This bird hates me, POOP EVERYWHERE! - Harvest Part 2

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see what happens when you leave a  skid steer away for a little bit look at that you little punk you deserve to be  locked in there crapping all over this thing come here you little bugger no come here  come here stinker what are you thinking   I'm sitting in your feces buddy do you even  care you don't oh oh I I thought you cared   okay all right well glad we saddle this all right  time for our annual camp out on the farm trip with   crew what do we got guys fluid  what kind of food hobo dinners   are you a hobo well then we're eating the right  food where's your food Skye oh no oh but he's   over there and you're here how's that work you  throw it at him does he catch it with his mouth   here's our new home fresh off the internet first  time popping it up even got still some packaging   material caught on it that we missed but lots of  room back door entrance goes into this beautiful   caragana paradise and if you sneak through here  careful careful don't snag a shirt I'm gonna be   doing this half naked in the middle of the night  yeah all right you break into this Meadow [Music] wow this here is where you do your business  under the stars see how I'm getting that here   pop squat stare at stars all  right better get to eat some food [Music]   wow I guess I picked the right time to go spraying  or I went spraying pick the right time to rain   either way rain's welcome I don't know how much  it's gonna do but you know what we'll take it I   just probably might have to respray but I just  did a little bit ago so at least I got a weeded   system so I'll know what didn't come up or  what did and I could take care of it cheap   let's get home this is nice I think a lot  more came down up North so we're getting   some rain in the areas that really needed  it I'll know more shortly here but crop is   definitely stunted and hurt but it's still  filling heads they're still filling pods so   anything like this is definitely gonna help  this is my road to my house look at the kosha   growing up and down the sides of the ditch we  don't really have a good pickup sprayer right   now and our four-wheeler spray is our sprayer  isn't really set up to handle that kind of stuff   and I want to spray it and we don't have a  good mower for it so uh I was just thinking   I can use the weed to wing it out I'll turn my  sensors off on the outside booms narrow it down   so this way just the width of the road will  be spraying put it on spot spray and it'll go won't spray the road take care of the kosher  if you try it I think so let's wing it out it's working oh yeah take it weeds  nice clean driveway in a couple days can't stand those things there's my width right  there let's take a look at some applied rate   look at that where are the weeds at right on  the edges Isn't that cool see that's why we   build big root take care of my driveway it  makes a lot of sense extremely satisfying one gallon an acre Campbell it's gonna take a while to run this tank out  all right well got a lot of acres to go we'll   see how far we get well doing some spraying  got a call from uh a buddy of mine who Farms   right in our area and his dad said they found  hail damage up north and some more stuff so   I think Dad already took off I told him he's gonna  go look but I can't help it I'm gonna grab the   pickup and stop spraying for a minute let's go see  what it looks like see if uh there's much damage   so we'll know here in a second let's take off  this time of the year that's typically where your   moisture comes from is thunderstorms um [Music]  statistically there's a pretty good chance you're   you're going to see some hail in those uh the  difference this year compared to last year is we   ponyed up and took out a big hail insurance policy  so some of these areas if we got hailed we would   be better off collecting the hail insurance if  it was 100 percent than harvesting the crop other   areas of this Farm have actually decent crop on it  and I think we'd be better off harvesting it than   collecting hail insurance and you're not getting  a 100 check unless it's 100 hailed out that makes   sense so we'll find out how bad it is uh but  we can collect some on it so yeah you want to   collect everything you can try to pay back those  premiums on a hail insurance policy it took out   the downside about all this is where it hailed oh  I'm looking at this right here I see some of that   that's not ours but there's definitely some  Thin spots um is it hailed in the area of far   better crop not the lousy crop that we would  have been more okay with getting hailed just   got a hold of Dad he's right over here  so I'm gonna go ahead and pick him up   um he's looking at something right now I'm just  looking at our Peas Just from the road and it   looks like some of it's laying over now that could  just be heavy rain too but we'll know more when we   get into it just walk down to this real quick it  definitely stripped the peas off a lot of this   you can see it all on the ground down there all  these pods I don't know how much 40 maybe here   not 100 by any means but definitely some hail here  so we'll chalk this area up as hailed grounds that   way they can get the adjuster I'll start looking  at this well thankfully it turned out to be just   a couple acres like three Fields so it's not  really going to mount a whole lot we'll still   have it adjusted we'll collect a little bit on  it but it wasn't much of the farm our good land   didn't get hail so that's good but we did get some  good water out of some of that so yeah sounds good   I dropped Dad off side by side they'll run it  back but anyways yeah we're uh we're doing okay   our neighbor did get hit a little harder than  we did his crop was pretty pretty sad in that   spot but all right next to our really sad ground  but still it did get him a little harder than us   just don't know where it's gonna land but  with every hail storm always comes a little   bit of water probably about four tenths out  of that thing maybe half inch in some areas   not a real wide path but that's good we'll love  it well it's out there we'll continue to grow   and we'll have a little bit more of a harvest I  think I've been shooting a lot as a console so   see these old tire tracks right here where there's  weeds growing right up here the console these are   all the sensors see the spikes right there that's  showing Those sensors are detecting chlorophyll   and they're activating the solenoids on those  spots you can actually see the tire tracks on   this graph here this gives me instant data on what  is going on out there pretty cool yellow spikes   many now the more that I'm able to run this  system I'm getting a better feel of it I just   tell you what that right there or this right here  applied rate of one gallon an acre to zero [Music]   I've had the same tank I filled up hours ago and  I've still got 700 gallons in it and it's awesome   I just keep spraying I just I don't have to worry  about driving home filling up again I just keep   spraying I'm getting more Acres done an hour now  than if I had a road back every hour and a half   now this is clean Fields like this there's still  some big kosher plants here and here and here and   here and I'm getting them but now that I've  gotten out of the bad stuff gotten into this   it's really starting to shine it's the kind of  stuff that makes me glad we bought the system   really nice it just get better and better  check it out he stands for efficiency 99   so I'm using 99 less product than I would if I  were spraying 10 to 12 gallons an acre on this   that's pretty amazing there we go done  and done finished cap follow operation   number three for the year just finished  washing big brood down check this out that's the fuel level right there right about  that didn't put any fuel in it the whole time   20 2800 Acres so I sprayed 2 800 acres on probably  180 gallons 200 gallons that's 15 Acres a gallon   that's pretty good 15 Acres a gallon that's tough  to beat that kind of fuel burn for what I got done   all right well so far success now to move on to  other things until we come back to this but it's   good to have that behind me because Harvest is  coming around the corner those peas as you can   see are turning and we're going to be getting  combines out here a couple days and getting   ready so the next chempal operation probably will  be towards the end of harvest or right after so   we'll see how it goes depending on how it rains  we got one combine going it's out in the field   uh he just went out and started to cut some peas  I'll run out there and see how things are going   but uh so far he says is good this combine we  need a clean grain elevator chain replace it is   very wore out but the sprocket on top needs to be  replaced as well now the Sprocket was supposed to   be here and then somehow somebody grabbed it and  they don't know where it's at it's in transport   and hopefully it'll be here today so I can't  really work on that until I get that sprocket   to change that clean grain elevator now what  needs to be done you see that piece pizza cutter   yeah these are starting to show cracks and uh I  don't like the idea of this thing driving down the   road and a tire blown out that's kind of a death  trap and this tire here is getting a little low   I'm going to attempt when putting these things  on I've actually never done a tire this size   with a small sidewall I hear they're not fun but  we'll find out okay you guys can watch me struggle [Music]   hot outside a little sweaty in here but uh got the  old one off and I'm just putting air in this one   taking a little bit to try to get it to seat  as you can tell there's a little bit of a gap   there it's slowly going they got a little tiny uh  grooves on the rim all the way around so the tire   doesn't slip and it's leaking through each one  of those little kind of grooves eventually the   rubber will kind of seal itself around it it's  fine it just takes a little bit to kind of get   it to slide over but uh I'll just let it fill  for a while I'll just kind of babysit it make   sure I don't overfill it in case it does  seat and it looks like it's slowly seating   but uh yeah not too shabby and then  I got the other one to do [Music] guess what I got some visitors it's my first  time running the combine so uh why not make   it with some uh visitors you guys know each  other yes do you know me yes who am I uh my mom   yeah you're gonna kill a moth oh did you  get it you didn't get it did you get it   did we get it did you just steal her seat grassy hoppers get grass off there's a few in there huh  yes we're driving the 9370 this is the first   head to the bins and uh let's go use that  Westfield auger into the nice West steel band 97 degrees yeah that's a little warm but the  combines out there cutting and let's make some   room for him to put some more empties in this  truck and yeah you're probably wondering why   are we not using two combines wait for parts  on the other one apparently the dealership   lost one of the pieces that we needed and so  can't use it so we're just running one combine   it's me time to do other things like change  tires on Apache and whatnot and stuff I really love this truck [Music] foreign all right um day three it's been broke up  uh since we first started cutting uh the   the other combine we're waiting on a  sprocket I think I probably said that in a   past uh segment but maybe it'll come in tomorrow  so we've been running one it's been went over the   weekend I had a class reunion for those who uh  know what a cat class reunion it is uh this they   change as they go from the earliest years  to when you get a lot older uh the earliest   years you're trying to impress you know your  best side forward you know what are you doing   mine was the 50th so that was my class for you  the 50th in Shelby and uh we were just saying   you're still alive oh wow changes so anyway uh  so we've been broke up so we really haven't had   you know like a few hours a day and uh some  of the peas aren't ready yet so that's fine   but we're uh we're chewing on it we've got uh  probably this will make over 200 some Acres cut   uh it just spreading but uh hopefully this next  week will really get started into both machines   and then we've got a hammer out um the weather's  holding uh it's 96 97 today um take 30 degrees   off and that's what we're experiencing right  now as you can see right now you could look   um over here it's uh really short thin then you  get over here and it's sloped slopes down toward   the road and the water pooled when the snow melted  and so that's why it's a little better the yields when you go through those areas kick right  up there into the 20s to touching 30.   but then when you get past like as I'm  gonna get past I'm climbing up a slight   grade so that's not that's the last  of where the snow bank and the water   pool now we're getting into where it's just  dry and then I'll show you what the yields   do okay we're getting closer to roughly  what uh the just yield monitors adjusting it's climbing down so it's uh we're doing around eight seven five four yeah some of  these areas had over the slight Hilltop   never caught much snow there's really enough  ground moisture the peas aren't doing as well   so that's what we're facing it's pretty much on  the ground uh the real down trying to pick it up   and and uh push it into the Draper belts to carry  it to the middle uh so but it's it's doing a good   job as you can see out there it's doing a good job  of catching all those pods now right here is where   there was hail right up ahead that went through  just barely caught this corner of this field   and then of course heavy rain and as you can see  it's somewhat laid down and it was really laying   down up there so I had to cut that whole corner at  uh uh sideways so that because if you go against   where it's laying down it's really hard to pick  it up so I went sideways and was able to lift   it and pick it up so I had to cut a a number  of anchors back and forth to try to clean up   that uh that end I as you can see right here it's  laying down well uh there is some kosher in places   now here's a low spot I'm cutting down to a  low spot now let's take a look I'm slowing   down because there's a little bit to chew through  look how much material is coming in the peas are a   lot better and then I'll show you it was nine up  on that Hillside and it's going to keep climbing well we hit 30 yes we hit 30. all right that's  what it should have been on a normal year we   would have normal rainfall I think we have been  looking at uh between the low 20s to hitting 30.   so anyway like I said I'm back in the saddle  again it really feels good to be back in here   was fun visiting with all the people that I had  former classmates they uh it's amazing how some   people look the same and then some people change  quite a bit but once you say you know you're   trying to remember the names and then when you  need and then you start looking oh there's that   characteristic of them yeah I remember you  know the you know the physical appearance   um this way and that way so um it's it's kind of  fun that way just to see how we're undeveloping   I don't know I think we were developed probably in  our late teens to early in the 20 year olds that's   when we're developed then I think it starts  going downhill and some of them was really a   a slope but um was glad just to see the  people we got to see it was good to touch   base anyway I'm waiting for Kobe's reunion Kobe  you want to go to your reunion huh do you care I won't homie about it right yeah I think he's  they don't do 10-year reunions I think they do 9k9   what's the matter you see a little rabbit did you he saw a little bunny and uh I'm not gonna  let him out because it was a small bunny   uh he caught it I didn't see it until it just kind  of moved off into the Navarro pit or the edge of   the road but he saw it what do you think of that  are you interested huh yes yeah he's interested   but I don't let him chase the little ones the  big ones he could go after because they play with   him but not those small bunnies I like to see  him so all right maybe next time he'll grow up   to be a bigger uh a bigger bunny then it'd be  a lot more hair-raising Adventure sorry [Music] [Music]
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 155,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: -5pDc6k7Exs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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