Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Character Creation Guide - EVERYTHING You Need To Know!

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pathfinder wrath of the righteous has just launched and has a very complex character creator 25 classes plus more subclasses 12 races heritage backgrounds ability score skills feats spells deities alignment and then you get to decide how your character actually looks today i'm going to guide you through the character creation process for pathfinder and put you on the right path get it right path this video was sponsored by my twitter account i'm trying to be more active on other platforms like twitter and instagram so if you are interested in that please go over there and give me a follow now let's go now as always with my videos you can check the chapters in the video description if you're looking for a specific section of the character creator that you need help with that will be your guide there and we're going to start off with classes and go through the character creator logically as it is presented in the game so classes there's 25 of them plus all of the subclasses in this game there is a ton of choice even for me who loves this kind of stuff it is really hard to choose what class you're going to pick normally here in one of these videos i would go through each of the classes and give you a rough starting guide of how you should play them but honestly there's 25 of them plus the subclasses it is too much to go through thankfully the pathfinder devs our cat have pretty much thought the same thing and there is a button that you can click for a recommended build for every single class when you click this recommended build it will give you a rough idea of how you should actually build out a character for that specific class now when you do have this button selected what it means is that it will give you a auto leveling experience so it will level you up automatically what you can however do is once you have clicked this button you can deselect it and it will also keep the ability score and some of the other options selected it will just gray them out so then when you do actually get to these options later in the line you'll have a rough idea of what the game thinks you should put in there and then you can use that information to decide if you should select off it say for example here when we're selecting recommended build then you select you can see the ability score changes you can notice that you this will happen for all of the other options the other three things you should look at is the difficulty the special effects and this little pre-made diagram the pre-made diagram and the difficulty is more just information that is important to know the pre-made diagram will tell you kind of what that class is good at or bad at especially if you go the recommended build and then the difficulty is how complex that class is now this really doesn't matter too much like if you really really like a character that's listed as super difficult and you've never played a pathfinder game before it's not going to matter drastically it's just a little bit more of an extra learning curve to say a class that is just a fighter that's going to smack things with a hammer compared to a class like the inquisitor where you've got magic and milli elements or even ranged elements to it it just is a little bit more complex it's just a bit of a warning in that the special effects is the important one this is where you'll really get a really good feel of how that character is going to play you know something like the cavalier has an animal companion for all of its subclasses some of the other subclasses have things like an animal companion or other different benefits depending on how they are compared to the base class if that makes sense so there's plenty to have a look at here and just have a read decide what you like i don't want to put you into any specific direction because there's just too much information here some fun options the cavalier as i mentioned you get a cool animal companion that you can ride around and do tons of damage with in combat and also speed around the battlefield because they're much faster than you the inquisitor and the mages are pretty unique and can wield arms and spells together in combat so they're really fun to play around with but there's plenty of options here there's a typical you know dungeons and dragons character classes if you're used to that rule set compared to pathfinder plenty of options here now let's move on to race now when you're picking a race if you're trying to min max you want to pick a race that benefits the ability score for your primary stat and you can check that via the recommended build or you can even skip ahead to the ability score section to see which options have a little green tick next to them now when you do pick a race this will give you other benefits as well being something like your racial heritage or your background or other little features involved in that as well now there is obviously a role-play element when you pick a race however the role-playing aspect of the race isn't as pronounced as some of the other games out there you know not all the characters you meet in this game are going to be racist and hate certain races like in a lot of other games and how important that decision is so you can basically pick here depending on what you like the look of and what class you are going next we have racial and heritage and background we'll combine these two the heritage is a trait in pathfinder traits can give your character various bonuses or allow you to perform other kind of actions for the most part they're passive depending on the race that you have chosen and they are dependent on the race you pick something like a half elf would have the adaptability which gives you a skill focus as a bonus feat but only if you are a half out of the other racers will have different heritage i would suggest to pick something that's giving you benefits to saving throws or to an ability score if it is for the specific ability score you're focusing on otherwise pick something that is giving you bonuses for saving throws as it can never set you wrong background is very similar except it's more focused on the role play aspects and you can get various bonuses from these but it's really the background of your character where they came from that kind of thing it's a bit role play specific but they will give you some various bonuses as well now the big one that we have next is ability score depending on the class you pick the stats you should focus on will be different and the ones you can tell which ones you should focus on for your class will have a big green tick next to them this is a good indicator of the ability score that should be the highest these two or three values should always be the highest and we'll go through them all one by one now strength strength measures the muscle and physical power of your character birds paladins blood rages oracles skulls and sorcerers all gain benefits from this stat and they should be one of your key focuses for the dexterity dexterity measures agility reflexes and balance and this is for your rogues your slayers your hunters your monks and your rangers constitution however isn't the primary focus for any of the classes although if you are making a tank it is very important it represents your character's health and stamina and it's important for every class although there are some creatures that don't have a constitution stat like an undead or construct however everyone else should at least have 10 in constitution regardless of the class you're picking because it is really important to be able to survive in combat you know you need to have some health about you intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons with other people this is important for alchemists archaness witches magi and wizards and wisdom wisdom describes a character's willpower their common sense awareness and intuition this is important for your clerics your druids your inquisitors your war priests hunters shamans and rangers and charisma is our lucky last ability score now charisma measures a character's personality personal magnetism ability to lead and your appearance to others you know how good you are in those conversations birds paladins blood rages oracles skulls and sorcerers should all be focusing on your charisma depending on the class you picked you might get some extra benefits here to choose which one of your ability scores you want to buff based on your race choice choose whichever one is relevant to your class and we'll move on to skills skills represent your character's ability to accomplish tasks past the in-game checks know things about you know the environment or law religion jump over certain obstacles with your athletics and just generally engage with the world around you skills are dependent on your ability score modifiers for example athletics uses your strength plus then you can get bonuses for putting points into your athletic skill line you should be choosing something that is beneficial to whatever your highest ability score is say for example if you are a strength-based melee character you want to put your points into athletics so then you get the most benefits out of this skill you won't be able to be proficient in every single skill so you will have party members that can fill in the gaps for you however focusing on the skills that you will get the most bonuses from are the ones you should focus on here next up we have feats and it's not those kind of feats and what feats are in pathfinder is a different special capability or ability that allows your character to do certain things in combat or outside of combat there is a lot of choice here and it is definitely overwhelming especially when you don't really understand how your character plays yet what i would suggest to do other than if you are going to pick the recommended build option obviously do that that won't lead you astray otherwise you can click the little filter option and choose something under here whether it's attack defense melee range etc etc choose a category and then pick from that shortened list this is really beneficial if you know you're making a ranged ranger for example you know you're going to be using bows you want to choose that option underneath the range option and pick something under that category so you know that you're getting something valuable for your character where there's plenty of other things that may not be beneficial for your character your next tabs will be different depending on the class you choose you could have animal companions you could have spells or you could have neither the animal companion is gained via classes like the cavalier or some of the other subclasses you will also gain an animal companion these will follow you around and fight with you in combat they're basically like a extra party member or follower that doesn't really have any dialogue options but they just follow you around and attack as a unit in combat if you do mount them you will get extra movement speed and attack as a unit together so you'll do a little bit of extra damage they're really cool to have you know i played around with them a little bit in the beta i haven't chosen one for my main character for the main game but they are fun little toys to play around with and your spells now i'm assuming you know what spells are as they're pretty common across all these kind of games the challenge with spells is knowing what to pick and this is again where the recommended build comes in handy i would honestly just choose whatever it tells you to choose and really just move on in my experience unless you're playing in turn based mode 100 of the time the spells are less important in this crpg compared to some of the other ones because you're not micromanaging your characters as much as you would in something like the full turn based mode like you know boulder gate or something like that but if you're going to play turn-based mode consistently all of the time then if you're doing that you probably know what spells you want to pick anyway and then you can move on from there let's just chill out for a minute and take a break that's a lot of information that i've just thrown at you now there is other class specific options like if you go cleric for example there are various other things that will happen for things like channel energy or domain for example for a cleric now these are class specific and there's a few of them out there that are very class specific now i'm not going to cover these too much but really you could just pick the recommended option most of them will give you a decent explanation of what they're for and in a lot of cases because they're extremely class specific they're not going to matter too much unless you know you are choosing something very specific for your class build which if you do know what you're going to do in that case it's not going to matter for you now the last couple of options is the deity and the alignment deity and alignment really go hand in hand because certain deities will lock you out of having certain alignments if you pick an evil deity you can't be you know a lawful good character for example alignment represents a character's basic morals and ethical attitude alignment has two components and one of them is the lawful neutral or chaotic following and other than that you get good neutral and evil throughout the game you will be given different dialogue options based on these different elements it could be a good option could be an evil could be chaotic could be neutral could be lawful and really you are choosing how your character is going to role play throughout the game so i would honestly be trying to pick an alignment first and then pick a dd that suits it even though the deity is the option that comes first so that's really how you want to decide to play your character you could be good you could be bad or something in the middle and then you move on to the appearance section and that is where you no longer need me you can decide how your cool new hero will look i'll leave you with two final pieces of advice and the first is don't multi-class when leveling unless you know the pathfinder rule set very well and understand how the classes work it will lock you out of some of the top level upgrades so when you hit level 20 you won't be able to get some of those maximum upgrades because you've spent your levels leveling up other classes if that makes sense the last piece of advice is to hit that big red subscribe button gotcha in all seriousness i'm working on more content for this game i'm gonna have a tips video coming out very soon on the channel and you can follow me on twitter instagram and on twitch if you like more of the stuff that i do thank you for watching my name is norza and i hope you have a great day [Music]
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 61,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder character creation guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder beginners guide, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous gameplay, learn to play pathfinder wotr, pathfinder wrath of the righteous classes, pathfinder beginner guide, pathfinder character creation, wotr beginner guide, pathfinder races, pathfinder wotr guide, pathfinder wofr tips, pathfinder wrath of the righteous character creation, pathfinder wotr tips and tricks, pathfinder
Id: l50gDuAKLL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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