How To do a SMOOTH SPIN Transition in Premiere Pro

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here's how to do a spin transition concept it's very simple all you're doing is keyframing the rotation but if you only focus on the rotation you're going to end up with black bars on the side like this so in order to fill that black void with trendy transitionness we're going to do the same technique that all of these types of transitions Implement that is to replicate your clip and use the mirror effect multiple times in order to blend your edges this clever technique allows you to extend out the real estate of your clip thus allowing you to hide those edges when you do rotate the clip there's two different ways I'm going to show you how to achieve this effect inside Premiere Pro the first is if you want to save time I'll show you how I apply it using my preset pack and the second I'm going to build it from scratch so you can save it as a preset yourself and you can use it however you want to so if I were to do this using my preset pack I would take my first clip create a cut go to my second clip create another cut take both of those and duplicate them to the track above then I would go to my spin section inside my preset pack and let's say I want to do a counterclockwise spin so I'd take my a above and a bottom because these are the first clips and then I would take my spin counterclockwise be above and spin counterclockwise beat bottom because of the motion blur this does take processing power I'll highlight both the clips hit the question mark key so I create my in and outs and then hit shift and return to pre-render that and now I've created this counterclockwise spin transition in the matter of seconds if you want to preview some of the other spin transitions that I have inside my preset pack here's a zoom Spin and here is a corner spin so it's spinning from this corner over here there are eight different spins inside my preset pack and there's 70 different transitions overall if you want to check it out it's in the description below but let me show you how to do a spin transition building it yourself the very first thing we need to address is to make sure that our sequence settings are the same so if I go up here to sequence sequence settings right here I'm time based 23.9 0.76 in frame size 3840 by 2160. if you are building a vertical a square a 4x5 or 16x9 or any other aspect ratio this will work on it once we save it as a preset but for right now we need to make sure that we're on the same page with the same frame size and time base after you've saved this as a preset you'll be able to apply this to any type of project with that out of the way I'm going to hit ok now I'm going to go down to new item create new item adjustment layer these all match the same settings I just told you and hit OK again we want to make sure we're on the same page so I'm going to right click this adjustment layer and go to speed duration change the duration to one second and hit OK so if I bring this down like this I need to make sure that I'm exactly centered above the two clips well if our adjustment layers are the same they're both one second and that means that it's 12 frames from the center point so if I hold shift and hit the arrow key two times it will go 10 frames like that and then I want to go two more frames so one two and move the adjustment layer like that now I know that my adjustment layer is exactly centered over the two clips I'm going to hit shift 5 to bring up my effects controls window and then my effects window is over here the first effect we're going to look up is replicate and the quickest way to apply effects is not to click and drag them onto the effect but rather having your clip highlighted and then just double clicking the effect as you can see it has applied the effect over here change the count to three and because we're doing this on adjustment layer that affects both the clips now go back to your effects panel and look up mirror we're going to apply this four times so I'll double click mirror so it applies it four times and first we're going to adjust all of these reflection angles so we can get that seamless edge around our Center frame I've already covered this in depth in a previous tutorial if you want to learn more about it I'll link it right here for right now I want to go in intervals of 90 degrees so 0 then 90 then 180 and 270. again this may seem super confusing at first but once I do all of this it'll make more sense so I'm going to turn off all of these mirror effects except the top one I'm going to pull my reflection Center over from the right side and create that seamless seam on the right side looks like it's about two five five nine toggle on the mirror below that and I want to create this on the bottom seam so I'll pull down this mirror effect like that third one we need to pull from the right side all the way over to our left seam and our very last one will create the top seam so if you need to pause the video right here and copy these exact settings into your effects panel next we're going to apply the transform effect and here is where we can start rotating the clip I'm going to scale this up to 300 so it takes up the whole frame then I'm going to go to the first frame go to the rotation and toggle on animation then I'm going to go to the second last frame put in 360. so right now we have one full turn but it's linear motion we need to change that so do this little down arrow gonna make this a little bit bigger so you can see what's happening highlight both of the keyframes right click ease in right click ease out and now we have a spin like this but I want to make it look even better so I'll move my playhead right here to the very middle so I can see where the middle is here in my editor click one of the keyframes and I'm going to pull that in to the very center I'm going to take this one and Pull It in to the very center like this make it a little bit bigger so we can see looks pretty good to me and now we get a movement like this so it starts slow gets super quick and slows back down into our ending now we need to add motion blur under shutter angle I'm going to type 180 and now we've applied motion blur you could go all the way up to 360. I think that's a little too much 180 I think is a good happy medium between too much and too little if this was the only time we would apply a spin transition we'd be done but if you want to take all of the work that you've done so far and be able to just apply that to any project here is how you would create it as a preset that you could use with any aspect ratio and any duration I'm going to take this end keyframe and move it all the way to the end of the adjustment layer hold command on Mac or control on Windows and highlight every single effect right here from replicate to transform right click and hit save preset and we're going to name this spin clockwise and underneath type we want to make sure that it is scaled this is the part where anytime you want the duration to change all you would need to do is change the adjustment layers duration and then apply the effect if we did it to enter out this would not be the case so I want to make sure that it's scale and in the description I'm going to type hit that like button now once I hit OK if I go over to my effects underneath presets we have spin clockwise I'll bring my adjustment layer above and let's say I want to change the duration to something shorter all I need to do is go to the presets and here's my spin clockwise that we just made apply that to the adjustment layer pre-render that now we have a quicker version of the spin transition it automatically applied all of that material again if I wanted this to be a very long transition I'll make the adjustment layer super long apply our spin clockwise and then we have a much longer version of that spin transition you can also apply this to any aspect ratio so right here we have a vertical video all you would need to do is make an adjustment layer that matches this sequence settings so new item adjustment layer this is a 1080 by 1920 vertical video hit OK and bring that adjustment layer onto the track make it any duration you want to center it bring on your preset boom and now we have a spin transition for the vertical video If this video was helpful don't forget to hit that thumbs up if you do want to check out my preset pack again that link is in the description and until next time I hope you're out there living a life of abundance bye
Channel: Javier Mercedes
Views: 14,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javier Mercedes
Id: -SjVZZWGah8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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