How NOT to Pour Concrete!!!

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bye mom have a great day at work i wonder if she wants to help pour concrete uh-oh that again [Music] ain't terrible another concrete man i've been around it a little bit before that pour you want to get a little wet so it doesn't pull the moisture out of the concrete too fast in about 45 minutes that cement truck's coming and dad and i are going to try to handle this ourselves with the help of our buddies motorized screeder which is low on gas io is not made to be informative this is entertainment don't listen to anything we say today because this is how not to pour concrete we're just out here saving some money doing it ourselves like the mold timing farmers chucking anything they can in there to make a little stronger i know my grandpa he's thrown many old t-posts in there to make it a little stronger i've heard other farmers use some woven wire their third ex-wives bones anything you can find we'll make sure this thing starts and it's ready to go it's a little cool this morning let her warm up a bit [Music] are you hurting today dad well good me too you do yeah that would be worse tomorrow yesterday we were of course forming that concrete got a little extra pain performing for the concrete right yep yeah and so would you like one and so we're needing a little extra pain relief no it's a cbd pouch so it doesn't have any nicotine or tobacco tastes orange yeah we got the tropical mango flavor today makes me feel frisky euphoric that's got some good flavor it does have some good flavor that's today's sponsor thank you canada so we've been using these for a couple months now tastes good cbd helps relieve a little bit of anxiety a little bit of pain anti-inflammatory is what it is would you say it takes the edge off i think it puts the edge on let's rock so there'll be a link below if you want 20 off on your order of canada i'll just borrow from you we got a rookie running the shoot today because i'm gonna wade through the concrete and pull the street try to keep his knee from getting hurt so i got some things i got to tell you it's very important when you're pouring concrete that the trucker can see in one of his mirrors whatever side you're on and you got to give them hand signals because it's loud okay and we don't want a bunch of concrete where we don't want concrete because then it's heavy to move and then it's where we don't want it yeah and that's not a good thing because then we got a scoop not on a scoop so i expect you to lay like a perfect coat at the right height so we don't have to move it so much okay but you got to give hand signals okay so like if you need them to pull ahead you do these and back up this if you want to shoot the side swing locked you do this if you want released you just do this you got your up and you're down too okay anyway you'll get the hang of it okay because when you tell him something he does the opposite then do it the other way okay and then ellie gets to press in her paw and right the gear did i ever tell you that uh ellie auditioned for that movie and uh they decided to go with piglet instead of doglet yeah we were pretty disappointed where are we looks like she's got greased up on the side of her face oh come on man she got the stank on you yeah held me in her arms till i could feel her disease is that the song of the day okay the song of the day has come together by the beatles over me [Music] that might be a cement truck on the highway ellie's gonna help [Music] the truck driver that came is really good at his job he puts it where it needs to go the moisture is right all in all it's going all right [Music] so [Music] going there well dad i guess that's why the name of the video is how not to pour concrete we ordered extra and we were about a half a yard short and you know why right because it's thick it's high there no i can see right there so yeah we're supposed to be the at the bottom of the rotted board you know yeah the rotted one but we're at the bottom of the good one but imagine how that water's gonna flow oh yeah we got a good grade yeah my only regret is i didn't order more the first time just to have but yeah because i was all giddy we cleaned up a spot right there we were like yeah we got all this extra coming we're going to dump it right there and then just put the rest there yeah i was ready i did some learning today i reckon i did some learning too i don't ever want to do this again no no you know i thought for how much money we saved doing it ourselves that it wasn't too bad of a project and calving is going to be pretty sweet well this is what they call a small project to me it's big enough getting a guy to come do with something like this is hard because they get big pores you know that's what she said she said that in what case would she say that so dad are you uh dreading all the professional mason workers or concrete men in their comments about how terrible of a job we did no because because the cows don't care okay that's all that's going to be my reply to every critic well i had a fun time and i'd love to do it again i think uh if anyone ever says anything bad about a concrete truck driver i might have to fight him well that one was definitely something and they've got a lot of them do you think uh he could use some candidates from all that hard work probably i'll give thank you mom for letting us use your little spray thing so yeah they're sending one truck for uh just a yard these trucks hold i think 10 yards so the cost and trucking is going to be pretty high relative to the amount of cement we're going to get but you know we learned we thought we ordered enough we ordered more than a yard extra we thought but we got too thick in some spots all right we got our one yard showing up let's finish this sucker out yeah have you ever heard the term paint yourself don't paint yourself in a corner no oh so you know if you start and then you paint and paint and paint and then the floor and then you look up and the door's on the other corner and you're in a trapped corner so what you're saying is the same thing my cell phone and my jacket are in that door so i don't have to nice i won't run out i was i was hearing noises in there i didn't know what it was [Applause] look [Applause] my collection of trolls over there i've collected them like when somebody do concrete work and they throw it away because they're pissed off at it and then i'd grab it because then i'd have something except this one i think it's called manganese or something it's a nice one i got this at a door prize at a father-son banquet in mount vernon oh nice thanks ryan baker construction that's why we got one good thing yep because we can't buy stuff this is my cement trowel there's many like it but this one is mine without brian the trowel is nothing should we put the year in it yeah we probably should with what the fender what you do is you find a coin that's got the year and you stick it in the concrete okay i'm not looking for one looks like a fish 20. there it is so that's what she looks like hopefully like i said in last video the 25 coons that live in there don't decide they're gonna come out during the day and walk on it that'll just make better traction for the cows true all right on to the next thing huh no point sitting there resting on our laurels let's get to the next thing what's the laurel lawrence welcome to you okay need a little flavor to get through the rest of the day i mentioned in the last video that these calves after a week or two since they've been weaned really early they start getting sick we put this tank in here and we're gonna treat some water try to keep them healthier we put this gate here in front of the other drinker so they can't get to that except one problem is down in that corner it's got a split in it so we're gonna try to patch that quick [Music] did i do that yeah i'm terrible sorry we got some customers so that's an antibacterial it's just kind of there to keep them from getting sick a little bit they call it shipping fever hey look at them drinking wow that's good it's easier to keep them healthy than to treat them after they get you know maybe if i threw some of these candy dips in there with it flavor it up they'd feel pretty good if i run like this just puffed up did we get too small of a tank oh they slurped it all the way down let's use that one he said that thing is heavy the old girl ain't gonna like that weight hey cole yeah did i ever tell you about the time that i was walking out in the corn field and i was walking across sandro's and all of a sudden my feet hit a water tank no and it was a third full of water and i thought well it certainly didn't fly here or roll here full of water anyway i run into my neighbor eugene and i asked him if he was missing a water tank then down there a half mile north of the trinity church he said yeah i lost a water tank and that thing had flew in the storm between a quarter and a half a mile landed out in my corn field and then proceeded to get about a third to a half full of water wow sitting there and i was just glad i hit it with my feet and not my corn head yeah and that's all i got to say about that that just leaves one or two more things get water in there and also get 40 cows over here so we don't have to feed them every day and they can work for us for a little bit oh so these girls have been in here for the last couple days we're gonna spin them around bring around the horn get them up and load about 14 at a time until we get 40. it's gonna take three loads we ended up using a different gate and somehow i lost my slappy well we got the blood pumping on that one they're very much so going the wrong way cute dingle dorks let's go [Music] [Music] yep that's got terrible news what'd you do uh i lost half slappy when we were chasing them through the weeds i don't know it might be a year or two before i find her pretty much empty hello got some manure on my lip get up that dip get up out there deeper scrapers one more load of critters little water to deal with and that'll be a nice solid tuesday [Music] let's get out of here we want more of these things the 2021 concrete pour looks pretty decent dad says we can take the forms off i said really he said yeah so that's what we're gonna do [Music] [Applause] thank you all for watching this far attend the day we're gonna show you this is that pasture that we interceded we drilled in here with that pasture fix mix trying to improve it a little bit and some people have been asking what that's looking like is it coming up so it's going to be hard but we can see these really skinny ones right here that's the new growth coming coming right in this line but yeah there's a few of them they're pretty small yet these guys right here and so they they came they germinated they sprouted and we're actually going to get a rain tonight so that's going to help them grow up a little bit trying everything it can to get some starch into the roots and make it past and through this winter come up next year so hopefully we did make an improvement today was a good day we got our cows moved got that concrete poured all in all it's a decent day hope you enjoyed watching we'd love to see you next time have a good [Music] uh oops
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 157,976
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Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, precision ag, calving, baby, manure, hauling cor, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, cow
Id: 755ZpXn6T3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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