People Having A Worse Day Than You

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hello friends it's me back at it again with another video if you're having a bad day this just might make you feel a little bit better this dude comes home mcdonald's for the whole family trips on the stairs you see at first i thought it was his postmates and he was like ruined might as well ruin it some more but you see look look so you might have lost a few fries drinks they intact we still got it sir this is not necessary why you do that now you hungry and have a mess to clean up slept with my rings on after a night out dress up with my rings on every night what are you talking about okay finger getting a little thick y'all's fingers get bloated i got some really skinny witch hands so this isn't funny by the way she's just like icing it trying to take it out do the wrap a string around method trying to pull the ring out it's not coming out uh oh yikes he paid right here he don't want to leave this is the worst day of my life bye the time has come gonna go get it cut off make sure we stop at duncan on the way there final moments she won't cut her finger off no luck at the first stop yeah cause they're probably like nope we ain't gonna do this so they're really at a hospital why does it look like my vet didn't work she smashed oh so they're cutting the ring off oh they finally managed it oh nice my finger can finally breathe again i feel like once i was trying on rings at a store and it got stuck it was stuck for like a good five minutes until she had to like bust out the alcohol spray to like help me slide it off for like five minutes i was like panicking i got really bony fingers but my knuckles my knuckles are a little thick so the ring they like to get stuck they even they're pretty good but it's loose over here thank you for hearing me talk about the anatomy of my fingers this made me live it the husband is like cooking right and then he takes the bowl he thinks the bowl is right there and then she picks it up [Music] i think gives her that look like you really just moved it and then you saw rudely decide to pick it up while you clean under that and that he really was expecting the ball to be there and it wasn't but this is grounds for a divorce since you want to clean so bad you want to clean up our dinner it ain't even my food and i'm upset you know sometimes you're just having a bad day at work brain don't function properly and this dude is watching his contractor trying to put the triangle onto the triangle look look look look like i want to just take it he really got this giant music he really can't figure it out he really can't bro just flip it and put it down okay then now take it i'll take that and then put it i'll pick it up and just put it on just put it on okay yeah can i get a round of applause for jack's towing i guarantee you this is what iq tests in the future gonna look like bro why are you even wearing a hard hat when there's nothing to protect nine to five over my dude ran so all because he oh oh he all he almost he almost hit him and then he tried he really tried to go i know he got a skateboard he got a skateboard though i mean did he hit you though it's pretty close five star chase with a short angry businessman what you do run i would have went for the camera man you know i think there is something in there better stick this pole in is that a bat might do try to run for his life and then lost it what even flew out of there a bird and you did this for what first day of school we finally back and then you get that death you want that jiggle a little bit oh help teacher teacher please help oh no there's always that desk in the back that want to like lean with a rock with it she tried to jump the fence and she stopped i feel horrible for laughings like i don't know why it's like hilarious to me seeing horses fail miserably like y'all are supposed to be some majestic expensive creature and then seeing your worst moment like yes humans are better poor dude he looked like he tried to throw it back a little too hard why would you go with your he went in all the way did he know he was gonna be that how did that even happen it's like one of those primitive traps with the sticks and the leaves but they did it with water what is even in there oh forget what i said he went his whole entire body went in how deep is this hole the dude laughing so hard probably fell in before it just felt nice for someone else to share his pain i get it i get it do they expect [Music] i mean he tripped and he kept going ahead of everyone else all right you know after everything opens back up i can't wait to go to the movies and get a popcorn let's drink a hot dog you know i'm gonna go all out and then on your way to your seat is the condiments on the shoe for me no it's okay it's okay no it's not okay it's literally not okay this sucks what you do in this situation y'all going back you gotta refill i'm sure if you're like i had oopsies i dropped it they might be nice and give you another one in case you ever think your roommate is dumb let me one-up you wait how you melt a pot yo the pot is melted it's supposed to go on the stove what did they leave it overnight no when y'all gonna have to explain how this happened how you literally melt a pot [Applause] [Laughter] sick kick flip do another one another trick oh and there it is never skate ah never mind skating i'm never hitting my hand again yeah i've been there done that that's why i don't skate anymore also how am i supposed to take you seriously when you skateboarding with a denim skirt one of the most restrictive pieces of clothing if you can't say crisscross applesauce without your coochie showing then you most certainly can't do a kick flip with it try not to sneeze when you're using an eyelash curler cause apparently you have all like caught in the eyelash curl pull it rip them off no that should be illegal but isn't this a natural disaster that i was not aware of she's painted her wall spilled the paint can oh no oh no honey what is you doing you can't vacuum a paint stain it's like feeding a vacuum poison i feel like in the oh wait they actually did it i was like you don't have to replace the carpet now but they actually did it it's all gone ma'am how did you do this what is this to be fair the room was probably like disgusting how dare you paint me this peach this guy's two dogs spent his stimulus money while he was at work he comes home 1200 shredded cash this is why we don't have cash in the house with dogs i'm wondering if you could like just piece them together and like take it to a bank like hey give me a new one we could have spent it on treats but no listen here nance imma put this in here and spin these around which one's in it nancy she was smart she got it oh she got the money in the heat i can't believe there's people who still don't know this i thought this was emma chamberlain for a hot second but she decided to bleach her hair bleaching it bleaching it bleaching it and then i killed her hair she had to chop it all off girl i feel you've been there done that i didn't even get to take it to the level where i had to chop it off it just chopped itself off don't cry i used to look cute they call it a wall mount for a reason not a mantle mount not a fireplace mount a wall mount and they tried to mount a tv to the mantel oh no this is just unfortunate but now your floor can watch tv this girl got a new drone let's take it out for a spin and the whole thing just decided to nest in her head how do you even get this out put it in reverse there's gonna be some cutting involved this sucks i get so frustrated but my hair is caught in a hairband i can't imagine a whole entire drone stuck in your scalp but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did and made your day feel a little bit better make sure you hit that like button below and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,625,880
Rating: 4.9247794 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, bad day, people having a worse day than you, people having a bad day, funny photos
Id: RjIxB-bXNuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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