One Summer 2024 - Great Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024 - New Holiday 2024

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this program is rated G and is suitable for General [Music] audiences I never know to do with you I let know what to say what to say to [Music] you why are you stopping D we could spend the summer in chanting this is it I think it'd be nice for the kids to see it get away you know when you get better not getting better Lizzy nice attitude Mister anyway I spoke to Mom and Dad and we have the house for next summer so get with the program yeah you're right kids going to love it hey Dad Earth to Dad you're totally causing a traffic [Music] jam this where your mom Drew up yeah I know call us like a thousand times what's going on nothing that's just spacing out again [Applause] you think Mom got ice cream there and she was my age yeah I bet she did we're not actually stuck here all summer are we nice attitude Mickey sound like mom then I'm doing something right wait till you guys see the palace this is the palace yeah that's what your mom called it I think she was being ironic yeah you think we are going to have so much fun this summer I promise you guys trust me speak for yourself we expected you more than an hour ago well look who the Cat Dragged In say hi to Grandma grabs we thought you'd call ahead good to see you Bonnie Bud seems like you grown since we last saw you hey Tyler Michelle give Grandma hug it's Mickey well I prefer Michelle and you're so skinny you feeding them enough they're good Bonnie what did you let her do to her hair kids why don't you head upstairs and get settled in I'll be up in a sec well keep your shoes on I don't want you to get a splinter and make sure that your windows are closed the green heads will eat your Alive come on let them be somebody's got to look out it's okay oh I forgot to tell him that the rugs in the hallway slip kid got to say it's kind of a miracle seeing you Jenny didn't expect to to here myself either but uh big man works in mysterious ways that the lighthouse that Lizzie always talked about yep still work no not anymore used to be able to see the beacon for miles but it's all rotted out now Lizzy spend hours in there when she was little making up stories saving Sailors lost at sea sounds just like her I can't believe she's gone how you and the kids holding that's we can I'm Glad You Came Jack Bonnie is too though might seem a funny way of showing it it's going to be good for the kids I promise Dad what's wrong there's no water like nowhere in the whole house I thought you said the last 10 that's paid to get this fixed they said they did we've been renting the house out some no need to let it sit empty there's nothing in the fridge yeah and the window in my room's broken so where am I going to sleep everybody calm down all right I'll figure out the water situation then I will fix the window in your room room until then you can sleep with Tyler oh well that's just great enough of the complaints everything is going to be fine no it's not Dad nothing's going to be fine why did you drag us out here in the first place know we've got room at our place maybe staying at the palace wasn't a good idea it is a good idea Bonnie because it's what Lizzy wanted I didn't mean you know I'm just going to go look for some sheets for the beds why is everyone mad at each other we're not you know Grandma and I just had a little misunderstanding go grab your sister and we'll go into town and get some supplies okay I didn't mean to lash out I know Bonnie's still pretty broken up we all are let's talk after you get settled in Bonnie's got something she wants to tell you swing by the house tomorrow afternoon anything I should be worried about it's all fine just get [Music] settle can I drive no Mom said she would teach me why won't you Mickey can you please get through a single day without this fine whatever love the hair you do that yourself I'm starving what a surprise no I mean it I think I'm going to pass out from myia hypothermia is not lack of food well whatever it is I have it well we should do something about that let's go already that's rash uh how about this place no thanks I'll stay here come on you got to eat he Dad I said no you don't make every decision for me hey Dad who's Madonna you're kidding right um she's just one of the most seminal artists of any generation able to adapt her music and her Persona with only the occasional hiccup exactly what I was going to say and what else can you say about madana right uh welcome to a little bit of love everything is made from locally sourced ingredients and the menus are right there in the Cs what can I get you you guys can I get a burger please strong Choice uh make that too medium please and uh can I get a grilled cheese and Fries to go got a teenage daughter who's refusing to get out of the van she's having a moment oh it's like 16 15 yeah that's my teenager over there Liam I'll have him run it out to her did you guys just get to Channing yeah this afternoon we're here for the summer the whole oh summer hey you know what buddy this place might really surprise you my in-law's heavy place by the beach I'm Jack this is Tyler well it's nice to meet you guys I'm Jenna this is my place uh I'm going to go get these orders in for you and I'm going to bring out some Iced Teas on the house just a little welcome gift thank you yeah see why your mom loved this place so much everyone's so [Music] nice and the land is dark and the Moon is the only light we'll see no I won't be afraid no I won't be afraid just as long as you stand stand by me so darling darling stand me Dad she asked you a question uh sorry come again I was just I was just wondering if you wanted sugar with your tea no no pling fine thanks okay I I actually make the tea myself everyone says it's the best enchanting no big deal hey for the record I get lost in that song too [Music] oh hi what you doing what do you think of my new car of course who else could give you a ride for all of us hey uh your dad asked me to bring this to you grill Che thanks um yeah don't tell him but I'm actually starving your secret's safe with me B thank you it's um it's my mom's so those girls you were talking to you mean Tiffany yeah she seems like a wannabe mean girl you figured that out fast enough emphasis on one of be she's harmless well I'm Mickey Liam are you here for the summer not that I had much to say in the deal come on it's not the worst place to be so um so what do you do around here besides bringing food to strangers well I work for my mom and I like to play music you do think that's cool what kind a little bit of everything hey Liam we're getting a little backed up in here bud okay okay I got to get back but swing by sometime I'll play some in okay all right see you miles away I don't really like this place this is where the [Music] monsters hey guys go to bed okay it's late love you guys s tight [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] the steps to the lious grandma C bought it along with the rest of the property when they first got married not much of a palace huh you know just for a Nan you could use your imagination it was my Palace it's own Lighthouse I climb up to the top where you can see forever I've left it there never wanted to leave [Music] [Music] okay CU see I don't know how to do this about you nice attitude [Music] Mister see surprise [Music] Jack okay it clearly hit my head very hard because you are not really here yes I am no no no you you you you can't be here but I can this is my lighthouse now this is not happening this is impossible because you died Lizzy yeah I don't want to talk about that okay aren't you glad to see me you have no [Music] idea I've missed you so much I missed you too D I have no idea what I'm doing no but the kids with my life it's okay we're together now it's Mickey something's wrong look I almost got it Tyler get it away stop scaring me no he what is the emergency there's rats this entire place is infested M and they're cute you were such a freak both of you calm down no I'm not sleeping in here not with rats running all over the place they're M I need the two of you to stop Mickey you can move into your own room I will put foil over the window until I can get a piece of glass can it's not just the window Dad it's the rats and the water that doesn't work and everything okay you never listen to me it's like you're not even here anymore say hey BD I'm really sorry for yelling what's wrong I don't know sometimes it get so sad all at once yeah so do I Mickey's so angry all the time she's not angry at you she's just having a hard time I think we all are I wish Mom was here me too buddy [Music] oh hey hello again hi uh Jack yeah yeah uh see you found the most important store en Channing all these old beach houses some's all falling apart I've got that right I think my kids are going to mut me if I don't start fixing things ah well good luck finding a carpenter worth his salt this time of year fortunately that's what I do wait you're a carpenter mhm yeah all right are you any good I'd like to think so cuz I've got a job well I'm just visiting I don't have actually that's a total lie I have no idea how long it'll take but but but like I said before I do make the best tea in town and you sir can have as much as you like if you help me out so what's the job uh so my son Liam needs some soundproofing for his Studio actually I I am the one that needs the soundproofing before I lose my mind that seems pretty straightforward so you'll do it oh come on come on help a g Le you know what you know what I'm going to sweeten the deal okay ready for this I'm going to give you free lunches at the cafe free lunch on top of ice tea that is a bargain uh yes thank you as long as you can be flexible time wise cuz I do have the kids and they are kind of having a yeah oh yeah I totally get that yeah Liam had a really hard time adjusting when we first moved here so you're not from here no no no I uh I picked up and moved here about four years ago from Atlanta ditched my 10-hour workdays drowning in corporate law and a dying marriage and started a whole new life for the two of us oh that's not easy no it's not but you know what life's not easy and I just figure if you keep yourself open to possibilities then you can get through just about anything you know what give your kids some time they'll learn to love it here okay okay see you [Music] by we're at the beach and bugs are like Zoom I hate it here stop like Z even when it came out of water you got to be like Tyler stop I heard the green heads are only going to be around for another couple weeks then it'll be fine so until then we're just stuck inside the house great you know I have a better idea how about we just go home honey maybe if you changed your attitude are coming on you would see the good that life has in store for you if you can stay open to what the future holds yeah is this kind of a do as I say not as I do sort of thing if you would for a nan second just look on the bright side Nan second what's happa second mom used to say that word all the [Music] time yeah but she would have said it better hey you guys hungry always take ited as much all right let's go what are you doing can we go reset someplace else thought you said you were hungry nope that was him well there you go your brother's hungry we're here let's eat you are literally ruining my life all you've said many times hey Mickey hiam Table for Three yeah oh man what's wrong nothing nothing your grandma has something she wants to talk to me about I will be back to pick you up before you know it all right guys so I see you've met the green heads consider yourself officially welcome to Channing why are you laughing so weird it wasn't even funny um just ignore my brother please yeah no worries at all let me get a table set up for you guys Tyler hey Tyler good to see you again so you must be Mickey right hi hi yeah Liam mentioned meeting you oh he did yeah oh yeah I mean the other day wait yeah well I am Jenna it's really nice to meet you hang on a second I got something for you for the wels thank you I mean they're nasty little bites but they really don't last long just a thought uh your dad said that you guys were going to be here for the whole summer is that right yeah would you have any interest in working here like just for a couple hours a week hostessing busing some tables Liam could really use the help seriously I mean I would love that yeah yeah I mean if Liam could use the extra help and all I'm sure I could work something out with my dad that is amazing news yes you are saving my life um uh I think your table's ready come on come on [Music] guys no thanks I'm I'm good Fred said that you had something you wanted to discuss with me so much for small talk that's never really been our thing has it no it wasn't look I'm sorry if I've been a little distant since you arrived but it's been so hard losing Lizzy it's been hard in all of us it just doesn't make any sense we were all worried about you you were so sick I just never dreamed neither did I then there's a minute that goes by where I don't think that I'm the one who's not supposed to be here believe me if I could trade places with Lizzie I would but I can't and I have to focus on the kids well they're the reason I wanted to see you I'm worried about them Jack what do you mean Michelle and Tyler are struggling and so are you look I know how hard things have been for you back in Ohio the kids are fine you almost died and now they've lost their mother the one person who really cared for them I can take care of my kids how when you can't even accept the fact I want the kids to move in with us J never going to happen no those children need a stable home now more than ever you are out of line Bonnie it is what Lizzy would have wanted you have no clue what Lizzy wanted now my kids need family now more than ever so I'm going to forget that this conversation ever took place but don't ever pull a stunt like this again we're done [Music] here yes see actually can do something good nicely done Jack I always loved watching you work you came back so I wasn't imagining you the other night I'm not crazy he says talking to a ghost you're not crazy I'm here hold on I'm going to get the kids wait I would love that more than anything but they won't be able to see me why not it's just how this works I don't want to worry them right because they already think I messed up enough Jack you look so tired I haven't had a second to slow down I better make sure that life stays the same for the kids but you have to take some time for yourself give yourself a chance to grieve one [Music] day so the mom she didn't mean what she said she just stories about everything I know I'm doing the best I can I know [Music] babe you feel warm I'm so sorry this wasn't the plan most plans aren't ours to make babe all we can do is find the grace to follow [Music] them Dad Dad you okay hey yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm fine what were you doing nothing um get some sleep it's late [Music] oh [Music] [Music] don't get me wrong I'm glad you're here but is there reason you wanted to help with the sound approval no I just figured you could use the help besides I want to talk to Jenna about the restaurant when my shifts are and stuff like that and it has nothing to do with the fact that we're sound pering Leo studio right boundaries dad all right now we just got to make sure it's flushed into the corner and tell me what it says in the tape uh 8 ft even got it that is the last measurement really mhm W that went way faster than I thought it would you work this hard at the restaurant I may have to hire you full time hey be careful mom's got a way of sucking you in that's not a bad thing hey um actually let me help you thanks looks like she's settling and just fine yeah who would have thought right here should be good okay yeah who that's an Ian as yeah it's used but it's got a great sound you play uh yeah a little I mean yeah I guess well let's see what you got really yeah okay please okay come [Music] on how long have you been playing um since I was a kid my mom got me into it music's actually really been helping me and get through some things I don't know um it's just been a really weird time my dad he almost died last year oh man what happened it's it's a long story just forget it my dad left he uh he ran off with his assistant and mom mom says that he left her and it wasn't my fault but gone is gone I know what you mean I miss my mom every day are you and your dad close we used to be but lately it's just been kind of scary scary I mean he was so sick and no one knows why he got better or if he's going to get sick again I don't know I mean when I lost my mom it was it just broke me and I don't know if I could handle losing him too so you put it all into your music yeah can I hear another song sure come on [Music] as promised the best te in town so I just saw Mickey playing guitar she's a really good musician she gets it from her mother they might that ponnie told me what happened to your wife I'm so sorry I can't imagine what you're going through she mentioned that it's my fault no she left that part out but if she had I would have said that's ridiculous you you don't control fith Jack maybe you could tell my kids too I see it in their faces the thought that their mom was supposed to be here and if it wasn't for me they would be no no they love you the thing is I don't know how to comfort them I don't know have the words especially Micky [Music] um I just I think it's it's really hard to help someone grieve when you're grieving yourself you know I know but it's more than that Mickey's pulling away shut me out and I don't know if I'll ever get her back [Music] [Music] all the pain thought everything was gone then I saw [Music] you then [Music] Dad where all the boats look down the coast there's loads of them down [Music] there then there's [Music] you look what your dad fixed now I keep the front door open and the green head's out what's wrong bom's birthday you believe I almost forgot is that what it's going to be like bit by bit I'll just slowly forget everything about her no honey we will never forget her and You' got me here to remind you for how long what happens when you get sick again are you sick again Dad no no bud I'm fine and I will stay fine you don't know that stop it Mickey do you have to say things like that in front of your brother sorry but I didn't mean to upset him I [Music] know look if you want to talk about it forget it I'm fine and I got to go it's my first shift at the cafe I don't want to be [Music] late hey bunny get a sec you want to talk about what Mick said not really okay can we throw on a birthday party I think she likees that sure sure I think she'd like that a lot we can invite Grand GRS over for dinner make Mom save your cake cool can I decorate it sure [Music] I love you dad I love you too [Music] [Music] hey I'm trying here [Music] what are you writing I'm just collecting my thoughts tell me what it's going to be like after I'm gone we are not doing this Jack yeah we are I need to know you're going to be okay and I want to picture what that look look like I'll take the kidss to the Palace show them where I spent my Summers on the beach Le fresh crab with our fingers then what at night after everyone's asleep I'll go up into the White House and I'll shine that huge beacon on the sky and I'll look for you and you'll be up in heaven and you'll see that light and you'll know that will never really be a part that's what I'm going to do [Music] hey what those dishes ever do to you sorry I'll be more careful it's okay you're doing great everything good yeah it's nothing it's just today is actually my mom's birthday I'm sorry thanks it's just really hitting me that life is moving on without her I mean it's not the same but I I kind of felt like that after my dad left yeah what did you do I walked on the beach a lot the ocean makes me feel better yeah it makes me feel better too we should go out some time what I mean out there I just got this little catamaran you know how to S it yeah well I'm I'm learning it's not that hard yeah maybe I will never stop being Amazed by the beauty here yeah this is nice really is isn't it I thought you needed a break oh thanks yeah definitely be dry one oh my gosh yes yes you know after all these years of hearing Lizzie talk about this place it just steal her everywhere it's a pretty special place today's her birthday Tyler wants to throw a birthday party that is such a good idea yeah know I thought so too but no I'm not so sure what why I just worry that celebrating it will just keep reminding the kids she's not here with us no that is that is okay when she's still worth celebrating right and I got to tell you I think your kids could really use a party just saying would you would have liked you I'm sure I would have loved her would you tell her happy birthday for me okay how's that Nikki it's great Tyler it really is mom would have loved it kiddo anyone else you would have loved what this whoa way oh now you did it here we [Music] [Music] go uhoh Grand and camps are here no what on Earth happened to you guys mom's favorite game now you're weing it don't encourage him Fred all right who's ready to eat been afraid of changing cuz I bu my life around you what time makes you B even children get [Music] if you see my reflection in snow covered here where the last I bring you down or hold inside bring you down [Music] it's not fair Lizzy you should be here sometimes life isn't fair [Music] Jack I don't know how you did [Music] it with the kids and me you always made it look so easy you were never easy totally worth it but not [Music] easy half the time I'm just going through the motions trying to con convince everyone that it's all going to be okay I'm not okay Lizzy I miss [Music] you are you even really here I am always here [Music] [Applause] that hey you sorry s right I'll I'll be finished cleaning this in a sec okay let's just go take a break together oh sure how you doing great thanks and you still breathing still happy Mick but is relax you're not in trouble I'm I'm just checking in with you okay good because I really like this job yeah yeah what about Channing um yeah it's growing on me me it does have that effect on people and our fourth of July cannot be beat you know what you should totally sign up for the open mic really yeah no way well why not it's so fun we we do it right here after the block party you'd be great thank you but I don't really perform so well I think you should I mean I have heard you and Liam play together you guys sound good did you think about it okay okay can I ask you a question Liam mentioned something about your dad that he almost died oh yeah he was really sick last year uh what [Music] happened um oh my gosh you do not have to talk about it I I am so sorry to put you on this no it's okay it's okay it's just all been really scary that's all yeah so when my dad got back from Iraq he couldn't breathe and my mom said that the toxins over there just really messed up his lungs and the doctors couldn't find anything they just said it was PTSD I mean stress can do a number on your body yeah he just kept getting worse you know and I mean he was literally about to die so they sent him home to be with us oh that just that must have been so frightening for you and your brother but then he recovered yeah we didn't think that he would but then my mom got into a car crash she was going to get medicine for my dad when this truck just came up nowhere and I'm so sorry weird thing is is that's when he suddenly got better the doctor said it was a [Music] miracle you know what I think actually I don't think it was a miracle I think your dad's love for you is just so big that he willed himself to get better so he could stay here with you and your brother I don't know maybe you are right right there we go I know know how to ride a bike Grand I'm sure you do but I want you to stay right around here you can ride up and down the street that's boring Bonnie let the boy ride his bike right of course well just have a good time and don't go near the highway you coming in a minute I just want to make sure he's okay maybe you should just let the don't even say it Jack's healthy now but I can't they're all that I have left of Lizzy I can't lose them too you're not going to come on S it's going to be fine come on hey crazy busy day huh yeah I guess my Dad's here see you later hey Liam hey Mr OB can we just go okay all right who would like cheese on their burger I do all right you're going to get cheese how about you Mickey whatever you're just going to do what you want anyway so it's just Cheese Mickey you know enough is enough you've been in a mood every ever since I picked you up what is going on with you nothing okay no not okay watch your tone I'm still your father whether you like it or not fine you really want to know it's this town okay I know you brought us here to make things better and I appreciate it I do but we don't fit in here okay we're not like the other kids what are you talking about you and Liam were I I don't even know him and Tyler you haven't made any friends have you Tyler is that true how can I Grand just give me a minute alone so what do you want to do I want to go home okay we'll go back to Ohio after I get the lighthous and how how long is that going to take I'm almost there just got to fix the beacon and what's left of the wood steps leading up to it be lot faster if to you out you want us to help you I do G said it's dangerous in there your Grandma loves you but she worries too much besides I will be there with you that was your mom's favorite place in the world so let's fix that for her then we'll go feel deal deal well let's eat these Burgers cuz we have a lot of work ahead of [Music] us really think we can get the lighthouse working again sure can't be that hard right you want to give it a try seriously you won't teach me how to drive but you'll let me use an electric saw I'm feeling generous you want to try or not okay what do I do first things first safety okay now pick up the saw on your right hand okay you always want to stand to the left of the blade brace yourself with your left hand here and stand in natural comp all right now you never want to start the blade when it's already touching the wood so pull it back a little bit okay line it up is that right yep pull the trigger and slide it through [Music] gently awesome right you'll always be a part of your mom's Lighthouse yeah all right couple more boards let's see now that is a look Liam wants to know if I would go sailing with him thought you were mad at him I wasn't mad exactly and I know I know I know I know boundar so you got a big decision going to go sailing you want to help your old man pick up scrapwood I think I want to go sailing uh do you mind no oh go sailing have fun thank you Dad where life vest [Music] okay so beautiful out here most beautiful place on Earth hop on was lost then there's you ready then there's you all hold on empty want to feel it all and then there's you then there's you yeah yeah that's good um what do you think about trying it faster maybe yeah that I want to try okay here we go all right ready I am ready no empty spaces want to feel it all and then there's you then there's [Music] you o you are 100% my hero has it always been that long oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and you fixed it so we're going to celebrate okay I'm going to cook dinner tonight uh 7:00 bring the kids sounds like a plan what can we bring just your appetites a specialty [Music] and then what happened I can't you it run it but I pled right on my shorter you know bud some people think that's good luck it's a pretty gross way of getting lucky if you ask me so Mickey I heard you guys practicing in the studio you sound great have you thought any more about signing out for open mic night there's still time yeah you should totally do you'd be so good well thank you yes I will think about it okay you better well I hope you guys are hungry because we made so much food oh too much food well uh and did you know this guy CS he actually culinary genius right here I do a little no you do a little he's like selling himself short you know what if you don't mind I'm just going to grab a little air yeah sure okay okay well I love it I'm excited good all right let's eat no I wish I'd come here with you well you're here now and you are pulling out all your best moves wearing your flirty shirt working your flirty I'm not flirting I mean friendly well she seems nice I like her Jenna is a friend would it be so bad if it were I want you to meet someone Jack I want you to be [Music] happy yeah yeah yeah come down from the L my love I don't know what to run me from but it's show enough to pass the pain if let me take [Music] home and I don't know when know [Music] how you got to where you are right now but it's your enough the pass of pain you feel one last me take your [Music] home I give you all of my love to get you through your talking star when your dreams have turned to along with your inless I will be your hand home if you want to let go [Music] alone through the I'm sorry I forgot no it's okay wait show me how you do this yeah absolutely so just strum that if you want to go for it I'm a natural I'm a natural you're so good how you good everything you know that's should be illegal you ready to go yeah here we go all right what count you in ready count you in again or you think you got it I got it you got it I like tot hey how was your run lunch's almost ready I'm not hungry hey is everything okay can I just have some privacy around here I swear Lizzy Mickey wants me to teach her to drive but her mood swings are giving me Whiplash she's a teenager Jack what do you expect I just want to help her and protect her but I can't do that if she won't let me in you can't protect her from everything she's growing up help her become an adult Jack hello hey hey hey come on up am I interrupting something I thought I heard you talking to someone uh no no um I was just talking about myself when I was working yeah that makes sense I brought you some leftovers I left them over at the house great looks like you got the electricity working down there yeah yeah I just got to get this Beacon going and she'll be done she well seems like forces that sa people more often than not are sheep well I can't argue with that always wanted to see the view from up here oh my God it's amazing [Music] amazing I wonder how many ships this Lighthouse has saved I think about that too yeah yeah yeah how this simple Tower exists the cross between disaster and [Music] salvation I thought of it like that so how do you turn turn it on once you get it working oh right it's right over here uh this uh circuit box right here has a lever and then it's the main power switch you just throw it if I can get it working so um what's the plan once she's finished oh I guess I promise the kids would take them back to [Music] Ohio thank you for looking out for Mickey and giv her a job encouraging her music well I think you're doing just fine by both of them but I'm happy to help I mean there have been times in my life when things have gotten so hard I wanted to give up I don't want that for her that's funny cuz you don't strike me as a person who gives up anything well well you haven't met my ex-husband so I don't know I guess we just thought that Liam would fix all the issues I turned out we had but it didn't quite work out that way [Music] so sometimes disappointment hits you so hard that you think it's going to kill you but then it doesn't and you're left with this person that you don't even recognize this like new you who's sadder but wiser do you know what I mean I sure do yeah [Music] hey what let's go what come on you heard me Dad Dad what's going on where are you taking me question is where are you takeing me no way seriously you know what I uh Change My Mind Toss it back no walk up kick this car in gear key and ignition key and ignition check the mirrors checking mirrors disengage the parking braake where is the parking brake parking brake okay turn it down push it in whenever you're ready put her in first clutch clutch clutch okay okay honey I think you're ready for second gear I don't know I think I'm good with first now you can do it right foot a little bit of gas good good good all right left foot clutch okay and right hand shift straight down okay it worked let's go for third gear think I got it yeah y it's okay third gear is the toughest all right you're doing [Music] [Applause] great I mean that was just beyond awesome hey thank you for getting us here in one piece yeah what's the matter man nothing I just I wish Mom could have seen me maybe she can let's just believe that she can right [Music] [Music] come on work for [Applause] me all right did all right lizy can you see it I sure can jack it's [Music] [Music] beautiful Every Day brings new life to help us on our way the wind will carry us over that Horizon we see is getting [Music] closer this is why we [Music] live Moment Like This this is why we live the [Music] [Applause] moment my last one oh I saw nice hey I'm really proud of you you know what I sticking with the cafe gig it's a lot of responsibility and Jenna said that you're doing a great job thank you I like it yeah you know today was really fun even though you cheated at the ring I didn't cheat we just lost [Music] up next we have Tiffany with f electric [Music] sorry hi sorry for the wait I like to flirt with danger I can fight and strangers Walk Alone through the night stares the side of me that's so extreme I need to feed the beast to bre my mind when my C blows I don't want to shut down got to let it flow sometimes not to expose can I but I will cry in the dark time to the hi you weren't kidding about 4th of July enchanting no we take our holidays very seriously here and we don't have thr good party that you do yeah the kids actually seem happy almost feels like life's getting back to normal yeah it's Shame about you moving back to Ohio though [Applause] thanks hey guys I'm Liam and this song's pretty special to [Music] me miles away I don't really like this place cuz this is where the monsters room when my mind is blank don't want toet you know what I actually I can't sing the song without the girl who wrote it I can't has anybody seen her her name is Mickey Armstrong wait there she is right there mi mi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mi I am so going to get you for this hi so this is a um a song that I wrote about starting [Music] over miles away I don't really like this place cuz this is where the monsters roll home where my mind is playing don't want to forget her face when I feel alone cuz through all the pain thought everything was lost and then there's you then there's you no empty spaces want to feel it all and then then there's you then there's you oh oh then there's you underneath it all you saw me in the rain stopped and I'm glad you did now I can take the mask off embrace the fear in the dark not afraid of the tears cuz through all the pain thought everything was lost and then there's you then there's you no empty spaces want to feel it all and then there's you then there's [Music] you oh then there's [Music] you oh then there you Underneath It All you saw me in the rain stopped and I'm glad you did you proud of my granddaughter oh I definitely she did well hey Dad hey you ready actually if it's okay I'm going to go with Liam if we hurry we'll have time to sale before it gets dark sale at this hour she'll be fine Bonnie have fun sweetie thank you Dad all right what would you say we go home maybe start packing hey hang on a sec can't let you leave without a piece of coconut cake that was good today yeah yeah it was Mickey was amazing she she was wasn't she yes okay thank you for the cake yeah anytime hey Jack you're going to miss this place yeah Dad how fast do we need a pack up you can take as much time as you like yeah what did you want to tell me not tell read now but also keep it for later my dear Lizzy after I'm gone I want you to remember our love and I want the children to remember us and I want you to I want the children to remember us our family and I want you to tell them every day that I loved them that even after I'm gone I love them still will you do that of course just know I will never be be far away as long as our memories live on but there's something else I want you to do and this is important I want you to live your life to the fullest and don't hold back to just because I'm Gone the world needs your light and you need to shine open yourself to love again and give yourself to it completely do it for the kids but also do it for me honor our love by letting me [Music] go live your life Jack I love you so much I love you [Music] hey Jack is it everything okay have you heard from Nikki not since she went sailing with they're not back yet I keep I keep trying Liam on his cell but he's not picking up I'm I think they might still be out there I I think they might be in trouble than G Jack Jack over here is this where they launched this is where it usually puts the homie cat is but I don't know I don't see them I call 911 they're on the way VI is everything good is everything fine yeah we're okay are you sure hold on wait hold on hold on what are you doing I'm looking for sword we have to get close come here come here gra my arm H him here come here come here no Li give me your hand Li are you okay I'm okay what are we going to do we're going to find them okay okay look down the beach I'll look up there Mickey look Mickey I see the shore it's right there you see it yeah it's right there we're close we're almost there [Music] miy hey Hey where's Mickey dad Liam Liam are you okay Liam you know where Mickey is TR hold on I try there's there's a wave it's there's a w come on come on come on let's get you out come on come on where are [Music] you jack what are you doing Micky still out there you can't go in there it's too dangerous I can't leave her out there no let me help you with the layout can you do it yes you remember the switch yes yes yes you gety [Music] ncky ncky God help I'm over here oh down here yes yes [Music] Micky viy Dad where are you miy Dad I'm here Dad that's okay I got you I got you there yes I got you I got you hang on to me baby okay okay okay [Applause] I can't believe you found me Jen found you Jen and Mom together right yeah yeah that's right baby that's right baby come on come on I got [Applause] you yeah that's what it is [Music] Jack there's something I'd like to discuss with you uh is there something I need to worry about Jack just hear her out the palace has been in our family for a very long time and it's always been a special place for us now we want it to be a special place for you and the kids Annie what is this the plan was always to leave it to Lizzy but Fred and I talked and we decided to put the house in the trust for you and Mickey and Tyler now we know the Summer's over and you got your life back in Ohio but you always have a home here in ch you're our family and we really hope you'll stay this is such csing I don't know what to say say yes Dad you guys sure totally looks like we're [Music] [Applause] staying wow everything okay everything's great good [Music] [Music] [Music] helloe foree fore forch speech fore spee [Music] foree fore fore spee spee spee foree speech spee for speech fore [Music] spee spe foree speech speech foreign for [Music] spee [Music] foree speee fore speee spee fore [Music] spee fore [Music]
Channel: Fact Saim
Views: 63,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TppvS41f7CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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