Cool Things I Learned On Tik Tok

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hello friends it's me and today we are doing another episode of cool things that i learned on tik tok before they shut it down you have a dent in your car no problem take some boiling water pour it all over that bad boy it's gonna get too hot for the dent pull it out and that's on free car repair there is this restaurant that serves you your noodles like this they just come down a bamboo pipe and then you just pop them in bro i don't think i could trust this this must be what it looks like to not have trust issues i don't know where that water's been i don't know if other people in the restaurant put the chopsticks in their mouth and then put them in there or maybe everybody has their own tube is the chef just like uh noodles are done rolls them down the slide what if you miss your noodles and they go to the next table i have so many questions so i saw this girl on tik tok who did some diy dental work because apparently that's a thing so these are my teeth i'm using an earring so basically she got this powder and you can fill in the gaps with your teeth with it go to the record it takes a lot of the dry look at her teeth the before and the after that is wild i didn't think this was something that you could do at home especially not with a freaking back of an earring and that's on expensive healthcare so apparently the venom symbiote is real i don't know what this substance is but oh look look look it kind of looks like worms it's moving if anyone has any idea what this is comment below let me know it do be looking delicious though the forbidden black noodles this is my really long eyelash i put mascara on it to try to make it darker to show you yes it is attached to my eye i've had it my whole life people are always like oh my god there's a hair in your eye and they'll try to pull it out but it's attached girl pull it out how you just gonna let that thing just dangle out of your eye you can make eyelash pasta with that did you know that if you mix borax and honey and put it out where you have an ant infestation all of the ants will come to drink the delicious honey and then it will kill them solving your problem nice man this was premeditated i've actually never heard the full audio of this till now now you know what to do and be gone you got a nasty burn in your car seat so they took a heat gun heated it up put some vinyl repair on it leather dye texturized that bad boy a wham bam brand new leather man boom flawless looking never happened america getting the short stick when it comes to animals you see this is what a u.s squirrel looks like right boring kind of chunky and then the japanese squirrels what is this oh no oh man i gotta hold this i can just they kind of look like sugar gliders but i'm not saying so how can they be so adorable and then you got these why do all the animals look like they have mental issues look at that there's mental illness in it let them be chunky scavengers in peace here's how to properly fold underwear you know i just be throwing them in my drawer but how well the underwear places do it you know ain't nobody got time for this i ain't even got time to fold my clothes to match my socks and y'all folding and organizing underwear this is how to hang a picture on the wall i have struggled with this for years without like looking up any simplified way to do it so you just put a piece of tape where the holes go on the frame and then put it on the wall and then you do your little markings what do you mean obviously obviously i didn't know because i have hella holes all over my wall you know you might wake up some days be like wait how do they put a ship in the water whoa that's a big sploosh oh no i mean i knew they had to do it some way but it just wasn't this like what did you think they just built them in the water they just spawned in the ocean i guess they have to like make them and then transport them and then wham bam ship in the water ma'am so easy so this clothing store pretty little thing has these sweatpants for 38 dollars and if you look inside they're just regular fruit of the loom sweatpants that you could get from walmart for seven dollars yeah unfortunately a lot of companies do this they will get cheapo clothes pop their tag on it and then sell them to more than 10 times the original price urban outfitters does this you all know champion clothing they're hoodies you can get them like ten dollars at walmart but at urban outfitters they're like sixty seventy dollars this is what a true non-stick pan looks like so i actually saw an ad for this whoa didn't even put oil in it people like with some some sparkling water and it just rolls around in there attaches to the egg becomes one wow i don't want extra breakfast unless they're being made like this at first i saw this i'm like wait this is a normal iphone what's up she hacked her samsung and android phone to have the interface of an iphone very illegal hacks now we know it's possible i've been seeing a lot of these animated home screens on tick tock and they did like a custom naruto one and they're just like two halves to a hole that's pretty lit y'all ever wonder what a live b removal looks like so they had a b infestation in the foundation of their house oh no and that's a lot of honey y'all could probably make a whole box of honeycomb with that so this is the safe way to take it out he found the queen bee got all these bees simping for her and then they safely transferred all the bees and they honey in a box and we're going to give you another home not not this one belongs to somebody already y'all ain't even paying rent so because of the tick tock i've been learning all these insanely cool features that only tesla's have there's a mode for when you have your dog in the car and it says my owner will be back soon it's only 71 degrees he good he has his snack he's listening to his favorite music please don't break the window i've been seeing a lot of cool things on tick tock this is one of them there are these gold bars that you can buy they're sold out everywhere now and you just put them in water let them soak for a little bit you can find real gems in them or real gold all right we got six left so let's start here at the top go squoosh can you come in here please obsidian oh jeez oh i couldn't find it again uh red jasper or rainbow stone like it's listed in here oh my gosh oh my gosh we got two golds we got two golds okay this is not a drill this is not a drill we got two golds let's go again wait oh we got three oh my goodness i got three you can find real gold goodbye been real quiet since this came out how long does purell take to sanitize so i thought hand sanitizer worked right away apparently not one second eight seconds no germ still there 25 seconds so apparently after 30 seconds you're clean and good to go so don't just like pop pop pop no you gotta wait like 30 seconds before you put your hands back in your mouth ever wonder what it's like to have a piranha as a pet or you know like a whole tank of them now i want to name an interesting fact about brian is and that is they will make sure that everybody eats they'll bite off a piece and make space for other piranhas to have a piece as well i eat the whole thing until the bone nobody thought their coin was clean but if you ever wondered the process it takes to actually clean a coin i'm not talking about running over the sink dipping it in some coin cleaner they put some effort into oh look it actually sparkles are you telling me every single penny on this planet sparkled at a time in its life like look at that before and after mccoin has been around the block more times than you could count the skull stang pax 101 you see i have tried this before and it didn't work but then i saw a bunch of other people trying it and it worked for them so surely it must work and then you open it back up bam brand new peanut butter tip this was actually a jail hack because inmates would smuggle some stuff into their peanut butter jar and make it look like it was never opened wanna take a picture of the moon you see this is how most of the time it looks like so zoom all the way in and tap the moon to focus drag the exposure all the way down boom there you go no way you can actually see the moon and not some lit up ball surrounded by darkness that's how you do it travel hacks a lot of people don't know about flights are cheaper on tuesdays at midnight and more expensive on friday night use a vpn from another country to save money big time when booking a flight so if you're booking a flight to japan use a vpn to make it look like you're buying a flight from japan the cheapest day to depart is wednesday and the cheapest day to return is tuesday for domestic flights and wednesday for international flight i always try to travel like in the middle of the week because i know that's the cheapest who wants to know how taco bell cooks their beef so it comes in plastic bags it doesn't even look like beef and like bags of slime and they just steam it up wham bam beef fam i mean this is how panera bread does it is how a lot of fast food places do it it's called fast food for a reason we ain't got time to cook season and prepare fresh ground beef it doesn't work that way at the end of the fast food places have fresh cooked meat i'll be lucky if they have green lettuce next time i go to japan i really want to do this so there's a ride at universal it's an attack on titan ride [Music] this is so insanely cool sounds like you're gliding through the town oh no you're about to get eaten big fun so in peru there are these tours where they take you in a van i actually did the same exact thing when i went to peru several years ago it looks like you're driving off of a cliff there is a road but it's just so dang narrow and then you look down and it's oh it's terrifying and the van like swayed side to side like all these dudes just chilling like bro don't worry about it it's nothing we do this all the time like it's really fine but you're just like a few inches from like tipping over and falling down like there were several times where i thought like how are we doing this how is this safe we're gonna die but i'm still here things in japan that totally make sense so the public library in japan there is a book sanitizer so you get any book pop it in there and then you can sanitize the book it even has a fan going to like get all in between the pages and everything this is absolute genius i don't know why we don't have this everywhere like all the libraries i've been to they got some like crazy architecture so i know you got enough budget to afford one of these this is a really weird thing that birds do that's a kill deer nest on the ground so they act like they have a broken wing and they try to get your attention and then when you get closer they draw you away from their nest it's pretty cool nature's awesome wow scumbag oh no a human has discovered my nest i thought it would blend perfectly with all these colorful rocks apparently not bird pretends it got hurt so my dog doesn't even wants attention so you're like oh no a damaged bird and it's like gotcha follow me get the human away from my nest but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope you learned something new if you did make sure that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,787,481
Rating: 4.9346366 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tik tok, tiktok, tiktok meme, memes, cool things I learned on tik tok
Id: _Qh5NaFvfBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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