"I like my own burps!" Pedro Pascal on playing The Mandalorian and meeting "The Ultimate Daddy"

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the Wonders do you know how difficult it is to talk to you without using look he's like he's back oh my God where am I why am I not bad oh my God it doesn't sound difficult don't get me started I'm your wife okay not today not today but I mean we've been married for eight years let's just put a pin in that pattern I'd like to talk to you in mind I would like to finally say on record that part of the enormous inspiration around that voice is actually only a few feet away her name is Coco Ulrich she is responsible for the Silver Daddy hair of Joel you haven't seen the world so you don't know and the the gorgeous locks of of Javier Gutierrez and the unbearable weight of massive Talent what is your favorite movie that's one of those questions that's impossible to answer sales are highly responsible for the LA Mush Mouth as we have heard even though it's called the kakabis you're welcome uh there must be some mistake I can get you more credits I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold I would talk to you in my Manda voice but I can only do one word which is wizard [Music] how was it wizard that's all I can do try again wizard in the Mando voice exactly yeah yeah it's not working is it come on this is so Wizarding I can hardly do wizard [Laughter] I think Mando is an underappreciated comic hero stop touching things lucky is funny so often yeah don't play with your food please agree with me I agree when he's going through all of his weapons and putting them in that tray I know everything that's in there when he's delivering the one-liners yeah nice to see you too do you feel like people calling him some sort of stoic you know bounty hunter killer no he's he's a very funny dad a karmic genius yeah foreign grumpiness is funny I find you stay right here you stay don't move you understand great and also in terms of how that physical language can contribute to this character that we find intimidating yet disarming so funny in his seriousness yeah [Music] what the hell come on also has a lot to do with Brendan Wayne and and Latif Crowder and Latif can find a way to even make action look comical in terms of how much his the gets beat out of him you know and the unloading of the weapons particularly in that scene being Brendan and this kind of Trinity of physical casting around this character I have to give them credit because very often I'll build off of what Brendan's done I don't know how much he's studied you know my physical movements but we're definitely in this kind of dance together on it yeah but when you say hey spit that out and stop touching things that's on you it's true that's on you no no so cast your mind back way back when you got an email from John Favreau and just to remind you here is that where you're turning it into an email that's right well is it anymore no it's a phone call I got a call from uh an agent saying John Favreau would like to talk to you about something Star Wars and it how early on in the conversation did he mention that you'd be wearing a suit the weight of a refrigerator and would have a helmet on almost all the time from the very start when I met them I stepped into a writer's room where John introduced me to Dave filoni George Lucas's Protege creator of the Clone Wars and the other of the two as far as everything that is behind Mandalorian and all four walls of this writer's room were the visual illustrations of the entire first season with this you know fortified silhouette of a badass character and this completely disarming beautiful yoda-like child so it was quite clear from the start exactly what it would be excellent they weren't springing it on you so this is a Mandalorian I thought they'd be bigger did John ever say we want you to play a space cowboy Daddy what brings you here stranger those words are in the mix I don't think I've ever heard uh John say Daddy [Music] I and I say that honestly I'm not even trying to protect him but he's he's never said Daddy hey partner you want to tell me what's going on but he's definitely said space and cowboy I'm so gonna make that happen are you more comfortable with dadalorian or man dadlorian which one do you prefer prefer I prefer the dadalorian dadalorian I guess I do too man dad illorean sounds like three different words but datalorian is like goes all together have you talked to any other actors about the Fine Art of acting when your face isn't on show is it true that you guys never take off your helmets because I've spoken to Chris Evans and he doesn't have his eyebrows for a lot of Captain America I can't believe I made a whole movie with this thing do you exchange notes because it's not easy it would have been really nice if Chris had called me I'd just like to meet him frankly I can make that happen can we how Uncle okay you got his number text it to me I'll text it see that's what I like about you Mando that big smile of yours let you get away with anything but you must get people spotting you as the Mandalorian kind of there's no easy way to ask for a favor but do you ever get people voice recognizing you people have said that they do but I don't really go around talking like the Mandalorian that's a lie I bet when you want stuff done that's what I do not comes the man though this is the way this is the way there's a lot of work that goes into um creating a convincing uh bedroom voice it surprisingly isn't something that I can do on command yeah unfortunately you understand this I've got a curiosity question which may get me chucked out the room spit that out but do you have to be careful about what you eat before you put the helmet on in terms of burping well no because it's it only affects me and you don't care how you feel if you've eaten a lot of garlic whatever well it's like in my mouth in my body you know I like my own burps just like I like my own farts under the sheets I know I could hear my publicists groan just now and I should accomplish oh no oh my God tell me though who of your friends and family was most excited to hear that you had got the gig when you could tell them was there someone in particular that really freaked out my older sister she was even more of a Star Wars fan than I was I got a little too focused on Indiana Jones the point that I broke my left arm three times but she was a real die-hard Star Wars fan Hershey for me it was uh Indiana Jones and for her it was Han Solo we would argue about it all the time you know sometimes I Amaze even myself who's better uh who is better at this point I don't know Han Solo takes a Loof to another level in dark humor to another level and this is a lot about what she likes that's what she's into conversation anyway but was she ever expecting you to be hanging out with with grogu was there any sense even in her wildest dreams that you'd be hanging out with baby Yoda because that to me was oh this is something special I kept that secret I didn't even tell my sister it's the only secret that I've ever kept in my life so careful what you share with me okay noted noted why do you think though and this is a tricky question the Mandalorian has been such a success because I don't want to make your mind explode here but it's unbelievably huge yeah they all hate you Mando because you're a legend it's Dave and John right of course yeah but it's it's so much more than that well I think it's Dave and John nurturing what people love about Star Wars and also nurturing what they love about Star Wars and identifying all of its strengths and really taking risks as far as expanding and discovering new things that are built on the old things it's much fairer in you so there's a lot of respect and understanding to the thing that is so beloved to fans and fans know when they're being over serviced and so they're careful about all of it and ultimately it comes from their love of the franchise and of the movies all of them and that's why that's why through the force you will find balance as well I've seen you at Star Wars celebration that love is real yeah it's like a beautiful fiery energying on the receiving end of a a jet a fun jet yeah what's it like when George Lucas is on set it's amazing that he comes to set and surprises everyone with his presence because ultimately Star Wars being within the Disney family and well when it was held by him that wasn't the case and yet this particularly is so part of Dave filoni's heart who is his Protege so for that kind of relationship to still exist and for the ultimate Daddy to come to set to this set that wouldn't be there if it weren't for his his particular vision is you know as good as it gets for everyone [Music] do you get people calling you Mando in the street do you get mando din Daddy what are you getting I get Mando you get Mando yeah mando you know that's if you didn't know oh my God it's mando oh I don't know I love that nickname me too it's very pure yeah it really is it's loving Pedro it's such pleasure I cannot wait to watch this show You're Gonna Learn but it's coming soon just just passion yeah exactly relax um thank you you're welcome thank you thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BBC iPlayer by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 580,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pedro pascal, bbc, radio 1, radio one, star wars, ali plumb, ali plumb interview, pedro pascal interview, mandalorian, mando, daddy, george lucas, jon favreau, baby yoda, grogu, yoda, Dave Filoni, luke skywalker, mark hamill, Din Djarin, Mando, empire strikes back, the child
Id: 4JkMcJfsThQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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