Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous 25+ CRITICAL Tips and Tricks That You MUST Know!

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pathfinder wrath of the righteous is a complex crpg that doesn't really hold any punches with throwing very complex systems and concepts at you pretty much from the start of the game in this video i'm going to break down these systems and concepts and put you on the right path for success throughout this massive experience let's go this video was sponsored by you if you're going to enjoy this video be sure to hit that subscribe button i've sorted all of these tips from like the simpler concepts at the start to the more complex things as we go throughout the video so be sure to use the chapters and all that good stuff to find things that you're looking for let's go there is a lot of information to take in in this video and i highly recommend that you return to it later as well throughout your experience and once you have got a general grasp on the basic systems then you start to understand some of the more complex things that we're going to talk about now we're going to start off with general starter tips one of the first screens that you'll be presented with is the difficulty settings the game has a very robust difficulty system where you can change practically every setting including how many enemies actually spawn you know you can change everything really if you're a traditional crpg player i highly recommend starting the game on normal with death doors turned off and companions auto reviving after combat turned on this will prevent you from your companions dying which is just no fun at all as well as giving you a relatively difficult experience and i wouldn't suggest to go all the way through core and hard in the early stages because there is a large difficulty spike in this game where even in my own experience i've had to drop down to casual or story difficulties just to get past certain encounters that don't seem very well balanced at least out the gate at launch these make it change in the future at the moment they just don't seem very well balanced but the game is based on the pathfinder rule set which is a diced based game and what that means as we will talk about in the combat section is that all of your attacks and everything are die space so there is an element of luck and in those cases there will be times when you have to do encounters multiple times because you get bad luck rolls on all of your dice maybe you miss every shot that kind of thing and that's a not necessarily a balance thing it's just what you can kind of expect with games like this so it's just well worth noting that the difficulty settings are there to be your friend and not to just crank them all up on as hard as possible and just have a bad time i have a whole video breaking down the character creator which i'll have a link here so you can branch off and watch that if you want to learn more but some general tips here is if you're new to the pathfinder rule set you want to stick to some of the more common dungeons and dragons classes like the barbarian the fighter the rogue ranger paladin and even the cavalier even though it's not dungeon dragons any of the classes that bridge these gaps between the pathfinder rule set and the dungeons and dragons rule sets i would consider to be the most easy to play and easy to pick up if you are starting new the pre-made characters are also there if you want to just skip the character creator entirely if you do make the wrong decision throughout the character creator don't worry there is a gentleman called hydor that you can meet at the defender's heart or later on in your hq and he can change your character completely and then you can go through the leveling up experience again from the start if you're unsure of how to level your character or your companions you can turn on the auto leveling for just your companions or for yourself as well and this will just mean that when they level up you won't have to make any choices you'll still see the screen so you'll see kind of where they're going but you don't have to make the choices for the characters and this is really valuable if you are trying to learn the systems and they're throwing a lot of different concepts and spells and feats and everything at you it just makes that process a little bit easier so you can just focus on your main character while your companions do their own thing now let's talk about resting as you explore you will become fatigued or even just use all of your spell slots and you can replenish these by resting when resting away from your headquarters there will be a corruption bar when this fills up to one two or three you will gain large debuffs that will affect your combat ability to reset the corruption bar you need to return to your hq and rest at home before adventuring out again you can lower the rate that this bar fills up by putting someone with a high religion skill into that slot in the rest menu but once it does reach that point where it does get to level one or level two you will have a significant debuff that you do want to avoid at all costs while you are resting you can also do some potion or scroll crafting as well as making food potions and scrolls are a little bit less important but the food is important as you can get various buffs from these like extra hp keep an eye out for new recipes so that you can make different types of food encumbrance is another system that gives you debuffs if you're not careful when you are picking up items throughout the world be sure to watch the weight bar that when you do hit the next levels to medium and heavy and overloaded they will give you various debuffs to lower your travel speed on the world map as well as increase how quickly you get fatigued when you're exploring this can be avoided by not picking up most of the weapons and armors that you do find as they aren't really worth anything in most cases and they're not really gear upgrades they do want to keep an eye out for masterwork versions of weapons in the early stages it gives you basically like an extra enhancement to the weapon but for the most part though pick up everything else not the weapons and armor because they weigh so much and then when you do find a vendor you can bulk sell all the other crap and then you get a ton of coins then you can spend that on better gear before we move on to combat i just want to talk about a couple of things in the menus to pay attention to now you will have a character tab which will give you all sorts of interesting information about you and your companions as well as their alignment which is a really interesting thing to see when you are trying to make either a good or an evil character you want to make sure you have those companions that align with you in your party so that you don't actually lose them throughout the game something else to look at is the mythic path which we'll touch on a little bit later as well as the spell book the spell book is interesting now if you're playing as a spellcaster or your companions you will unlock spells throughout the game now when you level up even with auto leveling turned on they will learn new spells however they won't use the additional spell slots that they gain from leveling so when you go into this spell book you will have empty spell slots as you level you need to actually assign spells to these slots or equip them basically you can prepare multiple copies of the same spell so you can use it multiple times after you've set up your spells a quick rest will allow you to restore your spell slots and then away you go another quick note is the encyclopedia which contains a huge amount of information for the game as well as creatures and other things that you can look up in this section at the end of act one you get access to the creator mode which is like an army simulation you can auto resolve this in the difficulty settings by just turning it on and once you turn it on you can't turn it off but it just prevents you from having to play around with this system which i personally haven't been enjoying but that's really up to you now combat tips this is where things start to get complicated so let's see how we go first things first you can inspect all of your enemies by turning on the inspect mode and then looking at the enemy itself this will give you valuable information for what level they are what their class is what their resistances are including like fire or cold or shock so you want to avoid using those kind of spells against them as well as immunities some creatures will be immune to certain types of spells or certain types of damage so you want to make sure that you're maximizing your potential by using the right kinds of damage as a general thing that i've found shock spells are super important because you're going to be fighting a lot of demons and they don't have any shock resistances so it's a good idea to rock some shock spells if you have any before you even fight enemies there are two things that you should focus on one of them is buffing your party things like mage armor for characters that don't wear their own armor you want to make sure that you put mage on to increase their armor class or something like bless or other effects that can benefit your allies you also want to make sure that you attack first in a lot of cases you will see the enemies before they see you so you want to make sure that you're initiating the attack first especially in turn based mode as it will give you a completely free attack for all of your allies before they can actually attack themselves now when you are in combat one thing to be careful of is attack of opportunities which works a little different in pathfinder compared to dungeons and dragons you do have the typical attack of opportunities where if you move out of someone's range you will actually initiate an attack of opportunity however if you use spells or other effects inside a milli character's range it will also initiate an attack of opportunity on you so you want to be mindful of that you can also hit your allies very easily with aoe spells so if you are going to trigger some aoe shenanigans just make sure that your allies aren't in the way now when you are attacking there is three elements to pay attention to the attack itself the damage roll after that and then the possibility of a critical hit the first concept is attack this is your chance to actually hit the opponent that you're trying to strike at it will be a d20 roll plus the base attack bonus and whatever ability score modifier it is currently using for that attack you have to roll a number that is higher than the target's armor class which you can view via the inspection you also have an armor class same as all of your other heroes which you can see in the bottom left corner of what that is after you have decided whether you're going to hit the target or not the next is the actual damage roll itself you can view this via whatever the damage is on the weapon itself so for my current weapon which is a rapier plus one it is a 1d6 plus 1 piercing damage so you're guaranteed to at least do a one d6 somewhere in that range from one damage to six the damage will then be affected based on the resistances that the enemy has as well as the bonuses to the damage that you have based on whether you are using the right ability score or other enhancements that you have on the weapon itself the last is critical hits now to score a critical hit in pathfinder you one have to roll within a certain range of number with the dice for most weapons it is a flat 20 but some weapons like this rapier will have an 18 to 20 meaning if the dice roll is between 18 to 20 you have a chance to hit a critical hit after that you will get a second dice roll to confirm the critical hit meaning that you have to roll a second time and actually get above the armor class of the target you don't actually have to hit the crit range just the armor class to confirm if it's a critical and then it will do a increase to damage whether it be double or triple depending on the weapon that you are using so once you're attacking all of those bad guys there are two different combat modes turn based and real time and they both have their own strengths and weaknesses i kind of want to put this into its own video to really break this down so if you're interested in that please let me know in the comments down below we'll start with turn based now in my experience turn based is a good system to play around with and to learn the mechanics of the game as well as allow you to really take control of the battlefield because in real time mode things can happen without you actually noticing or paying attention because it's very easy to just you know afk in the real time mode and just let the action play out i have personally been using the turn based mode for the harder and more complex fights and in real time for just the trash mobs that you find throughout the game if you are playing in real time in the menu under gameplay jump into the auto pause options and you can choose when the game will auto pause based on various things that may happen in real time one that i highly recommend you turn on is that when an ally gets to low health the game auto pauses to allow you time so you can react and make sure you are healing when i am playing in real time i basically just have my healer whoever that is selected and i just focus on healing whenever someone needs health and just let the ai or my other characters play out however it wants to when you are playing in real time if you right click on a spell it will pop up on the side of the ui and that will mean that character will use that spell rather than whatever weapon it has equipped as its default action when it is using the ai it's a good thing for neneo who has a lot of cantrips that you want to use rather than just the crossbow so you can select that use the cantrips on cooldown whenever they come up rather than just shooting with a bow party and progression tips we're going to start off with the party composition now you should at least have one tank one healer and then the rest of the dps are up to you although i do recommend that you split between ranged and melee dps as it can get clogged if you are playing in everyone in melee range because there are a lot of close encounters like doorways where you'll be stuck in a choke point if everyone's in melee range not everyone can actually attack because your melee characters won't be able to hit the enemies the standard composition that i have been running with is a tank like sealer who is a paladin a healer like social who was a cleric or darion who is an oracle a ranged dps like lane in a caster slot like amber or nenio and i've just been playing as a milli mages for my game something to pay attention to is the formation menu that you can bring up you want to make sure that your characters are set out in a way that makes sense you know tanks in the front merely dps next to them and then have your range characters a decent distance back especially if you're playing in real time so that your characters are spread out correctly when combat does start when you are leveling up throughout the game i highly recommend that you don't multi-class especially if you don't understand the pathfinder systems very well whatever class you pick during your character creator you can stick with that if you do want to try a new class go to hydor and just change your class completely rather than locking yourself out of some of the higher level benefits for each of the class because you can only level up a certain amount of times if you do start multi-classing you'll miss some of the class features of your main class at about the end of act 1 the mythic path system will become available to you this is a separate leveling system to your typical 20 levels that you'll get from your ordinary class you can only choose one mythic path and the rest of the levels will become available to you by completing certain main quests there is some alignment restrictions here like some of them are a bit more evil than others but for the most part you can pick any there isn't really a right or wrong option here you can pick any of the options i would have a read to see what you think suits your character best and then pick that and why not check out my character creation video which goes through the character creator and steps you through that very complex process just like we've tried to in this video here please follow me on twitter instagram and on twitter i stream two days a week tuesdays and thursdays australian night times hope to see you guys there in the next stream thank you for watching this video my name is norza and i hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 122,838
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Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the righteous tips, pathfinder wrath of the righteous guide, pathfinder tips, pathfinder wotr tips, pathfinder wotr guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder guide, pathfinder beginners guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous gameplay, pathfinder combat tips, pathfinder wotr, wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder beginner guide, pathfinder character creation, wrath of the righteous guide, norzza, pathfinder party
Id: tXNO1UJbGo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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