Penn and Teller rodent roulette

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my first guest on the show tonight are huge in the States they are massive they are a phenomenon their act which has been a storming success of Broadway contains the kind of illusions that make Paul Daniels look like a wig wearing person of restricted growth these guys are so hot that even that master of cinematic illusion Steven Spielberg threw them 8,000 miles to join him on his stag night how do you get in the picture I think I'm getting through you about to witness genius of work rallies and gentlemen prepare to be amazed amused and probably just a little bit nauseated by the two the only Penn & Teller don't leave it lying around it's just a bracelet thank affair I was so excited about being out here than my bracelet just jumped off I know because this is a big break for you and it's a big deal big deal first time first time before country before we get on you're gonna show us a little something at the top of the show and I know you're gonna be here for the whole show tell us about we will see how the first part goes then we'll see if we'll be make a decision what is either you don't want to be called magicians no but like swindlers ripoff artistes so you have a very honest approach to what you do very honest very straightforward yeah I don't I'm magicians you're just you picture like a greasy guy that tucks with a lot of birds or some short guy with a wig shoving a woman into a box yeah I just want mirrors underneath you don't how to do that no I just don't think it's polite not the way I was raised not now the audience a people ever seen you I know we have two people in the audience or the pony yeah they're Americans yeah they're Americans yeah might be I'll be a man for the rehearsal let me insisted they come back for the show we wanted to Americans to be able to the Pens are probably more here they're just all too embarrassed to admit it see there they did 32 this is just a bad place deepening freedom I think any place is bad to be in America loud and big as you are Penn but anyway let's get on with the the performs here what are you gonna demonstrate well so much a performance it's a little thing you can do at home and it's especially concerned with you because you're getting rather popular in this little island relative ISA uh-huh and we're afraid that you're looking for kicks and you may be looking for kicks in the wrong places you know Elvis get involved in drugs and all some say he didn't but maybe he did and you know playing Russian roulette and so on and we wanted to give you the same kind of charge of living on the edge which you need but not be quite so dangerous is to kill you it's give a little thing called rodent roulette and these are rat traps there are seven rat traps placed on what we call on our country a lazy susan but you said something your rehearsal about curry house well you have the many new restaurants and you have spices and condiments on them and right well you could put instead of a condiment we have here a varmint catcher just these little rat traps here and what you do is you take each one and you tie the the operating end with a little rope to the bottom so that when you when you put your finger on it they're hoping home you're taking notes in snappier completely safe so it's the Rattrap equivalent of loading it we blanks absolutely and then we have one here which teller has reached underneath before he glued him on and just cut the the rope so one of these is uh is is dangerous he's cut the rope there so that when that one snaps yeah that little mother is gonna hurt what level of time to be talking you how I don't know I think it could probably break your finger but no more I don't break your finger because I'm a big dumb American so I have bigger fingers a little cancer lick why me baby get British insect you are you no thank you no thank you still be the same let's see what are you gonna do though okay this is very simple when you feel a little bit jaded all you have to do is spin this thing and then you pick one and just you know pull the trigger now tell her laws counter laws but you feel that rush that excitement that was excited that rush she won't be found dead in the jacuzzi of a cartoon you guys you keep your eyes on which one one of our lifetimes ambitions has been funneled away there is just yeah well I was maybe we've never okay I'll go with this one I lost two so that's two that's going over student I know we stood by our Magister there's five more that we have a volunteer that you haven't done and then as he spins it just keep your eye on it gently right there and now it's your turn okay big you know I'd love to but there's still five having set up this deal of five to one chance that I'm not gonna win and I'm frankly that isn't enough of it well I'm not really I don't really know the English that well but is the term for this wanker I think you know what we know what you've just become so horribly popularized well we do it was I know you know that melt now one of the device to your cheap top Stella Stella okay quit but I just tellers got one in Jonathan Anika it's just fake blood I didn't did pretty good on at all yeah of course a get lost we got another blank yeah there you go and if we watch if you watch once again oh damn and I lost two now if you keep in mind which one that was in relation to the blood spots yeah but the blood spots are all over that those will tell you which one you can go in and Jonathan it's your turn again go ahead John now would I have time well that's not to pull my finger back very quickly you might but no one I know ever has been able to but you know you might be more scared than others quit do we have study enough time to do this to finish this item off hey your your crowd is crying out for the right move I'll just I'll do it man well I wouldn't want you what I want you wouldn't want it get on with a 1-yard but nicely done and I would have poked my finger you would have broken your picture probably or might have just been like this and just giving it a bad spray bit okay I feel terrible i mister but this could be made at home and people can have all the fun all over Britain you should be playing this instead of being found dead hunter it is a huge en the tiny thing Penn & Teller gonna stay with us for the rest of show the ladies gentlemen for now Penn & Teller we'll be back later with even more spectacular trip involving the audience now in the studio next door one of the nation's top DJ's has been recovering here he is to reduce telemetry mr. Mike smash papa doodle doo bumpkins loonies and urges loud Mike's matter quite literally the world's most popular Google DJs I just like to say thanks to Jonathan Philippi beyond his new shoes Kennedy - it really is quite Johnny Morris tastic and I only hope that it's as popular as London Zoo seems to be these days right right we're here to rock and who better to rock with that these guys from Scotland they're rock tastic they're jock testing they're applied the new mungus I've know them since they were called Derek immediately they are a full del a me dream let's chop
Channel: VHS Video vault
Views: 181,826
Rating: 4.8477898 out of 5
Id: dn0czBL8OAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2016
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