Stolen Life (aka Reckless Behavior) - Full Movie | Great! Action Movies

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hey how's it going good time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sir hi we usually take recess outside right um it's math um I found this idea on the internet that you you uh multiplications you drill the ball and throw it back and forth oh good good it's just it's a little noisy you know for the other classes without balls oh I understand yeah um we'll try to keep it down by the way it looks interesting do you mind if I come by the next time you're doing the multiplication tables well I never thought I'd hear myself say that but yeah I would yeah absolutely sounds great Okay who wants to be the octopus I mean you'd think that they'd be interested in something new to get so bent out of shape by a little racket all our kids wanted to be in your class you'd come in here all excited and bushy-tailed a year out of school you may be ready to change the world but to most people different as a threat yeah but you're a great teacher how can you be so cynical I saved my enthusiasm for battles I can win Lorraine Hi how are you great couldn't be better you well I got yelled at today because I was teaching math in this new way and what are you kidding me I break up with a guy I'm supposed to marry and you're the one having a tough day what we're going to get married this Summer yeah well the bride's always the last to know it's last week's taploids you know what I mean excuse me [Music] look we're going on our annual trip you me and Steph only we're not going in the summer and we're going someplace fun spring break a place called mintner's Cove or something somewhere near San Diego order wait wait hold on our yearly trip now no that's gonna win in fact it was her idea find me another fiance at least for the week David and I haven't seen much of each other this semester and we were going to go on this camping trip what don't you understand about the beach you may not believe this but I actually want to go camping with David farther gone than I thought I'll tell you I'll tell you I'm going home tomorrow I'll see him and I'll ask him ask him possibly step 40 in let me tell you you are in serious Jeopardy thank you you have to come now that Laura's being dumped she's going to be a nutcase I don't know Steph you know I've just been feeling a little weird it's our trip our little tradition I know spring break isn't quite our thing so what if you and Lauria working I'm still in school so we qualify to go somewhere and act like idiots well you know what sometimes I wish I were still in school you are just with seven-year-old we were together all those years in college and we didn't have to worry about real life we're still friends it's not as though I'm moving to China at least not yet maybe after spring break but see that's what I mean you're going to China and I'm here with the third grade and a [ __ ] principal you are so nuts you know I don't know who's worse you're Laurie I mean here you are with a career that's actually working about to be married to this great guy have those 1.8 fabulous children well I have to thrash my way through the academic jungle yeah but you're going to China come on you have to come it'll be great you and David can spend your whole life going camping thank you [Music] hey Emma what are you doing home checking to see who's leading in this trailer it doesn't take much hey guys hey it's that bad boy hey Emma he's working out I think okay thank you okay jigs up hide the girls hey honey come and spot me the hell are you doing here it's great spot me what are you doing here [Music] can you get away on the way ah you are never getting up Frozen yeah yeah [Music] yeah yeah God when are you gonna get a decent bed when there's more call for it we could probably figure out something to do about it though yeah we could but probably not this weekend why not you should live dangerously you better watch out one of these days you're gonna get stuck let's go it's got more important things to do thanks I don't want to tell you over the phone but uh I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this camping trip I have to sit my Advanced EMT course it's the only time I can do it till next year you are dumping me well if I had my way then we'd be so bored of being together all the time and you'd be happy to have a break you think that should be together you know that we'd be bored well it looks innocent enough but all that sun makes people a little crazy you're better off where it's cooler how do you know Dad I was in the Navy remember well I'll stay away from anybody who's in a uniform except for maybe a fireman dad's just worried once anybody leaves this suffocating Town they're gonna go crazy or never come back yeah Dad maybe we should find out what really went on out there that was before I Met Your Mother yeah yeah we've heard that before all right I better go don't forgive me anything if it involves them but only had to implement we'll see you out what is this an empty chair cereal squirt play hooky oh you told me to Lug host the rest of my life is that you're blowing my excuse not to go with the curls well you should go it'll be fun right maybe tonight yeah especially after this afternoon hi baby [Music] I'll bring you back a Bronze Goddess [Music] [Music] drop it [Music] I have been called for five months all right well looks like you get warmed up here I'm never leaving school party girls that's us hey boy have you come to the right place how'd you girls get so smart you pick minders Cove look at that beach and hey we got a pool and we got a stage you girls were born for that stage we got a hypnotist lets you do what you always want around here I'm your man whatever you need whatever you want I'm your man hey you like a different look just around the point we got a different Beach big waves bars personally I never leave right here what do you got in these bags just bikinis here give me that all you guys are hot we got lots of guys girls too if that's your thing hey you here to hook up cause I'm uh connected and connecting you know what I mean aren't you still in school like high school yeah well we mature a little faster out here oh you got an older brother I am my older brother foreign [Music] [Music] all they have is time there's always gonna be remember we used to think there's always going to be a guy a career and everything would just come naturally because that's what happens there's plenty of time of course you may never have met the guy or had the job but we're gonna have it all get married have kids guaranteed we're gonna be happy because we deserved it guaranteed ow es a way of sneaking up on you nobody tells you it's crap shoot where most people come off snake eyes I don't feel that way yeah you do you do feel that way you haven't faced it yet otherwise you're gonna marry David long ago I mean what are you waiting for James isn't turning to somebody else anytime soon when you walk into that Firehouse you're sure as hell what you get knock it off Lori I needed I need to do something different have fun no I mean life is who knows what to tell us about found that out the hard way I need to be somebody who didn't just let it all get away what I need is to hook up fast yes [Music] [Music] guarantee most beautiful girls here and you're walking away did we do something wrong here just a little reality breaks reality what is that this is spring break you gotta go a little wild otherwise what's the point are you guys watching the wet t-shirt contest you guys have to do it no you know what you're missing you know how it feels to have a hundred crazy guys wanting to be with you well I've already got someone wanting to be but that's one pathetic God I'm talking about a hundred Clues guys do you have any idea another thing you know like sexual charades Rachel you know like that movie when Harry Metzel you've seen them I've seen that movie but we be doing it in a hot tub not in a stupid thing who are you little girl I thought we discouraged you you must have mistaken me for someone who isn't Falling in Love you girls have just won the most beautiful girls award and we are the prize so my two guys are going to shoot your entire week you'll never forget it [Music] [Music] hey I told you this beach was special totally private five minutes from your condo she's so gorgeous this is just the beginning hey I'm your ticket to a good life [Music] [Music] [Music] I knew at the moment I saw her just another body dude it's another body total innocence but not he's not going to do anything not the type if you will look the right situation try drugs the right booze besides when we're done with this surely we think she did everything [Music] [Music] [Applause] Drive [Applause] [Music] all right there you go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Laughter] um [Music] [Music] okay the idea is to be Meg Ryan right Emma [Applause] come on [Applause] do it for me I know you can do it [Music] mm-hmm yeah oh God oh god oh my God oh God oh God foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] there's a cabin downstairs you want to come yeah I'll show you a ride better if she were down a little I got it dumb [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] interesting we're so proud of you doing such a great job and uh a few of the members of the board and I thought we want to discuss some ideas that we have for you next week [Music] [Music] thank you how did you get them to do all of that I don't remember doing anything like that in the second grade except run around the playground do you think it's possible for me to be too impressed I want to give you a big head you're gonna think you're too good for a small town of fire man oh come on I would love to show you how untrue that is you would yeah she would you stay over like I don't have a four and a half hour drive to make my shift and I'll be up next weekend okay I'm really really proud of you I love you in mintner's Cove I really missed you I wanted you to be there you're right what about the hunk with the yacht I remember having a headache and playing charades rates what do you think what do I think I think you should go to San Diego more often thank you better you better go before and make you stay and you stop me you're kidding by the way I went topless one night I'm sorry you what yeah we all did it was a little weird out there should have been there see the new me I told you you didn't know what you were missing [Music] [Music] get your credit card ready click the download button again every second of what these horny chicks do no more the board we all were so impressed by your imagination and your handling of the children that uh the PTA would like to fund an extracurricular program for all grades for the other teachers as well I've had three kids go through this school but you raised the bar I thought you should uh be rewarded for your talents wow I I don't know what to say I'm flattered I just um I don't know quite how it would work well if you're agreeable we could set up another meeting and see if we can figure something out boy you sure know how to make enemies first to come back from California positively glowing and now you're holding seminars terrible idea isn't it it's a great idea but it's also the best way to get yourself most hated teacher of the year well then I just won't do it School politics are funny I mean it looks all touchy-feely but you just never want to give anyone too much ammunition hey Jess come here is that who it looks like it can't be it's like one of those spring break tapes but it's different more extreme did you go down to some spring break thing you watch the whole thing it's her it gets pretty raunchy you think we ought to tell Dave suddenly all the other teachers are mad at me almost well you could try switching schools better yet you could come home you know you could get a job in a second maybe it's time Zach code for get married and live happily ever after in prediction so what if it is it's not the end of the world I just don't know if I want to spend my whole life in a small town why what's wrong with it well would you live somewhere else I don't think so I think Prairie has a lot to offer I mean history family Roots I mean honey it's a good town it's our home I mean what is there something you want to do that needs to be someplace else it can be a little suffocating you don't think people feel suffocated no matter where they are I mean anywhere Madison Chicago San Diego wherever you were all right honey I guess you could learn how to surf no I didn't say that look all I'm saying is I don't remember you feeling this way before you took your little trip did something happen out there made you feel like you needed to be someplace else I don't know with someone else listen I've always felt this way okay I mean don't you feel this way sometimes what if there's something out there that's perfect perfect for you for us you know I never know I think that everything that's perfect for us is right there I mean you could turn your back on it looking for something else I don't know what but by the time you figure it out what you don't know is what you've lost David nothing's changed yeah maybe but uh at least it's in the open now don't you think we've been ignoring this you know I'm not facing the facts here oh what are you talking about okay listen I love you and you love me those are the facts yeah but you know look the fact is I like Prairie okay I like my job it makes me feel good like I'm doing something I'm proud of yeah I'm sorry I've got to go come here come here I love you I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm sure there's some kind of reasonable explanation here mistaken identity something I just thought you should know someone raised the issue I don't understand I if somebody would say something like that don't I get a chance to defend myself to maybe a little premature if there's no substance to it then we can forget we ever had this conversation it's more important that it's not true what am I supposed to do somebody that I don't know who it is is saying that I'm in some porno film that that they won't identify and I want if you like to take the rest of the day off I wouldn't like wouldn't like the rest of the day off I haven't done anything why should I oh Emma it's not a suggestion I'm not making it a formal suspension but just take a couple of days off she wouldn't even tell me what they were talking about ironed it was about you and some movie you didn't do anything weird when you were in San Diego did you no I mean we all have fun okay we took our tops off one night that's it should have gone to Central page I'm sure you let go a little it was vacation it was more silly than anything yeah but silly to you can be salacious to somebody else I mean the trouble with this kind of thing is they're always for somebody who believes it because I seek you to want it to be true no I haven't about it yeah I tried to color rain but I couldn't reach her um I've been suspended how can they do that are all of us in it I don't know I don't even know if this thing exists I mean do you know where I would find this type of thing but I mean what would we look for Emma Stefan Lorraine Flash and mintner's Cove if you talk to Lorraine tell her to call me all right okay all right who's your wife foreign I don't understand Reverend I thought we were doing a pretty good job for the church well if you want to make a change that's fine but there has to be a reason I mean it's okay if you have to it just I'm just confused look if it's there's something we did I have to go downstairs and tell Henry to cancel that Emmanuel Lutheran order see Matthew's just canceled their bulletin order three of our biggest accounts what's going on nobody it's dumping to any conclusion well Steve I'm sorry as hell all right moving on MRI hey all I did was stumble across something what the hell man Dave it's out there okay what's out there there's nothing out there it's not him all right I could got stabbed you in time [Music] she doesn't have Tanya I mean what is the policy in a situation but she has the right to bring it to the board school could be sued even the public airing of such an issue would be damaging to the school pretty soon the kids are going to get window get curious do not want to be explaining to my seven-year-old what pornography is now I haven't said anything till now because she's such a good teacher and she presents herself so well but if she stays I'm pulling Jason out of school maybe it's not working anyway uh you you haven't answered my email yet what's going on Town burning down I think it's pretty crappy here okay bye I love you bye hey your choice is either resign or I will have to take this to the district and initiate a formal dismissal now if you resign there can be some reason something neutral something that won't hurt your record I'll help you frame the situation so it won't affect your future I didn't do anything how could you believe that I would I mean at least let me talk to who's spreading this it's no longer a case of an unsubstantiated rumor I have not seen the material but others have teachers parents I will look at it if I have to as will the district what material there is no material I tried looking on the internet you know I don't have to accept this I have a right to fight this and I'm going to you too you do have a right to fight this but let me lay down the process I fire you for cause in this District that is automatically reviewed by the superintendent and the board now you can appeal at a district level which will bring the whole sorted business into the public Arena but you should think very carefully about that before you do litigation being what it is these days it would have to be messy and the district it doesn't usually lose Emma I'm trying to do you a favor if you fight it it'll be on your record even if you're exonerated even if it turns out to be nothing it will be on your record every time you go for an interview true or not it'll be there people parents will find out about it they always do now you think of school is going to go against parents in hiring a teacher believe me I'm thinking of your welfare I have to say goodbye to my children I don't think that's a good idea there's a substitute already in place your things will be gathered and delivered to you how can you just have somebody disappear from their lives you can't just yank somebody from them you understand that they'll get over oh Emma she wouldn't let me say goodbye to my children I'll talk to them something kids are resilient they're usually more than we are at least now we can go see a lawyer or reside look I know it's lousy but well sometimes it doesn't really matter whether it's true or not I've got to get to class it's up to you you've got to be strong it's up to you [Music] foreign foreign oh okay I thought I turned you off I'm losing it foreign hi stranger where have you been how are you what's the matter um pretty lousy Emma film Emma I saw a shot video you hear me I said I saw it I saw you with my own eyes David that puts you ahead of me because I didn't do any movie okay and I David let's go girls Wilding mintner's Cove Emma are you drunk huh were you high and maybe I could understand what you would we having fun this just means that I I really don't know who you are David will you please just listen to me for one second okay I didn't do any movie I don't know what the hell is going on here just give me one why don't you look at it on your computer you can Google it most of them I really sorry I really thought I knew you Emma David just yeah no save it I can't I just I can't oh God oh my God oh yeah oh God oh I'm good [Music] [Music] printing hi Emma Hi how are you I'm fine how's everything there chugging along what's going on do you miss Mom every day I know God I don't I don't even know how to say this I don't know what to do I don't know how they made it or how it happened but there's this tape and it looks like I'm on it but I didn't do anything I don't know I don't know what to do what video what do you mean I don't I don't eat mayor honey I'm not following you here tell me again no it's okay I can handle it come sorted out here no it's okay I'll deal with it all right I'm coming up there no don't Daddy please I'm fine fine oh God I just I have to figure this out on my own I'll come home in a few days okay whenever you take this I can handle it attitude it's like okay okay there is a porno video with me in it I saw it you guys earned a little bit they have me doing stuff with that guy I mean I'm not crazy am I we were together the whole time I I wasn't drugged or something was I we drank a lot wait you mean like someone putting something in our drinks I'm not kidding I got fired from my job charades came faking the orgasm it really looks like I'm with that guy Greg or whatever his name was I mean it looks so real I it's awful it made me sick David saw it he won't even talk to me I mean and I can't blame him you know I can't what about Lori and me or are we in it uh uh God I mean a little bit I don't know I I didn't watch the whole thing this could really hurt my career academics are look come up and stay with me no no to figure things out I mean at least I can be a little Anonymous here I just wanted to call make sure I hadn't gone crazy you're not crazy there must be some kind of a logical explanation for this Emma can you hear me you know I'll come down there if you want me to um thanks oh that just sounds a little confusing I know I know it does but I know that I didn't do anything that's on that tape even I almost believe it's me and what if I was drugged or something you know is that possible for for me to do something like that and not even know it well when Heroes of cases of date rape drugs things like that look Emma there's a kind of bottom line it may not be what you want to hear but either you did it and don't remember or you did some things that make it look like you're doing more or with somebody else you don't believe me I do I do well I want to believe you I guess I do believe you because I trust my instinct about you as a person but look at the situation I mean I haven't seen it but even if you think about maybe being drugged or something or whether you did it or not people think you did that's what you have to fight people see me and they think they know they look at me and I can't stand it okay I can't go anywhere without thinking that everybody knows do you know how that feels I called a friend a lawyer she wasn't very helpful she uh had somebody in her office look at the videotape well this is what she thought she said it would be better if you moved away to some other school district the things died down with nothing on your permanent record you could start afresh maybe it makes sense Emma well I'm your friend I know you're a good person you've proved that a wonderful talented person but I'm not the issue even a school isn't David is your family you you need to figure out something most people never have to figure out who you are and what you're gonna do about it foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'm calling the police I'm going home no Emma you can't let him get away with this you know I just gotta get out of here [Music] [Music] dad foreign [Music] [Music] you awake you came home I take it then it's a it's not all good I have an inkling about some of this you haven't had much experience of bad things so I don't want you to think you can't come to me you know [Music] that's good is it I stood there looking down in some stupid plaque thinking where the hell is my mother I'm I guess it doesn't really matter anymore but I'm home Dad I am what are you doing home honey could you give us a minute we're talking oh what about Emma's dirty video I mean I look at it this way it doesn't seem like the kind of thing my big sister would do but he could have had this Jekyll and Hyde moment in that case you're a very sick girl he didn't maybe we should figure out what happened I mean can they do that stuff where you put your head on someone else's body you know like all that compute generated stuff you've seen the regular movies do you remember that gag shot we did for the Kiwanis where we mixed up all the heads with the bodies but you'd have to have something to work with there was stuff I did like that charades game but we're all tarred with this you've lost a third of our business almost all the churches why don't you give Chief Rogers a call look I know you're having a rough time okay I mean obviously you weren't treated that well but a couple of the cops up there but one cop went as far as to say that it was my fault I mean here I am nearly raped and they're telling me that I'm the type of person who's dangering woman but uh well all this is a little out of my league here I mean I don't think there are any federal laws that come with this sort of thing this took place in California God only knows what their loss allow so you're telling me that they can just get away with this I mean then what good are cops what if the police were to shut down a club say oh to protect you from this happening now I think you'd be pretty upset at the law missing in areas that most folks nowadays consider to be their own business well thanks for coming by Chief at least you listened hey I've been trying to reach you second um yeah I've been I've been busy I am I saw the tape my first thought was boy she sure made better use of her time than I did just kidding we were together the whole time we're talking about okay I'm sorry you're getting a lot of flack for this but you know people get Academy Awards for less or worse okay the tape's pretty bad and maybe it's not that Emma I know but what other explanation is there I mean just forget it everybody needs to grow up a little why are you doing this my new mantra is to hell with it I mean the phoniness I mean who cares it's in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas you know I mean everybody acts all shocked and then sneaks off their computers and watches it it swaps wives in Des Moines I mean have you seen what what ordinary girls and those girls go well types do I mean I'm doing stuff I wouldn't have done a couple months ago this is wrecking my life and you're what the hell are you doing hello Dwight there's a fire at the store all right [Music] at least think it was a couple of kids they hear their parents talking and they act out not a case of small town Hysteria maybe but it's not as bad as it could have been well yeah somebody could have been killed on the other hand we've been getting phone calls all morning people expressing their sympathy we even got a couple of accounts back sure you want to be here I mean last night was pretty emotional you don't want to get stuck just because you rescued some poster I know what I'm doing do you did you know what you were doing when you weren't around when I needed you look I don't blame you or maybe I do no I don't know what I would have done with somebody that I loved all I know is that I've been through hell and nobody protected me look we're not back yet I don't know if we're gonna get there we could talk about you feeling unprotected but there's a lot of other stuff here like you not wanting to marry me or giving me the idea that you wanted to explore otherwise oh well I never said that yeah no the hell you didn't okay but that's how I took it maybe there's some Dr Phil way I should have reacted I'm operating on Blind Faith here like what the hell actually did happen out there why didn't you just come and tell me everything I think I just deserve a little credit for that maybe you do look maybe we can get through this maybe we can't Either Way Emma I want you to know I'm here to help let me help okay assuming she didn't do what's on the tape and what's the explanation well usually these videos are just regular college girls they get drunk and lose it I mean they have sex and stuff but this is like far more hardcore also the style wait I don't follow well it jumps around a lot something weird maybe you get someone to analyze it or something hey does your brother know if there's some sort of or research program that can tell something like a video is real or not I'm sure there must be something are you nervous liar you're afraid that the video might prove that I did what it really looks like you're afraid if it doesn't then you're gonna have to stay mad at me forever I don't know I think we're both gonna have to grow up on this one I mean the question is did you prove to someone that you love them by standing by them no matter what it looked like they did or do you forgive somebody for being confused about it this is an Owen situation me you well it sounds like we're stuck I love you that's what I know more than anything I just wish I could understand a little better drugged or psychotic or something psychotic and never bargained for psychotic this is a very good job you know this one looks like the face and the body are the same excellent now if I magnify the image more and more to here you can see that there is a shape difference between the pixels on this side of the line and the other side and if I had density see the images were taken in different light the other thing is this the movement of the pixels one really must admire the work here this difference in the speed of the movement is virtually undetectable so it's not me well some of it is you and the top part is you the bottom of the rest appear to be someone else it's fake it is a fake [Music] you see this is me remember I don't need any help you justify wouldn't you oh that is the question and the answer is of course yes but the defense what will they do they'll get some other version of me to prove the exact opposite yeah but the tape is fake oh yes but do you really expect the jury to sort it out when the most convincing expert is always the last one to speak I have to do something about this there is someone to whom I have consulted specialists in Privacy Law I could give her a call I would say you have a pretty clear case of identity theft on the other to a certain extent you damaged goods excuse me but what the hell do you mean by that the defense would contend that at the very least you voluntarily put yourself in a position appearing in a public display that allowed them to use your tape even acting out a sexual simulation there's no Civil Right in these things I was fired from my job stocked nearly raped my family's business burned down to the ground me and everybody that I know has been humiliated and what if this never goes away you might be able to convince a jury that you've been slandered on the identity theft issue but if you're not a public person you know the damage to your reputation is usually considered minimal you'd be amazed how common what you're experiencing is in one form or another so you mean to tell me that a lot of women are having their heads put on another body and being turned into porno stars you're a little unique but there are a large number of women who go someplace like you didn't well say spring break or Mardi Gras or even on their college campus and they do something like flush their breasts or get drunk even allowing themselves to be photographed having an origin I didn't do anything like that yeah but you also didn't exclude yourself the explosion of pornography and Technology affects all women and whether it's what happened to you or somebody with a cell phone or a miniature camera in a girl's locker room basically it undermines a woman's right to do or be whomever she wants to it was far simple when we're more puritanical that's just nuts yeah well it is schizophrenic but look at our culture a lot of it women have either helped create or patronized we have rap lyrics which degrade and invite abusive women which many women approve of advertising is filled with self-porn a culture is is full of images which are designed to sexually excite now the man who stalked you probably thought you were just playing hard to get College goals line up to do soft and hardcore for the fun of it experience problems for juries you know how many contradictions can they deal with yeah but I thought that there were laws protecting women no there are and there aren't women are mostly protected by commonly understood social contracts in the last 30 years we thought we could have it all independence and protections there's got to be something that can be done most laws are a generation behind the technology now the Supreme Court of Washington state ruled that a woman was not protected in a checkout line from an up the skirt camera other state courts of hell that women are not protected in their own bedroom or bathroom against photography through an open window but people sue for everything all the time well that depends how much time and money you have and how much humiliation you want to endure let it blow over I mean the bigger deal you make of it the worse it's going to be for all of us yeah but it isn't a secret I get looks everywhere I go I don't want those looks I don't want people looking at me you know and if I just let it go then thousands maybe millions of people will think that I did it yeah but you'll never know those millions of people they might as well not exist for all the influence they'll have in your life the trouble is that if I leave Prairie I mean look at Minneapolis a lawyer there said that I would be better off just leaving the city I mean that video is everywhere all over the internet in stores maybe it's impossible and all I want is for people to look at me the way that they used to David honey Give It Up damage control and a case like this is just to surround yourself with the people who love you David your family me your call for another teaching job just lay low be anonymous until this whole thing disappears we'll protect you I'm going to mitner's Cove I have to know you know what you know already you took your top off you played some stupid game and and they made a porn video out of it it's dangerous these people are capable of doing what they're doing and God knows what else is going on out there they took something from me and I need to get it back well I'm going with you no you're not that's the problem I can't be a child who needs someone to ride her bike with her when she goes down the street I can't be that guy in Minneapolis stalked me and then attacked me I let him I mean I was so afraid that I gave up I gave myself up and if it hadn't been for Alice it's still with me and I can't let this hang over me I have to do something about it because if I don't then I'm always Gonna Be Afraid [Music] pretty pathetic in daylight excuse me hey you know a guy named Greg or Jimmy still in high school I need to find them no you don't need to go home get over it now see you don't understand you don't understand I stand behind this bar watching this parade you girls go through here what do you think the world's set up for you it's a setup all right but this isn't your world you can't get even with it can't win best you can do be glad you survived there are a lot of girls out there who didn't believe me she gave me the number of a lawyer who handles cases like this but they wouldn't give me an appointment she said he'd be in court you'd be gone for three weeks La is so huge okay go to the courthouse find out which one in L.A there's probably a lot he could be in but all the trials are posted I'll call and see if Professor Richardson can give him a call okay and you get to be so smart maybe there's a lot of things you don't know about me not too much if you know what I mean excuse me Mr salkin could I please talk to you for a moment no my name is Emma Norman if I could just damn it please I told Professor Richardson I wasn't interested just just five minutes all right go what do you want excuse me you want money someone to go to jail do you want to close down the production house a hotel you want your reputation back a public apology come back when you know I've got to be somewhere look in California there are no good criminal remedies there's a few civil codes we could Pursuit but I've had my head handed to me on this kind of thing you think in our litigious world where you can get millions from being within a block of someone smoking or an asbestos judgment from a jury without being sick that someone who's truly damaged would actually have a chance but you'd be wrong what about libel or slander laws or fraud I looked up on the Internet the privacy laws of California Privacy Law is very new and very subjective there's no historical precedent for it in tort law as a matter of fact it changes all the time privacy is what 12 men and women think it is I've won some privacy cases from Paparazzi after stars to unauthorize books and movies but every time I go after one of these guys who distributes soft or hardcore porn I've lost juries find it very difficult sorting out our first amendment rights and our privacy put my head on another box that is actionable if you can prove that the distributor ordered it or even knew about I know from Professor Richardson that you have a technical expert who's going to testify the company will have five you participated in some stuff right that means that the jury has to figure out what was voluntary and what wasn't that makes it look like everything was voluntary did they hold a gun to your head listen juries are as culturally conflicted as the rest of us High divorce rate infidelity ordinary housewife swinging people who get on juries range from people who watch porn who are in porn who are intensely moralistic do you sleep with your boyfriend did you kiss the guy in the conga line you were fired from your job that means somebody thought you were complicit the defense will tear you apart um hi uh does your company produce those spring break videos uh do you know who does hi are you here to shoot someone or get a job I want to talk to someone in charge must want to jump mint is called second edition is here to see Nick films are shot on location what we do here are mostly retakes close shots and insights I am so glad to finally meet you Emma isn't it it was on the ID security Gap from your bag I assume that's your real name you are so good I mean I see a lot of girls and you're special you'd be surprised it's in the face more than the body and you just jump off the screen it's really something I mean I had no ride I see lots of girls a lot of girls here is the new cover you are going to be a star I just want to know why you doctored that tape sorry you juxtaposed my face with somebody doing things that I never did you're kidding right no no no I'm not kidding look at the tape look I'll admit maybe we did a little bit of that when we first started but now hell we make so much money from legit movies we make here or acquire we don't have to we even get releases today girls will do damn near anything I never signed a release and I never did anything that's on that tape you're not kidding of course I'm not kidding sob economy Greg he said it was a real deal that you were the real deal all right did a damn good job I want you to take that tape out of circulation you have to recall it gotta be nuts look I'm sorry you got screwed excuse the punt we're talking about a very successful video here this is a big seller we could break a record with this one I can talk to the police I've already talked to a lawyer I hope it was Sulkin I've been him so many times you might as well work for me and you've probably already been to the police not much help are they I'm the first amendment man hey look tell you what how about five thousand ten thousand dollars you deserve it think of this as a down payment too bad well there's always another one that comes along where's Greg you really this dumb you don't have any idea what you're dealing with this is a big city I'm the nicest guy you'll meet in this town Greg wild card I buy stuff from him when he shows up that's all I knew where I lived I wouldn't tell you I wouldn't want it on my conscience conscience go home it'll be over soon audience gets bored fast you know what they're into now fake rape you've got a short shelf life in fact I got someone newer and hotter downstairs right now you are found and determined to get yourself into trouble aren't you I really need to get this please please will you help me it's not helping you believe me foreign you don't remember me I know I meet a lot of pretty girls but I don't mint nurse Cove you made a porno movie with my face oh yeah how'd you find me Nick Bronson oh well look if you want some money I didn't make it down from that tape okay you got to talk to him he's the one that makes all the money I don't want any money look I'm sorry it's nothing personal okay it's business all right that's it that isn't it well look I'm not going to talk out here so so this is it guess where you made it what are you gonna do you're gonna arrest me you're gonna call the cops you know what I do remember you that tape rocks because of you otherwise it's just another body screwing so that's it that's it that's why you used me why else what it ruins your life you're gonna call some lawyers and try to sue me or what cheating for lying [Music] we're stealing our soul why your boyfriend dumped you your friend is laughing you you're jealous you really just don't get it do you no it's you that doesn't get it you want a perfect life all needed normally you stay in Kansas that night he wanted it you were on I really wanted it [Music] you know I could do anything to you I could even rape you nobody would believe you God you're pathetic is that what you do is that what you're trying to tell me that you're going to rape me that's it that's your life making phony tapes you know what or I almost feel sorry is it real this is real sex it's absurd oh you I was afraid of you what was I thinking it's strange I've never felt more afraid to create it humiliated but somehow I feel exhilarated I know now that the only thing that frees you from fear is your own power there are no protected places the internet is in big cities and small towns pornography is changing the way women have to live you may not think has anything to do with you but it is everywhere if I could tell my story if other women and girls knew what had happened to me they could realize No One controls your honor but you I don't need anyone to give me back my honor I never lost it [Music] [Music]
Channel: GREAT! Free Movies & Shows
Views: 2,256,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, drama movies, action movies, thriller movies, stolen life, stolen life full movie, stolen life movie, reckless behavior, reckless behavior full movie, reckless behavior movie, Odette Annable, Antonio Sabato Jr, Johnny Barker
Id: 3eEPuG3VYmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 20sec (5300 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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