Paradise Virus - Full Movie | Action Thriller | Great! Action Movies

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thanks again boss it's a pleasure doing business with him have a good one thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you we all know that kreutzfeld Jacob is cow to man West Nile mosquito to man now Ebola some believe is monkey to man others believe the culprit was a bat 20 years later we still don't know for sure but what we do now is that new viruses are nature's bioterrorists hijacking animal hosts to encephalitis could be a reaction to my Dynamic personality either one had been known to cause periods of deep sleep [Laughter] hello and our time is up I do have a pleasant holiday relax your brains come back refresh if any of you have any questions over the break email address Linda at the beach don't bother me okay have a great spring break be careful out there [Applause] [Music] thank you the local time is 9 45. please close the island where's everybody We're All Hiding so they don't see you vacationing with Europe welcome to basaratu Island Dr Fleming hey let's just say you have an excellent travel agent you enjoy your stay on the island oh I'm sure I'll take that oh no we're all right thanks you want a cab right I'll take you to your hotel I'll give you a tour of the island for a good price what do you think actually I think somebody from the hotel is going to be picking us up well you could be out here all day is that what you want we're fine really it's all right Mr Baines I'll take care of them take a hike kid they're mine they're staying at our hotel Dr Fleming Kathy Johnson for the hotels sorry I'm late maybe you didn't hear me look um is it Mr veins wow that was pleasant sorry it's my fault I should have been here on time here let me get this I don't believe it please leave me alone hello yes so you want to dive today sure sooner the better good cause I'm taking it my dad owned the hotel and I'm at Dive Master got the tanks ready to go oh rock and roll so vacationing with your mom huh what's that like oh that's not so bad she usually behaves herself and maybe your mom can keep her busy distractor my mom passed away what like you were supposed to know forget about it it happens all the time people just assume the first thing we gotta do is get that thing away from her and then bury it you ever tried taking a pork chop away from a coyote ouch right welcome to beautiful downtown by Serato an island with the dark and hideous path oh really in what way oh come on my everybody knows Godzilla was born here and that was another Island just east of here the one that glows in the dark now you know Columbus stops here on his way to the new world he took one look at this place and said wow what a beautiful island let's kill everybody and they did they slaughtered the inhabitants and then took everything they had geez what was his problem two hours from Hell the nice group of people to come were the slaves they were forced to harvest the salt crop you know most of the stuff used by the Civilized world came from this island remember reading any of this in your hotel brochure well we were afraid we would attract the wrong kind of people Wise Choice [Music] cool band everybody is so laid back it's great this is you know we have people that come here all stressed out and they just never leave we have banking Executives working here as waiters just so they can stay it's so totally cool all right that's it Mom I'm staying send the rest of my stuff with you can I have your room right on [Music] did I need an ambulance nobody call an ambulance thank you do you have a hospital here yes what's wrong with him step back both of you do you know this man everybody knows poppy something this one on the island he has family here Poppy poppy just relax I'm a doctor an ambulance is on the way believe him excuse me leave him alone please hey hey back off it is a good son who protects his mother no step back don't touch him Linda it's okay this is Joseph I don't care who he is this man is seriously ill he could be highly contagious you're a doctor to me you are putting yourself in danger where are you taking him I'm asking you a question where are you all you have who is that man chosen who's Joseph he's the leader of a religious group called The faithful they practice natural medicine you know herbs and stuff he's healed a lot of people you know this for a fact that's what everybody says thank you hello welcome to the tropics Hotel please call me Paul we're really casual around here oh all right then Linda Linda and he must be will sir nice to meet you hi well let's get you folks we had a near Miss on the road what happened it wasn't your daughter's fault this man collapsed in the street right in front of us it was Poppy I miss running over him by about a foot was he hurt I think so just don't just sick or something Joseph was there and he took him away well I'll check on poppy later see if he's okay let's get you folks settled in then maybe we can all sit down have a bite to eat oh no dad I'm going to take those scuba diving the best time at South reading will could you take our bags out yeah come on good to meet you good to meet you too a nice boy you're not feeling well I can drive you myself would you sure I appreciate that sure come on I meant to ask you is your husband going to be joining you I don't think so he went out for a walk about seven years ago I haven't seen this I did get a postcard though from Brazil saying hi having a wonderful time glad you're not here send will I didn't I see are you sure he's an older man people call him poppy poppy the bald guy that sells chickens by the side of the main road oh yes of course but he would never come here has something happened to him well yeah he collapsed in the street I'm just concerned because I noticed that he had open lesions and dried scabs are you sure I'm quite sure my field is virology a man named Joseph took him away is there some other medical facility on the island no there isn't Joseph would not take him anywhere near a doctor I mean he believes in folk medicine and prayer so do a lot of other people on this island let's see look um could you do me a favor and if this man poppy does come in could you call me I'm at the tropics Hotel of course Dr Fleming so you know this Joseph yeah he's a friend of mine where can I find him he lives on the other side of the island I can take you there if you'd like oh wait a minute aren't you supposed to be uh running a hotel or something practically runs itself sounds like you really know how to delegate [Music] why do I have to clean it because I caught it you want to eat you have to work two people swim up to you with a spear right what were you thinking duh thank you so how long have you known Joseph well I met him when we first arrived he welcomed us he's quite a remarkable guy you know he was a champion freediving several years ago he was here on vacation and on one of his deepest Dives he had a a religious experience so much so that the next day he quit his job and started his own religious movement wow yeah he has quite a few followers very powerful looking man well he was a record holder you won't hear him talking about it your daughter mentioned that he has a reputation for being a Healer yeah he's helped quite a few people me included really well not me actually my wife you're what she died oh I'm sorry I never knew anything could taste so good glad Clinic what's not to like you got the ocean view the surf and the great weather and no smog what else [Music] we're gonna kiss sooner or later good are you sure it's a virus maybe it's something else it's bread but you do don't touch any of these people thank you Joseph my friends I'm sorry to uh I'm sorry too and true like this but uh I brought someone to see you doctor you have a serious problem here yes it would appear so these people need medical care now I'm sure Paul and I can arrange for transportation to the hospital that won't be necessary doctor will be quite all right here look around you do you see what's happening this is what a viral outbreak looks like this island has had its share of Tropic coming on SS doctor we managed to survive I'm sure this one will be no different than the others you're not well that will pass that lesion point s are worse than anything you may have ever Joseph Maybe it'd be a good idea just us once it's all right I appreciate your concern my friend and I love you for it but God will look after us I'd like to see the man we were trying to help earlier Poppy perhaps tomorrow no you don't understand he may be the one responsible for bringing the virus to the island I need to know where he's been and how many people he's been in contact with again I appreciate your concern sir I respect your beliefs I do but when your actions affect the health and well-being of other people something has to be done we threatened no one forgive me for saying this sir but you are being foolish now I am very aware of the benefits that can be derived from natural medicines I've used them myself but always in conjunction with modern science please if there's some way that we could work together I'm sorry you're not particularly interested in helping people you just want to keep them under your control Linda I don't care I'm sorry but this man could end up being responsible for the deaths of everyone in this compound Joseph what would it hurt just this once I mean God will still be here with them it's time for you to go appreciate your concern with it you're not well Joseph you are not going to be healing anybody may God bless you and keep you [Music] yes I'd like the member for the Center for Disease Control of Atlanta Georgia please I'll be leaving in a week and I really wish I didn't have to sway about someone I've only known for crazy isn't it but nice I don't know maybe there's some way we can maybe I mean it's not like you live in another planet right you've never been to Los Angeles right like you don't have summer vacations yeah well if you want to make some money then uh my dad could give you a job at the hotel Kathy was with you when you helped poppy right yeah I was just thinking the same thing I'll keep an eye on her tell me if she shows any signs of symptoms and headache respiratory problems anything at all I will hey Dad hey Kathy are you okay honey what do you mean of course I'm okay why come here do you have a headache or any Comfort no nothing I'm a little tired we had a great time out there Mom it's awesome we have to go with us next time oh I will it sounds like fun you sure you're feeling okay yeah why no nothing just being my regular overprotective self I guess look why don't we all get together sounds lovely oh okay see you later honey yes Mother she looks okay to me I think she's gonna be fine good excuse me yes how many patients have you admitted with those symptoms doctor how long has he been symptomatic 24 hours it started with a headache then a fever equipment but it's probably a virus can we get those samples out to the CDC tonight yes we can put them on the next flight what kind of virus is it that's going to take some research I've never seen anything like this I need a sample of Poppy's blood I'm sure we're dealing with the same set of viral characteristics I'm also going to have to go out to Joseph's again but this time I want the police with me that's serious huh be put that away this is fresh from our garden lovingly hand prepared for you and your mother oh she can't make it I know my dad called but you have to tell her how good it is I want to impress her I will I was just sitting here thinking if I don't eat soon I'm gonna die parents don't seem to realize that we have like supersonic metabolism if we don't eat everything what's wrong too much sun I guess getting a headache who cares sit down oh don't you start too I'm fine move your napkin mmm this looks fabulous it's so fresh here it's like this whole island one big health food place people don't get sick here hardly I that's why this thing with poppy is kind of scary what if this thing is really serious no it's probably just the flu or so Happy Head I've got it okay no no stay away from me stay away Kathy wait Joseph Joseph where is everybody Joseph before the police get here uh 15 20 minutes he said he was on the other side of the island he yeah Bobby he's our only you have one policeman yeah it's all we really need I mean there's no real crime here an occasional stolen chicken amazing I feel badly about this I mean bringing the cops even if it's just Bobby Joseph is going to have a hard time forgiving me tell me about this Joseph you say he helped your wife yeah answer the doctors uh had done all they could for her she was suffering terribly she loved this island we spent our honeymoon here so she asked me to bring her back here and spend the rest of her life and I did when the pain got too much for her to bear he took her to see Joseph he gave her three more months of a pain-free life she died at peace and I'll never be able to repay him it's nice that he was there for her our brother has gone on to the next world we were missing the pain we feel is a good thing embrace it it will teach us to appreciate those we love while they're still with us poppy was loved [Applause] no one could ask for more some of you may ask where was God and Poppy was sick he was right there but this hands out leading him home [Applause] let us send him to his final rest with his favorite [Applause] [Music] when did it happen just after you left today I don't want to be contentious but now do you see how very important it is go to the hospital and get checked out you listen but you're not here my people have no need of hospitals what is god making house calls Linda would you excuse us for a minute you like this woman what else I just met her yeah I like her so it's time you love someone again well that may be true Joseph but that's not why we're here on the contrary it is where we are all I know what you're doing and I appreciate it I really do but we need to get some blood from Bobby Bobby is dead yeah but he's available are you asking me if you can take blood from a dead man Joseph you make it sound horrible she makes it sound scientific but yes that's what I'm asking is this important it is to her you but I want to help okay let's just leave it at that she's a doctor and she wants to help us who us everybody on the island Joseph do you if poppy has a virus we have to know what kind you think she would stay here with you live here no I haven't thought about it well maybe I've thought about it a little bit they're waiting for me wait a second are you gonna let her take the blood you have to ask poppy Joseph he's dead finally you have a grasp the heart of our apartment look we don't seem to be making much progress here I need to take a blood sample from poppy I'm happy to wait till the service is over but I have to do this you have to ask Poppy Joseph it's obvious that you have a fever you're getting worse please let me help you Joseph Linda I don't understand we're not going to get anywhere with them right now I'm sad I have 20 patients with the same symptoms and more on the way [Music] no not at the moment but if this thing evolves we're going to need the full cooperation of the Navy thank you very much what's up we may have a stage five virus alert on bar Serato Island and where would that be it's between Miami and Guantanamo it's one of our Caribbean territories look it up wow stage five what's that Ebola uh I'm not sure yet but we need to start thinking about a quarantine population about 2 000 people give or take I want to be the first ones through the door on this if it turns into something bad I want us to stop it in its tracks tell me what you want I want a team on that island as of yesterday that's number one there's a carrier group running exercises near a Guantanamo so if a containment issue arises we can use them want to know what all the medical facilities are including the names of all the medical personnel find out as much as you can about Dr Linda Fleming she's the woman who reported this thing to us it's my first time out as operation supervisor so I'm going to be all over this thing you ready what about a press briefing no no we keep this quiet you can put out Travel warnings but until this situation is stabilized I don't want to tell the Press I don't want them starting some major Panic we interrupt this program for a Channel 6 exclusive report today the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has ordered an emergency team dispatched to an island in the Caribbean called bar Serato I have to find my mom the fast spreading daddy am I gonna die no sweetheart you're not gonna die we're gonna get you better you listen to me I missed your mother that you would go to college and one day meet somebody special I think I have well seems like a fine young man I'm glad that you like him according to Dr Linda Fleming who is on the island of barcerato this virus is just as deadly as the well-known Ebola virus and could possibly decimate the entire Island population of over 2 000 people is responsible for this I haven't talked to anybody except the CDC they're going to panic the whole island information that just came in from the CDC both containing prions proteins on the surface of the suspected animal viral strain that makes sense there's both poultry and cattle on the island are any of the victims here farmers uh you're thinking in Big City terms yeah here most people keep chickens some have cattle and everybody goes to the market what about poppy where did he live his chicken farm was out by the lighthouse I can take you there the CDC is going to be here by tonight that's okay I'll be back bye dad will you stay here keep an eye on Kathy [Music] sounds like quiet here isn't it yeah especially for a chicken farm yeah I think I've eaten my last drumstick well we have to burn every coop [Music] how bad is this virus it's hard to say at this point they're unpredictable one of these days we're gonna run into one that can't be stopped are you serious you mean like the end of the world possible certainly more likely than a nuclear war or some meteor from outer space realize 40 000 Americans die every year from judges to serious situation [Music] I'm John nevison doctor I recognize you from your picture on channel six I had nothing to do with that report I promise you now wait a minute I'm telling you the truth just so you know I will retain All rights to my name and any photographs containing my image I'm joking we can always count on the media to screw things out yeah but how did they find out by now everyone on the planet knows where I show you what we have and then we'll take it from there but we do know for sure is the virus is not Airborne okay we've talked to channel six I do not know the White House just called they want to know what's going on hoop laughed it wasn't us heck it was probably somebody in the surgeon general's office will you find out who was us I want the leak plugged hi Dr Fleming can you hear me I'm Susan home I'm the operations supervisor here in Atlanta can I first say how fortunate we feel to have you on the site and grateful for any assistance you can offer us and I need to apologize for the news leak yeah that's caused quite a few problems for us such as want to live the island people who are already infected of course we're going to help you screen everyone for the infection as for people getting off the island we've already contacted the Navy regarding a possible quarantine so rest assured that they are fully equipped and prepared for a situation like that I have every confidence in the CDC we're starting to screen everybody but it's hard to get people in they're too afraid so what are we going to do about that well we're going to send more CDC Personnel in groups and send them around house to house we're going to use the media to inform people what's happening and tell them why it's important to be tested before they can be evacuated we'll do that on a voluntary basis as long as we can okay that sounds good I'd like to talk longer but I really have to get moving understood do the best you can if there's anything we can do for you we're here pick up the phone tell us what it is we'll send it I appreciate that we'll send you data as we continue to test good luck we're gonna need it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] why did you stop for that old man what now I'm gonna die because of you what are you talking about [Music] look what you did to me now we're all gonna die [Music] [Music] foreign you okay jet lag what's going on we're losing people we lost four in the last two hours what I'm finding is that survival rate has a lot to do with their General Health how well their immune system is functioning smokers people with impaired lung functions forget it they'll be the first to go well sense themselves and have a better chance to fight this thing you look like you're in pretty good shape uh I wasn't talking about it I jog five miles a day am I just a little happier about that right now yeah the tricky part is we thought we were dealing with two separate viruses what about now [Music] all right oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a download of a before and after scan of the same virus and this one is from a victim just brought in I understand so account is excellent he's fine he's fat that is hijacking T cells using this cover We're Not Gonna know who's infected and who's not until it's too late do you know what this means yeah happy notified Atlanta [Music] [Music] for attention [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] please call me Susan Susan good morning doctors I know you're very busy but I think you need an overview of our situation this is an extrapolation based on our data yeah I see it first of the virus in the first 12 hours the white dots represent the reported infections and the red dots are confirmed fatalities now because many of the locals are not going to the hospital we've adjusted the right to compensate for that but based at the present rate of infection this is what it's going to look like in the next 12 hours and in the next 24 . and as yet we don't know if there's any infected people that have made it to other Islands but if they have this is what we're looking at Katie Dominican Republic Cuba these are all economically deprived third world nations with large populations now how fast it moves into the states is based on an immigration illegal alien figure if we're using a conservative one infection over 100 ratio we're looking at tens of thousands of cases in the U.S alone over the next three months so as of now doctors we have no choice but to declare bar Serato Island a wildfire Hot Zone enforce an immediate quarantine [Music] [Music] Coast Guard heado 77 x-ray Adam honestly one third eye bring craft below one thousand feet and scan Shoreline [Applause] [Music] foreign by panicked residents of baserado Island attempting to beat the blockade military patrols have been stepped up and all local shipping is being searched before leaving the Island Waters last night a freighter attempting to escape under cover of Darkness was boarded and returned to the harbor according to government sources the people of arserato have now agreed to cooperate fully with the quarantine as anxiety continues to spread throughout the region local authorities [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] was anybody hurt ly my God has everybody lost their minds all right don't move them I'll have somebody pick them up I need an ambulance at the airport two of my people have been hurt how what happened now please ambulance is on this way this is totally unacceptable cancel all incoming CDC flights I'm going to tell them to close the airport if those people grab one of these planes who knows where they'll end up can't do I'll do the same thank you John what happened okay look I don't want any of you to end up as hostages if this thing turns into a riot I want you to talk to your team have them ready to move at a moment's notice I'm going to have a chopper on ready alert and we'll come and get you as soon as you say the word let's hope it doesn't come to that right they're afraid we'll be taken hostage by the people trying to get off the island why why you why not one of us we're government personnel taking one of us would force Washington to deal with them well they understand we need you here they're well aware my summer vacation by the late Linda let me foreign take me to the beach what are you talking about there's William I don't want to die here I'll be all right no I'm not all dying inside no that's not true my mother and all these government people are going to find a way to save you begged my dad to take her out of there and he did he took her to Joseph he helped her but she died but she died at my dad's arms in the open air looking at the ocean you are not go to die please William I'm asking you please take me out of here I can't I want to help you oh God I want to help you but if I take you out of here I don't know what might happen okay I'm sorry I do you think I would have fallen in love with you even if all of this had enough I know I know I feel the same way that is I mean everything is just so so crazy but the first time I saw you so weird I wish that we could have more time we will have more to thinking like that you've got to believe everything is gonna be okay I know promised me promise something that you won't think about dying you know what I'd like ice cream okay I'll go down and get you some oh no no I mean the good stuff from the freezealicious they make their own where is it just a couple blocks from here what flavor strawberry all right go out the front take a left two blocks freeze delicious I'll be right back foreign [Music] [Music] I just heard anybody hurt one in serious condition with a spinal injury and broken ribs they don't have much in the way of what we would call a police department down okay they don't have any crime until now what do you think I should do I don't want to pull the team off the island but if they're in danger exactly I don't want them to be used as hostages yeah if we end up in a standoff nobody wins it's your call I'm gonna pull them off the island here hello Mr Baines Hawks Nest please foreign [Music] nothing at all [Music] if you want me to stop no keep going thank you not feeling well talking too much all those people at the hospital [Music] we're taking our team off the island just until things cool down and then we'll send them back to you we're all dead but we're not abandoning you fine what do we do in the meantime he will not have the facilities to make use of our findings who is going to help me here the people at this Hospital are not research scientists that's a bit of an understatement look as soon as I can pull together a security team that is fully equipped with protective gear so they're safe from the virus how long will that take I don't know you have to know that we're doing everything we can to make this work please don't give up on us we're not giving up on you can read it please could you move that umbrella a little it's blocking the sun Kathy she's left the hospital I think I know where she's gone [Music] amazed [Music] sing Grace how sweet [Music] around like me [Music] but now I found what the blind but now I see Jesus [Music] my fears really [Music] how praise [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for a minute I thought I saw the Spirit of your mother I've seen you many times enjoying the ocean please and clear skies really feel that presence even now watching over you Maybe try it it's like walking through a door you leave behind one family and we join another can you be sure I have seen the other side I know how it sounds believe me nevertheless I was given a look into what lies ahead there's nothing to fear [Music] does your father know where you are I a wish can be a prayer sometimes it's from the heart it's often answered it is a beautiful day to be alive don't you think yes Kathy what have you done it's all right Dad everything is okay it's my fault I shouldn't have left you alone no no it's not a bad thing I said we have to get you back to the hospital [Music] yes Paul you're I'm well yeah don't get those temporary shelters before tonight no don't worry they'll be here in the meantime I think we ought to move the ambulatory patients into the Garden area keep them hydrated until the shelters are up that'll free up about a dozen beds I hear you I want to see a doctor of course if you'll just have a seat over there with the other someone will give you a form I want to see somebody now Mr bangs is it yeah that's right if you don't sit down I'm gonna have you put in restraints if people are all alike put on a white coat and thank your God we'll be with you as soon as we can we didn't have this problem until you showed up anybody notice that we'll get to everybody as soon as possible thank you for your patience we're getting more people like him all the time they're angry because they can't get off the island and they're blaming us I know fear spreads faster than a virus yes Paul what is it what's wrong are you sure where are you [Music] [Music] have you noticed the way your dad looks at my mom no no they look good together look at him he's obviously better you say it as if it was something that could not be may I if you must have you taken something Madison's something you made from herbs I've taken only what God has given me no please don't do that I need to know exactly what you've done to get well I believe woman that is what I have done go thou unto likewise Joseph your blood will have antibodies to the virus we can make a serum from it and heal everyone when are you going to believe what you are looking for is in the air around you it is in every living thing but you open yourself to God you'll find all the answers you need I understand that I am opening myself to what is here right now and what I see is that God may have put you here to save the lives of everybody on this island you'll learn quickly your words flow like honey but they come from here instead of here this is not about who's right or who's wrong or how we should live this is about life and death Paul's daughter is gonna die if you don't help us will it help for me to say that you're right that you have been able to find what has eluded the rest of us okay you're right we should be more like you but right now there is not time to change still reach out and find the way I tried don't you think I've prayed every moment I I can't find that place I can't find that calm in the midst of all this chaos to listen to what God has to tell me but that's why there's people like you so that people like me can be helped so that we can hear what God is to tell us so you talk to him you tell him a father would do anything to save his little girl cute that would give my life from you tell them please take what you need well right behind you will be careful yes sir I love you Daddy I love you too honey we're gonna get you better you hang in there promise [Music] you know when I picked this island for a vacation I was told absolutely nothing happens here traffic crime Nothing But Sunshine peace and quiet considering the circumstances do you really believe it was your choice to come to this island Linda [Music] foreign [Music] this is a restricted area I need you to leave immediately I want treatment can somebody take care of this man Dahlia Dr Fleming where are you he's not here he's taking his team to the airport we had an incident two men tried to take Dr nevinson hostage he was wounded they're being evacuated I'm told they won't be allowed to come back to the island until the military can secure it how long will that be a week no that's not possible they've got to come back look I may have a cure I just found somebody who had the virus and he recovered yes I just took his blood now you've got to stop neverson and his team from leaving I'll do what I can they're evacuating the cdct yes to whom am I speaking Mr Allen this is Dr Dahlia from the hospital there are a group of people from the Center for Disease Control on their way there you must have them yes yes please put him on are you sure look my people aren't safe here we're under orders to leave but you don't understand she has a potential cure she's bringing the blood in now they're only at Hawk's Nest that's 45 minutes away if you leave now we may not be here by the time you get back [Music] all right [Applause] well I don't know are you all right [Applause] thanks excuse me we've got an emergency man you got to move your car I want that cure whoa where is it God he's insane take it easy wait a minute what are you doing try it oh no don't do this you don't know what you're doing I know what I'm doing don't move we need that to make a serum you can't just inject it back off thank you don't do this veins come on we may be able to help you come through away then line we would die because of you don't follow me foreign [Music] 's fine where's my mother I have to talk to her relax she'll be here soon I can't see anything hug me okay never it's me we have a problem the car broke down what I can't hear you you're breaking up be there as soon as we can has everybody gone crazy the virus they're all terrified oh my God they're leaving how can they leave we have the blood look hey stop stop please hey we gotta get to the hospital okay thanks go go [Music] I can't do anything without the CDC maybe we'll get lucky maybe we can do this by ourselves my daughter's life depends on it you're coming they're coming back the CDC just called I told him about the blood and they're coming back they turn back who our team they're on Route the USS Madison and then they turned around and went back neverson yeah you know what for the president's office I want him to know that in the middle of nowhere on an island hardly anybody's heard about there are Americans helping other people they're disobeying orders to do it you know what no matter what anybody says when the stuff hits the fan we're always there tell him that be happy to tell them I want a year off got it this is I love you and you save her absolutely truth [Music] foreign [Music] wow you look as bad as I feel thanks actually I was just about to go play some tennis and then get a massage what can I do for you okay I won't keep you then how's your son doing he's holding his own we're praying for him Linda we're praying for everybody there can you give me an approximate ETA on the serum well we just were able to hook up with your main computers oh that should give us a leg up since we're in the same ballpark so to speak we should be able to make some real progress good that sounds promising yeah it is if you have a few weeks to work with we don't here's the problem been able to track the progress Ion on a typical patient and it's become very clear to us that if we don't come up with a serum in the next 24 hours we're gonna lose just about everybody we have here including my son I see so we've got 24 hours we have till 6 p.m tomorrow okay I really won't keep you then everybody here is praying for you they need all the prayers we can get [Music] no I told you before we tried that already it doesn't work look it's right there on your data sheet pay attention for God's sakes you're wasting time hey we've got to work together we are duplicating failed procedures take a break just close your eyes for a minute forgive us John I'll wake you in 15. you go on you're no good to us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I love you I love you too more than anything well oh well he's here he needs you to keep going he does yeah listen Kathy he told me he can't make it without you he said he needs you to get better do you hear me don't let him down [Music] John John take a look turn the corner for us printed out got it Linda Linda Linda you were giving me a progress report you're making progress we're close how close how you holding up signed up for an aerobics class you want to join me yes absolutely Linda thank you for what for absolutely everything we're not there yet no I know but I'll talk to you soon [Music] [Music] tomorrow here Garden area [Music] yes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh God oh my God [Music] it's 4am here in basarado the scene of round-the-clock celebrations today as the Islanders give thanks for their deliverance from the epidemic that threaten to wipe them out [Music] to you guys okay you too they look good together you should do I tell you when we first got here I was a little one looking oh I know they were gone I guess it happens like that when you're young yeah yeah I do I hope it works out for them they deserve something wonderful after everything that's happened well there's always a risk that I won't but hey I think it's worth it don't you I do Wonder though I think it was the extraordinary circumstances all the drama what happened that led them to this point wears off after a while sometimes I think it takes something like what we've been through to make those emotions flower and even though circumstances may change the feeling that's inside of both of them won't go away right I hope not I would like to see them happy and in love for the rest of their lives more than anything come on YouTube let's join the party okay [Music] [Applause] I know so when do you go back oh I got a ton of follow-up on this virus CDC wants a complete analysis of our methodology then I have to do a breakdown on the different stages of infection sounds like a lot of work to me at least really not long what about your job I'm gonna take a leave of absence this three months yeah at least but this is an ideal location for studying viruses sounds more like three months to me maybe even more and where have you been enjoying myself you should try it sometime I was but you'll have to be a blessing to others I never really save the lives of our children it's flattering to see thanks for God's work come I want you to dance with me oh show the Lord we are truly happy for all that he gives us I really am not a good dancer I can't sure you can come on Paul show your woman what it's like to be an Islander I think I already have [Music] uh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: GREAT! Free Movies & Shows
Views: 914,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, drama movies, action movies, thriller movies, the paradise virus, paradise virus, the paradise virus full movie, paradise virus full movie, Lorenzo Lamas, Melody Thomas Scott, Ralf Moeller
Id: dhtEi8zX0sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 43sec (5383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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