Patrick Bet-David Opens Up On London Real

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the game of entrepreneurship is so ugly you make one bad mistake you're dead the business world it's a very mafia s type of a business if you look the other way just because you just made a million dollars in a month and you start getting very arrogant boom you're wiped out if division is crystal clear and then you know how to sell it the rest is history I'm running a business and I'm competing in a marketplace a five trillion dollar industry how is that even possible for a guy like me an immigrant I like immigrants because immigrants have a chip they have a point to prove people that were born in America you guys have no clue what gift has been given to you being raised in Iran I missed the part of being playful we were in war and all we're hearing as the whistles not a lot of stuff throws you off at that point self-improvement became an obsession if you're trying to be the best version of yourself every day that's how I think you get to greatness it's not about being against you it's about pbd against pvd's capacity and I'm chasing this spend some time asking the right questions from yourself ask yourself what you're looking for from there on if you stay true to the vision the world better get out of your way [Music] they say that the human race is doomed that we have lost touch with our true nature that the media has corrupted us and that the planet has the future I disagree I believe that humanity is full of hope and that our salvation lies within each one of us my name is Brian rose in my job is to listen the oldest method of learning known to man each week I seek out individuals that are changing the world's people who are living and thinking in a different way their stories will challenge your beliefs make you question your choices and perhaps inspire you to change I never planned on doing any of this but now I can't stop join me on this mission and make humanity something we can all be proud of as the host of value tainment patrick vet david has had some unusual conversations from mob bosses to Hollywood actors to NBA players he really seeks out unusual people and gets them to tell all but he had a weird journey in getting there he was born in Iran spent time in the military and then in poverty and built himself up as a businessman and now owns a large insurance company but he really is about teaching people how to get to the next level in business and it's all about going inside it's about finding your limitations and your limiting behaviors and trying to correct those and push yourself to the next level I love Patrick I love what he's about and we had a really hard conversation if you want to know what it takes to succeed in life and in London real we push people every single day in our Academy to succeed whether when they want to start a business from scratch in eight weeks whether they want to publicly speak or they want to broadcast themselves with their own podcast we do all of that this is a little bit more about it London real doesn't stop when the conversation is you see that's when we get started because everything begins with a thought and then comes the action the London real Academy is our global transformation platform here we bring together thousands of students from over 75 countries whether you want to build a profitable business from your passion or learn to speak to inspire or broadcast yourself with your very own podcasts or accelerate your life to become a high-performance person we have the online accountability course and personal mentoring program that will make your dream a reality join us and we'll take your life to the next level together our next accelerate of course is starting soon this is London real I am Brian rose my guest today is Patrick BETT David the creator of the YouTube channel value tainment which takes complex leadership management and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons after fleeing to America from Iran at age 10 you later joined the military and then went to work in finance before starting your own company PHP agency' in 2009 value tainment now has over 1 million subscribers posting interviews with a wide range of high performance people including mob bosses Hollywood actors and NBA Hall of Famers Patrick welcome to London yes good to be here great to have you first of all how's the city treating you what do you think of London what's what's your perspective you know I got to tell you when I was coming in everybody's like oh my gosh London you know they're snobby they're full of themselves etc etc but nice people I mean very pleasant you know good restaurants great food it's got a if-if-if London you know it would be combination between Paris New York if Paris and New York came together and had a baby it would be something like London okay so feeling like a little style a little bit of a buzz I like it a lot I mean I would be an understatement it's a every year we decide to take our guys our agents to some part of the world and we go and have a good time like we just went to Croatia we went to Santorini and we went to Venice we went to Dubai prior to that we went to Tuscany and had a 20,000 square foot place and we brought everybody in their spouses and chefs the next one is Tahiti this is on the list as a following one after my trip here I'm amazed by the city yeah I love it you know I was in New York for many years and you know it's great when you're young but it can be like super intense that place yes for me this is a kinder gentler place it's got some green space people are nice access to the continents so yeah you gotta come back oh this is definitely not gonna be the last time first of all I want to start and just say I appreciate what you do you know because there's not many people in this space that are going out there and putting out these long-form conversations and I know how hard it is and I always say the mark of a professional is someone who makes it look easy and you make it look easy but I know it's not and you're on the road putting out some pretty fantastic you know conversations that are out of the mainstream even the mainstream YouTube podcast arguments and so that's incredible and before we get into everything and I want to go deep into lots of stuff I was wondering first of all I'm sure you get asked this but I want to know top three favorite guests of all time and how do you choose a guest that's so top three favorite obviously Michael Franzese has to be on the list because we're very good friends now okay like who is he for people that don't know he is a highest-paid mobster since Capone two billion dollars of career earnings he was making six to eight a week reporting to Paul Castellano and Serpico and he had dealings with Gaudi he had dealings with Gravano I mean he had dealings with everybody on the cover of Fortune magazine 1986 they had the 50 most powerful mobsters in America he was on that list the youngest on that list at 35 years old and so that's Michael Franzese you know John McAfee was a creative one it was a different one because John McAfee the founder of McAfee Antivirus right he sent back to the mobster really quick how can he talk to you about that stuff you know it's a question that everyone asked and it's a question that I asked myself I think the reason why he can't talk about that stuff today is because mayor Giuliani did a good job getting rid of the mob him and Donnie Brasco which is aka Joe Pistone right okay right if you've seen a movie if you've seen a movie Donnie Brasco Giuliani played the role of trying to get rid of everybody four times he try to rest Francie's he couldn't do it on the last case Francie's was on for like 50 years or hundred years some number like that and then he I'm only getting eight years and he wanted at the time and came back and he just says I might change my life and then from that moment on a lot of people went to prison so their street credit that they had in the 80s disappeared okay so the mob world of New York Chicago Philadelphia today isn't what it was in the 80s 80s was peak 80s was they had judges bar they had cops bah they have chief of the police department bah that congressmen senators bah that people at the top that you know even in the earlier 40s that Jade Guru verba they had a lot of these guys baths and when you have things on them the powerful people you have info on them you can you can move a lot of things today they don't have the same pulse so for him to talk about it openly there's not really anybody in a marketplace that's gonna do anything about it because everybody's in their 70s and their 80s or they're dead ok so that then other mobsters don't care and then the feds and the government doesn't care to put him away so he can talk it's not that they don't care some of them have called me and they call me and the phone sounds like an f-bomb for an hour I'm being that serious law enforcement in law enforcement is one but more mobsters people who are in the world of mob they'll call me and they'll say you know what the story with this and I gotta tell you what this and that don't listen they want to tell you their verse they want to tell me their version so on camera they won't do it no it's very interesting but so once you come and talk about it no I'm not I'm not doing that I'm not doing that ok interesting so Michaels that part john mcafee would be another one because mcafee you know very very different strange kind of a personality you know he was if if social media was around in the early 90s McAfee would be dan Bilzerian on steroids that's what he would have been because he was so eccentric you know if you see some of this stuff this guy he did an anti-virus commercial snorting cocaine and with 20 prostitutes in a video it's a very weird and that video went viral I mean you can go see it on YouTube so he sold a company for 100 million dollars we sat down at his house that he wouldn't give us the address until two hours before the interview and gives us the address we go to his place five guys there were a 47s with m16s nine German Shepherds are outside the entire town with the interview he's got a gun right here in the middle of the interview somebody you know knocks on a door guy jumps to the door with guns I'd say McAfee was another one that was interesting I like Pistone because the story of Donnie Brasco and being an undercover FBI agents you know how do you go six years and play undercover in the Bonanno family I mean you and I may be able to act for an hour maybe five minutes maybe a day of great actor can act for Daniel day-lewis maybe six months lasted the Mohicans he gets him to that part can you imagine acting for six years that's what this guy did so to be able to speak to that guy and ask him and say look you're an FBI agent okay for six years but you were so into deep your party and you're having that life did you at one point turn and say you know you wanted that life more than being the FBI agent and he gave me the answer but I didn't believe him I said I don't know if I buy it but he said uh he said um you know no I was always an FBI I take a bullet for you I take a bullet for him I take a bullet from Bob not taking a bullet for a mobster and I said you know you seem like you know you act more like the Mafia right now there Michael Franzese does because when you speak to Pistone if you had a sit-down right now and you don't know Michael Francis or Joe Pistone and I tell you have to decide who's a mafia who was a mobster you'll never say Michael Franzese hmm you also Joe Pistone was the former boss and Michael's what more soft-spoken unless the typical gangster you see in the movie is so soft interesting he's so soft-spoken that tells you a lot about business too yes and he was he was a you know he was going to be a doctor like you went and got MIT you went through it that direction of what she did yourself you know as a guy that you do crazing and nobody gets accepted and like no one and Mike you would never accept somebody like me you didn't go on MIT you gotta be somebody this guy's going to become a doctor Michael Franzese again or become a doctor his dad goes to prison he gets upset he goes to prison and says I'm not gonna be a doctor that's like what do you talk much I'm gonna be a made man says you're not gonna do this laughs he says I'm doing it that he can't stop me and he changes from wanting to be a doctor to be Anna Mae meant to making two billion courier earnings so that's a very interesting dynamic because what are you gonna do be doctor making 300 grand year while these guys are making 300 grand a week yeah psychologically that's tough to accept yeah right it's tempting how do you explain this fascination with the underworld the mob bosses if you go to your website you've got movies to watch which is great and you got casino American Gangster great movie by the way yes the Godfather series Casino you know what what is it why why is that fascinating good is it the Entrepreneurship you know uh I just think there's a big element of that I think there's a big yell I mean I grew up my family was power plays ride my mother's side they were all communists and so they hated the rich people all the time which people agree to I mean I hated rich people growing up I had an uncle who was the richest family and or a person in our family and I couldn't almost like they don't like this guy because my mom hated rich people and we talked about how about rich people my my dad said they were imperialists and imperialists you know they believe poor people are lazy so imagine rich people are greedy poor people are lazy I mean these are like bipolar type of a relationship and these guys are fighting all the time and we had a lot of family politics and I never liked it I never liked being bullied I never liked being pushed around I never liked those games at all and so that kind of put me in a position where you have to learn the games people are trying to play with you to try to pin you against somebody and if you don't know it you're gonna get caught up in the spiderweb and all of a sudden five years goes by saying why didn't I lot like you what was the issue here and so you know the mobsters the Mafia family that's the ultimate game because in the business world you know the worst thing that's gonna happen to you is gonna be put out of business that's fine okay and you're gonna have to find a way to come back three years recover save money make money make some good connections and recreate yourself and come back and do something in the mob world you make one bad mistake you're dead it's game over so it's the ultimate punishment you get and so if you're willing to play in that game and you're willing to put that as the possibility of your worst-case scenario I want to know how that person is wired I want to know those power plays we run a business and we have a lot of enemies the bigger we're getting the more enemies we have people who are my good friends ten years ago you know I hear stuff they're saying behind my back where I'm like okay this is all starting to make sense because it's competition I get it you know you want to take market place away from you and I'm trying to make a name for myself and we're coming up in an industry financial industry insurance industry where the average agent is a 59 year old white male and we are a 34 year old Hispanic female that's not normal we are a very weird company where the CEO is from Iran you what Iranian CEO is gonna compete in a financial industry in life insurance that's a very political very mafia esque type of a business who's this new regime coming and taking over so how do you do without stepping on the wrong person's toes and respecting that guy that just wants pure respect he's not wanting anything from you just wants you to make sure in the rooms you respect them all those dynamics you gotta learn obviously a lot of mistakes I've made as a rookie CEO coming up but that's my fascination happier workers are more than half a women more than half are rs immigrants as well yes like you are like I am now that's a completely different footprint like you said than your competitors why why do that oh my gosh are you kidding me the eyeballs of an immigrant you know look at the eyes of an immigrant it's different than somebody that's born in America I mean for me you know I go to America and I tell him I say I speak to people in like you guys have no clue what gift has been given to you especially people that were born in America they don't know any different like they'll get into a debate and I had a big debate the other day in Argentina with this one guy and he's just going off about how America sucks and he said he's making 1.5 million dollar your income I'm like what do you mean America sucks I said can you tell me another place you've lived for two years no how do you know I said so how do you know about another country it's like the kid who's got a great father that's the disciplinarian bitching to another kid who lost his father in a war what do you mean you know about your father's a bad person yeah I wish I had your father that's what the kids saying so for me it's like I'm living in America saying are you kidding me this country allows a guy like me you know one point a GPA parents divorced Street kid goes to the army I get out I get this fascination to want to read books one guy believes in me and then I get obsessed and next thing you know I'm running a business and I'm competing in a marketplace and a five trillion dollar industry how is that even possible for a guy like me so that's why I resonated with immigrants I like immigrants because immigrants have a chip and I like women in this business because women have a chip my number-one earner is a woman by the way Sheena I like them they're chippy er they have a point to prove there's something going on there in Saudi when women's MMA some of the best fights out there that's right they don't have to be there they really have to push themselves to be there and if it I when I watch them I'm just like wow these are people that are spirited they they really they they have to prove themselves it's so much easier to work with somebody that's got a point to prove you know it's so much easier I mean look at basketball you know you've got a guy like Vince Carter he comes into the gym jumps 49 inches now literally jumps out of the gym he the way he jumped in he would do dunks insanity they call him Vince sanity right and he got a guy like Kobe Bryant that's coming up he doesn't jump besides the other guy does and everybody's thinking Vince Carter's gonna have a better career in North Carolina you know following Jordan's career Kobe's got a chip on his shoulder puts his number 24 by 24 Jordans 23 you're putting one over Jordan 24 scores 33,000 points obviously doesn't pass Jordan up but the chip with less talent they didn't have Jordans hands liquid Kobe does 20 years with one team e plays there's something very special about a controlled ship it's very the key word there is control right that's been a story of your life it's been a story of my life because every time the chips not been in control I've screwed up and God knows I've screwed up so many times oh my gosh I've screwed up so many times one night ship has not been controlled which which looks like what when the chip is not control you get angry it becomes all about you yeah it's it becomes all about you and you lose perspective this is why I don't like alcohol and this is why I don't like drugs because I don't you're you're not in control a substance is doing that right and so imagine on this oh I don't drink coffee by the way drink any coffee it magnifies it just makes it bigger yeah I mean for me you know that whole situation of scene where I go with the rage and then I see this again I see that that rage hurts you and picture three steps back listen you got to control that rage but it's a good thing that you have this rage because if we can take this you know ninety seven octane fuel and we put it in the right engine controlled oh my gosh so we need to make sure that high octane is controlled because high octane and wrong place can blow up a building yeah and how do you go about controlling that because when I hear someone i chip on my shoulder you kind of think someone that wants to fight and then what happens is you get caught up in the fight not the result I'm gonna beat that guy you're not gonna say that about me and that's a short-term thinking yes how do you control that you know so for me here's what happened and I'll give you the perfect example so I had this conversation with our guys deer that said look there's nothing wrong with being very competitive I said but as competitive as you are it's got a limit to it what do you mean let me explain to what I mean by this so it's very good when you're coming up and there's competition because someone's making you feel inferior so you have to step up or you flight right you fight flight you free so oh my god she's better than me I'm not gonna do anything I can't beat this guy and boom you just become a regular guy or you know you fly down I'm not gonna do this business you know whatever and secretly you're not doing it because you know the other guys better than you so I'm not gonna stay in this space I'm just gonna leave this space or you decide to go fight and see how you do okay so if we go fight I mean if it's just a direct competition that you do there's a limit eventually you get to a point where you say to yourself I think I can compete like we were about to shut down the channel in the first two years and we said I don't know if this is gonna be me I don't know if the audience resonates maybe we just don't have it then we said let's change the channel let's go from Patrick David to call on it value tainment so then we change a channel to value 10 we took a complete different approach because a lot of people want a brand names I don't want a brand name when I die my name is only worth the legacy I want a brand a business because I can sell that business is what I it's a complete different approach some people agree some people don't so I said let's do very tainment why we're bringing value we're entertaining and there's becoming a movement so let's see how this resonates then we adjust it then it started growing then we could compete then we started growing but then it was no longer about the competition not because we're beating the competition because PewDiePie is killing everybody 69 million subs so if you're really gonna compete you're gonna get your ass handed to you so got guy at the tops got 69 million what are you gonna do to get to 60 ml then maturity for me and this happened at around 33 34 35 the main main outcome became capacity that's what it became and I realize everyone's capacity is different in life your capacity may be higher in life but you became an underachiever even though you have a lot more potential than I do my capacity may be smaller in life but I become an overachiever at my smaller capacity and I do better in life you could even be an achiever and you still do get in life and you beat somebody who let's just say is not as talented then you're like let's just say yourself you're an MIT guy you're all this w people are expecting you to win so some of the kids you went to school with if you just compete it with those guys that's like an 18 year old kid bullying a 14 year old you're gonna beat them it's not fair to compete there right so on the outside we can very easily fool ourselves into thinking we're winning because we're always comparing down versus if I compare to my capacity I'm striving for something else you know so once that ship went towards Pat's here's what we're really fighting for if this is really your capacity and if you constantly look at the marketplace about competition and eventually let's just say you beat a few people then what that doesn't necessarily mean you became reach that level of capacity I'm striving for this that adjustment and that mindset believe it or not helped me a better relationship with other people helped me a better relation with competitors because it's not about me against you it's about pbd against pvd's capacity and I'm chasing this and it gave a lot more peace joy a comfort not in a comfortable level but comfort knowing you know we're playing a different game now yeah some of my greatest guests on this show compete with themselves including Dorian Yates you know and he was the guy that always wanted to beat himself and I think that's why he got to those levels cuz it wasn't about that guy or that guy which also brings weird energy and weird results to the people around you if you're trying to be the best version of yourself every day that's how I think you get to greatness and that sounds like what you're trying to do I mean Dorian HS I met Dorian Yates in 1999 let me tell you I mean when I saw Dorian I have a picture with him and I had Venice Beach okay and you'll see this 18-year old guy that got out of the army I was 99 a 21 year old guy that got out of the army and I'm like i'ma go be mr. Olympia it's what I'm thinking to myself and I see Dorian Yates and that's a perfect example of a guy that I mean his back the way he built this back he could pretty much fly he jumped off a building and just did a last spray that guy could probably fly in the middle of the sky with the way he built his back yeah great story with door news by the way perhaps you on that interview that was an incredible interview and you were able to take that the topic deep in areas that not a lot of people take in that space and I think it was necessary somebody needed to do it and so you spearhead that topic of steroids and growth hormone and he went there which is in respect to him as well yeah for willing to be open about it yeah it was great to have him there we were right place right time what do they say the heart of your practice the more lucky you get yes no and so we were there you know right when that happened tell me more about value tainment because I think from the outside on the first look people see it as okay simple lessons I can learned if I want to be an entrepreneur but what I see from you is a guy going through a lot of introspection and asking people to look down deeper inside yourself and saying okay what do I really want what are my core values what do I have to do to get myself out of these bad patterns to get that Ferrari to get that business and you talked about this time where you went to Malibu beach and you ask yourself questions and I've never heard anyone talk about this and you're sitting there alone asking yourself questions and really digging deep down into your soul as a way to get you to the next level in life and business and it's not what you'd expect from a guy trying to teach entrepreneurs can you talk a bit more about that yeah I mean it's a it's a ver it's very emotional it's very emotional because your life is a combination of different events you witnessed like you know there's a part of it that's our DNA right let's you say from the moment you walk I have my three kids from the moment they were born their DNA has been the same like the middle one was a charmer from day one he was a charmer like his teachers would say he was two years old I can't discipline your son because he just gives me the smiling I have to give him what he wants right and my oldest ones was always a thinker and observant and very creative and he liked vampires and scaring people and he liked to talk about sharks and he liked scary movies and my young one we never told you to pick stuff up or help her brothers out or bring the shoes to me that's the NA I don't think that's like parents can take credit let me tell you the kind of kids I raise you know that I don't think that's what it is so we have a DNA right that's our thumb that's a fingerprint that we have in the world but then outside of that there's experiences there's trials there's memories of mom and that fighting there's words mom said there's words dad said there's words a friend said there's a breakup heartbreak setback something the teacher said us a injury in sports you were coming up you almost made it to the next level your knee or your back or you got knocked out publicly in front your peers and everybody saw you getting knocked out or an embarrassing moment publicly that happened it's still with you you're still carrying it you know your girl left you for somebody else your husband left you your boyfriend left you all of these things we carry and we're pretty good at acting on the outside that we have everything under control but we're afraid of facing this so we avoid a lot of these situations so for me that one day I got a set a set of these questions and I said I'm gonna go and address these questions I went to Malibu budget beach right up Zuma and Matador is what it's called a nice set and went through all these questions six hours I'm up right on the water and I tell you Brian I was like writing it down and I would go to this moment and I just I've never done this before and I start writing it and I start writing I look oh my gosh I just start crying oh my god come on knock it off you little cry-baby more MORE deeper deeper deeper why how has this affected your life maybe this is the reason why you keep dating the same type of girls maybe this is the reason why the same type people don't get along with you maybe this is the reason why you don't like these types of people because this and then all of a sudden I'm looking at this thing oh my gosh if you go like this you're gonna be a monster kid we got to figure this out and so then there was almost a moment of liberation saying like you know this is okay this is your product this is who you are now we got to take some of this stuff and know the trends that's happened and be self-aware to know that the next time this happens it's not the person's fault you're looking at this person and you're thinking this person is your ex or your mom or your dad it's not it's that situation this doesn't make it right it just means something you experience you give the person an opportunity so it helped me go deeper in relationships rather than being it's a very private guy don't let people in like most people that I would date a girl and you had no idea was with the for three years people had no idea had a girlfriend private I had girlfriends people wouldn't know what's put spat up - who does he date nobody knew like one time I was with a girl in a company now we would go all the put nobody nowhere and I were together finally all of us on one person finds that three years later how did that happen so how did you find out so it was very private to me and then that made me with the help of social media realize we're all naked today I'm naked you're naked everybody's naked I need five minutes - on social media to find out your political beliefs do you like Trump do you like Hillary do you like Merkel do you like the prime minister of here do you like political are you gun are you're anti-gun or you you know weed legalized it's very easy to figure out people nowadays because we're all naked I can find that if you're married complicated relationship broken up you know what everything is naked so rather than trying to fight it we have to embrace it today we got to figure out a way to embrace it today and if you're not only embarrassed of who you are in a naked world it's very very difficult life you're gonna live it's gonna be very difficult life for the rest your life because the world's naked any trying to cover yourself up and everybody can see you so we're almost forced to become a little bit more open vulnerable and say this is who we are one time I was on a flight coming back oh my gosh I'm not engaged yet and they're wondering you know when is Pat gonna propose to it's grown as I'm just not right keep fighting it off I keep my girlfriend away at that time like now you can't handle being a guy like me you just can't you there's no way in the world it could be with a guy like me and then on one flight I write down all these and why are you pushing her away this could actually be a good wife this could actually be a good mother why are you putting I wrote all these things down I came back and I hid it in my briefcase and one day when I'm cleaning up my briefcase I forgot the envelope and I left it there and my wife read it so I come home and she's crying I said why are you crying he said baby I'm so sorry I I want you to know I'm I don't want to pressure you don't worry about it whenever you're ready I'm like what are you talking about like what's going on here and I see the yellow notepad paper three them folded and I'm like please tell me you don't read that she says no I read it and you know I'm sorry I did this but I just was sitting there and I understand you so much better now and I love you baby I don't care what happens with them like oh my gosh so the reaction I thought it was gonna come was a complete opposite reaction it got us deeper it helped the relationship get deeper so you you need to be more up about who you are you do because listen if I don't know if my marriage is gonna work out or not you know every body asked me so how's your marriage consul's and I we take it one year at a time marriage is not an easy thing it's very difficult it's very complicated because you know you got a hard time getting along with yourself let alone I gotta get long with another person here are you kidding me got some kids in there and throw three kids in there I mean that's like a nuclear bomb possibly about to happen right so but you know best friendships best relationships you gotta get deeper and deeper you get and more comfortable you are with you you're upset gets bigger and you actually get a chance to enjoy the ride rather than trying to act like somebody else the rest your life this is sue Patrick where David is I am very comfortable with who I am right and constantly examining yourself is how you try to get to the next level and you I mean you're kind of like Jocko willing taking extreme ownership of what's happened in your life why do I keep attracting these women these types of business partnerships why do I keep getting screwed over in deals or passed over it's their fault and then you're like wait a second maybe it's my fault hmm that's a pretty advanced way of looking at things no doubt about it know that about it's very hard to go there because you know I was having a conference call on my flight out to London with this couple and we were speaking and I said look this is the fourth time we're speaking on the last two years we're the same things happened together the last two years I'm gonna be very gentle with the feedback I'm gonna give you but here's also where I'm at every single time I've spoken together the last three or two years when this has happened your response always been somebody else's fault and I'm hoping you use this and this becomes the most painful experience for you or you're finally willing to take full responsibility and we move on and so again push back push back push back push back I said guys I can't help you we can we need to get off the call and then there was a breakthrough you know what you're right we messed up let us get better at the stuff that I said okay saying it is different than doing it let's see what you guys are gonna do because you know you creates you work so hard to create momentum you know and I told her I said I said I want to explain it this way I want explain it to a different woman you think about business-wise I said think about it this way I said if you and your husband you guys have been married how many years she says this many years I said think about how many minutes in the day think about how many hours in the day think about how many days in your you've been married 10 years okay imagine if your husband does everything right in this 50 thousand hours of you guys being together okay but just two minutes of it he sleeps with a girl how much influence does that two minutes have over the other 50,000 hours that he's done everything right with you she says everything I said that's how it is dealing with people all it takes is two minutes to screw it up you got to realize when you're dealing with people that two minutes you can't just slip and say oh my gosh you know you're I'm not perfect gotta forgive me I said no some of the things that you do it's gonna hurt people you got to kind of control yourself a little bit more and she said I never thought about it that way I said so moving forward start thinking about it that way maybe you'll treat the people you're working with slightly different because everybody's sensitive in their own ways your approach has got to change fine tell me about entrepreneurship what do most people not even understand about entrepreneurship what is the 20 year old out there who wants to be one not really know about what it really means to be that person it's it's it's social media makes it nicer than it is I'm gonna tell you you know all these posts and motivation on the cars and the girls and the Ferraris and a Lambos and the planes and the Jets and by the way here's what you got to realize I'm all for it like people who say we shouldn't buy exotics you know I'm not enough of that mindset if you don't like it no problem if you do like it no problem I don't judge you whatever drives you you go get it for me I Drive a four hundred six thousand dollar car because in Iran I would go to Shahs Museum and he had Rolls Royce and I said one day I'd like to have a Rolls Royce great so we're here we're talking to the Rolls Royce community we're doing a collaboration together with them and so I wanted to get a Rolls Royce because it connects them every time I'm in the car Shaw comes to my mind I have a painting of Shaw my wall I like that but the game of entrepreneurship is so ugly that if people actually knew how ugly was up front very few would even do it it's very ugly it's very lonely it's very frustrating it exploits you at the highest level you know you know in the world of business you don't just have one or two weaknesses imagine all of a sudden one day fifty weaknesses are exposed all at the same time and everybody tells you because it's you who wants that no one wants that and imagine a game where you always have to recreate yourself or else you lose like let me put it to you this way it's like working out but you can't take a day off you know how you work at at least you got like a few days off to have your you know regroup and all that stuff for the first two to five years you know if you if you look the other way just because you just made a million dollars in a month and you start getting very cocky or arrogant boom you're wiped out that's all it takes it's a subtle look away to get knocked out and so you know it's it a lot of these books self-help books that you read and segoe you got to do this and you got to do this and you got to do that they don't touch on the ugly part of running a business now set the ugly part aside the one part that outweighs being willing to tolerate all this pain is the fact that choices matters to you if you're driven by choices if you're driven by control if you're driven by you know being able to choose the kind of a life you want to live that reward is so much higher than the pain you're gonna have to put up there you're willing to put up with the pain because you want this because what's the flipside here's the flipside my three kids go to the same private school together it's very expensive okay you live in a decent community you have a house with elevators and privates you can have security you can have nicer insurance nicer protection better advisers better counsellors better money managers better attorneys better CPAs better protection all of that stuff the choice is better places to go people that you can associate with that are at your same level if not higher than you more things that you can have as choice I'm not talking necessarily material things choices so if the choices and the controls that big of a motivation for you you know you're gonna be able to put up with the pain but if the paint's too much for you and this doesn't really matter you'll eventually go back to having a job so you think people are oversold right now on entrepreneurs because the social media buy tell you were oversold on everything we're oversold on marriage were oversold on having kids we're oversold on entrepreneurship I am that we are oversold on having kids we are I don't I don't know how many 21 year olds I hear saying I feel like if I have a kid my life will change yes it will change maybe not for the best you know maybe you got to take your time I feel like I love her into Wacken sure I lovers by getting married I don't know about that you know I don't know if today's the time to get married at 22 I'm being very serious with you I mean look you and I you imagine being 18 years old with access to tinder imagine being two I don't we don't I don't know that I don't know what it is to swipe all a swipe left swipe of so I'm like oh let's go beer great you want to go hook up what's going back to the Carla I mean this has become very normal so sex has become a very a at we kissed you know ah school hey uh yeah three girls this week how what did you meet him Oh tinder swipe left swipe right what are you talking about so where the value of that used to be more it's not the same value as it is today because it's easier access today than it was before got a question marriage too early you got actually asked why do you want to get married why do you want to have kids why do you want to be an entrepreneur and the answer has to be very crystal clear it's not just because like I have an answer on why I wanted to have kids and I had to get very clear before I wanted to have kids most of us have kids because everybody seven kids so it's what you're supposed to do you're supposed to get married you're supposed to do this and I think that the the fact that what entrepreneurship you know don't let the lifestyle fool you I mean this is it takes a lot of work and you have to ask yourself the question are you really willing to go through it if yes Chris here's the one thing I do advise to Brian to everybody I think everybody ought to run a part-time business affiliate marketing great sell products on the site garage you know whatever it is get your real estate license sell real estate on the side get an insurance license sell insurance on the side and maintain your job and put 10 or 15 hours into now I think everybody ought to do it and can do it everybody so but the world of entrepreneurs multi-dimensional at what level do you want to go I mean do you want to go building a business doing 50 grand you're great go do it everybody ought to do it you want to build a business to a million dollars yeah well maybe not everybody can oh you can build a million dollar business ten million is the interesting number because very few get to the ten million one of five a lot of people get stuck to one of five tenets you know difficult then from 10 do you want to do hundred million dollars you want to get to a billion I mean the game changes at that point right but the more clear you are on your outcome of everything you're doing life kids wife business career friendship spiritual exercise the more clear those outcomes are the more fluid the action is going to be taken because you know why you're doing it and so yes I think today's social media fools the reality of being an entrepreneur do you think you do the same by putting out the videos or do you try to make it clear with people that look this is taking work I make it clear that it's work I make it clear that it's pain but I tried to sell the reward and I try to sell the idea it has to matter to you you know I like what you do here with creating content so about how many people started a podcast and they had potential but they stopped think about it think about how much work it takes to run a podcast okay you have a wife you have a kid you have a business you have all these other things think about the effort it takes think about the discipline think about the level of consistency to find a guest to interview to questions to research to content to all this stuff takes a lot of effort right but you're doing it it's very obvious you're enjoying it and it matters to you and that's why you're effective if that makes any sense yeah you see some people that are it doesn't matter to them they're winging it so that's the differentiator between an amateur and a pro approach trying to figure out a way to be prolific because it matters to them so the one thing with value tainment that you get is you will heal me to hear me talk about clarity and it mattering to you so many times because if it does the world better get out of your way because you're gonna get what you want and whatever level you want right you weren't always a fan of capitalism but you switched and now believe it is the solution and there was a point where your dad was going through a series of operations and series of operations and you realized that you didn't have the choice and that you had to rely on other people to take care of him is that what turned the switch with you but yeah look my my my body every time I go there my body just yeah I mean listen when that happened that day and and he says you're not paying for this the government the taxpayers are paying for this you know my dad's in a hospitai having a heart attack yet his thirteenth heart attack and I'm looking at the same you know if this man dies I never met my grandpa my kids have to know their grandpa and that's my dad that was very emotional moment oh my gosh I mean if you've seen a movie life of an entrepreneur with the Ferrari not the movie the short clip with my hand on the steering wheel I'm going like this that's not an act that happened in my Ford Focus right in front of you Celia Medical Center so that's why it's that was a very emotional moment for me when I'm sitting down there same and Pat you are chasing girls you are party and you're so worried about becoming cool at the nightclubs and being good at the party scene and meanwhile your dad's having a heart attack stressed out over money is now traveling the world he's worried about you all the time why don't you go do something about your life and be productive and boom that change but I was still not a capitalist and I didn't know what it really meant I just know rich people were greedy but at the same time I had this conflicting debate in my in my brain in my mind I we would visit this uncle his name was Luther Lazar very interesting whole name yeah he's a Syrian okay okay and you're half a Syrian I'm half a Syrian yes so we were in Iran he had a ball which ball I don't know how to say what a box is just like a a place where it's lots of it's like not like a farm but anyway it's like a bog fruits pool acres and acres of land and we would go there and he had this property and every year people would show up couple hundred people would show we have such a good time and then he left Iran he went to us and you know started getting to business he had this house that was 7,200 square feet on San Antonio Avenue in the cul de sac right next to Snoop Dogg okay and Snoop was famous for putting big parties in Upland back in the days I'm sure he still does but at that time he was famous infamous about it so we go to his house and I remember Brian I'm removed ass look like he had a big bird nests outside when he entered the house okay always had a bunch of Jaguars because that was his cars putting green you go to the house you enter library to the writers Office big living room his bedroom with a Jacuzzi right there for he and his wife to the left was the kitchen where everybody was always at then he'd go around with a pool table there's picture with his family all dressed in white and a picture with Al Gore him shaking hands and he would sit there and would do the following with everybody he would say so you know I've read the Bible and I read this opposite our argument and the guy says that the Bible has a contradiction because of this and his kids would sit there who went to Christian school and it would take dad you're wrong the guy's no clue what he's talking about and then all of a sudden switches and he said you know this other guy said that Michael Jordan's the greatest but what about Magic Johnson he made other people better and look at the people I don't and he would always have his kids debate so weird everybody's debating at the dinner table so then I noticed this dynamic like this guy is making people smarter because an argument is making people say well I have an opinion and they were going back on that just sit there like the kid 14 years old I'll watch this guy tennis quarterback backyard with a pool and a change in area and all these fruits that he had and a guest from for his family to stand when they would come at the 7200 square foot place and that was my only example of succes to head from capitalism my dad was a 99-cent store cashier my mother was a stay home we were a welfare family with you know food stamps and all this other stuff and so one day I said you know I don't know if my mom's right about this rich person I don't know but I'm gonna go figure it out for myself then I got into the marketplace insecure low self-esteem everybody I would work with so what that guy's gonna win because he has a JD you went to school you work for Attorney General that guy's gonna win because you worked at Raytheon he has a degree from Santa Barbara USC UCLA you don't have anything you're not gonna be able to compete a marketplace then when I won and I started beating a lot of these guys that was going against that it was afraid of I realize free market capitalism works and if here's a kid that's insecure low self-esteem not the smartest guy in the room but he's willing to out work out improve outlast out strategize he's got a shot at marketplace and then I became an advocate and so a lot of times I'll work with the guys and they'll say well I don't know about capitalism because it's about the rich people and every single time of a big bonus to pay somebody who doesn't believe in capitalism here's what I always say I'll call him up I had this one guy called him up and I say hey yeah I won't say his name because you know I said hey how you doing good what listen I got a bonus check for you and it's a good sized bonus check oh no way yeah it's a very good nice bonus check but look this is what I wanted to do one of the things I respect about you a lot and I like about you a lot is how amazing you are at how much you care about the people who need money says yeah I do I said you know and I sometimes I sit and I I wonder like maybe you're right about capitalism that the capitalist shouldn't get all the money that he should redistribute some of the wealth he says yeah man I've been telling you this for years I said that's exactly why your $20,000 check what I'm doing with your $20,000 check is instead of giving you the 20,000 you're one person why would I give you 20,000 I'm gonna give a thousand to your top 20 people and give them thousand dollars and I'm gonna let them know you believe in redistribution of wealth and I'm gonna give you a bunch of love wait wait wait wait wait I said what do you mean wait he says no no I don't want you to do that I said what do you mean you know me do that when I worked hard for that I said I agree that's why this is your $20,000 check so the next time you question capitalism don't forget not everybody's willing to work as hard as you to get this 20,000 AutoCheck and if they did they could get it as well enjoy the money with your family I got it Pat I got your point so you know it's the world were all capitalists everybody is you know yesterday I'm speaking to a Katie Hopkins who I realized is not admirer it's not loved by everybody and in London and UK here and she said something to me about how a point system and so she says I like the Australian system for immigration if somebody wants to come to UK why don't we use a system that's used in Australia which means if you have a career you get a point if you have this you get a point if you have this you get a point and then I said okay great let's just say we use the point system and I'm trying to push her with this topic and I said let's just say out of the point system you know four hundred thousand Muslims want to come to UK and they score at the highest level for your point system are you okay if four hundred Muslims that scored high on your point system come to UK well no no no I said why not she said well because you know it also yes you also have to love UK I said well how are you gonna know if anybody loves UK I mean you can't really gauge somebody anybody can say I love you and I don't love you I'm just saying it because I'm trying to you know men are famous for saying I love you to a woman just uh you know five minutes of fun I said what do you think someone's not gonna say I love you Kay well no I don't know about that I said so is it the fact that you're concerned because a religion is out competing another religion because they're better marketers he says well I never thought about it that way before so maybe if we believe in capitalism like you do maybe also gotta let the religions compete to see who's gonna get the most people getting baptized and you and I can't control that maybe Christians oughta learn something about this maybe they're not as competitive as some other people are and they're getting a bigger share the marketplace I spoke to a group of pastors and for an hour and a half I called them up I said you guys are terrible in marketing you're good at sales the last best marketer you had was Billy Graham you guys are good at getting up there and giving your message but with the access to social meaning all this other stuff maybe you guys oughta study what the LDS Church's doing with marketing because they're probably the best at marketing and some of these other religions the point is this capitalism is not I say this because you said we're all capitalist capitalism isn't just about money there's a pretty girl that every guy wants to be with and she makes a great wife she doesn't necessarily not every pretty girl marries the best-looking guy she marries the guy that gave the best proposition and sold her that's a form of capitalism a guy who gets that girl is a better capitalist than the other guy the same goes with faith the same goes with business the same goes with influence the same goes with everything everybody's fighting then the best in the marketplace survive right and on that note of sales you try to get people over the fact that they say I'm not a salesperson I don't want to be a so no doubt about it because in your mind everyone is everybody is oh my gosh everybody is yeah I mean I had a guy that you would tell me yeah I'm never gonna get into real estate should go to real estate I mean you're in a great mark you know I'm not a salesperson you're not a salesperson I said do you realize I went to nightclubs with you I saw how you spoke to women buddy you as best as they get no no no but that's a difference it's not different that's persuading somebody to want to give a piece of them to you that's even harder than selling a real estate property and he says now it's a difference I said no about that so you forget it you're great in sales but you may be secretly lazy nobody knows about it because sales is gonna require a lot of work but the ability to sell we're all selling all the time and we need to get we need to admit that to ourselves absolutely in any business you're in it this isn't just about the guy that's in real estate or insurance or pharmaceutical sales in any industry you're in you have to realize you're selling in anything even the lawyer the accountant the customer service rep all of it you're selling all the time right tell me about immigrating to the US tell me what it was like growing up in Iran yeah you know you're you were you were raised it seems like you know you're a tough guy you know you were probably raised to be a hard guy is that because of those experiences is that as an or is that your parents and siblings yeah so well I have an older sister so I'm the younger child of the family and she's five years and ten months older than me but you know when you see a lot of things not a lot of things you know scares you you know when you when you encounter getting close to death I think one of the authors wrote about this David and Goliath not David versus Goliath who wrote it he's one of these big authors excellent book and he says they did a research on people who got bombed on and they didn't die okay or people who had a close call and they didn't die and what happened to them and he explains how they went into two different drastic places I did they went to a place of extreme disastrous followup with bad things where they didn't do anything crazy with their lives or they went to maybe there's a bigger reason why I'm here okay maybe there's a bigger purpose of my life here you know living in Iran and you're seeing 10,000 men March and they're flagellating they're back with a streak of blood at eight years oh that's gonna stay with you it's not going away yeah you know living in Iran and seeing your dad constantly on the tape acts on the windows in your bedroom because every time they would bomb it would shatter and the glass would drop and they always taught you on TV to make sure you taped up the place because if you tape that it drops right there if you don't it just goes out okay I mean that's a visual that stays you know when you go outside and go to the park they used to play and now there's a big hole out there and from a bomb that was dropped that stays when you driving over a bridge in Iran Tehran and you're going to city called kadaj and the bridge behind you 50 hundred yards behind your bomb drops and it goes down and your dad tells you not to look back and you look back and you see that that doesn't go away those things don't go away so for me extreme paranoia extreme discomfort extreme anxiety extreme worry extreme panic it was always like today's Allah say today's Allah say today's Allah say today's a last day and there was a scene one time where we were war and this alarm comes up in Iran and it says Tara Jyothi Raj o allah ma th Hermes it's like warning warning the sign of red sign is showing that somebody has flown over our border so expect for something to happen in a moment that would happen everybody is running and we were always taught to go under the stairs so the stairs are here you would always come in hide right here so we went down the stairs and all we're hearing as the whistles pause to one boom and it would see another one and it would see boom boom and then boom ball which means the plane kind of flew over you it's getting closer I was going up and all I was gonna be looking like that I got you might be a lot of crowd always look at my denim Atlantis guy and yes it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay he never cried you never flinch I'm like if he's not worried I'm not worried so that was a sign of leadership that if you show fear your people will be afraid you can't show it he didn't show it I knew he was afraid I know what are you gonna do you get your two kids and a wife and so from there going to Germany refugee camp and you know experiencing with other people and the first time I got stabbed was at the refugee camp and and coming here not a lot of stuff throws you off at that point you know not a lot of things catched you where you sit there and say oh my gosh how do you handle this how do you do that so that kind of helps you out in that sense but as far as the toughness goes being raised in Iran gave me so much gratitude for what we have today in America yeah a lot yeah talking about mentors because you have kind of a trifecta strategy and you know everybody always wants to ask me about mentors and people that they've seen on the show and you know I think you have a good way of looking at it and so how do you do it end and do you have mentors oh absolutely yeah no doubt about it yeah I mean for me there's three levels of mentorship right you have those that are theory and what I mean by theory is somebody who's read a lot of books and gives you the theories they read based on books my uncle was a level one mentor he had read so many books on physics on every he was so well-read in Iran maybe read 5000 books this guy named Johnny was a genius but he never did anything but he always shared it theories well let me tell you what Nietzsche said let me tell you what this guy said let me tell what that guy said me too what this guy said and I was great it's still educational but it's level one right then the second level is experience meaning I can learn more about you by talking to Ruth and by talking to the people around you and actually talking about talking to you like if I want to learn about you I don't talk to you I go talk to people I said so tell me how is here with this what happens when friction takes place how does he respond to that they'll give me a better perspective than you would because you still have some kind we if you ask me there's still going to be some things I'm probably not gonna see that they're gonna see that they pay attention to but they never bring up to my attention so say Guy Kawasaki work directly with Steve Jobs we learn about Steve Jobs through him it's kinda like wow that's how Steve was one time in a meeting Steve did this oh my gosh that's crazy and we believed him because he witnessed somebody else and in the last one is application which to me is the highest one application is somebody that tells you listen when we ran our first business and I went out of business this is a mistake I made on the second time when I did this I raised this money and I did this and we did fifty eight million dollars in a year my suggestion to you is when you're getting ready to make this decision think twice about it and look for these three things if that person doesn't mean it don't even think about it and then hire this person great I never thought about it that way I need a CEO oh I need a CMO I need a CFO I need perfect thank you for that counsel that person is a trifecta because he's given theories experience and application all combined together that to me is the highest level of mentor and that's the one you want to spend time with him you want to search them out oh my gosh apps for instance my conversation with Michael Franzese I cannot tell you how much I learned from the guy by boardroom I mean I can't give it I can't I can't put a number on it when I speak to some of these guys like I have a guy work with Greg you know who ran an insurance company was a professional baseball player his first pitch in MLB was to pee pros and in win and work for an insurance company for 30 years his wife was with an insurance company for 22 years pack life and now he I hired him as an ambassador for us and his wife is now our CEO oh but listening to him talk he finds blind spots and I didn't see the blind spots I'm like interesting and I think about this another guy have Greg who's raised all this money I mean he has access to a couple billion dollars if he wants to get money he's our guy that put the deal together with Oscar De La Hoya Gabrielle Brenner he'll call me and he'll say look I know you're about to make a big decision and you're to see on the chairman of the board I want you to think about these three things before making a decision when we were in the boardroom today you said this dis dis is that you may want to reconsider that here's why read this email I sent to one of my former board members and I'll take out the name I just want you to read the email and see the feedback I gave up interesting I'll read it oh my gosh what a big mistake crate I love that take a note next so the more I have like there's an insurance guys there was Mayor Ron he's the CEO the insurance company called national Life Group he and I had a big falling out begin packing on a very big fall or not back in all night and he runs a four billion dollar company he's growing his business to where it's at today a lot of respect any insurance business the second time around we had a meeting it was a very awkward meeting when we had we were in Orlando and we sat in this room he had two of his associates that are hoping we strike a deal because they want our business I have to my associates sitting here they're hoping I don't screw this up because they want to steal but he should have seen here not in that room I mean the level of intensity somebody would have thought we gonna get into fight it's personal it was personal he's thinking he made the right decision I'm trying to say you screwed up when we did this and it finally was like well I screwed up partly and look here's what we did at that time because we were making this decision perfect today when he and I go to lunch together and he gives me counsel on being a CEO I'm just like this the entire time mm-hmm I'm just like this it's like this every time we go anywhere if we have a setting were there together I'm sitting at it said where you sitting I like to sit like this with them like next in two weeks for many years insurance industry is famous for treating you well so they'll take you for drinks for restaurant high-end places all this other stuff we do take a different route and we do something that no one in our marketplace does no one these guys no one ever does is for them I said listen here's what we're gonna do once a year you're coming you're our guest okay when you come to us we're gonna put you at a hotel best hotel in town we're gonna take you to the best restaurant in town we're gonna take the bill for drinks for food for everything and we're gonna sit down and we're gonna give you gifts we're gonna give you books we're gonna give you items and I'm gonna give you three hours presentation of exactly good bad and ugly we did this last year in the company your counsel to us our feedback to you collaboration together what can we do to go grow first time I did this meeting there's 16 people in the room everybody's looking at each other we're not used to talking like this I said and these are top top executive CEO is a major four hundred billion dollar companies are 100 billion dollar companies everybody starts talking I said are you guys not used to this no we don't do things like this we don't sit there and talk about things like this second time everybody starts opening up but they started getting close to it our next one's coming up this year we're gonna have 28 people there okay everybody is looking forward to this meeting why I'm sitting there and I'm talking about our company's flaws and looking for their feedback and the reason why I want their feedback is because they're trifectas in the room so whatever feedback they give me I'm sitting there saying oh my goodness thank you all this was great perfect we do need somebody like this we do need somebody like that and that's the one of the reasons why 14 quarters in row we've written more life insurance policies this quarter and a quarter prior 14 quarters around us three and a half years because now it's about Council now it's about advisors now it's about mentors and setting aside the ego of who has to be right it's about what's the best decision not who has to be right and we're more seated we're solving more for the best possible decision than the best protection of the ego this is proof of you getting the chip off your shoulder oh no doubt and this is me learning that I was a terrible CEO let me tell was not a good CI was a terrible CEO so you know transitional going from employee you know what's a good employee follow instructions what they tell you right and show up on time for the most part right then you go into sales it's different because no one's paying you a salary you're not on a draw your commission especially if it's commissioned you learn about discipline if you don't make it in sales because you like discipline you got to go back to having a job because somebody has to tell you what to do versus in the sales world you don't have to be told what to do you're figuring out a way how to do it right and then three is sales leader so there's a lot of people that say things like you know guy that was making 300 grand a year selling pharmaceutical sales and he's great at it but he sucks as a sales leader and he says the following words and you hear this all the time they'll say things like I'm just not a fan of babysitting people now let me tell you all these people are so lazy what happened to this elicit listen at one point you didn't have it either so sales leader is very difficult because in order for you to make any sales you are now disciplined but this person was not and so you got to pull this person up oh psychologically it's very difficult to do that so okay then I became a good sales leader and then I became one of the best sales leaders but I was in a business owner yet so then you're on how to be a business or because finance the CPA taxes audit you know all these rules regulations you have to abide by and if you don't it's a headache and you know audit all these things you have to go through so then I learn how to be a business owner and the last level is a CEO and I had no idea to be a CEO now I know idea I sucked in boardrooms I was abrasive I was rude it was too aggressive I negotiated too aggressively I didn't realize how important of a role partners played I was all about my sales guys and my customers and my employees I had treated vendors terribly I treated carriers terribly and have to realize in order yes sales is most important because if you take care of them they're gonna try to treat your customers good number two for me as home office step because I treat home office good they're gonna treat salespeople get then its clients for me it's different for everybody then its partners then its vendors so I said moving forward we're gonna treat our partners royally and that's when it got deeper and then next thing you know carriers started advising me to sell a product with another carry that's a competitor why are you doing that because there's a partnership now so they now become an alliance because there's an alliance here right and so that was the maturity level I had to get around I tell you wasn't easy was very difficult because I screwed up so if you go interview the people that I work with on a daily basis that I've been in some board meetings and I told them say whatever you want to say and I'm not in the room taking it they some horror stories ain't gonna say some embarrassing stories some of them I'm probably gonna be like why'd you share that with them will you tell me to open up but you know the process is a good process always good to know man I wonder what the 45 year old version of Pat's gonna look like as a CEO I wonder what you're gonna look like that that's a very excess like a it's like a movie that's never ending until you die yeah what a great movie to watch to know what the next level is gonna be like in life so yes growing as a CEO made a major difference in a business to learn how to control that ship right and company culture how do you maintain that your people really love you and love what they do and motivate them because that's a different level you're right it is it is a different level so for me company culture it's very different with staff Home Office versus sales very different right so how you treat employees at the lowest level versus how you treat directors which is how you treat executives versus how you treat salespeople versus I treat sales leaders were society treat senior vice presidents or Chairman's councils at the highest level it's all different right and some of the things I do initially didn't make a lot of sense but I'll kind of give you a process on how it works so first of all employees anybody that works with me employees I'm walking around put in my hand you know shaking your hands how you doing hugging you what's going on how is this Johnny what's going on over here hey did you see the Lakers hey did you see what's going on with this Willa Braun so everybody there matters to me from the front desk clerk to security to the newest employee making 15 bucks an hour minimum wage at our home office is 15 bucks which we did that in state of Texas minimum wage is 720 we're paying 15 not because of a social anything like that but for me 15 bucks an hour times 40 hours in a week 600 600 times 52 you know that's 30 1,200 it's not a crazy lifestyle 31200 I have a hard time you know convinced of myself giving somebody 10 bucks an hour so we chose to do 15 bucks - everybody's happy to work there we don't lose a lot of people I used to be cheap on that side when we're coming up because you're trying to build your business and then I realize forget about the whole idea of well you know if she doesn't want to be here we'll find another person yes that's partly right but here's the interesting question to ask that changed all the dynamics for all of us let me ask you question how many hours have you put into her a lot how long Pat I can't even put pretty how many things list right now that she can do within the business what do you mean tell me what she can do what's your answer to do this how'd it go keep going how many things you have right there 45 things you have to teach those 45 things to another person so why don't we give it at $3 raise now let's just move on ah but I don't want because that's like she wins because I know just give it to her and we move on because if you don't you're gonna have to teach us 45 things two to three other people do you want to go through it again no we're done let's make this decision so the processing changed on the way you viewed those things so then it became employees that I have where I said you know what I don't want to negotiate your salary anymore what do you mean I don't want to have that awkward conversation with you anymore at all what's your point who's the highest paid person in this industry right now this is like one guy sat down and said what's the highest paid for your position what you do what's the highest paid you take a month and go interview with everybody he goes and pulls I know the number so he says $120,000 I said here's what we're doing I'm gonna pay 145 but I'm never negotiating yet you're never asking me for a raise again fair you okay with that yes great here's 145 you're really doing this yeah but I'm telling you you have to tell me we're not negotiating this again yes let's move on that's a different person because it was a person that I need at the beginning so then just yesterday we moved up to one of my employees executive top three ranked people in the company this was literally when I'm leaving on my flight to London I want to sat down as you got five minutes yes a couple things you're getting this race what yeah you get it for what what you've done the last three months when we went through crisis internally on the technology stuff that we were going through and you have to control it I was so impressed that you're getting this race you're serious yeah where did this come from it's not even an annual review it's a surprise it's not you'll review while I'm gonna give you a raise no no here's what I'm doing oh my yes you're a leader I respect what you did there's a pretty big race I know it is but don't worry about it we're moving on this would you move on okay so that element is a different element of the culture you're creating fun like here's one thing that's a little weird that some executives had a hard time when I said I'm not compromising this everybody at the Home Office is required to read a book a month or you're fired everybody and a book you're supposed to read every month is the book I choose every month you can't read any other books you want you can read romance novels all you want but the one book I choose every month we're all reading together and then you're writing a paper about it and then you're submitting it and we have to explain this in our interview process nowadays and most like what do you mean every month you have to read a book or you're fired that's very awkward for most people and so they fought me on it I said I'm not compromising this I'm just telling you guys I'm not doing it so well Pat you can't make people who read on their off time I'll pay them one hour every week on my dollar to be forced to read step away from your desk go sit over there and I have this whole nice lounge area go sit down and read I'm gonna pay for you so I'm gonna pay for hours a month for you to read and four hours plenty of time on my Monday for you to read so I'm paying you 60 bucks a month minimum for you to read versus somebody because they get paid 100 bucks an hour $400 to read on my time you do that yes and we announce it what yes you're supposed to read so then all of a sudden people who were just like nobodies and now are making money and if you really recreate yourself I give equity in the company I give it I love givin equity because if your honor I'm not a profit-sharing guy I'm a more equity guy so if I guess especially being a start-up I have control over I give you equity why equity this is a part of you you own this this thing sells were build this is gonna be your payout why I never thought about thank you so much every single time I've had a meeting about equity and I tell one of my employees Mario was one of them I said him that said here's how many shares you were getting he starts crying this just happened 12 months ago last year and December one had to meet him purely tears I did win another lady Alexis when she started working when she was in her early 20s single mother she was getting paid $400 a month from me she's a part-time support for me now she's driving a 750 as a support out of our home office and she's got a couple kids extremely happy beautiful salary and she just became an equity she cried for 15 minutes for 15 minutes she cried and I'm like I am so happy for you man you've worked hard give me a ball next so now let's go sales okay let's go sales so sales is different than what I just explained support supports different sales is different okay sales we have a call-out environment and a call-out environment is the following if if you run an office out of Chicago and I run an office out of Tarzana California if I'm being distracted you can call me out so it's not like hey Pat let me tell you that guy's doing something I'm not happy with you want me to call him why don't you call him out I'm not supposed to call him out it's the issue you have with them so either forget about it and don't bring it up again or call them directly no problem so everybody throw peer pressure it's solving issues together we're a very big peer pressure environment I love peer pressure I love driving a company based on peer pressure which means competition and stats and a lot of competitions that's with pride alignment culture vision crusade cause protection loyalty it's not just competitions I'm a data-driven business guy everything to me is data if you come to our office it's the analytics everywhere we're doing a meeting here in the next two weeks at Palm Springs I'll get a twenty eight thousand square foot house and I'll fly in 150 people 200 people and for three and a half days we're studying every single data we start editing we go to midnight every day we do this and we watching my reader epic and movie and this year is gonna be a new movie output for them and we'll watch the movie and I'll stop the movie and I look at this part what you get to take away from this here's the point next this part so have a movie I'm gonna watch with them disk I'm pretty excited about that's going to be around a point I'm trying to make to them I can't say it right now because it's unlike what kind of movies any usually watch so so we've watched sting when sting was doing his song which had mom a Desert Rose if you haven't seen this Brian it's sick okay it's documentary documentary says so he flies on all these incredible music musicians from around the world and for one week they're staying at his house and they're just fooling around and he's just playing and he tells his story about I wanted to you know write a song about a long ink desert rose and shabam a there's this line that he that he hadn't given it to anybody and I said what's this all about he said spot a long ink and in there performin and in 9/11 happens and shed mommy's middle eastern and he felt bad and they had a concert that they wanted to do something together and they cancel and stinks crying out of guys I don't know what to do I feel bad I feel like I don't know all these people are struggling in New York in America and we're over here on France and you know wherever they were and we're having this good time and I feel bad about it and then one guy you see the one guy through you know crisis one guy that's not even anybody just a quiet guy in the documentary says but I think if we don't the enemy's winning we have to create the enemy wants us not to create any struggling struggling and then they do the performance and he does Englishman in New York and he does these you know the sting fields of gold and he does the whole Desert Rose outside with a hundred people there and you just chummy you're just emotional it is ten times better than this album you buy because there's emotion in that performance right so we watch this together at a castle in Yucca Valley and I had them watch this and I said guys crisis is around the corner many of them you guys got to realize we're gonna go through this and in every situation like this one of you guys gonna have to remind us to keep creating and I'll let the enemy win so that's one last year we watch Trump stirs we watch the documentary of Trump and my room is fifty percent Democrat fifty percent to Republicans some people can't stand them I said I don't want you to look at this this story we're watching today is not about Trump I want you to look at this from the story of his grandpa not even his father Fred look what his grandpa did that was the entire outcome because the outcome is look most of you guys are immigrants you're not going to be a president but think about what the grandfather did that set the pace for his grandson to be a president one day what we're teaching you today with the culture of the company one day your grandson or granddaughter could be the press in the United States I want you to think about it that way so it was a pure legacy approach the year before we watch 84 bears and we watch 84 bears about the dynamics of Mike Ditka and the defensive coordinator buddy who was supposed to be two head coach but he didn't get the job and was the first time ever in Super Bowl where two people were held up not just one guy was held up and the challenges they went through on how they overcame it it's always intentional it's always an intentional movie we picked yeah dick on your show as well huh you had Mike on your show yes we did we had Mike on the show and his wife which was so you're planting these little seeds into your team's head and saying okay let's look at this let's look at this is deep stuff I mean this is core it is so they're bringing passion and in long-term thinking and all these things into their daily practice inside your company yes the vision vision is uh you know when we had nothing going on at first this I said this to them a probably a million times I said guys we don't need capital there's one form of capital that's more important than capital than most people think which is money we have social capital I said all the money in the world cannot buy social capital social capital can be bought there is no price point you can put on social capitals priceless we're on the same page were United this is scary one of the companies as United is us I said the thing you got to keep in mind is the competitors gonna do the following and I knew a handful of names who were the mastermind manipulators I wanted to pin us against each other I said this is what they're gonna say and this is what they're gonna do and here's how they're gonna do it they're gonna befriend you and they're gonna take three different approaches one is befriend you and bash me and just look for some kind of a link for you not to like me so he can go deeper or another post you're gonna take is befriend you and say good things about me but push your way in saying why are you gonna be in the shadow and all that these dynamics we talked about said I guarantee you our only enemy is somebody outside trying to divide us apart internally and if we can stay strong together here one day we're going to look up and we're gonna a half a million insurance agents around the world and dispute a largest financial marketing organization in history America and we can do that together in s division part and we started with sixty-six agents today we have eighty seven hundred and forty nine states and so the belief in this becoming a reality is more and more and more and they're starting to see it Wow Pat used to say one day the best comedians gonna come and entertain us Friday night awards ceremony 5000 people sitting on Kevin Hart is entertaining the number one comedian in the world what are we doing getting a guy like that Magic Johnson Gretzky Calipari politicians presidential P presidential candidates what are all these people don't be in an hour circle now how do we have all these contacts and all these connections now this was all part of the vision that weak acid they want and if divisions real never forget an advice a man gave me bill Vogel he said you can't I said our visions gonna be the following save an America to bring him back the free enterprise system and hope to American families he says you can't say that unless you fully mean it because if you say it and you don't follow it through no one believes it so I took a step back for a couple months I said I don't know if I want to make this kind of a statement because it's a big one to make then I said we're doing it we had an event together called saving America doing the impossible I was dressed as a George Washington my wife was dressed as Lady Liberty another guy was dressed as a Lincoln 40 American flags 40-foot Mount Rushmore dad Ronald Reagan's son come and speak on the what makes America special we had Dudley speak on a star-spangled banner' Larry Greenfield Dudley rather for Larry Greenfield who's the vice president of Ronald Reagan Library he spoke about capitalism and everyone's sinners and what the hell was going on here was a crusade it was a cause and it wasn't just a gimmick like let me try to get people excited because a lot of people took that same statement to try to use it to excite people but if it's not here you can't act those things out so this is again if the vision is crystal clear and then you know how to sell it to people and if you can get a handful of people that fully believe what you're saying and they buy in from there on if you stay true to the vision the rest is history and there's a bit of La Familia stuff in there as well right I mean you know big in a big way in a big way I mean in a big way like let me let me put it to the point of if you do anything with anybody's wife you don't want to get that call from me you don't you don't do that with me I mean I'm a very bad guy if you cross someone's wife you have a problem with me it's a basic Sicilian rule of business ya sisters if your mouth shut stay that stay within the only none of this other stuff cuz it's bad for business yeah so you date somebody's sister you better make that phone call you know you'd do anything with somebody's daughter you don't do anything until you make that phone call and then you've got to make two phone calls one phone call us to that person the other phone calls to me and then you know it's respect this is why you Brian you know in our company I have a relationship with everyone's wives and so they'll call and they'll talk to me and and speaking to them and no one's worried you know our guys call my wife it's a relationship you know and then you know with a husband you and I go out say you and I have a drink together I don't want the wife to be worried about what you're not going to be doing together for them to be uncomfortable I have to make sure there's that trust and that comfort there in our environment it's not easy here's why it's not easy I'm a man and as a man you see a beautiful woman blood circulates to one place I don't give if you're 18 years old or 40 years old this is a scientific thing I don't know why the man upstairs created it that way you see something beautiful like oh my gosh you know it's like you know in your mind and imagination if you and I acted on every single thing we did in our imagination we'd be in the porn industry you know because you know how we were wired and we want to act like we're so good and holy and all this stuff oh my goodness you know and I tell this my way we'll go to a restaurant I said babe look at that look at that right there babe it's like how she's pretty we'll go to places at babe if I was a girl check that guy says you know he's handsome we went to well some restaurant we were on in a flamenco show I'm like babe that guy's pretty handsome I just know he's handsome babe we have that relationship because what am I gonna lie but like what do you think happens you know so again this isn't the idea of perfection or spirit holy because there's I've never been attracted to that I was I worked with a few people who were so much about you know if you do this your menace to society if you do that if you do this it was - it's exactly what turned me away from church and being an atheist for 25 years of my life exactly what it was hey that whole image of perfection morality I don't want it yeah I don't want to go to church for you to tell me I'm going to hell I know I'm going to hell I just want to say I've got a shot for heaven so it's also not the dynamic of being judged and when I want to explain that part so it's not like you know we have some of our guys that you know make some mistakes and say their marriages doesn't work out you won't get judged by me it's not also not that part you know what I'm saying hey you made a mistake and we can have a private conversation together you and I it's just to realize look let's do our best I'm not expecting you to be perfect but let's respect one another and when somebody has a downfall and they have a big fall be very careful if you judge them because yours is right around the corner and when yours happens you want people to judge you hopefully the way you judge other people upon their fall so you have to be very tender and gentle about I got a text message I can't stand it Brian when people do this I got a text message about two months ago and it was a text message about a former competitor who got caught with another woman okay and they sent me this picture and I told her so why are you texting me this why wouldn't you want to know this I said don't ever text me something like this again I blocked them then one of my guys sends me to text then an hour later have ten text messages from ten different guys in our company somebody with a blocked phone number is sending text messages to us he doesn't like that competi now the competitor and I had beef I mean he blocked me it's a true competitor he blocked me where it's like your threat in the marketplace you know I can't do anything with you even with that you will never see me go that route with that person because you know life is too short I'm only 40 I have no idea what's gonna happen next 4050 years you don't know what's gonna happen with your kids with your family with your parents with your with your peers with your company if you're gonna go purely from that route of being perfect there's only one place if you set the standard of perfection only one place and that's a fault right - Elissa is fine perfection is problematic it seems to me that value tainment and maybe PHP they're both vehicles for pushing you to be a better man every single day because that's what they do right the level of accountability the way you put it yeah absolutely I mean it's it's a one is an internal level of accountability with the people I work with our PHP value Timman is a public level of accountability so that's a good way of putting it I never thought of and you attracted that and set those structures about yourself subconsciously or consciously but that's what it does I mean that's what this show does to me I have to improve at an exponential rate because it's always out there always having to push myself a very good point it's a very good point what's the future what's five years from now what's happening with value tainment and you so I am currently looking for CEO for PHP agency' I've been in the process of looking for CEO for the last 12 months so I'm gonna be the chairman at the board and I'm gonna hire a CEO and then after I hired a CEO were interviewing three CEOs next week already have the conference call with them we've had multiple calls they've spoken to the board we're having three CEOs that will interview second week of December whatever that is I don't know what the data said like in the next 10 days and by the way everything I'm saying to you this has been announced to the field in the last two years that I'm looking for a CEO and so that's that part with CEO I'm looking internally at somebody to be the chief distribution officer of the company to kind of replace what I'm doing on the sales side so this is probably gonna be a 12 to 24 month window of this transition it's not gonna be overnight it's gonna be a process because I can't just hurry up with those decisions a CEO for our company has to fit the culture they have to make certain commitments that some are not willing to make it's a long-term commitment with certain things in the contract that you have to write if X Y Z event takes place so that pushes a few people back but that's kind of how we're offering the you know opportunity with the equity and a salary so that's that part value Taemin is you know this will be the first place I'll announce this which is kind of weird so when we first switched a Patrick bad baby to value Tama the YouTube channel we're sitting in a room and I said oh my gosh guys the name is value tainment that's what we're gonna name it and I'm all excited you know jumping all the world excited that's the name I guarantee no one has that domain you know this old thing right we just came out with this idea probably no one has it so we go on about Tim are you freaking kidding me it's a publicly traded company in Germany okay value Tim an outcome I said Oh guys we need that domains I call the guy right there I call I say we'd like to buy your domain it's excuse me this guy's name is Dirk I said we'd like to buy your domain I am the CEO of value taemin it's a publicly traded company why would I sell you this we're an entertainment company it's a great name I would never sell you this so I got off the phone I said thanks so what are we gonna do so we sit down say guys here's what we're gonna do we are gonna make sure the world thinks about value teaming with us versus him cuz when you would take by teaming on Google he'd be the first one who's ready to me calm I said we have to make sure we crush it with the same guy tamer so we do so three years later changes his name to value tees okay but he still owns value to me calm so then he sends me an email and he says hey I'll say the domain I said how much he makes this number it's like astronomical a couple hundred thousand dollar I said we're not doing that so it says okay no problem so we went back and forth took us about a year to negotiate last week officially we own value taming calm so vitamin that comes gonna probably end up being a media company we haven't if you go on the website right now there's nothing's gonna go straight to my pantry baby calm but we own the domain and so vehement calm will be a vehicle to spread the message of entrepreneurs and Kapil's them around the world especially at a time where a lot of people are being blocked if you talk about capitalism and entrepreneurship I do want to create a platform where anybody can go to that's controlled where you can see different views and we keep spreading that message so movies shows and singing anything that's gonna spread the message of value taming attracting people that fit the criteria value team and somebody that has offer value to offer but it's absolutely entertaining and it's bought into the movement and we're going to create a community and keep advancing other people helping ways to advance everybody around the world that is part of the value teaming community so that part's gonna be the next 20 years of my life being in a media world I told myself I'd be financial 20 years first 20 years was making shine and kill myself or screw up and make a bad mistake to go to prison the next 20 years I said financial I love the financial industry the next 20 was gonna be media and then you have the last 20 years four to 20 years will be a different era of my life hmm do you like performing do you like being in the spotlight yeah yeah I think so yeah I think I do but I also like to like I don't like first when I talk to and I came and I gave you feedback and I said here's how I view you I naturally can't help myself either you know looking at everybody as a product like I look if I'm if I'm your age and I can market you very easily so I look at you as a product this is a very easy product to market you belong on TV I mean that's hands-down there's no question about it you're marketable so everybody I look at I look at him that way I can't help myself so I could the kingmaker side on what can happen for this person and sometimes some people don't like it because okay why are you giving me advice I don't want any count like I'll step back but I can't help myself everything I see is how we can make something better what happens when you look at yourself what do you see I think it's a marketable product as well and I think growing up as a kid I missed the part of being playful because they had to be a father and an husband too early to my mother I played a role of a husband and an older brother even on six years younger so at 14 years old I'm an overprotective younger brother to a 20 year old sister which makes no sense at all right and had to play the father when my husband when my dad got the divorce and we're in Germany and my mother needed supports I stayed with my mother for six years until she went to Iran and then I joined the army so I kind of missed that element and there's a childlike side of me that I want to seek and I think I'm gonna pursue that the next 20 and I don't really know specifically which direction it's gonna go have I seen this childlike side in you in some of the videos yeah I mean one went out today that's gonna be childlike there was the good voice that just went out it's it's the 20 year old me talking to the 40 year old me with a surprise at the end of the 80 year old me that shows up out of nowhere which is really epic I get is 80 year old makeup and style yeah you got where you are it looks like I'm you know I'm 80 years old so I don't know I just like storytelling I like you know the first time I build a sales organization was called the story builders and I was in 2003 August where the team was called I want story builders calm and till today I have an email that's called Patrick at the story builders calm but I've always been fascinated by stories like even when I spoke to you you know MIT San Diego you know where you went and in Boston you lived there how that was then New York you know I'm always curious about everybody storage so yeah I mean that's probably gonna be the direction yeah I like that playful side of you you did grow up hard and you grew up I think having to put this tough-guy exterior on you know and I can see those elements and you and the chip on your shoulder but you know there's a yin and yang you know and there's feminine energy and male energy and if you can't embrace that it's you're gonna snap one day you know we've seen that guy do that and so I'm glad you're doing that and I think that's it's gonna be really good for you and I think the viewers need to see that too and I appreciate that I appreciate you saying that I agree with you I agree with you and I told Tony Robbins today I said and him and I were going back and forth I said Tony the one thing I admire about you is the fact that you know you're able to speak your thoughts on religion and politics yet you don't lose Democrats or Republicans because you know how to speak to everybody and you still give your opinion and I think that's something all of us can learn from it's not an easy thing to do because his his Reach is so wide it's it's crazy it's wild I think it's also part of it because he's vulnerable and we see the childlike side of him as well you see this with McConnell you see this with Kevin how do you see this with rock you see this with the great ones they have that and such a attractive thing so I appreciate that observation and what you're saying there and you know it's been hard to want to go there because you've had to keep a front for a long time it's against everything you were taught and experienced right and you know what's helped me with that is my kids you know being around my kids I'm a big Lego kid oh my gosh so have you been to the Lego store here I have it I sweat on Leicester Square yeah it's good gosh the stuffed Augusta I couldn't even leave it was so beautiful right I mean I play Lego all day with these kids I'm a there's a side of me that's a big kid and by the way I don't mind the other side either the strong side but I also know there's a time for this and there's a time for this and it may be a season of this right now yeah good with the seasons I like got to daily practice for you that's non-negotiable what's something that you just repeatedly do that keeps you in the zone keeps the chip manageable not gone anything you do so I mean the thing that I do no matter what study numbers every day I am in love with numbers you think you know I don't have that background no listen I mean Brian when I tell you numbers like if you if you if you see me right now in my briefcase have numbers if you see me on my back have numbers if you look at my iPad have numbers if you come to my office my entire it's always a mess my desk is always messy and it's filled with numbers everywhere and such details specific numbers that makes no sense I studied everything I am I am fascinated by numbers anything that can be tracked I'm like a kid in a candy store with it okay and that's what you're doing every day is watching you yeah I mean I can tell you reading I can tell you reading books I can tell your personal development can tell you exercising but it's not every day I work out five times a week I there are days that I may not get to reading I try to read 30 minutes a day but sometimes I'm not reasonable I am studying every day like I'm studying a topic every day that's it there's not a day that goes by that I'm not studying I may not be reading a book but I'm studying a topic every day you know the other day I interviewed Jim Jenkins Jim Jenkins was one of three people in the autopsy room that held john f kennedy's brain yes and I threw him out and for 55 years he didn't do a live interview so we brought him on I've took him to Dealey Plaza and if you go on YouTube right now you tap in where JFK all over the world I ask people on Instagram people are telling me JFK is number one if you just type in JFK was the first entry that came up that's a pretty searchable Ward JFK not even JFK assassination just JFK and so for me oh my gosh Brian one week of studying this whole thing like oh this is insane it's got nothing to do with business but it's still studying but if there's something I do seven days a week 365 for the last 20 years 15 years probably it's numbers numbers good answer I like that one best day of your life worst day of your life what comes to mind yeah it's kids man best state of life is this kids you know it's very emotional worst day of my life worst day in my life is when we left Iran and I said bye to my dad you know he gave me his necklace and I thought I was never gonna see him again that's probably the worst day okay very hard okay what scares you it's one thing and one thing only it's not reaching capacity like not meeting that guy I want to meet that guy I want to meet him so bad I want to have a sit-down with him I want to speak to him I want to see what he looks like I want to see how he's wired I want to see what thinks he doesn't see as important as I think is it is today and what thinks he sees extremely important as I don't see today I want to meet that guy so it's scary for me if I don't reach that that gives me anxiety they say hell on earth is meeting the man that you could have been right at the end of your life and you want to make sure that that doesn't happen I don't want to I don't want that to happen right what would we be surprised to learn about you something that would just feel like I can't believe that that's what he does what would you be surprised I mean Legos is a good surprise I tell you I mean I am I am a toy guy you know I love Legos I will lick Brian I'll sit and I'll build Legos for six hours like that I mean that's not like you know some people that's a waste of time six hours an hour building goes like I buy Legos for kids thinking I'm buying it for them not bind if I want to build it I'm gonna go back and build that Lake was is a big one I'm a big baseball card guy big I love baseball cards especially like all 30s 40s 50s maybe 60s not so much 70s 80s and past that I'm a big baseball card guy diehard baseball card guy and the one weird thing with me is is my affinity to Iran and Assyrians and Armenians very big affinity there I want to do something with Iran in a big way and I want to do something with the Syrian community they don't have a country we lost it a long time ago in the Syrians were the first warriors day you're pretty interesting people on what they did they invented a lot of things that the world uses today I have to go to the British Museum and see the Assyrian like carvings in the rock really intense Syria here in British Museum that's how I know who the Assyrians are because this stuff they created and they show the depictions of war and it's all carved out in stone it's intense yeah I want to I want to do something I can't wait to go to it I'm by the way I'm coming back in no time to London I mean it's already this visit created so many Piers Morgan Nigel all these other people you know Lord who's the the the guy who had the Prentiss show what's his name and a little ocean all of these things and other business things that just came up for me being here today for a couple days I'm coming back in no time and I'm definitely gonna go visit that so yeah I'd say something there is well my affinity to Iran is Syrian and Armenian community okay tricky to do something with Iran or not what does that make it more of an interesting challenge for you I think it's a risky to do something with Iran like I wrote a book a fiction book I wrote that took me five years to write very controversial my wife my dad my mom do not want me to publish this it's just sitting there it's 96 thousand words and it you're gonna read any gonna say what the hell does this guy think about what's in that that's guy's brain it's a complete different dynamic of a book I wrote and it has to do with a Syrian Iran and some other elements to it but yeah I mean I want to go back and do something with that country I think that country's got a lot of resources that they can offer to the world but somehow someway a lot of people like to keep friction in the Middle East because the more they fight each other the more they can get what they want other countries can get what they want from the Middle East the more friction and you case one of us is one of the by the way the more friction there's there and the last time Iran was strong and Israel was strong and they were an ally the Middle East was a very beautiful place you and I would go to Iran all the time the rich people would go to Iran to party Sinatra Elizabeth Taylor all these guys because Iran and Israel were good the Shah had a good relationship with the Israel for the most part not fully but for the most part it was civil very strong military very strong Air Force very strong military was peace so all the other guys couldn't do anything the moment Iran fell bomb friction everywhere so yes that's a whole different conversation yeah even the Italian mob bosses will tell you a friction between the families isn't good for business right it's never good for business but it's good for those that want to divide because they get to control so you have to find out who those people are if that makes any sense yeah yeah what keeps you awake at night you know it's it's it's a lot of different things today some of it is personal life family dad you know my dad is 76 years old and you know he's at a different phase of his life my mother I think about my mother a lot you know she I think about her a lot with my family what we've gone through her having an experience of you really being able to enjoy the rest of her life on the business side I spent a lot of time thinking about our guys and what their potential is and them wanting to seek that part and in its vision crusade cause really I mean my mind is always circled around those things obviously my kids like when I was traveling here to London on the flight the entire time I was just I couldn't sleep I didn't sleep a single minute on the flight I couldn't sleep for a minute on my flight here I was just thinking about these guys I'm looking at their pictures and all videos kids all these things in there six five and two and the other day might sounds like a dad I'm about to be seven years old February 1st I'm like oh my gosh you're about to be 7 you're 11 years away from 18 what is going on here so you know some of those things are putting a little bit more perspective in my life but that's it those are the things that keeps me up right now yeah okay Patrick I always ask a few questions at the end I'm gonna hit you with those if I could give you a phone and you can ring up the 20 year old Patrick this is probably pre military right military 1718 so Kenny I would have been just getting out of the military or somewhat in the military okay if you could call them that guy up when did you take the picture with Dorian how old were you 21 okay so right around there that guy I've seen that picture I think I've seen you in the bodybuilding days I'll give him a bit of advice what would you tell him and what do you listen stash I know I'm trying to impress everybody that isn't that really in your top five priorities really stop trying to please the people that don't matter these success secrets are only available on the London real Academy become a member and get access to live shows exclusive courses my webinars bonus content meetups live events an amazing community and much much more now back to the rest of the show stop like forcing things just kind of work more here than work that's the advice I'd give to myself is so worried about here it's all worried about here image image image image this is so draining I put more focus on on the inside yourself yeah I get that message from you and most of what you did yeah you know it's subtle but work on yourself it's on that same note best advice you've ever received could have been from a mob boss a mentor or parent yeah I mean a man named rich told me once in Diamond Bar we're in a meeting and we're looking at everybody and we're in this backyard it's a guy's house Edie okay beautiful home yet right next to Sugar Shane Mosley and I'm in the corner I'm looking at everybody everybody's having dinner and they're at these tables and I pull rich aside as a rich give me the one best advice and he starts I said nice I said I wanted one above everything and he said you know what's part of what I'm saying right now you said look at everybody here they're all gonna read just a few books and learn a few quotes a few titles few stories to tell from the books they read and once they make a hundred quarter million they're gonna slow down he said if you keep out improving these guys consistently eventually none of these guys will be your competitors and it was absolutely right so I came back I took self-improvement to a whole different level because somebody told me and it became an obsession and I noticed you know what he was right because most people quote thing you have you were thinking Rob rich I've read how to win from some friends people I rich that poured that I'd be right it said the twenty books that everybody's read right and then you go deeper and deeper and deeper with the books that people don't want to read because it's technical people don't like to read technical books so if you really go deeper and you have a meaning for this award deeper than the average person does you're gonna be a tough person to compete with especially if you're not afraid of hard work and so hard work is mandatory at that level but most people don't keep improving I was the best advice given to me good advice yeah to that 20 year old that's watching us right now and let's say they want to be an entrepreneur maybe why they first heard about your may was why they tune in what do you tell them what's your advice to them for the next 20 years I'm telling you man just spend some time asking the right questions from yourself you know spend it question every single thing question every single thing politically spiritually relationship parents those 20 things that your parents told you a million times question it you know whether for you it's rich people are greedy or rich people or this or whatever it is question everything and then ask yourself what you're looking for get clear on that nothing I'm talking about the selfish standpoint of wow this is why I'm gonna go out there and do whatever I want to do and screw everybody I think there's and I feel bad because sometimes that message is being given some from influencers on social media sometimes and if you don't you can't make that statement and not go deeper screw everybody forget everybody and that that that and the next you know somebody's gonna screw you mom screw you that no that's not the message the message is spend some time asking yourself about who you want to be and what kind of a life you want to live and once you figure that part out create a set of values and principles that you want to live by and make sure your behavior in life matches those values and principles you want to live by because happiness to me comes from alignment if my values and principles are match the way I'm living on a daily basis and it's aligned I'm happy you know unhappiness comes when your values and principles that you believe in doesn't match the behavior you have you're miserable you're bitter so one get clear on who you want to be in the life you want to live write out the principles and values that you believe you're willing to die for like this is the stuff I'm going to live by and then go be aligned to that consistently with something clear that's important to you and you'll have an edge but most 20 year olds unfortunately we have this this tool that we have all of us the phone we have this tool is a beautiful tool but you have so many opportunities spend time on news feed on Instagram stories and seeing what everybody else is doing versus actually getting clear about what you want to do so maybe if I'm 20 today I'm probably taking a diet for my believe it and these are consumers who watch value Tim and I'm telling you take a 30 day diet from your phone you know maybe not a 30 day but take a 2 day or weekend diet and just go dive deep into what you want to do if you already know what you want to do then put that tool to use you really get to use learn about marketing learn about Instagram Facebook YouTube Twitter everything that's out there and put it to use but first get more clear on who you want to be in what kind of a life you want to live yeah go into that beach on Malibu spend some time with yourself hold do that phone is the this is the craziest designer drug ever invented you know and isn't it it is and it's it's geared to make you not ask the hard questions and not go into the self-improvement it's just there to kind of numb your mind and keep you entertained and you know it is dangerous and so I say the same thing I skip on people in the street I'm like I watch this great video about durian and I'm like okay what you do I watch the next video I'm like that's not why I'm here that's not why I'm here I'm you need to take the next step so Patrick I really appreciate everything you're doing out there and again you're fighting the good fight because on the outside broadcasting is a bit like entrepreneurship it looks like a lot of glamour and it's a lot of hard work you know it is really hard getting in that headspace you do a lot of traveling respect to that and you really go out and get yourself in front of these people with these messages and as you told me earlier it's rarely the ones that you think are gonna pop that actually have the most resonance with people because I think people they want a story you know in Jordan Peterson talks about that it's in our DNA right we need to learn through storytelling and I see you doing that so respect to you and all that stuff I'm glad you came on here because when I look deeper into your content I see this core message you know and it's not such a tough-guy thing to share what you did on that beach in Malibu and to put those 25 questions up on your website and say guys time to look inside whereas a lot of people in the quote-unquote entreprenuer space are talking about Lambos and cashflow and blah blah blah and you're telling people no it's actually not about that and I see the successful people in the space saying that message and honestly I'll be honest I heard the same thing from guys like Dorian Yates and the cardones and other people that sit in the space they're like get in touch with who you really are add value to this world take us all to another better place that's the real mission in life if you do all that trappings follow absolutely know that I'm thanks for having me man really I respect you as a professional and and the way you do your interviews it's very obvious you go deep you actually do research I think the best way an interviewer shows respected a guess is by doing proper research and you do that all the time so much respect and perhaps for what you do as well my pleasure and thanks for showing us society today and anyone's ever seen that anything I don't know if their help I don't think they have but I appreciate you going there to that space sure Linda ruff I look forward to what you don't find next few years Thank You Patrick thank you much appreciate you brother yes [Music] [Applause] the critics who always speak behind my back maybe I want to hear them remind me he's back the great Pretender I hope this time he gets hurt I love these guys they give me fuel you want them to reach your objective you want to achieve it feel what you do feel it if you're not feeling it it doesn't matter cuz Ewbank jr. how do you explain his prowess in the ring Jr has that obsession that genius that magic genius of obsession but it's in one area you studied the sweet science for so much of your life how do you walk away from it do you miss it hmm you can't walk away from it I am it and even when I dance so really unboxing the credit belongs to the man who's actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood the one who strives valiantly what was the worst day of your life and how has it shaped you as a human being when I fought might've been I stood like this [Music] it was the mask this risk must be taken that's why you are London realist that's why we're here we are tired of sitting still watching it happen happening for others let's do it [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 502,248
Rating: 4.8507953 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david
Id: gokQGbl-OX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 0sec (6900 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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