Tik Toks That Are Actually Relatable

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be watching some more relatable tick tocks how normal people sneeze how dad sneeze it's like they built up a whole explosion when they let it out it's like yo he really did that too my dad don't even do a dab you know when you sneeze and you dab destroy all bacteria he just and everyone at the dining table gets a little wet [Music] if you're a younger sibling you need to learn to take it it's like they got that power they know they can get you in trouble because they're the favorite it's a siren cry for me oh you in trouble hey guys how's everybody been [Music] oh thank god the beds were made okay whoo that would have been we would have left honestly it's like your friends are coming over we have to clean up the entire house spotless what would they think of me if the bed wasn't made that i'm a horrible mother and that my billy lives in a zoo 10 year old me turning on the car like don't do it is that really the reason because first they made it seem like turning on the light was illegal but y'all out here acted like it was a big flashbang as an adult i'm scared to turn on the car light while i'm driving but it makes driving at night so much easier i don't know what to believe anymore is is it all right well you taking a shower and the curtain keeps coming at you god bro i'm not playing around today chill ugh especially when you're in a hotel and then the shower curtain touches because you know they don't clean those and then it's just like oh what you standing so close to me for six feet away thank you you know one solid swipe how women went yes you know accurate accurate okay gotta make sure it's clean [Music] yes what we gotta make sure it's clean or if you extra fancy a dry wipe and then a wet wipe guys do one wipe can someone confirm this is one wife really enough i don't think so because sometimes you'll have to go back to wipe around two because you didn't wipe good the first time who the real winners here my mom coming over to my room then leaving the door open don't do this even worse if they just close it and there's still a little gap this used to drive me insane but nah my mom used to like leave it open i want to see what you're up to 24 hours a day and then i took my doorknob guys you know we just go and put the seat down and sit down girls okay the seat is up what do i do you know it's like why put it down but it's easier to just complain so they never do it again even though they probably will but i've never personally fell in have you i hate when this happens no not the baby no i thought the milk was sticking out a little too far but no he had some snacks at 3am and some falls the reason i laugh my nose spews liquid not the bell mother we've alerted the whole entire neighborhood like when a glass falls at night when everybody's asleep it's just wanna make more sound wanna party harder i'm just trying to eat in silence and you out here ding-a-ling-a-ling [Music] walking into my mom's room at six in the morning i threw up this food have you seen my glasses where chin cayenne zinc somehow they just know what everything is at all times i gotta be like mother where is that paper clip i lost in 2006 yeah it's in the kitchen second drawer to the left how do you know that how do they keep track of these things but then again i'm sort of like that with other people's things i can also flip a tortilla in a hot pan so maybe i'm gaining some motherly abilities your voice never sounds very recorded i wasn't able to get to the phone right now leave your name and i'll hit you back peace yeah that's the one how's that sound hey there sorry i missed your call but i wasn't able to get to the phone right now i think everybody just hates hearing the sound of their voice imagine having to listen to your voice every single day when i watch my video fortunately i've gotten quite used to it when you talk it's fine but the recording it don't hit right my mom talking to my grandma yeah it's grandma it's grandma on the phone oh no yeah she'd love to talk no yeah she's here she's here no yeah here we go here we go hi grandma you know it's things like this that made me think that i was the only one who went through this as a kid any time my parents are on the phone with their relatives i will go upstairs i don't want to talk to anybody i don't even know these people they saw me as a newborn and that's like the only interaction we ever had and yet they would call me they're like you don't come down right this instant they would yell at me to come down and speak to my great aunts i'd be like hello who is this mom feeding me when i was younger be like sorry hurry up [Laughter] queen of being aggressive right here head went ye finally the day my braces come off after three years [Music] they told me i had to wait another month oh no she's so sad crooked teeth gang stand up never had bracelet slime and all the struggle i can't imagine having something on your teeth like i couldn't even do a middle line the only thing that goes in this mouth is food are you in class you're doing your assignment you man jimmy is struggling so your teacher is like oh jimmy you need help with that question was that your cheeks you really just threw it back teachers just love bending over in someone's face this position is scientifically proven to help you learn the material also like you got cheeks in somebody's face and then you got the stanky post lunch breath and another student's face me ironing the clothes yeah it's fine wow working mistake you know fun fact i was like 13 and my mom was teaching me how to iron and then i just sizzled my wrist got the nastiest burn i still have the scar and i never iron clothes again everything i own is wrinkly well his bathroom is right next to his room and my stomach betrayed me oh no and you don't want him to hear all that or when you're at your friend's house are they right next door and you try to be quiet and it just things parents don't understand number one okay if i'm playing the game online i cannot pause the game because there's other people playing live with me so how am i gonna pause the game if they're playing too i don't know whose parents needed to hear that but there you go y'all need five to ten minutes until the game is over you can't pause it tell them if you have to leave you will get kicked for an activity no cannot be done no matter how many times i told my parents this my dad would walk on up and pull the plug you can say that obliterated our relationship when the food is too hot at a restaurant you know we all polite and the food is too hot at home hey yoshi kind of look familiar let me eat at home and then when it's too hot it's just like you just hold it in your mouth and just fun fact i eat every meal like i'm coming out of prison for the first time how your coffee treats your poop get out get out okay going i'm leaving now go get out okay all right i'm here time to pack it up get out right now you know i can take one sip of espresso and it just does it for me i'm coming in you gotta go out we may be the same color but we're not friends it's like now more than ever i understand the meaning when someone says you're full of sh my mom entering my childhood bedroom at 7 00 am whenever i visit home can we just um go through some of your stuff so quick if we do it now it'll take two seconds okay oh hira you've been home what 48 hours and you have one two three drinking glasses up here how about these jackets no you're not going skiing peanut butter you shouldn't be eating in bed kyra it's sad this is actually really cool i don't know why i've never seen you wear this before what do you think kira could be kind of cool right no maybe not i'm too old for that aggressively opens back up but she's just trying to help she's just trying to clean this room it's like sometimes you don't want the room to be clean i know exactly where everything is i am aware of all my belongings i wish they still had my childhood bedroom my brother took my old room and all my stuff is in the garage what i never thought to do that but one time when i was really really out of gas it went past the empty so i'm like okay you know what i'm not gonna run out of gas it's never happened before why would it happen today and then i ran out of gas when you get your sweater back and it smells like her [Music] you know what [Music] straight in the laundry you go disgusting i bet she didn't wash it the whole time she was wearing it his girlfriend watching this right now like i would flip a tortilla [Music] my dad yeah that's good my mom yeah put my face on it perfect perks of having long nails they don't really just look good but it's like i pick up all the hot food with it without using a tong i don't i never have to use a tool flipping potatoes in the oven picking up my chicken in the oven flipping tortillas you know they do it all but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did actually hit that like button and comment below which one was the most relatable and make sure you turn on notifications click click if you guys want more videos make sure to subscribe to join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 18,425,069
Rating: 4.9386992 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, tik toks worth watching, memes, tik toks that are actually relatable
Id: 4IKmNdmscyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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