Automatically Edit Video Podcasts!? (AutoPod)

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I've been seeing a lot of Buzz recently on a new plugin for Premiere Pro called autopod and this is supposed to automatically create multi-cam sequences for things like video podcasts and shows I'm going to reference it to past projects of mine and see how it does this is me and Stefan Casado of not another cooking show my top layer is the master shot my middle shot should be me and then my bottom shot is Stefan and I do have a clean feed of both of our microphones on these two tracks now if we go to autopod multi-camera editor this is the window that popped up A1 is Javier A2 is Stefan and oh V3 is all speakers so that's another way to show it's the master shot I want to switch this to Javier and this to Stefan let's just hit create multicam edit and see if it works all video tracks must start are on frame zero this is great it's giving you feedback as to what it needs in order for it to work correctly I'm going to make a couple adjustments to make sure that I can get this right so to begin with we want it to all start on zero so I'm going to highlight all of this move it to 0 0 and now I'm going to nest this clip I'm going to come over here and make sure that all of my Clips at the end kind of end at the same spot if I go to create multi-cam edit let me see what we get now it says encoding test estimated time remaining I'm not entirely sure what it's doing it did mute my A2 track which that is one of the speakers oh it's encoded okay so it was encoding the first track which was me and now it's looking at the second track which is Stefan I'm really excited right now I want this to work I want this to work so bad no way I mean it's creating my edits right now on the and I can I can I can zoom in and zoom out as it's going um what this is this is insane there's no humanly possible way for me to create Cuts as fast as the computer is doing right now I haven't looked back at their results yet but I cut and edited and recorded far over a hundred podcasts in my day it would probably way more than that I released of my own podcast around 90 plus podcasts and then I also did podcasts for other people before I even got into doing my own podcast editing a podcast is a whole day ordeal or used to be just choosing the camera angles and everything and this is this is my mind is blown right now so at the end it gave me a pop-up window saying autopod multi-camera editor has successfully completed I hit OK I stopped getting that bar at the bottom and let me just move this over here let me go to a different section so I would go through and reframe this but for right now I'm not going to do that um in terms of creation a reflective period yeah um wow so look at this he's saying something I have a reaction to it and it precursors my reaction by a couple frames so that's um about about 10 frames it looks about nine period um I've sort of come I had my reaction I say yeah I I have nod my head and then it cuts directly back to the guest right and so perfect timing perfect timing all so now my whole life is just from initial reaction of seeing the potential or not even the potential just like this is what the product is I'm blown away I am completely blown away it just cuts an hour in 35 minutes of material it just did it for me and and by cut I mean it it went through and created a pass of what cameras to use unbelievable great times great times podcast editor you killed the literally crank out your podcast from the time it would take you to like listen to the podcast here's another example that I want to try the enable and disable feature this is one of my most downloaded podcasts from the past this is with the buttery Bros with Heber canon in Marston Sawyers I'm going to create wide one I'll Nest this and call it me or Javier so here is Heber and there is Marston now go back up to my window extensions and multi-camera let's do enable disable let's go high on the multi-shot frequency I have three speakers with four cameras A1 which is this audio is Heber A2 is Marston and A3 is me V1 is Marston as I see right here in fact I'll bring this down over here um V2 which this is B2 is Heber V3 is me so Javier and V4 is oh wow look at that this is so cool it knows that since I have four cameras it's asking is this a master on both of them is this a master on all three of us is this just two different speakers like if I had a camera on just Marston and myself if the angles were set up differently that's so cool even though I'm in this shot I'm going to label this as kind of just Heber and Marston so right here we have hero Marston the differences here is now I have four cameras I'm doing the enable disable and the multi-shot frequency is high I don't know if I would actually do that during the podcast but I just want to see it so I can understand how it looks I'll go in and create multi-edits and at this point since I have an idea of what it does I'm probably going to speed through this so you can see the end result with the enable and disable feature instead of completely cutting out the footage it just disables the footage in this section you can tell that Heber is telling a certain story and it's just switching between the two you can also tell that Marston is kind of checking his phone during this so what I would probably do is unenable that and then turn on keyboard's camera for a longer period of time I do believe that this is a tool that will speed up the process of editing video podcasts immensely but I do think it's still the responsibility of an editor at this point in time to at least watch back your footage and trim up and cut out anything that doesn't need to be there so like right here instead of showing Marston on his phone I would unenable this and then enable heber's camera throughout and here we have a bunch of cuts going on so let me see what's going on there different brands and stuff like that yeah yeah the I'm bringing back up Sarah I loved how you guys brought in the the drink and then you did the little pan across when you're like oh yeah yeah yeah I was gonna ask so one of the things I did select High I do think changing of the edits right there is a little bit too much and that's completely fine because I did choose high on the frequency I think if I were to do this again I would go with medium or maybe even low I am curious as to the other things that you do get with your autopod so if I go over here to window extensions there are two other options social clip Creator and autopod jump crop editor so now I'm looking at the jump cut editor again I haven't looked up any information on this I'm just assuming that it'll create jump cuts and I want to see what it does to jump cut this to get rid of those silent Parts just to give me an initial uh run through of my audio so right now it says the silent DB cutoff is 50 decibels so if I create jump cuts wow wow editor has completed look at how quick it made those jump cuts and I hope you're out there living a life of abundant but so it cut off um living a life of abundance uh I want I would want that to come through right there abundance but I would want the silence DB cut off to be much higher so if I hit undo let's see what happens you would have to hit undo a bunch of times so I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna bring back in the file and I raised it by 20 DB create jump cuts oop I like the clip create jump cuts oh oh wait maybe it's because my DB cutoff is so high so let me go down to 60 see what happens okay my DB cutoff was too high and it didn't make any Cuts because the threshold was set um or I guess too low in this case so let me see how my abundance comes along across right here ladies and I hope you're out there living a life of abundance bye that's great yeah that there got what I needed it to until next time if this video was held and if this video was helpful so it would need some tweaking depending on your clips and where your audio is but that that's pretty good now let me try the third plugin that you get it's the automatic social clip Creator I have this clip of Nick iby talking about hydro dipping so we have the option to make it 1920x1080 1080 by 1350 which is that 4x5 and 1080 by 1920 which is 9 by 16 or vertical video so I want to create a vertical video from this and uh I want to Auto reframe it and the end page so if I click end page that just gives me the ability to load in in a file for my end page but for right now I'm not going to do that I could also Watermark it again you could put that file in as a watermark and Page offset I'm not sure what that does so let me just see what I have if I have anything that I can put in here social um what is this oh hey uh let's have that be my end page so I'm do this one as my end page and do an end page offsets of three maybe let's see what three does and I just hit create clips oh wow okay so the offset is how much it brings in that clip so right here hutter dipping like what is header it is auto reframed already and this end page would have fit if I made it 1080 by 1920 but it did put the end page in there it offset it by three so I'm assuming that's three seconds let me look here what's uh yeah three seconds and then you could export them upon creating them but if I were doing this in a real world situation I would probably just use this to create the sequences that way I could then add subtitles graphics b-roll and other things to make the social post more interesting than just a one person on camera talking if you are a podcast editor using Premiere Pro I think at least to trying autopod is a no-brainer see if it goes with your workflow the multi-camera editor I think is the most powerful tool for saving time um the jump cut editor I think that's really project to project and I think the social clip Creator is if you want to hit the ground running with a nice base of whoever's talking Auto reframed already have the sequence settings where they need to be for the different aspect ratios than I think that is a great plug-in as well but I think the star of the show is the multi-camera editor wow what a plugin if you are interested in it I'll put a link in the description if I was able to download mine for free for a certain trial period and then they do a monthly subscription as of the time of this upload I think it's at least worth trying it out again if you are a podcast editor and you haven't tried it out please give it a go with some of your footage that you work on and let me know in the comments what you think until next time my name is Javier Mercedes and I hope you're out there living a life of abundance bye
Channel: Javier Mercedes
Views: 15,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javier Mercedes, autopod premiere pro, auto pod ai, auto pod podcast, autopod ai review, autocad multi camera editor, auto pod multi camera, autopod multi camera editor, auto multicam editing, premiere pro plugin, edit podcast, edit video podcast premiere pro, tutorial edit video podcast, podcast production, premiere pro, multi-cam editing, multicam editing, automated editing, podcast editing, automatic podcast editing
Id: ynAJszzZg4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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