Penn and Teller @ Americas Got Talent

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and then teller show that is right off the rack you can buy this whole set up just like this to a magic dealer the one change we made isn't the saw blade the one that comes with it is really fake cheap aluminum we put kind of a nice heavy steel blade in there and y'all said Georgie and give me a hand with this challenge kind of heavy and a little bit of acting I'm under Schulten she really is separated and then put these blades in and there you have it Georgie and fern assic a woman sawn into halves right there that's now when you see real magicians do this trick at this point they start moving really fast and they put the box back together really quickly pull out the blades have her stand up and get her off on good off stage quickly as they can and the reason they hurry so is the magicians worried that this moment is the most vulnerable part of the whole trick and they worry that they let an audience stare at this moment for too long they'll figure out how the trick is being done we're okay with that and the first thing you realize it's based on a pretty flimsy psychological principle you're not supposed to notice the change in height when someone goes from vertical to horizontal now Georgie's a rather special case George is almost 6 foot 3 so bring it on a my side of the stage I'm six seven you're not supposed to notice when she lay down she shrunk right up to five foot ten point you noticed that he started to realize that the table top is not as thin as your first thought but trim is thin but the black goes back in a wedge by the time it's under the box that has plenty of depth conceal that part of George II that's no longer accounted for and the blade doesn't really come near her eyelets but show you here getting hit here tell her George you came in feel the breeze off that into Georgia under the knife and it's completely safe there's a metal rod in place that stops the saw blade from going too she's oh god she's okay she's okay she's cheese cheese cheese actually she's not there's some pathology there he's proud tellers fault was tell his fault uh he's supposed to hold it back there you know jury of my peers never never amen but on you oh I don't know what just happened Wow she's okay you need a band-aid some neosporin okay you good yeah she's good thing it's magic ladies and gentlemen now that is a classic magic act but clearly you guys put your own spin on it we when you when you're involved in magic at all somebody always says you know why don't you saw a woman in half it's been working on this for years to find a way to do the classic trick but do our little version of it and during that trick not only do we do a different trick we also give away how everybody else does it yeah we saw they stepped it up a lot right
Channel: Roger T. Paquette
Views: 77,446
Rating: 4.8099999 out of 5
Id: VTamLUqxR7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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