Penn and Teller -Fish magic

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first even hello have you done in the American TV Stephen - no my darling I've just come back from your Texas text my text yes as Ross paroled text I said I was in a Western my love real western with Texans and horses and big-bottomed Cowboys and it was just fabulous did you wear a gun no no but I had a buggy with a parasol Oh Butch for me I would think I'm saying Oscar Wilde in fact oh really yeah really here's a gunslinger no he wasn't he was a slingback sling Jim slinger possibly uh or a bun sling I possibly um no no no he was said it was great it was really good but otherwise I didn't work out it you didn't have nothing TV over there no transvestitism is not really my thing things like that uh we want to ask you do you do you have a watch we've already checked this I want my water do you have a watch a watch sorry yes yeah and is that a receipt a little bit why do we want to we want to mess with your watch a little bit let's say oh it's a nice one yeah does it have is it good is it is it real expensive um well it is that she yes quite is a bother it was a present for my mother well your mother gave it to you yes uh how long ago uh what it reserves it was a surprising for finally attending a school that I wasn't thrown out of so this means this means something to you this - yeah how many our phone numbers is it hold it's not that kind of what I'll see my watch here which is a Japanese watch has 50 phone numbers and it has 50 appointments right in it there yeah I wish have a motor trade want to trade for that piece of them no watch it's a polygon nonsense then okay okay no well will you at least let us make your watch better uh yeah oh it's just it's just a on - no it's it's just a it's just a little little trick here and just to make sure that you know this is the same watch would you just sign this little tag here before we put the orange dot on just we're gonna put the watch the tag on the watch he's not inscribed is it then okay then put the little tag on and just sign your name and if my name or whatever you want anything you want to walk right on that Idol uh have you recognize it ignite what okay you want to hold that up so they can they can get a show out of it see then camera four five three that one my watch okay and and then that watch becomes won't waterproof for one well it's not it's well now it's a waterproof watch see now we just want to prove to watch now what is water resistant its citizen one none but now it's waterproof see it's still it's still going yes okay and it also now whose its shock resistant no well now it is shock resistant you watch this little tap root L C completely shock resistant you want to give a little more of a after that tell just nobody and just give it a real just give it a real ya little real shock-resistant now me tell you right now now see watches virtually as good as new then we'll show you by using a little magic on your watch okay we'll take out a devil's hankerchief and we will drop the little pieces of watch in it and you just watch how good this comes out watch this whole Johana whole jehanne de OCHA handle and watch hold your hands yeah as we see bone the watch is the restored one case yes hmm that's not 50 phone numbers all around the world I think your mother would approve I don't it this is quite funny in that case how about fish come on how about some fish sure your destroy anything with uh with fish here we have a we have a whole fish tray here for you and we would like you Steven to pick any fish your little heart desires with that salmon trout bream we have red snapper gray mullet which is a bottom-feeder if you're looking for one of those I know too many bill can be dated like you'll kiss me mmm anyone all right uh well it was there I'll have the bottom feet of the gray the gray mullet the gray mullet now first show your hands empty show your hands empty show your hands empty show your hands update come on everybody show your hands empty it's a good trick here Cherie hands empty and you want you can still change your mark I'll change your mind uh no grandmother a moment is fine and we will give you the gray mullet as a receipt here and we want to make sure that you know that your fish fish is fresh do you know how to tell if a fish is really fresh poke it receive it wriggles poke it is very good and the place to poke it is right in the eye so now you just have you stick the knife in and it feels like that you'll find you have a really really fresh not merely bit of fresh fish right over here please Steven show your hands up people show your hands up hands empty hands empty and now watch the fish just you just cutting the head off a dead fish no big deal and there we go oh hey there's kind of a funk coming off that fish now if you reach please show your hands up to show your hands empty and reach into the guts of that fish if you would please huh oh just drink don't see English go out and just just reach you to the guts of the fish ah just dig around in there you will find the watch right that you've got for your graduation ha yeah what she says it is now you
Channel: M.RileyJunior
Views: 751,908
Rating: 4.7990303 out of 5
Keywords: Penn, Teller, Magic, Stephen, Fry, Illusion, Paul, Daniels, Fish, Channel
Id: K0qXf5c6v5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 17 2008
Reddit Comments

I like how the watch is still covered in fish guts.

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