WH 40K: Rogue Trader Character Creation COMPLETE GUIDE - Classes, Origins, Homeworlds, & More!

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in this Rog Trader video we're going to be taking a look at character creation we'll be looking through the archetypes as well as Origins and home worlds talking about characteristics and how to put that all together to make a character the way that you want there is a lot to character creation in Rogue Trader and at first glance it can be quite overwhelming but it's not as complicated as you might think and in this video I kind of want to dive into that stuff to help you make a better character when starting out in Rogue Trader so the first thing we're going to take a look at is the archetypes of the game or the classes there are four base classes to choose from when making a character and we sort of skipped ahead in character creation to get here first because I think it makes more sense to explain archetypes and then go through the home worlds and Origins and characteristics as there are better ones to pick depending on the archetype that you want to play because your archetype is really going to dictate your play style so the first archetype is Warrior this is a melee focused combatant meaning that they are going to engage in melee combat most of the time they have a focus on movement being able to move a lot Dodge uh attacks have high armor and they can typically Parry other melee attacks they can also taunt other enemies into attacking them and they're just really kind of a tanky character that's going to charge in and melee enemies to death so if you want to play a melee focused character then Warrior is the way to go and next up is the officer class this Base Class essentially is a support type class that Buffs your team it allows your team to you know have more damage AG or have an extra turn or move more or you can you know increase your momentum allowing you to do some stronger or use some stronger abilities in combat like your heroic Feats Etc so if you want to play a character that's kind of supporting your team um through these sort of things then you would like the officer class next is the operative class they have a focus on intelligence perception they like to exploit enemy weaknesses and they typically have very high single Target damage if you want to be like a sniper this this is a great class for you this is kind of what I'm playing in my playthrough uh they're also good at debuffing enemies and allowing you and your team to deal more damage to enemies and also making enemies just less effective in combat in general so if you want to be a debuffer SL High single Target damage character operative is not a bad choice and then lastly you have the soldier class which has like a focus on agility and ranged weapons and the core of this class is really moving and shooting and using cover and Dodge to avoid take damage they also use burst fire to like hit groups of enemies with bursts of bullets at a time or you know bursts of ammo depending on what weapon they're using so if you want to play more of like a close range uh ranged attacker and not be like a Melee character like the warrior then Soldier is a nice Middle Ground between operative and Warrior and then you also notice that there are advanced classes that you can choose from at level 16 each base class can choose from one of three once they hit this level and you'll be a able to take levels in those or ranks in those uh classes if you want and there is some overlap for instance like Soldier and operative can both become bounty hunters at level 16 but I would urge you not to worry so much about this when you're making your character because you should really focus your character on the play style that you want right so like if you want to be a Melee character you're going to go Warrior like you're not going to you know wait to become a Vanguard at level 16 to play as a Mele character if you want a different class Etc you're just going to take that at the beginning and then you can kind of tweak your Melee character depending on what more you want to see from it at level 16 so I wouldn't worry too much about these advanced classes and just worry about the base class that fits your play style when making a character so then we move back to the home world of the character and there are six home worlds you can choose from and these are going to give you a feature for each home world they're going to give you some modifiers to your characteristics which are effectively your stats um and how they affect your skill checks and combat Etc and some of these effects will be positive some will be negative for instance if you look at death World they gain strength agility and toughness and they lose intelligence and fellowship so this is best suited for like a Melee character since those three uh characteristics modifiers are good for a melee based character Like a Warrior and you don't really need intelligence or Fellowship as much as you know you need strength agility and toughness for that sort of archetype and you'll also notice that there are some features or talents that are available to you that that will become a ailable to you depending on what home world you selected after you have an origin advancement and that is you know I don't want to get into spoilers or anything like that but that will happen at a point in the game then you'll have access to these talents some of these talents you'll have access to anyway depending on you know what class you selected what archetype you selected when you level up but some of them you know you might not so just I wouldn't worry too much about those for now focus more on the features that you will gain and also the characteristics that you'll gain and lose since that will impact your character at the very beginning of the game so death world as I mentioned is very good for a warrior type class because of the characteristics you gain they also have survival Instinct which makes it so that when they drop below 30% of their Max Health that they will gain 20% of their Max Health temporarily and they will also gain a 20% bonus to dodge and armor will they have at least one wound from any source so or temporary wound rather so this is really good at keeping you alive if you take a lot of damage in combat Frontline characters tend to take a lot of damage so this again behooves itself well to a warrior next if you take a look at voidborn they gain willpower and intelligence but lose a little bit of strength they don't gain too many stats and lose too many here so this is probably all around good except for anything but a warrior because of the loss of strength any of the other three archetypes would probably be great for and Fortune is really really strong being able to roll or make enemies roll constantly can really impact the effect of combat so this is just a great allaround home world for basically any class but a warrior you could still even run this on a warrior with minus five strength and it wouldn't be the end of the world so Hive World gives you fellowship and Agility which is good for basically any class and you're going to lose a little bit of willpower so you might not be a psyker if you're going for this but essentially what strength and numbers does for you is it makes it so that you gain more momentum when you're surrounded by enemy characters or when you have Allied characters next to you and momentum allows you to use like heroic Feats more frequently in combat so that could be really really strong if you build for that um but you basically need to create a character that's positioned next to other friend or next to a lot of enemies so you're either going to be like a front lines like Melee sort of character or you're going to maybe be like a backlines character that doesn't move hardly ever and just ranges and if you take a look at Forge World I really really like this one you have the option to pick from three different things here you can gain armor or you can gain more movement points and Dodge chance or you can gain increased critical chance and these are based off different stats you gain intelligence and toughness from picking this uh home world and you lose a little bit of Fellowship so this is good for an operative it's it's good for a warrior it's good for you know any sort of close-range character or you know long range character like it's really really good um all you're really losing out on his Fellowship which means like officer might not be the best choice but you can gain that extra armor if you need it I like if you're playing like a tanky character Like a Warrior or you can gain the agility bonus to movement points and Dodge if you're playing like you know a light armor like Dodge type character or that getting that extra critical hit chance if you're going intelligence like maybe if you're playing like a sniper or something like that all those are really really good in my opinion so this has a lot of application in terms of like you know pretty much any archetype you might choose the Imperial World essentially gives you no negative effects and gives you plus 10 bonus to any of your characteristics except weapon skill which is like Melee attacks and Ballistic skill which is ranged attacks so you can pick like strength or toughness or agility or perception any of those you can get a plus 10 bonus and you have no negative effects so this is a really good choice like if you don't know what sort of character you want to play or like you know you kind of want to have Effectiveness in a lot of different areas you haven't quite decided like maybe you want to play melee and ranged and you're not sure exactly how you want to play this is really good just to make sure you don't have any negative effects and for Fortress world you're going to gain perception and willpower and you're going to lose fellow ship so maybe not an officer if you're picking this one but you will gain something called never stop shooting when you take this home world and what this does is it makes it so that if you kill an enemy on the next turn you're going to have a chance to basically not consume an action point point when you make an attack and maybe for it to not count as you know towards the attack limit per round cuz normally you can only attack once per round unless you know an ability says otherwise so you might actually get to attack for free and then get to attack again on that round and that can be really strong and there are other talents in the game that can increase the amount of stacks of never stop shooting that you gain to make this more likely to trigger which you will probably take if you're taking this one and it's just a really strong one overall um if you're planning on playing like a pyer or something like that getting the extra willpower is also pretty good so moving on to characteristics before we get into Origins and characteristics are kind of like the stats of a character for all intents and purposes and these work somewhat similarly to Dungeons and Dragons if you played Boulders Gate 3 recently you might remember that the you have an ability score like you know for strength it could be like 15 or 16 or 17 and then you have your ability modifier so if it was 15 strength it would be plus two if it was 16 strength it' be plus three if it was 17 strength it would still be plus three only going up at even levels uh the ability modifier and it works somewhat similarly in this game for instance if you have 30 strength your strength modifier or your characteristic bonus for strength is plus three if you have 35 it's still plus three if you have 40 it's plus4 Etc so those you know five numbers or whatever like 35 45 55 don't actually add to your bonus so you're trying to get you know to those zero numbers 30 40 50 60 Etc and if we take a look at what some of these things do weapon skill is important for Melee character increases their chance to Parry and reduces enemies chance to Parry and Dodge their melee attacks also increases their critical chance in melee combats if you're playing a melee focused character you will without a doubt want some weapon skill and then of course ballistic skill affects your ranged attack for your weapons makes it more likely that you will hit with ranged attacks in combat so if you're playing like a sniper character or if you're playing you know like an operative or if you're playing a um Soldier this would be a very good attribute for you or a staff for you and strength impacts your melee damage as well as like how much you know heavy objects that you can pick up so again this is another good one for a meley character Like a Warrior toughness increases the amount of Max wounds a character has or you know essentially their Max health so the more toughness you have the higher you're going to be able to damage you're going to be able to take um it's going to make it harder for you to receive injuries you're going be able to resist poisons Etc so if you're going to be a character that's getting hit often then toughness is going to be important for you toughness is obviously one of those stats that's good for all characters but it's even better predominantly on characters that are playing like tanks like your Warrior or maybe your soldier that's going to be like moving in and out of combat that's going to be getting hit quite frequently that's not really going to be staying behind cover a lot agility increases a character's initiative so it's going to help impact their turn order in combat it's going to improve their Dodge chance to avoid getting hit by attacks it's also going to make it less likely for enemies to dodge their melee weapon attack so it's very important for a Melee character but it can also be very effective to soldiers and some of their abilities as well so all in all this is probably going to be something that's good on just about any character but also good on characters that you know you want to go first in combat or that are going to be melee attacking intelligence is a stat that's very effective for operatives as it impacts a lot of their abilities that they use in combat so you're definitely going to want some of that if you're playing an operative character it also impacts some other abilities of other classes in the game it also affects a lot of skill checks for like lore um and Tech use and things like that so if you want a character that's going to be interact with the environment outside of combat and do so successfully very often intelligence is good for that sort of character and then we come to perception perception is good for picking out details uh it's it's good for reducing enemy Dodge chance against your attacks so you know if you're going to be playing like a sniper or something Prime perception is good for that so enemies can't Dodge your attacks allows you to detect like hidden objects and things that you might not notice around the landscape like traps and things like that so if you have like a a front person or something like that like a stealthy character also this might be a good attribute for them willpower allows characters to resist warp effects throughout the game and it allows them to you know pass some dialogue checks that might help uh if they're inating characters or dealing with large groups of characters and it predominantly used for negating the Mental effects of psychic power so if you're playing like a psycher in this game and you want to be successful at it you're going to have a decent amount of willpower because the more psycher abilities you use you know the the higher chance of bad things happening to a psycher so this helps to counteract that so then you have fellowship and this is kind of like Charisma or something like that it allows the character to deceive other characters or Charm them friend them um it's definitely beneficial for an officer if you're playing the officer class it can affect some of the abilities that officers use and the effectiveness of those it's also good for like Commerce skills for like selling and buying goods affect prices and things like that so this is just a generally allaround good skill that you absolutely want on at least one character and then inside those attributes or characteristics you have skills that are you used inside and outside of combat for instance like coercion or logic or awareness Etc and they all fall under one of these characteristics so they gain benefits from those characteristics as well and obviously they dictate a lot of like how successful you're going to be with certain actions in the game and looking through those you can kind of see like for instance as I mentioned earlier lore falls under intelligence a lot of the lore checks in the game so if you want someone who's going to be able to like deduce like why something is there or what is going on in lore checks then they would want to have high intelligence and you can kind of make your character around some of the skills that you might want so then we'll move to Origins and there are seven origins in the game these typically give your characters characteristics and skill modifiers uh some sort of feature and eventually they'll give you even more modifiers after you've Advanced your origin a bit and I wouldn't wor again worry too much about the origin advancement i' worry about what you're getting right now in terms of your play style since that's going to impact you the most okay so first up for Origins is the Astro militarum Commander this gives you plus five to ballistic weapons and perception so this is good for ranged anyone that's using ranged weapons will benefit from this it also gives you plus five to Athletics and medic skills so if you want those skills on your character that you know this is a good choice additionally it gives you regimental tactics which you can use once per combat that increases the the damage of you and your allies to enemies that are around you or that are adjacent to their allies for until the end of your next turn and this is quite a bit of damage it's just 20 plus two times your perception bonus so if your perception is like 40 or something your perception bonus would be four so You' have 22 * 4 that' be 88% extra damage for you know this turn for your allies and until the end of your Commander's next turn so that's a lot of extra damage which is why you can only use it once for combat but again it's only to enemies that are adjacent to the commander or adjacent to their own allies but that's really really strong in my opinion and again you will probably take this origin on a character that is a range damage dealer either close-range damage dealer with ranged weapons or long range it doesn't really make too much of a difference up next we have Kar Kars are going to gain plus five to weapon skill and fellowship meaning this is good for an officer class or for a melee class like Warrior or you know for a melee officer and they also gain plus five to coercion athletic skills good for dialogue and good for you know traversing difficult terrain those are all really good and they also have an ability that can be used once per combat called at all costs that applies to their next single shot or single Target melee attack so they could be ranged if you want although because of their bonuses to melee weapon skill makes more sense probably to use this with a melee attack it's not a must but you could um but it basically makes it so that you can mark an enemy Target and then whoever kills that Target that's not you is going to gain an extra turn after their current one with more action points and more movement points so if you're play Divinity original sin it's kind of like challenge or something like that gives you a a bonus it's really nice or it's going to make it so that if you target an Allied Target that Ally gains an additional action point and three movement points for their next turn so they're going to have a more effective turn so this is probably best on an officer because this is kind of what officers do anyway particularly if you're making a melee one or maybe even on a warrior that you just want to be able to like buff something so next is Crim Lord they have plus five to weapon skill and perception weapon skill is good good for melee combat perception benefits both ranged and melee combat so it could be good for either and they also gain uh bonus to awareness and logic so this would be good on like an operative type character or like a warrior type character generally and because they have something called Surefire plan which gives them like basically a stack of a resource the Shire plan resource based on their intelligence bonus which is typically like three or four if they have 30 or 40 intelligence they can use this three or four times in a combat before it goes out it allows them to buff damage based on their perception it allows them to increase their Dodge and Parry chance based on their perception and it also allows them to penalize an enemy's damage based on their intelligence bonus so you know you can use this in a variety of different ways and you can use this multiple times in a turn so you can deplete this resource like you know in one or two turns theoretically and it's just really strong in general and you'll probably take this on an operative type character because operatives typically have high intelligence and perception anyway but you could also take it on like a melee focused character because of the weapon skill and you could give yourself more Dodge and Parry until the start of next turn making you very hard to kill in combat and keep in mind that there are talents that you can get that help you replenish these Stacks so that you can keep this going during combat every turn so it's very very effective in my opinion it's good on just about any character but predominantly like maybe on operatives or melee focused characters that want to gain some extra Dodge and Parry next is minor priest they gain plus five toughness plus five willpower this is just good defensive stats for staying alive but it's predominantly more useful on a you know front Line's character Like a Warrior or Soldier so if you're playing one of those you might want to consider taking it it also gives you lore Imperium plus five and meday so if you want those skills you know this might not be a bad origin and the feature that they gain is warh him which gives them momentum equal to two times their willpower bonus so this is usually going to be like three or four at the beginning depending on how much willpower they have whether they like 30 or 40 and it also gives additional momentum for each enemy that's either in a five cell radius around the priest or was hit by the priest this turn and momentum you know makes it so that you can use your heroic Feats more frequently in combat and these can be game changers they're very very strong in a lot of cases so if you're trying to make a character that's you know focusing around getting your momentum built up as quickly as possible to use those heroic Feats this might not be a bad origin to take I don't think I would recommend it for a new player but for someone who like has a really clear-cut idea of what build they want to make this is a good choice so next we come to Navy officer they gain plus five in agility plus five Fellowship this is good for soldiers it's good for officers it's good for warriors agility is just good for front lines characters in general Fellowship is good for dialogue and and for officer characters so if you're playing you know any of those classes this might be a good choice you gain Commerce and demolition Commerce obviously affecting prices of the game so that's nice Embrace for impact can be used once for com that for one round the Navy officer and you know allies that are in a three cell radius are going to reduce the damage they take by plus two from attacks for each archetype that the Navy officer has so like you know this would be one at the beginning of the game once they hit 16 and select another one this will go up to you know four deflection from two deflection so and you can only use this once per combat but it's really great like if you move in with a Melee character or a close-range character like a soldier don't have any cover and you know you're going to be getting blown up the next turn pop this reduce the damage that you take and you hang in there until your next turn so next we come to Noble this gains plus five intelligence plus five Fellowship plus five coercion plus five persuasion this is really good on an officer in my opinion Fellowship behooves them um this character is typically good at dialogue because they have high Fellowship anyway so persuasion and coercion really help them and they have like a really interesting unique feature in my opinion their feature you serve me allows them each combat to dictate a character that's the servant for them for for that combat and every time they use an ability that affects the servant servant gains plus five to all characteristics until the start of the Noble's next turn and then anytime the servant attacks a Target that the noble dealt damage to last turn the servant gains extra critical hit chance against the target again this can only be used once per combat so you're going to use this beginning of the combat and then these effects will you know continue throughout that combat but it allows you to have a Synergy with basically one other character that can really buff the servant's effectiveness in combat the more that you guys you know focus on the same enemy and you use abilities that buff that character and again because you're playing an officer probably if you're playing this background or this origin rather um you're going to be able to buff them very easily and if you make sure that they attack the same Target as the character that's Noble then they're going to get even more critical chance which is great and lastly we come to sanction psycher which gains toughness willpower gains some lore warp and coral and this is good for you know anyone who wants to be a psych in this game you can play a pyer um as any of the classes in the game and still use pyer abilities but if you want to play as a pyer from the beginning of the game with your character then you're going to want to go sanction psycher there are some characters in the game like companions that don't have this origin that are still psychers but if you're playing like a custom character and you want to be a pyer you're going to want to choose sanction psycher it also makes it so that you're less likely to have negative effects from using psycher ability so this is really good for you so that kind of wraps up our video on character creation and Rogue Traer and I hope you guys kind of see why I reorganized it because if you're not familiar with archetypes and characteristics and what these stats and archetypes do when you pick a home world or origin it might not match up real well I mean you can play any and you know get along just fine but if you're talking about Min maxing and synergies obviously you're going to want to try and pick a home world and origin that matched the play style you know as best as possible so going to archetyp and characteristics first I think makes more sense than going through home world and origin so hope you can see why I reorganized a little bit as always if you have comments or questions about some of the things during character creation let me know and I will get back to them as soon as I [Music] [Music] can
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 38,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k rogue trader crpg, warhammer 40k rogue trader, rogue trader 40k, rogue trader rpg, rogue trader lore, warhammer 40k rogue trader gameplay, warhammer 40k rogue trader classes, rogue trader impressions, rogue trader character creation, rogue trader guide, rogue trader character creation guide, rogue trader archetypes, rogue trader home world, rogue trader origins, rogue trader classes, rogue trader best origin, rogue trader best homeworld, rogue trader
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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