PATHFINDER: WOTR - WARPRIEST Guide: The HIGHEST Weapon Damage! Builds & Mechanics Explained

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hello there friends and welcome today's guide is all about the war priests class a class that is surprisingly a lot better than it seems at first you actually have spell casting up to level 6 cleric spells a very powerful weapon enchantment ability just like megas a lot of free feeds and some pretty neat unique abilities as well for this guide i'll be bringing you two whole builds the first is going to be a classic war priest focused on a two-handed weapon a falshart for extreme critical range and also critical damage note that our faux shard will eventually get 68 base damage for 120 to 177 damage per attack except we have way more because a lot of bonuses that only show during combat we get very high strength and also spell casting not only with divine spells up to level 6 but eventually at the late game even full wizard spells up to level 9. besides our own trickster spell so that's triple spell casting we have on a single character a massive amount of attack bonus even if you take the short duration bulbs we still have enough to hit everything no matter if you are on unfair and pretty good hit points too with a lot of self buffing and the second a code leader wire priest focused on dual building that actually has the most amazing dual building weapon damage i have ever seen just our base kukris still more than three great swords at once for 68 damage so 75-142 on our main hand a massive amount of attacks per round as usual for any dual building build and can eventually easily melt all of the enemies with multiple elemental enchantments on hit 4 on our main hand and we actually have even more fire and then triple elements on our off hand and as any trickster we have very high critical range around half our attacks would be critical hits and of course a times five critical multiplier on our corporate damage well alright so let's talk first about the war priest class features and what makes this class so unique over all of the others the most important one is probably your sacred weapon so at level 1 your sacred weapon is either the favorite weapon of your deity in this case you went with gorham and his favorite weapon is a great sword and for most of the war priest archetypes also the weapon you choose at level 1 to weapon focus so you can have more than one secret weapon what this ability does is pretty simple you just turn it on and off to your abilities tab you can do it any number of times there's no limit or duration you just turn it on or off and whenever you do it your base weapon damage will increase depending on the level of your warp wrist notice of how shard by default for example only has 1 d10 base damage mine on the other hand has 68. you can check your secret weapon progression in this chart i have the higher your warfis class levels the stronger your sacred weapon will become at the beginning it won't make that much of a difference especially for two-handed weapons that already have higher base weapon damage by default on the other hand for low based weapons like short swords kukris and so on it can matter as you're increasing levels however your sacred weapon damage will certainly be able to overcome your normal weapon damage no matter what weapon type you're using this table is for medium sized characters like you know most of the player races humans elves have arcs and so on and what this means is this damage can be increased by also increasing your size for example so by default kupris only do 1d4 damage assuming you are a medium character now let's turn sacred weapon on so we turned it on and now kukris went from 1d4 to 2d8 it's kinda crazy when you consider it because well even a great sword has only 26 damage now arakukris actually hit harder than a great sword and then we can also cast lead blades from the artifice domain through lord religion 2 for a trickster so now they go from 2d8 to 3d8 and lastly we can of course use a scroll of legendary proportions to increase that even further so that's 3d8 to 68 damage just look at that a simple kukri in the hands of our code leader war priest now has 68 damage talk about fun right i can't possibly see a way of getting any more base weapon damage than with a war priest a single kukri for us use more than 3 great swords it doesn't get any better than that besides that war priests also have blessings blessings differ based on your deity and the domains they have available the powers are actually different from the cleric domain so be sure to check them out in my build progression i will show you the ones i consider to be the best you even gain healing to positive energy forever and also channel positive energy now another very important part of war priest is that they can choose the fighter specific feat so for example weapon specialization greater weapon specialization and even greater weapon focus the bonuses don't stop there because when it comes to their feet progression even though by default they only have medium-based attack bonus so a maximum of 15 and slower progression than let's say a fighter or a ranger they can actually pick their feats as if they had fighter progression for example at level 9 i can already pick and prove it critical by default this feat requires 8 base attack bonus which i would not have at level 8 as a medium-based attack bonus character only at level 11 because we are a war priest however i can get it just fine at level 9. this is great for characters focused on all sorts of different martial feats like two weapon fighting characters and also the vital strike line of feats both of which have pretty high base attack bonus requirements last but not least war priests can also enchant their weapon the same as a magus really to the sacred weapon feature so starting from level 4 you can enchant your weapons with elemental damage through flaming frost and shock and also the king property for an early version of improved critical eventually this will actually improve so we get anarchic axiomatic holy and unholy the best one certainly being holy and also axiomatic for 46 irresistible damage against demons there is a downside to this ability however when compared to the magus or the version spirit hunters have for example such as camellia war priests have very low duration of their sacred weapon enchantments you can use it for a number of rounds per day equals your war priest level but the rounds don't have to be consecutive so what this means is you first choose your sacred weapon enchantments here to your ability tab you won't be able to have all of them on at the same time they each cost a different amount but the best ones are of course triple elements for elemental barrage and then axiomatic you don't really have any points for more the reason i don't speak holy here is because holy is easier to get through other abilities like for example socio himself has the holy land stability and sila can enchant your weapons with holy through their holy sword paladin spell axiomatic on the other hand is super rare anyways you just select the ones that you want to turn on so you turn it on during battle and notice how i already got a reduction in a number of users this will last for six seconds which is equivalent to one round and we have the same amount as your water is level so that's 20 at max level 20 rounds that is you can just turn it off right after battle ends as you're not draining it further now when you reach another battle just turn it on again so i won't lie in that you probably will not be able to have your sacred weapon enchantments on at all times unlike omegas or camellia who has way higher duration on the other hand because most of the battles will be over what is pretty much one to two rounds you can certainly make use of this if properly managed especially for the depth battles such as boss encounters now oprah's also have spell casting they can cast up to level 6 divine spells from the same spells that clerics have access to they do have lower spell progression however that you can check here they only get level 6 spells at level 16. the good part is honestly the best cleric spells are the low level spells especially the ones at level 4 which you'll get decently earlier cleric would get level 4 spells at level 7. a wire priest gets it at level 10 not that much later and you still have access to the best of the cleric buffs lastly war priests can also enchant their more with the sacred armor feature which is pretty much the same as sacred weapon as far as the enchantments except enchantments are different you have elemental resistance which is honestly kind of useless you are much better off just casting resist energy and protection from energy communal if you want your party members to have elemental resistance spell resistance which can be somewhat good but you know as a war priest you can just cast the spare resistance spell for a lot higher spell resistance amount the best one at least in my opinion is is certainly the fortification feature in my case i only have fortification 75 turned on because it's pretty expensive what fortification does is it's a step or percentage chance of avoiding critical hits and sneak attack for example 75 fortification means whenever the enemy attacks you with a critical hit or a sneak attack you have 75 chance of turning that attack into just a normal hit so you'll fully avoid the extra damage from the critical hit or the sneak attack because this applies to every single one of the enemy attacks it's a pretty useful ability and the best part is it has a different amount of uses so while i only have 19 rounds left of my sacred weapon enchantments i still have 20 rounds of sacred armor because i did not turn it on it they work the same way you turn it on and now i have 19 rounds left and this will only become 18 after 6 seconds have passed from now to total a single round like i said just go with fortification alright so for our first war priest build i'm going with just a normal default war priest it is true that some of the archetypes can be useful but they do end up losing a lot besides code leader which is the one of focus for my dual wielding sneak attacking war priests later on out of them all champion of the faith is the one that stands out the most because you do gain a smite ability that can highly increase your damage on the other hand you lose access to all of your weapon enchantments which honestly in a game of elemental barrage and all of the synergy it has with physical attacks especially for dual building characters who can have multiple elements on both their weapons i don't think it is worth losing your sacred weapon enchantments not at all shoot better can also be fun if you want a shield bashing character so a character that attacks his main weapon and uses his shield both for defense and also offense the reason i'm not focusing on it here is because i'll soon release a shoot basher guide in which i'll bring a class that i find is far more suited for it so for this guide i'll cover the normal war priest as a two-handed and also the code leader as a dual builder so let's get started with our two hand rebuild let's speak the default wall priest for the race well you might already know i really like going with human the extra feat matters a lot in the early game the bonuses you ability scores is pretty neat too because you can just speak whatever to increase the normal wire priest however does get quite a lot of bonus combat feats so one two three four five six bonus feats so for this build you can also go with another race of your choice if you don't fancy humans for the background go with street urchin and pickpocket as usual for the bonus shoe initiative rolls for ability points we want to focus on strength so 19 strength 12 dexterity 14 constitution the rest of the points go into wisdom because it is our main spell casting attribute and some of our wobbly stabilities also rely on wisdom now because dispute well at least i do recommend you go with the trickster spell book for your greater mythic trick i suggest you dump charisma a little bit to increase your intelligence to 12. this way with headbands later on you'll have up to 19 intelligence more even with some other bonuses to ensure you can cast all of the wizard spells on the game once you get it from the trickster mythic path for skills the choices are mostly up to you i like going with athletics because this is a high strength character lore religion because i think it fits a priest type of character and wisdom is our highest of all of our mental ability points and the rest is up to you i'll just go with perception here but you can of course go with arcana or knowledge world if you want your character to cook but with religion we can at least cover the corruption when resting for a level one feat's the usual fortune hand that gives you so power attack except we aren't going with cleave now because this will be of our shard build as i know not for shout dude but you know they are the best of the two handed weapons you can of course go with a function instead but if you are starting from the early game i do think fall shards are a lot better because of the reach so you can attack from safety behind your tanks this way the enemies won't hit you meaning you don't have to devote anything to armor or glacero you can go full offense for a second level unfit exotic weapon proficiency and then faux shard now your data selection actually does matter for a wire priest because while they don't gain the main powers they do have blessings which are based on your data domains because this is also going to be a tricks tribute our alignment also has to fall both in our deity and the trickster alignment ranges to keep it simple i highly suggest you go with gorum because strength and war are amazing blessings for a wire priest as i will soon show you pick spontaneous cure here and now for your free weapon focus as a war priest fall shard of course and now we have our blessing selection all of these abilities here even though the domains are the same as the cleric they work in different ways for strength as a swift action our wire priests can gain an enhancement bonus equal to half his evaporates levels all melee attack raws which is what really matters the best part is this enhancement bonus will actually stack with whatever enhancement your weapon has so at the late game you are looking at something like plus 10 to your melee attack bonus it is true that this only lasts a single round but it also costs a swift action so before a tough battle or a tough fall you can just turn it on and all of your attacks for that round will benefit from this bonus which is huge also we actually have multiple uses of this per day so it's not just like a one use ability and we can also pick a second blessing in this case destruction you can empower any ally or yourself even with a morale bonus on weapon damage rose equal to half your level so just like strength we are looking at something like up to plus 10 morale damage bonus the highest morale bonus you can get is usually just plus 4 from the heroic invocation spell and this is eventually plus 6 over that so quite a lot of extra damage and the best part is unlike strength which is only a single round the destruction power lasts for a whole minute and as i said before we have multiple users of this one minute is usually more than enough for any tough battle you might encounter for your alignment i would go with chaotic good as this is a trickster alright so at level 2 you'll gain your positive energy forever ability this is very similar to the paladin lay on hands if you already played with a paddling like sila you can heal either an ally as a standard action which can provoke an attack of opportunities so be careful when doing it during combat or also heal yourself which is a swift action so great it's not a particularly strong ability but because you can heal yourself as a swift action in combat it can be useful as for out of combat you can always use it to heal allies so you don't have to spend a lot of potions and so on but the game does shower you with potions eventually by our level 3 feat go with gleeve this way we can already have what is basically 2-hole attacks just at level 3 pretty early in the game certainly enough for the vast majority of chapter 1 another great thing is that we also get our first var priest bonus feat at this level which is going into cleaving finish so instead of two attacks if we kill one of the enemies with one of our attacks we'll actually get another one that's up to three attacks just at level 3. for level 4 increase strength which is also what we are going to increase on all of the other levels this is also when wap risking the channel positive energy ability just like clerics and oracles and it is also when we get the very powerful sacred weapon ability for level 5 you can already go without playing but it is a teamwork feat so your other party members will also need to have it at least a single one the reason i don't often go with outflank early is because most of my party members tend to be medium based attack bonus characters like oracle cleric it's called all of your pets and so on so they can only gain out flank at level 7 but if you are playing with a lot of other high base attack bonus characters like paladin fighter ranger and so on you can choose to pick it earlier for this level i prefer to go with combat reflexes to enhance our attacks of opportunity even without outflank to generate more attacks we can still benefit from the boost it gives to our number of attacks of opportunity per round and also it does let you perform these attacks even when flat footed so at the start of battle now level 6 is when i would pick weapon specialization and then fall shard the good thing is as a wall priest we already have the weapon focus for free just at level 1. for level 7 go without flank as usual by now all of my characters already have it so we can truly fully benefit from this for level 9 the choices are given improved critical and then for shard now our 4 shards will have 15 to 20 critical range which is huge and will eventually become 11 to 20 when we get our special trickster feeds for a bonus feat goefs is the moment to finish our very powerful teamwork attack of opportunity based feats and because our weapon does have very high critical range we are certainly going to benefit a lot from these feats level 11 is when it would be greater weapon focus and fall shard for a level 12 bonus feat greater weapon specialization and fall shard so now we have our full weapon focus and weapon specialization feeds just as if we were a fighter now as usual for any tricks tribute remember to get perception rank 1 and rank 2 tricks before you enter your level 13 to normal progression so as i've just said for level 13 the first critical trickster feat improved improved critical and then fall shard for level 15 the second trickster feat as for a bonus combat feat by this point we truly already have the best of the normal feats the game has to offer this is why i said it is somewhat safe to go with another race instead of human because your end feats will be somewhat up to you but human does help speed things up by a lot i would personally go with great cleave only so we can then later on picking perfect cleaving finish but you can also go with something like improved initiative as for level 17 the last of the trickster feeds for a very big increase in critical damage of our 4 shards for your level 18 bonus feat improved cleaving finish so now we have a massive increase of attacks per round because we do very high damage whenever we kill an enemy we can just keep going the more enemies we kill the more free attacks we'll get combine this with all of the free attacks of opportunity we are getting from our teamwork feeds and well everything is just going to explode or a level 19 feed i would actually go with metamagic and completely normal spell there are some pretty great level 1 spells that we can turn into infinite uses scan trip through this feat another great thing about completely normal spell is that you can reduce the level of all your spells so let's say you want more castings of level 4 spells you can just reduce their level to level 3 and have access to them at level 3 as well of course you can choose to pick this earlier like at level 13 the earliest but at that point it will have to compete with the special trickster feeds now we are at less at level 20 for our last ability pointing strength and this is also when we gained a very powerful war priest capstone ability aspect of war this is one of the best capstones in the game once per day as a swift action you can equalize your base attack bonus with that of your class levels as law priests have medium base attack bonus with this for a whole minute they'll get the equivalent of 20 base attack bonus just like a fighter instead of just 15. this does result in an increase of not only attacks per round for an extra attack but also damage because the higher a base attack bonus the higher your power attack bonus there's even more bonuses to this we gain unpenetrable 10 damage reduction which can be pretty good and lastly whatever blessings you use won't count against your daily limits so you have infinite blessing uses talk about stacked it is just a once per day ability but you know it's a swift action and an entire minute is quite enough when you consider boss battles and other tough encounters all right so let's now talk about our two-handed warprix mythic progression i like going with instrument of freedom as usual to enchant the weapons of all our allies with the holy property including pads and ranged weapons but as a media character you can also go with close to the abyss if you want an extra gore attack per round in the case of a two-handed i don't find it that useful but you know at the very least it's an extra attack and we do have a high amount of strength to benefit from this i just prefer the support instrument of freedom gives you because you can eventually enchance the weapons of all your party members before tough battles and both the duration and use the scales with each of your mythic ranks now for your level 1 mythical priest choice i would go with eva radic to further empower our attacks of opportunity because we do have a high critical range weapon which is perfect for this elemental barrage is something i'm going to save for mythic rank 3 because at the early levels elemental barrage won't make that much of a difference also unlike omegas who has way higher duration for his elemento enchantments our war priest is somewhat limited we only have a duration equal to a round worth of our class levels so first i prefer going ever ready as it is more of a permanent bonus but you can of course go with elementor barrage earlier if you prefer for mythic rank 2 go with mythic power attack to increase our damage even further because we are a two-handed character palmythic rank 3 now this is when i would pick a lament elemental barrage by now we already have way higher duration to our sacred weapon the damage is also now 3d6 per elemental barrage proc instead of just one d6 at level 1. now when it comes to your trickster mythic tricks remember i already have a guide covering everything you need to know about rickster link to the side here and also down below in the video description so i'll keep it shorter for now go with arcana one or mythic level 4 improved mythic critical and then faux shard now your mythic trick choices here is very important perception rank 1 and also perception rank 2 so we can gain access to the very powerful trickster critical feats this is also when you should resume your build progression from level 13 onwards the normal progression that is for a level 5 mythic ability as usual i really like going with less stan here just to ensure our character survivability this is especially useful and hard and unfair and you can of course speak it earlier let's say if you are an unfair then you might consider picking it at level 1 instead of ever ready it's one of the best defensive abilities of the game and i already have a guide link to the side here and also down below on the best generic mystic abilities and feats for all sorts of characters melee ranged and casters but if you don't care for less than because this is a character with rich weapons who can attack from safety you can also go with mythic charge for now for another mythic trick go with athletics rank 1 to help you remove negative conditions from yourself for mythic level 6 mythic weapon specialization and then falshart for more mythic tricks this choice is very important because it will change the greater mythic trick we get at the next rank for a war priest i really like going with the wizard spell book so infuse magic device which is umd rank 1 and then reuse magic device having access to a full wizard spell book that scales with your class levels is huge especially because when it comes to a war priest it's almost like having a mythic to urge character will have access to divine spells up to level 6 so the best of the supportive ones and also access to all of the arcane spells in the game as far as wizard talk about stacked right though infuse magic device and reuse magic device for mythic level 7 i really like mythic charge especially when you combine this with the pound's ability from let's say as cold who can provide it to every single one of your party members you get this bonus applied multiple times depending on your number of attacks per round it's a very powerful ability overall for another trick world 1 and also now use magic device rank 3 for our full wizard spellbook for mythic level 7 mythic weapon focus and falshard we now get double or weapon focus bonus surplus 4 instead of just 2. for another trick lore religion rank 1 and then world rank 2 to further increase our critical range asymmetric level 9 the choice is really up to you the extra damage from a relenting assault isn't going to matter that much at this point because you know we can just kill everything in a single round usually so that's just plus due to damage at most and you can always speak archmage armored you for a very big boost in your armor class but on the other hand we are a rich character so we won't be getting hits that much as i said the choice doesn't really matter and it's going to depend on your playstore if you want a little bit more damage or way higher armor class for another trick i'll go with mobility rank 1. this is just to increase your movement speed but it doesn't really matter for an improved mythic trick lower legion rank 2 and also the artifice domain so we can cast lead blaze to further improve our damage now starting from patch 1.2 i believe this ability will be fixed so you'll also be able to pick another domain you can certainly go with something like animal just for the animal companion but you know we are pretty late in the game by now now since the new dlc is coming at the start of march which will make mythical rank 10 a lot more important for mythic 10 well knowledge world rank 3 can be great for a greater mythic trick because it does give you access to all of the feats in the game regardless of any restriction or prerequisite and as far as companions you can just respect them and fully benefit from this the earliest your companion was recruited like even as early as level 2 for cila camellia and so on and for another mythic feat you can always go with flawless attacks alright so let's talk now about our code leader warp wristbute unlike my other build which was two-handed this one is a dual-building character the advantages of code leader are basically well first we have sneak attack progression 6 die of sneak attack at maximum level starting at level 3 and also the very unique hiding plain sight ability so you can enter stealth even during battle when you are surrounded by enemies which can contribute to your defenses and i know a lot of people like this ability from let's say the shadow dancer class from the dungeons and dragons third edition days you also get the plus 2 bonus your stealth checks and even the special and troll ability which lets you fascinate enemies around you this can be somewhat useful at least as far as the early game fascinated enemies can't really do anything until you attack them that is now the downside is that you have less bonus feeds you actually have two bonus feeds one at level six and the other only at level 18. also your weapon proficiency is more limited you are only proficient with all the simple weapons and the rogue weapons but we can overcome that by picking a deity which has our weapon of choice you also don't gain weapon focus for free so it is a very fit starved build because you'll have to invest in teamwork feed the dual wielding feeds and some other nice feats and this is why i strongly suggest you go with human for your code leader you really are going to need the extra fee to begin at level one for background the same street urchin and pickpocket now as far as ability points this is going to be different as this will be a dexterity character so let's set our dexterity to around 19 14 constitution reporting wisdom and we also need a little bit of intelligence just so we can later get the wizard spellbook to the trickster mythic trick you can always dump charisma to increase something else as a matter of fact it is what i'm going to do so wait charisma just so we can start with 12 strength as we can only really add our dexterity to damage at mythic rank 2 so that's going to be what level 8 we can still use a little bit of damage from our strength here until then that is for skills as this is a dexterity character and we have access to almost all of the excuses class skills trickery and stealth of course mobility shoe i also like perception and the rest is up to you i'll just go with lore religion here as for your level 1 feats where weapon finesse is a given and then chew weapon fighting now just like my two-handed ball priest your date selection is also of utmost importance for your code leader in this case we are going with lamashtu because she does have kukri as her favorite weapon she even has fashion shoe for two favorite weapons and honestly both of these weapons are simply amazing because of their extreme critical range as for domains go with strength as i've said in my two-handed wall priest unfortunately her other blessings aren't really that useful chaos gives you extra damage against lawful creatures we don't have any until the dlc comes that is evil on the other hand is more damage against good aligned creatures but we don't fight any trickery can grant you a single mirror image which isn't that good and as a trickster character we can later get access to the mirror image spell anyways so i would just go with chaos in preparation for the dlc because at least this is going to have some use then and in this case as a code leader well i'll be going with chaotic evil i think it fits the class the best but you can also be chaotic neutral instead or even neutral evo for your level 3 feat go with combat reflexes because we do have an extreme amount of dexterity for even more attacks of opportunity which is amazing when you consider our very high critical range weapon kukris and also the fact we are dual building them for even more attacks at level 4 increased dexterity and this is also about your increase on all of the other levels for level 5 i'll be going without flank i do tend to pick it later but because we are so fit starved as a code leader i'm picking it now for level 6 with a bonus feed improved weapon fighting for our level 7 feet i would go with seize the moments to finish our attack of opportunity boosting feats even better for dual building characters for level 9 the choices are given improved critical and kukri for level 11 greater shoe weapon fighting now as usual before level 13 be sure to pick perception 1 and perception shoe tricks at mythic level 4 with a trickster so for level 13 the first trickster special critical feat and for level 15 the second so improved improved improvement critical cookery now our kukris were already critical on an 11 to 20 that's close to 50 critical chance which is huge for a dual building character for level 17 our last trickster special feat for your bonus feat at level 18 i'll be going with piranha strike for even higher damage when we are wielding yes i know he gets somewhat late but the problem with a code leader as i said before we are really feet starved as for your last fit at level 19 i would go with completely normal spell as usual yes i do know that dispute doesn't actually make use of the weapon of focus and weapon specialization feats the problem is as i said before we are very fit starved i didn't really find any space for these feats at most i imagine you could skip both combat reflexes and also seize the moment but even then because this is a dexterity based character with a massive amount of dexterity bonus you will be missing on a lot of extra free attacks by not having combat reflexes at least so i'll be going with double slice now but you can also as for level 20 just our last increase in dexterity now as far as mythic progression for our code leader raw priest in this case i really recommend you go with closer to the abyss because you won't have as high reach as a dual building character as opposed to a two-hander who can use reach weapons and all of our extra sneak attack damage will also be added to the score attack that we gain for free for your level 1 mythic ever ready as usual palmitic level 2 mythic weapon finesse also a given so we can now get our full dexterity modifier added to damage instead of strength palmitic level 3 elemental barrage as i've said before by now we already have way more use of our sacred weapon ability for multiple elemental enchantments for a kukri dual builder this is also when we get the very powerful triple element kukri so even if you don't have access to your sacred weapon elemental enchantments at all time you still have alcohol creed that has permanent triple elements to it for easy elemental barrage blocking for the location of this kukri just go to my gear section the trick selection is basically the same as my the drink selection is almost the same as my two-handed ball priest so arcana one for our first trick one mythic level 4 improved mythic critical and kukri and also very important perception one rank and perception to rank now it is safe for you to level your character from level 13 onwards to the normal progression now for mythic level 5 as usual last stand as i always say you can pick this earlier instead of ever ready so to have access to it as soon as level 1 for more defenses and also knowledge world 1. paul mythic rank 6 mythic 2 weapon fighting and as usual infuse magic device and reuse magic device for mythic level 7 the same mythic charge as a dual building character with pawns we get a massive amount of extra damage from charge and also lower religion rank 1 and of course use magic device 3 for our full wizard spellbook palmitic level 8 mythic piranha strike for even higher damage i'll also be going with trickery rank 1 here because we do have high trickery and at the next level we can get trickery rank 2 to easily dispel the late game enemies and knowledge world rank 2 here for even more criticals for mythic rank 9 i would go with unrelenting assault because we are dual building the extra bonus to damage matters a lot to us after all it is applied to both our weapons but as usual we can always go with archmage armor as well and now you can choose between either trickery rank 2 for a very powerful dispelling ability or lore religion rank 2 and the artifice domain for higher weapon damage to lead blades now let's talk gear for our war priests characters most of the slots are going to be the same the only difference is really the weapons for the amulets as usual velex has magnifying ammunition to highly increase either your dexterity or your strength in the crease of what you handled while priest both wheels don't really need to wear any armor our two-handed character because he has reach and our dual builder because he has a lot of dexterity so for the armor slot i would go at the beginning of the game with chain shirts and later on haramakis as soon as you get very high dexterity the shirt slot is actually pretty unique for wall priests because we do have i think this is actually the only gear in the game that directly enhances a warfruit's class ability so the tunic of ardent war priests can give you an additional three uses of your favor ability finding it is pretty easy as well all you have to do is be on chapter three do the quest to find out about the dragon tyrande labs hideout head there you'll meet the golden dragon hell and then you'll find the tunic of the arden to our priest in one of the bodies there for the belt's laws as usual belts that increase both your strength and constitution for the two-handed character and dexterity and constitution for our dual wielder the reason i don't have a belt of dexterity here is because my boots already highly increased my dexterity the glove slot is also the same fencer's gift and the reason is this actually empowers both two-handed and also dual build dead weapons as for the bootslot as i've just mentioned ronix sacrificed as usual for the insane increase to dexterity and i already have a guide on how to get this very miscible very powerful ultimate pair of boots linked to the side here if you don't care for it you can always use the boots of stampede as well at least with our two-handed character who has athletics to highly increase his charging damage for the helmet slot after you get the wizard spellbook you certainly want headbands of mental perfection that increase both your wisdom and intelligence before that you can always go with headbands of wisdom to enhance your war priests spells for the gogo slots the goggles of piercing gaze as always for the extra bonus against outsider enemies like all of the demons cloaks of resistance with the highest modifier you can find to further increase your savings rows now the ring slot is going to be a bit different for both builds i do like the ring of evasion especially for our code leader who has very high dexterity to reduce the damage you take from enemy area of effect spells and abilities that target reflects for your two-handed war priest go with the ring of imminent demise for a plus two competence bonus on attack and damage with two-handed weapons as for our code leader the ring of guiding start to further enhance his initiative as dispute doesn't really have defeats you spare so you won't be getting improved initiative or mythic improved initiative as for the bracelet slot the braces of heavy hand for our code leader because they do increase the damage when dual building and for the two-handed vaporize the braces of abrupt onslaught should enhance your sneak attack damage and as a trickster we do gain sneak attack for free the quick slot is the same for both a wonderful that you can find at polluters fall after solving the puzzle there because as a trickster we can get infinite uses of this so that's infinite heal also a greater quicken metamagic rod just so we can quicken some of our spells most importantly the ultimate buff in the entire game trick fate which only tricksters can get the dragon familiar giants against you for even more elemental damage at the shore attacks and they already have a guide link to the site here on how to get this pretty neat bet the other slots don't matter as much i have the signet of house vesper telio here just for a nice boost to a skill of choice but for around chapter three you can also go with the odemoir to increase the number of vaporized spells slots you have 3 for level 1 shoe for level 2 and 2 for level 3 pretty great as well priests do have lower spell progression than clerics now let's talk about the long-awaited weapon slot for our code leader we are going with kukris once again i already have a guide linked to the side here explaining what are the best scoopers in the game and the exact location of them so for this i'll keep it short the astringent pacifier could create in our main hand because it does have very high acid damage and for the rest of the elemental damage we can just enchant it through our sacred weapon ability and for the offhand the ever so useful triple element shock flaming corrosive kukri plus 3. in this case the elemental damage is permanent as for our two-handed wall priest i would just go with finion as a plus three four shard and later on as a plus five and once again i also have a guide here on how to find the best for shards in the game in all of their locations their stats and so on now when it comes to spell location for your wall priests as far as your normal war priests spells which is what you'll have for most of the game i already have a guide talking about all of the best divine spells so please be sure to check that the same for wizard when you get this wizard's spell book i also have a guide for all of the best arcane spells buffing debuffing crowd control spells damage spells all of that but you keep it simple when you gain your wizard spellbook you should definitely focus on sense vitals to increase your sneak attack damage mage armor and shield for high armor class true strike is amazing because with completely normal metamagic we can achieve infinite uses of this genie kind for more elemental damage and transformation to equalize our attack bonus with that of a fighter so the same as our level don't forget fire branch you for even more elemental damage an icy body for the immunity to critical hits and ability damage so for our two-handed warp wrist we can actually get up to 114 to 171 damage as usual missing some bonuses that only show during combat so let us see how our two-handed warp risk fares in combat now as far as damage let's begin by charging at the baler here who is the main threat this is without fortune hacks and also the trick fate spell the bailor already exploded so with a critical hit without close to 700 damage just on our main hit because the other procs of damage here all come from the same attack we have a procking of elemental barrage here for 54 and another one here for 79 besides some secondary sources of elemental damage and we just killed everything else as well so on a normal hit we do around 140 damage but and then more of course from the other procs so certainly more than 200 damage if not close to 300 even a nice amount of damage here too too bad we aren't on the devil mythic path alright so let's see our code leader in action now so let's just charge at the gallows stormcaller here we have pounce so he'll probably melt pretty fast considering all of the damage we can do in a single round let's see how it goes there we go and everything just melted now look how crazy our damage can be so with a critical hit we dealt around 500 damage just from the main hit all of these other frogs of damage here below come from the same hit as well we have 39 electricity the locusts aren't actually demons so they don't really have electricity immunity as far as i'm aware now we get a proc from elemental barrage for 94 damage another fire damage proc here another from code damage from genie kind and lastly another proc of elemental barrage all from the same singular hit meanwhile the purse succubus took more than 600 damage from the main hit and then and then once again all of the secondary sources here come from the same attack even our mere bite attack dealt a lot of them and we have 10 attacks so the bite that was 68 on a normal hit and all of these secondary procs also all come from the bite just look at that our gore also dealt good damage too and of course our damage could have been a lot higher because we are basically fighting solo here so we don't actually get any procs of sneak attack because we have such high elemental barrage damage even the swarms who are immune to physical damage take a lot of damage per attack on a normal hit meanwhile we dealt around 100 damage just from the main attack because so let's send our dog here and see if we can flank this locust we actually have reach because of our enlarged spell alright so let's just have the dog attack once to proc the flanking this should be enough burn slice unfortunately we can't even see the damage because of how fast the locus just exploded there okay so we did get sneak attack now critical hit and sneak attack 523 damage and 17 this six sneak attack talk about a lot that's about 700 to 800 damage total on a critical hit from just a single attack and we have 10 of them alright so this was it for my war priest class guide everyone don't forget to post any comments down below if you think there is something i missed or that you find would improve this guide and build as usual if you found this guide useful then please remember to support the channel if you can by liking subscribing and even becoming a member to access some exclusive and pretty neat perks thank you for watching and see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 54,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, videogame, rpg, boss, unfair, pathfinder, owlcat, crpg bro, owlcat games, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, warpriest, warpriest build, divine build, cult leader, cult leader build, sacred weapon, dual wielding, sneak attack build, hide in plain sight, dexterity build, mythic finesse, dual wielder, divine caster, trickster, trickster build, mythic trick, critical build, best builds, strongest builds, kukri build, fauchard, fervor
Id: 9i57Qbtx6DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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