Penn & Teller Argued With David Blaine Over Tricks! | Friday Night With Jonathan Ross

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh how lovely to have you back in the uk well it's wonderful and wonderful to be here you know i was when i was juggling around ellen i i looked at the monitor and it was just this horrendous thing it was like sasquatch was attacking her i was trying to look at the juggling it just looked like i i always forget i'm a monster it was just it was an awful thing the yeti was in the dressing room it's an image that will take a while to get out of bed but it was juggling and that was a fun thing 16 years is it 16 15 years since you were last time yeah since we've been back in the uk why well you know we got kind of tied up in in vegas you know the idea was we were going to go to vegas and do a few dates now and again and then tour and then we ended up uh we're now in our ninth year of full time but that must be is it nice to have a home like that to be in one place i guess you can do bigger and better performances well you know what the thing is that you're supposed to go to vegas and kind of settle in and retire and do the same show over and over again and we have done more new material in vegas because we have a shop there we have a crew to work with and we have done about uh five and a half hours of new stuff in just the uh you know just the years you've been in vegas so we're doing much more now than we did on broadway or over here well you brought this over here i'm very excited to say five nights here in london hampshire with apollo i think they're sold out i think they're pretty nice i don't think it's quite sold out but it's doing very well it's gonna be i cannot wait to see you i saw you live years ago in new york city yeah you had uh the monkey on stage with you or the gorilla yeah yeah that was what can we expect what kind of things do people see well you know the the nice thing is we're doing a couple of things because we cannot because of your laws do the bullet catch we can't bring our guns now this is when you this is uh going back to chun li's it's yeah died on stage doing it right here in in london and i guess you haven't gotten over that so you won't let us bring it in i always wondered about you know uh chung ling soo like we do got someone from the audience had them examine the bullet sign the bullet loaded into a gun pointed into the magician's face fire it and one night the trick didn't go right on stage here in uh in london he fired the gun the audience member audience member fired the gun shot jungling sue in the face and killed him and i've always wondered about the policeman coming in afterwards going okay let me get this straight you come up on stage 3 000 people watching you you signed the bullet fired it shot him in the face killed him is that right yes it is okay you can go but we have the other questions for you i mean i don't know the legality on that and all the stuff about people who've died i don't know what the legality is but i guess even when you're doing a treatment you've done uh many many times before there must be an element of danger in some of them there's always you can't think about it very hard it's been kind of trendy and magic lately to do stuff that's supposed to be really dangerous and i think that part of what you do is you try to do stuff that's really scary but that the audience knows you're safe it's a celebration of life you know so we do stuff that's supposed to be like a roller coaster ride you know you go on there and say it feels like i'm gonna die but if people really did die the insurance rates would be too high and it would be a bit of a down at the end of the evening exactly exactly so we try to do stuff that houdini's rule was he wouldn't do anything more dangerous than sitting in his living room and we try to we try to follow that rule so we do stuff that looks really dangerous but really isn't where do you stand on those people because i know you've always been very open about this is magic this is trickery we do here it's showbiz we're doing it and often you would even show uh how the trick worked doing it uh which which didn't bizarrely and you would think that would ruin it but no in a way it kind of enhances it and when you use transparency usually uh the way you keep a trick secret is by having the method be really ugly so that people don't kind of don't want to figure it out on some level so when we gave away tricks we always designed and devised the trick to be beautiful to give it away and it actually ends up fooling people more down the line i think uh and where do you stand on people like the other magicians who of course don't uh i'm not saying they're necessarily saying this is for real but you've got someone like well copperfield is is an out now conjure on stage but you've got david blaine who does these stunts which are kind of meant to be how is he doing it is it for real is it not the way we've argued uh we we've argued with david about that a lot i mean we love david's stuff and he comes back and sees our show and he has this feeling that the word trick is is a dirty word that to say that you're doing tricks it's supposed to be all in this kind of woo-woo mystery area and we just we just could not disagree more that's the old-school way of looking at it yeah it's very very very old school i mean back before houdini yeah yeah yeah you know houdini was someone who was very willing to say he was always doing tricks and very willing to bust anybody when you say that you've argued with him i imagine that you've argued with him because you don't do a lot of talking it has to be said tell us people will probably have noticed backstage and when no one's around uh tell her i think teller did more arguing with david than i do but we'll pretend he doesn't talk just for this but you don't like talking on well i don't want musketeer he doesn't like talking uh as part of the part of the act no no it actually predates us working together teller uh put himself through college doing magic at frat parties which i've forgotten exactly what level of dante's hell that is but it's very close to the city this is like young college boys and girls together drinking too much beer and then keller would be doing magic and he found out that if he shut up they simply grew tired of heckling him so we first worked together we were two separate acts in the same bill and he was already working silently we had to maintain the integrity of that and then you know momentum is very powerful so we kind of stuck with that um let me ask you about uh here's something which i don't know people know this but uh penn has two children two children just about the greatest names of any children on the planet would you please uh tell the audience my uh my daughter's name is moxie crime fighter gillette and uh my son's name is zoltan penn gillette and zoltan is my wife's uh original surname so that's and i i like to think of it zoltan is hungarian for king so i like to pretend we named him after elvis well it sounds like a magician zoltan the magnet yeah sultan sure zoltan penn july and my daughter moxie her middle name is chris see when you do a show and you're on tv now and again people think that any stupid idea you get is yours and that's not necessarily true my wife does not have a middle name so we were naming moxie we named her moxie after you know gutsy you know uh it's like an american word for having uh it's from a soda it's from a soda uh a soda out of maine and uh we named it boxy which is great we didn't come up with a middle name and my wife said i don't care about middle names they're they're total i don't have one no one knows whose middle name are we'll call her anything and our piano player at the penintelli show said he just read my novel that i wrote and one of the characters says in it from now on call me crime fighter and he said you should call your daughter crime fighter so emily said okay so my wife says okay and it's moxie crime fighter gillette time goes by it comes out in the press and they go yeah penn gillette another b celebrity who forces his weird ego trips on his children but it ended up having an upside because three times my wife has been pulled over speeding with the children in the car that's the kind of mom she is and um and the police officer has said you know you know how fast you were going and she says you know uh this is my daughter you might have heard her middle name he goes oh is this moxie crime fighter yes it is we're on the same side he goes ha ha go ahead so it's worth three how many how many driving tickets have you gotten out of because of your children's name huh i think they're cash sure we saved that cash mark's box got that for us um here's what i want to say before you go uh i can't wait to see you live again we're hugely excited at my house see you at the hammersmith apollo ladies and gentlemen you can get a few tickets yesterday we'll go real quick especially after this show goes out so make sure you get yourself one if you please uh can i get you to do something else yeah we're gonna do a classic of magic uh which is the cups and balls and years ago we did a um we did a series of television shows we saw magic all over the world went to egypt china and india and every magician we saw had a version of the cups and balls and the trick all around the world didn't change very much but the props did and in china they had these metal cups handed down generation generation in india they had these hand carved wooden cups but we used plastic cups because we were representing the united states of america so these are the plastic we use we also use for balls we use tin foil balls so we have the totally american totally disposable cups and balls goes like this this is where it's on everywhere take the ball we place it in our hand we vanish it and it appears underneath the cup that's why it's done all around the world just take the ball we place it in our hand we vanish it and it appears underneath the cup here's a little variation taylor came up with where he takes the ball placing his hand then shows you underneath the cup yet it still appears underneath the cup now if i do the center ball place it visibly into the center cup then do the side balls put them anywhere we want they still reappear underneath the center cup they've already seen a little juggling here but there's a little more of it than a giant bulb in center cup one more giant ball on either side and of course for the finish it's a baseball as american as you can get [Applause] that's the standard version of the cups and balls after we did that for a while we wanted to kind of zoom in and do a pen and teller version of the cups and balls which involves breaking a few rules of magic the first rule of magic is you never did the same trick twice you had the sense of that right away you're going to get us out of there don't do it again we're going to do it again second rule is you never tell an audience how a trick is being done so i'm going to tell you exactly how the trick is being done the third rule of magic is you never let the audience see your secret preparation they must not know what is hidden in which pocket and the fourth rule of magic is unwritten but i think any magician in the world would agree with us in a second that you never ever do the cups and balls with clear plastic cups this is the pen and teller version of the cups and balls we take the first ball pretend to place in our hand have we already snuck underneath the first cup to the second ball simultaneously secreted beneath the cup pretend to place on our hand and show it take the third and final ball pretend to place in our hand pretend to shoot at the cup from place of the cup and then secretly secrete it and reveal it now we're all set for the second half he cups all loaded three balls on top the center ball please center cup he's on the side balls really put them away we don't need more we have three duplicates in the center cup with these three balls and come over here this is not juggling this is called misdirection before i look over here tell us the final ball under one more on either side and of course for the finish it's an american baseball thank you for being here great to see you again [Music] you
Channel: Friday Night With Jonathan Ross
Views: 86,710
Rating: 4.8497815 out of 5
Keywords: the jonathan ross show, british talk show, british tv, jonathan ross interviews, jonathan ross funny moments, Itv, bbc, celebrity, friday night with jonathan ross, wossy', Pan and Teller, Pan and Teller Magic, David Blaine, Magic, Magic Trick, Magicians, Vegas
Id: _voERoMr6ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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