Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Golden Dragon Mythic Path Progression / Transformation

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hey everybody it's leroy from lira gaming and today i have a pathfinder rather righteous video where we're going to take a look at the golden dragon mythic pathway and a high end progression so in this video you're going to want to make sure that you have done the prerequisites to unlock and basically qualify for the golden dragon mythic pathway for your convenience i have linked an article from techraptor does a good job of kind of summarizing all the mythic pathways if you're wondering it's a nice quick resource to utilize we're going to pick up here and take a look at the events right before the transformation and then we're going to take a look at the progression as always check out the timestamps below to help you with your navigation and with that being said let's go ahead and jump right in all right guys now let's go ahead and take a look at the final portion of unlocking the mythic gold dragon pathway now to get to this point uh where we are this is going to be dresden and act five you're gonna come back from the abyss going to make your way towards the citadel now there are numerous steps you have to take before getting here there's going to be portions of the quest line for the mythic golden dragon starting in a prologue and then into act two and three it is actually very very possible to miss this i will link below an article by tech raptor that put together kind of very easy to follow little guides and synopsis of all the mythic pathways so if you haven't seen how to unlock uh the golden dragon elements quest wise that can help you out there but here we're going to go ahead and take a look at the events that occur immediately before the transformation and then we will take a look at the features of the golden dragon including the transformation so here we are right outside front of the citadel and if you did everything right you're going to run into hal again the dragon and so if you don't remember this guy this is a hala celiacs he's a golden dragon uh only thing you gotta make sure is that you're nice to him definitely don't be evil in attack uh and then he'll remind you you know you'll have your choice coming up here and i'll see you again if you make the choice of the golden dragon if not then um and you won't all right now you're gonna go into the citadel and have a quick conversation with the storyteller and then you're gonna have this little confrontation happen automatically uh where your forces meet up with the demon forces and what you're gonna see here is you're gonna have a three different or potentially numerous conversation options depending um on what you choose so again if you're gonna be golden dragon uh their whole reputation or alignment rather is neutral good so might as well lean towards that now you are gonna be forced to go neutral good as soon as you select it so really technically doesn't matter what you chose before assuming you still succeeded the missions and here for example you'll see my three options i can answer as a angel pathway which is my current pathway i can choose the legend mythic pathway which is the generic pathway that you have access to i have a separate video on that it's a little buggy in my playthrough but it's supposed to let you just go up to level 40 so you give up all your powers and finally of golden dragon and or the dragon pathway i'm going to select that i'm going to fast forward just a little bit and what's going to happen is you're going to have a confrontation with uh with a certain goddess here and a couple of demons they're going to explain to you exactly the source of your power and from there we're gonna get the choice to [Music] take our choice and i will continue this as soon as that comes up all right and after an extensive conversation of iomede i probably just butchered her name and the demon the demon s you get this cool animation that you i'm sure you're familiar with by this point and bam here we go here are your options you're gonna choose golden dragon for level eight uh let's do a quick overview reading uh of everything that you're gonna kind of get here and we'll take a look at when you're gonna get it the golden dragon is the mighty almost omnipotent creature that possesses powers beyond all others the golden dragon is the embodiment of goodness hope and redemption again neutral good gonna be getting gold dragon breath as a feature you gain ability to breathe holy energy attacking all enemies a 50-foot cone dealing character level plus half mythic ranks d8 holy damage a successful reflex safe throw dc 10 plus your character level plus half her mythic rank halves the damage and any enemy hit by the breath attack also gains a minus one penalty on all d20 rolls while all enemies who fail the reflex save get a minus two penalty so if you breathe on your own party members they're not gonna have that effect and what's great is unlike the breath attacks that you get from other sources that you can only use like you know once a rest for example this one you can use it every one day four rounds so you could be ready in one round two three or four depending on the random roll we'll be taking a look at the golden dragon form um that's going to unlock your level nine so you can assume the form of golden dragon gain the following abilities plus 10 size bonus strength eight size bonus the constitution and eight form natural armor bonus notice the words here form the size so the bonuses to shrink constitution will stack without chemical bonuses it will stack with enhancement bonuses from gear or from spells like bull strength etc the form natural armor bonus is important because most types of natural armor do not stack but this will stack so if you amulet like plus five of natural armor this will stack you get uh blind to 60 feet also gain one bite attack to the eight two paw attacks to d6 two wing attacks when the eight and one tail stop to d6 and then what's amazing is you're going to get a bunch of immunities i'm going to go over these in just a second because there's two different tiers of this and i don't want it to be confusing so i'll show that to you when i show you the progression in just a moment so here i chose the dragon and then i have my little saying i thank you for your wise advice but check me out i'm a badass golden dragon now but what all right now after a bunch of conversations you'll have access to your character here but let's take a look at what you get immediately upon getting mythic level eight so again mythic eight you get that breath that we just discussed and we also get the first tier of our dragon powers i do not we cannot transform yet so the golden dragon uh this is what you do get this is passive and it will factor at all times so golden dragon gains immunity to poison disease fear confusion paralysis and sleep you also gain resistance to all energy equal your character level plus half your mythic rank if any of your saving throw bonuses before modifier is less than five plus your mythic rank begin a bonus up to that number and then if any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 14 you bump up to that so let's say when you're building your character you really dumped your stats and i had like a seven and something well guess what that's not automatically a 14 it's only going to get better all your hit dies are now d12 meaning if you were like a caster that had like a d6 uh hit die well now you have the same hit as like uh i think it's barbarians that get d12 so you get a massive amount of health and any spells dealing damage now change the dice to d6 if they were not d6 and if they were d6 or greater you instead get a plus one bonus on damage per die and then all your weapons now count as plus five so you get all of that just for tier eight now i want to point out you'll notice that all since i gave up the uh angel pathway i lost all of those special abilities of the holy sword and my halo but i did not lose my euro pathway for example i still have my heaven's breath feature i'm still going to get close to heaven so i get that nuke or or direct heal and still get to summon spirit paladins and if you chose a different pathway you'll still get to keep all those baseline abilities and of course you keep your mythic abilities and pathway uh mythic abilities and mythical feats i want to point out at that point you're going to get another quest you're just going to talk to uh alice uh man i butchered this all every time alice celiacs um and he's gonna have you just do a little quest and then that's gonna lead you uh to be able to go and then get mythic level nine and uh right now again i will go ahead and kind of fast forward and show you what it would look like once you hit mythic level nine and ten you can see the transformation and the kind of higher end levels of the powers now here we are at mythic level 9 and what's the first really cool thing that happens is that as soon as you hit mythic level 9 you want to level up you will get the choice of keeping your old portrait or swapping over to the gold dragon and of course you want to be an epic gold dragon so we're going to click that and then here's the crazy thing about mythic level 9. first you get gold dragon form so you can now assume to form the gold dragon i read this in a preview basically plus 10 size bonus to strength eight to constitution eight form natural armor blind sends 60 feet one bite attack two claw attacks two wing attacks one tail slap attack just nutter butter also you get a progression of your dragon immunities etc so you're you now in addition to what you had from level eight you get immunity to mind affecting effects and spell resistance you get now equal to 15 plus your character level and half your mythic rank so uh this is nuts your base attack bonus if your base attack bonus is less than 15 plus the metric rank you gain a bonus up to that so imagine um if you're like a sorcerer and you become a dragon you're gonna have you know like half bab for example or if you're a hybrid and you've like three quarterbacks or whatnot this is going to bump you up so even at this very point you've got 15 plus your mythic rank so um this is going to be um at mythic level 9 is going to be fab of 24. so pretty legendary right off the bat all your skills become class skills for you if you have less ranks in a skill than your mythic ranks you gain a bonus up to that so that is pretty awesome so that means you get nine skill points in every single skill if you don't already have that if you innately have a character that is high in intelligence you're going to be able to just get like everything maxed out because if any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 18 you get a bonus up to that so um either through naturally or to this you can have 18 intelligence now combined of all your skills getting bumped up already uh to nine or eventually ten uh then you can just go and basically go ham on uh being kind of a jack of all trades and then finally your spells dealing damage now change your dice to d8 if they weren't already and if they were d8 or greater let's get a plus one bonus to damage per die and then we get to the feature that i think is the most crazy of all this you're gonna get three dragon feats and it says you can select any feat in the game by passing any and all prerequisites and they're not kidding take a look at some of these options some of them should make no sense um because you can i mean you can take stuff that just you can get selective channeling when you don't have channeling i mean you can make really stupid decisions here that don't work but you can still pick them which i don't know how i feel about that you can get every type of proficiency you can also get racial ones uh racial restricted ones so if you take a look here let's take a look i think it was a i was looking earlier the magical tales you can get multiple ranks of the kitsune only feeds for example that's really amazing you can get you know rage power so that's another one i like to show as an example so if you go under extra rage powers what's crazy about this is you can take get any of the totem powers and you don't have to go in order so normally when you're a barbarian you have to take lesser totem normal totem and greater totem and you can only be in one totem well if you want you could for example pick up greater totem uh beast totem and then for your second one if you really wanted to you go and pick up the greater celestial totem and then you could get a greater demon totem so basically it breaks all the rules of feats you get to pick whatever you want no prereqs required super powerful i from what i'm gathering and i've been testing this around some of these elements seem to be broken either visually or they just the coding doesn't work well um it seems to be a little hit or miss again i haven't had time to test out all these extensively i assume most of them should work but again i would recommend you probably save before you choose these uh and then reload test them out of course you can still respec and if you're having trouble respecting like i did make sure to check out my little quick video uh on fixing the respect bug so again at level nine you're going to get three of these dragon feats to really uh super customize your build at this point all right so i went ahead and just picked some three random uh beats there uh and then once you hit mythic retain ten what you're gonna get is perfect soul so this may not be flashy but it is very very powerful because you now are immune to cold fire electricity and acid as well as energy drain and negative energy all your damage is now holy and all your spell dealing damage now changes your dice to a d10 if it was not d10 or greater and if it was d10 or greater the spells instead uh give you a plus one bonus to damage per die so it's this cherry on top again at this point you can transform i do want to kind of show off here we are at home i'm going to try show the transformation i'm going to turn off my halo you'll see here and what's nice is you can do this at will starting at mythic rank 9. there's the epic transformation now notice it does sometimes bug out so because i was an angel pathway for whatever reason it shows my angel wing still um again the game can be a little buggy still uh and you can also uh intend it or not if you turn on a light halo if you have that there you go you have a light halo so this looks like a a dragon bread of an angel or i mean if i were to be more crude it looks like an angel has stuck up the dragons you know what all right guys so again this is the mythic dragon pathway and all its features and again just kind of went over much how you get this right before you unlock this hope you found this video helpful and entertaining if you did make sure to like subscribe slam that notification bell to be notified of future pathfinder videos as always guys i will see you in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
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Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Golden Dragon Mythic Path, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Golden Dragon, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wotr, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder wrath of the righteous mythic paths, mythic paths, owlcat games, wrath of the righteous mythic paths, wrath of the righteous golden dragon, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous golden dragoon, Pathfinder wrath of teh righteous golden dragon mythic path
Id: QlXH4gkLbTQ
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Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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