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before we get into today this is what we were doing last night there isn't many nights of the year you can cut spring barley that's lodged starting to regrow after sundown but amazingly we can't tonight and the banks of the river it's clouded over not much breeze it's relatively warm shaving the ground literally I'll be seems to be getting it all off as well a little bit of bulldozing here maybe now though be careful as well no one was asking the other day why is the weight real not in sync it's so that it's always got a smooth crop flow because that's feeding that in that's feeding that in and it basically means that the machine's always running fairly even we've got the Reel going quite fast to lift it up quick flick it over the knife it's gone down now this is what we're trying to pick up actually certain patches in the field but just can't can't get it to go over the knife now it's just two too soggy so we'll call it a day resume later tomorrow or today if you're watching it right now that is what I can see now is what my phone can see isn't that amazing there's my car it's like Jenga in the yard trying to get everything set up to treat this next bit of seed some bright bright as well start to see reflections finally got it set up 40 minutes later than we wanted to because it's going to take up two hours long to do it and get gone really out of the way there's not enough putting barley to show the MPS what's going on and ITV News are here filming a bit as well for it this MP day was arranged I don't know four months ago and then he got moved from July to August you wouldn't believe it's right in the middle of the best day of the year that we've had so far this summer and we're moving fields to put it but we're doing it because it's important it's important that MPS knowing and especially Urban MPS know exactly what goes on on a farm and people know exactly what Harvest is because it isn't our Harvest it's your Harvest it's everyone's Harvest what we're Harvest at the moment is what everyone's going to eat it's important for National Security as well for the nation so anyway we're gonna Saddle Up swap Fields um well basically combat's gonna be starting in the yard for a little bit and then we're going to go and cut some wheat and show them and then we've got a demo of some oil scenery being harvested as well on the combine today and we've obviously brought it back to do the demonstration stuff I've filmed hardly anything apart from we did a little bit of filming and we use my phone because because it's it's got a better camera on it for some of the nfu stuff that they're going to be putting out on social media which is just educating people out farming so they've got a girl I think is it Sophie working for them who's nothing knows nothing about farming deliberately so that when she goes she asks the obvious questions that other people wouldn't realize so it's a little bit cobbled together and we were messing around with a different microphone some people know about farming so they probably might not find that interesting but here it is anyway and this is some of the little bits and Bobs that we filmed today so it's a little bit like unedited just to show you what we're doing or what they're doing really everyone loves what right we're walking around and everyone's gone I didn't film any of it because I was too busy showing people around so this is Sophie that works for the nfu hello and Sophie knows nothing about farming so she's going to go and ask people stupid questions about farming to teach to General Public about farming so we're going to go and film in a couple of sheds and we're going to see if she knows what's in them and then we're going to have a look at that and we're gonna have a look at that so off we go so when you hold it just hold it there and then just record it so what's this like Road mic it's on purpose it's got one of these we're in the oil seed rape shed with a ice cream to Sophie forgotten the second name already but we'll call it Sophie nfu and we're doing a little bit of a tick tock video about what all the different things are in each shed so obviously this shed is full of osr so we've just been explaining that you can use it for cooking oil and what else and for your tires your car no no it Powers your car not for your tires if you put on your tires you slip everywhere [Music] yes we'll have to work a little bit longer on this one what's that big orange thing that is a grain Pusher okay so it's like it's like marbles that it's really round and it flows so when it comes out the back of the wagon it's it like goes all over the floor okay even makes that noise so we push it up with the big orange thing on the front of the tractor yeah and get it as high as we can because the sky's the limit the more we can fit in the shed the better nice I want to Sledge down it you can actually yeah have you done it years ago yet get the Sledge yourself what is this it looks like sand it's wheat so it's what you make bread out of yeah so if each one of these if you bite it in half as it's white in the middle so that makes flour so that is what you make bread out of so the UK each year produces about 12 million tons a year of wheat yeah and to put that into his own perspective if you were to put it on wagons and park them Bumper to Bumper they want stretch from Jonah gross the land's end they stretch from Jonah Groats to Moscow and back and okay so in a pile like this how many loaves of bread are there and it's 600 grams and a loaf of bed so that's what say 2 000 loaves a ton and there's probably 100 ton there so 200 000 loaves of bread oh my God it rises that's a lot of bread okay you want to eat it at once so what do we have here Ollie what and whiskey and gin what's your favorite I don't drink Elgin here we go gin me makes you happy or violent I think all right okay yeah how many pints of beer are in this pile let me just ask Google is it a lot though a lot a lot yeah yeah I mean like like Millions like could the plants fill up the room oh yeah yeah yeah like I think I think a ton can make something like like is it 10 000 pints and there's like 350 ton I'd have to do the Googling or someone else can Google them put in the comments wait so how do you sit on it is there a chair you don't even know what it is there oh what is this it's for sowing corn so planting seeds so that we can Harvest them next year and you don't sit on it right at the front we attach a tractor to it and then we plug these pipes in yeah and then the tractor has a seat in it or a chair if you're from Coventry and um why is it going to blades on so at the moment it's folded up so it fits down the road but when you get to the field it like lifts up and then it goes like ah and then it falls forward and then blades go in the floor and cut a Groove and then it blows seed down these tubes right and a little wheel presses it into the soil and then the other wheel then closes the slot that the front blades made and then it starts to grow wow it looks pretty deadly so yeah so at the moment it's folded up so it's about four meters high and about three meters wide but when it folds out it's 12 meters wide so we can we go up and down the field every 12 meters sat in the seat or chair on the tractor sure throw a chair you have to come back and see it working yes do that surprised again oh what is this God start again [Applause] what is this it's a sprayer so when we're growing things we need to protect them from like disease things like that or when we're putting a new crop in the ground we need to clean the field so we're going and we'll put like a herbicide on it to kill all the weeds like you would on your path at home what's a herbicide um kills plants so it's like a weed killer yeah yeah so we'll go in we'll put weed killer on the field it's all nice and clean and then we'll put whatever we want into it so like for instance wheat yeah and then hopefully then only thing that we're going to feel that year is wheat so we don't have to put any other chemicals on it for 12 months so we put it on before we grow the wheat so this has a big water tank on it so the big silver thing on the back holds water builds about six thousand liters of water and when it falls out these booms what we call down the side of it like a crane they fold out 36 meters wide and we go up and down the field and it sprays little nozzles but like you put on your hair like a spray thing hairspray yeah and it puts the covering on the ground or whatever you're doing or we use it to put food on so like nutrition for the plants through it as well yeah can we can I sit in there yeah okay will you hold that please is that it got oh my God it's so funny document so that press that pedal there that makes that hey that stays here I would definitely need uh can you drive yeah yeah you old enough yes I'm 19 now so that that makes it go forwards and that makes it go backwards it's like Top Gun yeah like you hold it like that yeah so obviously when it's running you wouldn't you'd be a bit smoother and you wouldn't you wouldn't do it that quick because you'd be like wait so you have to hold it like that the whole time no no no so you kind of like if you want to go forwards a bit you just push it forwards a little bit then let go and it'll stay at that speed if you want to slow down you pull it back a little bit just like the combine as well that must be like quite boring after a while there no because you turn it and oh well you can turn the radio on there we go and then that's GPS so that's steer is it for you so you when you when we go in the field for the first time yeah yeah we um we tell it where we want to drive and then it remembers it and then it drives itself so you just sit here watching what's going on and making sure everything's okay and then edit YouTube videos [Music] I don't know how about 12 14 hours a day sometimes not really this time of year but at certain times uh not not really sometimes you've got butter oh no it me mum put some melon in it for me the other day well yeah that's the only thing you end up out with it for a long time you need to be amp you see the other side of the camera 30 seconds Sophie what have you learned today on the farm you can bite into your craft to find out if it's ready do the bike test I've learned that um there's water in the top of this thing yep which is a what this is It's a sprayer the most important machine on the farm there we go um and why has it got YouTube on the front [Music] well yeah because YouTube are paying for it there we go wait we've done a few videos um all around looking at different crops and different things different machines so I'll put a little bit bit of them together and show you and I think we're going to make some content because the idea is because she doesn't know zero about I'm not gonna say anything just farming um she asked the questions that a lot of people want to ask but would feel stupid asking mainly the general public no offense to the general public out there that knew that was a sprayer which you probably would do if you're watching this video anyway because you paid for it but yeah so um it's a new thing that they're starting to follow them on Tick Tock what's the channel called but British Farm there's two Batman Farms there's someone that sells to close as well black British farming on this fat British farming then just an underscore there we go so check it out later on and um I'm gonna use you as clickbaker today because the other day when we used to live as clickbait get the rest of the video I watched loads of times so that's why you've seen the thumbnail of that 58 bells in the field and the wagons just turned up to weigh now when he's turned up there's obviously a little missing but he hasn't lost it on the road somewhere account left 48 not 58. Liv's putting the bail over away now Andrew's still just finished a fill a week he's finishing Spring Valley got into a week because it started to get dampered later on as you saw last night and the rake is back as well and it's been the best rest uh track to drive today if you still got a dress on us to get a few events so she's been out rowing up for that rolling some straw over we're gonna go and do the birthday bumper now on the Boogie you're both doing it come on let's go I'm hungry birthday bumper time off you go live Hannah go right Ben grindley he's nine Mark Wright 34. Kevin James he's 54. Ernie O'Hanlon who was born yesterday Marco Hamlin's grandson Oliver Tipple who's three Robert wheeler who's 64 and Evan Bowden who's 11. um and then has the AKA Claire Haslam that was her birthday yesterday it was a happy birthday for yesterday um Gavin Roder is 55 Alice kidding is seven Josh took gossier galata's 44 and Stephen Walker AKA Cowboy Steve is 49 and we also have an anonymous as well so we've put you on the bumper and Ankara hairless ten There You Go Happy Birthday everyone on there and get well soon Steve he's waiting for a bypass operation I think 42 624 I think it's gone up like 200 and something pounds today if anyone wants to look tomorrow what it was yesterday you can put it in the comments let us know I haven't got time to do that because I'm tired but there you go happy birthday and thanks girls most glamorous birthday born forever that could be the most random video I have ever edited so um you just have to let me know where you enjoyed it or you found it boring I don't know but yeah let me know in the comments anyway another thing yesterday the girl that was doing the lime testing she I said she didn't want to be on camera no what she actually said was she wasn't really sure she was coming to talk on camera so that's why I did most of the talking she didn't mind being on camera and she actually did some more content later on for the nfu kind of things with Hannah as well so don't worry because everyone was like oh she didn't want my own camera you put her on camera yeah it was just I think it was a slip of the tongue to say she didn't want to be on camera anyway really random video even more random John do you remember when we were doing the combine run the guy that was only feeling sixty percent of medicine out of cardboard and held it up well John's on his way to John agroots to sail across to uh is it the opening hours I think so he's called in and took him some merch and some goodies anyway and we've kind of kept in touch with him through his neighbor because we've met his neighbor at the Highland show anyway um he's feeling 80 today he's made up because because John called so um as he's saying he's still got it and he's feeling a lot better but anyway that's all for today the most random is strangest video I've ever made but thanks for watching if you have made it this far thanks for your patience and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Olly Blogs Agricontract farmer
Views: 21,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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