People GET CAUGHT Telling BIG LIES, They Live To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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see that's the thing arturo if it's one thing that i will not tolerate is dishonesty that's why we had to let her go i still can't believe mary would do something like that you know i wonder what happened to her either way it's unfortunate but oh oh how's that presentation coming along that you and jacob are working on now you do remember that if she signs this is a huge win for the firm so come on tell me something good and me and jacob are actually meeting in just a couple minutes let me go through this whole presentation jacob are you okay i just found out oh sit down sit down buddy sit down it's okay here have some tissues okay sorry buddy talk to us what's going on i just thank you it's okay i just found out that my my grandmother passed oh jeez sorry i'm sorry buddy hey you just recently had another grandma passed it yeah yeah was this one that on my dad's side yeah oh geez buddy i'm so sorry it's okay i i wasn't as close to this one because she lived in florida but it just it still hurts you know oh we know let me understand it's okay yeah i wasn't gonna say anything because i know we have the presentation and i oh hey hey no you don't worry about that this is a time to be with family okay so we got that right arturo you can handle that right pick up where he left off and bring this thing home for us right wouldn't be a problem for you yeah yes of course yeah no i got it i got it yeah i i don't know i feel really bad are you sure no hey hey we're positive it's okay all right you go and be with your family we're team we got this okay thank you thank you hey it's no problem hey buddy take care of yourself okay hey hey arturo why don't you welcome to his car huh for more support yep that's a great idea i'll be right back okay jacob jacob wait up the hardest part is just knowing i'll never hear her call me nano anymore yeah i can only imagine dude i'm so sorry it makes me want to spend more time with my grandma why grandparents are so old who because of what you just said you know how you wish you spent more time with her oh yeah no i made that up just like i made up that story about my grandma passing sorry what well yeah i know it was an oscar-worthy performance but come on she had tears and everything oh yeah uh where is it [Music] yeah lip balm i looked it up online you just put some right under your tear ducts not only does it make tears come it also makes your eyes red so it's literally perfect jacob i cannot how what would you lie about something like what is wrong with you man okay you know what you're right it's wrong to lie to your boss under normal circumstances but this situation is different really yes how i started dating this new girl yo hey whoa whoa whoa hey look at this all right her name's nicole all right she's super hot well she got off work early and wanted to hang out so you made up a whole lot about your grandmother dying just to hang out with some girl no she is not just some girl okay she is a hot girl plus she is loaded i looked up her house on zillow it's worth over three million dollars why why wouldn't you just use a pto if you wanted to get off early i used that all up months ago for mardi gras you could have just called in sick anything is better than saying your grandma passed well sick days are all used up too you know there's only so many fake doctor's notes you can give before they get suspicious but nobody questions their grandma's death you know what the best part is i still have two more passes what are you yep both of my grandpas i figured i'd have them both pass sometime next month you know that way i get a few days off since i've been dealing so many tragedies did i [Applause] [Music] i guess at least she's not suffering anymore [Music] okay where was i uh oh oh she's already on the way i gotta go i will see you tomorrow and please make sure you do a good job on that so we both look good huh you and me the dynamic duo let's do the thing come on ready dynamic duo oh you slide dog you jakey [Applause] there our presentation thank you so so much for your help on it uh yeah no okay okay now let's see this prepared by oh jacob the whitman nice really don't you at least want to review it nah i got more important things to do [Applause] you know i still don't understand how you get your own office when i'm working twice as hard as you you gotta be a good talker my friend hmm think the date went well oh yeah it went incredible i mean this girl is so into me i think i'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend tonight really and when she says yes in a month i'll probably propose what isn't that a little fast come on you know how hard it is to find a hot girl under 40 with money these days i'm not gonna wait around and let some other opportunity snatch her up oh shoot pete's coming on uh i don't have it jacob what are you doing stop stop stop next just stop freaking out you're stressing the heel just don't don't don't don't be so loud don't be so loud stop hey jacob just checking in on you buddy how you holding up hey uh a little better i just i don't want to believe she's gone yeah i understand remember how hard it was only when i lost my grandmother you know it's like nobody can ever repl hey is that lip balm oh yeah yeah it is huh i know you use this kind oh yeah my lips get really chapped yeah yes you two man the wind just totally does a number on them yeah this stuff is great it works like a charm yeah hey i see a presentation right there yes sir you know i feel very good about samantha signing with us tomorrow after she sees these drawings that is excellent i can't wait to review it guys hey look i'm a level with you i cannot stress the importance of this deal okay but with how i know it's going to go tomorrow we are going to have a lot of good news to celebrate huh i like the sound of that excuse me sir your daughter's here okay thank you totally forgot my daughter nicole is visiting the office today she should be around here somewhere oh yeah your daughter yeah my daughter nicole yeah you know what i'm gonna introduce it to you guys i'll be right back okay i'll be right back well that's nice right nicole is his daughter yeah that's what he said no no nicole it's his daughter yeah that's the girl dude what do i do he's gonna find out that i ditched worked going out with eric i told you you shouldn't have lied okay there's no way you're gonna get out of this okay there's just cover for me what no shut up okay they're gonna see you you'll have a big picture of yourself on the desktop move quickly okay just sit here and cover for me what did how did you do what i would do what are you just just hey arturo hello i wanted to introduce you to my daughter nicole nicole arturo it's so nice to meet you likewise hey what happened to jacob he um he went to the restroom you know i i think he's still having a little bit of a hard time oh oh poor guy i feel so bad for him wait a minute is he gonna be okay for the presentation tomorrow ah i'm sure he will be fine oh man that's a really hey sweetie you remember that amazing presentation i was telling you about the one that's going to help us lay in that really big contract yeah yeah meet one half of the dynamic dude right here arturo and jacob masterminded the entire thing i mean it is brilliant hey do you mind if she takes a look at the drawings yeah like yeah of course just yeah oh no i'm sorry i meant the digital copy yeah nicole's learning autocad at school so yeah i just wanted her to come in and learn from the professionals on the computer you know yeah we can use next computer why not um a password protected you know it's his computer and it's not right so let's just we can go to my office yeah i have i know it's password protected um i password protected it passwords one two three four come on now come on move arturo yeah move okay now all all right what's going on with people today i mean everybody's losing that jeez and who puts a picture of themselves as their desktop are you serious who does that this guy sweetie come around here no listen let's let's not do that no why not arturo what has gotten into you look i i i made a i made a really a real a really bad mistake this guy he's a perfectionist i told you he made a mistake and he doesn't want you to see it i'm sure your mistake is still amazing sweetie come around here let me show you this guy's genius what happened what happened here you're three o'clock just got here okay okay thanks um i will introduce you to some more people downstairs um arturo thanks for letting us try to take a look at that um if you talk to jacob tell him i hope he feels better okay anyway i'm sorry it's nice meeting you all right yeah what's going on you make me happy honestly i mean that you look absolutely beautiful i honestly really do yeah mercy that's italian right yes [Laughter] it's just crazy to think that we've only known each other for a few weeks i feel like i've known you my entire life yeah no you are telling me i cannot stop talking about you to everyone that i know [Music] oh that's so cute look how they're holding hands oh hey they're probably celebrating their grandkids 7th birthday we'll still be holding hands like that when we're that old oh yeah you think we're gonna last that long oh i don't think so i know so actually there's something i want to talk to you about tonight really yeah well there's something i also would like to talk to you about oh i put you first no no no i am a gentleman ladies first um okay uh i know that we haven't known each other that long but i was thinking i really want you to meet my dad oh your dad oh do you not want to meet my family no no no it's not that it's just uh i've just never had someone want to introduce me to their dad before that's all there's no need to be nervous okay my dad is super chill trust me there's nothing to worry about you know what yeah you're right actually i think that's a great idea i cannot wait to meet your dad one day oh um i meant today today yeah i i actually invited him to dinner with us tonight i hope that you don't mind that i oh there he is now dad oh uh oh ah you know actually i gotta use the restroom real fast i'll be right back thank you so much for coming sweetie i'm so excited for you to meet jake uh he just ran to the restroom oh really okay have you guys ordered yet oh not yet but we're about to okay thank you so much okay yes okay that's right [Music] hmm jacob jacob hey buddy what are you doing here oh uh i i was actually just just getting dinner with a friend yeah but i was just about to leave i'm not really doing too well to be honest i'm i'm trying to be strong but it's hard i'm sorry buddy i understand yeah yeah it's okay i enjoy your dinner oh oh hey i forgot to mention my daughter nicole was at the office today i wanted to introduce you to but you were gone somewhere hey she's at her table come on meet her oh shucks you know i i really shouldn't i i'll catch her another time though oh i will hear no such thing it'll just take a second come on i really want you to meet her come on plus i want to talk to you about the thing you said at the office that was funny you're a funny guy [Laughter] that is a good one jake good good wasn't a joke hey sweetie sweetie this is the guy who i wanted to introduce you to at the office today nicole this is jacob why wait you two work together yeah what you two know each other yeah dad jake's the guy i want to introduce you to he's the guy that i'm dating jacob yes are you dating my daughter i love this guy right here thanks i mean i'm still so shocked i mean what are the odds right yeah i know crazy right you know i have got to admit this this is a relief because i was a little nervous about the kind of guy that i was going to meet here tonight because my daughter i love her i do but her track record with guys not the best dad what i mean am i lying where's the lie look for instance the last guy that she dated turned out to be a pathological liar no yeah no he believed that no no he wasn't okay maybe he was maybe all right all right he was he was yeah he was and i'm just glad he's out of your life sweetheart because if it's one thing that i cannot stand is a liar um yeah right honey yeah my daddy's a big teddy bear i am not yes you are don't deny it but if someone lies to him you do not want to see that side really yeah and luckily you never have to worry about hearing from her ex ever again yeah and and this you don't have to ever worry about that with jake because this guy right here he's a stand he is a stand-up guy right and i can tell i can totally tell it hasn't been long but we've pretty much been inseparable since we met i even said that to jake yesterday at lunch yesterday you guys went to lunch yesterday oh oh was that before you found out about this yeah that wasn't that was before okay yeah yeah well i'm glad you were there to come for him in his time of need sweetheart yeah comfort him yeah about his grandma passing no i didn't remember i told you there was something i want to talk about yeah you know oh no i am so sorry for some reason i thought you were going to tell me some some good news i would have never known that it was gonna be something bad yeah well we weren't all that close as i didn't get to see her that often she lived in texas texas i thought you said florida but yeah texas and florida she had two houses huh i see oh but wait you know i just find it odd that for as often as you two talk that you didn't tell dad it's understandable i'm sure he's going through a lot right now yeah no it it i do tend to suppress my emotions if i'm being honest and it's really hard for me to talk about certain things like that okay okay yeah yeah i get it i mean same way with me you know i mean i can count on one hand the number of times i've cried and i'm talking about in my entire life so please what you cry all the time i do not when was the last time you saw me cry um like every other doorman video i do not cry every other darn man you do come on okay okay look those videos really get to me i mean especially that part when they say so you see i mean it's just water works every single time i'm sorry admit it oh but the important thing is you're doing better son you're doing better thanks pop [Music] uh you know what don't get me wrong though all i can do is think about how much i wish my grandma was here right now yeah jakey jakey grandma grandma i sent you a few texts saying i was celebrating my 70th and you said you were out of town ah uh yeah i i meant to uh you lied to me no no i would never do that nima so your grandma's alive i sure hope so so you made this whole thing up uh no no i didn't um this is actually my other grandma oh oh your other grandma you said your other grandma died last month just how many grandmas do you have jacob it's very smelly past how is that possible i just spoke with her a few hours ago you are a real piece of work you know that excuse me ma'am i'm jake's boss he told me that you were dead because he wanted to get out of work you said what no i i didn't i meant uh uh you know what i think i've heard everything i need to hear and i'm not gonna deal with another liar okay we're finished no no no no no no no please don't you try to contact my daughter again come on sweetie hey no no please nicole baby baby no please please no boss i needed that job i thought i was getting the promotion just wait until your mother finds out about this oh no i'm so disappointed in you oh hold me up lima please me well please please don't tell my mommy please you a happy birthday happy birthday to you come on everyone happy birthday okay everybody you're not going to believe this she signed yes yes buddy yeah she was absolutely blown away by arturo's presentation [Applause] so i've decided to promote him the vp of sales yeah congratulations buddy yeah yeah hey now let me show you to your new office huh yeah let's go oh well looks like you're taking over my old office pretty fast huh oh no he's not getting your old office he's getting so much nicer assistant and everything wait seriously yeah let me show you come on thank you oh by the way i'm having dinner with my daughter tonight you should come yeah kind of be like a celebratory kind of thing i would love that all right yeah hey you know she's newly single too right oh yeah oh this week couldn't possibly get any worse [Laughter] okay what are you looking at so it's all the old rich people that live here yep all old people with a lot of money crazy right they have all this cash and nothing to do with them what a waste they should just give it to me and then i can buy that brand new course if i'm wanting yeah that'd be nice oh you've got mrs hoover she's older and can't speak but don't let that fool you she's still really smart how smart can an old mute lady be [Applause] oh hello dorothy i'm chad your new caretaker i got you some groceries huh okay i guess i will put them in the fridge [Music] you're all set mrs hoover is there anything else i can do for you okay i won't disturb you anymore have a great day oh it's just you you scared me for a second how'd you go with mrs hoover well don't tell anyone but she's actually my new favorite senior look at all this cash i just took from her chad that's stealing what if she finds out she won't find out she's so old she'll probably just forget about it and if she does find out she can't tell anyone it's literally perfect look i don't know man my grandma always said what happens in the dark always comes to light so we should give it back right now no offense to but your grandma said come on besides it's like you said they have all this money and nothing to do with it at least i'm putting it to good use check hey dorothy hope you've been well this package came in for you where would you like it you know what i'll just put it in your room [Music] huh you had a teddy bear come in so i put it on your bed anything else i can do for you mrs hoover all right then i'll get out of your way you know dorothy i have a feeling that you and i are going to have a great relationship together have a fantastic day i thought you were the boss hey check out this new gold chain i got courtesy of mrs hoover what chad i can't believe you stole from her again look you should just give it back right now oh no it's mine now hey i want you to check out this new porsche see i'm thinking if you and i work together we could have matching dream cars by the end of summer are you crazy absolutely not look it's bad enough you're stealing from mrs hoover i can't believe you want to steal from other people too i want to i already am look at how much i've made in the last two days alone what chad i already told you what happens in the dark always comes to life please just save me the lecture you are like a broken record man thank you now what's in your box a teddy hey you boys know about movie night happening in a few hours um uh now what's it for i don't know mrs hoover set it up all the seniors will be attending can one of you work it wait everyone will be there as in no one will be in their houses um no i guess not why oh dennis can work it um i'd love to but unfortunately i'm busy tonight um yeah sure thanks dennis oh someone ordered those private resident would you mind delivering them to everyone i i can actually do that you know it's the least i can do since i can't work the movie tonight thanks dude this is perfect i'll use the dumb bears as an excuse to scope out each person's apartment and then i can find out where they keep all their valuables no chad that's not right come on stop being such a scaredy cat all you have to do is keep them busy during the movie well i go rob these geezers flying no way absolutely not i'm not getting involved in this you don't have a choice because if i get caught i'll just lie and tell them that you're in on it with me so let's go treasure hunting i don't know man this thing really creeps me out oh hello mrs hoover all right everybody this last one the movie mrs hoover brought is about to start please have a seat so i found out where they're keeping while they're catching jewels you make sure they just keep watching the movie i'm gonna go take it off no no no chad please it's not worth it look we can get our cars the hottest way let's just keep working hard and eventually you'll become managers like hugo i'm not very good at this oh oh for what so we can pick up trash up off the floor yeah right man give me a break i'd rather make money the easy way check wait hello sir all the teddy bears are in their residences this one was actually an extra anyways i i would love to stay but my grandma's sick and i take care of her after work wow that's very nice of you chad hey you're such a good guy i mean what can i say i guess taking care of seniors is in my blood anyways i'll see you tomorrow hello everyone we're going to go ahead and play a movie courtesy of mrs hoover turn up the volume i can't hear anything i'm sorry looks like the tv isn't turning on man what is this the batteries must be dead um sorry guys let me just go try to find some new batteries i'll be right back so what's going on [Music] they're starting to get impatient i know sorry about that there i don't understand is that dorothy's apartment what is this dorothy is this what i think it is chad stole your gold chain how did you get this video eyes what about the eyes oh a video camera inside the bear's eyes hey that's my apartment and my watch is this life i can't believe this i thought you said you had to help your grandma uh boss i do i mean i i did you you see it's just save it i know you've been stealing we got it all on tape i'm calling the police no no no no please please stop stop stop okay it wasn't my idea all right it was dennis's what he's the one that made me do this come with me you stole from us give it back i saw you take my watch i'm really sorry about this everyone but you're all going to get your stuff back this [Music] and whatever else was stolen i promise and i'm gonna see to it that we press full charges against chad yeah good and dennis what for what they did what what me but i didn't do anything now stop lying no this this was all your idea if you didn't want that stupid porsche i never would have gotten into this mess what no this all happened because you wanted it he was the real reason no no you know that's not how it went okay they're over here both of them have been stealing we have it all on tape please arrest them sir made me do it look look i'm innocent i had nothing to do with this no you're a liar he's the one that put me up to you please stand back this man's a criminal dorothy dennis was involved in stealing your things chad told me the entire idea was his oh come on stop being such a scaredy cat man all you have to do is keep them busy during the movie well i go rob these geezers blind absolutely not i'm not getting involved in this you don't have a choice because if i get caught i'll just tell them that you're the one that put me up to it see i had nothing to do with this i even tried to stop him wow you really are a piece of work chad i can't believe you even try to blame dennis you should really know that what happens in the dark always comes to light take them away come on please take those off of them sure no no no please please you can't do this to me please i said i'd give it all back i'm very sorry for the misunderstanding thanks for helping us get the real guy no problem but i really had nothing to do with this it was all mrs hoover she's the real hero you know i could really use a guy like you in upper management what do you say what really oh my god thank you so much you have no idea what this means to me no thank you for being so honest [Applause] this is so gross chad dennis oh my gosh is that your car yeah after you got fired they made me manager so i just picked her up last week [Applause] that should be mine if mrs hoover didn't catch me on tape i tried to tell you the elderly are smarter than they may seem yeah you're right about that well anyways man you deserve it congrats hey look i know how bad you wanted one um wanna hop in and go for a ride really i would love to i'm supposed to stay and finish picking up all this trash but they'll never find out [Music] actually if i've learned anything it's that what happens in the dark always comes to light so i should probably stay and finish my shift sounds like some good advice proud of you man [Music] thanks i guess i've actually learned my lesson [Music] see you at the top one day so you see your honor it's without question that this defender did these crimes no that's impossible i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game he's lying you can tell by looking at him order defendant do you have any proof of your alibi uh uh no we don't have any proof your honor okay well if there's no evidence to corroborate robert's story the court finds the defendant robert williams guilty on all six counts of assault with a deadly weapon wait what what no no no no please he's not my baby boy he didn't do it i know he did it your honor please you have to believe me i'm innocent i put that on my life you know i didn't do this you know it order mr williams that's enough not another word we'll reconvene tomorrow for sentencing teddy no please don't go everything's gonna be okay sweetie i promise daddy loves you so much hey bus what if he's telling the truth what if we got the wrong guy well you don't think i know what i'm doing no no i'm not saying that i'm just wondering if maybe we shouldn't take another look at the facts i just want a case who cares whether he did it or not all that's important is i'm one step closer to a promotion and besides people like him they're all the same just a bunch of criminals please sir please it's never too late to do the right thing i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game [Music] yeah well i can see my headlines now d.a graham gives lowlife criminal life in prison keep up the great work he's innocent he's innocent can you give us a minute yeah what are you talking about he wasn't in philly when it happened his story checks out look i have his credit card statements right here he was making purchases in los angeles while the crime was happening okay so well so if he was in los angeles when the crime was happening in philadelphia then it couldn't have been him we have to get these to the defense right away have you lost your mind i mean uh maybe somebody stole his card maybe he gave it to him i can think of a thousand reasons but sir that's enough the case is over you hear me now what i would suggest that you do walk the line so you can get ahead [Music] i have proof what is it now i contacted a local convenience store and i found a photo of him he bought a hot dog just before the game it's not possible take a look he couldn't have committed a crime in philly if he was buying a hot dog in l.a that'd never look like him it's him i had facial recognition confirm it has anyone else seen this no why good let's keep it that way i don't want you humiliating us or risking this case because you got some pictures that don't even look like the guy but sir quiet you want to lose your job i don't want to hear one more word about this case you're not gonna believe this i have video evidence what are you talking about well a reporter was giving an interview outside of the game okay so so guess who walks by there that's robert he just walked through the background of the video i i can't believe this this proves his innocence we have to tell the judge all arise have a seat we have to tell the judge you don't have to tell a soul is everything okay mr graham anything you want to share know your honor very well mr williams these charges against you are not minor crimes federal statute requires a 25-year mandatory minimum sentence no please your honor i'm telling you i didn't do it you've already been found guilty so unless the people have anything else this court hereby sentences a defendant robert williams to 25 years in a federal prison without the possibility [Music] wait excuse me hey i'm sorry your honor he didn't do it may i approach the bench you may your honor there is no way that mr williams committed those crimes you see i have here a credit card statement showing purchases made by the defendant with his credit card in los angeles on the same day that the crime took place in philadelphia and i also have a photo of the defendant in a convenience store here in los angeles buying a hot dog just mere moments before the crime took place and i have a video as well your honor that shows the defendant at dodger stadium at the exact time and date that the crime was taking place in philadelphia over 2 000 miles away so you see your honor robert williams could not have committed those crimes he was telling the truth all along is uh is all this true mr graham uh well uh why didn't you say anything because he was more interested in his promotion than he was in saving an innocent man from jail i presented him with all of this evidence your honor and yet he ignored it well what'd you expect huh okay so maybe he didn't do this crime but i'm sure he's done dozens of others look at him he's clearly a criminal your honor order i've heard all i've needed to hear mr williams the charges against you have been dropped you're free to go bailiff uncuff him immediately [Music] and you mr graham constructing justice and tampering with evidence is a very serious crime your honor i'm going to see to it that not only do you never practice law again but that we send the right man to jail this time you bailiff arrested no no this can't be happening this case is dismissed [Applause] i love you so much i told you everything was gonna be okay oh why did you help us well because a wise woman once told me it's never too late to do the right thing [Music] everybody listen up listen up so as you may have heard i'm adding a new dish to the menu but i'm not gonna create it one of you are all right and not only will the best dish win it's gonna be permanently featured on our brand new menu so here you guys go [Applause] there you go piece of cake i imagine getting one of your dishes on our menu i know that would be so cool yeah i wouldn't get too excited i mean come on everybody knows i'm the best cook here all right back to work everybody excuse me chef yeah do you think i get one of those two you oh yeah he's just a janitor he can't enter you should focus on taking out the trash i mean i've got no problem with him entering besides as the best cook here you got nothing to worry about right josh i i don't i mean i i was just saying okay then it's settled good luck thank you so much back to work guys thanks yeah of course yeah i uh wouldn't get too excited about this why don't you leave the cooking to the real professionals okay don't be a good boy and take that out thanks so [Music] something's not right hey pedro come over here would you try this for me yeah sure what do you think more salt ah it's not the salt mmm try adding a bit of cornstarch thicken it up and a splash of lemon juice okay you did it that's very good well done thank you anytime paul oh i gotta take this hey uh pedro would you mind finishing this up for me uh i don't think i'm supposed to be the best hey what are you doing uh i'm sorry uh paul had to step out to get a quick phone call so i just you know just trying to you're just a janitor pedro you're supposed to be cleaning not cooking i know i'm sorry you're right i was just trying to help thank goodness i caught you before you ruined this that doesn't need any more salt now you're telling me how to cook you a janitor [Laughter] you'll never be a cook pedro now go finish mopping the floor okay oh it smells disgusting yo hey dro wait up i got something for you what is it this can be a good boy and throw that out would you [Laughter] what's that don't tell me you're still thinking about cooking well i don't think it would hurt to try you know look i'm all for dreaming big but let's get real here it's not gonna happen pedro just stick to being a janitor okay [Laughter] [Music] ah maybe he's right i don't know what i was thinking hey thanks for covering for me earlier yeah sure what are you doing with that you're not gonna enter the competition no there's no use josh is right i'll ever be the janitor hey don't listen to him he doesn't get to say what you've become in life okay only you do yeah it's easy for you to say you know you're a cook you think i've always been a cook look at this you yeah a janitor yeah just before i got this job and if there's anything that i've learned in life is that you can be anything you put your mind to the only person you have to believe in is yourself [Music] wow [Music] i guess i never really thought about it like that you got this thanks [Music] more salt hey where is everyone am i too late i made sliders um everyone's in the restaurant the chef's picking the winner right now thanks wait let me try one of these right only cooks are allowed in there but don't worry about it i'll take this in there for you you will wow thanks but how will they know which was mine uh here i'll i'll write your name on it there you go thanks so much for helping me i really appreciate it [Music] okay everybody the moment we have all been waiting for let's get this thing started shall we first up is paul and his lamb kebabs those are full of flavor paul good job next up we have gin succulent sushi hmm those are perfectly prepared great job jen thank you chef well you guys are making it hard to choose all right oh meatballs i've been thinking about adding meatballs to the menu oh god that is way too salty oh those are terrible who made those things pedro the janitor exactly i told him to focus on taking out the trash wow okay lastly we got sliders hmm these are these are amazing these are the best sliders that i've ever had who made these i did sir thank you well it's not even a debate the winner and the dish that is to be featured on our new menu is pedro thank you thank you i don't know how i wait wait wait pedro but i understand you said his meatballs were horrible you mean your meatballs i know pedro made those sliders you see i've been noticing that a lot of our food has been tasting better lately and yesterday i realized it's because we have a secret person that's been helping everyone around the kitchen pedro and earlier today when pedro walked in with the plate he prepared i saw you tell him that he wasn't allowed to be in the restaurant and took his dish from him [Music] and then a few minutes ago when you thought no one was watching i saw you switch your name with pedros to make it seem like you made those ladders and pedro made the meatballs so you see the real winner of the contest is none other than pedro pedro congratulations i won you won i can't believe this thank you you're very welcome oh and one thing that i forgot to mention is that not only does the winner get their dish featured in our new menu they're going to be our new head chef because i am opening a second restaurant congratulations pedro wow really me the head chef mm-hmm my god this is gonna change my life thank you so much how can you do this this can't be happening i wanted to be head chef how can you give it to some janitor he's not some janitor actually he's your new boss thank you so much you can't be serious hey josh do me a favor can you take out the trash and hurry back the floor isn't gonna mop itself okay whatever thank you so much congrats i'm so proud of you wow from janitor to head chef that's incredible thanks how'd you do it especially since so many people didn't believe in you well a wise person once taught me the only person that you need to believe in you is yourself way to go man it's the worst day of my life layla look i thought a stray dog how do you know that she's a stray do you still call her because i don't what is that dog doing here you can't do that sweetheart she probably belongs it's the same dog no queen is my dog now finders keepers
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,528,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: bF3DFZXocx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 16sec (3796 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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