Premiere Pro Keyframe Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner

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let's talk about keyframing tips and tricks for Premiere Pro this video isn't meant to be an intro on how to keyframe in Premiere Pro it just turns out that within the last month or so I've picked up on a bunch of techniques that I had no idea existed inside Premiere Pro as an editor so hopefully there's something in here for everybody let's Dive Right In let's look at this first situation I'm gonna do a simple push in which is a keyframe on both ends of the clip something that might happen for anyone right I want to adjust that last keyframe if I hit go to next keyframe it automatically goes to the next clip and I try and bring my playhead over and it goes to the next clip again it actually jumps so far ahead well this is because a feature is on called selection follows playhead if I go up to sequence and here's selection follows playhead it is checked off I've created a keyboard shortcut D for it um that's not default you would have to create your own for that but if I turn this off now when I go to next keyframe it will go to the next clip on the program monitor but it does keep that clip up in my effects controls window because it stays highlighted therefore allowing me to adjust this keyframe however I need to so if you ever find yourself in that situation remember to make sure that selection follows playhead is either on or off next let's talk about a somewhat similar situation where you have the two keyframes on both sides of the clip and you manipulate the in and the out past where those keyframes are so they're basically on the size of the clip where they're in the abyss they're on the beginning and ending but you can't see them because they're past your ins and outs so what I used to do in a situation like this is move the clip up one layer then go find those keyframes somewhere past those endpoints and drag them so where I could see them but there is a much easier way and it's called pin to clip if you highlight the clip and then go up to to the effects controls menu at the very bottom is something called pin to clip you uncheck that and now our clip is unpinned from the effects controls window and I can effectively zoom out and find those keyframes throughout the entire timeline I can click and drag these back into the area where the clip is and manipulate them as such or if I do have selection follows playhead off I can move the keyframe to wherever I want to inside the timeline and adjust it wherever it needs to go super useful feature next let me talk about the add or remove keyframe hotkey let's say I want to add or remove keyframes on the fly so for something like this I want to do it with the scale and if you go to your keyboard shortcuts and look for at remove there are two options add remove audio keyframe and add remove video keyframe for me I've set this up as shift plus u you do need to set up your own there are no default keyboard shortcuts for this one with that in mind by default if I were to scrub along right here and hit shift U it will automatically create keyframes on the opacity and personally I don't find this very useful because I don't really keyframe the opacity unless I'm fading in and fading out but other than that I don't really need to utilize it for the opacity so the way that you dictate what gets a keyframe is this little effects button right here right click and you can switch it to any of those parameters so I'll switch it to scale and now when I move along I can create keyframes for my scale and now I can just go in and adjust that accordingly one thing I do wish was a part of Premiere Pro and if it is please let me know in the comments down below is the ability to automatically set keyframes for something like position or scale rotation any of those I wish there was like a hotkey to automatically toggle on animation for that and then just start manipulating that but as it stands right now I don't believe there is a hotkey for that and now that I have those scale keyframes I also want to adjust the positioning at those points as well and here's where I would like a keyboard shortcut for go to next keyframe I believe there is one for After Effects but I don't think there's one for Premiere Pro obviously you can hit those arrows next to the little keyframe button but it would just be nice to have a hotkey for go to next keyframe so I wouldn't have to scroll the best alternative I can think of that isn't those arrows is to hold shift while you're scrolling the effects controls window this will snap the playhead to the keyframes as you scroll past them now let me briefly touch on how to ease in and ease out instead of just doing a linear movement on the screen we have two simple objects and with this top square I want to ease out and ease into the beginning and ending keyframe to see a graph representation of what you're doing with any of the parameters if you go to the little arrow and drop it down that will expand the velocity parameters I'm going to highlight both keyframes and for this first one I'll right click go to temporal interpolation and ease out and the reason for that is because I'm easing out of the movement it's starting and it's easing out for this second one I'll right click temporal interpolation ease in and you can see the curve now and how they arrive at the same time but one is speeding up getting ahead and then slowing right down whereas the other is linear the whole way across now you can take these handles and move them however you want to to manipulate the velocity at which these are used and if you can't see what you're doing don't forget that you can click and make this space bigger right here now instead of right clicking and finding ease in and ease out that does take some time you can assign those to a hotkey so inside your keyboard shortcuts just look up ease in scroll on down to keyframe temporal interpolation ease in ease out mine is on comma and period you can put yours on whichever but now if I were to highlight both of these on the circle and just hit comma and period it will ease in and ease out automatically for me now one concept of keyframing that confused me for a while was the difference between bezier Auto bezier and continuous bezier if you want to know the differences between those let me give you a visual here we have that purple square and I'm just going to create some keyframes to move it around the program monitor if you notice when I hit play instead of it going straight from one spot to the next it kind of goes on curved lines it goes outside the box and if I click on the shape layer in the effects controls panel we now see the path at which this square is taking and it's not a straight triangle and even though my temporal interpolation is linear my spatial interpolation is Auto bezier and this is the setting by default whenever you create keyframes like this now if I were to manipulate any of the handles on these keyframes like this it will automatically switch from Auto bezier to continuous bezier think of Auto bezier as the first initial setting that Premiere Pro will apply to all of your keyframes if you don't manipulate any of them but the moment I start adjusting any of the handles of any specific keyframe it will switch from Auto bezier to continuous bezier those two are almost the same it's just whenever you manipulate the handles it will manipulate both sides of the handle if you just want to manipulate one side this is when it turns from continuous bezier to just straight bezier so when I do straight bezier I am only manipulating one side of the path if I wanted to create a straight line from point A to point B to point C so on and so forth I would highlight all of these I wouldn't do any beziers and I would just do spatial interpolation as linear now the last tip I want to talk about is one that I just saw in a video from Premiere gal and it blew my mind that I didn't know about this earlier since it's been a part of Premiere Pro since I think 2019 and that's responsive design so right here I've animated on my social handle to come from the top and then go back out to the top and what responsive design does is allow you to pull these handles right here at the top to create kind of protected regions that will stay the same no matter how long or short you make a clip so if I extend this out the beginning animation stays the same and it travels with my endpoint if I take this and extend it all the way out to the end the animation stays the same and everything in between it will hold that title on the screen until it animates out this way you don't have to manipulate and create a whole bunch of different keyframes now an example more complex is with this like And subscribe animation that I did with a bunch of different shapes and a bunch of different keyframing here I would create my responsive design intro and outro and I can move the ins and outs to wherever I want to but the animation will always stay the same and I can make it as long as I want to stay on the frame as long as I want it's super powerful stuff and I didn't realize lies that you could also translate this and I feel like this was built for After Effects so I built that same subscribe animation inside after effects to convert it to a mogurt that was much easier to work with and you can use responsive design inside After Effects so I have all of these keyframes in my intro and then I have some outro keyframes and if you're curious on how to do this in After Effects just go up to help do add marker add your marker to the timeline right click the marker and then go to enable protected region so now I can move this around and I could make this the intro protected spot or the outro but now this marker acts the same as those intro and outro that I showed you inside Premiere Pro if I go over here to my Essential graphics and look up subscribe here I have that animation all I need to do is bring in my profile picture and I can adjust the framing and the scale however I want to I'll undo that close it out here's how it looks I can also make it shorter or I can make it as long as I want but those animations stay the same speed as long as you don't make it short enough to the point where the keyframes are on top of each other if you're curious this is one of the very first mogurts that I've made it's available on my website if you're a YouTuber and you're looking to have a Sleek looking subscribe and like button animation this is available on my website I'll put the link to it in the description below I hope there were some tips in here that really helped you when it comes to keyframing inside Premiere Pro and I guess also with After Effects a little bit too because the idea that you can make mogurts with this responsive design really helps out until next time my name is Javier Mercedes and I hope you're out there living a life of abundance
Channel: Javier Mercedes
Views: 24,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javier Mercedes, premiere pro, keyframe premiere pro, pin to clip, how to keyframe in premiere pro, how to ease ease in premiere pro, responsive design premiere pro, how to set keyframes in premiere pro, premiere pro adding keyframes, premiere pro keyframes, editing techniques in premiere pro, mogrt file premiere pro, how to keyframe in premiere pro cc, responsive design mogrt
Id: k1Ft0MG9Gfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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