Claire Tries To Make the Perfect Pizza Dough | Making Perfect: Episode 1 | Bon Appétit

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Jesus 55 hours for the rise.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/dihydrogen_monoxide 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

So, is no one going to talk about Andy's ripped up shirt?

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/vesteele 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I guess we'll see how much work it takes in the coming episodes, but yeah it does feel like 'The Dough' is probably the single most difficult section here.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/BathTubNZ 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Claire is so lovely

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/peetabix 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know what oven that is??

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hendertender 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Im really enjoying this so far!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Merlysauce 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This series is great!! Can’t wait for more versions of this show!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

anyone have a more comprehensive recipe? the final summary wasn't enough: 15% starter .5% dry yeast 66% hydration 3% salt 5% olive oil

missing 10%, and does hydration include flower? if so how much. Also, what's "central milling" with regards to the flower composition?

side note: if you look closely, Scarr's pizza basement is filled with the same sauce that brad and andy wound up choosing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ohyouu 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
you're probably really good at this why there do you make pizza a lot I never make it at home you guys pay in your lane I've been tasked with the dough everything's important but I feel like the dough is especially important so yes you guys can I started the base right the dough I mean it's gonna have dough right yeah I mean I want shoe you gotta have a little chew a little glue structure and I like this sort of pillowy like I want those big blisters and bubbles a certain softness to I like to have that little bit of a lip the crust let raised edge the raised edge good charring I want charred on top and bottom but still but not like you don't want it to be it's like a cracker like you want softness and chewiness still there so like a good mix of color and char but like still adorable the point where finds the point but the whole thing is a soup sandwich and if you pick it up by the curse you shouldn't believe the Jesus no cheese slippage I feel like with New York it's like the foldability it's like the Neapolitan has that sort of wetter Center and it's smaller and with New York so you get like the big triangles and you can fold it and that the point doesn't droop as much oh Claire you're kind of the bread person here at ba so you kind of fun to brown the dough detail without the dough you got no pizza so we'll see what we learned from that first I mean what we already knew but confirmed with that first like mine milk of all the editors was that like everything's important but I feel like the dough is especially important and really pizza dough it's not something I've worked with a lot so I've done like a lot of bread baking and sourdough but pizza is kind of like this mysterious other realm so I'm really looking forward to consulting some experts and learning a lot more about it before I come back like attempt you know our version I have these notes from that sort of group discussion so I'm gonna bring these over to my right and this board is here to help each of the editors thinking about their component in a really glad to Cola way so here's Joe I'm gonna start kind of organizing these post-its stretch not rolled how the dough gets formed red versus double zeros this is about flour type sourdough that's about the type of yeast Chardin spots fresh milled flour and another yeast question fresh versus active dry what we've really been dancing around as the team was this question in between New York style or Neapolitan so today we're gonna explore what makes a real a classic New York slice versus what's what's more of a typical like official Neapolitan style pizza and then comeback sorts of the information maybe consult another expert or two and then we can get started [Music] hey Skaar Thanks hi how are you nice to meet you so today you're gonna show me a little bit about your dough yes we are let's go downstairs hope everything's cleaning on there let's go so do you want to walk us through the process a little bit sure how you mix it up we normally buy flour from upstate New York it's a mix of high protein and low protein flour and we also mill oh and flour as well and so that your milling from grains like this varies your white wheat we try to replicate New York style pizza without using what 97% of New York sell pizzas are like you know chemically lights flowers and stuff we don't use any of that and then what about yeast leavening I use it keikis like a fresh cheese the reason I use this fresh cheese's because they didn't parts of the flavor of breads and pizzas that I had grown up so when I start doing here is I put in water I'm mixing the yeast I'll let that work do its own little magic then I'll add the flour as well and then I'll mix it up a lot I wore white shoes we're both wearing white shoes yeah that helps alerts from experience yeah so you're starting on low just to get everything incorporated with you and you're just trying to hydrate it right I'm trying to form form it basically have everything absorbed uh-huh so I just let that work for a while so this has come together really well I'm gonna go to no water house it should be writing this down then we would allow it to sit uh-huh and so do you have an ideal like fermentation temperature for the dough fermentation to room time then we add salt we get the olive oils seems like it'd be like pretty fun go to work with oh yeah never sticks super soft hydrated yeah and is it just one ride one no no there's a so you get one rise when you're bowling you get a slower slower rise when it's in the fridge when it's refrigerated then you get the last rise when you pull them up we pull them out and we let allow to rise all that the days of use basically they abuse the oil more olive oil yeah you actually use me all over the table I don't people think I'm crazy but a lot of places you see they use flour but I like using oil cuz it had like a snappiness to the dough form a ball turn your skill on pinch it enough piece wait put it down so it gets kind of like a little bench rest that's part of the fermented like allowing it to rest a little more that might be too big good too big what is it again seven seven whatever 775 775 okay yeah if you're you know more or less you slamming down here upside down okay no you're good that's you turning it like that yeah turn it cuz it's gonna fall exactly got it in and then turn ah it's stretching that gluten correct and then it's seeping up if you notice it's making it smoother yeah and I close it up cuz if you don't close it up what happens is when it starts proofing in there oh wow a gas bubble before I've been there oh so when you're opening it up you'll get thin spot in a little I see it was very important that makes sense yes rightly this one [Music] yeah you gotta be quick so then how did you did that part Pingo then you close no it's not working out so well you go like that it seems that down nice cool so time to head back upstairs and see the dough that's ready to that finish product let's go great what I do is give it a little shake so it comes out drop it in the flour take it out press down using four fingers working with then I started clicking it back and forth not gonna flour off anyway and it's also opening it that's really dramatically yeah it's off to the races every mayor year-old candidate has to do this and they always do it wrong mm-hmm you put your finger in the middle with the other fingers you push off such good texture it really is like it's kind of amazing how much texture and how many different textures you've got in the dough instead of thin layer I love bread making but I really have not that much experience with pizza another thing to whatever you do for bread though it doesn't apply for pizza okay forget all my friend knowledge no no it's good to have the bread knowing you're like right so it's like different you're not looking for the same things in the dough that's actually a really really good tip I think I'm gonna be haunted by scars advice at the end which is like don't treat pizza like it's bread dough because that I have a lot of experience with but overall like I sort of understand his method with the yeast and the flowers and the Otto leaves and adding the little bit of oil in the end that was interesting his crust it's so sort of magical in the combination of of light and chewy and also really crispy on the bottom so that's it's really something to aspire to so this was just incredibly fascinating and interesting Roberto yes hi I'm Claire nice to meet you come here oh you know say thank you I'm here to learn about dough pizza dough yeah you're the place you're gonna be the teacher this one is yeah well we make the doll these days inside is a cake ISA ISA put the flour it's too bad you sure this is a diamond our machine so this isn't more than motion by hand this machine I see so you're using a sea salt yes wait so Roberto for this it's flour water salt each that's it no no oil no how do you know when this is done mixing 50 minnows okay this dough was maker eight hours ago I'm gonna make the balls so this sits at this temperature for a whole day yes so that's the bulk fermentation that is a vocal imitation is it is it expanding a lot of skating yes nice one tomorrow morning we find over here okay and so a new portion it's for an individual pizza for 12 inches we use the 270 grams you can cut the dough and weight basically the same way we make it mozzarella Wow Wow 270 you have to be confident that you're gonna get it on that you want to try my way I don't lefty does that matter huh I use my left hand does that matter no am I doing this right yes very good oh it's easy yeah and how I can see you get away to 76 is that okay I love this method I'm gonna use this now now if you like it we can go upstairs and make some pizza no oil and no in the box okay we make a round very good so you'll see you're created the cloths in our the older hair and so when you're doing that you're also stretching it a little bit yes okay and now this one it's right here we go this is ready to go yes really okay and now we can do it it's just stretching stretching it on the peel okay oh wow and now only going inside the oven Wow oh so just look right in front you don't have to push it all the way to the No so you're rotating it to make sure it's getting evenly cooked all the way around you see the kosta mm-hmm it is full right there yeah don't count no go down should we try absolutely it's always I'm gonna try some of the edge just the crust mmm it's so soft insert pillowy a little bit it's 55 hours to rise but only 90 seconds to cook yeah so have these two similar but also very dissimilar styles and now I sort of have to head back to the Test Kitchen and sort of basically synthesize all that information and really decide like what our approach is gonna be so we saw scar which was doing sort of like a Nouveau New York style and then Roberto a kiss day was doing sort of a very classical like Neapolitan so it's really gonna be more I think for us of a hybrid write that down we're gonna kind of do this hybrid style but I still want it to have that sort of slightly thicker sturdier crust all the way through the bottom I still have questions about using more like a natural use of something like a sourdough starter or something and if that can add a lot of flavor the other variable to think about is temperature so scar was throwing his dough in the walk-in so I was having this long cold rise it is it a 24-hour rise is it even a 48-hour rise or even longer I'd love to talk to Anthony Falco who is sort of like a pizza maker extraordinaire and has developed all different styles of pizza dough so let's see if we can come in and talk tomorrow to help us get started on testing all of these different variables [Music] alright so we gave Anthony a call and he was nice enough to come in today to answer some of our questions so thank you for being here all right yeah thanks so yesterday just to catch you up in this whole project we did some research so we visited scars pizza and cast day to kind of explore the qualities of like a New York slice versus a Neapolitan so both Roberto and Skaar use like fresh bakers nice like they came used but I have a lot of questions about sourdough and likewise our dough is or isn't appropriate for pizza dough I mean Baker's Baker's used is I think if you're gonna use commercial yeast that's definitely the best choice I love sourdough and I've pretty much switched completely to all-natural e11 for a lot of my personal pizza making adventures if you're worried about reliability or gas production you can just add a little commercial yeast to and you're gonna get all of the benefits of the sourdough but the reliability of the commercially so hybrid is most of my clients pick hybrid can you explain what a starter in it's basically if you take flour and water and you mix it together and you leave it in a warm place it's gonna start bubbling you know and over time and those cultures will stabilize and what it is is a dis stable colony of bacteria in yeast so they work together to unlock the nutrition unlock the starch chains from what I understand of the science which is like I'm not a scientist yeah it's probably like 90% of the things I say are kind of maybe a little bit my taste good so it's okay when you're using the starter if it floats that's always a good sign do you add oil to your dough do you add yeah you do yeah why what's the explanation there it can add certain levels help with Chris penis we're doing 2% so it's not a lot but I will go up to 8% if I want a really crispy pizza again America I think we want crispy right yeah you definitely want to use a good amount of white flour because that how you're gonna get extensibility and you're gonna be able to stretch it out I was a doe but I main is 20% freshly milled the whole grain flour 60% the organic high mountain and then 20% of the guards are all-purpose okay three percent thirty grams salt you need to strike that balance between dough that's strong and extensible and elastic but also has great flavor yeah exactly are you just trying to hydrate everything yeah I'm trying to mix okay I'm pretending my hand is like the dough hook I'm just like moving it around on low which is if I was using a mixer I would use a dough hook on the lock I'm looking to like let time and temperature do most of the work without needing the heck out of it so I'm gonna stop as soon as it's dough it's no longer flour and water it's all come together to create do and it's just gonna sit in this bowl for 30 minutes okay it's been 30 minutes all right you take a look at the dough see much less sticky now yeah although as I learned yesterday the dough can looks not sticky if someone's handling it but that doesn't mean it's not sticky it just means they're really good at handling it yes you try not to get too much of your hands on there cuz your hands are hot you know so you want to kind of use just very light touches mm-hmm so I'm just gonna do it until I get tired how many minutes you think I've been doing this probably fewer than you think maybe yeah I don't know yeah you gonna mix for sure it is this gonna produce like big bubbles I don't want like huge bubbles but hopefully we have some spotting and with this oven we'd be able to achieve some like leopardy like is that a official pizza term yeah really pretty well pretty yeah it's like these micro bubbles that yeah outside walls of burn uh-huh so you get like black spots along the whole you know I'm starting to feel like I'm getting I have the harder assignment I don't really explain how this works so each Test Kitchen editor is um responsible for a different like component of the pizza yeah we're just talking Joe you think you got there I mean that's the whole thing right like everything else is just get good stuff and put it on top like dough really doing the work let me have a clean bowl yes I got a bowl for men yes and then we'll switch to the dough that you brought and already mate oh my god we're gonna make pizza yeah see I made these yesterday things are happening gravity is doing most work as you can see it wants to be a pizza the light is dusting of flour rub it into the crevices so that we don't have any sticking because that's the real bummer we're gonna put it in the oven okay this is the hard part go in and then pull back and then shoot back again okay okay yeah and then kind of drag it back and then shoot quick oh yeah so it's like back now you can kind of reshape hang on the peel it's a ticking time-bomb by the way by the once it has sauce on it there's a thin pizza should I go yes just throw it in there yeah shimmy shimmy there you go yeah there yeah that's the hardest part is getting it in there I was just a little too tenant it's calm to show it is you go in with happens well same thing I say about bread dough is like it can smell fear so like you have to be really confident right your base level Pizza skills are like above-average really an intermediate-to-advanced really say yeah thank you okay yeah that's you can pull it out actually yeah it's done yeah I mean that was look at your crust look at this I mean you made this pizza with your dough and your help at every step of the way incidental thank you this a bit this is like my first proper pizza it's really fantastic basically like flat bread yeah calling pizza you know I mean I want to taste this one yeah that's a good list cuz why not it's renewed my love affair with pizza this pizza it's very delicious it's big move on to all on my own Thank You pseudo yes thank you today was really helpful just to get that dough like right in front of my face so I can see it and touch it and feel it kind of demystify the process a lot for me submitted with kosher salt olive oil the flour blends maybe we'll keep the same and then doing one test with all starter one tested a little bit of fresh yeast doing a cold room temper is for the sourdough rise in the fridge for fresh yeast and then seeing sort of how long those fermentation times take just have like an out-of-body experience of myself talking I so these words in a row okay cool so we're back in the Test Kitchen Anthony was here last week I just for my own curiosity wanna try testing what do you get with all starter and then what do you get when you add a little bit of fresh cheese so this is what it looks like it comes in these big one pound blocks so I think that's why it's called cake ESA's because it's kind of compressed into this block or cake we're only doing a half percentage and this will dissolve into the water when I say part pour it in so with a thousand grams flour total I have that King Arthur all-purpose then we have that high mountain flour and then the grain three percent salt gonna mix this all together we're gonna bump up the percentage of olive oil a little bit pour all the wet right in so the next step after I get everything all incorporated it's called Otto Lee's it's really just mixing the water and flour together and letting it sit and that develops the gluten and so you're already kind of starting off with more gluten development before you mix it so this dough is the dough with all starters so I'm gonna do what Anthony did which is basically just mix my hand inside the bowl I think I'm gonna throw it in a mixer because it's the idea is that the motion of our hand is making the dough hook I sort of feel like might as well just use a dough hook I think this is pretty much there I'm gonna do the exact same thing to the second version of dough with the addition of Freddy's okay so now both toes are on to the bulk ferment stage all we have to do is wait and so we'll check back in several hours and see how they're progressing and then we will move on to the shaping and proofing stage both dough's rows for a couple hours and now I'm going to form them I should get about nine individual dough's out of this mass so I hope I feel good about the dough's like I they feel there's something that feels right about them what I'm anticipating feeling more challenging is like shaping the pizza as getting them off the peel that kind of thing and I'm hoping that like my inexperience with shaping and baking isn't going to like skew the results that we get so we can really like do a true side-by-side comparison so now we're ready to bake off a bunch of different examples and compare side-by-side so Brad you're gonna color you're gonna help make the pizza yes help me help you okay okay so I'm gonna show you what I learned about the right way to form the dough yeah it's it's it's hard a minute ladies they make it look so easy yeah we have two different versions of door that we're testing this is the one with all starter sourdough it's made with starter like sourdough but it's not sour we didn't let it go that far it's I'm sorry it's pretty fresh exactly same times less thing with the added yeast I think your volume yeah I got a little bit bigger here you do the one with no yeast and I'll do the one and then here's the peel I don't know which one works better whoa gotta move fast yeah move fast this is something we talked about with Anthony the dough smells fear okay does it you can clay yeah no that's good cuz you got that Parris that's all oh that's that's the only reason why so then you move on to starting to stretch it and also at the same time tapping off excess flour no cuz the flour can burn and you're kind of letting the weight of the dough that's stretching it stretch itself yeah like gravity got a great feel oh good you're probably really good at this why they're Italian do you make pizza a lot I never make you fat home and you know don't make it too perfect shouldn't be a problem yeah not really I don't know I'm not even gonna put olive oil on it well I think well we want we want something as minimal as possible I think for this okay so that these are preheated so grab your peel this is the I'm warning you this is the hardest part yeah I bet you need to do this was very difficult it really is I'm already screwing it up wouldn't you if it had a little flour on it it's a little but it already has a little flour on it all right how'd it so then you want to cut a whole tray of it was very good wait hold on this is really not what do we do you'd find you try candy you try it this is really intrusive just go ahead that was so good we don't go from that in because I already tried for that end I know hold on hold on hold on ready now go it's cool it's supposed to look like that I think you're good don't be mean just so you're gonna go sorry I feel bad that was I mean yeah well I'm impressed but also my feelings are a little hard okay okay ready so position it all the way back I'm sticking what do I do Rad's is perfect it's all wrong oh great so you're looking for what do they call it leopard leopard spotting look at see what the box offers money - so fat a little hot there no no no too much flour that's burnt flour oh really yeah so that's why you got to tap off the flour nice air pocket this looks good look at how you have this layer of crisp at the bottom but then sort of a crumb then - nice on the top there's a little crispy shell on the outside but tender and chewy on the inside but this has a really nice pillowy consistency yeah that is kind of nice know what though it's under baked because it's it's thick Jackie there's a little gummy here's what I think we should do I think we should each make a batch of the dough with baker's yeast and each make our own of the all starter so we have four pizzas okay boss okay great wait which one did you do I'm not afraid started noticed yeah this is harder work with isn't it what is this this is the one with yeast this is our don't work with what I'm trying to say is that it wasn't my face that I messed up I can't I'm like trying to there we go okay yeah I'm trying to teach you but then I'm never done this yeah but no they look pretty like similar see yours enrolled here's a little fin in the center under in the center it popped up a little mine's a little thin in the center to it see the light coming through yeah here we go okay so let's move on and do the same thing with the all starter version oh oh we're bird yeah I think mine is done alright how are you gonna be able to tell the difference nope okay now with yours so what my mine this is the first ones these are the most recent so wait which is the first one you did this one this is the second one I did this is the personal I think that one's mine Oh see I got my nice little okay so let's move on that one's mine and then that was I'm gonna talk about this one's hot okay great sorry it's a good texture yeah it does would you just eat this crust it but we're sitting on the table without any sauce and cheese on it yeah I would I'm happy with this all right let's try that what version that's all starter yes I do think this is more flavor in the crust than that it does have a little bit more character hmm there's a little bit of Tang like it's a little sour come on in roto yeah maybe that one's tenure starter yeah me too a deep star oh yeah me too I just don't want it I just am worried that tomorrow it turned like turns into sour dough try it yeah I think we just have to basically come back tomorrow that's it thing again any pizza this is like day five of shooting you're gonna make sauce it's gonna take you one hour no that's nonsense we got to go find the ingredients sourced ingredients in there you're gonna do it in that's true okay so I think the test today went really well both versions tasted really great so it might for us just be more a question of like how long do we let it go and which version gives us more control over the final result so we'll come back tomorrow and it'll be it'll be a lot simpler I think it's great to get that practice for the shaping and baking and we'll just do the exact same test again and see if we notice any differences we're back it's well I don't know what day it is what day is Wednesday yeah but what day is it endo it's been many days today we're gonna test that dough with the two day yeah well what are we expecting that the longer what should what should we be expecting that the longer 24 hours cold fermentation yeah what is that gonna do hypothetically I think it should just taste better well I have more of that kind of tangy probably not sour just more pronounced flavor more develop flavor and I'm hoping that it Browns better Wow like enzymes and sugars and I don't know I don't you sciency I don't know cool no don't be you know just walk over that I want to add here another thing that I want to talk about thinking about I was thinking about the pizza that we tried it's cars I wasn't there I know have you ever had it though actually I have it oh it's very good well so one of the things he does is because it's his more New York style it's baked at a lower temperature for longer so I want to try that better like that yeah I want to try it yesterday wasn't undercooked but it was a little moist than the inside okay so I thought that's a skosh lower put it a little bit lower so let's try those Wow you're going for that huh I saw it on Instagram last night I don't think it's oh I mean your world thing I'm not gonna get off the peel cuz its oh maybe yours is a calzone I don't they I'm gonna get mine off the peel got it I think you gotta top it before you put it on the peel what's the difference well cuz now I think it's gonna stick to the peel listen how does that make sense because you're adding moisture and like weight to it I think we're gonna be all right you know I'm gonna stop look I'm moving he's gonna move quicker so you don't burn it in there is it yeah oh yeah I am put that up to the side for the record it came off perfectly fine when I saw stit honestly all right Oh Brad I got it a little bit bigger nice cross stitch hop I will taste mine first cuz it's not as hot it does have more flavor right yeah I sort of agree Eddie you want a snack Buxar know why but there's a slight bitterness to this but not like anything good what is it burned me with a little chart maybe going a little bit of a burn all right try this one I get the 10 more for this I know it's hanging so like oh this one's too much but I like I know it is that's not how I feel there's more Tang in this than there was yesterday right yeah you think so whereas this tastes pretty neutral I kinda like this one better the one with the yeast I'm kind of leaning toward this for the just for pizza I'm kinda leaning toward this version yeah let's do the same thing though with the same each of us do the same dough but bake it let's make it lower and longer so turn your oven down I have a question do you think if there's too much whole wheat in it can I see the bottom that bottom looks like the best one yet so even and nice golden right yep keep talking this one feels slightly thinner all the way across the bottom uh-huh overall this felt like it had a little bit more crackly nest to it do you notice the big flavor difference Howard me definitely you're a good Chris Chris with the palette like I love sour dome but it's like shouldn't it be more like this I mean the crust is really driving the boat yeah you really have to bring a lot of a certain other flavors on that pizza to get it to balance out feel like with every test like I'm kind of leaning this way do we want to try baking one totally plain yo topping and just see sure how we feel it's so easy now without having to top it all right so it's been three minutes Oh My look at burn right through yeah oh yeah fire you can literally see the gluten stretching on yours nice little elastic you kind of gluten pole I like how this dough has that I just tasted this on its own I really do think it's too tangy try it try it just a plain pizza it's too sour yeah I agree definitely shut it down get it off the board so let's do a side by side of the version with yeast cuz I think we're like what I started what we're calling it a 24 and 48 see if we see a big difference is that Alright but I'm using the dough we mix yesterday so it's been a 24 hour rise and Brad is using the older dough so a 48 hour rice no all right mine's done looks great appearances I like that dry not yeah got that voluminous bubbliness and country indicates to me like oh that's a time for yeah hold on I mean if you didn't have to rise for 48 hours I think I'm thinking like why I like I'm yeah from a make abilities damn acquaintance but then on the other hand if you were to go 48 hours could you if you wanted yeah you know what I mean yeah I was like I'm the options there you don't have to write if you need the flexibility for your pizza making or whatever you can they get it is one yet you think so I mean it was so hard because we're trying to do all these side-by-side tests of like one variable of time but the truth is like in some ways the biggest variable has been in the proofing like I think this is just a matter of like you can't really test the difference in flavor because the proofing and this is also different yeah I love the proportion of like country exterior to like super soft pillowy interior it's good it's really good no very good fun all right so you're dismissed thank you very much you want take some pizza with you no all right okay so I think the consensus overall and my personal feeling was that the addition of the fresh yeast with the starter bled to a really good result so for us the answer I think as it stands now is actually both I love the balance that that dough had between like texture and flavor overall we're definitely keeping in that combination of flour I think the salt level is good I don't really want to push the oil much more I definitely went with a cold rise because of the fresh sheets that we're adding it seems like what we're leaning toward as a group is the minimum 24 hours so I think that that you know that's crucial and I think right now we're in a good place and it's more important to actually control those other factors like time and temperature and baking stay tuned I'm actually pretty relieved to like be bowing out of this one for the time being it's been kind of a like long intense process [Laughter] there we go but I'll see you back for the combination of everyone's like individual component so thanks for sticking with us thus far at least so alright fun these guys now yeah who are Brad tends to talk really loud when I try to talk to the camera so the big debate right now is if we're gonna use fresh tomatoes or canned tomatoes so like this are dabbling around yeah let's figure it out is it fresh or can can you tell me that yes why do you want to be a resin oh it's so not right alright let's focus on the sauce we've horsing around [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,398,263
Rating: 4.9586473 out of 5
Keywords: pizza, making perfect, perfect pizza, best pizza, make pizza, making pizza, making perfect pizza, test kitchen, best pizza recipe, how to make pizza, easy pizza, easy pizza recipe, claire makes pizza, claire saffitz, pizza bon appetit, bon appetit pizza, bon appetit, pizza dough, claire makes, claire makes pizza dough, claire pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, make pizza dough, making pizza dough, how to pizza dough, best pizza dough, dough, food
Id: Yan892RXh5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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