Double Episode: Your Husband is the Father | Paternity Court

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-do you want to be in a relationship with Ms. Wilson? -No, Your Honor. He's lying, because she's over there. When she's not here he would be telling you yes. -[Judge Lake] So, hold on... -[overlapping arguing] [Wilson] Yes, 'cause you here. Ms. Wilson, I need to ask you this as a woman of age and maybe even experience, you know a man will tell you a tale, right, when he's speaking with the wrong head and not using the right head? So, why do you think he was telling you all that? That's what I'm trying to figure out 'cause he told me that he didn't want to be with her. He said he had to wait on her to do the divorce. He can't just do it, he had to wait for her to do the first divorce move. Oh, Jerome, have you ever heard about that kind of divorce? [laughing] I've been a family lawyer for just about 20-something years, never heard of that kind of divorce. Your Honor, as a woman, and, I'm not even being funny, right now, because I have nothing against her, I wasn't married to her. You're worth more than this. You're worth more than somebody who doesn't... He could have been with you. She's not in the picture, but... I was seeing him every other week. But, hold on, I want to ask you this now, at the moment you find out you're pregnant, you tell Mr. McKnight, you say he attended an ultra sound appointment, was he there when Shakirah was born? I was on the phone with him when I was having her. He told me that the truck that they have, the tire blew. So, he came the next day. Let me see that evidence. -Thank you. -You're welcome. So, this is a picture of Mr. McKnight -in the hospital room with you? -Yes. -That's you in the bed? -Yes. -And you shot that picture of him? -Yes. I'm sure you had a good time shooting that picture. She couldn't wait to send me that, Your Honor. Trust me, I know. So, Mr. McKnight, is that you in the picture... -Yes, Your Honor. -...on your phone... -In the hospital room with your mistress Ms. Wilson? -Yes, Your Honor. Were you texting your wife to say you were just gonna be a little bit later? No, I don't even know, I don't even know what I was doing. -So, you came to see the baby? -[Ramon] Yes, Your Honor. 'Cause you knew the baby could be yours? No, Your Honor, I just went to be nosey. [Judge Lake] Oh... Hold on, did you just say you just went to be nosey? -Yes, Your Honor. -No, Your Honor, that's a lie. You had to look to see if it looked like you, that's what you had to go do. Tell him, Your Honor, tell him. Tell him, Your Honor. Tell him, Your Honor. [Judge Lake]<i> Clearly, through the testimony,</i> <i> you didn't tell your wife you were there.</i> No, Your Honor. Did you sign the birth certificate while you were there -being nosey? -No, Your Honor. He told me he was gonna come back and sign the baby birth certificate. -And you believed that? -Yeah, I did. I did. I did. Ms. Wilson, we got to work with you. So, now, Shakirah's here, under father's name, for the birth certificate, just blank. Just blank, yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] Mr. McKnight. -Yes, Your Honor. Sounds like, to me, you had a good hunch that you could be Shakirah's biological father. That's why you took your li'l self to that hospital. So, since that time, what have you done for this child? -I haven't even seen... -He's lying. He's seen her two weeks ago at the hotel. He gave me $200. And he's seen her. So, you've tried to go see the baby? <i> No, I came to him.</i> <i> -Ms. McKnight. -Multiple times.</i> [Tiffany] I wasn't there, Your Honor. I was gonna say it looks like you didn't know he had seen and spent time with the baby. Oh, no, not at all. It's numerous times he's seen my baby. I've been dropping in... What has he been expressing to you, Ms. McKnight? Basically, what he's been expressing to me was that he had no contact with her, that he hadn't seen her. I was actually encouraging him to make contact and to see the baby, because I don't believe in deadbeat fathers. He's not a deadbeat to my children. Uh, and I didn't have a father growing up, so I wouldn't want no child to grow up without a father. So, I had encouraged him... Like I said earlier, if I wasn't the adult in this situation, then there would be no situation. She could say... Mr. McKnight has been to the Friend of the Court numerous times because of the situation, so-- Ma'am, I'm talking, excuse me. Hold on, Ms. Wilson, hold on, Ms. Wilson. If they wanted to reach out to him, they've had multiple ways. But he live in a room, boo-boo, he gotta have an address. -He has an address. -No, he don't. Just because he lives somewhere else doesn't mean he doesn't have a relative's address-- Hold on, hold on, hold on. Listen, listen, listen. -There is many ways to receive mail. -Listen. -It's called PO Box, relatives... -Well, he don't have that. -He don't have that. -You don't know... You're not his wife, ma'am. [Judge Lake] Ms. Wilson. Ms. Wilson. Ms. Wilson. Ms. Wilson. This is the part that I want you to understand. You not gonna out-do her. It don't matter whether she's here, gone, living up the street, down the road, next door, you are married until you are divorced, they are married. You will not out-do her. There's not enough talking, yelling, talking over her. He ain't got no address, he ain't got... Yes, he does. He's got their marital home address, that's still his address. That's just how it goes. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. You know, as you talk, I can understand how a young woman, when you say you suffered such a tragic loss, how you can be in a position to want to believe somebody cares about you and wants to be with you. And you want to believe that person's lies. 'Cause I do believe that Mr. McKnight was telling it, 'cause he's telling the same tale most married men tell when they have no, absolutely no intention of leaving their family. It's always what the wife ain't doing, and what he don't like about her, and what this... You ain't nothing but momentary therapy. You cheaper than the psychologist or the psychiatrist. 'Cause the hotel is cheaper than the bill for the psychiatrist. So I'll just go have sex with this other little girl and I talk all my nonsense, and then I go back and be a husband to my wife and to my kids. Men been doing this from the beginning of time. And women too. And it does bother me that you believe it, 'cause I can see how emphatic you are. And it's like you're gonna tell her something she don't know. You already did when you called her. But a phone call through Messenger is not a divorce. And, as you can see, he had the right to file papers to get a divorce all the time if he wanted to leave his wife. He didn't do it. You gotta stop this, you really do. We not gonna do that, 'cause you are better than that. And his wife told you that too. You better than that. And how you can sit up in this courtroom, Ms. McKnight, and empower this young woman, I think, speaks volumes to your character. Because you don't have to be this kind. Thank you, Your Honor. May I also tell you that I just buried my mother three days ago. And that speaks to how passionate I am about getting this situation resolved. Nothing in me wanted to get on a flight after burying my mother. But I do want closure from this situation. And I want the best for her child, believe it or not. If she is my children's sibling, <i> I want my children to have a relationship with their sibling.</i> <i> I'm not the type of person</i> that she's trying to paint me to be, I love-- I do love my husband. I just understand when it's time to move on. So... -Mr. McKnight, -Yes, Your Honor. -You say you have, very real, doubt... -Yes, Your Honor. ...and I'd like to understand what that doubt is. A while ago, um, I went through Ms. Wilson's phone. She had texted some gentleman and she was telling the gentleman that, "Oh, your granddaughter is doing fine." So, how are you telling everybody that... -You saw a text in Ms. Wilson's phone... -Yes, Your Honor. -...that said, "Your granddaughter is doing fine"? -Yes, Your Honor. And that was not your father? No, my father is deceased, so it wasn't my father. So, what you're saying is -it wasn't anybody from your family? -No, Your Honor. Ms. Wilson, were you sleeping with some other man? Yes, Your Honor. -You were? -But I only slept with him two times. But it only takes once. So, tell me about the relationship with this other guy. Me and him were high school sweethearts. And, um, I was seeing him. I seen him two times, you know, while, you know, we had sex. Did you ever tell Mr. McKnight about this other guy? No, but, I told the other guy about McKnight. And, this is a third man in addition to the co-worker you were having sex with before you met and had the sex with Mr. McKnight. We was having sex with her at the same time. No, no, Your Honor, that's a lie. -Are you smiling about that? -Yes, he is. Yeah, he's smiling. Yes, he is. -That's a lie, Your Honor. -My face is made like that. No, that's a lie. Mr. McKnight, you believe that the co-worker is Shakirah's biological father? To be honest, Your Honor, I don't know who the father is. I can't even say it's his. I don't know. Your Honor, the other co-worker, he's passed, he's not even here. He's deceased. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, that does not preclude him from being the biological father. But I slept with him way before I met Ramon. I stopped messing with the other employee way before I met Ramon. So, he has nothing to do with it. But Mr. McKnight testified that he and the guy were sleeping with you at the same time, 'cause they would talk about it. No, that's a lie. I seen his car when I was coming over. -I seen him leaving. -That's a lie, Your Honor. So, you pullin' in and he pullin' out? Yes, Your Honor. I shouldn't have said that like that. That's a lie. Your Honor, that's a lie. Literally and figuratively, right? Well, this is definitely confusing. Ain't lying about that. -So, Mr. McKnight. -Yes, Your Honor. What are your hopes? Do you hope you are Shakirah's biological father? No, I hope I'm not. -But... -That's a lie. But, Your Honor, if I am, I would step up and take care of my child, because I have five children from 18 all the way to three. So, I take care of all my kids. Do you want to salvage your relationship with your wife? Um... I do, but... I just gotta work on-- I gotta work on getting me right first. I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't want to go back, and then, you know, I don't want to go back to her, and if I'm not right, I don't-- I'd rather work on me first. If you were the man you know you could be or you want to be, would you want to make your marriage right with your wife? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. McKnight, if the child is not his biological child, could you give him a chance to try to get himself together? I'll always be his friend, Your Honor. But I would have to strongly, strongly consider and weigh all the possibilities before I would commit to staying in the marriage, Your Honor. That's fair. Ms. Wilson, if Mr. McKnight is Shakirah's biological father, as you have testified, what are your hopes? I want him to be a father. She's one years old, he's behind. Because she doesn't have a relationship with him? No, not at all. I know who my parents is, they've been together for 39 years. I know who my mother and father is, so I will want my daughter to know who her father is. And have you prepared yourself if he's not? Yes. And, so, if he's not, where do we go from there? Then, there's no more me and him. It's done. So, you're saying if Shakirah's not his biological child your relationship with Mr. McKnight is over? Yes, yes. Do you know where the other possibility is? No, he's the only possibility. Him and the other guy. [Judge Lake] All right. At this point, I think we're ready for the results. Jerome, may I have the envelope, please? These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Wilson v. McKnight...</i> When it comes to one-year-old Shakirah Wilson, it has been determined by this Court... Mr. McKnight, you... are the father. [grunts] Thank You, Your Honor. He knew he was the father. Mr. McKnight, that is your beautiful baby girl, you are the father, that is your sixth child. You'll be all right. You'll make it, you made her. -You made her, you'll make it. -Exactly. His reaction, in this moment, I want you to see it. He almost passed out because he didn't want to be tied to you. -Okay, so... -No. I've seen this too much. His wife was right. He made her, so he gotta find a way to pay and be a part of her life. But that doesn't mean you have to come along with it. You gotta draw a line, because I can't see a man who has made it clearer from the beginning of a hearing to the end that he has absolutely no good intention for you. You don't need to be bothered with that. It's not worth your sanity, your self-esteem, or your integrity. Right? So, you have learned the tough lesson of what it means to be involved with a married man. You're right, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] And he's still married. And, Mr. McKnight, this is the culmination of a whole bunch of thinking you did with the wrong head. Ms. Bido, you say you were furious when the defendant asked you for a DNA test on your seven-month-old daughter Iliana. Now you claim that request... Yes. ...has broken up your happy home. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) Mr. Bolton, you state you have reason to believe Ms. Bido's child may not be your biological daughter. You say you are desperate to discover the truth because you've already grown to love her as your own. AUDIENCE: Aw. Yes, ma'am. Mr. Bolton, this is not your first time in this courtroom. That's right. AUDIENCE: Oh! Here's what happened previously. So how convinced are you now that Mr. Bolton is? I'm very convinced, 'cause I only slept with three men at that time. If he is mine, I will step forward and do 100, 110%, even better. I actually got myself involved in this young man's life. <i> Most men wouldn't.</i> <i> I'm actually taking him on the weekends when it's available.</i> JUDGE LAKE: When it comes to four-year-old Micah, Mr. Bolton, you are not his father. Mr. Bolton, so what has happened since you were last here? Since last time I was in court, and I was very devastated to find out the news about the young boy not being mine, but in the same sense, I was happy because Ms. Bido was pregnant with a child... A child that's supposed to be mine. See, Your Honor, here's the thing. When the baby was born, I cut the umbilical cord. The doctors wiped the baby off <i> and they gave Ms. Bido the baby at first.</i> She was still fatigued from delivering birth. JUDGE LAKE: Understandably. So they gave me the baby. The doctor that gave the procedure to deliver the baby, he handed me the baby and he looked at me. He said, "Are you sure this baby's yours?" (AUDIENCE GASPING) What? And I looked at the doctor, I looked at the doctor... And I'm like, "What do you mean?" He said, "'Cause this baby's white." I'm looking at him like, "What do you mean, this baby's white?" Jerome, have you ever heard of such? But... It's a first for me. This is the reason. This is the reason here. JUDGE LAKE: Let me see your evidence. That's a picture of... This is a picture of Iliana when she was first born, and when the doctor made that comment, this is the reason why we're here, right there. Okay, Your Honor, let me just say this. We are... That was stupid. We're mixed. I'm Dominican and black, he's Puerto Rican and black. People in my family have different color eyes. My eyes are hazel. My father's eyes are green. He told me that when he was a young boy, when he was a baby, as a matter of fact, his eyes were blue and then they turned green, so I don't see where the doubt is. The doubt began because people continuously said, "Oh, she's white. Oh, my God, she's so white. Oh, she's so white." What's wrong with that? When the doctor asks you... BOLTON: Look... (APPLAUSE) know, before "Congratulations," "Are you sure this is your child?" That's doubt. That's... They doubt. She mine, I know. She his, I know. JUDGE LAKE: But that's what I'm saying, for the father, that can be overwhelming. BIDO: It can be overwhelming, it can be overwhelming, but you have to know your mate and if you know that you have a loyal, faithful, loving woman, then anything anybody say... So Mr. Bolton, did you know you had a loving, faithful, loyal woman? I did, but that's the relationship. I mean, if you look at the baby, the baby's, man... The baby's white with blue eyes... JUDGE LAKE: <i> So until you were in the delivery room,</i> <i> you had no doubts about Ms. Bido.</i> You didn't feel like she was cheating. BOLTON: I didn't have any doubts until at first, the doctor said something. When we brought Iliana home from the hospital, we had friends and family come over to see the baby. They looking at the baby like, "Oh, she's beautiful, she's beautiful. "Is she yours?" (LAUGHTER) BIDO: That's not what they said, Your Honor. What they were saying... Maybe on his side, but my side, they did make some comments, but of course, I defended, that's my daughter, you know, so I see him all the time in her. I see a little bit of my features, but mostly, I see him. Your Honor, maybe two weeks, when Iliana came home, the same boss that we work for, we both work for him, he came to the house and brought a stroller to the home as a gift. And he's from Alabama, you know, he's... You know, country guy, you know. But he looked at the baby and he was like, "Rico, is this baby yours?" I look at him like, "What you mean?" He says, "This baby's white." So I'm like, "Wow." So now the doctor, your family members, and your boss... Yeah, people in public. ...are all just openly asking you. Yeah, is this baby mine? Even when I go to the grocery store, Your Honor. When I go to the grocery store, they're looking at me. "Oh, it's a beautiful baby, she's gorgeous. Is she yours?" And it's only because she's... The skin color, the blue eyes, you know, it's like, wow, but... BIDO:<i> But how come nobody say that when I'm around?</i> BOLTON: <i> Even still, you know, this is...</i> This has, like, happened before all my life. This situation here is like, when I was younger, I was dating a stripper and she had a baby, all right? She disappeared. What reason, I don't know, but when she finally came back, we figured out that baby wasn't mine. Got my name off the birth certificate finally. Second time this has happened in my life, a young lady got pregnant, but come to find out she was dealing with somebody that I knew. She didn't know we knew each other. She got pregnant, we talked, me and the guy, we talked and we trying to find out what's going on. She got an abortion immediately because she didn't know who the father was. And the third time was when I came on the court to find out the DNA test for Micah, and found out he wasn't mine, so it's like, I have strong reason to get a DNA test to figure out what's going on. So in your lifetime, three times... Yes, ma'am. ...someone has claimed you're the father of their child. Yes, ma'am. But you weren't. I wasn't. And now, you're here again. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Bido, you tell me you're a faithful, loyal woman and I have no reason at this point not to believe you. He hasn't presented any testimony that would say otherwise. However, I have to ask you. During the last couple of years... How old is Iliana? She's seven months? Last year and a half or so, have you slept with anybody else? Um, we actually broke up last year around August, and it was due to infidelity on his behalf... But, Your Honor, she as accusing me the whole time that I was cheating. I got a couple of buddies that I hang out with. He was. Before. I got a couple buddies I hang out with. They do things on the side. Your Honor. Now, by my association being with them... I saw the texts from the females. ...being with them, I'm getting accused daily. So it's like I felt like I was pressured, getting pushed to the point where I should cheat just to make you happy, because this is what you're doing, you're putting pressure on me. That was your logic? Yes, that was... I mean, that was my logic, 'cause every day she's saying, "Hey, you're a cheater, you're a cheater." So look, I cheated, I did and I admit to that. She left. She... She left. She went to go stay with a relative. BIDO: Your Honor, he didn't admit to cheating. I saw the texts from the female, all right, and I confronted him like a woman should. She found the texts. I'm gonna confront, I'm gonna confront, and when I found the information, and me and the woman, we also talked because I believe that a man will lie to you or anyone that's gonna play that deceitful role is gonna make you believe whatever, so I talked to the woman and I believe her. And I gave him a chance to tell his story. Yeah, but when she left, she had sex with another guy. I gave him an... That's right, I did sleep with somebody, but I did it the right way. I left you first. I was single. (APPLAUSE) Hey, well, Your Honor... And during the time you broke up and you left him, did you sleep with someone else without using protection? I did, I did, I did, and let me tell you, it wasn't like that. I left him and it wasn't like, "Oh, hey, I'm single, let's go party," you know? It was more like, I was hurt, it had been a month later. I just went out, hanging out, and, um, one thing led to another. I saw a guy I liked, but we actually slept together twice. Your Honor? The first time was unprotected, the second time was protected, after that, as a matter of fact, um, I spoke to him after that but we never had any type of relationship or anything. She wasn't answering my phone calls for a while after we... Why should I? You know, I cheated on her, okay? So now we're working on something, trying to get back together. When we finally get back together, this is when she's admitting that, "Yeah, I slept with somebody." BIDO: Your Honor. 'Cause at first, she said it's none of my business when I went to go see her. Exactly. Now she's telling me out of mouth, "Okay, this is what happened." Your Honor, he continued to badger me about it. She's admitted in open court that she slept with someone else one time, at least, without protection. Right. And, Mr. Bolton, you believe that this man could be the father. BOLTON: Yeah. When she came back together, we got together, we moved back in the same house together. But in the midst of this, she's still going out there to her family's house, doing their hair, coming back home, and guess what? Middle of the night, I pick up the phone. Text messages from this guy. So I have reason to believe, okay, you tell me you stopped messing with him, I still think that you're still with him. You saw texts... Still messing with him. Your Honor, he saw text messages from the guy, he never saw me respond. Even goes to the point like this. And then I didn't... She delete... She delete pictures out the phone, you know what I'm saying, 'cause when you plug a phone into a laptop, the USB charger, the backup pictures are still in the phone. Pictures of him and his baby are still there, together. So I'm like, "Whoa, this... What's going on?" Pictures of him and... His baby. ...his baby are in her phone. In her phone, and it looks like this. His daughter looks like my daughter. AUDIENCE: Oh! So... I mean, but how often is it that babies can look alike? But, Your Honor, I just want to show you this evidence right here. Let me see that evidence, sir. But I don't think she looks like the other man's baby. BOLTON: Okay, that's Iliana and that's me. <i> Iliana's pink, Caucasian, white.</i> <i> And you see me.</i> BIDO: <i> Really?</i> I'm brown. No blue eyes. I mean, the only thing I see is the nose. If he felt like that, Your Honor, why stay for seven months? Why even take care of her? Why sign the birth certificate? Your Honor... Why is it that every time I call you, you run to her? If you felt like that, you should've been said that. Your Honor... You don't wait seven months and tell somebody like that. We supposed to get married and everything. What you mean? Yeah, but... When he told me that, we were in the bed and the first thing he say to me is, "Oh, you know I love you, right?" You know somebody gonna say something messed up after they something like that. And then after that, I don't even know how we got to it. All I know is he was like, "Oh, I don't think she's mine, I want a DNA test." And, yeah, I lost it and I wanted him to get out so we got to arguing... Not only did she want me out, she kicked me out. I was like, either I'm gonna leave or you're gonna leave. Yeah, you right, I did kick you out... She kicked me out. ...'cause I told him, either I'm gonna leave, go to my family far from them, he was like, "No, I don't... "I don't want y'all to be that far from me." But she's not yours, right? You do understand that after you admitted you slept with somebody else, that fueled his doubts. BIDO: I understand that, but you can't always be moved, Your Honor, by what other people say. You have to stand upon what you see as a person. A lot of people felt like he wouldn't make it, we wouldn't make it, we wouldn't be okay. And, yeah, we're going through something right now and even him as a person, people felt like they didn't believe in him, but I believe in him. I believe in him still to this day. I believe that, you know, he is a good man and he is a good person. Your Honor, when I first asked about the DNA test, she was really, like, really upset. Yeah, I went crazy. She did kick me out, she did do that. But since I'm staying at other places, I come home to the house just to check on my daughter, make sure everything is okay. She tells me, "Put her down if you don't think she's yours," okay? Yeah, of course. So I'm like... Every time I see your face, I'm gonna get mad. I'm mad now. I'm like, why did you get upset? I'm just saying. She's a loyal female, like she said earlier. If it was such a problem, why'd you catch an attitude when I asked for a DNA test and you knowing that I went to court last time? Who wouldn't have an attitude when you know for a fact that you've been faithful? Hey. Why not? Okay, that's fine. So, Ms. Bido, it's not just about you being faithful. You have to take a person along with their life experience. That's... So... No, no, hold on. When you're in a relationship, that's how people come. Everybody has their own baggage, or as my granny used to say, that's his red wagon. I understand that. And you got your own red wagon. I understand that, Your Honor. That's the things you pulling behind you when you come into a relationship. I'm not saying that is right, Ms. Bido, but I'm telling you that is real. BOLTON: I understand that, Your Honor. Here's the thing, right? When she left, her and this other guy was messing around. When she came back around, we was living together, okay? And I feel like, you know, maybe she still been messing with this guy. 'Cause all of a sudden, like she said, we been together five years, it's the first time she ever got pregnant. She comes back around, poof, baby. I'm like, "What's going on?" JUDGE LAKE: All right, so the timing felt strange to you as well. Yes, ma'am. So I've witnessed so much emotion and... And that's because I know the stakes are really high today. You even submitted a video and it really shows how committed he is to her. (ILIANA COOING) Muh, muh, muh, muh, muh, muh. (ILIANA SQUEALING) What else you wanna say? Say hello. (ILIANA COOING) Bye-bye. See y'all later. BOLTON: I love Iliana. Ever since she was born, you know, I always been there. From the time she got pregnant, the day in labor at the hospital. And I just really want to be a father to... <i> To this child here.</i> <i> I've been there since day one.</i> <i> The baby shower.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> You're worried, still.</i> I am, just because, yeah, my past, and you know, this... And the last time you were in court... It's like, the signs. The last time I was in court, I mean, it came out, "not yours." But the signs are there, there's too many people saying it. I need to be sure. And that's... That's what's so heartbreaking about this situation. I understand about people's past. Everybody has a past. Stop pushing rewind. Stop making other people pay for what other women did. I'm not... I'm not those women. If I was like that, then I shouldn't be with anybody, 'cause just like you hurt me and think about the five years we've been together, Mr. Bolton. The things that you've done to me before this. That wasn't the only infidelity, but every time you have a doubt, here I am proving myself. Why you signed the birth certificate? Why did you stay so long and then turn around and say, "Oh, she's not mine"? Do you have any idea how that hurts? Of course I'm gonna flip out. I don't hurt you like that and even when you hurt me, you know that I find the strength to still say something to encourage. (APPLAUSE) Whose choice is it, ultimately? BIDO: It's his choice. Yep. And who has to do that work? He does. Exactly, so let's get to the results, because the truth is always a great starting point. (BIDO SPEAKING SPANISH) JUDGE LAKE: These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Bido v. Bolton,</i> when it comes to the paternity of Iliana Bolton and as to whether Mr. Bolton is her biological father, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Bolton, you are her father. AUDIENCE: Oh! (BIDO SPEAKING SPANISH) But what'd I tell you? BOLTON: Your Honor, can I ask Ms. Bido a question? Yes, you may. You don't got no question for me. BOLTON: Everything speaks for itself 'cause that's what you told me. Actions... (APPLAUSE) You gotta say yes. Lorelein Bido, will you marry me? Yes.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 475,941
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights, not the father, maury povich
Id: 7xdgxBRKC9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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