Pathfinder: WotR - Ranking 199 Classes Part 9: Fighter & Archetypes

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we are back again with more Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous let's get into Fighter the ultimate Feats master I rank this class I see only because there's an archetype that's clearly better the first archetype is aldory sword Lord you lose three bonus combat Feats which does hurt but at the same time you get so many that I wouldn't call it a death meal for the class you also lose all rankings of Armor training the dexterity bonus loss is made up by another ability you gain but losing the armor check penalty reduction definitely hurts you might consider foregoing heavy armor in favor of lighter armor to maintain your speed in exchange for all of this you gain dueling sword proficiency right at level one starting at level 3 you'll gain defensive Parry which increases your AC up to plus five when making a full attack with a dueling sword until the end of your next turn full attacks is something you should be doing all the time with this class so this ability is great and also makes up for the dexterity bonus you lost from Armor training at six level you gain the ability every time you disarm an opponent to deal normal damage as well except it won't include your strength bonus to me this ability is irrelevant because it's never worth my time to disarm opponents keep in mind that many enemies that have weapons do not have the improved unarmed strike feet therefore if you disarm them their Unearthed attacks will provoke attacks of opportunity so I'm not saying it's useless I am saying it's more time efficient to just hit the enemy a couple of more times and take them out and move on with your day starting at level 8 when you fight defensively while using a dueling sword you gain a plus two Dodge bonus to AC and all your attack penalties are reduced by two a very nice easy to trigger boost finally in level 10 you can make an attack of opportunity against any enemy that successfully hits you what a melee attack as long as they are in your range I give this class A B it doesn't make the game easier but it gives you a different style of play using a weapon you probably haven't experienced before there are a couple of prestige classes that make this interesting as well which I showcased in my Legend blade build that many of you enjoyed I'll leave a link for it down below next up is armager you lose two bonus combat Feats and even more importantly one of them is your very first feat which is definitely a huge loss those first few levels are the hardest at having an extra feat there really helps you also lose all ranks of Bravery but it's replaced by something I would argue is better in exchange for all of this you get to choose a hell night order for those who are not aware armagers are individuals who are training to become Helm Knights but haven't actually achieved that rank yet each order provides specific bonuses or Buffs you also get studious Squire which provides an additional skill rank each level and makes knowledge World a class skill the tooltip specifically mentions this is supposed to be the trade-off for the two feet you lose and I think that's absolutely awful you don't pick up Fighter for skills and losing Feats in exchange for them is weak you also gain art it which gives you a bonus of up to plus five on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects it also allows you to re-roll a failed check against those effects once per day in my opinion charm and compulsion are much more difficult to deal with long term than fear especially if you have Sila so I think this ability is an upgrade over bravery I rank this class A b-plus it's nice having a lower accurate path into Helm Knight and Arden is a nice upgrade while losing defeat at level 1 Hertz overall losing two Feats isn't a big deal so this is a legit option next on the list is Dragonair Scion you lose three Feats and one of them is at level one so this is a massive sacrifice you also lose all ranks of Bravery but there are a lot of ways to deal with fear so I don't think this is a huge loss you also lose all ranks of Armor training along with armor Mastery which is another huge hit on this class that makes you less tanky finally the cherry on top is a loss of weapon Mastery which takes away a huge Boon of this class in exchange for all of this you gain a draconic bloodline each bloodline corresponds to a different element but outside of that what you get is always the same at level 3 draconic defenses will provide a bonus of up to plus three to your AC and up to 20 to your resistance against whatever element was selected the energy resistance is irrelevant but more AC is always nice at level 4 when attacking with Arcane strike you will do an additional 1d4 damage with your chosen element at level 15 you will get wings which are visually represented in the game and provide a plus 3 Dodge bonus to your AC remember Dodge bonuses stacked so this definitely helps you finally at level 20 you gain immunity to sleep paralysis and damage from your chosen energy type it also gives you blind sense which I have mentioned before is useless but the immunities are definitely helpful in addition to all of this you automatically get Arcane strike which allows you as a swift action to add a bonus of up to plus five on your damage rolls extra damage always helps so this is a nice pickup you also gain fearful might which provides a bonus on your intimidation skill checks this bonus is not large enough for you to reasonably consider not taking intimidating prowess so I don't see it as very helpful finally you get draconic presence which automatically adds dazzling display as a feat this is a must for any Frontline fighter so you can eventually pick out shatter defenses therefore I would say this class loses two bonus combat Feats instead of one since you almost certainly would have devoted one of them to dazzling display overall I get this class A D because I think you lose way too much for a bloodline bravery free Armor training armor Mastery weapon Mastery and two Feats in exchange for a little bit of AC and some Elemental damage stop it next is mutation Warrior you completely lose access to Armor training and armor Mastery which is once again a big deal that makes you less tanky in exchange you get mutagen which provides an alchemical bonus to a physical attribute alchemical bonuses are rare so this will almost certainly stack with everything else that you have this is a big deal because you also give four ranks of Mutagen discovery which is a condensed list of alchemical discoveries from Alchemists this lets you pick up greater and brand mutagen which will provide a plus a bonus to strength plus six bonus to dexterity plus four bonus to Constitution and a plus six bonus to AC bananas I rank this class in s it's fantastic as a three level dip to pick up three Feats one rank of bravery and mutagen it's fantastic as a five level dip to also pick up up weapon specialization weapon training and two more Feats it's fantastic to take all the way to level 20 for the bonuses I have already talked about not to mention adding the feral discoveries for more AC and attacks just all the way around this is an incredible class that can make your party better next on the list is Tower Shield specialist you lose all ranks of Bravery but you get an alternative option that I believe is better you also lose all weapon training ranks and weapon Mastery again this is a major blow to the class in exchange you get burst barrier which provides a reflex saving throw bonus up to plus five against burst spells and effects when you are using a power Shield this is really nice because at level 16 and 20 you get evasion and improved evasion as long as you are using a tower Shield altogether this makes you very strong against burst spells that can be absolutely devastating you also get Tower Shield training with stacks on top of Armor training to significant increase your dexterity bonus from armor while also significantly lowering your armor check penalties as long as you are using a tower Shield this is actually a really nice ability that helps to make heavy armor even more useful to you at level 5 using a timer Shield does not incur the usual negative 2 attack penalty obviously higher attack rolls are always helpful at level 9 your Tower show bonus is applied to AC against touch attacks Tower Shields are the largest and heaviest Shields so they get higher bonuses and this will definitely make you more tanky remember that touch AC is the lowest type of AC you have at level 13 when using a tower Shield you cannot be flanked which is a fantastic feature for a tank I rank this class to b-plus it doesn't make the game easier but it does allow you to use a playstyle that usually you wouldn't even consider for other classes Tower Shield significantly impact your damage output if you are even able to use them beyond the mechanics Towers Shields are huge in this game and some of them have really nice designs you will look more like an Unstoppable tank playing this class than any of the others in my opinion quick note before we review two-handed fighter if you enjoyed this video I would really appreciate you subscribing and hitting the like button this information tells me which content the channel is enjoying and helps my videos spread to more people I really appreciate all of the support alright last on the list is two-handed fighter you lose access to all ranks of Bravery Armor training armor Mastery and weapon training again this is a major blow to the class in exchange you get strong grip which provides a plus one CMB and CMD bonus on Sunday and disarm attempts completely irrelevant enemies never attempt these and you shouldn't be either at level 3 you can add double your strength bonus to damage from a single two-handed weapon attack for a class like this your strength bonus should be astronomical so this definitely helps you at level 7 the same bonus applies to fall attacks as well except the damage only applies to attacks after the first one at level 11 you get an attack option that doubles as a trip or bull rush attempt it's super weird that the class gives you this option and yet strong grip only applies to Sunder and disarmor temps anyway your CMB for trip is probably trash so more than likely you'll never use this at level 15 your damage from Power Attack is increased by a hundred percent instead of 50 percent this is fantastic and of course it gets even better with the Mythic version of Power Attack at level 19 you get devastating blow which allows you to make a single attack with a negative 5 attack penalty if you succeed the attack is treated as a critical threat keep in mind at level 20 all critical threats are automatically confirmed due to weapon Mastery sometimes full attacks are unavailable in those situations this ability will definitely be useful finally you get two-handed weapon training which will increase the attack and damage of your 200 of weapons by up to plus four overall I ranked this class A B fighting with two-handed weapons is awesome and this class doesn't sacrifice too much to make that play style even more viable nothing earth-shattering but it definitely gets the job done that wraps up my rankings for fighter and all of its archetypes hope all of you enjoyed this video if you did please leave me a like share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already I will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 21,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7QFqYSo3NS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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