BIGGEST Things You Need To Know Before Rise of the Ronin! - Rise of the Ronin Ultimate Breakdown

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[Music] rise of the Ronin is just around the corner this is a brand new adventure for us as the player but also for team ninja the developers of warong Fallen Dynasty and Neo Ronin is shaping up to be a massive open World experience with a deep combat system dialogue trees cats to pet and RPG mechanics let's cover everything you need to know before diving in let's go let me know in the comments if you're excited for Rise of the Ronin so rise of the Ronin you play as a ronin big shocker there a masterless samurai who has no Al to a lord or a master it set during the ban war in Japan around 1863 and Beyond the Baku Matsu period Heralds the end of the Shogun ey as a new era begins and the East and West Collide being the Americans as the West for the first time in a team ninja game you'll also be able to shape the story by making decisions in Dialogue on these missions this is described on the PSN website as facing critical Mission decisions like whether to assassinate or protect key figures and shape the course of history through a rich multi-choice system now we can fully expect that these choices will be related to the three major factions the first being the sabuku the pro- shogan I faction who are the supporters of Tokugawa seeking to maintain its centralized Rule and defend the Shogun night against external pressures and internal threats to uphold the existing political order by the way I'm going to butcher like all of these names so I am sorry in advance the next other forces directly opposed them the anti- Shogun night forces the tbacu now this is made up of a diverse group of individuals United by their opposition to the Shogun knites Rule and their desire to restore the Imperial Authority in Japan and lastly we have the obey the Western forces of the bakamatsu era consist of the US and European powers who seek to open Japan to foreign trade leading to the end of the country's long-standing isolationist policies and influencing its political and economic landscape so it's very clear to see that there's going to be a lot of decisions happening here between these three factions and you we'll talk about the open world in a little bit but there is three major cities in Rise of the Ronin and one could assume that each one of these factions will essentially be in charge of one of those major cities now the character that you are going to play your Ronin you can actually freely customize this character's visual features including you know its face its body shape its hair its tattoos its voice everything like that but now I will also link my thoughts about the first 2 hours of the game here based on my time with the game if you want to check that out in my preview but something that I found during my preview time is that you can actually customize two characters a set of twins during character creation and then you'll actually pick a blade sharpening origin this is essentially like your starting class that will Define what your initial stats and skills will be more on skills and stats in a little bit and I apologize for only showing screenshots here as the preview embargo didn't allow us to actually capture gameplay for character creation simply the screenshots so you're seeing essentially what you're allowed to see at this point now the game will be set in an open world spanning 27 Square km with those three major cities that we mentioned Ido which is the modern day Tokyo Kyoto and Yokohama which is the first city that you'll actually come across you won't be exploring the open world just on foot however very quickly you'll be getting a horse you can actually customize increase its speed and stats but also a glider which looks absolutely so much fun during my exploration of the world you'll come across all sorts of activities that you can partake in there's obviously combat which we'll talk about in a little bit again but there's other activities that you can participate in as well something like the shooting range challenges where you can shoot targets to get a high score to assly get some sort of rewards there's also gliding races where you jump on the glider and sort of Glide your way down to the ground by going through these various rings and finding and petting cats which is absolutely my favorite for everyone you find you get a silver coin which is a form of currency that you can use for Traders and I assume there's going to be more like there's probably other things that we haven't seen that we'll just have to actually wait and see if there is different challenges and things you can complete what's kind of unique about this structure here as well that I didn't realize until my preview is that the main missions are self-contained they don't actually occur in the open world you'll actually specifically need to start them and then you'll sort of put on this not necessarily linear but this structured environment where you start from a particular location and you'll then go through and actually complete that main mission and you can bring allies on those missions with you and it it sort of gives you a different element of challenge for those missions that are a bit more structured than typical open world games where you can essentially do them in you know any particular order or attack them from any particular way rise of the Ronin feels very similar to a ghost of sushima or a sakuro Shadows die twice from its aesthetic and its outside look not only because you have a grappl hook and a solid parrying system in combat with stamina or key as it's called here but you also have that ghost of fushima stances and there are three combat stances here for all of the weapon types that act as a sort of rock paper scissors aspect to all of the combat encounters you actually see on the enemy's UI if you are using a stance that is strong or weak against the stance that the enemy is using you'll need to fight these enemies not only in straight up encounters 1 V one but you can also stealth into enemy encampment to perform stealth takedowns even from your glider which looks like a ton of fun there are Millie and ranged weapons including revolvers and American rifles now team ninja has never been shy with just dropping all kinds of Loot and weapons and materials and everything in their previous titles and you can definitely expect a similar system here in Rise of the Ronin these weapons and armor and things you come across you can actually level them up to increase their overall stats and Effectiveness and scaling with your various stats but you can also increase your weapon proficiency which is your overall skill with that particular weapon type and by increasing your proficiency you'll actually gain additional damage and other effects as well so for Millar weapons so far we have seen like a jeel swords katas including like large katanas and Spears and pole arms and for range weapons we've seen shurikens bows rifles and revolvers you'll be able to have 2 m weapons and two range weapons equipped at any time you can fully expect build crafting here to be a core part of the game and determining what weapons you're going to use with what skills and stats but those skills are definitely going to be very important now Ronin features both an XP and a Karma system karma is like your souls like currency you'd be used to it from previous team ninja games or from soft Souls games just like your runes or your souls currency that you gain by defeating enemies and you lose it upon your death now if you rest at a banner this will then be converted into skill points XP is a little tricky one that hasn't been rightly 100% explained exactly what it does but based on my time with the preview it seems like XP is linked directly to specific stat points that you can use to unlock specific skills we'll obviously know more about this at the actual launch but what you can expect is that you'll be purchasing skills from the four different skill trees strength dexterity charm and intellect and using corresponding weapons that scale with each of those specific stat types whichever one you're actually focusing on you won't need to take on any of these challenges alone however during main missions allies you've encountered and befriended will be able to join you on that Journey you'll be able to increase your bond with allies by spending time with them and giving them gifts and building a relationship in turn they'll help you level up your weapons and equipment as well you can also freely switch to them in those missions and actually control them and use their weapons and overall kit which can be really valuable in certain situations this actually expands to co-op as well as other players can join you it's mentioned on the PSN site that players can join up to three others to experience the game's main story missions in online co-op but unfortunately there is no PVP it's just simply Co-op so there's obviously going to be a lot of flexibility there in being able to bring your own like NPC allies or bring friends into those missions if you want to which will then allow you to complete those harder challenges in those main missions a little bit easier now rise of the Ronin will be released on March 22nd 2024 which is just around the corner and it will be exclusive to the PS5 though I would probably expect PlayStation to bring this to PC at a later date as they typically have been with all of their exclusives lately I've tried to keep my opinions out of this video as well as I do have a preview that covers that all in detail based on my first couple of hours with the game so I'll link that in here again just so you can go watch that if you want more information about stuff but this is just a general overview of everything you can expect in the game and let me know in the comments if you're excited for Rise of the Ronin thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 15,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rise of the ronin, rise of the ronin preview, rise of the ronin gameplay, rise of the ronin review, rise of the ronin character creation, rise of the ronin ps5, rise of the ronin combat, team ninja, rise ronin preview, rise of the ronin game, rise of the ronin news, rise of the ronin new details, rise of the ronin early gameplay, rise of the ronin before you buy, rise of ronin, rise of the ronin open world, rise of the ronin ps5 gameplay, rise of ronin gameplay, norzza
Id: 7NqjvDy2UpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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