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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we don't have time for any of these little reindeer games we have a deadline to meet started it oh this is terrible we have never been this far behind schedule before if we don't wrap all these presents in time oh assistant there you are I've been looking all over for you I wanted to show you my latest invention the Holly Jolly gift wrapper 2000 designed to wrap a present in seconds I mean it will save us so much time can I give you a demo hmm I prefer you keep your inventions away from the workshop do you remember Christmas 2019 you almost slipped the entire place on fire with your automoto Hutch chocolate dispenser yes but the key word is almost I mean this thing should work just fine but just watch no I said uh oh foreign let me see here Rufus that's enough stop oh see see okay here we go it's working now [Music] stop will you shut that thing off sorry I guess I still gotta work out a few of the Kings um let me make a few adjustments and I'll be right back uh ah oh is everything okay dear no it's already bad enough that we're so far behind and then Rufus has to come in here and make it worse bye golly I can't stand that elf oh honey you just need to be a little bit nicer to him why should I all he ever does is mess things up when everybody is decking the halls he's wrecking the Halls he's got to be my worst worker huh wish there was a way I could get rid of them say Nicholas that is no way to talk about our elves each one of them is like family to us and Rufus means well he just he just wants to help ah we're better off without him oh stop I know you would miss him and you know how the saying goes you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone whoever came up with that never met Rufus anyway I have to get back to finishing these letters so we can finalize the list I'll be in my office but I thought we were doing dinner in a Christmas movie tonight you promised I'm sorry honey I can't I don't have any time I'm barely uh does anyone know where we keep the first aid kit extremely gone bad down here foreign [Music] oh my gosh you should have seen your face quit messing around Noah it's not funny ow watch it you know it's my bad ankle not my fault you deserved it get more dolls oh I didn't know they had Pokemon cards here we're here for a reason not so you can get more pointless things now hurry up Mom's waiting in the parking lot oh it's mine okay how can I help you have some EPA dolls on layaway and we wanted to pay off the balance should be under Sophie Peterson oh all right well with that it looks like your balance is 362.57 what what she owe you 150 oh well kid things have gone up since the last time you were here I mean toys cars gas everything's gone up but we don't have the money and you can't just raise the prices on us we had a deal we want to talk to the owner okay kid I am the owner and if you cannot afford it it is not my problem see I will just put the stuff back out on the floor and I will sell it to somebody who can afford it the toys aren't even for us I don't care who they're for I'm the owner I set the prices if you're gonna be rude about it we'll go buy our toys at a different store give us our money back four days before Christmas good luck with that I'll tell you what how about you cough up the dough that you owe me by Saturday morning when your layaway expires or else you will forfeit your deposit now if you will excuse me please I actually have some paying customers that I would like to attend to bye bye how can I help you let's count it down five four three two one this is amazing evening I wonder you always win the contest three years in a row sooner before oh hey there's Jasmine you know you could just go over there are you kidding I can't be seen fraternizing with the Enemy Jasmine don't you think you've been a little dramatic don't guess like me Shane he's always trying to one-up me when I bought my used BMW she had to get a brand new Porsche and when we went to Hawaii two weeks later she was in Bora Bora coincidence please you know what you just you're a man you don't get it here thanks so what do you think oh hi Eden hi what do I think about what I don't like Christmas lights silly oh oh that uh there are no nice okay [Music] oh look is that a Christmas tree or a houseplant tree I couldn't tell it's so small well I guess I'll get back to decorating since my house is just nice yeah good idea see you later bye okay [Music] leave it we're returning it I've decided we're entering the Christmas decorations contest this year we'll need a bigger tree is that a good idea decorations are expensive and we still haven't gotten gwynsville I'll figure it out Shane all I know is I'm not letting Eden outshine me any more no matter what [Music] look slow down are you trying to get us killed okay you sound like my dad I'm driving this all the time why did you turn the music off oh my gosh that might be Amy Maddie get my bag are you sure you should be texting while you're driving Jess okay both of you just have to chill out careful oh my gosh Brooke I'm so sorry let me clean it up no don't worry about it it's from last season my mom told me that she was gonna get me the new Chanel iridescent boy bag anyway for my birthday oh oh my gosh Amy locked in our ski passes for this weekend is it so cool if we stay in your parents tea Chalet in Aspen yeah of course it's ours when we want it but when we don't take it my parents put up an Airbnb it's the perfect setup a vacation house that pays for itself I'll let Amy know that we're in [Music] Brook sweetheart are you okay are you hurt no I'm fine Mom and Maddie and Jess are fine too it's really not that big of a deal it was just a little fender bender it doesn't look so little to me well it's not my fault that people don't know how to drive these days I was literally minding my own business and then the guy in front of me just slammed on his brakes for no reason oh my gosh what in the world was he thinking good see you again Mr Adams Mrs Adams so I do have some good news and some bad news well why don't you give me the good news first because I don't think I can take any more bad today good news is it's all fixable snow frame damage should be all done within a week or so bad news is your insurance is going to go up because she did slam into somebody who was waiting in a red light oh you what you lied to us were you on your phone again texting and not paying attention no no it wasn't I swear [Music] this is an estimate for the repairs oh this is ridiculous our insurance is going to shoot through the roof you you could pay up front if you'd like I'll be in my office give you guys a minute to discuss it amongst yourselves you know I don't even get why you're so mad this isn't even the car that I wanted for my sweet 16. because it's a lot of money how exactly do you expect us to pay for this I don't know um a credit card money doesn't grow on trees Brooke well technically no that is enough I did not build a real estate Empire so that my daughter could spend a fortune on clothes and cars until you can learn the value of money you are not going to Aspen with your friends and you can forget about that new Chanel bag what no that's not fair mom you know how bad I want that bad and Dad we've had that trip planned for weeks what are you guys expect me to do just stay home while everyone else has fun without me no of course not no you are going to come to Uncle John's farm with us this weekend the farm no that place is absolutely repulsive I hate it there no that is a great idea besides it'll give you a chance to catch up with your cousin Jenna you haven't seen her in ages okay well there's literally nothing to do there it's in the middle of nowhere I'd rather just stay home you don't have a choice foreign don't worry about all that fancy stuff because where we're going you won't need any [Music] Dear Santa All I Want For Christmas is the PlayStation 5. thank you Ali yeah you and every other kid it's been sold out forever even to Santa sorry Ali you get socks huh Dear Santa this year I would really like the iPhone 14 and new gaming PC this generation when I was their age I would have been happy with Pez candy and bubble gum socks for you too [Music] Dear Santa this year I would really like to have a a sibling my parents really want another kid and this would make our family happy hmm this is interesting Rufus not now I have to focus on my letters that's why I came introducing my latest prototype the Xmas better letter organizer it's designed to read letters and automatically fill out your Christmas list without you having to check it twice oh no no more of your inventions I prefer to do things the old-fashioned way now if you'll excuse me I'm just trying to make your job less stressful if you were to incorporate some new tech into your routine we wouldn't be so behind every year oh well we wouldn't be behind if you had stayed out of the way and certainly less stressful now go okay but I'm sure Mrs Claus would appreciate if you could get your job done faster that way you could spend more time with her can I just do one quick demonstration please butter okay fine I'll make it quick oh sweet this is gonna work I know it oh I should mention I have a few ideas for when you deliver presents if you take me with you don't push your luck kid I'm already starting to regret letting you do this now hurry up so the cool thing about this new invention it can scan multiple letters at once for Speedy process and then wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh That was supposed to happen I well what what [Music] I use the Sugar by mistake oh Rufus I haven't read those letters yet oh oh God I'm gonna have to tape them back together this is gonna take forever I you have just set me back even more I'm sorry I didn't mean to I really am sorry look it was an accident an accident do you know what an accident is hiring you now get out go oh oh [Music] oh according my calculation we're gonna need to pick up 33 extra chores to come up with how much money we need we're never gonna be able to do that by Christmas it's not fair we worked at heiniza for weeks to get that money and now it's all ruined we paid for them those toys should be ours right now hmm hold on a sec if they're technically ours why don't we just take them are you crazy we can't do that that's stealing we can't steal what's ours yourself we paid for them yeah but it's still a bad decision it's like a chord I read once bad decisions with good intentions I think not so bad we can either take what's ours or show up empty-handed and let all of our work over the past couple weeks go to waste I hate it when you have a point okay but if we do this we have to think smart about it I'm not risking my future at Harvard I wouldn't expect anything less from you we'll need blueprints earpieces Mall employee schedules and a solid team [Music] are you serious do you want to do this or not whatever um didn't see you there how are you my lady blindness how many times do I have to tell you I'm not your lady I came to talk to you because we have a favor to ask you we have a situation with some toys at the mall which we really need to get our hands on and we think we can use your skills to help us Sophie knows I do anything for her but for you the kid who called me a wannabe David blade for the entire third grade and said that magic tricks were for geeks not in a million years [Music] ah sheesh I'm sorry is that what you want to hear Too Little Too Late fine what's your price I'm on eating with you guys at the cool kids table a week fine but in that case I also want your limited edition Pikachu illustrator card what no way no way 99. he'll give it to you are you kidding me I'm not giving away my most prize visit oh I give up are you happy now a pleasure doing business with you I look forward to attending my services Milady Linus I'm not your where did he go did he just disappear oh my gosh she's right there hey dude we can see you all right who's next what in the Cirque du soy is this exactly I appreciate you thinking of me but I don't know you're the only one that can help us please it's too risky the last time I got caught texting a boy my dad grounded me for a week imagine what he would do if I broke into a store I'm sorry guys but I gotta sit this one out good luck bye Noah ah back to the drawing board I'm not giving up that easily what Allison hold on I get where you're coming from and yes it's risky but with higher Stakes come higher rewards what do you mean rumor has it you have a crush on Noah and if you help us maybe I can help you wait how do you know does he know of course not he's a boy he barely even knows where his own nose is at I'm just saying I could put in a good word for you you would do that if you help us I do anything you want do we have a deal all right so let me get this straight you guys want me to use my computer hacking skills to replace the mall security cam live footage so you can bypass them and make off with a bunch of toys yeah and we're willing to give you anything you want if you help us the opportunity to disrupt the capitalist system and address corporate greed on a micro level [Music] when we start Bernard feet of the table [Music] Jasmine ta-da it's a display tree can you believe I talked them into letting me buy it how much did it cost doesn't it look like the Rockefeller Tree in New York Jasmine good thing we have high ceilings Jasmine how much oh it wasn't that bad it was 500 500 for a Christmas tree and ornaments I had to Shane and I can't wait to see Eden's face don't worry listen the winner of the contest gets one thousand dollars so as long as we win we'll be able to just wow was that our tree yeah it's great isn't it yeah it's huge I want to help decorate it I'll go get the Harry Potter ornaments from the garage hey honey no we're not using those this year I'm just gonna decorate this time okay but we always were together I know but just not this year I'm sorry but you can watch if you want hey look did you write your letter to Santa yet well you get some pen and paper and we're gonna get that started okay are we really gonna break our family tradition over some silly rivalry you haven't eaten it's not to do together but my tree has to be perfect all right let's get started we're going to hope you're on the nice list and not the naughty list so you can get what you want I'm always on the nice list are you dad I had my official call but I'm a nice list what about you Mom mom well where what definitely nice yes let's hope it stays that way okay then Jasmine nice onesie thanks she's come in okay oh hey Shane hmm oh smells good thanks I was just baking Christmas cookies I love doing that around the holidays you know so uh you said you needed to give me something yes yes I remembered I borrowed some sugar from you when we first moved in so I never gave it back here oh Jasmine that was like three years ago well better late than never right yeah okay so what do you know about what my Christmas tree you goofy goofball you yeah Christmas tree oh yeah it's um it's um nice [Music] oh is that a Michael Kors bag why no reason so thank you for the sugar and I will talk to you later okay [Music] and uh by the way I'll be joining you for the contest this year really yes oh well that's interesting but you know what it'll take more than just a nice tree to win but good luck really sugar I had to get her in here somehow did it work for you she didn't seem that impressed no oh trust me she's shaking in her boots but now we really gotta step our game up where are you but what about the cookies [Music] [Music] are they ready yet oh man they're burnt where's Mom she said she was making me cookies but I can't eat these can she make them again oh I'm sorry when Mom had to leave what if you're making some more later yeah [Music] ah hey Santa we're catching up a bit all we need is the updated list from your letters yeah well some of the letters got shredded and I had to tape them back together it's taking a lot of time oh no are we gonna make the deadline tomorrow's Christmas Eve I hope so in 1700 years I haven't missed a Christmas I need everyone everyone to focus honey for the Christmas party should we go with the green hats the Red Hats or a little of both the last thing I have time to think about right now is a party you could blame Rufus this is all his fault I told you we should have gotten rid of him oh you don't mean that you shouldn't be here Santa isn't happy with you get away from that we're already a max power you can blow a circuit that'll be fine just give him another chance and I can help you with those stop that right now I don't want you touching anything but Santa this is my Jingle Bell Rock Machine it's for the Christmas party it makes parties 10 times more fun I figure this will be a good way to make it up to you for what happened earlier hmm you want to make it up to me huh stay away from my workshop just let me show you this please no no I want you out I just want to show Christmas is you see it works [Music] oh boy that's not good uh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] yes I'm so sorry Santa I can fix this I just gotta figure out how maybe I can make like a something I don't I don't know I think you better go Rufus come on listen he was I don't want to listen he's done I want him gone from the North Pole for good I tried to tell you yeah you're right you did so when are you planning on doing this right now I have to figure out a way to save Christmas I don't want to talk about a party Rufus a dinner or anything else I just need Solutions on how we can get the presence out in time what if we delivered these presents tonight yeah and we'll and you'll have a head start hmm well it's not how we normally do things around here and it goes against centuries of tradition but it's the best plan we got listen up everyone let's get these gifts on the sleigh we're starting early this year [Applause] [Music] here we are see it's not as terrible as you said it was you're right it's way worse come on or please don't say that this Farm has been in our family for three generations as part of The Adams Family Legacy this is one weekend of your entire life it's not it's not gonna kill you it 'd stay in a hotel or something I mean I'm sure there's a St Regis around here oh Saint Regis out here well there's the Best Western a couple cities down but it's sold out we checked turns out it's becoming quite the popular trend for city folks to come out and experience the farm life why would anyone want to come out here I'm just saying the sooner we get back to civilization the better well if it isn't my favorite City Slickers it is so good to see you guys hugs oh wow uh I'm not getting any signal out here uh yeah service is pass you out in our neck of the woods you can use the home phone if you need to make a call a landline seriously no what's the Wi-Fi password unfortunately no Wi-fi either we got dial up dial up what the heck is dial up Brooke don't be so rude remember your cousin Jenna he broke gosh it's so good to see you again I was just about to bring the animals in you want to come say hi to them and help me uh no I'm gonna be inside but thank you so much I hope she's gonna be okay give her some time I reckon she'll love it out here she may not even want to leave oh it smells like cows in here it is disgusting I highly doubt that yeah come on what the [Music] hell be quiet foreign [Music] what's for breakfast everybody already ate seriously hope it was that rooster where's John and Jenna they're not working they get an early start around here there's a lot of work to do on the farm I don't get why they don't just hire people to do it for them I mean clearly they could use it this place looks like it could blow away in a gust of wind I would have been up sooner if it weren't for all that crowing at some ungodly hour yeah that's our rooster Pedro he didn't bother you did he no I love being woken up before it's laid out oh my gosh I'm starving who do I talk to and make me some eggs oh Brooke Uncle John and cousin Jenna don't have a chef like we do I can make you some before I head back out to finish punch you oh my gosh you're a lifesaver [Music] I like them sunny side up with just a dash of lemon pepper thank you lemon pepper still no service how does anyone live out here you can survive for one weekend I'll be back home tomorrow night can't come soon enough will you certainly know your way around the kitchen Jen well after what happened I picked up most of the cooking I've gotten pretty good at it if I may say so much well maybe you can teach Brooke a thing or two you know your mom would have been so proud of you know that hey Brooke as soon as you're finished eating it would be really nice if you returned the favor help Jen out with some of her work I can't I'm booked all day what I am I have to do my nails today and then I'm trying that new face mask and I have to make my playlist for the drive home you know actually I think I'm gonna get started on that now so Jenna when you're done with those eggs can you bring them to my room and remember sunny side up with just a pinch of lemon pepper okay Brooke Jenna is not your servant I never said she is Jenna you wouldn't mind right um great and please don't overcook the eggs I like them just a little bit runny thanks hey sweetheart after you're done you mind helping me out back tractor's acting up again of course not dad you're such a sweetheart Jen you're always so helpful yeah I wish some of that would rub off on Brooke I regret spoiling her so much leave her here a while there's plenty of extra space sure she'd learn a thing or two there's nothing more humbling than cleaning horse manure [Music] actually you know that really isn't a bad idea [Music] gentlemen I've gathered you all here for one purpose to pull a heist at the toy box you have all been hand selected for your various skill sets Linus for his magic Alison for her flexibility and Bernard for his I'd rather you not say my skill set out loud government might be listening before we move on with this how exactly are we supposed to pull this off I mean this isn't like stealing pizza from the school cafeteria what our business Linus is right this is a real store with real security what is the plan I'm glad you asked you see the next delivery the store gets will be tomorrow Christmas Eve [Music] when the driver puts down the packages no Allison and I will sneak over and put Allison inside a shipping box foreign [Music] person will take the box and drop it off inside the storage area [Music] once Allison's inside and the guy leaves [Music] she'll break out of the box and head to the store as this is happening a coral pulled with Bernard from there he'll connect to the network and knock out their surveillance using his hacking skills wait I'm fused husband are gonna knock over a monitor with computer code not literally he's gonna replace a live feed with the dummy feed huh I Got Loaded resource resources here try to keep up moving on the general will make his final move of the night this is where Linus comes in [Music] hmm hey hey how'd you like to see a magic trick okay yeah show me all right nothing how did you do that that's crazy he'll perform magic trick for the janitor taking his keys in the process solid trick see ya see ya while this is all happening Allison will be making her way through the store towards the toy section the only problem is there's a state of our alarm system with a series of laser Fields making it nearly impossible to overcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] this piece of the plan requires practice patience and most importantly precision once she's through the laser field she'll disarm the system and voila from there the toys will be ours for the taking we walk out with the goods and have the best Christmas ever foreign that's our plan any questions [Music] it all sounds doable but I think you've overlooked one small teeny tiny detail are we just gonna walk home with duffel bags full of toys sure Noah what's up got your tits right on time everybody meets Steve our cousin what's going on hold up why are you all looking at me like that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay I'm not helping you with whatever Ocean's 11 style Heist you guys have going on dude come on stop being such a scaredy cat no no okay you're not dragging me into one of your little schemes and that's final that's fine I guess I'll just go ahead and tell your mom well you really were when you were supposed to be babysitting me Noah last month I'm sure she'd be surprised to know that instead of watching a movie with us he's not going to go see a girl you want it oh dear cousin Steve do I look like a person you underestimate if I do this this is the last time you get to use that [Music] all right yes I'd also like three inflatable snowmen six reindeer and do you have any large inflatable Christmas trees um let me check luckily your mom was able to watch Glenn how'd you forget your credit card oh I didn't I was just worried I'd go over so I wanted the other car too just in case thanks you're seriously going to put us in debt over decorations no please don't tell me you're buying all of this have you seen Eden's house I can't let her outdo me this costs 100 bucks we can't afford all this in you still have the bike man's presence look I'm going to return this stuff after we win okay the contest is tomorrow Christmas Eve is the day after we'll still have time to use the prize money to get Glenn whatever he asked Santa for I've got this all figured out so we're not going to have any decorations up for Christmas this all this is just for the competition Glenn's not very happy you know you promised him you'd make him some cookies then you forgot about them and let them burn that's like you were just doing the same price eating all right cookies aren't important right now this competition is he'll be all right Christmas isn't about competition it's about spending time with the people you love this whole thing you haven't eaten let's make you forget about what matters most good news we have the Snowman and the giant inflatable Christmas tree that you wanted just not the reindeer oh but everything is up front for you waiting okay great anything else you need I'm good thanks all right all right no I'm sorry on second thought can you give me another cart sure thanks hey sweetheart is it okay if I go mom can you just give us another hour or so that's what you said two hours ago remember I have Bingo and I don't want to be late it's fine we need a break anyway thank you so much bingo Can Wait what's the big deal if you just missed this one time because it only happens once a month all right and tonight there's a live band playing and not go go it's fine just put the Grinch on for Glenn that should keep him busy for a while and tell them we'll be in there to watch it with him soon [Music] what are you coming inside soon honey we're almost done that's what you've been saying go put another movie on okay we'll be there in a minute I've already watched the Grinch and the elf I'm tired of watching movies and I'm hungry okay you want a pizza you can order you a pizza go on this is getting down here we've been here all day let's just take a break and come back no I can't stop now there's so much left to do still and the judges will be here tomorrow is this competition really more important than feeding our son I am so starving let's just go inside and eat please you go on ahead I'm gonna keep working come on come on let's go get some meat what are you hungry for hmm cheeseburger oh I was thinking pizza but cheeseburger sound good too [Music] I just have to finish packing and then I'll be ready um that's what your dad and I came to speak to you about we've been discussing this and we think that it would be best if you stayed here through the end of winter break good one we're serious it'd be good for you to experience life on the farm plus your uncle John he's been looking for a couple of extra Helping Hands around here yeah right there's no service no Wi-Fi and no Mall it's basically a prison you guys just can't abandon me here okay look Brooke if you really want to follow in my footsteps then you have to learn the value of hard work and believe me there is no better place for that than here think of it as a working vacation you'll get to be around all the animals and you'll get to hang out with Jenna uh no absolutely not I'm not staying here I refuse this is not up for discussion we'll be back in a couple weeks on Christmas we should go if we're gonna avoid traffic you guys aren't funny I'm not falling for it foreign you're the worst parents in the world oh I guess they broke the news I'd rest up we have a lot of work ahead of us we'll start tomorrow what are you talking about I'm not doing any work sorry broke parents orders they said they're not picking you up if you don't listen foreign [Music] [Music] rise and shine sleepyhead pick me up in a couple hours no can do we're already behind schedule foreign get up brush your teeth let's go oh [Music] hi gorgeous good morning all right I am going to feed and turn out the horses if you want to get started mucking up salt what am I supposed to do with that can you clean up the soil shaving you use the shovel to pick up the poop and put it in the bucket the what now you'll be fine are you sure you don't want to change I have some overalls and extra work boots and no I walk around Rome on Cobblestone roads in these heels all the time I think I can handle this okay suit yourself come on baby foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] we don't care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Rufus what are you doing here came to help I wanted to make up for Rolling in the presents back at the North Pole so I snuck into your sack you don't know how to help you you just make things go from bad to worse no and I'm sorry I've never meant to mess things up I'll just stay out of your way when we get back to the North Pole but at least let me help you now absolutely not I don't even want you in the North Pole oh no I was going to tell you when we got back where am I supposed to go it's not Santa oh hello I mean oh Merry almost Christmas honey call the cops no no it's me Saint Nicholas you can see my reindeer outside wow really is you but what are you doing here a day early oh well the North Pole gets busier and busier every year so I thought I'd get a head start did you get what I asked for of course I did oh let's see yeah oh you're the one that asked for a sibling that was a very sweet letter but I think you're going to have to ask your parents to get you that one it's just a little well let's just say out of Santa's specialty we've been trying for another kid for a while but the doctors say that it's unlikely that I'll get pregnant again he really wants a little brother we don't know how I wish I could help but actually I've got a horrible idea what were you thinking uh I thought it was brilliant I got rid of Rufus they got a son two partridges one stone you could have waited until after Christmas poor kid just imagine how heartbroken he must feel to be honest I'm more worried about the family's well-being that Rufus he has a lot to handle oh chocolate chip mm-hmm come on you know how much I love cookies I haven't had a single one yet and you don't deserve to have any not after which you just did okay fine maybe you can have one after we've eaten breakfast well I don't have time for breakfast I've got to get to work I am so stressed there is just so much left to do I don't know if I get the presents out in time don't you walk away from me we have more to talk about there's nothing left to discuss foreign put your earpieces in so if anything goes wrong just click the side and talk and as long as we all follow the plan we'll be out of here in no time we're at [Music] and go oh uh are you kidding me you didn't check to see if we had enough tape before we came here hey don't blame me you're actually some bajillion times me you're the one who Skies to marry this up we only have like 60 seconds before the delivery guy comes back no way we have like 30 seconds what what do we do now it worked come on we gotta move remember when you practiced and you'll be fine [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] done wait you mean that looks like really easy yeah what'd you think I was an amateur Allison you're clear on this end Jack is out of the box I repeat Jack is out of the box copy that check in and out uh over and out the janitor will be making his final stop in T minus three minutes are you ready I won't let you down Milady what did I never mind just go great our hopes are in the hands of magician and gymnasts oh what could possibly go wrong excuse me sir do you have any spare change what are you doing back here there's no laundering kid I'm sorry I'm just down to my last few cents and how about magic trick in exchange for a dollar I've been told I'm pretty good well if you're pretty good maybe you can make more dollars appear beat it kid what did I just say scram before I call the cops oh look raccoon I hate kids who's the geek now what Houston we have a problem what is it Linus I thought you said you got your car cleaned it was five bucks for the trunk would have been money well spent I'm sure there's something in here we can use we can work with this [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay for the lasers where are you guys we are kind of in the middle of something right now we will be there as soon as all right almost [Applause] and now oh my gosh that actually worked I did spend last summer in the arcade playing the claw machine for nothing good to go what time is it uh it is almost six o'clock eventually Paul day but yeah oh my gosh did judges will be here any minute are you gonna play with us no no sweetheart I'm sorry I gotta get ready before the judges foreign oh your home looks beautiful thank you would you mind turning the outside lights on so we can take a photo for the contest let's go huh so what do you guys think it's nice it's just a lot yeah I can't believe he stayed up all night doing this we were pleasantly surprised you guys decided to join this year yes everyone's been very excited to see how it all looks like let's get lit oh and uh how about we all count it down okay you ready and five four three two one foreign [Music] sorry guys uh it's it's okay I'm sure the power will come back on just a second okay yeah no luck we tried everything maybe we overwhelmed the system no no no no no no no no why is this happening I spent so so much time and money that's all right it was beautiful well it lasted yeah we have to move on no but hopefully you get your power back on no no no but I will sir hey hey let me talk to you no it'll be back on I promise it I'm sure of it please can this take it any worse ah every muscle in my body is aching right now that just means you put in a good week's work and to thank you for all your hard work I made you breakfast I'm sorry the eggs aren't sunny side up I just kind of I lost track of time so you ready for another day oh I will do anything for this food but please tell me there's no excrement of any kind well no not this time she is talk about a fixer-upper huh yeah we used to have a lot more sheep in here but we had to sell off most of the flock in order to stay afloat and then this just kind of became a junkyard storage area it's been a rough last couple of years if you want to get started clearing the cobwebs I am going to get working on the installation [Music] [Music] foreign Maybe we don't really have the kind of money for that yeah I don't really understand I mean it used to have an entire staff of people here helping you out well when my mom it's okay if you don't want to talk about it when my mom got sick the insurance companies wouldn't pay for her treatments so we ended up taking out a bunch of loans on the farm and we do our best to pay them down but every time we make a dent it just seems like the interest rate gets higher and higher to be honest we might even have to sell this place before Christmas and that kills me to think what that would do to my dad it was Grandpa's final wish to keep this Farm in our family I'm so sorry Jenna I honestly I had no idea but if you guys need money why doesn't your dad just talk to my parents I know they'd help you out he's too prideful they would never ask for money you'd be mad knowing I was even here telling you about this I know that you don't love the animals are like being outside or anything about the farm really but to us this place is home yeah well I can honestly say that in the beginning I hated it here but I do think that it has the potential to slowly grab me hello I can see why my mom said a lot of people like to come out here and why the motels are always booked out I bet people would even want to stay here [Music] oh my God that's it sorry you guys have this amazing unused space right in front of you I mean you could refurbish this and rinse it out on Airbnb [Music] actually not a bad idea but realistically they don't have the money to fix it well then just start with the budgets in the house I mean think about it you have this great location you're right near all the big Vineyards and wineries and you can offer a real farm experience by giving out like fresh milk and eggs oh my God we could literally Market it as like a farm Chic Little Country getaway I mean everyone loves a good bed and breakfast it would basically rent out itself I think so foreign I wouldn't even know how to start I mean I've never done anything like that before I'll help you figure it out I literally grew up my dad's real estate office I've seen him do it like a thousand times Jenna come on what do you have to lose are you gonna give up on the farm or are you gonna fight for it I'll connect the dial up [Applause] hard to wake up it's the world outside and sometimes [Music] all around the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] but we know [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Santa sorry to interrupt but we need the new list and it's still going to be a while I still have a lot of letters to get through we're barely keeping up having a presence if we don't get that list it'll slow us down even more well what do you want me to do it's not like this list is magically going to make itself [Music] alas oh oh well I'll be a snowman's Uncle this is a Christmas miracle rufus's invention actually works I can't believe it he got one thing right right what in the South Pole is going on up there [Applause] wrap it up wrap it up is that the Holly Jolly gift wrapping thingy that Rufus made yeah looks like he got it to work we just finished wrapping all the gifts now we can focus on our last batch of toys oh this this is wonderful this this is spectacular we're gonna save so much time I think we're gonna make it everyone which means the Christmas party is back on I might even get home in time for some Darman and chill hmm you do realize you owe all of this to Rufus right oh honey I don't want to talk about him anymore he's gone it's time for us to move on okay everyone few hours left let's finish strong I almost forgot Rufus wanted me to give this to you he got me a present [Music] s Dear Santa I know that I'm not your favorite elf and I'm having a lot of mistakes I'm not proud of that I never want to let you down just feel bad seeing how stressed you always are Plus you never get time to spend with Mrs Claus because you're always working that's why I never give up the truth is you're my role model see the joy you bring to people's faces all around the world and I want to be just like you I hope one day I can make you proud love love Rufus P.S I hope you enjoy the cookies as much as I enjoy helping you foreign [Music] we're actually gonna pull this off and with time to spare could I have done a better myself no we're at it maybe I could take some shots do you remember what you said bad decisions with good intentions make it not so bad we're not here to steal we're here to take what's ours ah you're right Noah I'm sorry okay can you please stop doing that with the chips you're like getting them everywhere dude oh no chips the horror oh no look here comes the slushie give me that give it to me no I'm serious I'm done dude look what you did me yeah you did self-care Sunday one in the world [Music] all right well then let's go go go [Music] [Music] all right hurry up come on are you okay I think I sprayed it you have to get up Noah security and cops will be here any minute actually guys [Applause] thank you Noah what happened well your son I'm assuming his friends stole toys earlier this evening what I I am so so sorry I don't know what he was thinking we will make sure that he remembers this and learns his lesson well usually the kid is age I let him go but we've already spoken to the toy store owner and he would like to press charges no please is there any way that we can just uh yeah no pal there's no way listen you know what I don't like spoiled and tight little brats coming into my store trying to steal stuff you need to make an example of this one right you I remember you these two they came into my store the other day and they did not have enough money for their layaway items I bet you anything this one was behind this entire plot hey back up buddy Sophie is what he's saying true Dad don't blame her Hey Dad we only took the toys because I like to advise my stepbrother and client to plead the fit as for whether or not my client can be charged with theft I'd like to enter this document as evidence you're not an attorney and this isn't court but you can wait and show this to the judge whatever this is please just bear with me I've read a lot of babysitters club books I know what I'm talking about what you're looking at is a dated copy of a layaway agreement know it and I signed which clearly states that the price is at the time of signature are fixed and therefore cannot be increased past that date as we paid the original sales price in full the items in question belong to us and therefore could not be considered stolen goods this is bananas arrest her oh wait hold on if she paid for these items in accordance with the agreement Technically she's correct furthermore as the owner here raised the prices and attempted to avoid the agreement he stands in violation of his own contract I've already taken the liberty of filing an unofficial complaint to the Federal Trade Commission for unfair and deceptive business practices okay you know what stop even if they did pay for the toys you can still arrest them for breaking and entering it's not really breaking out entering when you have the keys is it well in light of the evidence I have no choice but to drop the charges oh no no no no okay wait hold up demand that you charge them with something like I said I can't but I can pass this along to the district attorney for further investigation to see whether or not they would like to press charges you're free to go kid yeah ah why don't you stay a little bit longer sir we did it it's your Pokemon card back if you didn't I couldn't have saved you I know thanks sis hey not so fast you two yeah you're not getting off the hook that easily breaking into a mall and stealing toys what were you thinking well Tech save it you know what you're grounded both of you for all of winter break better than being in jail [Music] actually can we start the punishment tomorrow excuse me um we sort of have somewhere we need to be oh really you didn't think we went through all of that just for a bunch of toys did you um I blew it literally don't be too hard on yourself if you didn't know the power was going to go out I feel like a bad person a horrible mom you're not a bad person or horrible mom I let this competition with Eden destroy Christmas you know once we return everything and Glenn opens up his presence he'll forget about everything foreign [Music] so did you read what he wants yet no not yet but we can do it together when we get back [Music] all right um let me get the rest of the stuff [Music] taking your Christmas decorations down before Christmas not right now Aiden I don't need you rubbing anything in my face what do you mean I just I just came to congratulate you what are you talking about you didn't see this you won how how did I don't know I know I heard what happened but apparently your lights were up long enough for the judges to get a picture but I this whole time I thought I lost well you didn't you won so congratulations on winning the thousand dollars Merry Christmas you really just came over to tell me this oh yeah why I don't know because you hate me I don't hate you truth be told just a little envious of you envious of me you're the one with the nicer car and the designer bags and who takes all those fancy trips why in the world would you be envious of me are you kidding like you have the perfect life a husband that adores you a son that loves you dearly perfect family but me on the other hand I'm oh I'll probably be single the rest of my life do you know how lonely it is spending Christmas alone hide this should be the last of it hey Shane I just came over to congratulate you guys Merry Christmas congratulations what are you serious talk about highs and lows what a crazy 24 hours big time yeah well return all this we'll get Glenn all the gifts he wants yeah then I don't know maybe have a little something for us too what I thought we weren't doing gifts for each other this year I know I know but that was before we won a thousand dollars next please okay hello hi I'm returning all this here you go I'm sorry holiday decorations are final sale [Music] what no one told us that tiny yeah no okay okay all right you you don't understand we have to return this stuff we spent over fifteen hundred dollars there are signs posted all over the store I'm sorry ma'am no no no no no no no no okay okay I'll be sorry one thing oh Santa is everything okay oh yes yes well sort of um I was coming by to see if it was Rufus just covered me in wrapping paper with his latest invention oh sweetie Rufus no put that down oh what's going on well since you left Rufus has turned our lawnmower into a snowball machine made a Christmas ornament launcher out of the waffle maker and turned my hair dryer into a candy cane gun [Music] he nearly brought the house down twice and that was before 5 PM oh I was actually going to write you another letter to see if there was any way you would possibly consider taking him back really oh I mean I'm not used to taking returns but in this case I'll make an exception oh what did you break this time no oh here you go fresh off of rufus's oven fine not until you tell Rufus the good news okay everyone listen up I have an announcement Rufus uh come on Rufus as for your Christmas gift this year I've decided [Music] to promote you the head of engineering yes yes you'll have your own Workshop to create in and test your inventions we'll just have to have a lot of fire extinguishers nearby oh my gosh thank you so much this is the best Christmas ever oh well you're welcome I guess it is true what they say you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone now you can have a cookie home oh I almost forgot I've got good news so I added turbo jest to the sleigh can we test it please but uh Santa [Music] yes a yippie doll [Music] I love yappy he's all I watch on YouTube I can't believe this I thought I was gonna get nothing this year thank you thank you guys so much for everything no problem we didn't want you guys to end up with nothing yeah we love them thank you guys can't believe you planned a heist just so that other kids could have toys for the holidays we felt bad they're all orphans otherwise they wouldn't have gotten anything for Christmas well look I'm not proud of how you went about it but at least your hearts were in the right places does that mean we're not grounded anymore I mean it's just like what Noah said bad decisions with good intentions make it not so bad uh that's not how it goes bad decisions with good intentions are still bad decisions so yeah you two are still ground that's not what you said well I know when something like that oh my gosh hey Merry Christmas I appreciate it thank you thank you I hope you enjoy them should go talk to Allison ask her to hang out just as a thank you do you not want to no it's not that I'm just a little nervous to talk to her you are why you know she likes you I know and after all of this oh I think I like her too that's so cute my brother's got his first crush what are you waiting for girls like Allison don't like to wait around do I have to Allison would you like to go to Arcade sometime or get milkshakes uh I don't know do you not like milkshakes no I do it's just um I've met someone else and I think I'm gonna go get a milkshake with him I'm sorry [Music] foreign Ted by Allison it's so embarrassing I wish I could just disappear well I may be able to help you with that as long as you put in a good word for me and Sophie hmm I'd say yes but we all know you know how to make anyone disappear Abra oh you actually did it do you think you can make me disappear too so I can't be grounded I don't see why not my lady hey don't call me yes well this really is a magician I guess so whoa is that a shooting star I was gonna say Santa Claus riding a sleigh with Rocket Blasters but you're right it's probably just a shooting star it's okay don't stress not single present don't think about that he's a good kid yeah oh hey how'd it go good I'm Gonna Leave me pancakes in this tape of Christmas trees thanks so much for watching them oh you don't have to thank me I love watching him I don't have to happen is everything okay I thought you were happy you won the contest I was I was uh yeah I am it's just that um why don't you have a seat sweetheart I have a little bad news for you um we're um Santa um he he wasn't able to get you what you wanted this year I don't understand I thought I was on the nice list you are it's just he there are no presents and we're so so sorry no it feels I feel terrible but I didn't ask for any presents what do you mean we're dressing up for [Music] Dear Santa I have everything I want this year all I want is to spend time with a mom and dad I love them so much I love Glenn come here baby oh of course of course I will spend time with you good I was worried I forgot to send a letter to Santa [Laughter] can you make me Christmas cookies of course I'll go start the oven and Dad can we play another game of Monopoly with a grandma too yeah she can get beat too and you were right you know Christmas is just about spending time with the people you love [Music] I guess I was the only one that forgot that bring it in fact all right let's make some food all right oh oh I'll keep the door okay yeah hey Eden hey so I figured I'd put that sugar to good use and make you some cookies oh that was so sweet thank you so much you're welcome take care okay actually did you want to come in we were just about to play Monopoly um well under one condition can I be the race car how about the thimble the doggy all right all right you could be the race car hey [Music] thank you so much for this incredible experience we had a lot of fun and the food was amazing too you're welcome come back anytime [Music] I can't believe it after a few more stays we'll be caught up on our mortgage oh thanks to Brooke no it was a team effort I guess it's going to be a pretty good Christmas after all yeah it won't be easy gonna be the first one without Margaret gosh I miss her so much is that our next guest check-in's not for another hour no I think that's my Merry Christmas hi Dad Merry Christmas hi Mom hey I've never seen that outfit before sessional very funny I hope you learned a little something from Uncle John and Jenna she wasn't too much trouble was she not at all in fact we actually learned a lot from her she had this amazing idea for us to rent out our extra rooms turned out to be a big hit you did yeah and we're completely booked out through the end of July she's even been helping out around the farm my daughter oh [Music] wait I have Wi-Fi now oh yeah we brought the hot spot along oh my gosh thank you I have been dying without my phone that's our daughter all right oh before I forget [Music] got a little surprise gift for you is that the boy bag I've been wanting yep and I saved the ski chalet and Aspen so you and your friends can go for the New Year's really oh it's gonna be the best Christmas [Music] you know what Mom I think that we should just return the bag and use the money for something else did you want a different bag oh no I think we should use the money to help Uncle John and Jenna refurbish their Barn so they can rent it out are you sure because I know how bad you wanted this yeah I'm very sure and Dad rent the ski chalet to someone else because I think it'd be better if we spent Christmas here all together if it's okay with Uncle John and Jenna are you kidding me that'd be the best news ever certainly make things a lot less lonely well it's settled then it's going to be an Adams Family Christmas I do have one request though can no one wake me up at 4 30 a.m because I'd like to sleep in for once I would like to say yes but Pedro he makes no promises who's Pedro again the devil that's who yeah laughs [Music] nice hon one sec I have one last present for you is this honey this is the best Christmas gift ever [Music] did you tell him I was waiting until we could tell them together let's tell Andrew Andrew Andrew [Music] [Music] not again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 6,359,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Wo-T1pn3Z4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 0sec (6240 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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