Typewriter Type On Text Effect - Premiere Pro

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in this video I'm going to show you four different ways on how to achieve a type on effect inside Premiere Pro depending on the situation each method will have its own time and place in which you would want to use it so I hope you stick around for the whole video to check them all out this first one is pretty quick and easy it's just a simple wipe of the text so with the type tool right here in the toolbar we're going to go to our program monitor click inside the program Monitor and type in our first title what really helps here inside Premiere Pro is to go to the essential Graphics window and hit align and transform and there we got it right in the middle all we have to do from this point to wipe it on is go to our effects panel click and let's search for something called wipe we already have a wipe transition built into Premiere Pro so I'm going to click and drag that onto the beginning of my graphic clip now when I click play it wipes it on now this looks a little artificial because yes it's just a wipe transition but if you speed this up a little bit and you add a little bit of typing sound effects underneath it you get something like this that might be all you need but if you're looking for a little bit more manipulation of the title let's do something else the next method is different because you'll have complete manipulation on how the words or letters are keyframed on same start as before though we're going to go to the type tool click there and we can click anywhere in the program Monitor and again you could start typing your title but there's one key component that you need to pay attention to that's whether you want your words to be Center aligned or left aligned if I were to be left aligned and type hit that like button notice that it types over from the left but if I were to redo that and be Center aligned notice how when it types on everything is in the center for this particular example I want it to be Center aligned so I know that my text is going to be Center aligned and now that I know that I'm going to go to my line and transform and put it into position now that you have the framing of where you want the title to end up we can go to the effects controls for that clip in text in this drop down menu next to Source text there's toggle on animation and what I like to do is work backwards so I'm going to move my playhead a little bit further into the clip and I will toggle on my animation for Source text this is where I want it to end up so I'm going to go a couple more frames in and I'll highlight the word button and delete that next I want to go a couple more frames before and one tip here is to put your mouse above the step back one frame button on the program monitor as opposed to using the arrow keys because when you use the arrow keys to go back in a frame if all it does is just move the cursor so I'm going to go back a couple frames and then delete the word like in that space go back a couple more frames delete that go back a couple more frames and delete the whole phrase so now when I play this back it types on by word if you want to make this slower or faster you can manipulate these keyframes however you want or if you want a quicker way to do the whole clip at once just go to your rate stretch tool right here if you don't see that just click and hold right here and go to rate stretch or you could hit B and click and drag this to make it faster so that's much faster if I click and drag this to make it slower that's much slower you take that same concept and apply it to letters instead of words so I've toggled on the animation for my source text and I bring my cursor to the end of the word create a keyframe then I step back delete step back delete step back delete step back delete step back so on and so forth now I've already done this and you can type on by letter like that again if you want to slow down or speed this up just bring up your rate stretch tool and make it slower or faster depending on however you need it to look but if you're looking for something a little bit more stylistic I would recommend just screen recording yourself typing on a screen the first one would be typing on a cell phone one of the simplest ways I've found to achieve this is using Instagram I'm at Javier Mercedes X if you want to give me a follow but how I would do it is just create a new story my phone is just face down on my desk if I were to take a photo I would go to the three dots in the top right go to draw and with any of these colors down on the bottom I'm going to choose green for green screening it just tap and hold your finger on the screen and it will turn the whole background to that color I'll hit done go to my fonts and right now I'm using the type font and I will type in whatever I want to coincidentally if you do use this kind of type font if you hit the top right it will actually type it on for you which is kind of nice but for this example I'm going to turn that off and I'm just screen recording me typing on the phone once you have your screen recording inside the computer all you need to do is go to your effects panel look up Ultra key click and drag that onto your clip and click and select the color that's in the background so it's that green color and then we want to get rid of what's around the words so I'm going to look up crop pull that on and click the word crop and once you click the word crop you can now pull these handles to where you would like to on your clip now I have this typing on effect which is actually me typing so the Cadence at which I type on the letters makes sense because it's natural which leads me to the last method for this and that's just typing on your actual computer a couple tips for if you're using something like Google docs to achieve this effect while you're recording your screen is go over here to your zoom and fit it to your screen as well as make it full screen on your computer the other thing that I do is make sure that the font size is big enough just make sure that it fills up your screen as much as possible once you have that screen recording inside Premiere Pro there's a couple ways that you can get rid of that background now you could go here to ultra key and do the same method that we did before by clicking the eyedropper and clicking the white but as you can see there's still some white around the letters and if you go to matte generation and bring up the transparency that might get you what you're looking for but I think there's a better way of going about doing this or a cleaner way so what I like to do is go to the effects and look up invert underneath Channel we're going to drag that on so we're inverting all of the channels so now this is white instead of black it's almost like you're putting it in dark mode in the channel we're going to go to luminance that way it keeps all of these colors but it still inverts the black and white go back to our effects and look up Luma key and underneath keying we're going to pull that onto our clip and now we have a clean key that we can work with from here we'll do the same technique of grabbing our crop popping that on highlighting the word crop and then pull the handles to where we want it to crop if you ever wanted to change the color of the font you could go back to your effects look up tint pull tint onto your clip you would map your white to whatever color you see fit so if I wanted this to be red I can make it be red if I want it to be green I can make it be green on that note if this video was helpful don't forget to hit that like button my name is Javier Mercedes and I hope you're out there living a life of abundance bye
Channel: Javier Mercedes
Views: 188,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javier Mercedes, type on text, type on text premiere pro, type on text effect premiere pro, type on text effect, typewriter text, typewriter text premiere pro, typewriter text effect premiere pro, keyframe text premiere pro, type effect in premiere pro, type-on text effect, type on effect, premiere pro text effects, premiere pro text animation, premiere pro text tutorial, premiere pro text, premiere pro text typing effect, typewriter effect, premiere pro typewriter effect
Id: YR9xUk1rdl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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