People Have No Idea What Is Coming // Revelation 15 // Pastor Tom Hughes

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[Music] do [Applause] [Music] so [Music] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning my name is jolene and i want to thank you for tuning in this morning whether you are in the sanctuary or online we are excited to have you here especially if this is your first time service is going to start in just a bit so make sure to find your seat we know it can be hard sometimes to get connected in a large church with so many people it can be tough to make deep lasting connections with others on a sunday morning that is why here at 412 church we believe it's very important to get involved in a small group we have many small groups that are aimed at encouraging you to grow deeper in your relationship with god but also get you connected with your church family for more information make sure to visit the small group tables out on the courtyard or visit us at we are excited to announce that our men's and women's bible studies are starting back up this september ladies your study is titled walking with the servant savior and guys yours is how to live both are a great opportunity to get plugged into your church and grow in your faith make sure to sign up today because both studies will fill up quickly just visit the men's and women's tables out on the courtyard and sign up today or sign up online we had such an amazing time at the beach baptism last week we were able to escape the heat for a little bit enjoy some fun at the beach but more importantly we were able to cheer on our brothers and sisters as they were baptized it was an amazing time but don't just take my word for it here's a quick look at last sunday's beach baptism [Music] [Music] have you ever wanted to serve here at 412 church with all the different ministries and teams we have there are many opportunities for you to serve from kids and youth to media and sound even greeting and ushering if you call 412 church your home there is a place for you to serve your church family if you are interested make sure to visit serve and find out where you can serve today we hope you have an amazing day with us if you have any questions about anything you've heard you can head to the information table outside in the lobby you can also call and visit the front office throughout the week or you can visit have a great day morning [Music] are you all ready you ready to praise the lord amen we do need it we need you know praise we give god glory but in that it helps us doesn't it it sure does help us to get focused on him so i tell you what let's stand up and let's praise the lord [Music] come on you thirsty come to the well that never runs dry drink of the water come and thirst no more [Music] come all you sinners come find his mercy come to the table he will satisfy the taste of his goodness find what you're looking for for god's soul [Music] the world that he gave us [Music] is [Music] bring all your failures bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross jesus is waiting there [Music] save is whoever believes in me will live [Music] forever defeated now it is praise god from whom all blessings flow praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god [Music] [Music] is the world that he gave us his one and only son to save for god's soul the world that he gave [Music] forever [Music] god [Music] bring all your failures bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the clouds jesus is waiting god so loved the world [Music] amen what a blessing to be in the house of the lord let's bring an offering this morning to him of worship [Music] the sun cannot compare to the glory of your love there is no shadow in your presence [Music] before the holy one of heaven it's only by your blood it's only through your mercy lord i come i bring an offering of worship to my king [Music] no one on earth jesus may you receive the honor that you're doing [Music] oh lord [Music] i bring an offering to you [Music] son cannot compare the glory of your love there is no shadow in your presence [Music] no more before the holy one of heaven [Music] it's only through your mercy lord i come i bring an offering of worship to my kingdom [Music] jesus may you receive the honor that joy [Music] oh lord i bring an offering to you i bring an offering of worship to my [Music] jesus may you receive the honor that you're [Music] lord i bring an offering to you oh lord i bring an offering to you [Music] i bring [Music] amen to god be the glory all right i'd like to uh we'd like to teach you a song another song by tommy walker who by the way is going to be leading worship here next sunday i'm very excited about that we do a lot of his songs here in this church and he's been a real blessing to this this body i just want to teach you this song about the presence of god and just putting everything else aside and just basking in the peace and joy that he brings [Music] [Music] as we draw near draw near to us as we seek you first add all things to us because where you are life's greatest joy our hungry souls are our deepest longings met where you are where you are where you are alone right here where you are [Music] in your household there is perfect life [Music] all the darkness [Music] and all your glory praise the lord where you live your sweet deliverance [Music] there's love and blessing where you are where you are where you are right here where you [Music] it from are [Music] [Applause] [Music] power [Music] where you are where you are [Music] right here where you are [Music] [Music] [Music] where you are where you are [Music] where you are [Music] where you are [Music] where you are [Music] right here where you are [Music] we are glad you joined us this morning thank you worship team just for that reminder as we sing just being in god's presence that he is there but not just that he's there but we can find his peace and his love shown forth for us amen which is great because we're going into communion today so we're going to be in that presence of god it's just a great way to lead into that so with that we want to keep you up to date with all of you guys that are watching online out in the courtyard or in the sanctuary of what's going on because you guys like to be in the know correct res so the first one we've been telling you we just want to remind you but they're starting this week it's our small groups you have an opportunity to sign up for a small group which is taking church outside the walls of sunday into homes and different small groups throughout the valley this session as we will be getting here so for anything from students to young adults to men's to women's to seniors life groups all those different things are available for you so we want to give you the opportunity to sign up again they're out on the courtyard to stop by there so you can find your place and get in where you will have some fun doing life with other brothers and sisters amen and the second one is regarding ballots we are still collecting ballots this week today and this week and next sunday remember the election is on the 14th so we will have a cut off period so if you come on tuesday more than likely we'll probably tell you have to go to the polling place okay okay all right so the next announcement this one here i am projecting forward because we want to start letting you guys know how anybody know how many days till halloween 56. no so more than candy we need your help so right now we're looking for help for volunteers to help with the boost and also we're doing a live gospel story so we're looking for actresses and actors all right so if you're one of those people there's a sign up sheet out in the courtyard for you we would love to get you involved with that on halloween because halloween what we call is fall fest is our time to shine light in a dark world amen but with all those things you can find out more if you go to the church website and you get plugged in but truly we are thankful for those of you that give of your ties and offerings out of the obedience of the heart we just want to remind you you could drop off your ties and offerings in the foyer in the church office throughout the week or you can go online if you like to be all fancy to and click the give button and you can do it there and it can even make it automatic so it makes it easier for you oh but with that would you please pray with me dear heavenly father truly it is great to be in your presence and we were so grateful to be here today lord as we just take in your love and your peace and all the other things that you have to offer to us in this time lord we thank you for that lord we thank you for the monies as they come forth that we would be good stewards with those monies as a church we are just striving to press forward and proclaiming your truth your gospel here on this campus in this valley and wherever else you would have us take it lord and we pray for our time as we transition from the worship and the music lord into the word into what you would have for us we pray for pastor tom and just the message that you've given him that he would speak it with truth and love and we would take it to heart and put it to application in our live story so we love you and we thank you and all god's people said amen amen and here's pastor tom amen thank you pastor roy already talking about october 31 i'd rather talk about the rapture i'm just saying because amen right i think we're going to get there this morning i mean literally we're going to go this morning no i wish but uh maybe maybe we don't know right but uh i think we're going to get there this morning because when you look at the text you're going to think oh please get us out of here that's what you're going to think in a minute okay i have a prophecy update tonight if anybody wants to go to hope for our times you can at four o'clock i don't think i have any other announcements pastor roy do i have anything else i'm supposed to say okay okay good good good good let's pray wow's right i don't know i know what to do i'm at a loss lord we thank you for this opportunity to gather and to praise you to get together as we see this world as things are getting worse and worse and more and more restrictions are placed upon people and what they can do and what they can't do especially as we look out to other parts of the world and we see tragedy amongst other things we know that you love us and you keep us and we know that this has a glorious end for we are going to be home with you and you are going to right all of the wrongs we thank you we praise you in jesus name amen okay book of revelation you ready okay here's the title of the message people have no idea what is coming so you know for those of you who watch the other things i do that the the title of my other ministry is hope for our times website and all these other different things videos and the whole bit but i got these messages with these titles that are not so hopeful but the hope is in jesus christ so people like like you know sometimes my messages are titled like this or worse and people go there's no hope in that listen the hope is in jesus but when you look at revelation chapter 15 you realize the direction things are going to go so we're gonna get there in just a minute and i promise you we're gonna have hope today all right i promise but we're gonna have to go through some rough stuff first okay so uh let's uh start here with just some some local news that affects all of us that are here uh in this valley the first one is this i wanna just let you know that this wednesday evening from six o'clock to seven o'clock at seven o'clock we still have our midweek study with uh pastor harry and then the youth still have everything the children's do too but the six o'clock to seven o'clock we're hosting a town hall meeting here okay now the town hall meeting is for virtually anybody that wants to attend that is interested in being involved and wants to know how to be involved but the the goal is for doctors for nurses and for teachers in our community and um so we and then moms dads grandmas grandpas if you're concerned which i hope are all concerned uh so this is town hall meeting i will you probably have seen it some of you have probably seen on different facebooks and instagrams i'll post it on my uh my things later on today if if i remember but it will be this wednesday at six o'clock i would encourage anybody that has any interest in getting and doing what's right and watching out for what's going on in our community and with our children to be involved and again really it's uh doctors nurses teachers are really going to be ministered to and strengthened we have a few speakers that are going to be here for that again six o'clock to seven o'clock okay also within our community um this is from community christian i know many of you knew pastor jeremy uh this is jackie earnest i took this from her post thank you jackie um but this jeremy jeremy was a really great guy that's his wife jen they have young kids and community christian with pastor john is going through a very difficult time i know because we went through a similar thing five and a half years ago with pastor lane when he passed away and i know what it's like and my heart breaks their kids are little and you know it's just it's just so sad um but pray for community christian jen uh their kids many of you knew them and and you know jen um and you knew jeremy so you're this is not news to you but that is heartbreaking to you so please keep them in your prayers all right you can even place a message to community christian give them a phone call or something like that i would highly encourage it and then this is irwin um so there's a picture that we took with irwin probably on one of his birthdays and here's a close-up of irwin so erwin he comes second service and uh irwin would dance down the aisles a lot and sometimes a little but erwin went to home to be with the lord jesus also so just the other day so both i think it was just within the last few days they both went home to be with jesus so just a little bit of updating for us in this valley okay the good news is jesus loves us and we need to put it all into that context all right um we're going to be home with him j.r packer j.i packer excuse me j.r was the guy from dallas remember that okay larry hagman jay i packed her uh to know that nothing happens in god's world apart from god's will may frighten the godless but it stabilizes the saints we have god's word god's word ministers god's word helps god's word is full of grace god's word gives us hope because you can read from the beginning to the end and we can read the stuff in between and right now folks we're living the stuff in between and we've got to get to the end of the story and god is taking us to the end of the story so we are here in chapter 15 revelation one of the shortest chapters in the bible it's only eight verses long but again the title is people have no idea what is coming hence we need to remember the lord we have the context of his word and we can have hope chapter 15 of the book of revelation is the beginning of the end chapter 16 is armageddon we're coming to the conclusion by the way so chapter 15 tells us that chapter 16 is coming it also lets us know that there's no possibility of stopping what is coming but again there is great news and we are going to get to the great news you ready okay chapter 15 verse 1. john writes then i saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them the wrath of god is complete remember last week what john saw he saw the grapes of wrath remember that and the judgment and the lord says it's done i'm going to judge so this continues from there and then john says verse 2 i saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire and those who have the victory over the beast over the antichrist over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name standing on the sea of glass having harps of god in other words in verse two these are people that rejected the mark of the beast they said we're not going to go that way we're not going to worship antichrist right they sing the song of moses the servant of god and the song of the lamb saying great marvelous are your works lord god almighty just and true are your ways o king of the saints who shall not fear you o lord and glorify your name for you alone are holy for all nations shall come and worship before you for your judgments have been manifested after these things i looked and behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened and out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues clothed in pure bright linen and having their chest girded with golden bands then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bulls full of the wrath of god who lives forever and ever the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of god and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed in chapter 16 verse 1 and then i heard a loud voice from the temple of saying to the seven angels go pour out the bowls of the wrath of god on the earth wow man what is happening in this world right now i am absolutely convinced is the entire globe and everybody in it is being moved to the end of the story at the same time that's what's happening and that's why everything is a mess and that's why we're getting all this different news that's why we're getting fake news that's why when you see the real news and we see everything else going on if you have the bible you can put it into this context and that is exactly what god wants us to do listen jesus told us to watch and be ready right this god didn't give us this book to be ignored or that we wouldn't understand he wants us to understand so that we can be ready so that listen don't ignore the truth of what is happening these things are happening but no listen they all point to jesus coming again but for people who are not paying attention and not paying attention to what the bible says they have no idea what is coming but just a couple of things i want to point out here number one we see the sign in heaven in verse 1. i saw another sign in heaven great marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them the wrath of god is complete the bible is clear whether we believe in god or not whether we trust in jesus for salvation or not in chapter 15 what god lets us know is that when you've arrived when the world has arrived at that place there's no possibility that it can be stopped none so before we continue another reminder from j.i packer not jr to know that nothing happens in god's world apart from god's will may frighten the godless but it stabilizes the saints for those that know and trust in the lord okay so know what we have here we have the plagues from god the seven last plagues verse one these plagues will be delivered by seven angels as they each hold in a bowl a plague of god's judgment these judgments are swift they are not long they are not drawn out pandemics or epidemics like the flu or hiv aids or coronavirus rather what they are is real straightforward it is sudden impact they are swift they are severe they are destructive will affect everybody far more than what this world has experienced up to this point okay now if you're freaking out this is already kind of unpleasant in this world listen i'm going to listen i believe there's great hope i don't believe i'm going to be here for this i believe i'm going to be there and i believe it's going to be awesome this is a warning from the lord to pay attention again he didn't give us this book to scare us but to prepare us and to let us know what's coming so we have the plagues from god we also note here the power of god here we see the power in his wrath he says the seven plagues for in them the wrath of god is complete in verse one we live in a world that thinks there is no god or if there is a god he's never going to judge us but that's not what the bible says the bible actually teaches that god will not strive with man forever profound to me in a sense there are so many people who have been part of the church or still are whether online or might attend somewhere but they wholeheartedly reject any prophecy regarding the second coming of christ they will take all of the prophecies of christ's first coming they will take all of the miracles that jesus did they'll take all of those happy things but i think what's happening with a whole lot of people that have even gone to church i mean you guys are hanging in there and you got to put up with me each week that's not easy is that things are scary and if you don't have the context of the bible a lot of people had this conversation with someone just just before the service started that people want to ignore reality and so they're not paying attention to it so they don't want to hear it and you find a church that says oh that stuff's just allegorical you don't need to worry about them just go along with everything it's good listen the world has been through this before the world has not been through this before and i know what the bible says and i know all of the things that the bible tells us are going to happen just before jesus returns and let me tell you they are all happening we can see the signs the signs these things will be fulfilled during the tribulation period and we can see everything going that direction but it's amazing how many people just have a wholesale rejection pastors that i used to be friends with that would want to hear from me on bible prophecy they ain't talking to me no more and i really believe this is why because prior to go back two years bible prophecy to many people who went to church and even many pastors was just a theory but now it's become a reality and now i'm not licking it or for many they just didn't really believe it they believed other things in the bible but they didn't believe any of this so it's they've gone sir isaac newton said about the time of the end a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies and insist upon their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition saying we don't want to hear about it chapter 15 reminds us god is patient but his patience will run out and the day will come when the world sin is so ripe as we saw last week in chapter 14 that god will no longer exercise his patience that's what chapter 15 lets us know so number one we have the sign in heaven number two we have the songs in heaven or song in heaven depend on how you want to put it in verses 2 and 3 we see an untold number of believers who were victorious over the pressures of antichrist when the false prophet says you must receive the mark of the beast and worship the image and and the beast and the antichrist receive his mark on his right hand or his forehead if you do not off with your head they resisted the pressure to turn from jesus christ and submit to antichrist what happened they were martyred for their faith look at this this is in afghanistan right now let me read this at the top it says pray for afghanistan the underground this was friday i think maybe yesterday the underground church in kabul afghanistan is now at home with the lord we receive news that the underground church in kabul afghanistan has been martyred our friends have been in contact and met together last night indeed words she spoke were we feel your prayers because the supernatural boldness came over us and we were singing in the spirit even the kids said mom we will not deny jesus as they were on the phone they heard screaming and gunshots god is so powerful they went to be with the creator filled with joy we will be fasting tomorrow for the churches at the bottom it says praying for our christian brothers and sisters still in afghanistan can't wait can't wait to see them in heaven i had two stories yesterday came in from afghanistan another one was a group of believers that had met and the taliban had come in and had beheaded all of them i'm telling you this because we forget what it's like out there we forget this world that we live in and we forget why jesus came and we forget that the bible is true and the bible gives us a heads up this is real remember all of the apostles except for john were martyred for their faith the romans tried to kill him but they were unsuccessful you start looking at the history of the world and america has been in this bubble we've been blessed by god's grace friends that dwarf closing but we will worship the lord i can't encourage you enough pastor roy talked about the small groups get connected if you're not connected somewhere already get connected i don't know when jesus is going to call us home but he's going to call us home that much i do know but please understand we can go through some more difficult times okay america has been protected by god's grace god shed his grace on thee but we can see it we can tell what's happening i can feel the pressure not so much from the government i can feel the pressure from other churches that are saying you need to you need to just keep your mouth shut just go along with it in nazi germany the nazis told the people one of their main messages and their narrative was this is for your safety with the churches there was a resistance movement there were i think it was at one time at their peak dietrich bonhoeffer was a part of it there were 7 000 churches that were part of the resistance movement at their peak that sounds like a lot of churches for germany but there were also 40 000 churches that just went along with hitler and what they did they just said hey they refused to push back the pastors refused to speak the truth they wouldn't say hey they're killing jews they wouldn't say any of that thing they listened they took the homosexuals they took um christians jehovah's witnesses homeless started eliminating the undesirables and the jews and that's what they did and they wouldn't say anything because you're afraid of the peer pressure you're afraid of what you you want to you want you wanted the congregation to still come to church and pay the bills and stuff listen to this the taliban the other day this was recorded in a publication called pink something out of the uk had taken a gay man and chopped them into pieces is there any outcry from the united states of america over what is happening because this is what islam does that's appalling is there any outcry from the women's rights groups in america over what is happening to women and children in afghanistan listen we need to be praying there's a lot going on i'm telling you only what i think i can get away with with you guys this morning without freaking you all out the pressures so you have the martyrs in heaven but they're singing the song listen the pressures to worship antichrist will be incredibly strong during the tribulation period of the political pressure religious pressure economic pressure and social pressure so we have all four of these pressures going on right now right we have the political pressure but when antichrist comes on the scene it'll increase exponentially we have the religious pressure i experienced that i don't know how much you guys experienced i experienced that quite a bit but the false prophet will be around and he's going to be getting all the world to comply the churches will be complying everybody's going to be getting along it's for everybody's good there'll be economic pressure you won't be able to buy or sell unless you receive the mark of the beast there will be social pressure it'll be shaming it'll be good citizen versus bad citizen or you're a good citizen if you do this if you don't you're a bad citizen neighbor will turn in neighbor you won't be able to go to certain events i think i mentioned this last week i had to go to los angeles recently and i needed to use the facilities on the drive there and and i so i went to go to a mcdonald's they wouldn't let me in i offered to buy something i said look i'm not a freeloader can i just i'll buy whatever you guys want just please they wouldn't let me in did i tell you that last week okay well sorry to ruin your morning but um i mean seriously i mean this is the reality when you start putting it into the context you go wow i mean right now going into a hospital have you tried so it's all these things are only going to increase exponentially funerals and weddings not being able to be a part of they're going to inc we're listen we are being moved to the end of the story that's what is happening that's what is happening i said a few weeks ago that you know the thing the medical treatment i said it is not the mark of the beast it is not i got so many people mad at me online but but it's not but we are being prepared for things listen i want to say this also you have friends or family that that have taken this or some of you have taken this listen this is not the thing to hate on people over you know i some things slip out of my mouth that probably shouldn't right but it really isn't the thing to hate people over i had a great time with my friend nick nick and i grew up 40 we've been friends 40 plus years and we had a great breakfast out at the hangar cafe the other day so nick i did not but we had a great conversation about that and he sees the lord in all of it and we forget that sometimes you know it was great when we're talking about bible prophecy and he watches all of my messages and and he's tracking and he can see these things but sometimes it can be us against them we really need to be careful on that because we have the message of the gospel of hope okay and and uh and this is what i will something else i want to say there's going to be people in heaven that got the thing and people in heaven that didn't get the thing all right the thing is not the mark of the beast and there's going to be people in the tribulation that got the thing and people in the tribulation that at this point have refused to get the thing okay our hope is in the lord jesus christ check this out though um zooby music zubi's a rapper out of the uk and he has 20 things he learned from the pandemic and they were actually really they're really good i'm just going to show you a couple of them i don't know if you can read can you read this you guys can see that okay just this i'm just going to read a couple of them fear of death is only rivaled by the fear of social disapproval and the latter could be stronger which is true social disapproval i'll look at this one up here um once they've made up their mind most people would rather commit to being wrong than admit they were wrong so there's different things here's another when sufficiently frightened most people will not only accept authoritarianism but demand it so these are just practical things he says i've learned through all of this so when you look at these pressures they just mentioned the political religious economic and social pressure it is intense but in verses 2 and 3 we find that the souls that are in heaven that did not worship the beast that are martyred for their faith during the tribulation period are singing a song of victory to the lord and notice it tells us here that it's the song of moses and the song of the lamb in other words the song of moses song of jesus christ it's from the old testament and from the new testament specifically the book of revelation so let me show you a quick comparison of what would be the song of the old testament with the song of moses and the song of revelation with the song of the lamb the song of jesus quick comparison all right check this out the song of moses was first sung at the red sea the song of the lamb is first sung at the crystal sea the song of moses was a song of triumph over egypt the song of the lamb is a song of triumph over babylon the song of moses told god how god brought his people out the song of the lamb tells how god brings his people in i love this there's two comparisons the song of moses was the first song in scripture the song of the lamb is the last song in scripture the song of moses commemorated the execution of the foe the expectation of the saints and the exaltation of the lord in other words the judgment of the world the the wonder of the saints that they're going to be in heaven with the lord and the exaltation the praise and glory of the lord the song of the lamb does the same three things the song of moses was sung by redeemed people the song of the lamb is sung by raptured and martyred people pretty cool huh what will they sing they will sing how great thou art they say here in revelation 15 great and marvelous are your works lord god almighty they will sing how good thou art because here in revelation 15 they sing just and true are your ways o king of the saints they will sing how glorious thou art for they sing here in revelation 15 who shall not fear you o lord and glorify your name i look at this this reminds me of the experience the words aren't the same but the experience is very similar where isaiah says in isaiah chapter 6 i see the lord seated on the throne exalted and the train of his robe fills the temple with glory holy holy holy is the lord god almighty before i wrap this up i want to just bring a couple of thoughts sadly there are many who are part of a church right now that will not be part of the victory celebration in heaven and chapter 15 is warning of that the judgments that await them instead going to church doesn't make a person a believer in christ one sunday the person who's part of the church if the rapture happens soon one sunday they will come to church and they're going to find out it's empty they will be there and maybe some others that did not trust in jesus the rapture will have taken place and they will be left behind the bible really does teach a rapture let me just share this with you all right because boy people like to argue with me about this too do i just invite arguing or what is it yes first corinthians 15 right says this behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep in other words we shall not all die but we shall all be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed death is swallowed up in victory oh death where's your sting oh hades where is your victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ first thessalonians chapter 4 talking about the same thing talks about the dead in christ will be rised and we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them to meet the lord in the air we shall all be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye our bodies are going to be changed i'm excited about that i i but it says literally that we will be caught up the greek word is harpazo so people say well pastor tom you're wrong the bible doesn't teach the rapture because i don't see the word rapture in there listen the greek word harpazo is and the word rapture simply comes from the latin translation of of the greek herpazo rapturo so we get rapture from it call it whatever you want the bible tells us this is going to happen and i'm excited i believe it's going to happen before the balagon of the tribulation because the apostle paul goes on and says concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord comes as a thief in the night he says you already you guys should know this you've been taught for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them and not you say not you guys you're in the lord you're harpazo'd sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they won't escape not you they won't escape but you brethren are not in darkness that this day should overtake you as a thief wow for god did not appoint us to wrath in the wrath in the context of this is the context of the tribulation we have the rapture and the tribulation i i we need to be reminded of this because if we're not we're going to be overwhelmed i love this romans chapter 8 who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or eid nakedness or peril or sword as is written for your sake we are all killed all day long we are accounted as sheep or the slaughters that would be like the people in afghanistan that's like the believers in revelation 15. yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of god that's in christ jesus our lord amen is right [Applause] the very last thing ready we have the sign in heaven we have the songs in heaven and we have the scene in heaven let me just read it to you as we get ready to go and partake of communion i'm going to read it again the scene in heaven after these things verse 5 revelation 15 i looked and behold the temple of the tabernacle the testimony and heaven was opened and out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues clothed in pure bright linen having their chest girded with golden bands then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of god who lives forever and ever that's the wrath that's spoken of at first thessalonians the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of god and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were complete in other words it can't be stopped it cannot be stopped and then i heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of god on the earth wow the bowl here it comes from a greek word which means a shallow cup like a little saucer not a big bowl so when it's poured out it's fast it's swift it's quick it's devastating the judgments will take place rapidly we are watching everything be moved to the end of the story and it's being accelerated there's like an accelerator in all of this in revelation chapter 1 when the bible tells us where the angel is talking to john behold i must show you things which will shortly take place that was said in 95 a.d that was a long time ago well what did that mean when he's told about these things that we're reading about that will shortly take place the worst shortly comes from a greek word tacos not the mexican food world right not carnatus or tacos al pastor or whatever not not that oh it's so good not that but what it gives us our english word tachometer and it means that once the judgments begin just like that they're swift they're going to be happening like that this is what is going on these we are in this accelerated time god told us this is how it's going to go so don't be alarmed we're going home and when you put it into the right context we can know in jesus christ there's hope jesus never said ignore these things but these are the signs these are the events this is what people are going to be doing this is what's going to be going on in the globe pestilences global government big brother everywhere no more money cash digital currency all these things that's what the bible tells us data systems for tracking the bible told us when you see it so it's being accelerated we're rapidly there folks we're almost home but we need to be prepared all right did it i hope i didn't scare you too much okay good because remember this god's judgment is irreversible okay it's irreversible that's what chapter 15 lets us know it's it's it there comes a point where it's over okay so i'm going to ask you a question you need to answer this between you and the lord okay real simple are you ready because i fear that after the rapture takes place there will people be people that will be coming to church and go oh wow or everybody's left the building yeah you don't want that to be you do you know that you're saved do you know you're forgiven the bible tells us there's no other name under heaven by which we can be forgiven than that of the lord jesus christ jesus himself said i am the way the truth and the life nobody comes to the father except by me folks i'm not making these words up i don't wake up in the morning or sit there on a saturday thinking you know i wonder what i can just make up well what's the bible say we need this and i i just i'm just at this point where i don't think there's any time to just play church anymore how much time we have left i don't know but i can see the gas pedal's been it's on i also know god is sovereign god told us it was going to be this way satan knows he has little time and everything is happening exactly as the bible says i watch what's going on in australia god bless you guys in australia pray for people in australia i see what they're planning doing in the uk i watch what's happening in france where people are not allowed unless they receive a certain medical procedure they're not allowed to enter into buildings and restaurants and so forth so people on the streets are getting out their own tables and doing their own picnics and stuff because they can't go places we see what's happening in israel i see what's happening in many parts of the world i know what the threats are in los angeles california i see these things so do you so do you so jesus said watch and be ready put it into the right context but are you ready have you trusted christ to forgive you of your sins we're going into communion in communion we have bread and a cup the bread is symbolic of the body of jesus that was put on the cross the cup is symbolic of his blood that was shed for us because the bible says without the shedding of blood there's no forgiveness of sins have you trusted christ is your relationship with him genuine because it must be and i want you to think of this as we go to communion another quote by j.i packer there's tremendous relief in knowing that god's love to me is based at every point on prior because this guy if it was based on if like let's say you got saved and god said oh no i didn't know that about you you know that would be a bummer wouldn't it he knows everything about us that's why he saves us and the fact the worse a sinner is the more god gets the glory because he says satan says that person is really bad i know i saved them i could save the worst of sinners if they just say yes amen so when we go to communion we have these elements you should have them somewhere if or should if you don't have any of these already we have some up front some in the back you can get up and get them we only have one song during communion then i'm going to come up and and lead us to partake if you want or you can partake of communion anytime you want if you got these anytime you want you can partake of communion partake of the bread partake of the cup okay bring the lights down low you can stand up you can sit down you can you can weep the most important thing is that you know you are right with jesus make sure that you are ready okay make sure that you are ready and jesus loves you lord we thank you for your word we are ministering we pray that you would draw anybody to you that does not know you right now whether they be online or whether it's in here to ask you to forgive them to know that their salvation is genuine to know that they've been forgiven we thank you that you are the one who loves us that you will in no way cast out the worst of people who could come to you we praise you we thank you minister i ask during this time of communion we pray lord amen listen again if you don't if you're not sure you're going to heaven ask christ to forgive you right where you're sitting repent of your sins tell them you're sorry and be genuine in your surrender to him say lord i will follow you all the days of my life if you're genuine you'll be forgiven i'll come back up after the song you can partake now or anytime during the song or when i come back [Music] [Music] when i survey the [Music] on which the prince of glory died and poor oh see from his head is his feet [Music] [Applause] flow down [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that were [Music] so amazing so [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] oh and bless your name [Music] love so amazing so my own [Music] the beauty is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] so let me say one thing before we partake of communion if you haven't taken yet do not fear nowhere in the bible does the bible ever say be afraid of anything that man or any of the stuff coming against you the only thing it says to do is fear god but do not be afraid the fear of man is the snare the bible says okay don't be afraid stay close to jesus of communion the apostle paul speaking of the bread and the cup he said i received from the lord that which i also delivered to you that the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me lord we thank you for your word we thank you for communion we also remember you tell us to not let anyone partake in an unworthy manner lord as we get ready to partake of this bread search our hearts and cause us to ask for forgiveness in any area right now that we need to be forgiven examine us search us well we thank you for this bread this reminder of your body that was put on the cross buried died and rose again we thank you but this is a reminder that we too will live again it's in jesus name we partake of this bread in the same manner jesus took also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes again lord help us to not be afraid but to focus on you we remember that we are forgiven in this cup as a reminder of that and we remember that you are coming again and this cup is a reminder of that too cause us to be focused on you full of your peace full of your joy being reminded that you love us that you keep us and we praise you and help us to encourage one another with this truth of communion it's in your name jesus we partake of the cup we praise you lord we thank you may the lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you his peace how about though okay we're gonna go a couple minutes over with one song what do you say what do you say yeah that's what happens when you add lib a whole bunch of your message two minutes and 48 seconds how's that let's stand up for two minutes and 48 seconds [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] we lift our hands in the sanctuary we lift our hands to give you the glory we lift our hands to give you the praise and we will praise you for the rest of our days yes we will praise you for the rest of our days we lift our hands in the sanctuary [Music] and we will praise you for the rest of our days and we will praise you for the rest of our day [Music] we clap our hands [Music] and we will praise you for the rest of our days [Music] we sing [Music] and we will praise you for the rest of our days yes we will praise you for the rest [Music] messiah and we will praise you for the rest of our days yes we will praise you for the rest of our day hallelujah in the sanctuary hallelujah we give you the glory hallelujah [Music] we will praise you for the rest of our days eight seconds god bless you guys hope you can join me tonight see ya online not in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 412 Church San Jacinto
Views: 19,601
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, 412church, Jesus, San Jacinto, Hemet, Church, God, Love, Faith, Savior, Hope, Peace, Christ, WordofGod, Pastor Tom Hughes
Id: ahlQW2aKV4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 3sec (5343 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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