Passion 2019 :: Chad Veach

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it's an honor to be here I'm gonna jump right in before I read let me just paint a context of the writer of Hebrews his audience the writer of Hebrews is writing to some Jewish folks who have who have left their practice their faith and are now trying to follow Jesus at this point of their faith journey they are their wavering a bit they're feeling pulled back to their duty back to what's comfortable back to trusting in themselves rather than trusting in Jesus and the writer is pleading the writer is convincing trying to get this this group of people to understand back is not an operative word for you going back to what you used to be and how you used to live is not going to be your way we're gonna put all of our trust and all of our confidence in the name of Jesus we're gonna put all of our faith and all of our trust not into a personal Savior of us saving ourselves but in a great high priest who went before us and saved our life anybody thankful for Jesus Christ today come on why don't we give Jesus even a greater rounding resounding applaud today amen so listen to his language he's convincing I'm gonna read by the way from the passion translation passion so good they got their own translation in the Bible fall out okay Hebrews 6 so it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change I love that line right there it is impossible for God to lie I have a three year old and a five year old and oftentimes I will look and I will say son are you lying to me right now and he'll shake his head which is cold for absolutely dead I'm lying through my teeth it is impossible for God to lie it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow would never change and now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves his faithfulness this is where we find his strength and comfort for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time an unshakable hope we have this certain hope like a strong unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold and where Jesus everybody say Jesus where Jesus our 4runner has gone in before us he is now forever our royal priest like Melchizedek so he's reminding his audience remember you guys remember the priest Melchizedek they're like yeah for sure Jesus is the greater and the truer High Priest if you're wondering where Jesus is today if you're wondering what Jesus is up to while we gather here at passion Jesus is right now back seated at the right hand of the Father Jesus is right now the Bible says interceding for your life fact if you ever feel like no one's praying for you and your family no one's praying for you in your church no none of your friends are praying for you be encouraged Jesus himself is praying for you he is the greater and true or high priests come on some people started to clap and applaud I think we can thank Jesus he is greater than Melchizedek he is our high priest in heaven I want to preach a message today you could write down the title it's called the place I crave the place I crave and let's bow our heads and let's pray and let's believe that God will speak to us not just in this session but for the rest of conference come on let's pray together Jesus we acknowledge today that you are who you say you are and you can do what you said you would do we ask by the power of your spirit open up our eyes so we can really see you open up our ears so we can absolutely hear you we thank you that you are good you are kind you are loving and you are gracious we acknowledge your love we acknowledge your mercy come and speak to us and god we thank you in advance that you're gonna let the los angeles lakers rise back to victory and get an NBA championship and el nombre de hey soos and everybody said together come on let's clap and thank God people are like go Lakers um you ever have them you ever get a a food craving let me just see your hand if you ever get a food craving you ever you know you ever get a food craving for chick-fil-a on a Sunday why do I only crave chick-fil-a on Sundays but is the worst one when you have a craving to hunker in for for a for a destination for a place you can't get to like I live in LA so I'm always craving a trip to Palm Springs I love Palm Springs California I think Jesus has retired and lives in Palm Springs he goes the Old Country Buffet has dinner at 4:00 p.m. in Palm Springs but I get a craving for for Palm Springs I get a craving for uh you know for like something like a Cabo San Lucas during the winter I always want to be in like a cabin with the snow I crave these destinations every once in a while but every once while I get a good food craving yeah you ever been to the Cheesecake Factory someone just yelled the loudest they yelled all conference right there nobody nobody graduates past the Cheesecake Factory nobody gets too cool nobody's tastebuds like I'm over it have you ever had the bread at Cheesecake Factory I live in LA where people don't like gluten by the way I love gluten I'm in the gluten Club I'm the president of the gluten fan club all right you ever go to the Cheesecake Factory and they bring that that bread out that brown and that white bread and you you put your finger on it just to make sure it's the right temperature and if it's kind of cold you're like excuse me could you run in the back and uh give me some hot warm fresh bread it's what I it's what I want to talk today about so cravings because the reality is whether you realize it or not our soul craves the presence of the Lord are so craves to be in the presence I love Louie was so brilliant last night the presence of our Father I love what the psalmist writes in psalm 42 psalm 42 listen to what he likens it like psalm 42:1 as the deer pants for the water Brooks so my soul pants for you O God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God he's saying I I crave a lot of things but the thing that I craved the most my soul longs to be with you Jesus my soul longs to be in your presence my soul longs to be with you because it is there it is in that place that my soul receives all that I need it's there that I get fulfillment it's there that I get peace it's there that I get joy is there anybody thankful today that you and I can encounter the presence of the Living God my soul craze for it listen to the writer of Hebrews he says it's because of who you are it's because of this Jesus it's because of this high priest he says because of this we run into his heart we run into God's heart right down I'm gonna give you four things to write down today write down number one today whatever you run to you trust whatever you are running to that is what you trust in because that is what you're saying what I turn to in times of trouble what I turn to when my soul is depleted that is basically saying this is what I trust in part of being a Christian part of being a believer is getting good at running I feel like Forrest Gump today you got to learn that being a believer is about running to the right thing and from the wrong thing all throughout the Scriptures it says that we should flee temptation we shoulda pour what is evil we should run away from that which will destroy our life we run from evil we run away from bad things but we run to God it's not gonna be enough for us to say I don't do this that or the other I'm glad that's what you're running from but in the scriptures that tells us to run to God we run to God because we love him we run to God because we can trust him oh I love that scripture proverbs chapter 3 5 & 6 proverbs 3:5 and 6 one of the most famous scriptures trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight trust in the Lord when I choose in the midst of my circumstance to run to God what I am saying to God is God I trust you I do not trust in this substance I do not trust in this bottle I do not trust in this person I will not get my fix from social media I don't trust these things I trust God I cannot get temporary fixes for what I need everlasting solution only God can fill me only God can heal me only God can complete me no boyfriend or girlfriend no amount of success come on anybody thank God today that I can run to God because I trust in God it says I run to God in and I run to his heart and I run to his heart because I can trust in his heart and I trust in who he is and when I get there it says I run to his heart and I hide in his faithfulness write down number two today hide in God's faithfulness we run to God and and we just we find safety we find refuge for our weary soul that's why the scripture says the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe so I run in and I hide in his faithfulness I just go ahead and I camp out and I let God be faith for in my world now you gotta understand something faithfulness is who he is and faithfulness is what he does we serve a faithful God God will not abandon you God will not betray you God will not turn his back on you is there anybody thankful today that God is gonna be faithful to you all the days of your life so I run a run to his heart and I hide in his faithfulness and I basically say God you go before me Lord you fight my battles Lord you I wish I could sing like Tasha Cobbs because I would go into this is how I find my battles right now this is how if I'm not doing it so but I run here and I hide in his faithfulness some of us need to learn that the way God works is backwards from us God says things like the first shall be last and the last shall be first the greatest of everybody is the servant to everybody in the Old Testament there's this beautiful story they're getting ready to go out for battle and as they get ready for battle God gets the troops all lined up and they're all you know they look like they go to LA Fitness it's like a team of CrossFitters and God says okay I need bread and Christian tody and Carrie mosaic MSc where's Mariah I need all of the worshipers on the front line because the way we're gonna win this battle is through lifting our hands and lifting our voice and declaring God's faithfulness come on is there anybody that's willing to hide in his faithfulness and watch God go before you come on let's give him some praise today and thank God he will work things out he will do what only he can do I run a run to his heart I run a run into what I trust I trust in God I'm not turning to things that are temporary solutions I turn to God God can God's good with my heart others can hurt my heart God is faithful what I hide is look at Psalm 91 Psalm 91 as it comes on the screen he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him I will trust so I just hide god you're gonna be good you're gonna sort it out this is this is too big this is too much so I come here and the writer says it is here it is in this zone that I find for my soul strength comfort empowerment disease an unshakable hope in other words write down number three everything I need is in his presence everything that I need in my life is found in the presence of the Lord when I come here and I hide out in his presence I get strength oh I love that God gives us strength because when you walk into the presence of God you're gonna come in one way but you're gonna leave another way you might come in battered and bruised and filled with anxiety and depression like Louie was talking about but when you leave his presence you're gonna find newfound strength oh I love Isaiah look at Isaiah 41 look at what it says even about college students even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and they will not faint because when I get into his presence all of a sudden I've got a newfound strength where I came in I felt depleted and I felt exhausted and I felt tired and I felt overwhelmed I get with God and all of a sudden it's like let's go to LA Fitness no me neither okay I find strength a flank comfort the comfort of the Holy Spirit top the comforter that comes to comfort me you're gonna be okay you're doing better than you think you're doing he is the great comforter in your life you ever try and snuggle up with a blanket that's too short like the blanket only hits your ankles who is testing these blankets are they using second graders in the blanket industry but when you receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit it's a big blanket of peace it's a big blanket of restoration it's a big blanket of what I need God to be a mama I've got strength I've got comfort and did you see what it said I've got the empowerment to seize on an unshakable hope another translation God may pull you in but he's gonna send you out oh I love passion conference cuz we're only here for three days cuz we come into his presence but we're getting released back unto our campuses we're getting released back under the things God's called us to do come on somebody thank God today he's not trying to hide me out the rest of my day he wants to empower me to see something oh I like that word seize because it speaks of activity that were seized talks about ferociousness tenacity going after something and what am I going after success what am I going after another level no I got strength I've got comfort and I've got the the empowerment from God to seize an unshakable hope what is he saying to this audience he's saying guys don't let the circumstance of what you're feeling sway your boat you need for your soul an unshakable hope now I love hope because hope is a bit audacious hope has a swagger and an arrogance and a confidence not in self but in God remember in your life hope is an architect but faith is the Builder and so God will give you hope for your future he'll give you hope for tomorrow he'll paint a picture in your heart I know that many of us have gone through circumstances and situations that have tried to shatter and shake your hope I know many of us have gone through things that your hope has been destroyed some of you have heard the story of my my oldest my daughter Georgia well my daughter was born she was born in her brain never fully developed the doctors told us things about our daughter like she'll never walk or talk or crawl or roll over she'll never live to this many years and I remember in that time something happening in me as a father I was heartbroken but I was filled with hope I could see the tears in my wife's eyes I could look at the hopelessness in my daughter's face but something about God rose up on the inside and I found myself in that season as a father craving the presence of God running into his heart hiding in his faithfulness telling God I got I'm not strong enough as a dad now I feel things I've never felt I need your comfort and I felt like when I got into his presence it helped me seize it helped me pursue an unshakable hope let me show you a couple photos of my daughter Georgia this is the first photo my daughter in the month of August she had to go to the hospital again and this is kind of part of her life she has many seizures and has battled but already has defied the doctors and already is a miracle and I think we should just pause and applaud our God who is the great physician and always has the final last word fact can you put up the photo this is from Christmas this is another picture from Christmas this is my daughter on Christmas Eve Eve but you know what I found in that season of my life I found myself craving not Hospital and not a temporary fix but an unshakable hope don't put your hope in your circumstance don't put your hope into other people put your hope in the name of the Lord write down the last thing number 4 today I love how he concludes this thought in this section he writes down number 4 put it in your notes he's trying to anchor me in his love listen to the writer of Hebrews watch how he ends he says we have this certain hope like a strong unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat I want to tell you today Jesus himself God is trying to answer you in his love now remember Christianity is marked by symbols we have the symbol of the Cross which represents for us our freedom in Jesus the finished work of our salvation but the anchor that nautical symbol is an representation that God is trying to anchor us in his love other writers like Paul will use the words like rooted or grounded this writer uses the word anchored and I want to tell you God is up to something in your life and what he's really after is anchoring you in the love of Jesus Christ letting your anchor go down what's the writer saying he's saying guys no no no I know it feels wishy-washy I know it feel you have all kinds of have different sensational emotions right now he's saying but let your anchors go down in Jesus let your anchors be dropped so you are not tossed to and fro by every situation by everything that you feel and everything that you see come-ons passion we need to be people that love Jesus that let our anchors go down into the solid finish work of the cross come on let's applaud and thank Jesus if you're willing to let your anchor drop at passion 2019 and say Jesus I will not get up rooted I will not be uplifted by any circumstance I drop my anchor in Jesus
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 17,267
Rating: 4.8035712 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Passion, Passion Conference, Passion 2019, Chad Veach
Id: YPyg9NxSj1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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