0825 - The Body, Soul And Spirit

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critters chapter 5 or first second Corinthians second Corinthians chapter five clover be the God tell somebody get ready for the devil Playhouse to be torn down a man somebody all right therefore we in verse 5 chapter 5 is our second written second Corinthian verse 17 and 18 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of God who has reconciled look at that word reconciled you see reconciled us to himself God has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and has given us the Ministry of reconciliation amen verse 20 even said then look at the eight o'clock server look at verse 20 now then we are ambassadors of for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled unto God amen verse 21 for he had made him to be sin for God Jesus with me sin for us who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God he would may send for us a man a man he took our sins bore our sins died on the cross without sin but rolls up without our sins a man somebody that he may redeem us from the sin of the law God I thank you you may be seated in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this is a powerful verse that we have looked at and heard for many years I know if you've been in the beside the body of Christ or even if you have not been inside about it Christ it chanted by chance you have heard this one scripture therefore if any man be in Christ he is what a new creature and old things has what passed away and behold all things have become new what a powerful verse but that verse is deep deeper than it seen from the surface at the very deep verse which is the very center in being of the Christian walk it also gives the information if you are not a cent if you're not a saying it gives you information of what's going on in your life this verse will declare and once we get it why sinners are having so much turmoil no matter how much money they get or fame you notice most people that are not serving God they are famous but they are so much trouble they can be rich but while the trouble falling and we'll explain that through the Word of God today that and called the devil always wanted to think that money and fame solve our soulish problem but it doesn't matter of fact that soul is not rooted and grounded in God it calls more problem that's why you see people who get money get in more trouble than they was when they were broke because if you're not solid in the Lord more of what you had when you was in trouble you know both you know when you have trouble when you house a little you have trouble much more trouble when you have a lot if any man be in Christ first of all if any man be in Christ meaning that they have set the Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior they're in Christ now male or female if any man woman boy girl be in Christ now they are a new creature new creature let me know now also if you're not in Christ then that person is still a center and they still the old creature once they are saying that no longer Center they are new creature but because of the lack of knowledge of what the verse are really saying we have quoted it and we have misunderstood it and because of the misunderstanding we have gone about thinking that we have development to what God would have us to be trying to be it by our own power and our might thinking that the new creature is our bodies thinking that the new creature is our soul and now the new creature is not our body the new creature is not our soul the new creature is the reconciling and the new gently the regeneration of our spirit for instance if you're born again your body didn't change God couldn't be talking about the body of the new creature because if you were african-american you got saved you're still african-american you were Caucasian you were Spanish who if you were six feet tall when you were save you still six feet tall whatever color your eyes walls before you got saved unless you did some stuff you know they basically the same color so the new creature is not the changing of our bodies because nobody body change no one changed height nationality gender so when God said if any man be in Christ he a new creature let's X out what's he talking about our bodies know the next thing that he was not talking about he was not talking about our souls this soul got to have a lot of reconciling regeneration once a person to say right off the bat their soul has not changed now we try to pretend it change but once we first say and I see a lot of churches put people through human effort you're saved now you can't do this you can't wear that you can't are like this but their soul has not matured and they put that pressure on the soul to be what it's not all it has not grown into you know so they put the soul they put the body on you know long dresses but the soul still see them see themselves in miniskirts and so they're going to act as if no matter what they wear on they wear they're going to still act the same long dress just acting the same because it's take the soul is not saved and the new creature didn't come in our soul y'all follow me now the new creature didn't enter our soul if a person was had an ax had a anger problem unforgiveness when they first got saved they said got to work on anger unforgiveness being a better kind of person so we struggle and we say things like that we're high as I'm saved and I'm going to church and I and I'm always in church I'm always praying read my Bible but I find this old man still acting the same way because the new creature was not our soul so since a human being is made up of three parts you and I when God created us he created us with three parts he cradles with the body all of us know that we can see our bodies we say okay I got the body part all us hell a body amen and the very next thing that we have is a soul amen this how you know you have a soul you're emotional you feel you heard your cry you get sad so all of that is in the work realm soulless realm Amen somebody and the next thing we have is a spirit we have touch about it and if you ever got emotional about anything that's your soul some are going through deep emotional things right now and the next thing we have is our spirit so make this a little plainer I have a lot of rollouts of illustration and let me have those illustration glower be the god hallelujah let me have come on minister Williams sister a mas be now that's something going on in the back but in Jesus mighty name I declare is power and authority the straightening out whatever going on in the back amen now after that I want the rest of y'all attention focusing back up here alright cause let me tell you what the devil won't try to do he don't like what I'm about to teach you you're about to get taught something today there's going to be life transforming you're about to see how God made us why we act like we act why we can't help them we say we can't help it you're about to see all it is so suddenly the devil would do anything that's on rebuking whatever going on back there maybe somebody going through something physical but in Jesus name I declare healing it that's what going on back then there were you have no grounds no power no authority to interrupt the power of the word of the Living God no power no authority amen matter of fact you can come off Baker Avenue amen as sooner we hit the property line you lose your authority amen so I want to get everybody attention back here because the devil not going to rob us of the power and the authority of what God is about to show you and I Amen give that to sister Minister Molly I want you to hold this and you stand in the middle get back where I had you sister Martha on the other side glory be the god hallelujah message via let me have you stand over here with this I mean you said on this far side glory be the god y'all stretched that up those things out y'all see that let's get see em we get it all in the screen there y'all got it I'll slide over a little bit all right now listen carefully once you get this the marriage change your finance change your jaw change your peace change your health change you change once you get this you will never be the same if you don't have it you can remain the same what God did with us he gave us a body all of us have this physical body that's it we can feel it God gave us our soul every human being have a soul the Solar made up of the mind the will and the emotion that's how you know somebody can jesus said that this soul jesus that this soul shall not live by bread alone but this soul see this soul when it's fed it need to be fed the mind need to be fair the Word of God I will need the Word of God and to keep our motion on the check we need to wear to God that's why when somebody going through a lot of emotional trauma they find Scripture it helped their soul they pray spiritual songs to help their soul the Word of God is the only thing that we design for our souls now I also have a lot of junk in it we raise if you if you've been out in the world you've been doing illegal stuff drug and alcohol you've been abusive verbally physically and all those things know got a lot of cursing in you bitterness in you unforgiveness in you all that is in your soul people don't hurt you they hurt your soul you've been mistreated is in your soul if your anger is in your soul and your prejudice is in your soul see a lot of people have soul problems what kind of problem they have they are so problem it's in the soul the weald of mind and emotion some of you right now holding on some in your soul that summer I did to you 20 years ago you can't let it go you can after this message today I bet you later go after this message you've got a lot of lop you got a lot of junk in the soul and whatever in the soul the body shows it if somebody out don't drug and alcohol and get it in there so you can see it in the eyes you can see it in their body it's somebody angry and bitter and never happy with all over their countenance whatever in the soul shows off in the body you don't have a body problem you have a soul problem you ever see somebody once they get see that they start looking better in their countenance sounding like a glow come on because what happened inside of their mind will and emotion that will piece and it showed on their face so this work that's what all those happen here we have a body we have a soul and all those have a spirit here's the problem a lot of our spirits are not safe so fold that up a lot of people all their insane people are walking around trying to find joy in peace with their body in their soul but not with the spirit and the Bible said that the fruit of the Spirit is joy in peace and love so most people running around with their bodies and their soul is rare and they're trying to find happiness and you're not going to find it come on somebody you can't find it and that's why people do anything in these two area to prove the other folks how well they are doing that's why we dress up this body when our soul is miserable to prove other folks I still got it going on but what happened you look good on the outside but you really counter more on the inside because the Spirit of God has not given you peace so you're buying everything to prove to everybody I got it going on and you don't have it going on because once you start getting it going on you ain't gonna try to prove nothing to nobody because it's going to be contentment in your soul all your boasting will be in the law you won't be boasting on yourself you'll be boasting the Lord a reason a lot of people having terrible relationship they are trying to have a relationship especially the senton the center nothing about the center first without God so we're all so as long so what they'll do they'll fall in love with somebody body whoo you look good and they don't care how they don't care that this body don't open it back up they don't care that the body is not filled with the spirit as long as the body look good they fell in love with your body that's a dangerous thing to have people fall in love with a man cause your everybody body don't change yeah Lord you better believe that and if they fell in love with your body you ain't will have no body when your body changed because they're looking for fine and and in physique and although your tricep they look for bodies and when someone is not wise enough to know who they really are completely they work more in the body then they work on their soul through the spirit to provide that working working out why you are not so hard and okay I believe because I work out I'm gonna always work out you got to take care of your temple but ain't working out because I feel like this Who I am I'm working out because this carry this and carry that so I want my body to be a healthy vehicle for the Soul in the spirit but I don't care you like it or not and in working out for you I think I declare health in my body through the spirit now some people have a healthy body again miserable soul most people can't go around with a miserable soul and so the soul now is very emotional move by emotion you can't trust your motion how many time your motion messy up you can't trust your will you can't trust the way you think because all of these is based on how we feeling for the moment all right now watch this listen carefully the Bible says that if any man be in Christ he's a new creature not through the body called brother bill how long you been saved about 10 years you just ain't nothing your body just got 10 years older but you ain't nothing else change about your body right right here you say your body your body not a new creature matter of fact you can do nothing in your body to get the approval of the holy spirit to say you you you you are you earn salvation and you can do nothing in your soul to earn the Holy Spirit if the body in the soul could earn the Holy Spirit they can say well you know what I am so good without God that he had to give me himself ain't nothing you could do in your body the best like Paul say there's no good thing in our flesh how my Paul said no good thing is in our flesh you couldn't do nothing in your body to make God say you earn the Holy Spirit we are saved by grace not of work unless we can show nut bolts you can't do nothing in your soul to earn the Holy Spirit the one thing that body and soul can do it confess their Center I'm a sinner and once the spirit hear true confession he comes off their confession not off the words y'all hear me preach I'm here to watch it y'all he come off what the confession not off the works he heard the sinner confess with their mouth in the body believe believe with their soul they come every time I bleed or confess God and in the soul it were broken then God say I see a broken soul and a confessing body and I come and live inside of this person but now when when we saw thinking we earned it which nobody can you can't earn it through the body and soul unless when you get into heaven you can say God the only reason I'm here because I earned it you didn't do anything to earn it confess with your mouth believe in your heart god raised Jesus from the dead thou shalt be saved the spirit here is a confession the spirit don't see the word the here's to what the confession alright now why do I say you wouldn't say the new creature is not in the body pool Jesus the new creature is not in the soul all things pass away behold off If any man be in Christ he is a new creature now please hear me this way we've been messing up we think we're a new creature here now you're trying to be something without relying on the spirit he didn't say your body he didn't save your soul well what a new creature is that right here I did not have the Holy Spirit I had a body I had a soul but I didn't have the Holy Spirit now I have a new creature I have the Holy Ghost amen all of a sudden some new that happened to me the Holy Spirit it what Newton happened to me that's what doesn't happen I'm brand new brand new spirit now all things pass away what pass away they're all unsafe spirit y'all say bye-bye to it it has what passed away behold all things now have become new look this soul and this body now see through can can see through spirit I've well before you can see nothing at the sunset amazing griller once were lost but now I was blind now I can finally I can see now spiritually through my soul I can wrap my emotion my wheel in my mind up in my soul and I can get my body see watch it once you can say watch this this body still don't want to do nothing the body don't did body don't want to do it don't want to obey God it don't want to forgive nobody it will get still getting mad in a heartbeat this body still had our own sinful nature in it and as long as you walk around with it it's always struggling it all we want to do the worldly thing the fleshly thing and never want to volunteer and do the things of the Spirit you tell this body I know you've been hurting but pray for your enemy hey I don't want to do that this body is made of flesh the body say treat your spouse right you know your orders treating right yeah I knew it but I don't feel it why you you feel it in your soul so watch what start happening now you got to see you got to start bringing this body watch this you bring this body step up there you bring this body on the subjection to the Spirit if you really save and you are growing you / Burson your body is here in Christ see the only thing you can see now in the spirit somebody get on your nerve when you speak they don't see your body reacting they don't see your soul reacting they see your spirit reacting oh wait a minute but you had to grow into that now when you first got saved they should have saw your spirit but your bodies stepped out of line and your soul stepped out of line and you said what you want to say then the spirit came and said you shouldn't be talking like that and then you brought your body back under the projection and your soul came back on a subjection and you said I'm sorry I didn't mean that I'm saying that I shouldn't have said that that's why somebody love God we are growing and people watching are like I'm winning on your first mistake where I want you to know I'm gonna make one okay I guarantee you I'm gonna make one but what I'm going to do when I make one I want to hurry up and say oh let me get back for our Lord because now I am a new creature now was it before the Spirit will lean us we said with our mouth whatever was in our soul and when we got through telling you all there were nothing to convict us so he's left us saying I wish I had told I forgot to tell him I forgot to tell him this I wish I had told him this I wish I had told the neck because you had nothing close it up you had nothing from God to make you feel bad in your soul because you didn't have the Holy Spirit convicting you how you know you say called the Holy Spirit I wake you off three o'clock in the morning and tell you you should have done that you should have said that you should act like that that's how you know God is working on you tell somebody now I'll tell you right now I'm growing in Christ and I might make mistakes but I will correct it because the Holy Spirit is working on my soul and my soul and working on my body hallelujah somebody lele God see this is see the Bible says we are saved through the Spirit but when you say we are being saved this here is always growing and as long as you wear this you'll be working on this hey I'm going to let nobody fool you like they so holy that they will need in and more working on we all are arriving striving for perfection it's an insole is realm where we can't treat people right all right what's it if somebody came up and they was like a Playboy they got say y'all no Playboy you're right yeah do you alright okay alright I he gots a but playing still inning and this here showing we'll get it out of it not this these two here cannot bring perfection the power and the authority is in the spirit of the word the Bible said once you are saved book of Acts chapter one you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you meaning you won't have no power until you get some power from God what will happen with a lot of churches why what happened a lot of churches a lot of churches what we call real good churches operate in these two round close that up you know you can have good Church good church without the spirit you know different people dealt with people shout run prophesy lay hands and then they walk out the church and they say what did the spirits say open by God what did the spirits say they say close about they said I don't know but we had a good time we we had a work without what wasn't what was the mess about I don't know what the dispirit see I don't know why you had a good time child they were running all over the church they were talking in tongue but what did the spirits say about your marriage about your family about your emotions what did the spirits say about what you're going through I don't know and devil said you know what knowing that you have a good time I had a good time because you don't know nothing your body our body and spirit is not naturally subject the body and spirit soul is not naturally subject to the spirit so the Bible said bring that body on the subjection it's not going to volunteer and follow God you've got the dragon sometime in the body don't want to bei you just say Lord Jesus you take that you start going in prayer you've got to go in prayer you got to get connected to the spirit man so so here we are body the same so this is what's thought happening the more you get in the word the more you start praying the more you start growing the more your soul change when your so change your body don't do what it used to do your some people saying I don't do what I used to do quit line because if your spirit has not reconciled your soul you're just better at covering up what you used to do but when your spirit reconcile your soul your body line up with the spirit so are you always working on us but I would know what we try to do this what we try to do we try to take our lives take all the stuff going on with us we try to take it and cover it up get behind it we try to each other cover it up come on background in front and we try to say I'm spirit live we cut up our soul in our body and declare Jesus it leading me and all to somebody we have to see is the world because you cannot deceive the Holy Spirit I'm preaching been somebody shined up in here all right y'all come back like you were initially now watch what happened Jesus says I want you to go to Roman let's go to Roman chapter eight I want you to look at verse eight and nine roman eight chapter eight and nine let's make this so clear that the devil in hell don't like it let me tell you the bigger problem we have is soul problem so you got some people running right let me tell you let me tell you we're going to Roman H update let me tell you this and when you find row mate look back up here just this where is so hardening for the person who want to change and the person who trying to change someone let me show you where so hardening there may be somebody who dated someone maybe married and they say you're never change you know I fed the women they get they get all emotional and they sold they all in motion also ticket I like a taking them oh I'm done cause you ain't gonna tell Jay and they frustrated and tell why the women frustrated because you did everything in your body to change they sold did you hear what I just said you don't need everything in your body and with your body hoping to change they sold and you don't have the power to change their soul so you were depending on your look and your love the change they sold and it didn't change a soul so you get emotional and you're so ugly come out on dumb this time I'm doing them to the touch I'm done that and you are only done you're only done until your body have another need hey let the church say because you are trying to do something that only God through the Holy Ghost can do he's the only one they can work on the soulless RAM of a man and all you do and get frustrated I cook a Clio do everything you say you feel like like yet you need to quit trying to do what God can do and turn around and say Lord they in your hand if you can't change them come over here somebody they can't be what now he can change them - is anybody in here today can say the Lord can change you amen so so what were the Bible says now and so that well our frustration come sometime first grade you come with the individual I want to get off these drugs I want to stop this alcohol I want to stop whatever they are doing that's not legal I want to stop and they try to find it through the power of their soul they try to do it with mind power they try to do it real power they try to do it by shipping their emotion and they find out as much as I want to stop it drug alcohol whatever they find that they only stop it - there's another need in the body now right back to the drug house called the body has another need and the soul couldn't conquer it so they right back in the drug house because they trying to do it through their soul in their body and not depending on the power and the authority or the Lord Jesus Christ to get them off any type of drug they're here and I don't care know about rock cocaine de there's a rock in this spirit stronger than any rock on this earth so they get frustrated in themselves because they can't find it in themselves to stop things they don't want to stop habits in addiction the body and the spirit was never the new creature if it was you can stop it without God am i preaching too long in here you have been frustrated all your life because you went to church you probably gave your life to God but you're still not depending on the power and the father the Holy Spirit they do what you can't do I can do all things through Christ that strengthened me I let me said again I can do all things through Christ that strengthened me y'all look at it Christ strengthened me so I don't so this body don't do what it won't I can't do all things in me I can't do all things in the body I can do all things through Christ that's strengthened me come on somebody my script is in Christ not my mind power my willpower my emotional power not my body power but my spirit man give me power in authority and what I could not do all say become possible with the greater is He that's in me come on somebody then he that's in the world greater that commotion he that's in then he did y'all hear me I love what Roman 8 and 8 says he says so then they that are not in Bidar in the flesh cannot work if you're in the flesh who came please God call God ain't pleased with nobody flesh oh I put on all that stuff people put on a flesh to make it look good you know I mean it start with the hair and then they start with the all the way down and and ain't nothing wrong with that but when you get your flesh off let me use old turn duty up or Beauty up or Hanson up God said you are you you I'm not pleased because your flesh looked good on some are you pleasing is people in these two realms but God say these things don't please me data in the flesh cannot please God but watch what he says in verse 9 he says but you are not in the flesh why but you're in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God what dwell in you so why says he says if God's Spirit come on back around men's mouths it caught God's Spirit dwelling you you are no longer in the flesh because his Spirit dwell in you you still have a body you still have a soul but you're not controlled by the body and you're not controlled by the soul you're controlled by the spirit now he says get back in the position I was in now look at this verse 9 again he says now if any man have not the Spirit closed it up he is none of God y'all just read what the scriptures say I didn't say it if you don't have the spirit you don't belong to God when I give money to help the poor I come to church all the time they said that one day they would say the Jesus G like a stout demon in your name Jesus I know you you got to have my spirits now watch it please hit this part you hear nothing else I say today if this body and this soul died without that spirit if you hear nothing if I say today you've got to hear this one you do have a body and you don't know when it gonna die I know everybody here think they're gonna live to be 90 100 someone think we're going to be 200 and someone may live to be a hundred and something me and I pray everybody have a long life health and peace I prayed it on you but one day this body got to have a last day and no matter how much this soul have gained you may have a mention you may have airplanes Bentley for your everyday car Lord even God what would it profit a man if he gain the whole world and then turn around lose his soul so if a person died listen to me I've been sent by the Holy Spirit to speak to you today nothing that's matter all this stuff here all this stuff here in this realm when we are saved watch this when we say and start maturing it doesn't bother God what you have matter of fact God want to bless you so much that you'll cut run over God God and God ain't no knitting you know God who don't want us blessed he wants you driving the best heaven all your needs met financial he won't oh so full of joy David said the Lord restores my soul and he let my cut run over so God is not against blessing he's for it just give him the praise and glory but if again this body one day die closed without the spirit I don't care what else you had you were not connected to God everybody has a soul a spirit here everybody spirit not say though the only person couldn't get can confess your sins as you I want to go back to this again God is speaking clear or clearly this game now once this that's nothing you can do again in this body and soul to earn salvation it's a gift of God but now when this soul start cutting up after you say this hole saw cutting up God chest eyes those he loved because when the soul get out of line God have to tighten up on it because he called us to be the bless right hey man somebody so so watch this much it Oh God let's y'all ready that y'all ready to make the devil really man now once this when you come to a place like here today and you come and no matter the problem you have no matter what going on your life that have bound you when you come and you understand this and no matter what your body don't feel like doing maybe not even in your soul the day but what what David says he said I will bless the Lord at all times his praises shall continue this ensure be in my mouth so David got in his soul is RAM and say I will bless the Lord and watch what I feel the Holy goes about to hit this place now watch what God want us to do if you understand and you say today quit worrying about your problems quick concentrate on yours were going on physically in your body quit very much of bills quit worry about is it when you leave out here for they write in your life override this and tell your body I'm not going to wait till my ship come in but I'm about to give God some praise right now I'm not going to wait until my healing come on a Playgirl like I'm healed right now no way here men here whether I feel like it or don't feel like it I will open up my mouth and I will give God glory I will give God praise all my bills not pay but I will magnify the law with my spirit man for they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit not with your body but if you can feel God in your spirit no matter what's going on in your natural give God a praise right now oh come on somebody if you want some healing to take place in your body you've got some praise right now let's do the spirit you get healed declare in Jesus name I'm walking in divine healing right now just my bodyguard that's my high blood pressure just my sugar just my diabetes test the X in my bodyguard I'm healed to a spirit totally new you somebody tell somebody you look at some s that you may have some problems but they're not going to get any better until you start giving God some praise with your spirit man I don't come on step up here y'all sit down there I don't care how I don't care how much your soul is going through right now I don't care how much your soul going through right now tell your soul you don't control me I'm controlled by the spirit I'm not wagering you feel better to phase get better I'm going to magnify the Lord with my spirit man hallelujah Lord hallelujah Lord hallelujah everybody point at this soul right now say so I'll never be deported point at it so I'll never be the press another day in my life because I got someone greater did my depression hallelujah somebody well she hallelujah worshippers true worshiper goes out seeking out true worshiper their worship me in spirit come on somebody and in truth I feel a breakthrough about to happen in here quit watch this you ought to have a joyful soul based on your relationship with God most of us walk around saying when they saw that and better then I'm going to be better I can't afford to wait on you to get your soul right before I get some joy in my soul my joy is in the Lord the Lord is the strength of my joy so I just spent on the spirit man this fella here say up here this fella here and this fella here you gotta break up that team make their good then lastly as I close just start rocking back and forth that's the Joker here he in church on Sunday right back in the world makes me he's a rocky because he rock because that fella there and this fella right here is still too tight come on somebody so he just don't know what he said I can go either way I'm at with the where can I go all right you know what stop his rocking turn around mr. Mossman stop it every time somebody give up God prays uphill because once he settled in his soul that I'm going to follow the Lord he leaned this way in every great moon good body getting to lean just a little little these are oak Oh hallelujah somebody let's give our God some praise for the power of the Holy Ghost y'all may be seated let's give our God some glory but there is power in the name of Jesus anybody know that you couldn't have done it I'm good without the Lord give our praise look at somebody say you if you received it before I got seen boy tells one person if you see me before I got seen if you want to heard me before I got seen I did hold back nothing but the Holy Spirit is holding my tongue but I can't say when I used to say take your Holy Ghost for the power of the Holy Ghost anybody getting better anybody getting better
Channel: Pastor Henry Babers
Views: 18,706
Rating: 4.7743587 out of 5
Keywords: Spirit (Literature Subject), Religion (TV Genre), Soul (Quotation Subject), body, mindset, Obedidence, God's will, God's Way, Emotions, Word of God, Haines City Church, Parkview Christian Life Center, Self Control
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2015
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