Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich Mythic Path Progression / Overview | Pathfinder WOTR

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hey everybody it's lero from lyra gaming and in today's pathfinder rather than righteous video we're going to be looking at the lich mythic ascension pathway and everything it has to offer for you this is for the retail version we're going to show you all the kind of special features the presidential summons and spells you'll have access to where applicable especially of summons i'll make sure to show them to you what they look like in game that way it can be as informed as possible when it comes to choosing the pathway that is right for you now as always if you enjoy this content make sure to like subscribe slam that notification bell to be notified of new videos because i will have a variety of than righteous videos coming up in the next couple days and with that being said let's go ahead and jump in guys and take a look at what the lich mythic pathway and ascension have to offer for you so before we get started i do want to point out something very important before we look at the actual mythic pathway that we're going to feature today um pretty late in the progression there will be a quest related option to get your final transformation now not everybody's going to complete this and i want to point this out because when we look at the actual mythic abilities and features it is not going to be listed in the system because again some people will never even get it you will have to kind of stay in alignment if you got kind of a evil um pathway or a lawful pathway you're going to need to kind of make decisions that are in line of that and if you do you're going to look really really cool you're going to transform into a demon or kind of like an angel figure etc and then you're also going to get some nice buffs from it so again when we look at this video today do note that portion will not be shown uh unfortunately even though this is the release version my channel was not big enough to get kind of early access so i'm kind of having to start out with everybody else but note everything else should be shown and featured within this video all right guys it's time to look at the overview for the big daddy lich mythic pathway the ultimate ruler of undeath the lich is a being who has transcended the narrow confines of life itself powerful beyond imagining the lich can create limitless hordes of undead remake the world to fit their vision so a key element is the skeletal champion you get a powerful undead minion a skeletal champion it will become more powerful as you gain your mythic ranks just like your companion this skeletal champion can use any items and also has all the weapon proficiencies being undead it is also subject to all bonuses undead get being under the command of the mythic glitch and you will also get unique glitch powers i want to also point out story wise within the game you will get opportunities to basically find new undead uh hero replacements i guess you could say i don't want to spoil it too much but in theory if you want a rock of the undead and don't want to be stuck with you know some weak pathetic living companions well you will have the opportunity to replace them if you so wish to so uh that is something to look forward to now an important note when it comes to mythic levels one and two during these first two levels you're gonna be picking one of the mythic hero options or six of them if you haven't seen my video on mythic hero options i recommend you check it out it's gonna pop up in a link above and it will also be linked in the description i chose dance macabre because this obviously fits the lich theme but you can choose whatever you want for the first two levels now let's take a look what we get at mythic level 3 when we get to choose the lich pathway so we're going to get some and fallen the disability summons a fallen for one minute you're going to get your first unique lich power and we will take a look at all those in a moment you will also get your unique skeletal champion so this is a scaling champion you're gonna get to choose what class it is which is awesome as you're gonna see here possible selections kind of like a ranger uh subclass or class make him assassin tanki or kind of a fighter uh it's gonna be really really cool and we'll look at this as we go on and then you also do get a mythic ability now if you have not checked out my video on all the mythic abilities in the game i highly recommend you check it out it's going to be linked above and also in the description below as we go through this guide to kind of make this guide go a little quicker because it's going to be already really long i'm just going to randomly pick mythic abilities for the sake of going over this but you can take a look at all the options available in that video if stated now when you choose the mythic list pathway you will also get to choose a mythic spell book of the lich what this really means is that if you're not a caster already you will get the ability to cast spells as a lich so for example my character my test character here is a fighter normally would not get to uh cast spells but here it's gonna let us basically select a mythic uh spell book um so that you can even as a martial class cast magic and of course if you already are a caster you're basically gonna have a second separate uh spellbook uh or you can kind of uh incorporate it to your current one as you can see in the descriptor here so it does not matter whether you're a caster prior to choosing next we look at our skeletal champion and there's going to be four versions you can choose from this is a permanent change um so there's skeletal assassin you get a powerful added minion as a skeletal champion that specializes in fast attacks of two weapons it will become more powerful as you gain new mythic ranks just like your companions this skeletal champion can use any item and also has all the weapon proficiencies being undead also subject to all the bonuses undead get being under the command of the mythic glitch or you can get a skeletal executioner uh this champion specializes in devastating attacks of two-handed weapons there's a skeletal marksman that specializes in archery and a skeletal vanguard it specializes in defense we're going to go ahead just pick we're going to go ahead and pick the assassin in our example now next you get to pick one of the lich powers we're going to go over every single one right now so there is deadly magic up to up to per three rounds per litch and wow okay the wording is bad here up to per three rounds per day lich the glitch can at as make all spells he casts to ignore spell resistance and spell immunity so he can just basically up to three times a day up up to three rounds a day he can make your lich spells ignore spell resistance and spell immunities any creature affected by such spell can't cast spells for one d3 plus one rounds death of elements the lich can change any elemental damage to negative energy no matter what the source of elemental damage is but it's important let's say you had like a fire spell uh and you're fighting something that has you know it's immune to fire or has high fire resistance well you can turn this into negative energy finding negative energy resistance it's much more rare than like the common element resistances which can also activate consuming elements for one round for two mythic ranks turning all incoming elemental damage into negative energy and that's important uh as negative energy will heal undead so if you get a fireball heading your way you activate this all of a sudden you get healed by the fireball that is now doing negative energy death rush whenever the lich charges or uses any combat maneuver on a successful hit or maneuver the enemy suffers 186 points of damage per liches at the great as their bonus shake from the impact they're bone sorry from the right i do want to also point out you're going to notice there's going to be various powers some are going to be more melee centric some caster centric but just because a lot of people when a lot of people imagine the lich they think of a caster you could also go like an arthas build it could be like a melee kind of dominating lich kind of like a death knight almost that has a summons and has spells but is very very merely focused i will definitely be making field like that but just note that you're going to see a nice variety here there's also decaying touch all itch's natural attacks including ones he makes in a polymorph form as well as melee touch attacks and unarmed attacks deal 1d6 plus mythic ranked points of unholy damage as the target's flesh rot decaying monk anyone the affected creature also suffers one point of ability damage to strength of each hit so imagine like having a monk of like seven attacks just going bonkers on somebody and you're just you know they're losing seven strength per round it's nuts plant creatures take 2d6 plus mythic rank points of unholy damage yeah so you're making those poor old plants decay all the tree huggers in the world are going to be so sad eclipse chill for three rounds per day lich can imbue all spells he casts the power of the eclipse chill creatures affected by such spells must pass a fortitude saving throw dc is 10 plus intelligence modifier plus lich's mythic rank or become blinded and suffer 2d8 plus mythic ring coal damage becoming vulnerable to coal the negative energy until the end of the combat and this doesn't look like the primary stat changes on this for the dc save so obviously you want to make sure you're an intelligent space caster if you're going to be picking this up otherwise that dc is not going to be very high fear control lich gains a plus 4 profane bonus to attack and a plus one profane bonus per mythic rank damage against frightened creatures or ones under any mind affecting control so this is very niche but i do want to point out that a profane bonus is very rare so it's gonna stick stack of you know size bonuses all chemical bonuses enhancement bonuses etc all these morale bonuses uh luck bonuses whatever maybe to attack it will stack on top of it additionally all enemies within 10 feet of the lich must make a will saving throw dc is 10 plus double the mythic rank or becomes shaken until the end of the combat a successful save gives the muni for 24 hours the fact that it's shaking for the end of the combat and this will actually end up being a pretty high dc eventually um not bad but situational as far as the first part but very very good especially we can you know frighten our mind control or alter somebody's mind state indestructible bones lich gets gains a dr10 slash dash so that's the first 10 damage of any type of damage gets locked and again that slash dash cannot be bypassed by any normal mean whenever an enemy lands a hit on the lich that enemy comes cursed of decaying muscles under this effect the enemy suffers a true penalty to attack rules until the end of the combat effects from multiple applications of this ability don't stack unfortunately magic devourer lich gains spell resistance 25 plus mythic rank that is no joke whenever an enemy fails a checkmate to overcome delicious spell resistance the next spell lich would cast or next kinetic blast becomes quickened as though using a quicken spell feat or quicken meta kinetic message negative energy master whenever the lich activates stability all his kineticist blast and alchemist bombs deal an additional 1d6 negative energy damage plus one point per mythic rank and inflicts a negative level upon the target the negative level is probably the biggest factor here but the damage is nice uh negative energy is great just make sure you don't use it against undead enemies because you'll heal them but losing a level is pretty nasty tainted sneak attack whenever the lich lands a successful sneak attack enemy must pass forty fortitude saving throw dc is ten plus intelligence modifier plus mythic rank or become tainted the tainted creature is vulnerable to all weapon and elemental damage as well as suffers a minus two penalty on all attack rules and weapon damage rolls until the end of combat additionally the lich sneak attack damage is increased by 1d6 there we go assassin liches this is for you undead mao glitch grants his animal companion all undead traits as well as dr 10 good and spell resistance 15. this can be important because this makes your pet undead and so negative energy abilities will heal him instead of damaging him do note that um there is a class or companion like pets when you get them that can make them undead already this is mainly if you have like a bull work pad aggressive pet one of the other uh pet classes that is not undead yet this will turn them undead and of course ready has some nice damage reduction resistance on top of it then we have weapon of death lich can enchant items he wears with vain living and nullifying special abilities if a creature is killed with the weapon of death all creatures in a 15 foot radius suffer a penalty on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance equal to twice the religious mythic rank until the end of combat again this is a way where your melee killing is now um debuffing enemies so all of a sudden uh you know uh we're uh affecting how the spell casting side of combat is working as well so nice little synergy across casting and melee or deranged combat technique and finally we have wither a withering life when a living creature takes damage from a spell cast by a lich that creature also takes one point of damage to strength dexterity constitution or one point of damage to intelligence wisdom and charisma this can choose which ability scores will be affected but this is going to be as you can see you're going to get two different abilities that you can toggle either within life mental or physical this is especially powerful as you can imagine when you have aoe spells where you can target a bunch of enemies and really just debuff them like crazy and here's your skeletal assassin just wanted to show them off again you can control them directly they all look a little different and as mentioned they come with some weapons so it comes with a scimitar plus three and a quickly plus three but you can equip them with a bunch of gear and again they look really really cool they have unique portraits uh kind of a unique look baseline so i'm gonna customize and you know this one particular has really good strength index so everything you would need for uh any type of assassin and obviously the different companions are going to have different stats i also wanted to show you guys the beginning gear and stats for the other potential uh companion skeletons so here's the executioner just get 18 strength index but they also give them 14 charisma and starts of a earth breaker and here are the stats on a skeletal marksman so for him he's got 10 strength 22 decks 9 wisdom 16 charisma 10 intelligence and starts of a composite longbow plus three and finally we have the skeletal vanguard it comes with 16 uh strength 14 dexterity 20 charisma now for those that don't know the reason there's no constitution and they have varying levels of charisma charisma is basically the help stat for undead so 20 charisma just means they're gonna have the most possible health he comes with a long short plus three and a tower shield plus three to begin with and of course you have channel negative energy so here's the heal undead version get that cool unique look and here's how summon fallen looks like there you go looks like like a dead knight of sorts all right now moving on to level four of the lich progression we're going to get summon plague beast mastodon you're going to get a mythic feat and again if you haven't watched my mythic eat video i definitely recommend you check it out i go over every single mythic feat that was added to the game you can check out the link above and also it's going to be in the description below and we will be picking random ones with this video moving and then we get lord beyond the grave you can command undead at will all undead under your command within 50 feet of your gain a bonus to their strength dexterity and charisma equal to half your mythic rank plus one your attacks now ignore damage reduction except and slash dash uh so remember this will impact your companion that you already have your skeletal canyon if you animate dead or any other undead uh creatures under your command will get this buff so it's very very influential and then we're going to get a skeletal upgrade and we'll take a look at all of those right now now you're going to get a variety of skeletal upgrades remember we use the assassin assassin as a baseline but for example you can get the skeletal barbarian one you get the barbarians rage ability and fast movement as well as two rage powers of your choice you can choose a skeletal board the skeletal champion gets dirge of doom lingering performance as well as the following minor bardic spells level one cause fear ear piercing scream touch of gracelessness vanish and feather step level two blindness scare mirror image heroism sound burst level three crushing despair haste confusion and slow and level four freedom of movement and dominate persons so pretty solid spell selection you could also turn them into skeletal cleric the skeletal champion gets channel negative energy using its hit die instead of ferric class for calculations domain of death and destruction and all spells from the cleric list so quite literally and you could combo this with the vanguard or even assassinate extra you basically have an extra healer kyoto fighter one the skeletal champion gets an additional bonus combat feat armor training weapon training and it's bad now equals is full hd instead of the regular three four hit die because remember right now uh if you are playing any version that does not have full hit die format this is going to be a nice upgrade and then you have skeletal inquisitor the skeletal champion gets inquisitor judgment twice per day bain teamwork and here you can basically pick from any of these teamwork feats i'm also over them really quickly but you can pause if you'd like highlight spellcaster back to back coordinated defense coordinated maneuvers off flank precision strike seize the moment shake it off shield wall shielded caster and tandem trip and then you have option of skeletal magus the skeletal champion gets magus class abilities such as arcane pool spell combat the minor magus spell which includes all spells from the magus list up to level three because we're doing an assassin here i'm just gonna pick skeletal barbarian that'd be very very interesting to combat those two this also lets us show you the rage power options again you can make any choices here and again i do have a separate video that goes over all the barbarian rage powers you can find that on my channel uh but here they are for you i'm just gonna get kind of mouse over them quickly animal fury beast totem beast totem greater be some uh lesser celestial totem closer to him greater celestial totem lesser rippling blow also notice that it seems to uh it seems to bypass prerequisites so you can pick up celestial greater right off the bat you don't have to get the other ones i want crippling blows demon totem demon totem greater human to real lesser deadly accuracy fearless rage themed totem king totem greater intel more lesser guarded stance increased damage reduction spire ferocity internal fortitude lethal accuracy lethal stance powerful stance protect vitals reckless stance reflexive dodge renewed vigor rolling dodge scent swift foot or wrecking blows and as an example i'm going to pick a beast totem grater because you can as you can see pick them up right off the bat if you want you can do a full attack after a charge and then when to just pick inspire ferocity randomly but again you could use any of those two now i want to point out that uh starting back actually with level three so last level you also get access to spells and it's going to grow i apologize i didn't go over the lower levels earlier but you will have gotten the following level one spells that uh connect to the lich get access to bane a sphere doom greece inflict light wounds mage armor ray of infeeblement ray of sickening shield sleep touch of gracelessness then tier 2 spells are blindness bone shaker command undead false life rigid touch litter dust cold animal inflict moderate wounds invisibility mirror image initius poison ox pustules scare and then the added tier three or level three spells from the lich spell book are going to be bestow curse contagion corrupted blood crushing despair deep slumber displacement fester haste old person inflict serious wounds mastery of flesh overwhelming grief poison power from death slow spit venom stinking cloud and vampiric touch and then we just got the level 4 spells that were just unlocked and so those are going to be animate dead which is going to be very powerful for the lich bone shatter consume undead death ward innervation eyes of the of the bodak false life greater fear greater invisibility ice storm inflict critical wounds phantasmal killer unholy blight and vampiric blade all right and i'll go ahead and show you to summon summon plague beast mastodon so it has a unique undead model looks nice and disgusting looks like something from game of thrones one of the later seasons there's your white walker mastodon all right moving on to level five and so level five we're gonna get summon all right at level five of lich you're gonna get summoned plague beast mastodons so we're gonna get a pair of these which is gonna be nuts pick up your whole screen you're gonna get uh lord of death so leader so basically this is interesting this makes you a leader of a small cult of undead created by his own hands uh this is my character's name demi but it's going to be your name there became famous as the indomitable commander of the fifth mondavian crusade against the world wound determined to destroy the force of the abyss at any cost he ventured half the lord of death from millennia powerful necromancers have dreamed of a power could rival the divine they have created uh cults in their own names and attracted many followers thanks to his legendary powers daemon has managed to achieve much greater success than the others has required a town to bestow divine spells upon his followers from that moment the undead created by him needed no other deities to cast spells so you become a provider i guess of the death evil strength and war domains uh and i'm guessing uh i haven't got to mess around with this but i'm assuming this is uh when you bring back people uh the undead to join your side you can uh uh be studies you're gonna get another mythic ability you're gonna get dark right so lich and all his companions in a 30-foot radius have spells if they their cash level was two levels higher extremely potent and we're also going to get access to some new spells baleful polymorph cloud kill on a cold feeble mind old monster icy prison inflict wound mass phantasmal web profane nimbus slay living vampiric shadow shield waves of fatigue racking ray bone explosion deny death exsanguinate and repurpose these are all level five spells that you get access to and here i'm gonna go and here i'm gonna go ahead and summon plague or plague beast mastodons now emcee yeah there they are there's two of them and remember these are undead so they're gonna benefit from all your buffs for the undead so um yeah if one wasn't enough well here you go we got two all right we're at level six of the lich now and you get summon a coach gonna get a mythic feat and we're adding a new lich power so again we're gonna get to pick from any of those uh lich powers we saw earlier i'm gonna pick one you're also gonna get access to level six spells you're gonna get banshee blast blasphemy circle of death cold ice strike disintegrate eye bite esther mass arm leg storm primal regression umbral strike undeath to death creed undead which is awesome summons a grave knight or a guardian armor bone shield false grace siphon life and siphon time let's see how summon at cork looks now doubt looks like a nice formal abomination holy moly that looks amazing all right at level seven you're going to get summoned nightshade nightcrawler and a mythic ability of your choice we're also going to get access to level 7 spells including destruction finger or death ice body inflict serious wounds mass insanity poison breath powered blind wave of waves of exhaustion blessing of unlife feast the blood and restore undead and here's what summon nightshade nightcrawl looks like [Laughter] okay that is officially the biggest summon i have seen so far in the game that is ridiculously big wow and very very cool holy moly is it considered undead i cannot unfortunately the inspect a creature feature does not work with it but yeah that thing is ridiculous now as we look at level 8 i do want to kind of make a quick comment you may think like oh wasn't level 7 a little like bare bone for example some of these levels this is a little deceiving because remember you're getting this feature that i believe you unlock with this portion right here back on level five where you're gonna be able to kind of create and manipulate you know basically brand new undead companions on top of it and this is a feature that i mentioned uh earlier in the video there is an ultimate transformation quest line that you're going to be getting probably around the time getting to level 7 or 8ish and if you complete that quest line you're going to basically have a physical transformation it's going to add basically extra buffs and bonuses and it's going to help kind of make this a little bit more meaty so this is obviously the natural progression but i don't want you to take a look and say oh wow this seems a little underwhelming this section right here um and there's definitely a little bit more behind this once you um unlock that transformation and follow the specific litch quest line now when it comes to the the baseline progression though you're going to be getting another skeleton upgrade selection you're going to get summoned nightshade nightcrawler and a cork so both of them at the same time and you're going to get another mythic feat now this is a second upgrade so the first one for example my example we chose barbarian so you may want to like you know double down uh on making your skeletal companion even more physical for example like skeletal fighter would be a natural one and i'll probably use that as an option but you could also like create him a a combat cleric so it's you're talking about like an assassin that has barbarian abilities and clerical spells so you can get really really creative with these options and i'm just going to choose this one as an example and then as noted in the features earlier the unique thing for choosing a fighter on top of the bad being full you also get to choose a bonus combat beat here so there's you get full access to basically all of them so pick whatever you want again i'm just going to randomly pick one here only keep this going and moving and then you get to choose basically uh let's see a weapon specialization looks like i will take you like fast or short as an example here you're also going to get new spells to get access to level 8 spells bestow curse greater death clutch rightful aspect board wilting inflict critical wounds mass polar ray powered stun soul reaver unholy aura domain of the hungry flesh and embrace of death summon works and how it looks like so there you go almost looks like it's riding him so you get that flesh abomination to ecork and you get the insane nightshade nightcrawler what a combination very very cool summon combo at this level all right now on to level nine where we're going to you're gonna get summon raven ravener dragon you're gonna get an additional lich power as well as a mythic ability and again the lich powers are any of the ones that we went over earlier in the video so just pick whichever works for you and then you will get finally access level 9 spells energy drain old monster mass icy prison mass older midnight power word kill whale of the banshee weird corrupt magic play for purpose and negative eruption all right let's take a look at the summon ravener dragon summon oh yes all right has somebody been playing world of warcraft a little too much this is this is like totally world of warcraft undead dragon this is an amazing model so yeah uh lich king build here i come for sure awesome awesome looking summon all right now we have level 10 which again on paper looks a little underwhelming um or just mythic feet but because again i haven't been able to play this to mythic level 10 yet i have a feeling there's story-based quest-based benefits for 10 but baseline before anything else impacts it the main thing you start with is going to be a mythic feat and that's all that it's going to give you right now so that right there is the mythic litch progression and as mentioned a couple times during this video remember there's going to be some really impactful features when it comes to being able to basically replace your party if you want a bunch of undead characters you can manipulate an impact so you could quite literally have a lich army and a undead party if you wish so very very cool this is a playthrough that i can't wait to complete myself i from what i've experienced with it so far it's really really fun very kind of unique uh definitely check it out hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did find it helpful remember hit a like subscribe smash that notification button if you want to interact with me do check out me out when i stream at or leeroygamingstream you can find the link to my schedule in the description below as well if you want to support the channel to the next level on top of following me there and watching these videos feel free to check out my merch store got some cool t-shirts shrag and other cool goodies themed around the channel all those proceeds do go to help create more content here on a regular basis that being said guys thank you so much and i will make sure to see you guys in the next video
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 29,639
Rating: 4.6421051 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wotr, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder wrath of the righteous mythic paths, pathfinder wrath of the righteous character creation, mythic paths, mythic path, owlcat games, wrath of the righteous mythic paths, wrath of the righteous lich, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous lich, Pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich mythic path
Id: OsYmObfkIfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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