0533 Suddenly

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suddenly a man let's see how first of all I got about seven things I want us to really sink our teeth into today but let's see first of all how did Paul and Silas get in prison in the first place the reason they got in prison was because the power of the Holy Ghost was on them and they were preaching and teaching the Word of God and this lady who had a spirit of divination where she can tell the future tell like a fortune teller today a seer palm reader whatever you want to call her she had this spirit of discernment and she followed Paul and Silas around and began to announce who they were these men's of God who is able to teach us the way of God and she kept falling Paul and Silas around to Paul just decided I'm gonna release this woman and he pray that that spirit will come out of her and she were free from that spirit but what happened was the people who were making money off this spirit of divination got upset called Paul and Silas cast that divide and they got upset and they were so set they broke them to the magistrate and said unto them listen here are some people to cause in trouble teaching things that not our custom and they have caused much trouble now watch this they didn't cause trouble they just stopped them from using the lady that's what they called trouble and whenever God start setting people free there may be others who cause say that is troubling in them listen don't think everybody is celebrating your freedom in Christ some people love you the way you was a man somebody they loved the bond that she was under maybe even the control they had over you amen so a lot of people not celebrating your freedom in Christ but that's okay you ought to celebrate your freedom in Christ do I have a church tonight today amen so they are now cast into this inner prison it's some things I want to share with you tonight they're gonna revolutionize you change the way you think and have you walking in the things of God like never before watch what happened they cast him into prison because they was doing that which was right y'all got it all right how many times have we walked after the things of God done that which was right and still look like thing went against us anybody ever been there this is Paula stylist situation they was out there honoring God preaching the gospel casting out Devils souls are being saved and yet they find themselves being mistreated and put in prison all because of the cause of Christ because of Jesus you think that Jesus would have just divinely washed over them protecting them and nothing at all would have happened to them but God has a way of challenging us I know someone sitting here today and there are some things that you have found yourself into and you wonder Laura why haven't you showed up and why haven't you brought me out by now all right let me say it again here's something that a lot of thinking you ought to have brought me out by now God you could have solved this by now but let me tell you several reasons today why God problem probably haven't brought you out are y'all with me we read in the Bible that suddenly he moves on Paul and Silas behalf and he set them free at midnight and they walk out of prison never had to go see the judge to bail abundant the magistrate a judge of a jury all they did was by the power of God they got free we read this about them then we may turn to ourselves and say well why don't that happen for me why don't that suddenly happen for me now let me say this God is able to do this suddenly you know he can suddenly heal someone right now he can suddenly save a soul right now no matter how bad they have been no matter how far down they have fallen he can suddenly say someone today God is able to do them that's supernatural and so we maybe ask me where you ain't dining for me God look like everybody getting out everybody getting their breakthrough but me seven things I want to talk about that what Paul is solid apply before that suddenly happened touch somebody say I want to walk in that suddenly I want to get my breakthrough see minute I think that suddenly mean that we don't have to do nothing that God is just gonna suddenly pay our bills and god they're just gonna suddenly do this and God is just gonna suddenly suddenly suddenly lower there are some requirement that Paul and Silas apply it was principle all right let me give you the very first one the very freshman was that they realized that the devil can cause problems but the devil watch it but the devil has don't have the ability that's it the atmosphere watch this let me said again the devil can cause havoc and problems in our lives but don't give him the ability to set the atmosphere or your attitude all right let me keep talking in the devil can cause heartache and pain but we should not give him the power to set the atmosphere or our attitude listen Paul and Silas got Ben for righteousness thrown into prison for doing God wheels now the devil caused the problem but he's not going to sit in the atmosphere in the prison nor is he gonna sit there attitude see minnows are having problem and the reason suddenly don't have the flaws we left we allowed the devil to cause the problem shape I attitude and shake the atmosphere okay y'all hear what I say the devil sometime will cause things to happen to us then he turns around again and shape our attitude and he set the environment and we're stuck and suddenly never happens once what polysolid said basically look you can beat us you can rip our clothes off you can throw us in prison but you ain't gonna shape our attitude because our attitude going to be that with determined are we out see what's it a lot of people been hurt by other people not only have they hurt you they have shaking your attitude and they have set the environment or depending on your joy and peace now they got total control you can tell someone look you may hurt me but you ain't gonna change my attitude and you're not gonna sit my environment how I'm gonna respond so the first thing Paula Salah did was let the devil know we're down in the inner prison and watch this they knew how to get over what people had done to them David deserve to be beat you don't deserve to go through some of the things you go through in life some of the things that happened to you was unfair ain't no doubt about it but if you don't know how to release people and go forward you won't say stuff in your jail your spiritual jail watch it when midnight came Paula Silas never brought up the people who beat them they are you bring them up they didn't bring up the magistrate they didn't bring other people beat him they didn't bring up the person who threw him in prison they they said listen we don't have time to be holding on to grudges because grudges shapes our attitude and if our attitude in mind is on you we can't concentrate on him so my biggest problem is we haven't got over or release people who have heard us so our prayer life is messed up our praise is messed up the Bible said when midnight came Paul and Silas Silas pray and gave our praises it's hard to give God true praise when you have an attitude with some come on now you stuck in your spiritual gel and you want something to happen but you allow the person to shape your attitude because they've done you're wrong you're stuck and you'll find out you're right because you allow someone leads you over fight you miss wrongly to shake your attitude you can't go up you can't get promotion on your job because people on your job shape your performance not only are they doing your role they are dealing with your attitude set the atmosphere you get up in the morning you drag going the work because somebody is shaping the way you view your job now you know gave them too much power paulistão sake we've been beaten can't do nothing about that we've been thrown in prison we can't do nothing about that but we can turn to God with the right attitude so you are able to set the atmosphere the environment and your attitude and once you give that up don't expect suddenly to happen they didn't allow number three they didn't allow the place they were put in to shape their attitude you know so many while some people can't get out of their dreadful place they complain about it some people living in in a place they hate where they live and because they hate where they live God is not getting the right praise from you I can't wait to get out of this place I hate this place I hate going home I hate the whole neighborhood where are you gonna stay there until you learn how to give God praise for what you have listen watch this how you like to be put in Paul and solid neighborhood that night they didn't allow the place they were put to shape what they was gonna do they were thrown in the inner prism I said the air was out in a prison the inner prison is on the bottom the prison one was was it was stipes 1st floor 3rd floor 2nd floor first floor the inner prison was the bottom it bad to be on the bottom everything fall down it dog are y'all with me they want someone shot here and they was on the bottom they did allow the place to shape their attitude the environment can you look at saying this is a terrible place to be in we are means of God we are somebody we are like and it a lot of people to never get God trees all the bottom someone shot on the bottom listen it's easy to give God praise when you're on the top if very few bottom praise us when you don't bottom out and you don't have means to meet your needs and you don't bottom out I need two or three people don't bottom out one or two time in their life you know it's not easy to give God praise where you double bottom out but guess what God looking for the same praise when you bottom out that's when you old talk your praise should not change because you have bottomed out so I need a few people that the bottom out to take a praise break and tell God I take your Lord I've been on the bottom before I've been there done that God and yet God I still learned how to give you praise didn't have everything I need didn't know how I was going to get out but when my midnight change god I had to steal look it's there just take your God let anybody ever bent down and you just have to still lean and Trust ng bottom praises yes God looking for some bot appraisal because listening and sooner or later you will find yourself on the bottom even though you have not done anybody wrong they'll treat you like dirt but you got to still give God glory and love your enemy and treat those right they have done you wrong and if you can't do it you will have suddenly feed just don't suddenly happen because you expect them you first of all your attitude and then you've got to allow God to get over why you hold on to what people have done it has been done yeah but past you all none said what they'd done well I understand what they did to Paul the solace for righteousness they got beaten for righteousness they're in prison and at the bottom of the prison but yet their attitude is not our shaping by the one that done nowhere in the scripture do you remember Paul I read that Paul of Silas dwelling on who did it when you when you quit dwelling on who did it you could come strong concentrate on who don't do it I'm a fourth they didn't allow the condition to set the attitude see the place and the condition see someone's not in the best best condition and that's what her nose a Mensa mother prison and ain't no good place to be if people can't wait now wait a minute some people can't praise God too until they get into prison Prison hadn't hadn't been there were staying in the world for certain people they needed to go that's where they found the law yo mama say man they had a time to sit there militate couldn't do what they used to do and then they came to themselves now some folks out jailhouse religion but something really good say they give they life to God amen but don't allow the condition the place or the condition of the place Amen hallelujah if we surprised that people complain about the condition I don't have enough this old there's a old car there's a rival apartment a regular house I don't like the condition you can't allow the condition to shake your attitude be man somebody alright stay with me they didn't allow what they didn't have they may have our condition down there there were no full star hotel quit complaining about what you don't have give God pray for what you have didn't complain about the mistreatment they did complain about who did it again now they own lockdown now watch this they are ready for a super natural miracle to happen where a lot of us are not we're not we're not we are not listen a person that is hurt there's a person that don't need spiritual position or power I said a lot then don't need that position you don't need no power you've been hurt all you wanted to get even you're not fit for the master use cause your attitude if I ever get power if I can ever get the position everybody that hurt me they're gonna know because I'm gonna remind them daily that's why God doesn't promote a lot of people amen are y'all with me church now watch this they have been thrown in the inner prison and they tell the jailer keep him safe they locked down Paul and Silas feet fasten it to the floor but look what they didn't realize is that it did they didn't lock down their mouths oh it's something I'll miss them listen listen their hand will loose and their mouth could speak see the devil may have you locked down in one area but don't give him the total glory watch it yup what's it just because everything is not right listen what the enemy is locked down their feet but they left their mouth loose come on your church listen and with our mouth we give God glory and with our mouth we give God praise so if that's the things on lockdown and you were tired up at least you got a tongue to praise God and if you will open up your mouth and give God praise and use what is a loose he'll loose the other stuff somebody give him a phrase right now I see the shackles about the fall all for you today you want to open up your mouth to say God I thank you I'm locked down over here but I got a mouth to say hallelujah I got about to say thank you Jesus I got about to give you praise God so I'm going to use what I have because you said let everything that has breath give you praise God my bills are due but I still got a mouth to praise you I need a job but I still have a mouse appraiser I've been mistreated misunderstood but I'll still have a mouth to give your praise so with my mouth I want to give you glory God hallelujah God thank you right now God thank you for the good take it for the bad thank you for the earth thank you for the down thank you for the bitter thank you for the sweet I won't give your praise and it praises in the church today tell the devil my mouth loose come on tell the devil my mouth you tell us about my mouth loose and if I open my mouth and give God praise he'll heal my body and I open my mouth and give God praise he'll give me employment if I open my mouth and give God praise he'll make my enemy my footstool if I up wall cheese if I open my mouth and give God praise here praying Omaha mountain he'll bring me through the little valley he'll make here prepare a table before me in the present my enemy if I give God praise I bet somebody the really praising see the devil think he got you locked out I dare you to give God a praise I dare you to tell God I thank you God I got a mouth to give you prayed someone shout suddenly all the way no no suddenly it happened the Bible say Hannah were barren but she beginning to give God free and all son she gave she had a baby boy hallelujah somebody the Bible said that David was out in the field being a shepherd in the morning but suddenly from Shepherd to King y'all ain't talking to me hallelujah somebody somebody say from Shepherd chickie come on touch yourself don't touch nobody else from Shepherd chickie because my attitude is not gonna be shaken by my condition about what people done for me to me Shepherd Tookie I feel of King in me I feel of Queen and me suffers our fill of key rise it up try and encourage somebody say if you're looking at a woman say of queen is in you and you look at a man said our King is in you you shouldn't around you sitting around above royalty in here you said no monkeys and queen you sit around a law priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people I wish I had a church in here we ought to give God plays we are separated whole instead apart to magnify God somebody say hello King say hello Queen walk like a queen talk like a queen walk like a key hug like a key don't let folk drag you down you're somebody involved hallelujah somebody shout back that mean you can throw me in but you can't shake my attitude sickness may hit my body but it can shake my hat or two I got a doctor that able to heal me doctor Jesus can heal doctor Jesus can set free shout in the atmosphere you make it fire me but you can't shake my attitude oh my god shall supply all of my needs according to his riches and his glory hallelujah somebody so much shut up suddenly I'm waiting on that suddenly that's not happening God suddenly want to do some great and marvelous thing how in the world you let somebody stop you from walking into your destiny God said listen and release them so I can release you he said when you forgive those who trespass against you I will forgive your trespasses release film so I can release you bless them so I can bless you watch it they had the right attitude then suddenly God heard for heaven God looks down he said look at here look what I have here I have a midnight cry look what I have here I have two servants that been beaten in the name of Jesus I have two serving that been thrown in prison in the name of Jesus but look what I have here God looks down they say I got some praises I got some bottom praises I got somebody to know how to give me glory even though I didn't step in right away God didn't step in when they got the beating garden and stepped me right when they got in prison but when they begin to praise God stepped in look at come on say the reason God has stepped in you ain't stop praising them yet listen crazy God is not like kool-aid you can't mix praise sometime and complaining other time and stir it up and call it praise some of y'all know no Kool Aid is on something listen praise got to be pure you can't have the mixed up with complaints southern leg an earthquake star what's it about I say one more thing he says while Paul Assad was in prison they began to praise God and give Him glory that's what happened say the people in the prison heard of them watch it what was it watch what Paul Assad is not doing his he's they are not allowing the people in the same condition that they are to shake their attitude she saw bigger problem is people that is now saying condition is complaining and we complain with them see watch it can I preach to you listen this there are certain people that hate positive people don't like you you're too positive some people hate positive people when you're positive just mess their deal when they say it's a bad day you say don't see nothing wrong with it this is the day the Lord has made I shall I shall I shall I don't know what you gonna do I shall rejoice and be glad in it and they say what good about you tell them they can make it in a depressing like you can make it no I can't well I'm gonna make it you're too positive you got to look at reality now reality with the mess folks up I'm not looking at reality I'm looking at spirituality spirituality is greater than reality listen there are some people listening at you can I preach to you now let's see we if they heard us on Sunday they'll be ok I'm not through preaching yell if they heard us on Sunday they would be ok but it mess around here throughout the week you think nobody listened to that you watch this I don't think nobody in that prison had a positive attitude people when Paul the silence got in there that's where the positive attitude came from follow this we don't think people listening you've been sent to your job as light of the world you've been sent to your neighborhood as light to your family all listen you may be the only light in your family they are listening listen Paul and Silas was not encouraged by the prisoner because they probably all had bad attitude they've been allowed being an environment of bad people bad attitude to shake theirs I know you fart around people that ought to do a complaint if you ain't careful you'll be complaining too when they start singing and praying the prisoner heard them that was the best news they ever heard what the prisoner they're probably here something like this they're probably hearing them look up to God and give Him praise in the name of Jesus count himself word that be beating in the name of Jesus and just thanking God for our good day the souls that would say the demon that will cast out the woman and they're just magnified and glorified God and people in prison is saying WOW they are hearing good news which should have been complaints but they're listening I want to sit when the earthquake shook the prison and everybody bands felt loose you know what prisoners usually first do if it's a dolphin where they're going alright the Bible said that when the jailer drew his swore to kill himself Paul said you don't have to kill yourself cuz we all are here what kept them in prison when the doors open the preaching and the prayer and the praising when they got when the doors open they didn't run for the exit they ran for the preachers y'all ain't hear me they ran for they ready to walk people with good news they were and across the hall and silent and they got around them and the jealous I'm gonna kill myself Ozzy you don't have to do that we over here having church we all are still here good God Almighty so our attitude matters it shape everything people don't listen people will draw to you with the right attitude when you have the rollout of two photo we want to pull in the driveway I'm preaching now if you live with somebody with the wrong attitude you suffer your block three times you drive by your house three times before you pull in the driveway Harley lose somebody because you know as soon as you get out the car and get in the house is all but people who love the Lord people can't wait to draw around that's why Paul City all here thing on the way they ran out of the jail ran to the men's of God and when they rented them into the God they wanted more to the point where the jailer himself asked what must I do you men's of God what must I do to be saved the jailer said listen just tell me what's going on here who is this Jesus that y'all been singing about all I am is a jail keeper but after hearing y'all pray tonight and sing tonight tell me more about your Jesus tell me about this man that after you've been beaten and stripped and thrown into prison you can still give him glory tell me about this man when you down-and-out you still come to church and lift your hand and give him glory tell me about this Jesus that you serve every day that give you peace in your mind anybody know about that Jesus I'm talking about won't he lift you up when you're down man good god of money I think I've got to stop right now I got on a little bit this last night in New Jersey and I'm more teaching now then I was preaching then but I'm messing around and did something with them and I might just do it now I feel the power of the Holy Ghost y'all ready to celebrate y'all ready to celebrate what it is to watch it are you ready to celebrate a sudden movement of God watch this I'm about to declare and decree that in Jesus mighty name you and heard this word and God gonna go a little bit ahead of you and things about that suddenly happen in your health somebody say thank you Jesus for the healing right now I'm healed in Jesus name suddenly God my blood pressure chicken right suddenly God my diabetes is lining up suddenly god I've been healed by the blood of Jesus a man hallucinate I'm about to decree and declare in the name of Jesus that suddenly you're about to get financial breakthroughs favored in the financial Ram is about to hit you in the mighty name of Jesus you're about to suddenly get that job that you've been waiting on that promotion that somebody been trying to keep you forgetting suddenly God is about the shifts on things in the spiritual atmosphere that you may be blessed in Jesus name hallelujah somebody someone shout he'll say below me the peace of God on me the joy the Lord on me me my house is about to be blessed in the name of Jesus suddenly God suddenly god that's about to be a breakthrough God and that's about to be a break out god I receive it now in Jesus mighty name come on somebody give him a flawless fire please stand and look at somebody tell look at rap your middle by the hands and neighbor you just got loose in the name of Jesus you just got set free the power God in the name of Jesus that's just a little you somebody give God a praise say I'm least now I'm least in the realm of the Spirit no demonic force can hold me down I'm a loose right now to God be the glory I said too loose now some I say loose to give God the glory to give God the praise all good things are heading my way I claim it right now God I pull it down right now all good and perfect kills I'm about to walk into my territory God enlarge our territory how are you really expecting now that God to do a supernatural work in your life I mean I mean you're really looking forward to what God is about to do right now so I say I'm expecting I'm looking for the supernatural that happen in my life well shout like you're meeting give them a Paul and Silas please in here get him a bottom three to reach up to the top tell God I think you tell God I give your glory tell God I'm gonna praise my way out I'm gonna pray to the doors open I'm gonna pray to I find my way oh solid ground say yes in here I need a few praises before I even sit down I need somebody touching agree with me that God can bring you out but other folk put you in there god I thank you they met me from my home but God meant it for my good give him a radical free tell somebody look at me now tell Gloria don't be ashamed look at me now if you saw me before now you want to recognize me but look at me now God don't broke me out God gave my joy right gonna put peace in my mind look at me now I'm not crying like I used to cry I'm not depressed like I used to be the friend look at me now and yet the best is still to come give God a glorify three look at you now look at you now folks thought they had to lock down but God got you loose sit you're free you're giving praise up here look at me now look at me now no more tears no more depression normal heartache I'm giving God glory thank you Jesus I got expect you right now look at me look at me hallelujah should have died in the hospital still of bills could have still been him in jail could have still been in prison but look at us now God is Almighty good go I need somebody that grateful I need somebody that thankful that someone had been set free Angie our healer El Shaddai are we makin Jehovah Jireh our provider thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I say I waving let me finish it hole I got a peaceful few moment look at me now I'm thinking about the man that was in great in the grave cutting himself in grave clothes but when Jesus came back and Jesus said cry out the man and they said he was sitting close and sound in his right man somebody said look at me now I'm sitting down cold sound and my right man ain't always been here but look what the Lord has got give him a radical praise woman of God glory be the God got drifts new thing and I'm prey needed a battery
Channel: Pastor Henry Babers
Views: 15,259
Rating: 4.4761906 out of 5
Keywords: Paul and Silas, Parkview, Christian, Pastor Babers, Henry, Suddenly, Jail, Freedom, Free, Midnight, Breakthrough, Breakout, Jesus, God, Prison, Praise, Worship
Id: 83s9wZUVWRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2013
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