Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich Mythic Path Units - Ravener & Plague Dragons, Nightcrawlers

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everybody it's leroy from lira gaming and today i got another pathfinder rather righteous video for you today we continue our focus on the lich mythic path now today we're going to be looking at the elite unit options in the crusader system for the lich if you saw my videos yesterday i covered intermediate units as well as advanced units and my ultimate lich guide already had the basic units covered so this is going to take it to the final level as far as i know of units now this is all going to happen via an advisor visiting you in act five an undead advisor and here's a little story tell them comes to you and he's going to give you an option you have to make a choice just like before so we're gonna have three options you can either unlock the ravener dragon creation decree allowing recruitment of rap ravener dragons we can have him pick up the plague dragon creation decree allowing recruitment of plague dragons that are hardy uh and powerful monsters that spread disease or unlock the nightshades creation agreed allowing recruitment of nightcrawlers monsters capable of casting deadly spells so as always we're gonna go ahead and jump into this and take a look at their stats and what they look like in battle so make sure to check this out and if you enjoy this content remember like subscribe smash that notification bell and most importantly drop me a comment let me know what you like about these videos what you want me to focus on this game is so gigantic i i struggle to figure out where to focus my energy so i'm kind of doing my best but your feedback most definitely matters do let me know without further ado let's jump on in and take a look at these units all right first up we have the ravenous dragon or ravener dragon rather let's look at their properties their large flight their undead uh gran tur unit special forces so they have 456 health and 27 ac base notice i don't have them in a commander's army so there's no other buffs that are going to affect it it has all the normal immunities of undead and it looks like it has a bat attack two claw attacks two wing attacks and a tail attack so a massive amount of damage potential melee wise even for single dragon we're talking about minimum 20 30 40 50 uh sorry 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 damage minimum baseline here every time attack per dragon so considering most like base small units will be you know some will do in single digits some of them will do you know maybe 10 20 maybe 30. that's huge granite these are much harder to get more of them but it's pretty powerful and then let's go ahead and take a look what they look like how they attack in a second oh they're doing range that's not great all right let's see here so we're just gonna get a real quick feel for how they attack again we only have five of them there we go did 786 damage and not just with five units so again considering that these stacks of five uh giants are only doing like 90 damage and obviously we're terror routing them already it looks like these guys are pretty beefy and i can definitely see them get quite powerful it looks like man they're tower routing all of them that is pretty pretty good uh because if if you don't know uh if they get routed too much they will literally run off the field they're all getting terrorized and then they will straight up just lose which is kind of bonkers good but right now see they're not getting any turns and they're just i don't think i was going to do this into this video but looks like i'm totally soloing this while they are permafeared um so yeah review of these first ones is amazingly good let's take a look at the second dragon option [Music] right next we have the plague dragon and so this one's a little different it's still gonna have a lot of ac 31 ac actually three damage reductions a little more tanky 647 health big difference here is that even though they have high strength the melee attacks aren't as powerful so if you take a look here look at the bite two claws two wings and a tail attack but now their base damage across the board is lower so that's a downside their experience is actually 900 versus 1600 for the other one and then you get a breath attack so this is a 50 foot line that you can cast this as you can see it can actually reach completely across the the battlefield and what it does is it does a counter firing dealing 7 d8 plus 9 times number units damage and then there's a i'm guessing a burning effect that does 26 times units damage for three rounds so let's see how that works out here again the other dragon did a lot of terror adding we're doing the same exact test here so there we go all right i was supposed to hit it but apparently it didn't uh maybe the line even though it was red it maybe it needs to fully reach it so that wasn't the best let's take a look at that let's see how they do it looks like it does some sort of debuff too the other dragon was able to wipe them out it looks like they cool down we don't know if you can only do that breath once a battle i'm assuming it's only once a battle doing a really quick test here so we can definitely see there they don't do well they do 524 damage so this dragon applies it looks like this effect right here that you're seeing is a demon plague effect so units melee attack apply a stacking disease which applies a cumulative minus two penalty to max hit point each round so that's interesting and it looks like it also fatigues the enemy minus two penalty strength and dexterity so that's interesting so it's not as tough melee white's baseline but and it doesn't fear enemies but what it does do in return is it debuffs them and again it looks like only once per combat it has this nasty nasty uh breath so overall as we see here still quite effective different way of doing its damage and again more of a debuffer with some ranged capabilities of the breath all right and finally we have the gigantic night crawlers so uh nightshades are natural creatures faded by mixing chaotic energy of the abyss of annihilating powers of the negative energy plane so uh let's see here for them they're obviously undead 573 hit points 29 ac with a high damage reduction of five their stats are a little lower and what's interesting here is that they have five to 12 damage it's rather low they just have it looks like they have two bite attacks but they do have some abilities looks like they have the charge to spell and finger death so this spell obviously lets you dispel negative effects from enemies figure of death is their big thing deals 15 d6 is a lot per unit number negative energy damage to target unit if the maximum damage of the spell is enough to kill the unit it deals maximum damage it's a death effect so basically what that means is if there's one unit of these and 15 times six maxed out would kill it it will auto roll that if you couldn't kill it you know each die rolls between one and six so if it can max one hit kill it will if not then it won't so for example you can know by mousing over these that they won't because it's zero to one if it was enough to one shot kill them it would show five automatically so we'll go ahead and see what it looks and test it out 215 damage okay the problem is you can only cast it once which isn't great let's see what they move like the animation and we'll see if it's at all potent in melee it doesn't really look like it 25 and there's seven of them so it has that one shot ability that's kind of interesting it looks like it terror out just like the first dragon we look at but once it kind of uses his main offensive spell it doesn't look very very potent so while it looks scary and it terrorizes things i would probably pick the first dragon instead of this or my party because uh the damage on this thing is underwhelming i do think both of the other dragons are a little bit more effective and overall more useful in my opinion all right guys so those are the three elite units you're gonna have access to let me know your thoughts in the comments below what do you think of these well do you think they're underwhelming overwhelming etc and as always make sure to like subscribe smash that notification bell to be notified of new videos and i will see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 4,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich Mythic Path, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous lich mythic path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich mythic path guide, Pathfinder wrath of teh righteous lich mythic path unlock, Pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich units, pathfinder wrath of righteous units, leeroy gaming, ravener dragons, plague dragons, nightcrawlers, PWOTR plague dragons, PWOTR ravener dragons, PWOTR nightcrawlers, crusade system, crusade system pathfinder
Id: 7t5PgUW9fyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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