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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you're making a mess of yourself oh sorry what I said you're making a mess of yourself what's that supposed to be um it's it's nothing really it's just it looks like nothing playing with color children do that oh really you're home early for good reason I thought a little celebration was in order a celebration for what oh oh you closed the team that whole block is going to have my name on it oh that's wonderful they just told me an hour ago and I wanted to rush home and share it with the woman I love that's so fantastic all right that's okay so let's celebrate huh yes yes here oh okay yes I've invited the backers over with their wives for a small dinner party tonight that's okay right of course huh okay that's my babe it's just a spot I'll get it I'll just go get the stuff right now it comes right okay all right Matt I'm almost ready you're wearing that well I want to look nice for you me yeah but are you trying to turn everybody on what are you doing this to me on purpose I I don't understand it looks cheap changer oh but it's your favorite jazz yeah I know and it's great and I love the thing but we've got people coming over okay what would you want me to wear just just your head all right and don't be too long you know I hate small talk okay here's to Matthew's entrepreneurial Brilliance well uh let's not get carried away and our Mall isn't even built yet much less a success we were celebrating tonight not worrying matter what did you say your lovely wife's name was again it's Shane Shane sweetheart oh oh that's right shame and when will we get to meet her you don't I keep her sleeping over hot stove in the kitchen I never let her out no I I love my wife she's a perfectionist so I'm sure she's probably putting her final touches on the dinner table excuse me oh I like him Charming Mr Han welcome good evening Matt I'd like to introduce you to my wife L'Oreal very nice to meet you Matt it's nice to meet you [Music] man and that's my wife please make your way into the dining room ladies and Gentlemen let's make our way into the dining room please after you take it babe come on Matthew see you in the morning you and Shane make such an adorable couple we love you guys too Matt man listen I may be a big cynic but uh I'm also a big fan you knocked it out of the park tonight huh thank you sir yeah that's why I love them your home is perfect perfect we'll have you both over soon well we'll look forward to that great good night thank you bye-bye second that this has been an absolute pleasure hopefully this will be the first of many projects to come and please thank Shane again for us I will you're welcome at you guys take care why it was too cool oh I I thought you posted chill Sharon it wasn't a Chardonnay it was a risely detail Shane it's supposed to be served 20 degrees below room temperature if you need me to write it down I I will for you no because I mean you you say you get it but remember things just make lists well I'm just gonna clean up here and uh no no no no no no no no leave it we're going to continue celebrating somebody has to do it yeah so you'll do it tomorrow hmm you've got other duties to do you gotta make up for the wine I want to see strip I'm kind of tired to catch me no no don't phase me you watch yourself in the mirror as you do it I'll never get tired of you oh foreign [Music] [Music] I know I'm gonna break your neck you wake up in the mountain yeah I work up on the zip line you and your wife ever try it you mean that uh hanging thing over the canyon well there's three of them actually locked apples over the canyon Beaver Tails over the creeks and deer Parks over the trails it's a lot of fun just prepping it for the winter season will be open soon and it's real pretty when the lights are on I can imagine and Matt Walsh Jake you just uh moved in a couple weeks ago I meant to say hi well nice to meet you yeah so how did you know I was married you mentioned my wife right uh yeah sorry man no it's just uh I walk along the lake past your house every day and it's beautiful by the way but uh I always notice a woman sitting by the window and she paints so just kind of put two and two together how old are you 24 24. yeah well don't get married at least until you're 35. yeah I'll try to remember that yeah don't try just do it oh nice talking to you too hey you too oh so how was your run so so I had to cut early well breakfast is almost ready and I just I'm running a little okay wait don't worry about that come here oh what about you it can wait come on what do you see out there inside of course outside what is outside the lake you can see it from here where you're saying people along the lake can look up and see you and what do you think they see when they do that this isn't painting this is an embarrassment see all those homeless people are looking up here and they don't know what you're doing they they think you're a child I don't think they think you haven't got it just have an IP for the classes and I paid for the books and I paid for all the crap and you know what I get I get strangers gazing up at you and you know what they see you're up here with this this Smock your big your big paint Smock and it's halfway undone no no I don't know if that's true or not I mean you got this big blouse and your breasts are hanging out I don't you think you're an artist you think you feel that but you know but you know what do you think they think of me huh they see you up here and they think oh well somebody like that huh he can't do any better than that huh you don't know what they think because you think you're an artist your wife here's a life lesson Ernest are born they're born with that Talent you cannot go to school and you cannot learn it especially you I think we can do this together I want you to say Matt I enjoy it yeah no no no no no no no no you don't enjoy just just sick you have me at home all by myself I'm loving them just say it Shane okay [Music] so that we can clear out all this crap and we can create a nursery and people will know why I married you we talked about this yeah yeah yeah I know we talk about a lot of things and you don't listen I'm not ready yet to have him is that because of the new neighbor oh I don't pretend Shane because he's very familiar with you about I've never had the new neighbor new neighbor says that he comes by this window and there you are waving to him he looks forward to it and you know what I'm that that's why your name is not improving huh it's not improving because you are waiting all the time for him to walk by and you're waiting for him today I want mine watch it maybe do this oh what's made me do this I want that room cleared out that fall could have been a lot worse Mrs Walsh you're lucky I'm lucky you have any more accidents like this I want you to give me a call okay anytime day or night if I do call you then what can you do anything I can there are programs and support groups for situations like this you haven't had your practice for long that's when my husband hired you at eight doctors in six years two of them were threatened with malpractice students really I think certain things just aren't as easy and simple as people think they are I guess not so if I call you what can you actually do sleep it's the best thing for you right now thanks anyway yeah I just don't get it back she gets this idea to go up on the roof and sketch some scenery and I told her something like this could happen but she's an artist what am I going to do with someone like that your wife could have been very seriously hurt she's gonna be okay all right I mean you said a concussion some bruises right she'll be fine in time but you're gonna have to go easy on her what do you mean by that I mean her body needs time to heal make sure she gets plenty of rest over the next week or so no strenuous activity of course absolutely you're sending your bill to my office I'll make sure it's taken care of me anyway yeah oh and uh get rid of that ladder or lock it up I don't have to come back out here again will do I miss you when you're asleep oh gosh I should make dinner the doctor says you need to rest so I thought I'd get us something from that Thai place downtown that sound good that'd be nice I'm sorry that's all right no no that's not all right we shouldn't fight like that it was my fault I shouldn't have no no it's it's no one's fault it doesn't matter what matters is we love each other [Music] and it'll never happen again what is that my promise oh you shouldn't have done that no no no I should have done it a long time ago put them on please for me there perfect now I need to know the truth what a neighbor Shane you and I have been around for a long time and you know how I had this sense I have this feeling inside of me it's it's like a a fist inside of me there's something going on with you too I lied to you uh yes I met you last week but it was for a surprise for your birthday well I arranged with him to take us zip lining you and I before they open for the season I thought it would be something that we could do together unless you don't want to go no no I I do forget about everything else forget about the business deals forget about the trappings it doesn't matter about anybody but here here with you what you've done you Maybe the happiest man on Earth dinner huh I will be back as soon as I can and you my lady get extra noodles huh huh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you guys feel like taking a shortcut I'm cut off at least 20 minutes or so hun what do you think oh do you okay do you want to let's go oh sure thanks buddy okay careful guys we're good you're right hun yes hey guys we'll get up to the station we'll run you through a few of the basics make sure we're all prepped oh no what's wrong I forgot one of the harnesses in the truck uh well we can switch it's an insurance thing everyone on the platform needs a harness or we just don't go look at it no yeah no okay you guys set up and I'll run oh please don't run it is pretty slippery Shane aren't you forgetting something the keys is truck right yeah I'm sorry about that ah think think bye sweetie she's never been much of an outdoor type right [Music] you know what let's realize that Shane takes the wrong Fork it's going to take her deeper into the woods well it's your show okay let's go back we'll head her off just in case okay I don't I don't understand we should have headed her off by now shame what do you mean Shane where is she I don't know but she is she lost just let's ditch the gear we gotta go find her follow me Shane Shane Shane where are you Shane Shane Shane shine I think I don't see her John foreign [Music] an accident at Tower Canyon today may have claimed the life of Shane Walsh wife of prominent real estate developer Matthew it looks like she was lost today after the death of local resident Shane Walsh everybody has never been recovered hahaha [Music] I told you to the bottom drawer it's always in the bottom drawer no we're not open yet oh is it still here still yeah hang on Estelle somebody here to see you just be a second okay can I help you okay I don't believe too like what six seven years like yeah it has something like that Meg this is my cousin Shane you heard me talk about her you're Shea yeah nice to meet you how about some tea me can you make some for our guests I suppose so oh you don't have oh she doesn't have to don't worry about it she's just like that it's so weird to be back some things are exactly like I remember them and some things you've improved on thank you this is a total struggle you know my mother just changing anything is such a battle you how is she doing great constantly going on about how much better the weather is in Arizona she would love to see you oh I know it's been so long so long what brings it about that um I just thought that I would that I would get away for a little while and just I needed some time on on my own and and how much I used to love spending Summers here with you and so I thought I'd come visit for a little bit that was great yeah I hope it's for more than a bit is that all you brought with you yeah do you have a place to stay no I would the little breakfast and breakfast across the street is it is not happening you are staying right here with us oh who's staying with us my cousin you okay with that thank you we just live in the apartment upstairs we gotta fold out sofa so you can just make yourself right at home as long as you don't mind sharing the sink with somebody's laundry we said only wax all over the floors I thought you liked my idiosyncrasies I wouldn't have it any other way dear the history oh yeah like I said a couple of things are different I'm looking at him and I'm looking at her I say are you kidding me no it's been going on for years oh my God to make sense of guy packing and life has been sweet ever since wake up call changed your life yeah wow I'm gonna go to bed I work for this slave driver who insists I make my justifiably famous muffins every morning before Sun up so I need my beauty night babe you snore tonight I'll poke you in the eye [Music] so [Music] um what you want to tell me the truth why are you here like I said that I missed you and I want to come back that's a load of crap and we both know it come on we're family last I heard you were married living someplace fancy about that same time you stop calling you seem to drop off the face of the Earth and then out of nowhere you show up without calling first what happened to your ring I I was gonna hug it that bad I try to make it work you always told me that he was gonna protect me I couldn't find one person to protect me from him did he hurt you oh well then you let the son of a for a good reason does he know where you went no he thinks I'm dead are you serious what you you can do that he thinks that I had an accident Shane how they never found my body that's it I'm not gonna I don't want to say anything else I don't want to involve you I'm just I'm gonna stay with you and make one night and that's it Shane you are blood and you're in trouble so you you're exactly where you're meant to be I don't I don't well you won't you remember that Cottage that my family has outside of town by the vineyard well we still got it and there's no renters in there right now so it's all yours there's no TV or phone or anything but it's clean and the plumbing works gosh I I don't know how much I can afford okay who said anything about that it's free no for as long as you want no no I I can't do that that's sweet I can't you are just like your mother then you can work for it we need waitress around here most the customers are scared of Meg you ever wait tables no could you make sure I have all the contracts on my desk in the morning sure yeah and I think we should take a look take a look at that Tenors Island environmental study again no I I I want to make sure that we look good yeah no no no I I got you I just get it done okay thanks [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh I'm I'm sorry I I didn't mean to startle you where did you just call me I didn't call you anything I I said it's a shame that it's it's so cold and and gray out the summer was amazing oh was it not good for you no I didn't say that so are you um an artist or oh no sure I mean it looks pretty good to me who are you well I happen to be the fella that owns this property which means that I own half of that sketch gosh I'm sorry I'll go no no no no I didn't I didn't mean anything by it I was just trying to be funny how is that funny well I guess if I have to explain it I kind of missed the mark you know it's probably me sorry no no wait um I I'm Thomas versano and welcome to shopperton winery maybe you've heard of it no I'm not from here well the truth is even if you were from here you probably wouldn't have heard of it oh okay well good luck with that uh do you have a name or uh sorry to trespass no that's that's it's fine come by anytime you got a customer out there he looks hungry and I don't think it's because of me all right you're up I'll laugh if I make a mistake it depends on how bad you do oh that's covered hey we're all out to make mistakes as long as we learn from it and try not to do it again okay is that the moral of the story that's how I met your cousin you're up go good morning sir welcome to Porter's Cafe would you like some coffee or orange juice um what would you suggest you don't give up do you no it's not my style well the orange juice comes from a can the coffee is what you would expect from a place like this and if you want something off the menu I'd go somewhere else we don't know each other so we don't need to do that well we will no no I I don't think so well you see this is a very very small town and everybody knows everybody for instance people have already told me that you are the new girl that's staying in Estelle's Cottage would you like to order something or are you going to just waste my time well then I guess uh with um hash browns or potatoes no just the almost noticed okay we have an order you want to make it uh you want me to yeah anybody can cook hmm Okay so what do you think of her honestly of course I don't know there's something 's not right I don't know whatever how she went through or who this guy is that she married but oh she's just off in her own world you know that a parent yeah that's right over I don't know if it's such a good thing you helping her mag the only family she has but I'll stewing is running away and dragging you into our problems I'm not turning my back on her if that's what you're implying leave a message after the town hi Mrs Walsh my name is Sarah and I'm calling about the GPS unit you purchased from us I wanted to tell you that there's been a recall issue from the manufacturer this is Matthew Walsh hello I was looking for Shane Walsh that was my wife she passed away what's this about a recall listen I was just calling to let her know the manufacturers issued a recall however we have never had a problem with any of the units from our store a GPS unit for navigation yeah I know so you don't get lost [Music] can I get anything else no thank you I'm stuffed you can paint at the counter actually miss Ed um I I really shouldn't have to pay this bill at all why well you see I I normally order the three cheese omelette that usually consists of this big greasy pile of half burnt eggs with this really gross orange toxic waste oozing out the middle and um you see the thing is that meal right there was light fluffy and delicious Okay so what is the problem well the problem is I didn't order light fluffy and delicious okay well next time I will make it more okay I'll tell you what um we can overlook this this whole thing if you promise to have dinner a good idea just hear me out you remember my Winery right where you did the little sketch okay well see I am going to be preparing a meal there tonight um um okay tell you we don't even have to call it a dinner it's just a meal okay and that meal will be ready at 8 pm sharp so if you're there great if you're not well well then that's great too because then at least I will have twice as much to eat what do you say I say you're a little bit annoying okay look at least tell me your name Lexi you are you've got this in the kitchen again Lexi wow that's um that's a very pretty name oh thank you and I'm going to go pay my bill what did he say he was asking me to eat dinner with him um toxic waste [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hi hi um that's cold okay I just I just wanted to tell you that I I can't make it but but thank you you came all the way down here to tell me that to my face well yes it would be rude if I hadn't you're here oh I know I don't have a phone so I couldn't tell you but thank you so much oh wait wait wait please have have you eaten I'm not hungry really okay so you haven't eaten yet okay then stay come on or or I can send some home with you okay come on it's already cooked um if it'll make you more comfortable you can sit here and I won't even talk to you come on everyone has to eat right it'll be your chance to be served for once word please sit I mean it madam [Music] oh thank you well don't thank me until you've tried it oh gosh go thank you thank you wow it looks nice well nice as relative I mean you should see this place in the summer it gets chalked full it takes you a month to get a reservation so why did you I don't know I just I love growing things you know nurturing them caring for them and then pouring them down people's throats to get them drunk try this it's from my first run brost foreign okay um that's uh that's terrible no no it's not it's not a little young it's corked okay I am going to get us something else oh gosh you don't have to do that hey it my Winery and I'm going to make sure I serve you something decent okay so stealth tells me that you are her cousin no okay maybe a little so so my family and I used to come up here almost every summer when I was little my mother and Estelle's mother were really good Cooks and they used to teach us all sorts of things you know how to use spices and tricks in the kitchen cooking with passion passion is good I'm sorry I I'm sorry I just um I I have to go Lexi Lexi we haven't eaten I know it sorry damn it you guys feel like taking a shortcut should cut off at least 20 minutes or so I forgot one of the harnesses in the truck well all good foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I'm fine she fell off the ladder so they needed help with the painting you could have waited that could have been days don't blame this on me well how bad is it when I fell my leg got coveting the rungs it's a tibial shaft fracture I'm gonna be off my feet for a while now I gotta run this place on my own Shane's here she'll help you I will and don't worry about it you just take care of yourself okay and get better don't forget to turn the sign over so they may have to operate and put screws in it to hold it in place we're trying to figure out whether we can cover it with insurance guys don't have insurance that's complicated everything has to be an issue right in the meantime the doctor gave her these pills and said that she's supposed to take one in the day and two at night to help her sleep so but she won't admit it 'll probably be there in five minutes look what happened swash you can see you there is he not jogging today does it look like I'm drunk I was just making an observation Keen observation seeing that I'm wearing jogging gloves hey I uh I could just take you up sometime still I mean I guess I still owe you yeah I mean we didn't go up that day is that because you helped my wife simple question did you help my wife I don't know what you're talking about on the ground okay just wait wait okay okay okay okay just don't do this did you help my wife okay okay look she came to me the day before we went to the canyon she just wanted to know alternate routes Out of the Woods what else nothing man I swear to God I've checked every possible route out of this town and her name doesn't appear anywhere what do you think that is man I don't know where is she is this where did she go some small town in Washington State man I don't remember the name she just gave me cash and she asked me to buy some Dickie to my sister's name okay look man this is between you and your wife's just just leave me alone please I swear to god dude I won't say anything just please don't shoot me please don't oh I know Shane Lexi whoa I I can come back the the door was open I I said hello I didn't hear you I thought you did no I didn't sorry I wouldn't have done that to you then um I heard about your your cousin these are for her oh that's so sweet thank you how's she doing paper pill okay well I'll uh I'll leave you alone then okay well thank you you know unless you'd like me to to help you clean up around here oh no no you know what it'd be my pleasure um who wants to stay around here late doing this all by themselves right you know that way you can even boss me around a little I'm sorry um about how I left the other night I shouldn't have done that you know what don't worry about it if I were you I would have run as soon as the wine was bad it has nothing to do with you get to know anybody look I'm gonna go out on a limb here ah this is going to sound a little bit crazy because I don't really know you from Adam but I really like you and I don't say that a lot because I haven't really liked anybody in a long time and I get the feeling that you feel the same but there's something stopping you so if you tell me what it is maybe maybe I can help it's not your problem than making my problem no it's just it doesn't work like that actually I can handle it I don't think you can wow you really know how to crush a guy's ego I don't think you are the kind of guy who has a problem with ego maybe not on the outside but the inside that's a whole different story is it a good story dad so it's a great story um look I didn't mean anything sorry yeah me too good night [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] morning oh good morning you're up early yeah well I uh I went to bed early you certainly have a lot going on here yeah well I mean in the in the summer it's uh busy I just I wanted to say I'm sorry for last night you uh you said that last night well I apologize again sorry that I haven't told you everything Laurie that when life is complicated you know what Lexi I am I don't think it's complicated at all I'm you and me we can I mean we could start fresh right no Mysteries no secrets no weeds exactly my name is not Lexi I figured that it's Shane Walsh and up until six weeks ago I was married to a man named Matthew Walsh he put me in the hospital three times I was really young when I met him and back then he was sweet and funny and I didn't I didn't want to date him but he kept whining and dining me and filling my head with all these big dreams I had a lot of bad student loan debt credit card debt and he just one day made it all go away and I thought oh he's my hero close to me and then my parents died and then he he was there he he filled that Gap when it turns out he was a really angry man and I tried to ignore his anger and it got worse and he said that I was useless and then I shouldn't be thankful to be with him because nobody else would want me and then um told me that if I divorced him that he would kill me and himself and anyone that I was close to how did you give away I fake my own death I made him think that I got lost hiking foreign [Applause] what about the body I'm missing here you are here I am how weird oh dude do you think less of me now I actually think you're pretty amazing come over here too invite you to dinner to my house the eight I don't know I mean I hardly know you yes I'd love to come for dinner at eight call them see you then huh thank you okay thank you are you sure you're okay I am okay I know there's a game at the high school so it's gonna be a slow night but if you want me to come back it will be fine make it totally handle the place on her own well why are you guys just closed she might well I'll help her go to your date Shane it's not a date okay what would you call it um it's just your friends having dinner well he thinks it's a date how do you know um he told me when the very first day that he met you he said he liked you and he wanted to get to know you better and you're just not telling me you weren't ready to hear it till now it's a date whatever here don't forget to take these are you my mother 4-1-1 operator I need the phone number and address of a place called Porter's Cafe [Music] trains to stay your lips and look away [Music] with your with your one hi um we have a problem what I forgot the corkscrew [Laughter] all right yeah well I've been saving that for a special occasion I'm so honored well let's hope so we still have to try it um well maybe we should let it breathe huh of course with my luck it'll probably need CPR thanks so I have a seat dinner's almost ready good I'm starved and it smells delicious like do you need a hand with anything no [Music] no you're staring um actually I was just observing looks like a little more than that do you remember when you were a teenager how exciting it used to be to be alone in a room with someone I think I remember that I remember my hands getting so sweaty I'd have to rub them off on each pant leg just in case I got a chance to hold her hand I used to make sure that my breath is constantly fresh just in case somebody wanted to give me a kiss [Music] um so how long do you think we have before um before dinner's ready I'm just a few minutes have something on your chin what looks like um a flower or something right there no I don't I didn't use flour you have you have a little bit of flour right time right now [Music] you have a little bit of flour right we have some right there foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I have to ask you something do you think dinner's ready [Music] for your friend of my brothers how are you feeling anyway I don't have to keep asking me every hour concerned funny [Music] you're right I should have closed the place nobody came well you never know [Music] I'm gonna go to the bank and do the deposit you want anything to me don't get used to it where's Reynolds told you I don't know him now when you get out of here leave me alone [Music] George Renault this gentlemanism would like his address we have no call of him he's willing to pay twenty dollars for it that's what people used last year and of course you understand we usually don't give up the information about our clients I know you're a couple of high-class fellas thank you revealing anything confidential is against the ethics of our established that's right honesty is the best policy of course but in your case it is much of your personal friend here it is we don't have his address he must have called for the picture but he couldn't have been a very good because his name is not George it is but what is it Meg you all right who's there Estelle I'm sorry Who Who Are You I'm looking for Shane Walsh your door was unlocked and I saw the light on so I thought I'd come up and maybe find her Shane I'm sorry I I I don't know who you're talking about it's all right Style I'm a friend she told me she was coming here and I haven't heard from her for quite some time so I got concerned I'm afraid to have awfully terrible news to tell her what news Matthew Walsh her husband committed suicide she said he'd probably do something like that I would have done it myself if I had the chance well she's a very wealthy woman now [Music] I need to find her who who are you again I know all about her fake fake death now you must understand a cell I need to know where she is I'm here to protect her um Shane's a free woman now she needs to know that just tell me where she is I don't know where she is she was here but um she left a few days ago I don't know where she went [Music] I think all I did was notarize a bill to say but that piece of paper could have proven that Phillips didn't commit suicide that's why Halloween poisoned me [Music] G how are you yeah hold on give her pills and then I went to the bank to do the deposit the only way back I was gonna get her this is ice cream that she likes but it was closed so I just came home and a Culver but she didn't answer it so I went to the stairs laying at the bottom with her bills around her because she got it baby get some water or maybe she I was looking for me and she needed I should have left her no no it was an accident look I am I talked to the sheriff and he needs you to come down to the hospital to fill out some forms well the breakfast rush is going to start big we're closed and just let me pretend okay just let me let's go thank you [Music] foreign we're not quite open yet hi um I have a delivery for somebody named uh Shane is he around it's a she and you just missed her I'll take it oh sorry but this is a special delivery I I have to deliver a personal message with it as well uh oh I'm running late you happen to have an address on it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign sure I don't know we can maybe come by a little late or something yeah I can I can make dinner again eight o'clock thanks foreign foreign [Music] with me let's go right to the goodbyes [Music] oh oh thank God wake up I know you're in there oh I almost caught you too get out of here Shane I gave you everything I gave you a life you throw it away on huh what are you throwing away on nothing I said get out here Shane did you hear me get out of here or I will kill him do you hear me maybe that don't hurt him anymore please we're just friends I know what he is I'll go back with you maybe I made a mistake maybe I maybe I should have tried to work it out I didn't know how much you cared about me and now I understand how much you love me foreign I wish I could believe you I love to shame oh yeah yeah I could tell Matt every time you hit me because it's true you made mistakes and I get angry those are my mistakes perfect so that we could be perfect but you never listen I would have done anything for you saying anything okay then go ahead and talk to me why why what are you scared come on Matt be a real man shoot me go ahead and do it lovely YouTube [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] shame you okay thank you lost in thought [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: GREAT! Free Movies & Shows
Views: 2,063,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, drama movies, action movies, thriller movies, past obsessions, past obsessions full movie, past obsessions movie, Josie Davis, David Dillbern, Lochlyn Munro
Id: BrDKY3RRg-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 11sec (5711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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