Boyd Holbrook & Pedro Pascal very funny interview!

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This was my "Oh, hi Pedro. I didn't see you there" interview.

He's a little bit demented and I find that charming in a man.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/VashetsWhistlingDog ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pedro is such a goofball while also being so smart, handsome, funny, and kind.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hahnie_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 21 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This interview was pure unbridled chaos and i loved every minutes๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BobcatAnnual4464 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 22 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So sad that there isnโ€™t more interviews of them together! And if there are they are like impossible to find. The only other one I really seen is the one where they are getting interviewed in front of a crowd for something related to Facebook I believe

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Fabulous-Fig-2258 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 22 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
action hi everybody I'm Pedro Pascal and I am Boyd Holbrook we are at the Facebook Media Center in New York City shall we start off with little questions in queue and I for peds do it let's do it how about can I get your fulmen I'm Pedro Pascal nice to meet you hi my full name is Robert Boyd Holbrook and you go by Boyd which my nickname would be Boyd Oh Boyd oh boy doe budem PP o was your first job Pedro my first job mmm I was a waiter for about seven years and it started early and it lasted longer I got fired from I don't know maybe [Music] upwards of like 20 to 30 restaurants in New York City within those seven years say you did pretty well yeah yeah I was really good at getting fired if you could travel time wait a minute what was your first job uh-huh at night what was your first job Boyd I was a lifeguard well that's hawks right thank you very much that's hot glad you picked up on that if you could travel in time would you go forward or backward hmm I would go backwards I'm afraid of the future I would I would probably go backwards too and try to improve my overall being yeah I would go back to the 20s and like get laid for once right yeah I was not working out this isn't my time you know what I mean just some something's off for you yeah exactly was the last book you read the last book I read was well I'm reading Morgan James keep on it's Nora Roberts book what's the time of seven killings oh gosh I keep on I keep on messing up the title because it sounds so similar to another title a brief guide to seven killings by Morgan James and then before I excuse me I've got a call I've got it I have a text so I've never read Catcher in the Rye all right and I just read it I love that book it's turns out it's pretty good it's pretty wonderful you know you should read next you should read Franny and Zooey next everyone says it's called Franny and Zooey I think it's called Franny and Zooey because who owes instead of one and somebody sort of smart and smarter than all of us told me it was Zoey when I was very young mm-hmm so anyway you should refrain Ian zuy copy that uh how many languages do you speak Pedram I speak two and a half share of sentence for the audience really yeah so give me your he does like a very I don't really know if you speak French or not but you can experiment if you seem to come yes addict wah um so then maybe that's it that's it somebody if that means it's very difficult to have a conversation with you and a friend of mine taught me bad surprise while she was taking French classes in high school she was like let me teach you a sentence now I was like brilliant and I didn't get it until years later that she was basically telling me it was difficult to talk to me right because comes back and I just basically speak about 1/16 Spanish and I speak a little English what's next what movie do you wish you had been in all of them we're really though Oh what is my favorite movie you're getting into some dangerous territory okay I have so bad I wish I was in Boogie Nights oh that's a good one you mean the large penis at the end of the movie did you want to play the penis so let's start with some let's start with some fan questions because we really almost fell into a rabbit hole with this iPad so good afternoon thank you boiling in here umm they turn off the air so that it doesn't make any noise and so that we start sweating and panicking and and dying on camera um this question is for both Pedro and Boyd while filming narcos in Colombia what cities did you visit which one did you like the most and what was your favorite Colombian dish we Leslie worked in Bogota I would have preferred to be in midian a lot more it's warmer in many many it's it's sea level which is important and what's my favorite Colombian dish I think that's a really hard thing to say like there's it's like what's what's American food like yeah they have really really really good steak in Colombia and Argentina is more known for a steak but I would argue that mine the best steak I ever had was in cheers awesome show Pedro for both of you Xavier and Steve worked together but our opposite very different characters and almost complementary what are in your opinions their biggest differences and points in common Thanks um the movement I wish I had been in was Empire of the Sun I even lied to people and told them that I was the little silhouette on the poster really yeah I'm ignoring that question we're gonna get to it but I just wanted to bring that up um all right you start this one are we so different I don't think we're so different trying to say he's better-looking I didn't say that I have a receding hairline Pedro's a very healthy head of hair I have like a healthy like comb-over I was looking at some I was looking at some mom I was looking at some I was doing some ADR yeah and my hair was like there's a scene where it's just in fool I was not paying attention it was just fool like Trump oh yeah I'll come over and I'm not I'm not bald heard that's popular um and it wasn't intention at it shear cuts yeah yeah yeah could I get the Trump I different what are in your opinion their biggest differences in points in common hmm well the the point in common is that we are after the same thing yeah which which we are we're after Escobar we're both workaholics I would say I being a sort of disorganized one and you being an organized one and debate in the middle more anal and a little more uh a bit of a hussy yeah yeah you're a hussy next question I want to go back to the iPad how much prep work did you have to do to get your characters down did you get to work with law enforcement to help you prepare Boyd oh my god they make good fans yeah check that out just let me do this to you for a while okay uh well we went to Quantico for a while and maybe you've heard of it the DEA the FBI and the CIA actually trained there yeah imagine that so actually we got to spend a week there and do some of the cool [ย __ย ] that they got to do oh yeah so we do mad kind of got you know now play cops let's just start beating the [ย __ย ] out of each other with these things sorry okay we got to play sort of you know cops and robbers for like a week and some serious serious level like getting rubber bullets and that type of stuff oh yeah yeah it was Boyd's idea he made me I barely knew him Boyd and I were in New York at the same time when we were cast in narcos and he made me meet him in Williamsburg and get wasted together we did we kind of did we drank a lot that night we didn't get into any kind of trouble but we just want to ended the night being like I'm gonna take care of you bro you know that kind of thing and then the next time I saw him we were in Virginia because you were like listen I think we should go meet our real counterparts go to Quantico with them train sit in a classroom with actual agents and training do tactical simulations learn how to shoot guns learn how to do raids perform raids do weird wrecked cars even related visual videogames [ย __ย ] where you use somebody comes out of nowhere and like you need to think fast and whether they're a perp or or a civilian and and and do you remember the one thing that we've never talked about is the lab that they took us into in these raids and I'm telling you it was like it was really scary it was Sam's eye a picture there's like bath salts and you know obviously I got the old common marriage they had like 15 pounds of crack in a bag yeah that was like the size of you know three heads it wasn't like bath salts it was like no but there was a crystal meth the new drugs that they were Dave testing yeah I remember it it was bonkers I was like don't let [ย __ย ] what is this party know just when you think no just when you think don't do drugs nope without me totally joking here kids hey Josh is it ok it's ok last two questions were you guys the villain of this series or Pablo Escobar I'm confused oh that's it you're gonna be even more confusing Susan true I need to calm down we still have some of that crack I think that's a free freaking good question actually it is a good question that's we don't know how to answer it but it's a good question and season 2 basically the coin will flip and you'll see Escobar's sort of you know try to regain schism or let them enjoy it what was the most exciting aspect of coming back for a second season employment I still have a job um and it was exciting oh yeah to have the head start that we had because the first season was a enormous trial-and-error for everyone was beaver and rough in the sense that there was just not a lot of there was not any film industry in Colombia yeah there was no way to be totally prepared a first season of any kind of show even if it's shot like you know and in a fancy studio in Los Angeles people are gonna have a hard time finding their way and we were all just like instant Colombian transplants and you gotta it's just the key is getting that could get negative early get naked early yeah there you go anyways thank you for joining us here seriously and asked you when your questions I'm sure to check out our series on Netflix let's do this again bye I'm sorry wave you
Channel: BigFatSexyCat
Views: 655,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boyd Holbrook Pedro Pascal #narcos, #narcos
Id: JhHjY6SciX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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