People have been asking me recently - Premiere Pro Tip

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A lot of people have been asking me recently “Javier, what shampoo do you use to maintain those luScious locks of hair on your head?” or, my last name is Mercedes. “Do I drive a Mercedes?” One of my favorites is “what's the best way to find the duration of a section inside Premiere Pro?” And the key to that question is right here. For example, if I highlight this section of blue clips and hit the question forward slash key that creates my in and out markers the duration between these two markers is displayed right here. It's 9 seconds in 11 frames. If you want to find a clip's duration highlight it, hit the key. highlight it, hit the key. And there it is. To find your total length of the timeline. Hit command or control A to highlight all the clips. Hit that button and here's my duration at 33 seconds. So that's a little quick tip on figuring out the duration of a clip or section inside the timeline in Premiere Pro. If this tip was helpful, don't forget to leave that thumbs up or heart whatever social media app that you're viewing this piece of content in. Just going to go in here and not do anything cliche like shut this door and then come in from the
Channel: Javier Mercedes
Views: 9,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javier Mercedes, duration of clip premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, in and out markers premiere pro, duration premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro video length, premiere pro video duration, how long is my video premiere pro, video editing tips for beginners, how to
Id: QH5sI_VgvKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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