Penn & Teller Interview - 1/23/2003

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everybody we're back it's all good my next guests are comedians and magicians you can see them tomorrow night on their brand-new Showtime series which has a title that I'm not permitted to say on television more about that later please welcome Penn & Teller [Applause] [Music] how are you good to see you stop sit down okay great how are you nice to see you here very nice to see you so we'll talk about what's going on here in just a second of course this is cement you know cement it's a solid skipping give a little tap that is real cement and that will testify that feels good for him when you tap it there's a lot of yeah that's clearly very erotic for him yeah let's talk about the special the special special it's a series a series am series here one forever it's gonna let you it'll never end it'll no it'll go because we're the name of the show is Penn & Teller both and we're exposing both and when you are deciding to mine the fertile fields of both you've got a [Applause] you know it's too bad Penn & Teller's show on Showtime was wonderful but then everyone stopped lying and they're out of a job we're safe forever well you see you're on cable we are not also we won't mention the title anymore cause it's on a different network dirty we're here don't blip it but yeah yeah we should probably talk about what's going on what's that he stopped is it it's working we're working on a show that everyone in America is watching every single human being every single unit because of our publicity stunt you see David Blaine does nothing he gets Barry gets buried in the box for seven days he does nothing he got frozen in ice does nothing right and he stands in a pole and does nothing we thought we don't have enough money for teller to do absolutely nothing for seven days or a week or something we have plenty for him to just put a block of his head for let's call it a month it hasn't been a month let's call let's call it a year he's been in this block for here he's been this block for a year he can't eat he can barely breathe he's sucking wind up his neck now he's encased in here have you some cages in the back we've been in here for a long time can he hear us here right now can you hear us yeah he can hear us okay and this is good and also because you know David Blaine has a lot of money behind him he can just do nothing but we found that teller still has to do stuff while he's in there so Tom's been doing a cart through who doesn't want to see a card trick in there he's gonna do a card trick rolling cements a card trick America answers they'd love to see card tricks a card trick with his heading to change cement I don't think it's ever been done well we did it rehearsal no show well you liked it you said I arrived here it is now almost 1 o'clock in the morning he had that on his head for let's call it 5 years ok 5 years for over 14 years I don't think I've ever seen you before I have no idea what however long it's been it's been too long Ocala he's good to a car trick tell her time for the car trip oh he's all set there's the deck of cards ok now what he's gonna do is he's just he's gonna do this all himself show the cards to the people tell her show that they're all different ok that's fine show them to Conan show them ok no show them to Conan over here hey is that all those cards are different right now he's just gonna deal through them and you're gonna just say stop whenever you whenever the hell you choose I can't just say whenever anytime you're gonna get the next card when you go a little faster going fast okay I'm just gonna say stop okay about the next one now if you want to go further cuz you can go further okay let's go a little further I don't care I don't want you cry baby and I wanted to go further when do you mind stop stop okay that one right there right there yeah okay now tells gonna show that to the audience but more than that and this is the part that's so amazing Conan he's gonna tear off a corner of it and give it to you he's gonna give you part of the card he's tearing off the corner now okay and now give give Conan give Conan part of the you want to give give Conan this part the little part little part and see that then they match up in the corner so you have that right there right and then what you're going to do is we're gonna vanish this okay now as I sit on our TV show on Showtime I said it we're exposing all these frauds and stuffs we do a little bit of Voodoo get out the tongs he's got the tongs I want to show you this vanish this is a vanish always carry tongs now see this is going to vanish in a mysterious voodoo way it's vanishing now you can almost see it melting yeah before your very eyes yeah that's really mysterious voodoo you're doing there buddy it's banishing the Buddha part comes later it's totally vanished this is something we were studying all these stupid occult Sciences we came up with this now watch the magic transference has the spirit of the ash moves through the concrete do that special move teller see that's that's just a beautiful thing it's alright he kind of likes mr. Powe sorry okay now we're gonna this is what will be the punchline are you gonna love you want it you know after you see this you're gonna know why he wants this because if I didn't put this over him he'd be madder than a wet hen we're gonna get you out in a second now watch this this is the big reveal you're gonna watch this closely on the Friday night 11 o'clock show time we got a show called well you know what it's called is that better that's okay just hit me in the face is right there oh my god [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Conan Fanatic
Views: 296,754
Rating: 4.9166479 out of 5
Id: pMwPs9MItw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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