Most Toxic Roommate Situations, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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jenna have you seen my jacket oh jenna have you seen my jacket i can't find it anywhere no i don't think so are you sure it was the the white pinkish blue one the one i just bought last week no sorry i haven't seen it i don't know where it could have gone where's my leftover spaghetti is that my spaghetti no i don't think so it has my name on it i was gonna eat that for dinner sorry i was really hungry you always do this i mean how would you feel if i ate your food it's not a big deal dakota [Music] oh my gosh have you not paid the power bill i was gonna i'll pay it tomorrow i've been giving you the money every month and you haven't even paid it jenna this notice says that the power's gonna shut off today relax okay i'll take care of it [Music] my jacket and there's a spaghetti stain on it did you do this look i was just trying it on okay don't worry about it i'm gonna get it cleaned for you how would you like it if someone did that to you you know you should always treat people the way you want to be treated don't tell me the power just went out this is unbelievable now we're stuck here in the dark i promise i'm gonna fix all this first you eat my food and then you ruin my jacket and now we're stuck here in the dark because you forgot to pay the power bill i can't do this anymore dakota where are you going to go and live my mama to i can find a new place you can look for another roommate dakota ends up packing her bags and moving out jenna eventually gets a new roommate to move in with her and things seem really great in the beginning but as time goes on she catches her roommate wearing her clothes eating all of her food and even forgetting to pay the bills things quickly went downhill with the new roommate so jenna asks her to leave jenna starts to miss dakota and really regrets the way she treated her a couple months later jenna decides to go visit dakota jenna what are you doing here i just wanted to come by and give you this i feel really bad about ruining your other jacket oh wow i didn't expect this look i'm really sorry about everything you were right i should have treated you the way i would have wanted to be treated do you think you can forgive me of course and actually your old room just opened up if you're looking for another place to stay i would love that well i guess i gotta get attacking then [Music] okay kids dinner's ready adam would you mind turning that down please hmm this looks so good thanks mom you're welcome honey adam that game is so loud now turn it off and come and eat after this game i did not want to have to do this what'd you do that for i was about to win are you trying to upset the neighbors with the loud gunshots now go over there and eat before your food gets cold the neighbors we used to never have to worry about the neighbors out of last place well we don't live in our old home anymore adam i don't even know why you would bring that up because i don't want to live here this apartment sucks and it's so small how are all of us supposed to share that room look honey please let's just try to make it work for right now okay [Music] oh who could that be hi can i help you hi i'm karen i live next door i came by because i thought i heard some gunshots oh that's just my son playing his video game that loud doesn't he realize other people live in this building too yes you're right and i will talk to him about it good i know you just moved in so i don't want to have to file a noise complaint already i appreciate that and it won't happen again i sure hope so [Music] we almost got our first noise complaint so i hope you get kicked out i hate this dump look i'm sorry this is all we can afford right now okay you shouldn't talk to her like that oh whatever i still don't get why mom and dad had to get a divorce to be honest i'd rather live with dad get out of here max this food is yours [Applause] how'd it go not good that neighbor has two kids and a dog that apartment's way too small for all of them they have a frog no i said dog great now we have to deal with barking too who's parking never mind this doesn't affect you you don't hear anything anyway oh that dog is so loud i'm going back over there shoe max this food isn't for you mom someone's at the door mom okay i'm coming hi karen doesn't that dog ever stop barking oh no i i i didn't realize you could hear that max shh quiet down i am so sorry about that we're all still getting used to living in a smaller place you see well you won't be living here long if you don't get your kids and that dog under control i tried to be nice earlier but now i am going to file a noise complaint oh no no please don't you don't have to do that it was so hard for us to find this apartment in the first place i will keep the noise down i promise fine but this is your last warning great our neighbor officially hates us max you just made a big mess no max stop come on want me to clean that up it's fine honey i'll do it let me go grab the vacuum well well what where's the person that was parking no one was parking roger the neighbor's dog was barking they're really getting on my nerves with all that noise we have neighbors now just forget it it's pointless what in the world are they vacuuming at seven o'clock at night i don't believe it enough is enough what now vacuuming at this hour karen i'm sorry i didn't know it was this late you've been nothing but trouble since you moved in next door i tried to be nice but i don't you karen me i told you before this was the last warning give me one good reason why i shouldn't file a noise complaint right this second listen i am trying the best that i can okay i know you don't want us here but we have no choice you see a week ago everything was perfect the kids were asleep i was having a quiet night at home with my husband but little did i know my whole world was about to turn upside down with a single text from my own best friend that's when i started looking into things more the way he would look at her the way she would comment on all of his photos it was right in front of me all along i was just too blind to see it and then yesterday i come home early from work when i opened the door that's when i saw them laying in bed together i couldn't believe what i was seeing i was betrayed by my husband and backstabbed by my best friend all at the same time all i could do was cry and the worst part of it all he didn't even have any remorse he just told me to pack my things take the kids and go how heartless he was so you see that's what my past few days have been like and why i really need this apartment oh my gosh i'm so sorry dear i had no idea you were dealing with all that you poor thing so that's why you and dad separated she cheated i'll give you some time to talk i didn't want to say anything to you because i didn't want you to look at him differently all this time i thought it was your fault i feel so bad now for i've been treating you i'm sorry mom honey it's okay i know that this is it's a lot for both of you to deal with i love you kids so much we love you too [Music] i love you so much roger [Music] hey did you use my laundry detergent um no are you sure i could have sworn i had some left maybe somebody else used it no one else lives here could i use some of yours oh i'm actually all out too well i guess i'll go to the store then you want to come no that's okay i have to go out later anyways but you should go well how do you plan on doing your laundry then that's a good question i actually just did mine [Music] did you eat one of my cupcakes um oh well how else would one be missing you have crumbs all over you i'm sorry okay i got really hungry i needed all four i made them to take to my parents house well that's perfect they can have two and you can have the third one my sister's gonna be there too well how was i supposed to know that i don't know by asking before deciding to eat my food wait don't tell me that's my orange juice no i don't think so i can't believe you drank the entire bottle i haven't had one glass i left some in there for you i got thirsty okay what did you want me to do how about buying your own bottle i don't mind sharing everything like normal roommates if you just contributed once in a while i mean the entire last year you didn't buy groceries one time but why would i buy groceries when you keep the fridge completely stocked all the time that's exactly my point i'll be back i'm going to the store oh while you're out do you think you could get me some more oj and detergent and also i think we might be low on toilet paper sure if you want to give me some money to pay for it never mind i just remember that i have to get a couple more things so i think i'll just go out later [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] i'm heading out please don't drink my orange juice or eat my cinnamon buns these are for me no orange juice no cinnamon buns got it i'm serious taylor if you want to start pitching in we can share otherwise you got to get your own i'm going to go out and get my own like right after you leave good i'll see you later [Applause] oh shoot [Music] so [Music] oh [Applause] hey what's so funny oh nothing nothing you didn't happen to use my laundry detergent did you no why would you just assume that i don't know maybe because of the big bleach stains on the back of your sweater what the heck how did that happen my sweater was ruined oh i see you ate one of my cinnamon buns yeah you're right i did it was a huge mistake because it tasted like toothpaste yes exactly how did [Music] my stomach is acting up really bad i must have eaten something bad it wasn't what you ate it's what you drink no no it couldn't have been the oj because that's that's brand new actually i know it was you see i knew you used my laundry detergent because [Music] i secretly put bleach in it you did ah yep and i knew the cinnamon bun tasted like toothpaste because well that wasn't just frosting on top of them you put toothpaste on the cinnamon buns why would you do that i don't know to teach you a lesson it's not nice to always use someone's stuff without contributing you know and then especially to lie to them about it i think i need to use the restroom well if you just stayed away from my juice like i asked then you wouldn't have drank the laxative i put inside of it no you did it okay oh some powerful stuff [Music] did you get any toilet paper oh no are you okay no someone pooped all over the toilet seat oh my god who would do that i don't know it's disgusting is it real what don't touch it if it's real i'm gonna throw up what why would you don't touch that i can't oh my god i can't i can oh it's real it's definitely real dear smell smells no i don't want to smell it no oh my god oh my gosh you're so good you just need to look on your face the poop on the toilet seat is actually just nutella and the brown water in the toilet is actually just nesquik it's not funny ken i really had to go to the bathroom it's okay you can just sit on it you got that [Music] where do you think you're going you need to clean this can you know one of these days your pranks are gonna come back to bite you what goes around always comes around yeah whatever [Music] hey man hey everything okay with alexis i thought it hurt her yelling yeah yeah she's fine um i mean between you and i i think she has the runs ew i know right um hey real quick could you grab me a bowl of lucky charms i gotta grab some okay oh can't stand him who hey how's your stomach by the way ken told me you might have diarrhea is that what he said i'm gonna kill him he put nutella and nesquik on my toilet seat as a prank is it you don't have the area shoot what in the world ken we know this was you i got your bret oh my god is that why you asked me to pour you a bowl of cereal it was so annoying yep i put a hole in the bag and opened the box from the bottom too easy none of this is funny ken yeah i'm supposed to be on a meeting right now just grow up don't expect us to clean this up what the heck what did you do now why are all my clothes pink wait that's crazy pink did you have something to do with this what no why would you accuse me of such a thing you really think i'd put pink dye in the laundry detergent i got you bro does it look like i'm laughing i have nothing to wear i have to go to work well at least pink looks good on you she really gets on my nerves sometimes yeah he takes things way too far we need to get back on him but how he's always one step ahead of us i'm sure we can think of something i got it what if we put hot sauce in his toothpaste no after everything he's done to us we got to do something better than that yeah you're right i just wish that there was a way that we could give him a taste of his own medicine okay look what i got dan's camera and you guys won't believe what's in here hopefully some photos we can blackmail them with even better watch what's up guys you guys love the prank video i posted yesterday so i thought why not do it again except this time even bigger it's gonna be crazy you guys ready let's go great so tomorrow before anyone wakes up i'm gonna put this on uh brett's car he's gonna think his windshield's cracked he's gonna be so pissed let's get it what a jerk at least i won't fall for it and then i'm gonna take uh andy's car key and uh well i actually uh i put a red sticker on my car keys because we always get that mixed up but uh i'm gonna take andy's car key time to these balloons let him float to the tall ceiling up there he won't be able to get them down he's probably gonna be late for work again it's gonna be hilarious so let's go is he trying to get me fired he clearly doesn't care about anyone but himself i wonder what he's got planned for me and then for alexis i got this fake iphone 12 right here look how really looks compared to mine um but i'm going to take this hammer destroy the fake iphone and pretend it's alexis's and i also have this pink case right here to make her really believe it's hers she's going to freak out let's do it he's a real piece of work good news is we now know what his plan is yeah and we'll just hide everything so we can't get to it [Music] actually i've got a better idea alexis why are you yelling so early in the morning um i need a favor can i borrow your phone real quick for what okay well i saw this turn on tick tock and i want to test to see if it's legit no way i don't trust you okay please please please okay i promise nothing bad will happen to your phone fine it's in my bathroom you can go get it yes thank you i'll be right back [Music] your phone's dead hmm battery must have died i'll charge it later okay all right so i saw this thing what did someone just knock no i'm pretty sure i heard someone knock would you mind checking please there's no one there i told you okay my bad um anyways i saw this tick tock trend that said that the iphone 12 screen doesn't actually break and uh i wanted to test it out you're not hitting my phone with a hammer nothing's gonna happen just watch okay okay first a little tap no wait see nothing happened then what's nothing you just broke my phone that was not supposed to happen see the thing is i was uh playing another prank on you you should have seen the look on your face look this is your phone i swapped it out with a fake one when you check the door i gotcha this doesn't look like a fake phone maybe you mix them up ken no i put the pink case on the fake one that one doesn't even turn on are you sure yes [Music] this is yours wait how oh no i must have mixed them up great i have to get a new phone hey guys i'm heading out has anyone seen my oh you must be looking for your car keys so what's up andy um nothing you're the one who called me over here well you know just seeing what you're up to are you feeling okay you're acting a little strange must i spell it out for you if you're looking for your car keys look up genius no i was looking for my wallet wait is that a car key yeah and it's yours if you want to get it you're gonna have to figure out how to get it down but i've got my car key right here no that's mine see there's there's a red sticker on the back it's a where'd he go i told you that one's mine but where's if i had to guess i'd say it's up there with all your other balloons what no how could oops i totally forgot to mention that i took the sticker off your card key yesterday and put it on mine it must have fallen off my pocket ah there what how could you do that how am i supposed to get my car keys down now i guess you should have thought of that before you tried to prank him what's that right sounded like it was coming from outside let's go check it out wait wait wait wait what about my car keys [Music] is everything all right no you guys are not gonna believe what happened oh my gosh your windshield's cracked that sucks what no this is not what i'm worried about look there it's just a sticker what the heck you knew yeah it's pretty obvious dang i i thought i'd get you wait so then what were you yelling at your car look oh my gosh how did this happen gosh uh someone must have crashed into it while it was parked on the street that's not possible we would have heard it great now my car is totaled wow i would feel bad but it did say what goes around always comes around are you seriously trying to lecture me at a time like this i mean it is pretty funny how was this even remotely funny maybe because it's a prank gotcha your car is right over there dude okay that's not funny at all you guys took this way too far we were just giving you a taste of your own medicine yeah we found your camera yesterday and saw your whole plan to prank us today which is how i knew to switch your phone with the fake one and how i knew to put the red sticker on my car key so you'd get them confused and how i knew my windshield wasn't really cracked okay i don't even know what to think at this point so my phone's not actually broken oh no it is yeah that's the price you have to pay for trying to prank us all the time yeah have fun driving to replace your screen that is after you find a way of getting your key back [Music] ah this sucks [Music] ah this is officially the worst day of my life [Music] hey um could you guys give me a ride i i can't use my phone at all i need to get it fixed hmm i don't know what do you guys think um nah you can call an uber but i can't it literally doesn't work okay i'm sorry i didn't realize what it was like being the one getting pranked i promise i won't do it again all right we'll give you a ride but under one condition what you have to keep this pink phone case on your phone for a month [Music] fine i guess that's what i deserve come on let's go [Music] is the room still available i don't take section 8. i'm not on any government assistance program look you can apply but i'm telling you right now i run criminal background checks you really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them you should really leave here
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,350,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: o4gLrWPs00M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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