Inquisitor Guide for Pathfinder Kingmaker Unfair Difficulty

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welcome back around today we're playing more Pathfinder today when I talk about the Inquisitor who is the Inquisitor you ask well we talked about the cleric alright the cleric is the guy who's spreading his gods faith and I'm gonna talked about the paladin and the Pala me in this guy who tries to embody the gods faith now the Inquisitor is currently the military branch of regardless it's the guy or girl who goes out in order for his God to services god by killing foes in his name and maybe there's some rivaling group of some rivaling God or something that needs to be taken down maybe there is some heresy going on then you start out your inquisitors deal with them some mace to face so the message that way so the increased class if we talk about this I say you should do on a level between combat prowess and tilt I usually take the fight as an example right 100% combat prowess herbs and utility and on the board the hundreds of utility syrups and comic prowess now the Inquisitor much like the clerk because it's very similar to the cleric can be anything so it's very very hard to pinpoint but I would say if you bail the a typical Inquisitor it would be 60% combat prowess and 40% utility has a lot of skill points if we talk about this progression and it's actually decently good progression it's not amazing considering he's a class which is supposed to be able to hit something and if we also because this guide is going to be by the way for unfair difficult if you talk on for difficulty and in Inquisitor without buff if you don't think about what you're doing with your Inquisitor your Inquisitor might end up being the worst character in your party was Inquisitor requires you to think around it because if you play this guy on unfair you need to buff him up because he has a medium of progression on his base attack bonus it's kind of like the I think it is the exact same as the rogue progression which also requires the rogue to be buffed to be able to hit something and the question there is much the same yes kind of the same thing going with spells he's kind of like a semi cleric in that it doesn't gain spells as fast as a cleric does but it doesn't really gain them as slowly as maybe a paladin yes a like a medium progression there of spouse where he slowly ins builds up Claire expels he also has the benefit of being able to select a domain which makes him very very much stronger than it would have been without it because a cleric domains and Claire domains are insanely powerful and there's also one of these strongest things were abilities in the game in my opinion list you get access to through a domain if what if you're interested in the what is that what we're talking about I'm talking about era still and I'm talking Matic community game community domain if you do that domain it and then you're going to get access to a building called guarded hearth and it's going to give your wisdom modifier to everyone in a large AoE as they're under attack roles and you can of course buff up your wish to modify it to be something like +10 then everyone in a huge area will get +10 on the roles and that's just an insane if you compare this to other buffs where you might get like +4 from something or for like greater heroism which is a great spell II by itself it's they all pale in comparison to that spell also the Inquisitor gets some some unique stuff some unique inquisitors up because the Inquisitor is kind of like a mix between a melee because there's a lot of incentive for actually going arrange with this character but I should say it's a mix between attack character and a cleric character so it's kind of like a buffer with a character which is supposed to buff people and also a character which is supposed to be able to deal some damage but he gets some unique things here like for instance stone gates inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception intimidation and intimidating the post and increased receives our morale bonus and all persuasion checks made for intimidation and perception checks equal to half her Inquisition Equus their level I mean +1 this is actually quite nice bonus because persuasion and perception are two really really important checks in this game if you have a high enough persuasion check then you can get a lot of free XP in the late game making it insane in amounts of XP if you pass persuasion shakes and perception is important because if you don't have enough perception you won't be able to find the best items in the game so I can't like stone gaze actually the second ability we're gonna get is cunning initiative at second level in Inquisitor adds a wisdom modifier to initiative checks in addition to a dexterity model right and this is quite nice but as I said you kind of incentivize to go heavily into wisdom on this build if you're planning on taking advantage of the main selection which I highly advise that you do because it's such a strong thing and if you do that then most of them are based on your wisdom modifier and in that case conning initiative can be quite powerful because it will probably make you go first the problem with the Inquisitor is that it doesn't really matter if it goes first in combat and it's quite different from pen and paper pen and paper to pass on the kingmaker because in pen and paper it I think at least that you can be a lot stronger to go first but in this game you can usually go first anyways because you can just start off combat by no casting fireballs and doing stop from kind of outside of the threat range and that way you get the first turn anyway so I don't I don't feel like it's that useful in this game then on the third level gets solo tactics at third level all Inquisitor allies are treated as if they have the same t-bird feeds as the Inquisitor for the purpose of determine whether the Inquisitor receives a bonus from a teamwork feet so we're gonna have to talk about teamwork feeds because Inquisitor is kind of based around teamwork feats and it is kind of based around his team right this is a buffer in many ways so one way that he buffs up his team is do a thing called teamwork feats teamwork feats you can select and all the teamwork feats usually require you to be near something so they can give a flanking bonus if you're near an ally which also has this teamwork feed but usually when you pick up a teamwork feeds you need to part people to have this teamwork bit but this Inquisitor can spread these teamwork feeds to other members not so that they gain the benefit but so that it counts for him like let's say I have a flanking bonus applied in team teamwork feet then I requires someone else to act like in teamwork feet and if both have it then both gained bonus but if only one has it's the no one gains but this guy makes it so that this guy also makes him get the bonus a little bit complicated but that's not work I hope I explained it I hope you understood what it does so that's quite nice it gives it to all your allies and this also seen guys is very good with the sacred hunts master which you're gonna talk about later on then he also gets Bane and Bane is quite a strong ability actually at fifth level you can imbue one of your weapons with a pain special ability keep in mind this any weapon this could be a ranged weapon it could be a melee weapon can be any type of and the it excels against certain force against that's gonna to pose the weapons enhancement bonus is to Plus better than its actual bonus and it deals to extra 2d6 points of damage against such processes it's quite strong when he gets it at level 5 you will still not have that much damage in important it will be quite a considerable damage boost later on in the game it won't matter too much it'll matter a little bit that you have the plastic enhancement bonus but the damage as the time progresses it will be relatively not as much trying to say so then at 11 level 11 you get another unique feature which is called stalwart and stalwart is kind of like mmm kind of like the Dodge things which barbarians and rogues or something I don't remember exactly which class which gets it but usually when you get this type of ability you get it for every reflexive and then you're able to whenever you dodge a fireball and you succeed with your reflex aybe so that you should take only half the damage you take no damage instead but this instead of working for reflex saves it works on 42 the will saves so whenever an attack has half the damage on successful safety instead avoids damage entirely the problem with stalwart in my opinion is that there's much more reflex saved spells which halves the damage much much more so that there is 42 and will based saves so it's a decent bonus but it's like not a reason to pick this close up it's not super exciting my opinion then you also get a judgment and judgment is you get a lot out of how do I explain this get a lot of different modes that you can select and can get a lot of different benefits but they're all very very very small benefits that gets from judgment the judgment in my opinion even though all bonuses are good they're so small that they don't feel substantial enough that in my opinion it's just annoying that you have to click on them I know we you you might disagree with me and if you're more of an active player type and then you might like judgment but I think it's a little bit annoying and then you get a second judgment on level 8 which makes you be able to cost it again and the level 14 you get exploited weakness whenever it's called a critical hit it ignores any damage reduction that you might have critically it whenever you score it only one is called 'cricklet you're gonna score critical hit from time to time but it's gonna be better where it's gonna be hard to really use exploit weakness and then also of course you get teamwork feats when on regular intervals you get teamwork feats and remember you spread those with soul attacks but you don't really spread them it just it doesn't matter if your other members don't have that teamwork bits you still get the benefits from so that's quite nice and then at level 20 of course you have the the def Matic which every class essentially gets I think there's like a few class which don't get this but a lot courses get this you get to do a some kind of opponent has to support you'd say or die and then you usually can use it like once a day and for this class is called to judgment but keep in mind that although this sounds very strong for two reasons I think that these are not it is a little bit gimmicky first of all level 20 and you're probably not gonna get to level 20 unless you do most side questing in this game you're not gonna get there and also a lot of the bosses and everything have because these abilities are considered death Matic and most mobs at that high level have resistance against so probably won't work out too great so that's the base Inquisitor now here's some really interesting subclasses I think some really good ones even and one of the subclasses I would ergo say it's in my opinion it might be the strongest if we're talking buffing characters it's the strongest class in the game so let's go to monster tactician first and save that blast right most of Accession it trades if you go to Inquisitor we say it trades this thing the judgment thing or someone monster knee can someone most one someone was a two when it gets someone most of regular intervals and he gets some of them quite a lot start to get first level at most levitation can cause someone most one as a spell like ability at number x plus three plus a wisdom multiplier not the reason to speak heavily into wisdom and she can cause the spell as a standard action and the creature remain for one minutes per level and then they also get a fifth level every most technician cost something spell they also gain the teamwork which is quite unique so you can give your anything that they saw but keep in mind also there's a couple of things that you need to keep in mind first of all summonings Holly can see this head you won't be able to summon undead and if you later also pick up something like anime dead for instance animate dead is not really a someone it's something that's good raced so they don't get the teamwork veto so keep that in mind was I I when I was planning out my necromancer I thought that maybe these things would work and I was looking at this but it didn't work so keep that in mind you'll get a lot of summons and you essentially exchanged the worst of the Inquisitor abilities for it the judgment thing and I think this is quite a solid subclass it's almost a strict upgrade to the Inquisitor in my my book at least for me there's not much reason to stay with regular Inquisitor I think all of the other classes are just better all be subclass area spell and these summon monsters are quite strong and they get even stronger with your team or feats there's nothing not to love with this class honestly nothing nothing that's bad never get to the tactical leader now the tactical leader his thing is that he you always have these classes right you always have the classes which spreads to your companions to or everyone in your party and this guy is being able to spread this judgment so that other people can use his judgment bonus and he can spread his teamwork feats well if you like a very active playstyle then this might be up your alley I think this is the weakest encuesta subclass although I would say that it's probably still at the same or maybe even better than the regular Inquisitor so you don't lose out too much if you compare these two it seems like you lose out on these things up here like the bane weapon for instance but it's just repositioned to down here so you don't lose out too much you don't lose out on much you don't gain much it's a fine subclass as it's moving tell me to this amazing subclass sacred hunts more said this subclass is just I love this subclass so much if you want to pick up keep in mind you need to think a little bit when you pick up this subclass but if you do if you do I would recommend going arrow still and community and if you do that and it's probably one of the best characters in the game you get access to it the main of course as all inquisitors do which is super duper strong and you get an animal companion on top of this and the animal companion compared to other classes for instance the Ranger gets an animal companion but it's counted a couple of classes get animal companions but the counter that's a couple of levels lower to kind of make up for the fact that I mean did they get them later so the animal companion should be on lower level but the sacred hunts monster gets a animal command at level 1 which is very stronger than at level 1 and also the animal companion does not have managed to any levels or anything and that's super duper strong they also get hunter tactics where is able to share his teamwork feats with ease with his pets which is also super duper I would say that these teamwork feats they're not amazing I would look through all these teamwork treats and that's a couple of nice ones and they can give you some bonuses but there's nothing that really like gives a huge damage boost or give a huge buff to survivability they give small nice bonuses and I think it's it's just a it's good thing to have you know the teamwork feats of course and also it's a good man's mother if this was not enough already if it was not enough that you can cost divine spells like a cleric that you have a medium progression on your base attack bonus that you have a domain and that you have an element but if this was not enough you also get favorite enemy like the Ranger this clause is just bonkers it gets everything if it would have liked sorcery spells also it would have ever everything essentially it would be the perfect class will have everything but as I said this class all as a medium progression the basic attack bonus so you need something to buff this up I recommend the going air still community era still you only get that at level 8 though you get the guard horse but you can go anything anything that buffs this up if you have a sorcerer we certain important then you'll be able to hit with the sacred hands most if you don't do that then it will only be you can do that of course and then it will only be the animal companion which should be able to hit something but stay still have a good base attack bonus and then you can do some other things with your haunt monster maybe cost some more utility spells yes but to get favorite enemy and much like the arranger it improves and improves and you will be able to select one more favor enemy but keep in mind that this favorite enemy bonus where you get plus the bonus you know attack it and die because it only works against your favorite enemy doesn't work against other favorite enemy and when you get to select your next favorite enemy it's not to get all these buffs to that also you every level you have to select where you get your +2 to so let's say I go and I give first get favorite enemy humans which is one of the best things to pick up by the way and next time I get another favorite anime I select favorite enemy I don't know bragging seminal Dave three mini strikers and then I will also be able to select now I've selected dragon do I get my extra plus two dragons or I get its Yuma's well I have plus for humans and plastic dragons will have us four dragons and plus the humans so I need to select which one it is so you don't get to have the cake and eat it at the same time so keep that in mind and that is pretty much it's fun Inquisitor let's just go ahead and create a typical Inquisitor a typical Inquisitor bill and here i would also recommend that you go for any class that can get most or array such as a any race that get a plus two bonus to wisdom where do we find it like for instance this guy right here lower lower bringer has a +2 bonus Constitution and wisdom and this is very very good for the Inquisitor then I would of course select era still and I will be of course go commune the domain because as you can see here we get got at heart it's it's level eight though so it's gonna take a while before we get there and it's gonna be a little bit difficult before we get there but when you get there oh so we're done for the ability points what I would recommend is picking up twenty wisdom and you're gonna ask me why do you need twenty waste um why don't you go eighteen wisdom for instance well it's very it's a big difference between having 18 in a stat or having 20 if you have 20 in a stat for a spell caster then you will get one extra spell usually the what how it works is that between ten in a stat and 18 and stat you get plus one extra spell and but then running or 19 I should say and then we get to 20 it switches and then you get one extra spell so if you want that extra spell which i think is quite nice then get runt wisdom if you're not that interesting crossings past and you might not even be that you can even build this character to where you only use to the main power and then go from your combat-oriented build and it can even dump and dump wisdom but maybe we can go down I say below unless you've selected there are still yes this'll only if but sir but this is what I ruin recommend 20 wisdom so they get their extra spells so that you can use your domain powers more and then you can just dump charisma you don't want to dump raise money clerics because you get what we called you get these things which heal in an AoE Shandling annex what the code you get Shandling's but on this class you can don't get channellings you can safely dump charisma and i think you can dump intelligence i know this a lot of you out there who like having a little bit of higher intelligence course there's a couple of feats that you can use intelligence for but I'm not that type of player which uses those but keep in mind if you want to use certain amounts certain pits then you can go for that that out then it depends what's go for here if you are doing a ranged character which is kind of what I think the Inquisitor works best us then I would go for a lot of dexterity here adding up to sixteen maybe and keep in mind this is a mercenary so on your main character will be able to get up to 18 on this score nothing having a little bit of Constitution commands yeah something like this could be a quite a nice score and then for our let's see our skills what I would recommend this if this your main character definitely go persuasion also keep in mind that the Inquisitor gets bonus to their persuasion and also if you go for as I did here with low bring and I get even more bonus on my preservations persuasion is quite nice and since we have such a high wisdom perception is very good doesn't matter if you have a lot of people which are have high perception in party which will all get a perception check whenever something appears and the perception as I said it's very important to find the best items in and then just go with anything or anything that's you have a high bonus like phrases lower leading who here if you were going for a ranged character which I mean we're era steel and everything really cannibal kind of force to do this if we're gonna role play right then I would pick a point-blank shot well back shot is not so good by itself but it enables other feats later on like princes shooting multiple arrows and stuff like that with some feats later on so I would pick up point blank shot then for the spells you can do a lot of different things but I at least think divine favor is a pretty nice spell tab but if you have divine favor get a lock bonus on your attack and damage holes and then you can do pretty much what you want here you can pick up ear piercing scream to have a disabled it could have expertise retreat to be a bit faster remove fear is nice but then don't need it on this level and she looked faith whisper nice let's do a defensive spell and a aggressive spell or tax but I guess divine favor and let's see here then for your alignment it depends if you want a multi-class later only if you for instance want to go into a paladin I know exactly why we would want how he could I guess he could go into a paladin after you get your domain powers for instance after level eight you could go into paladin and in that case then local good is the choice here that's pretty much it let's proceed from a geyser thanks so much for watching and see you next time
Channel: MONO RPG
Views: 57,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mrEF9vEW1k4
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Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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