Grant Cardone's Most Revealing Interview EVER with London Real

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they say that the human race is doomed we have lost touch with our true nature that the media has corrupted us and that the planet has the future I disagree I believe that humanity is full of hope and that our salvation lies within each one of us my name is Brian rose and my job is to listen the oldest method of learning known to man each week I seek out individuals that are changing the world people who are living and thinking in a different way their stories will challenge your beliefs make you question your choices and perhaps inspire you to change I never planned on doing any of this but now I can't stop join me on this mission and make humanity something we can all be proud of this is London real i am brian rose my guest today is grant cardone the New York Times bestselling author sales training expert and motivational speaker on leadership real estate investing entrepreneurship and social media originally from Louisiana you started from nothing and now have five privately held companies with annual revenues exceeding 100 million last year Forbes magazine named you number one of the 25 marketing influencers to watch and you're the author of five books including seller be sold the 10x rule and if you're not first you're last grant welcome to London thank you so much for having me it's awesome to have you here great to be in this room hey thank you very much how was London treating you what do you like this what in London treating us as well as we treat it except for the casino which I lost 500 pounds pretty quick but it's been great man we've been to Harrods and staying down in a nice nice little spot so the hotel is nice the people are great I haven't seen Harry yet but I've been trying to find him on the streets yeah I heard you and you're pointing him out about Buckingham Palace yeah and people went for it ever they did oh yeah I just started screaming out of my car Harry there's Harry Harry siding right my driver just lost it and he's getting married this weekend right yeah okay so you're stirring it up a little big girls Ron London Tower Bridge yeah Tower Bridge so they're called London Bridge but it was Tower Bridge I don't know where I am most the times though yeah I think when they sold the old London Bridge to the Americans in Arizona they thought it was the Tower Bridge okay that's the pretty one okay yeah so you're you're liking it here we're loving it well the weather's been spectacular so it's been great people are phenomenal really yeah friendly yeah maybe maybe were friendly okay and then and then they respond in kind when you think of London when you're in Miami like what do you usually think about British European is it a different mentality yeah Americans yeah I think I think conservative polite manners proper all the things that I'm basically not you know that I even wonder why will I fit in there you know will they you know will they accept Who I am and but but I've had the same problem and where I live like like those things those social you know expectations of not that I don't have manner but but the social norms like fitting into something you know my whole life I've struggled with fitting in and so you know living there and come in here this is just like manners on steroids here proper on steroids right like you have to be proper right a gentleman and were you always that way just open book what comes to your feelings and telling people what you thought I mean look my dad died when I was 10 so when you don't have a father a male image there to like you know drop the belt because my dad was an enforcer and I think it changes things you know my mom I remember after my dad died my mom whipped me she brought out the belt and it was a joke it was hilarious like I'll never be whipped again right so you know I was without direction and and you know I missed that that guy directed me being that mentor and and that strong you know and then I had my mom just scared and trying to figure things out so you got a ten-year-old kid man a twin brother so I I had a force we were a unit would board school didn't help because we're bored and you you were born in Lake Charles Louisiana a little small town yeah what what is that like for people that have never been Louisiana that don't know what what do you like down there how would you explain it to Prince Harry you know what were like what are the people say Harry dude dude like I took a canoe a little canoe down the bayous you know to go to school you know and he took a carriage so know it's in a little small town you know it's it's hot it's it's humid mosquitoes roaches like I grew up you know middle class I mean we had we had a roof and we had air-conditioned and we had heater and we had a car and we had bicycles but we had fear there was tremendous fear in the environment constant fear worry about it this was it for a cycle this was fur you know from the age of 10 to like when I left the house okay constant fear the whole time fear of economics economic fear oh it was all economics the mechanics gonna take care take advantage of us the plumbers gonna take advantage of its the roofer like anything you didn't want to spend money everything was conservation it really has built Who I am today okay because you know the the my dad died in February my mom sold the house by March so we had this beautiful house my dad had finally made it fully into the middle class maybe even upper-middle class 18 months after he bought his house his dream house he died 15 days later the house is sold because she couldn't handle it so at ten years old I'm learning a house is the liability I didn't know this would play out later right now but later on in my life I would realize it would be another 20 years and I realized oh a single-family home the front door just one door house is not an asset it's a liability okay I want to talk on that day is that that money fear economic kind of prison in your brains is that endemic to Louisiana the South America all of America okay living on the edge paycheck to paycheck I mean America America you know the movies act like a mirror all the Americans are rich and they're all boisterous and they're all secure completely not true any more than all English people or have manners so the Americans are 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck 64% of Americans that have businesses break even or lose money the the land of the brave and the home of the free that's ours American it's not even close to the truth but most people are don't have any money and if they have accepted the fact that they don't have any money they know how many leftover money they're fearful of money constantly they overspend they don't know how to produce money they definitely don't know how to multiply it might be a world condition mmm because you know what everybody's been telling me here is like do your your I said what country might describe it right here yeah do you think the American kind of brashness comes from that underlying fear no I think that comes from the movies what most Americans are not Rasch okay you know I would be I would be my persona which is like who I've just figured out how to get away with it most Americans are not brash by any means okay so even you're an outlier in Miami Oh without a doubt okay tell me more about young grants so you're ten yeah you know your dad had just made it I think at nine he had bought the house right young enough died at ten you know yeah the twin brother who I mean I know you said you've always kind of he was a way for you to look at yourself uh-huh and you were like wow it's him with so much potential in him and so it's a way that you kind of just look at yourself yeah and tell me about that young kid you know just again like my mom had her hands full you know she didn't talk about money being a problem but we could see I could see that she was scared you just clipping coupons it's the culture right you're being boiled you're being made ready in a soup the culture is the soup and you're being cooked in the soup and that's where we're collecting our data from and so that the information was you know save your money a penny saved is you know penny earned and and everything's preservation and conservation and and you know protection and conservation and which is a yes because it's passive well totally totally you're just becoming a victim you're becoming a you're sitting back you're effect of everything so there was but my mom and did she didn't know any better right she was uh she was uneducated she had never held a job she did not have an entrepreneurial spirit like she does she didn't know at that time women really weren't encouraged to go out and earn money so they were mothers were doing at that time in the 50s what they did they raising kids and being a wife right and taking care of the house which by the way said extremely important role and probably something that was short on yeah yeah but but she was doing she was giving me three meals a day and with every meal came a lecture you know so she was just doing the best she could do I on the other hand at ten years old wanted to be a man twelve I wanted to be an adult I wanted to be an adult since I was six when I saw that whoever had the money decided where we went I wanted money I didn't want money because I because of money I wanted money because who it appeared to me that whoever had the money had control of the environment hmm and I knew that way before my dad died I would watch him and another man a doctor in the neighborhood and they seemed to have fun whoever had the money seemed to like control where we went how long we went what we did and the kid the kid if he if you have kids you how many I got two young boys and a stepdaughter in her young they're picking up everything oh yeah it's like a hard drive that just opens when they are born you know exactly you know and and they're open to learning and and you know I can watch my kids they'll play on a phone they could watch a TV show and know exactly what ma'am what Elena and I are talking about in the other room and collect all the data perfectly but when you take an adult and put him in that setting and they're like hey wait a minute I can't I got to pay attention to this but the kid doesn't do that the kids like I can consume here I can consume off the game and I can pick up your conversation and duplicate almost all of it perfectly okay and so what is it I was doing the same thing okay all right I'm picking up everything from my brother my older brother my twin brother my mom TV John Kennedy gets killed I'm picking up data everywhere my dad dies I'm picking up all the data right and and and that's what makes yeah that's what like starts forming the character of the individual my dad wanted to be rich he never said that to me but later I would find out my dad wanted to be a wealthy man and he didn't get there he got he did he fulfilled his obligation as a man to take care of his family and his wife and his kids and be a good example to his parents he didn't get the freedom part you know which he really wanted and I think some of that might have been left in the environment for me to grab is that why you're doing what you're doing now I don't I don't think that's why I'm doing it but but certainly that was uh it was an inspiration okay to kind of get there where he wanted to go maybe maybe maybe you know my brother's got it okay in a different way though my brother and I do money completely different okay he's much more free Willie with it and I'm much more okay I'm gonna I'm gonna turn this into something and not take as many risk but I had two sisters and an older brother in the environment my older brother died when he was very young but two older sisters they didn't get it as much in the same environment so you can't just say it's an environmental thing talk to me about the teenage grant yeah you doing lemonade stands and paper no I'm doing drugs it's what I'm doing 15 16 years old I smoke weed for the first time Louisiana you're not doing lemonade stands behind great conversation selling baseball cards and so on flowers and but that's not what we were doing we were we were in Louisiana we're shooting guns anything that moves we shoot it you know I have a rifle 22 caliber rifle at 12 years old well Wildman okay Wow kids we're having mud wars in the lake and kumquat battles with the neighbors and smashing eggplants in a car or so like we're bored like we have the worst problem in society boredom still a problem there today Oh for everybody not just me okay this is my projection on all of mankind but yeah when people are bored they become problematic okay and you times 10 yeah yeah I mean yeah definitely definitely okay and so we smoke some weed at 16 yeah and that's the start of a road you know what why do you think that was so attractive to you it wasn't unattractive okay no it was I knew when I picked it up I'm like this oh this is terrible doing this I don't know why I'm doing this I know I'm gonna regret doing this but you know my brother was doing it Brian my buddy was doing it I wanted in peer pressure was very powerful you know how do you go it alone here so smoked weed next day I smoked it again next thing you know I'm like full into drugs and nobody nobody nobody starts using drugs thinking I'm gonna be a drug at it but within probably two years I was doing drugs every day okay not just weed other stuff anything okay this is before the whole pill crisis down south so it wasn't necessarily that I know this was way before the opiate right no no because that would have been really dangerous yeah okay but this was dangerous enough okay so yeah why for you because because I mean I became a full-fledged like drug addict okay and I'm smoke I'm smoking popping pills any drug there was no like baby what's your drug of choice did like any drug alcohol alcohol anything that would anything that would change my attitude or fill up the boredom is it boredom or just maybe the negativity and fear and uncertainty of the area or you have your life yeah sure all that you know like like you know the the rehab I went to say that you have a disease you know I don't know I don't believe that today that some people have a disease I there's no test for the disease anyway like there's diseases now for everything that they have no test for so I don't think it's a disease or I was somehow picked to be a drug addict or I have some DNA to be an entrepreneur or me and garyvee had this conversation or have some DNA I said that's that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life that means some people can't be entrepreneurs which is not true no you do drugs enough it won't matter what your DNA is you do anything enough you go into a casino enough times and play enough times you'll become addicted like just like a game like you play a game enough times enough level as a candy crush and you'll want to you'll want to get to the next level so and that's what happened with drugs it was 15 years old 225 for ten years some nine and a half years I used drugs almost every day it's heavy yeah it was terrible man it was terrible the drug the drugs are one thing but the degraded the degraded nough subdivision it chips away at your self-esteem little by little by little right and then by chunks and then by big big blocks so by the time I'm 25 I'm I'm 19 I was like I was as close to zero as a person can get like and I'll go lower than that before it's over okay and yeah you said that you thought your low was much higher than it really was yeah yeah you thought you rock powders a liar there's a lot of rock bottom's okay you know if I've met grant then like would you be like no eye contact just real not even there I weigh 170 pounds today I weighed 130 pounds in gray very gray my nose is damaged from the inside you know it was bad okay and when you're 20 your older brother dies yeah when I was 20 and you did the restore you know I like to know what's going on so and that doesn't help anything right well my dad died when I was 10 yeah so like oh I'm thinking man life is short here my brother dies 10 years later I talked to him the night before on a Sunday night I talked to him Monday morning he was dead so that gets reinforced you know and John Kennedy died in between no no he died before my dad so all these messages you're getting punched like even John Kennedy's death that's a big deal right and I'm gonna think that's five years old man I'm five years old I'm in a house I don't even know what I'm watching I just know that there's grief in my house on TV like there was grief in the entire nation probably in the whole world you you feel this event happening yeah you know and and there are these events that happen that shift people's that there are so powerful and so big and I'm starting to have these and they're being related as time goes on right there being there they're mounting on top of one another and they're there they're there punching in a message which which by the way there there's a there's some goodness against out of that because the time is now yeah exactly time is now be in a hurry and also did if you punch on anything long enough you could actually change things like my life is about punching I'm a puncher like I punch a lot of punch hard and but mostly I punch persistently kind of like life did to me like I've learned to punch back sound like banging your head against the wall until the wall breaks yeah the wall breaks the wall will break like your head I get bloody yeah oh the wife the woman I'm married to it's like she just broke she's just fine okay maybe you're a good day thirteen months later yeah yeah she said yes so just back to that piece so and then the downside of having all that death row in your life is that maybe I just want to take this pain away and get into the drugs to take away get away from the world I don't know I don't think it was pain driven like oh you know that's what they don't you know oh you lost your dad your dad abandon you you know I've had all the therapy around all that I don't think I think those guys are just a little bit off from from I did not have to go down that path to find Who I am that guy was always there you know the guy I am today was always there you could not kill him with drugs and and you know now coming out of the treatment center they tried to get rid of that guy that guy is the guy you know the guy the obsessed guy the the you know the guy that can throw himself all into something the drug addict yeah do you want that guy you want that guy cuz that's guy that makes things happen that guy is relentless you want that you want that but rehab wants to get rid of that right they want to keep you happy early they think that guy is the problem that guy's not the problem the drugs were the problem okay okay the lack of self-esteem was abroad the the boredom was the problem dude I'll talk about boredom like boredom is the drug you need to avoid because that's where people start making bad choices typically they don't become a drug addict they become a consumer of garbage they waste time they consume excuses you know so that happened to here I see that here a lot okay in this city yeah in this country oh and it's country okay yeah what was the rock bottom that got you into that rehab my mom it wasn't the drugs it wasn't I was beat up I had 70 stitches putting in my head and face it without whether got beat pistol-whipped me what was that why was that happening she talked about that incident before because I told another dude this guy said something to me and I said something to him and he sent a boy you know to teach me a lesson Louisiana style yeah yeah okay with a gun and yeah yeah you still got scars from that oh yeah totally I'll come here here above both of my Thunder knee thighs over and you know they they wanted to disfigure me just imagine how handsome I would have been just without that did that event help you no no no that just beat up the self-esteem even more okay it like it degraded me another level cuz now like you can't even stand up for yourself dude you won't even fight back which I did but that's just you know the guy was a lot bigger than me so now I'm in a space where there's criminals and gangsters and real physical arm I don't know how to get out of this space and I don't know how to play by those rules because I'm not that guy I'm not the guy that will beat up somebody you know I'll you know I'll do what I can to protect myself but I won't play that level so now I'm in a terrible place because I can't win in this space so I'm 23 I'm in the hospital man i'ma quit drugs now I was doing drugs before the day was over I couldn't stop man yeah so two years would go by I continued my behavior you would think this would be the one right and my mom you know my mom had this little business going on she was trying to run this little business and I walked in I was all sloppy loaded and she's like I'm done don't come here anymore he not welcomed here anymore this might be the last time we see each other and I was in a treatment center thirty thirty days later hmm yeah the most powerful things relationships right yeah man come on today that was it she had enough men on since okay and you knew she meant it so you look I was disgusted I needed something I mean I needed one more thing to just like okay one way or there that was dying I've been dying for nine years my mom just turned her she turned her I'd to it she didn't want to she didn't want to confront it if you're the mother of a drug addict you know you know before he knows yeah yeah I'd so I'm doing this whole Ironman race and I came open about my own heroin overdose a note you know one uh-huh so I know what you're talking about you know everyone knows it around you yeah and the only thing that made me hit rock bottom was that everyone abandoned me and I went saw a bunch of them in New York recently at first time in 16 years and I'm like thank you because if you hadn't of told me yeah they basically say [ __ ] you yeah by getting out of your life yeah yeah and it shows you that he's no longer accessible acceptable yeah yeah that's the only thing that would make me know when you're drug dealer tell you you have a problem you know yeah well that's a problem too yeah like you know waking up in a hospital almost dead doesn't do it yeah trigger and so rehab did teach you some things and dude I wanted to recover it's not like I did I didn't want to do it I tried to quit you you know the deal to at least ten times a day I quit drugs for nine years today I'm gonna quit five minutes later I'm using and then I'd say okay i'ma quit that's it I'm done I'm not gonna throw it away yet but I'm done and then an hour and a half later dude I'm doing drugs again so every day it's not just the drugs it's not just what you're doing to your body it's like the number of times I quit and couldn't quit right and then started again like you know it's just like you start like losing any sense of self-respect yeah and so how you get that back you go to rehab I go to Rio and they teach you about maybe how to mentally to deal with staying away from the drugs but I really not know man I wonder if the treatment centers aren't just you know just adding to the problem how so well I mean I know I know the intention is good but most of them today are producing a different kind of drug addict you know they're going I'm going in on some you know one drug and coming out on phenobarbital but I mean the god they gave me drugs while I was there okay they said don't not take these you need this drug you are a drug addict you will never recover it is a disease you have it you cannot recover from it no matter what give up all your ideas you know the whole inventory thing you do the inventory and and you told them no you're wrong yeah he's like man give up he suck you'll never make it he's like your chance of making it I said oh really why am I gonna fail he's like and I had 28 days now like [ __ ] dude I just quit drug use and drugs for 28 days so really all I needed right I needed to know I could not I could go some period of time without using drugs so he and I was dead no relapse after that there's never been a relapse crazy so he said he said if you do if you hold on to these ideas of the books and being a being famous and getting rich and all the stuff that I told them what's underneath all this then I've been covering up right you'll never make it be satisfied on their I I can't you know I just it's the echo in my mind of him saying be satisfied with one thing don't use drugs one day at a time if that's all you get out of life I'm lying [ __ ] this dude that will not be what I'm known for yeah and I went to meetings after that and I kept hearing that but I kept hearing it from people with it work that didn't recover more than just the drug addiction or the alcoholism the rest of their life never recovered because they're playing kind of small and safe and scared because every day they would adjust just be sober just don't use right and and and I don't think I was made to just anything yeah yeah I I've never been to an AAA meeting and I know they do a lot of great things for people but it always seems in a weird way that you're kind of getting up there and saying I'm always a Sadek I have this disease and I'm just a win today because I got up here and didn't drink yeah but it's like wait a second win today would be if you went [ __ ] crushed it yeah exactly and so but then they want to hold you back because they think that's addiction manifested whoo that's gonna bring you back yeah dude I was even told well you know because I came back and I started working I just threw my addiction into work I needed something to throw into right yeah so I said okay I have to stay busy time is my enemy time is my problem when there's too much time grant goes freaking nuts and and yeah you're OCD and you're a DD and your ADHD and your ADHD and your yeah where's the test on this [ __ ] like I can measure certain things the stuff you guys are talking about I know how tall I am I all this other stuff you guys are talking sounds like it's made up to me projective it's also inconclusive so so if you are so what yeah still need a plan like Late Late Late what how about we take some blind tests and see how many different people like the book still about that thick okay who does it benefit to label me drug companies totally like who who's on the other end of this remember I came in on that treatment center with with with a bottle of pills that they told me I would be on for the rest of my life I was on him for a day threw him away now I'm really getting sober cuz now I don't have any of this in me now I get to start making my own decisions right so I threw myself completely into my work I had a job that I hate it threw myself into it completely now my sponsor who I had a sponsor that was good that was very helpful and very limiting right your mentor can help you and limit you they hold you on the leash and that be careful like who's your mentor everybody's got one by the way most people have too many it's not like it know everybody's got one or many and so mentors can be a problem as as much as a lift okay and so he says you've just replaced one addiction for another one in my [ __ ] was that make you a genius like of course I have dude I gotta replace this free time with something I was using drugs ten hours a day I better I have to replace it with some energy right I don't want to just go into a void well he was doing three meetings today and I'm not I can't do through me dude I need to be a productive member of society I have potential had you been productive before yeah I remember being productive when you asked that question with my dad I remember being productive with my dad I was nine years old my dad taught me how to work he never talked about work but the way he went to work and then we were in the yard one day and we were stuff and we were picking up leaves and and branches and pecans and I would watch my dad he was like to me as a nine-year-old he looked like an artist he was he was coordinated I wasn't he was fast I was slow he was clean I was slow right it's like watching a mother watching a great cook in the kitchen it's like you know it's just fluid she doesn't read she doesn't have a check she doesn't slow down everything's kept pretty clean and then there's me in there just it'll taste similar but there's gonna be a [ __ ] mess in this place so he inspired you to that I could I could see that there was potential and I beauty in its I mean it was beauty and work hmm I've always loved work whether it was outside or inside or not just cuz it keeps you busy because there's some beauty in it there's a master in it I think that their work is a gift from God speak on that yeah as many people think it's a chore yeah I when I hear people talk about the job I've seen the 4-hour workweek and the the the the you know the idea that you won't work for anyone that you can't have a job it just kills me you don't like the 4-hour workweek concept because it it tries to engineer you out of doing something it's disgusting to me explain it is like it's disgusting that anybody would want to outsource everything that that I got 168 hours in a week I think that's what it is I don't know exactly what the number is but do don't want to use them all man and you want to get your hands dirty and do things that don't scale and tote totally I want things you don't want to do absolutely I want to do things I don't want to do I hear I hear guys say I don't do stuff I don't want to do if I can do who are you like who's taking care of you then how arrogant that you wouldn't do something you don't want to do and nobody's successful does things they only what I do [ __ ] I wanted to don't want to do every day we drove over here 45 minutes I don't want to [ __ ] sit in the back car I don't care how nice sicarios who wants to sit in traffic for 45 minutes I do stuff constantly I don't want to do it doesn't matter what I want to do you know what's my purpose what's my potential and am I willing to work toward that so I'm an idea that I would work for hours no well that's just not real for me like I would not read the book and you told me hey man I got this opportunity for you to work part-time I have zero interest I want to be great at what I'm doing and I know I know without reading any book I have to dedicate time and energy effort and I have to hit I have to be frequent you know I can't I've never gotten good in anything everything's taken it's been a lot of work for me so everything for me whether on that little uncoordinated kid it's taken a lot you know it's taken me 30 years to find any kind of success or any sense of okay I'm starting to find myself you know probably two or three thousand speaking engagements before I felt like I was comfortable in stage three businesses that were freaking jamming before I said you know you might be a bit you might actually be a legitimate businessman you know now now we're at seven businesses will do probably 150 million bucks this year I've got I'll hit a billion dollars in real estate probably before the years over I'm just starting to feel like you know what maybe maybe I'm gonna make it you know by going into all the things you felt insecure at the things you were not good at the things you didn't even like to do dude let's end your modus operandi for the last 30 years toll it so like sales you know hey hey the sales people be shocked to hear you say that hey did it five I was in five sales jobs was a disaster at all of them hate it absolutely hated it you're the master of sales I am I embrace the things I why why were you bad at it why did you hate it I didn't know well I was bad at it because nobody teaches anybody how to be good at sales you know so I didn't know how to communicate to people it didn't know how to shake a hand didn't know how to build rapport I'm like I'm honest enough that I'm not gonna lot of people so the stuff I was being taught to do I didn't like you know they asked a question you asked them a question slaw me dude you know I have enough integrity and ethics that when you tell me okay we're not manipulating but don't answer their question am I that's just that that is manipulation and that's why I think a lot of people don't like sales because what's been taught for the blueprints outdated you got there anyway it was thought it was always wrong okay it was wrong and it's why I believe it's why salespeople have so such a high turnover why so few people want to be called salespeople I mean you go through Harrods down there you can't find a salesperson in the whole joint you think salespeople are ostracized in America oh dude it's right here it's terrible you're I mean really we've had books where seller be sold we had to change some of the language in the book for it to be in bookshelves here so like the word pressure can't be in their persistence can't be in there like there's things you laws you guys actually have here that like go to Europe it gets one step worse you know cuz it's just a whole I'm ashamed of money and I don't want to talk you know how you talk about that too but so the sales blueprint you get in they give it to you it's not working for you it doesn't make sense for you and you're like I got a I got to make my own well what happened was was I was in a sales job I got a college - I got a college degree in accounting and because you thought it would teach you about money and it didn't yeah so so I end up in the sales job it's only Joe Baca yet and so I hate it right so I'll go to the treatment center I come back out of treatment center I threw myself into it because it's the only thing I had III still had so little self-esteem that there was no way I was gonna go try to get another job Yeah right and I was terrified of using drugs again so I'm like I went back the the place where I was working they took me back and I just I threw myself into it and it's interesting when you commit to something little gifts just start automatically showing up it's a phenomenal thing it's happened my whole career when I fully commit somebody will bring me something and there's resistance along the way in problems a long way but if you get through those things dude if you just like like super commit and then look then keep your eyes open and by the way the package may come wrapped in a package you don't you you you weren't thinking about hard work or like a voice or like a person or you know maybe from a different direction than you thought or an offering where you're like you read something about this and that's not the thing like all throughout my career it's come in weird kind of ways and so like if you ask for help and somebody shows up at the door maybe let invite them in regardless of what the packaging is or what you've heard about it or whatever that's really been beneficial them okay open minds keep your ears open not too open okay cuz you don't want everybody's advice so you'll be mediocre again you'll be lose your individuality yeah you you won't even know what to do if you listen to me and Dave Ramsey you won't know whether to get debt or avoid it and you won't do anything but you'll be very knowledgeable right so so I threw my guy walks up he gives me a it was a little cassette tape he's like hey I heard this I thought you might like it I listened to those oh my god there's a way to sell stuff I didn't know there was actually something you could do I listened to it I called the 800 number I said what else do you have and the guy said we got a program for three thousand dollars it's 25 years ago so it's like 10 grand right so I know I said I'll call you back call my mom I said I need a Bart through your first money I ever Bart outside of college she gave me the 3 grand and changed my career Wow and when I listen to this guy and then I got these set of tapes and I'd watch it on sales and how to be a cell to negotiate I'm like this is what I'm gonna end up doing for a living I'm gonna teach people how to do this because there was such a vacancy and a boy double years ago but what happened was what I didn't like was some of the trickery in it what I did was went in over the years and removed the trickery and basically made transparency and the authenticity in sales the way to service people and now that's become a multi hundred million dollar business for me but it's still a dirty word for a lot of people will that change over time it might the the whole space might disappear first actually because of the internet really because everything will be custom and tailored and everything's just order it well you know or order online sales can't diagram well human opinions always need to be yeah changed and challenged I don't think I don't think it does like like you know the strategy of negotiating with people like I do big deals today like you know I used to think of twenty thousand dollar deal what's a big deal but well I'm working on 200 million dollar deals today so those deals are probably not going to be done over the internet they're complicated they require personalities and people and and and anytime you involve people then you have insecurities and people have superiors to please and then you got egos on the line and it's the same thing at every level which is good though that's an opportunity for you that's an opportunity okay but you're saying that level like if you're going to negotiate your own deal LeBron negotiates his own deals you better know how to sell or you better better just walk away the ultimate is just walk away somebody else offer you something else but most people don't have that kind of marketability right so it's the everyday guy I think some of the sales that will go away or the retail stores like that kind of selling okay gotcha where it used to just be the human touch point your we're not gonna dip in it now in a click okay you're still gonna touch somebody they're gonna convince you this is the thing to buy or whatever but some of that's going to go away but you're still gonna the most important things in your life you're still gonna want to negotiate find the right person negotiate like your job you know our opportunity I got guys that work for me they're 33 years old make a million dollars a year they negotiated the right deal for them found the right guy negotiating isn't always about buying this piece of furniture right they negotiated with themselves as well as the marketplace hmm I found a deal that made everybody win five years it took you to get out of rehab and make your first million did you get all your self esteem back because I know that takes time from personal experience I know it takes some years money money and many money in many situations can actually increase the sensitivity to the lack of says self how so because you know you would think first of all I was so busy working but the time I was 33 I think I had 31 or 32 some somewhere in there one day I looked about like oh wow I've got a million dollars you don't make nobody makes a million dollars right you accumulate yeah if you're shooting for a million you won't get there right you accumulate one day you're like oh I got a million dollars in a bank account that's what makes a millionaire everybody's gonna everybody's gonna make a million dollars you make fifty grand a year for 20 years you made a million dollars you know but accumulating a million dollars now I got a million dollars I'm like damn this is nothing which is like terrifying there's a lion Wall Street where bud Fox says I never knew how poor I was until I started making a little bit of money exactly exactly I remember I made one year I made six hundred fifty grand the guy looked at me I was telling somebody I made six hundred grand this year and he's like how do you live on that excuse me he said how do you live on that how do you make sense of your like potential at that and were you bragging or complaining he's like I'm confused how am i [ __ ] thank you so much see you later I got to get back to work because it was a wake up call me and I'm like oh wow what's available out there is that a real estate guy that guy was actually not he was he was uh he was a New York a Wall Street banker guy you said you might have gone into Wall Street if you dad had to do it all over Oh without a doubt okay yeah and with that I would definitely do like a hedge fund or you know because it scales and there's tons of opportunity and there's things happen in there yeah okay but you went five years into sales and perfecting these techniques and you got into real estate because you wanted a place to put your cash and put your own yeah that's right yeah so so the first business was the first business was me going out talking to companies I was cold calling them businesses around America and the major cities saying hey I have another way to sell things I want to show it to you I wanna she want to try it out with your staff and see what happens and that are you get it on the phone now are you getting pretty do it I'm doing on the phone and you're pretty good I'm saying I'm gonna be in town I'm coming to town okay and they don't know who I am I have I hadn't written any books I have no creds nothing okay hey my name is grant I'm coming to town I'd like to meet you I'd like to show you something I'm not interested click I'd still go see the God so I started building that's when I really became a sales person I'm 31 31 to 33 years old and I'm banging the phone three days and then I show up in a city okay that's what makes a sales person because it's cold calling and then showing up it's a cold call followed up by a visit hey I was I called you the other day you told me not to come by appreciate what you said I just want to introduce myself and the reason I'm in town and then I'd go into my pitch and I'm like I'm gonna having a been here two weeks man I'm not interested I know you're not here how could you be you don't have enough information to be interested like that's where I learn a cell okay it wasn't the five years before that okay like now now I'm learning how to produce a lead how to create interest you know how to keep interest how to persist in a cycle how to hit a deadline because every one of these events was two weeks later right so you need a deadline I'm funny okay absolutely I need a tight deadline you know we were talking about the webinars earlier before the interview and and and so every I learned how to do everything at very tight timelines where most people take we just did an event 20 20 200 people showed up we marketed the entire event for 77 days from start from idea to close-up event with 77 days nobody does that most people take a year to do that event okay so we did a 9,000 person event in under 9 months nobody hits these kind of targets so what I was learning what I didn't know back at 30 years old was I was learning about the value of time man and and pressure and that had become literally like what it's made my little thing here are things whether it's real estate or I'm off track from your question about this is good or the value of timing the impression of time get much more in there than you think oh my god like I get more done in a day than anybody on it all right and by doing that you're even much more effective yeah well yeah I mean I'm sales is more effective and you're just compressing everything yeah I'm time is money right if time is money and I'm compressing things so a guy told me he's like I said he said I said who who do you think works harder me or you oh he does he's convinced he works he works harder than any person in the world gravy yeah yeah yeah me I said yeah well good but who gets more done dude who monetizes more faster no these are the bigger questions not who work shorter is who puts the branches and the pecans and the leaves in the bag without making the biggest mess like that that is what a business is it's not about making a mess or doing a bunch of work or looking all raggedy asked at the end of the day it's how much can you get done with time right and so and that's a meme gone wrong on social media I hustle hustle work all the time work all the time it just means you're out there making a bunch of motions see like I don't want a hustle I want it I want to prosper I don't want to grind I want to create a machine that monetizes you know I'm not shameful of money I want money I want a lot of money I want to give money away I want to raise a lot of money you can't do that if you're broke so poor people are selfish they definitely explain that poor people you know the poor people are extremely selfish people and the concept here is you're thinking about yourself all the time what you don't have what you need your clothing your shelter your excuses your problems and I say that with no sympathy because sympathies not gonna is not going to feed you okay the the poor people and people by the way that just get by are poor so really the thing we need is we need to define here is what is poor right almost everyone almost everyone everyone living below your potential you're probably poor you're not you're not rich you're not prosperous you're poor which is the middle class of the planet I'm not talking about poverty you know that got that guy's not poor that guy is he's like he's out of choices he's got a big the poor the middle class the described poor middle class nice name to keep everybody civil hmm you know Queens got nine hundred rooms over there they've been running game here longer than anybody else think about it please aristocracy people in check limited land resources there's a brain game going on here with your accent Tony these are the OGS of this story yeah he's take no you're the Americans are like we can't do the class thing if we do it we got to get that middle class right to feel good about themselves and they don't do what they did to the French chick right they chop the heads off exactly so they give him the cars and the over-leveraged homes I feel like they're rich but they're not yeah like let's give them homes let's give them cars listen get him give him a good job give him a good office you know big watches and and we got slaves but they feel good about it because they're better off than some you know starving kid in Ethiopia so that's why I say man that look the middle classes of a group of selfish self-absorbed think about themselves I'm not gonna be a Salesman I'm better than that you know I'm a banker dude I'm the vice president without a job I'm not going backwards I'm not gonna use Facebook and Instagram I'm not gonna do that to get known I'm not gonna go to that meeting I'm not gonna drive there I got kids this is a mother I got two kids you don't understand I'm English that works in America oh this is selfish [ __ ] you know it's just selfish and you say selfish not it's self-centered or what a selfish mean it means it means I'm interested in self right I'm the president a drug addict okay that's selfish you're talking about yourself everything that starts with I you know and by the way I am selfish like that so I'm not denying it you guys that are fighting it you know you don't like me right now you you you you'll learn to like me if you come back you'll start getting it you make horrible first impressions right amazing I make terrible for making a good one on me what well your because you are who you are though you you've confronted your demons right you're you're looking at your weaknesses I've looked at my weaknesses so I can see other people's and I don't see him as one person anymore like when I was thirty years old I saw the sales process I'm like this is terrible for everybody it's terrible for the user the sales guy that's got a lot not answer questions that's lying man so it's terrible for the customer ultimately it's gonna be terrible for the industry slows everything down remember you remember the old adage was like the longer you spent with somebody the better off you are like this is stupid not true why do I want to spend a long time getting a job done right so so when I saw that I'm an observation person I like I like I see things my eyes are wide open and so when I see that I'm like well that's dumb when I see me over the years say I'm not gonna do it I don't have time for Facebook man I I say oh wait that Facebook they might be that gift I was asking for something to scale how can i scale the planet Facebook's Cup comes along the first thing I say is stupid and I heard that okay every time I've ever said something was dumb or stupid meant I didn't understand it that's code for I don't understand it right and and then and then I wake up it's like a caution light goes off in my mind says pay attention to that thing then we got a Facebook page I didn't hire somebody to give me a Facebook page I didn't delegate it to somebody else I went built my own learned how to use it found out what was there you know played in that space for a little while and then I heard about Twitter so any I'm off topic but but but the point is that these are gifts man they're being delivered to the planet right now every day they're being delivered and whoever can play the game the best and decipher between truth and like leaving that treatment center you're never gonna make it dude if you do all these things I bought that [ __ ] by the way I wouldn't write a book for 26 years and that book was in me 25 I should have written that book at 25 why didn't you did you tell me man leave it alone man about it I bought it to some degree right even though you told him to [ __ ] off yeah I bought it it was in there so but and just to finish off in the middle class there being selfish because they're not willing to dare they're not willing to bruise their own ego and get out of their comfort zone and actually do something and they hide this thing of I'm know you're doing something you're just not doing enough to get out of the middle class okay you're doing you're doing more than everybody and then and then you stop doing what's necessary so 2008 when the economy crashed right that was a crash by the way that was a full-on depression yeah and anybody calls it lesson that's not not confront reality so and there will be another reckoning there will be longer deeper and more harmful to more people that that stripped off the like oh we're in another you know whatever we're in right now is lala land so so people need to be made aware over and over the the the marketplace disciplines the undisciplined and and and right now people are undisciplined again right and oh wait just basically destroyed a lot of people's egos took their comfort zones out of them and said okay how you gonna make it through this you got to go deep you got to see what you're gonna be made of yeah and then Oh a 0:08 was for me was the game changer like how so that was the gift that was the ultimate gift in my life the best thing ever happened to me and what happened I almost had everything taken away so oh wait I guess I'd been doing business for twenty years and you know it's a millionaire many times and but but I was I got down to my last six or eight or something man I was like damn dude cuz you would put your money in real estate well what happened was the first two businesses the first business was the consulting business were I gave these guys this idea about say Oh second business was a consulting business for car dealers where we went and just worked in the car industry that's all we did that those two businesses they were really hand-in-hand I would do this one thing it's supported this second thing the second business was very symbiotic to the first one which is something I really recommended people start in a second business it shouldn't be separated should be like hand in glove and they really should fit together different staff Oh different staff different staff but but the first one should support any movement and the first one should support like they're moving like this okay you know it's it's almost like a flotilla they're running together and then the third business was a separate business it was basically because these two were producing cash I needed a third business not dependent upon my genius my analogy and this was the first business that could run by itself it was really it was apartments unlike what you have here you don't really have what I buy okay in in in the UK so these are large apartment complexes fifty units a hundred three hundred units five hundred units where people rent where they live okay right not these tall skyscrapers so most people buy individual no no no those are one those are single units and a big building right then a bunch of people share these are these are I want the renter I don't want to sell the unit right I want the inn I want the cash flow that was the third business okay and why real-estate why that asset class for you you said before you only invest in things you can see yeah you know I've just always loved real estate I think I think most people resonate real property resonates with people unfortunately most people just buy the wrong kind of real estate you know they again it's a selfish decision to have a home okay most people shouldn't buy a home no one's about interesting which is the opposite of homes were not built for people homes were built for banks the bank created that product to sell money you can't just loan people money you need a product in between like when people start really understanding when I'm telling they're like what are you just saying the bank can't lend money for just money like you need a reason to borrow money oh you're starting a business that's a reason but it's really risky for the bank what if a bunch of bankers sitting around drinking bourbon do we need to lend more money we got to lend money out man that's how we make money we get people to give us a dollar we lend it out nine times I read that book when I was a kid man one of my 16 years old so we lend it out nine times we need something to lend the money on so back in the fifties they're like everybody should have a home they grinned everybody should have a home right oh man that's pretty goodness we should call it something like the American Dream I can't just call it a house right everyone should have one right they got the politicians behind it yes everyone should have one and then what they did was basically those homes were built for banks because who made all the money on the homes wasn't even the Builder certainly what the homeowner it was always the banks hmm hmm colleges was another scheme by the bank okay everyone should have a proper education but they don't have the money for it but they should have it and it is they offer debt if as they offered free loans to college students and Families those tuitions went up right so we've been sold a big old fat lie and what do people say when you tell them that you're crushing everything they've been told their whole life they're like no grant that's not true I want to own my home most people are gonna write me after this interview and say can you explain that again should not oh no no no you should never owned one door right and you had a horrible experience with your first single family home bye boy you done man nobody's done their research close no one you've been hanging out with the wrong people granny probably so that taught you a lesson stay away from single-family homes I want a certain type of person with a certain type of income that wants a rental property doesn't whereby and I'm in this asset class and I know how to do it in a word I mean we can do it look I could come here and we can do for hours on real estate yeah no I just wanted to cover it so yeah yeah yeah but it's interesting cuz like I don't think most people know that you're like I do this thing I mean most people never heard a real estate guy which you're not yeah say don't buy a home yeah I mean that's fascinating statement right there have you heard of that the whole De Beers marketing myth around a diamond lasts forever and how they sold the whole world no no I haven't you should read index it's a similar thing because before in the 1920s nobody ever gave a diamond for a wedding Oh like something manufactured by the whole South African diamond industry guess what there's no secondary market no it goes and buys at you diamond because that's that's unethical you will save it forever you know they create this artificial supply sure and demand it's a fascinating thing I've never heard of accents with homes or education alright so you see a girl with homes okay much bigger homes and so you see this you put your money in there is it true you go broke twice a year can you explain that concept so the the concept is you know the every business that I create is is to produce cash flow so if if the business doesn't produce positive cash flow I'm not going to do the business so I'm gonna miss a bunch of great stuff like the Netflix's that operate on negative cash flow for years because they go raise the money by the way that is cash on the backs of somebody else I just can't do it because I know most of those things bust out the the investors they bought the paper stock another topic and it'll be it'll be it'll be devastating for millions and millions of people see see people to invest in a stock market or lazy people they're lazy and they're selfish they just took the IRA the the the the key of the 401k all that retirement all the pension funds and all of us just lazy dude lazy selfish and it's lazy because they're not doing the due diligence they're not invest in themselves easy it was easy for you you just bought the ETF's you'll be a we're in a huge ETF bubble right now Illustrated futures exactly which are trillions of dollars sitting in ETS trillions of dollars sitting in cash having cash sitting in a bank today is selfish you know so the hard thing to do I remember mom telling me she's I said I'm gonna get in real estate she's like whoa why do you wanna do that because I want to be rich I told you when I was 16 I was gonna be rich one day and I was gonna help a lot of people I can't help people if I can't take care of my own money I can't keep speaking and going around the country and traveling forever this real estate thing I met uh she's like you could have ten that's calling you at midnight I [ __ ] hope so she's like why why do you say that I said because they're calling me they're written from me what you don't want is you don't want people not calling yet you know I hope I have thousands of people calling me tens of thousands doey Majo so you see hard work and the obstacle as the way forward and when people are doing the easy thing dude I definitely call me they're doing business with me okay like I don't want people not calling me okay I want people calling me so he's kidding I want people complaining I want people to hate me like at least you know me at least you have an opinion about me but not knowing me not knowing me means I'm not in the game I'm not even even in the stadium I want things to happen around me right so so I started buying real estate I bought about one single-family home six months later sold it realized it was a mistake she moved out I don't have a tenant I'll never get it again blew the house out as fast as I could broke even and then the next deal I would buy would be 38 units then 48 units then 92 units I mean now we buy he would about twelve hundred units in the last two months okay so your question was you go broke twice a year yeah what what I do is I accumulate cash I don't let cash sit in a bank guess what my mom didn't hurt into our life she let that money my dad left sit in the bank maybe you earned a little dividend stock I take that money I put it in real assets I don't give it to New York I know I know that's a damn casino tell me about New York and Wall Streeters you know come on man just go visit their buildings no business all you got to do is go to goldman sachs walk in the building take the elevator up you're gonna want most Wall Streeters including me put their money where we don't put it in any financial instruments exactly or stocks are bonds thank you very center but I think the same thing Bank of America will lend me money to buy real estate but they won't lend me money to buy their own stock that should be a good enough indicated real it's real I can write see it it's a simple business my real estate will be bigger than all my other businesses combined it is the easiest simplest business that I have and it's indestructible that's the other reason so twice a year I'm gonna go broke I accumulate cash once I get a certain amount I start looking for a place for that money to go it's gonna go into a real asset ill liquid is good not bad right so I don't want liquidity I don't want money explain why I look what's good ill liquid yeah ill liquid is good because it's in an asset it's I don't want access to the money you know they say cash is king cash is garbage you're trying to motivate yourself by getting rid of the cash I get rid of the money to make yourself earn more cash I have to go back into the marketplace and say who's got my money right so you're like going for broke every six months you're like okay guys I'm getting ready to go broke again how's that feel excited well now now I have confidence that I can either you've done as someone he said I can go back and get it all right so you like the illiquid so you're just the contrarian your massive contrarian did I wish I would about everything in London 10 or 15 or 20 years ago yeah you know yeah so what happens is and this is true about real estate all over the world is the people that live in the local area never changed the real estate landscape because they're looking in the rearview mirror they're like I can't buy I can't pay that that price for it because I could have bought it years ago for Less new guy comes in town that says [ __ ] I'm buying it all right so when I came to London the first big win I had all of us here I'm going back to America Mumbai everything I can America is on sale it's on sale it's [ __ ] we're given America way hmm some of the buildings that I'm buying right now here would be worth I mean I'm about one deal before the end of the year it's probably worth five or six hundred million dollars here maybe a billion dollars I'll pay one sixty-fourth there and ten years from now what you and I'll sit down again I would be like dude I cracked it I cracked that building for a half a billion that was off by half but you like real estate because it produces income okay so and it'll produce income when I'm dead and for your daughters and for my charities right so I can literally set those up to say hey I'm gonna own that thing for 30 years or 50 years or 60 years this real estates been here for a long time mmm yeah Queen owns a lot of it no dummy no yeah she was a lot of that Piccadilly certain I still own India or something I don't know who knows who knows about that and you said for the first until you get your first hundred thousand invest in yourself anyways don't be going out first hundred people people you know look there could be I could change my opinion on this right but what people are trying to invest too soon they're like I got five grand [ __ ] I put in crypto no you should not you don't have any money to put risk you put the five grand in you it's no money like don't think you have any money you're broke so invest in yourself just keep investing in yourself until you actually have the ability the marketplace proves that you have the ability to produce money over and over again because until you know that personally it doesn't matter what I know the individual needs to know I have the ability to reproduce money why do people save money because they're worried about why do they save for a rainy day because they're scared they're not confident that they can make more money exactly they're not confident that they can create more income and hold on to it and in oh wait you prove to yourself that you can make it through a tough market then you can thrive in a tough market well I proved you know what what happened was oh eight validated that I was too vertical that I was to one land that I was too focused on one industry which was property in South Florida no at that time it was the automotive village is where we were consulting mostly right okay so number one I was too focused on one vertical I've heard guys say stay in one lane you know there's six lanes you know if this one gets blocked up you need to use the other ones you might have to go off-road - you might have to jump the middle lane okay and go the other way so that's what 0:08 taught me go wide go this way okay and now what does that look like today well today it looks like you know in in eight years I produced you know produce more money in eight years than my entire my entire career a hundred times and divers fight into the consumer lane and and all sorts of different types of products now we're doing corporate consumer we're doing multiple languages I wrote a book and called the millionaire booklet wrote that book in two hours it was translated at 38 languages for free because my social my social media standing around the world I just asked a bunch of people can you help me 38 languages and Larry in one month the whole book was produced written translated like you need friends counterintuitive 50 page pamphlet type book yeah you're making not even York Times bestseller yeah where'd that come from another contrarian died yet again like like the book publishers you know they're they're dying there there there there there come on man antiquated that you don't even count digital downloads like you what's wrong with you right so give him something they can read in a couple hours give me certainly 19 months to write my last book because of the publisher was involved ok I'm not supposed to write a book while I'm writing a book so I wrote a booklet ok broke the booklet in 2 hours the booklet made more money in 19 days than the other book made in 19 months and was translated translated in 38 languages the other book that took 19 months publishers editors but you know all this energy all this wasted freaking energy and money still hasn't been translated so speed see is I'm now back at how fast kind of work compress time time is money most people don't you don't even understand the concept like what does that even mean they say it but they don't know what it means yeah oh it's a cute saying it's a perfect t-shirt but they're not actually applying it to their life no they like what does that mean man what does it mean time is money right how do you multiply time how do you buy time rich people buy a time by buying jets there you go that's one well I know a lot of rich people that say don't buy a jet they're not they're not real rich that's their middle class rich okay but that's sixty million dollar jet will go to zero you said for sure but you see it'll go to a go it's gonna go to a yard one day but you said in the first year it made it made it back for you because it got you more opportunity first yet I bought was was eight eight and a half million dollars I never taught her to jet before that I've never been on a private jet so all you guys out there all you pretenders out there you're getting on your charter and you just pretend it for your Instagram post it's [ __ ] you know you're not you're not you're not tricking anybody first Jedi ever private jet I flew home was so used yet how about we use jet eight and a half million dollars I wouldn't charter a jet because I couldn't make sense of the money there's just a different way people think okay that looked like a waste of money to you but the Charter is a total waste of money for me because it's gonna cost me 30 grand a fly a place I could I could literally pay five hundred dollars go first class I'm like there's no way I'm gonna do it I'm too frugal but I'll spend eight and a half no okay now because to me that's an investment charters a show-off when you pay eight and a half million dollars in a jets it's out there and you know what's going to zero you're gonna use them over and that's what you do and so in the first literally first six months we paid for that yet how because it got me more places like when I go on a trip I go I was doing five cities in it literally in a 24-hour period bang bang bang bang bang seeing customers so I kept that jet two and a half years we just sold at the end of the year I bought a brand new jet and I've only been on one I can't wait to get on the damn thing but but but that it's a 60 million dollar jet get you in front of people which you're at your best in front of you about that jet we bought that jet to go around the world okay again we want to go wide now and I don't want to be just an Instagram that ok I'm not I'm not explain that because like too many of those out there people need contact right you know that more than anybody and I want to meet people I want to see like we're staying up the street right then people coming god man hey man thank you so much man I know where you're staying I came by just say thank you they don't say they like me they say I hope to make more money you know I was gonna buy a house and decided not to and I bought a four-unit deal and my god that changed our whole life that's what I want to hear they probably like you too huh well I don't know did I make people money they'll like me that is the ultimate win over you want to win people over forever like we're gonna open up a fund we've we've had three funds I have forth fun we're getting ready to introduce the reason we're doing the fun is because I know the ultimate way to make a fan is not to make a customer is to have them invest with you and pay him every month look if you want somebody to fight for you in a bar [ __ ] give money every month so people start attacking me they'll be like hey leave him alone dude okay that guy pays me and my family every month so the point of that story is like you need friends around the world I want my kids to have friends everywhere on this planet because it is still who you know and will be for a long time that you you know technology will disrupt hey I met him you know I had a drink with him I spent time with him we did a selfie together like those things those moments are so meaningful and rich for for them but also for me and my family it's a big deal for us so when you stopped me on the street and say hey let's get a photo like I want the photo okay and these lots of you and your wife means I am recovered explained that it means you know it means I am valuable to society it means the promise I made my mom that hey one day I'm gonna be somebody it's coming true do you ever doubt that well certainly along the way everybody does right so it's just everybody doubted me yeah including me right so I you know we all need validation it's not that's not a lack of self-esteem that I need validation the therapist says you should validate yourself and you should this [ __ ] dude he's [ __ ] running his [ __ ] on everybody he he is the one with the problems so when he says you're projecting no no he's projecting his [ __ ] his whatever on everybody this sits across from it so you know he's the one that has the issue I I remember sitting in front of a therapist once he's like hey man like your problem your problem bro is like you're never satisfied yeah no [ __ ] I said well why is that a problem why don't we use that man like Elon Musk he's not satisfied these guys the guys that play at the top of the game they're [ __ ] geniuses you know they're thinking about 50 things at one time that's not a disease man it's a gift right I got windows open all the time I got a bunch of windows open while I'm sitting there talking to you I can do that I'm a spiritual being I'm not limited to one window being open you're a spiritual being most people would not think that about Grant Cardone oh dude number one most important thing in my life is not my wife not my kids and on my business it's me as a spiritual unit can you explain what that spiritual unity you know it's it's it's it's what I've always wanted man everything everything from from the when I saw my dad doing the things in the back the pecans and the branches it was it was the artist you know it was it was aesthetics of work it was probably why I frowned on some of the set of stuff the four hours and you know make it easier to with the spiritual being done the fantastic you know you know I like the idea I created the heavens and the Earth's and the rivers and the lakes and the mountains and the Sun and the moon and all the stars and then I took a day off I don't believe I don't believe he took a day off cuz I don't think time exists like you know you just create and create and create so that that's what I've always been interested in you know like are you connecting with the divine and everything you do do you feel that power when you're at your greatest you know I don't think about connecting with it I think it is like we are that okay I'm not trying to connect to something else okay which is you know getting it from within you and letting it out and that was your dad there on the on the backyard and that's you when you're flowing yeah but I'm always flowing you even when it's not going like it's not flowing right I'm like like it's just part of the I don't know man I mean I don't know what I'm talking about right now except that I'm discovering some genius and and by showing up you know like I discover it like I did this gig I don't know three weeks ago when I got done with it I was like what's the dirt I think I tapped into some like or something we're really crazy bro like it was like something that's gonna live a long long time a piece of data I shared for three hours on finances but it was there was genius in it right but you can't have that without showing up a bunch I think I think van Gogh painted like in 50 years he painted like I don't know five thousand pieces 800 sketches you know seven hundred canvases like these crazy numbers like it was like he's painting to think pieces today it was frequency quantity you know so if God created the heavens in the air I guarantee this in Illinois he was spraying around a lot of stuff and then something beautiful comes out of the experience right out of the out of the effort and that's why some of this I'm gonna work part-time I want to work from home do it is so small and selfish and selfish it's a little because you're talking you're gonna burn out grant you're gonna burn out I've heard this I've heard this a thousand dollars you're gonna burn out dude at this pace you're gonna burn out I've heard that since I was thirty years old I'm not burn out you know I'm not a candle right so I'm a spiritual being like you know moving through the universe and that's why I like living just in the United States and operating just in United States and making money just in the United States and selfish right it's unselfish for me to write a check for 60 million get a plane that can bring me 14 hours non-stop so I can bring my family with me it's unselfish to do that I can just stay home and be the big shot in in the United States instead I want to go to Beirut we just got a gig in Beirut and and my my wife said Beirut I don't know it I think it could be unsafe there yeah so what we're going to Beirut you gotta go I gotta go man I gotta go cuz it's uncomfortable whatever we gotta go ever gotta go we got to go whoever late like we have to go to people and if not it's just being selfish I think so I think it is like I'm glad I met you we'll be friends forever I had to come here to do this yeah and so what is the next five years look like for you you're going global you hate that arm yeah well but I'm going global okay I'm going Gulf Stream you know I'm going you know what does it look like I don't know I think it's gonna be big though I think I'm right on the cusp of something big really big breaking breaking loose free well we could literally make a big change okay in a lot of different places what is that big change that mean making more money for more people with the weight with the way people think the way people think the way they operate you know the the idea that hey look you know what maybe it's not best to be the entrepreneur maybe it's best to work for somebody else okay like there's this whole thing work for yourself kind of thing going on right now I don't think that that's true for most people they can't handle that no I think that's not good for that you're better off being in a vehicle I've got guys that work with me they're there they're way better off being it with me right then they would buy themselves okay so the Entrepreneurship things overdone yeah totally like what am I gonna do I'm gonna do every interview by myself dude it's much better do an interview with you you already have an audience right like people are like I'm gonna I'm gonna work for myself dumb what you're saying what are you saying is so dumb why do you want to do that so I can be my own boss okay so no now you're gonna hate just one person right now you hate yourself and your boss when you work for yourself you're just gonna hate you and you're gonna make less money by the way worldwide the entrepreneur makes 40 grand less I'm sorry 20 thousand dollars in the u.s. then if he had worked for somebody else on average right yeah okay and your business is gonna die in about seven years if you even make it that long and by the way again you're selfish why don't you work with other people it's a team man even though you were an entrepreneur you are an entrepreneur yeah but certainly for too long I was a solo okay one guy keep all the money do all the work just a personality not it wasn't a real business and I felt like it look like there's a lot of those guys running around the planet right now coaches yeah experts authors you've met them yeah come in here they're gonna they're giving business advice and they have a half a secretary it's not a businessman that's you being on stage every day talking about business tell me about social media what's a 58 year old girl boy from Louisiana yeah yeah yeah do master in social media or teaching or you know how do how does that happen grant I don't know got me you know you got me but I did figure it out went with your instinct I'm probably the young the oldest guy using social I can't believe I'm saying I'm an oldest guy but you are you know yeah it was just like dude just like I resisted it for a second I just now assigned for you that that's something that you got a note always okay and then when I flip when I flip on something and we have a saying in my office if grant does it once he's gonna do it a thousand times ten thousand times 10x really should be like ten thousand X but we we knew people couldn't have it right but so we're like I just just drop the zeros 10 X is good enough and what does 10 X mean in its essence it's a multiplier it's the value multiplied two more and then do more multi what you're doing I want to multiply you want to scale out people are like should you scale I've heard guys say yo and not everybody should scale you shouldn't be in a business to can't scale nothing should be done the can't scale you know I want to love my wife and I want to love the planet I want to scale my love you know I want to scale my family I don't I don't want to be confined to a wife and two kids I want I want millions of people in my family my wife wants the same thing we want billions of people to feel good about us to support us and we can support them I want I want to like literally I want tens of millions hundreds of millions of people to invest with me so next five years I mean that's the ultimate play the ultimate plays I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna challenge the way Wall Street steals from people what's your reaction when you say this stuff do people hate you what can't hate you anymore when you start telling people Wall Street's stealing the banks are stealing the government stealing and all these people are stealing what do people say come you know the fingers up there to finger yourself or mom wrong none of them pop up they don't say anything how's grant different than say five years ago a grant grant grant how is he different than five years ago many ask some good questions I mean you've evolved in a big way yeah yeah yeah no it's happening right now I you know I used to say to myself I wasn't does after I cleaned up but I said I don't think I'm gonna have anything to say till I'm about 50 and be careful what you say to yourself you know cuz you'll make it true so but but but I think that's happening I'm figuring out my what's true for me you know I'm a very very authentic guy I do not teach or recommend or tell anybody to do anything I don't have personal experience in it so I was doing a gig the other day and the lady started asking me about her son I said look I'm not a life coach I'm not here giving anybody advice on how to run their life I can I'll show you how to be successful or how I've been successful in my business and and but but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna play in the the life coach thing I think it's dangerous most of the guys that are talking about it don't have a clue what they're talking about so the next five years could be could be big men how it's different than five years ago the think is much bigger I got a much better team I've got a much bigger team do you have any mentors many mentors many most of which I would call the negative mentor what's that the flipside of what people think about when they say mentors you know I've looked at a number of guys that are like okay I don't want to do that first thing I look for is what not to do not what you do so I learned more from what not to do then what to do just show me what not to do what road not to go down I'm gonna get wherever I'm going that's what the mentor does for you tell you what not to do no no I watch I won't tell me anything I just watched the guy I've never asked anybody hey would you be my mentor that never works anyways that's a surefire way to get a know if he's got time you don't want him to mentor you so there's a you watch hopefully close i watch it and then like i'm what if i'm gonna study a guy I'm reading everything the guy's done because over his career that guy's gonna change he's he's to have different data you know it's like Ali said look if you're saying the same things when you're 50 that you said when you were 20 then you didn't learn anything so so you want to study all their content the one of the problems today I see socially particularly because the Internet is it guys are studying so many different people but most of which is not even study now it's just a meme quote it's quote here quote there quote there you know one guy one guys respond over fifty guys are responsible for one quote that's what social media is you know it's awful you don't like that part of it it's a garbage dump right I mean it's a garbage dump it's a great garbage dump for me but cuz I don't I don't watch it I use it it's just distribution for me right Elon Musk you mentioned I mean is he a mentor in some ways do you watch him does he inspire me I'm a little worried he's gonna bust out here and sometimes I'm like you know I think it's gonna bust how so cause he's saying controversial things no just cuz like I don't know the Tesla thing bothers me I'm not that impressed with the car okay um I mean it goes fast it looks good until you get in it and then I'm like I'm not that impressed but but dude the guy - God the way the guy thinks is massive like going to Mars you see that inspires me right just going big yeah going to Mars I don't know I don't know where it is I kind of have an idea I don't know how much it's gonna cost I don't know what's there [ __ ] it let's do it right I don't even know if we can do it but he's a big thinker you see that's 10x 10x is wherever you are let's say you're doing six hundred thousand pounds a year and you're like man that took so much work that guy wouldn't didn't say I'm gonna go to six million I don't know how this was a lot of work but the theme changes when you start going 10 times not one times or two times at three times when you start scaling out to ten times the theme changes you know the mechanism the transportation the people you need the advertising the budget everything shifts so big then it causes you to think different and that's what inspires me about musk is like think so enormous rewire your brain throw out all your assumptions so like when you were asking about the jet all the guys I know that money told me not to buy the jet it was the guys that have a lot more money than I have that said yeah you should definitely do it the billionaire said yeah you should definitely watch yeah right because they really value their time they they understand what I would do with it they're like look man you've got tremendous work ethic you're very disciplined you're not buying it to show off you will frickin you'll pay for that thing many times and you make impressions in person better than online maybe not I don't know worse I don't know I guess I got to leave that up to the big boy yeah well I think I'm taller on Instagram it's all it's a cab I am too apparently yeah what's it like being a father what do you learn about it every day unbelievable minute you know now you can give me all teared up but I mean I just I love my kids you know and I'm a good father I'm a terrible mother I'm a great father so I'm you know I make the time you know I push the kids we don't give them too much we give them enough to give a taste you know so so you know I'm a good father man I'm available for them I make time and uh you know they're there they're gonna have you know my my my oldest daughter my nine-year-old asked me that day she said you know your your mother would be very proud of you hang on as strong that's proud yeah yeah how old is she now she's not so it's getting to the age you were at when you launched it fun yeah exactly think about exactly exactly totally how do you ending you know you were created in a crucible grant right a [ __ ] crucible how do you mean well I mean I don't know I mean the reason you are who you are today is probably because you went through this crazy time of death and addiction and Louisiana and mayhem and I was wondering when people like you grow up and you have these kids and you're thinking you know I want to give them the best I want to protect him and all that stuff and I'm always wanted you ever think yeah are they gonna grow up to be all they can be without you know that they won't get any of it they either will they won't know II like regardless of that well they would they I you know what I'm saying they're gonna go from fine private to flying commercial nobody likes that right Buffett style they don't get any but I'm I'm just wondering do you think you know Steve you know steel sharpens steel and that you need to have some real great yeah look look you know I I mean I would rather be me than them I can tell you that okay because the the necessity there's nobody I'd rather be than they accept maybe Kevin horrible but but I would rather be me than my kids just because now because I've made it I've made it through the darkness and and and I know how to work and you know that they'll have that they'll have that choice yeah and they'll either do it or they won't do it you know the one thing that I did learn from our mother was no matter what my mom did she could have done more or less with me more lectured me more it wouldn't change anything dude I was going down the path I was going down and she couldn't have been any better a parent look could she had done this is that different yeah but what was it there's only so much a parent can do at some point the parent the kid's gonna do what he's got to do well we moved when we moved to Miami we live in a condo we're on the 33rd floor and I told I brought him out to the deck there's a deck that wraps around the entire place everybody has their own floor and I brought the kids out to the deck and I'm like you see there's 33 floors up right it's 330 feet above the ground if you guys lean over this balcony and fall you'll only do it one time and it gonna hurt it's your call whatever you want to do that's your parenting style well I mean just leave it up to them they're intelligent man yes kids are intelligent yeah you know I've always like III understand it I understand in the young age I understood things so they're not stupid if anybody's dumb in that relationship it's the parent not the kid politics ever for you know I just saw it about ten minutes ago I was like wait a second probably could be no I mean you know maybe this Trump thing man he he stripped so much of it but see the problem is Trump is now made to open the door up then I would have to compete with rock okay in his following you know so it's like yeah probably not I'd get scorched dude I have so much stuff online that people would use against me yeah but look at Trump and he's just I know and then we even yeah could be interesting yeah um what scares you you know what scares me man just not fulfilling you know not doing as much as that could do you know that scares me you know you still think about dying too young yeah oh yeah I'm certainly now you know I mean look at 20 the redzone now you're you're oh yeah older than dad oh yeah six years yeah yeah yeah so now I'm 60 so now I'm like okay dude lifecycle what can you leave now now now I'm thinking about how much can I leave so that 50 years from now somebody studying my material so everything that we produce in our office is all with that idea tell my guys all the time dude you you need to start building this thing so that like machine goes on yeah yeah tell my wife to constantly look pay attention ill long term planning yeah I mean after you're gone yeah that makes the gray stuff that makes the best stuff yeah I love that yeah but let's face it like if you're not here you're not relevant so true grin I always ask people a few questions yes you ask you you can make a phone call to that 20 year old grant yeah and give that young man a bit of advice I guess he's right in the middle of it now I always say honey I'm not picking that yeah you but I mean I guess you're in the addiction older brother just died don't know it doesn't matter that kid can't he can't hear anything Selma cited that call save that dime yeah you can't hear anything you pound him on the you pound him over the forehead won't matter he's got a hit bottom on his own yeah I mean you just got some time he's gonna have to work the deal out you see people if I told them anything it would be like dude I'm so disappointed in you I'd [ __ ] hammer in with that yeah we look so disappointed in you you know what a [ __ ] shame you're that's what he really needs just a you know you should be disgusted we go you know go use some more drugs you know just tongue go for it bro you want to [ __ ] die you want to die with the needle in your go get it what were you taking so long you see people like that now ever and you're just like well people don't talk to me but I mean I the most I get from guys right now is hey man I'm smoking weed do you think that's a problem so people they're not really you know and you say yeah cuz it's gonna go get worse no no I say yeah dude it's a problem because if you compete with me and you're smoking weed and I'm not I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you dude in every deal I'll kill you well how do you know that man it makes me creative well the fact that you had to take the time to go smoke the weed how are ya [ __ ] jump on you okay the fact that you're asking means your doubt I know ask that question fact that you got to go to the washroom and wash it off your hands cuz I can smell it then you got to put Cologne on I don't have to put clone on I don't have to cover anything up you do that's one less question I have to ask myself everyday I already got enough questions to ask dude there's this this planet's already overly competitive right like it's already hard and then you just made it harder on yourself the fact that you were driving I'm at 80 clicks I'm 80 km/h and you're driving 80 and you smoke a little of the Koosh Koosh right and the next thing you know you're going 47 kilometres and you don't even know it I'm still going 80 bro so those are my reasons for not smoking weed second part of that question that's advice you ever received your whole life could have been from your mom you ad yep or mentor any my dad my dad told told my mom he didn't tell me directly so tell though tell those boys to learn how to sell if they can learn how to sell they can go anywhere in the world and my mom said look best investment you'll ever make us in yourself you can't lose that investment even if it doesn't work you don't lose it last part to that 20 year old is watching the south yeah yeah it's on Instagram doing grind and more hustle hustle who's getting all this crazy ass information now right yeah Tony years ago they wouldn't got that do this don't do that for our world good blah blah blah no you tell me what advice to give to that get out of the stands and onto the field Instagram is a giant stadium of spectators get on the field bro you know a man in the arena you know Rossum get in the fight get in the fight it's the best place to be it's the safest place in the arena it's on the field the safest place safest place on in the arena why because you know if something goes bad in that arena do that field is safe the floor the court is the safest place in the room stage is safest place in the room yeah grant you are nothing like your media footprint oh well and you've been and you've even said that that's your fault because you put out crazy stuff well yes but I guess that was just you being you but you know you're nothing like what a lot of people think you are you must hear that a lot well IIIi don't know what people think I am so but I you know I you know I would you think I'm in the media business right and like you know I'm even in the digital product business right and I knew a little bit about you and what you do and I'm just like okay what's great is he the real estate guy is he the sales guy and then this and then the jet and he's standing on his Jets uh-huh and I'm like okay he's over the top but he's got the cigar and I'm like okay who is this guy but you know you're you're not that guy you know you're a guy but I am or that guy but I am those things you're not only that guy that's right but why be only you know why not all those things right so everything I am I am though you know I'm not trying to be a guy I'm not so I did at the end of the day I'm just figuring out - I say it wrong half the time you know I know there's a better way for me to say I don't know why I say it wrong the first time you know but I'll figure it out man [ __ ] grant I'm learning real ways say it's about the journey I wish you well on yours yeah I really enjoyed this a lot yeah and I hope we see against Thank You Man I sure thank you said you appreciate what you're doing London real doesn't stop when the conversation ends you see that's where we get started because everything begins with a thought and then comes the action the London real academy is our global transformation platform here we bring together thousands of students from over 75 countries whether you want to build a profitable business from your passion or learn to speak to inspire or broadcast yourself with your very own podcasts or accelerate your life to become a high-performance person we have the online accountability course and personal mentoring programme that will make your dream a reality join us and we'll take your life to the next level together our next accelerator course is starting soon
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 836,013
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Keywords: grantcardone, wealth, englnd, entrepreneurship, investing, grant cardone, london, goals, uk, small business, entrepreneur, london real, dreams, money, success, how to become rich, how to become wealthy, drugs, invest, wealthy, income, yt:cc=on
Id: PujltB4VZlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 31sec (5911 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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