Pay Day: 5 Semi Loads of Critters

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oh [Music] well guys it's currently 4 a.m it's not it's dark outside 6 30 6 30. oh my gosh i need to go back to bed it's about 25 degrees there's no breeze so it ain't too bad and today we're loading out how many five semi loads oh man so that's a few critters dad and i are gonna feed the first two loads we only got two lows to do today because we're loading out the other two feedlots so i guess we'll get going here i bet the lighting's really bad this video is probably horrible what oh that was ellie oh it's so dark stuff running around thought it was like a chupacabra or something it's so dark out here so i think there's gonna be three semi loads coming out of our home farm here we got some heifers and some steers and then also and then andy was feeding some cattle for us at his place and so there's gonna be a couple truckloads coming from there it'll start getting bright here pretty soon [Music] howdy so we're gonna get the critters up and you're not gonna see it because it's dark so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna wait until the sun starts coming out we could just give them a play by playing like at the radio like a radio show this is not a tv show today it's a radio show radio show all right brian and cole are walking in the dark down the dark alley and it's dark it's dark and the cattle are dark and everything's dark that's pretty neat the worst part is if i do get decked by a critter because it's dark the camera won't even pick it up so oh it's not good content it's not even good content what sucks is it's so dark there might be somebody just standing in the back yeah like that's what it is i actually went a little better than it goes when it's bright out sometimes so not too shabby once he backs up we'll start grabbing a few at a time this trucker roger he and i like each other a lot more now that we don't play basketball against each other he was from stick me i know what you mean yeah these guys are good dead got railed i had one of those send them back to the fifth grade those deals where they go running past you but they kick out sideways they caught me in the upper thigh oh ouch outer thigh not entered so i just i scoffed and i said is that all you got and we're definitely going to get some comments you know oh it's so sad they're going they're going to become food well they're these guys aren't even that size yet they got a while they're going to another feedlot they're going to get fed out we kind of specialize in backgrounding we like what we do we think it works for us pretty well so we don't feed them out all the way we don't get them to fat weight and so they're going to be headed to the mitchell sail barn today and also next week we got to get our the rest of our calves weaned so we needed the feedlots my nose is running you're missing out on the action you sad a little butt hurt about it oh it's getting bright out there's already 20 on this truck coming from andy's like i said we had some cattle over there that he was feeding for us and so we're gonna the rest of these gonna fit on there there was another load from andy's there was 83 head over there so there's three loads of heifers okay and then we're gonna have two loads of steers we have two trucks come back did i ever tell you about the time that i got a load of calves in and he came in there and he stopped and he got out of the truck not this guy this is a good truck and he walked around the truck deciding if he could make it or not and then he pulled it in and he put it right in the back end of the trailer down the ditch so i got a load of calves and it's leaning like this and he's stuck and if he moves anymore it's going to go over so at midnight we got trailers and jumped them into the trailer and then hauled him up here that's all i got to say about that i was at mcdonald's in brookings i was at school yet i must have told you about it yeah you're texting me slappy time fellas that came and picked up those first two loads here they're gonna drop the cattle off and they're gonna come back and pick up the steer so we got a little time they got like they got like an hour of road time plus they got unloaded all these girls found some cockle burp plants with just her head she could see down the whole countryside with cockle birds got a little funnel action it goes squish i go back to jail come on good girl wonderful viewers sent us sent me this blue slappy and i don't know if you guys know don't if you know this or not but half slap he's not back from his summer job yeah he's gonna come pretty soon but he was trying out for the olympics and then they got called off he's had kind of a disappointing summer uh you know there's that ribbons and ropes part of the gymnastics he was trying to get flag going but he was a little short and so anyway he'll be back soon man that's a lot of t-bones so funny story a couple weeks back months actually it was this summer we were working some cattle i don't know i don't know what we were doing exactly but we put ellie in the garage that way she wasn't interfering getting in the way and of course you could hear her barking and wanting out and whining because she wants to chase the cattle the wrong way couple days later we see a little bit of sheetrock on the ground follow the trail she tried digging through the garage to get to the cattle so now there's a hole in our sheetrock in the garage you see little ellie paw prints scratching into it here we go 134 we're splitting them in half putting them on two trucks truck number two is coming down the highway right down there so 30 minutes we'll be done they get a first try every time [Music] so [Music] hey hey i was pretty stoked that we didn't get up and find something like crippled or dead in one of the pens on sale day i'd like to think they're better than that but holy that one found had the wide eyes want to end up with an 800 pound piece of beef in my face up in there and there it is concrete that one's pretty good i didn't see one slip it's definitely dirty now it ain't new so i think we took in about 180 heifers and then there's like 130 something steers they're all going to the mitchell sail barn out here in south dakota we go to that sale barn quite a bit dad's gonna be taking off he's gonna head to the sail it's probably gonna take a few hours i'm gonna stay around here make sure everybody's okay i got some waters to check so when daddy gets back we'll see how the sale went see if i can get a raise this year and hopefully uh we make a little money [Music] not bad try not to hit the big button it's always weird walking out and having an empty feed lot no critters but over the next week week and a half we're going to be bringing home our home raised stuff we're going to be filling these lots this front lot will have our home race bowl which dad's been doing for dang near 20 years been selling bowls to local producers they're going to be up front getting fed obviously we leave them up front so when customers come they can check them out easier don't have to go in the back and then that middle lot that we pulled the heifers out of it was dark this morning so you probably didn't really see that video very well that's gonna be putting our home raised heifers when they come back so our lots are gonna be full all winter we do need to fill one one of the big ellie right in the shed the disrespect we do need to fill the big lot over at the north farm yet with some feeders so we'll be piecing those together here over the next couple months that pen together in the next couple months so since we're getting back into wintertime want to grab the globes and the screens out of the tractors the auto steer stuff we don't need auto steer during the winter just we don't have any jobs like that yeah we don't need that stuff to be getting cold and freezing and thawing also a couple videos back this thing was not was not acting right we couldn't use our second gear mechanic came out yesterday and said yeah you're screwed and so we're gonna have to repair this thing one of the one of the gears on the transmission lost some teeth or something i don't know but they're gonna have to split the tractor and it's gonna be expensive also sounds like poets coming out bring us a few pellets we're getting pretty low that said we have about three buckets worth left in that wagon should probably pull that wagon up get it on some concrete it is a muddy mess around here yesterday we were bringing back my pears and dad also had a few in that pasture way out west if you remember when we were taking pears out this spring early this spring but the mud was bad the roads were terrible look how dirty this pickup got holy moses dirtier than you ellie no way they got stick holders on there and there's even sticks on it that's the first time i ever noticed that we should be done with this it's like when i have the skid loader out i can put that away too [Music] [Music] yeah getting pretty low we are ready for some pellets also we got some new merch out right now the can koozies are available we're also getting some new stocking hats out it's gonna be kind of like this one it's got the fold but it'll be gray and it will have sunny farms logo on it that's down in the link below farm focused sunny farms you can find that order yourself something or a family member christmas is coming up i'm terrible at gift giving i'll probably that's probably what i'm going to do is just going to get some sunny farm stuff and give it to people all right not going to lie i just took a nap first time i've taken a nap in months but it was just a little one just like 30 minutes thanks for being supportive ellie takes like 20 naps a day and nobody gives her a grief about it so thank you the felter on their way i may or may not be why i quit napping we'll chuck them dear pellets up in the wig and then we'll put it away and then i'll be done for the day oh big yawn jays that's a big bird well i don't really know why i thought i was gonna be able to lift that in there i thought we did last time now i remember we used the forklift that's why i thought the forks all right hopefully this thing starts [Music] whoa it looks excessively high up there did we win yeah you know there's two ways to make money on cattle one is to sell them high the other is to buy them cheap and we got them bought right so we did pretty good today um the market's a little lower and i was a couple weeks ago but we they sold well they looked good in the ring nice had a good day good day except you didn't come with well you were in town for five hours i told you i was gonna yeah i didn't wanna i don't wanna do it make sure you put that mask down before you go back in the chat okay hey okay yeah oh man no people are laughing at me i normally save these but we got 20 of them up in that up in that barn over there so just going to go in the garbage well i think that's going to be it guys thanks for hanging with us cattle sold decently it can be real nerve-wracking i'm guessing dad was losing a little bit of sleep the last couple days thinking about this sale seems like it went pretty good another day at sunny farm say goodbye ellie see you next time have a good one i ever tell you about the time mom and i built a brand new house and then one day i went outside to do chores and the first thing i noticed around the light switch was all these little dents and i came back in the house and i asked mom about it and jake disappeared just like that like he always did if there was trouble brewing and come to find out three knucklehead boys were using an airsoft gun to shut these lights off and on you know anything about that i've never heard that one before i don't know what you're talking about
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 382,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cattle, sale, sale day, pay day, market, going to market, selling cattle, selling calves, sonne farms, south dakota, sale barn, auction, cattle auction, angus, semi trucks, semi trailers
Id: OaSycczsTkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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