to have to send you to collections no no you know in some other countries they actually they actually put the fat back if the patients don't pay now oh great can this day get any worse all right everybody listen up this is a kitchen star the highest and most exclusive honor any restaurant can get it is the main reason why Giovanni's has been so busy yeah well that's great for you but how does that help any of us it's not like you've paid any of us anything more last time I checked the name of the restaurant was the Giovanni's not Fred or Roy whatever your name is and you still have a job right so maybe you should be grateful for that anyway there was only one thing that is more prestigious than a Kitchen star and does anybody know what that is yeah two kitchen stars now we have an inspector coming today and if he or she likes us we will get that second kitchen star and then I will really be rolling in the dough [Music] you get it rolling in the dough anyway the point is I need all of you to be on your A game today so Chop Chop go hello sir how may I help you hi I'd like a table for one please sure right this way oh no no no no no no you're not welcome here excuse me look a very important person coming here later today remember and I don't want them to think that this is the kind of place where people like you hang out I'm sorry what do you mean people like me inspector look I do not want her to see that we have a homeless person here you want me to do see them in the back where nobody can see him and hopefully he won't stink up the joint yes sir sorry about that I can take you to your table now [Music] hello welcome to Giovanni's I am Giovanni the Giovanni well I must say I did not expect to meet the owner up front you really know how to treat your customers well it's like I always say treat every customer with respect because they are the key to success well I I really love that do you mind if I take notes no no no I don't mind at all please follow me right this way best seat in the house thank you here is your menu as you may know we are a one kitchen Star Restaurant but we are hoping that in the very near future we can be a two kitchen Star Restaurant uh is that so yes excuse me um let me tell you a little bit about some of my favorite items on the menu the French onion soup is recipe it is absolutely excuse me I think that man is really trying to oh no don't don't worry about him see sometimes we give free food to the homeless you know as a way of giving back to the community it's uh it's part of Giovanni's commitment to helping others um I really love that thank you over here um how about this you read through the menu and I will be right back what do you want I'd like to place an order do I look like a server to you by the way how are you gonna pay for this this food is not free I'm just gonna pay cash let me see the cash up front what really I know about you people dine and dash well it ain't gonna happen in my joint I either see the cash up front or you're not eating okay there that should be enough [Music] you come here here give this guy a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of water yes sir what is that what I want you are lucky I let you eat here at all now do not give me any more problems [Music] and um delicious I have to say Giovanni please call me Geo okay Geo you really know how to take care of your customers well thank you it's like I said before treat every customer with her excuse me hello I'm so sorry I will be right back and you are going to love your dessert [Music] foreign what is it any idea how much longer until I get my food hello [Music] what's that what's what that I'd like to order something listen to me old man the only reason I let you eat here is because I have an inspector sitting over there and I am trying to get my second kitchen star otherwise I would have kicked you out into the street foreign [Music] sorry about that sometimes our charitable program can get a little challenging but at the end of the day it is so worth it anyway here it is Giovanni's world famous double chocolate cake and the chocolate is imported all the way from Italy oh really well I'm impressed impressed enough to give us a second kitchen star Maybe I'm I'm sorry come on I Know Who You Are you're the inspector that's why you've been taking notes the whole time no I no I'm actually taking notes because I plan to open my own restaurant someday they're purely for inspiration [Music] okay so wait if you're not the inspector then [Music] who is One Last Thing Before I Go I'll be taking this what give that back to me what are you doing with my kitchen star I never had a chance to formally introduce myself My Name is Davis inspector Davis I'm in charge of giving stars to restaurants okay all right inspector Davis I I am sorry I'm sorry excuse me wait a minute you wanted a piece of chocolate cake let me give you a slice of chocolate cake it is to die for please that's all right I won't be eating here again and after my review lots of other people won't either okay wait wait wait please and to everyone that works here here's a few of my business cards if you're ever looking for something new I know a lot of great restaurants that pay really well no no no no no no no no you cannot do this out of all people I thought you would know to treat every customer with respect because they're the key to success good luck to you mom can you hurry up foreign seriously it's not that heavy [Music] hello can I start you two off with something to drink so we will both have some water sounds good would you like a bit more time to look at the menu yes please no no we are ready I will have the garden salad fantastic choice and for you ma'am I don't know could we have a little more time I told you I don't have a lot of time can you please just pick something starving oh it's really okay I can just come back whenever you're ready fine put my order in in the meantime not gonna wait just because she can't decide what she wants to eat sure right away I'll be right back with those Waters I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt but the pasta here is delicious my mom used to order it all the time uh thanks but nobody asked you honey all right for you there you go I'll be right back with that salad [Music] there you go again always making a mess I'm so sorry I didn't mean to this is why I can never take you anywhere I don't have time to clean up after you let's go to the bathroom clean yourself up [Music] it's not a big deal I can help clean it up seriously it's not your mess just go back to your table [Music] look I just think you should treat your Mom oh really and what makes you say that you know why don't you go spend some time with your own mother [Music] well I wish I could [Music] the last time I saw my mom was over dinner I didn't want to go she said she had something important to tell me you see at the restaurant my mom struggled to pull out her chair I sat there and rolled my eyes not even caring to help her and then she took forever to order her food I got so impatient and just ordered without her and then she made this huge mess I got so upset and yelled at her and then I made her go clean herself up and that was the last time I saw my mom it turned out she wanted to have dinner to tell me she had cancer [Music] so you see I would do anything to help my mom with a chair or clean up her mess so please don't take your mom for granted oh my God I'm so sorry about your mom I can't believe how bad I've been treating mine it's okay I know you'll do the right thing mom I'm so sorry honey I didn't mean to embarrass you no Mom I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken you for granted I knew it my mom and I love you love you too let me help you with your chair [Music] about that other purse too honey you got a lot of nice things which reminds me I need my credit card back oh of course here you go actually I think I'm gonna hang on to it in case I need to buy some more stuff okay hi welcome in sorry for the wait um here's your water it's about time talk about bad service Beverly what no no you're right I am so sorry I'm the only one working today so we just been a bit backed up it's perfectly fine we understand uh I'll take the Mandarin crunch salad excellent choice and for you just get me the same but hurry it up we don't have all day you got it here you go that wasn't nice cares she's just a waitress I mean how hard can that job be well you wouldn't know would you you've never worked a day in your life whatever foreign so my friends and I were thinking about going to Hawaii next month is that okay how much is that going to cost I don't know I was planning on using your credit card oh right here is your salad thank you so much of course enjoy wait a second are there sunflower seeds in here uh yes they come with a salad you ordered are you trying to kill me I'm allergic to sunflower seeds oh my gosh I am so sorry I had no idea um uh maybe you should have asked I mean you have a minimum wage paying job how hard can that be Beverly stop it's not her fault I should have never let you order the salad I just spaced out her job is hard enough besides you didn't eat any you're fine don't make excuses for her mom [Music] bring me another salad and I expect you to remove this from the bill for the inconvenience absolutely right away I'm so sorry how could you treat her like that you wouldn't want anybody to treat you like that would you please she should know how to do her job it's not rocket science that was good here's your change thank you so much for coming in and again I truly truly apologize for the mix-up I don't even worry about it it wasn't a problem and all of this is for you wow really thank you so much I I really appreciate it oh what no she took forever with our order and then tried to poison me Beverly that back fine you want a Tipper then here and you should be thankful that's a lot more than you even deserve Beverly what no no um it's okay it's totally fine even do her simple job right you know being a waitress isn't easy you never know how hard someone's job is until you do it yourself oh yeah and how would you know because I used to be one before I started my business how do you think we were paying the bills by me waiting tables that's how really ew well it's a good thing you have money now so I'll never have to worry about doing that and that is the problem I am taking my credit card back how am I supposed to pay for things by getting a job it's the only way you're going to learn the value of hard work are I am serious you put the money back and let's go Everly can't believe what just happened and follows her mom out now that Beverly can't use her mom's credit card anymore she has no choice but to look for a job [Music] she ends up getting hired as a waitress at a new restaurant that just opened up [Music] everything seems to be going fine that is until she has to take on multiple tables at once and gets yelled at by Angry customers for taking too long with their orders no matter how hard she works customers just expect more and more out of her and she can't seem to do anything right Beverly starts to get really stressed out after working so hard and taking care of all of her customers she hardly has even anything to show for it she now understands how hard being a waitress really is and then a few months later she happens to run into her old waitress so my friends and I decided not to go to Hawaii it's expensive well it's a lot different when you have to pay for things yourself isn't it yeah hi welcome to oh um I know you didn't like my service last time want me to get someone else no please I'm actually really sorry for how I treated you before you are yeah wow thank you which you like the same salads as last time yeah that would be amazing oh but please don't forget I know no sunflower seeds yes thank you for remembering I'll be sure to leave you an extra big tip this time wow honey I am so proud of you you know what I'm gonna let you have my credit card back really oh my gosh actually it's okay Mom it actually feels really good working for everything that I have thank you though your last tick tock had us cracking I wish I was like Brad we get Brad to do a collaboration video we got a video to break over a hundred thousand views I know right I think it'd be cool if you're doing this for lunch really me
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 468,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: hn4ZeiAQSnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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