Fear Must Fall | Louie Giglio | James River Church

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[Music] this morning as we wrap up our sizzling summer I'm so excited to be able to share with you the Ministry of Louie Giglio Louis Pasteur's Passion City Church in Atlanta Georgia a thriving great Church in that city along with that Louie Giglio founded passion ministries and the goal of passion Ministries is to raise up a generation that will challenge and change this world for the glory of Jesus Christ to that end he is doing worship and preaching in auditoriums and arenas around the country and challenging college students and teenagers to make a difference for Jesus and so this morning we are blessed to have one of the most gifted speakers communicators in Christendom today here at James River Church would you join me and let's give it up for Louie Giglio come on let's show a little passion yeah yeah god bless you thank you so much appreciate it thank you so much you can have a seat what a great privilege to be here today Pastor John thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of the life of James River what an amazing church people say the church is dying not in Springfield Missouri it's not I'll tell you that pretty amazing and I'm so glad you're doing the 21 day fast coming up because I was just noticing in both gatherings Pastor John's getting a little heavy and looks like he needs to fast a little bit so at the end of the 21-day fast they'll just be a shirt on a hanger up here which would be amazing and incredible so I know there's a spiritual benefit but both gatherings I'm like that's the fittest man I've ever seen in my life whatever you're doing is working and you are physically fit spiritually fit and amazing thank you for the privilege of sharing the life of this amazing church today what a privilege to do that and I know God didn't just bring us all here so that we could check a box and say well I did it God brought us here so that we could encounter him and maybe that's the last thing you were thinking was going to happen to you and you came today maybe it's the first thing you were thinking was gonna happen to you and you came today maybe you came through the door thinking I'm going to meet with God but it's very likely and a gathering like this that someone came to the door thinking if you'd asked me at 9:30 last night if I would be sitting in here right now I would have said no chance but yet Here I am and circumstances have all fallen together that you're in a seat right now going I had no idea to even be here I certainly wasn't expecting to meet with God but I just want to say again how did we all get here if it wasn't by the purposes and plans of a great God same God that put the stars in the universe put all of us in the specific seat that we would be sitting in des and just like he can name every star of the two hundred billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies in the known universe he can name every one of us in this room today and he knows who you are so I just want us to take a moment this isn't about a message or really even about a sermon or about a person it's really about the voice of God and the Word of God being carried by the Spirit of God into the hearts of people and if that happens today my goodness transformation is going to begin in a powerful way so could we just pray together to that in for a moment and would you be willing maybe if you're in the former category I mentioned or the latter latter category or someone in between would you be willing to just take a moment and say God I don't even really know why I'm here how I got here if you know who I am but if you're real would you speak to me today if we all pray that prayer I believe God is gonna answer it so could you bow your heads with me and would you mind taking a moment or two and just asking God if he'll speak to you personally powerfully specifically father thank you for the amazing privilege today of even being aware of you much less coming to know you personally thank you that most of us in this room have had revelation our eyes opened there wasn't our doing it was your kindness and your grace but when we saw you we couldn't resist the kindness the grace the truth the beauty that is you thank you for the privilege today of being called sons and daughters of Almighty God the same God who spoke the universe the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob that God you our God are here now and so I pray we all pray that by the power of your spirit through this word that you breathed to life that you would speak personally powerfully specifically into every story in this place today my hope and prayer is that all of us as we walk away would be able to say God spoke to me today and I can't do that no man can do that and so I yield to you Holy Spirit and ask you to do what only you can do and I'm trusting you to do that thanking you for it in Jesus name Amen we're talking today about the best known underdog story of all time and I think anybody who's just driven by a church before and even people who haven't know that's the story of David and Goliath I'm a little bit nervous because we have the James River quiz champions right here to the left so if I don't ever look over there again and just look over here the rest of the day you'll know why but surely you knew when I said the best underdog story of all time you were already in first samuel might have already memorized for samuel so i'm gonna be really careful about my theology and my my P's and Q's today congratulations to you guys by the way that's very impressive the greatest underdog story is known by businessmen that metaphor is heard in sports it's not just a church story 14:15 year-old shepherd boy takes down a nine and a half foot giant named Goliath in the Valley of Allah and that story is powerful a lot of us who've been around church have heard it our whole lives but today really not looking back to celebrate what a little boy did we're really hoping today that God can still come through for us because there are still Giants standing in the land and we talk about some of those in the book Goliath must fall ones that come right up out of the text giants like comfort which is the sneaky chapter that no one sees coming John it's like anger we understand more that bitterness that takes a hold in our lives and burns our house down and a whole bunch of other houses down around us the giant of rejection which is such a big blight in people's lives the giant of addiction but there's also another giant that we want to focus on today and that's the giant of fear and when I was coming in late from the airport last night I asked so what did pastor Marc speak about last week and they said well he spoke about fear and anxiety and I was like oh wow because I believe God brought me here tomorrow to speak about fear and anxiety so either me or Marc got it wrong or both of us got it completely right I'm sort of in the camp that both of us got it completely right because when the Spirit works they usually unifies things and I believe he unified these messages to be complimentary in the power of the Spirit and it must be that their people here who God wants to liberate from fear and maybe my job today is just to be an assist to God's Spirit and to serve someone in this place to say maybe the seed got plated last week and you thought you know this is definitely what I want God to do in my life but that work maybe maybe somewhere in the weak fear rose up again and dominated the story I said don't even think about it because you should be afraid of the fact that if you try to take down fear in your life you're going to fail and that's going to be worse than being afraid in the first place but I'm telling you anger and anger is big addiction is big rejection as big comfort as big but anxiety has got it's it's its grip on the throat of America and anxiety must fall for your freedom sake and for God's glory sake anxiety must fall fear must fall fears the natural reaction is fight-or-flight it's in middle school there was a girl in our middle school I said this at a gathering not long ago and I saw the look on people's faces and realize I might have said the wrong thing so I can't go into all the details but that's just suffice to say she was like a Goliath in real life she had more facial hair than most of the guys in our middle school that was the thing I said I wasn't supposed to say but I like saying it so I said it again but you have mixed martial arts fighters at this church so what is it gonna hurt and she would terrorize a group of us who had to walk a certain way home from school I was a lower middle class family we live in an apartment complex not far from my middle school and we have to walk around this certain stand of trees to get to the sidewalk in front of our school and then down a ways and she would stand there and taunt this one kid in particular smaller kid than her all the kids at our school were smaller than her and she one day the kids had had enough he just had had enough and he even let it be known at school today's today this is going down today well there were an extra large number of other kids at the spot that day to see what was going to go down he walked up and said not today and I don't know if he'd listen that new United song you know tell the devil no not today but he was telling her not today and he just said not today and she just went looked down at him a move I've never seen before or since stepped on his foot with all of her substance and pushed this boy down by the shoulders when he went down if you can just imagine in your mind a dried piece of branch in your yard after a long winter that you pick up and snap with your hands that's the sound his ankle made when she pushed him to the ground and I don't know what happened after that because we bolted I mean we were out of there I just remember hearing at the background this kid screaming like I'd never heard a kid scream before but as I hey I'm out and I mean for the rest of the school year this is no exaggeration probably put some you know serious permanent you know imprint in here but for the rest of the school year I'd go to the top of the gym look out and see if she was at that spot or not and if she was I would have to go out another door cut through some woods back across the guy's pasture come a long way around to go home fight-or-flight is in us as humans it actually keeps us alive that kind of fear is not bad but when fight-or-flight fear takes a foothold in our life that's contrary to the spirit in nature of God to be afraid in a circumstance it's not a sin but to let fear become the soundtrack for the way you live your life is antithetical to the relationship that you have with the creator of the universe you are a child of God and the God who is your father is a God who runs the universe and when we look into this story the very first giant we see is Goliath but we also see this giant called fear Goliath comes taunting in verse 8 and then down at the end somewhere along the way about verse 10 it says then the Philistine said this day I defy the ranks of Israel give me a man and let us fight each other and then look at the next verse verse 11 on hearing so it's going to be the first thing where you think about today on hearing so it's important what we're listening to on hearing the Philistines words Saul and all every person to a man in the army of Israel Saul and all the Israelites were what they were dismayed and terrified now that could have just been the fight or flight nine and a half feet tall he's a champion from Gath he's undefeated he's got a shield bear bigger than most of us he's completely covered from head to toe this guy is unstoppable okay fight or flight might take hold but then it keeps going day after day after day and that initial reaction becomes a lifestyle choice you see now a few verses later David arrives in verse 20 to bring supplies to his brothers he now is up at the battle line and he now here's what happens if you look in verse 23 and as David was talking with his brothers that's the he and to them Goliath the Philistine champion from gasps see how that gets in there every time in the same way the enemy is saying to you and that relationship that's never gonna be fixed and that circumstance that's always gonna be a problem and that challenge that you're just gonna have to deal with for the rest of your life there's always that little descriptor in there that adds to the fear factor as David was speaking to his brothers the Philistine champion from Gath stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance and David even heard it but look at the effect when the Israelites saw the man they all ran away from him in great what fear what they heard and what they saw caused them to be gripped by fear so fear is your giant you're gonna recognize this soundtrack because this is what you're hearing it in the background of your story something like this you might as well give up this is where it all falls apart you are never going to recover from this something bad is going to happen to you this is never going to work out God has completely forgotten about you don't even think that there is a way through this I wonder what other terrible things might happen no one cares about you no one is pulling for you the worst thing that could happen will has abandoned you you are never going to survive this that's the giant of fear talking and it's amazing how many people live out their life story with that soundtrack playing in the background and it was certainly playing in the background for 40 days and 40 nights as the army of the God of Israel stood paralyzed in their tracks the three big ideas I want to lift out of the text and then we'll talk specifically about addressing fear today but unless we can get a macro of this passage we're not going to be able to really understand the power that God wants to unlock in it and the first big idea is this that even though we are in Christ most of us we can still be paralyzed by giants like what wouldn't what are you talking about well the promise of God to Moses and to his forefathers was that God was going to gather a people and lead that people to settle in a land of plenty a land of abundance that land was called the promised land Moses wasn't able to lead the people into the Promised Land but Joshua was and they crossed the Jordan River they saw God take down the seven story tall walls of Jericho and then do miracle after miracle not to mention any done miracles in the wilderness and miracles to get him out of Egypt that God had done miracle after miracle after miracle promising I'm going to lead you into the Promised Land well guess what we're in the Valley of Allah and if you do your google search and get on board with a geography we are well into the promised land and there may be somebody here today you're in Christ you're in church you you may even have come to know the Spirit of God you're walking in life maybe you have a history with God but somehow even though you are in the promised land currently you're paralyzed by a giant in your story it was true of them the Giants didn't go away when they got in the Promised Land and so anything that's telling you once you give your life to Jesus all the Giants are gonna go away does it match up with the drawed story of Scripture even from the Old Testament - now there could be a giant staining in your life right now as a believer in God the second big idea in the text is is that you're not David in the story of David and Goliath I thought I'd just let that settle for a moment let the quiz team think about it and no response to that that's the biggest statement I have I was like the pinnacle of my talk complete crickets both gatherings because people are thinking who let this guy in here of course I'm David in the story of David and Goliath I went to backyard Bible Club Louie and they told me I was David in the story of David and Goliath we made swords on a shopping bags we walked around like we were kings then we went to middle school and high school camp and there was always a message on David and Goliath and I remember one in particular the guys preaching like crazy gets to the end and if this little shepherd boy named David we always got him like some straw knee little kid if this little shepherd boy named David could take down that nine and a half foot Goliath and then the guy just looks right at me to emphasize the fact that I was the smallest middle school kid at the church then even you can all your 68 pounds can take down the Giants in your life and I'm telling you it was like somebody set us on fire we went running out of that place we were gonna conquer the world one camp we even scoured around we picked up five smooth stones in the campsite we all brought him back the next night we brought him to the altar that got prayed over and anointed all the rocks that we'd picked up in the camp and we left that place saying I'm gonna take down every giant I'm gonna defeat every foe I'm gonna knock out Goliath with a stone but you know what the reality is this here we are in this place today some of us 26 36 46 56 66 years old and the same giant it was standing in our valley at the middle school retreat is standing in our valley right now and it's because God didn't ask you to bulk up Hulk up armor up and take down fear he asks us to wake up and to look up and to realize there is a hero in this story in the hero in this story is not you do you understand that there is a hero in scripture from the beginning to the end there's a hero this is a story of God a story of God the Father Son and spirit but specifically they lift up the person of Jesus and he's the hero of this sort from beginning to end so if you look in 1st Samuel 17 you say well where is the hero in the story where's Jesus in the story we know he's not two Philistines we know he's not soul we know he's not Goliath he's not the armies of Israel he must then be David in the story of David and Goliath and that's the big revelation for me we're not preaching a message today that says hey you got to get strong enough to go out and defeat all your Giants what we're preaching today is is that Jesus came from heaven to earth to walk into your Valley whatever it is take out every giant that you're gonna face in your entire lifetime Jesus is the giant-slayer he is your giant slayer and it's right here in the text I love it David comes on the scene he hears all of the noise and then he says in verse 32 don't let anybody lose hope on account of this Philistine in other words this story's gonna change right here I believe God is speaking that at James River today don't let anyone lose hope in this gathering because of your giant and then David says to Saul in verse 34 this is beautiful your servant has been keeping his father's sheep so this is his defense that why they should let him take a crack at Goliath your servant it's been keeping his father's sheep and when a lion or a bear came and carried off his sheep from the flock I went after it struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth when it turned on me I seized it by its hair struck it and killed it amen is right I mean that is Bass Pro Shop if I've ever heard it I mean this is an outdoorsman's outdoorsman I grabbed the sheep from the Bears mouth or the lion's mouth or the Cougar the Puma or whatever it was and then when it got riled up because I grabbed does a sheep out of its mouth I just seized it and struck it because I had my rod with me as a shepherd staff leads the Sheep the rod defends the Sheep and I just beat the ever living daylights out of that bear until that bear wish it never come in my dad's pasture and I'm thinking now people are like what and then he goes on your servant has killed both the lion and the bear ones mounted on one into the dining room table the other on the other wall it's impressive you come to dinner at our house you you you respect I've killed both the line in the bear this uncircumcised philistine will be like one of them because he's defied the armies of the Living God now you're thinking okay this is exactly the opposite of what you're saying that is making me think David is the hero of the story he killed a lion he killed a bear he's going to kill Goliath that's what the focus is but David wants you to know it wasn't him who was the hero of the story and so he amplifies in the next verse the Lord can we just say that together the Lord can you say it with me the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine David didn't think he was David in the story of David and Goliath he knew that God was David in the story of David and Goliath the same God who he had seen him move on his life and power and give him supernatural ability by the Spirit of God to do things that no man could do that same God was going to do it again and I think we can get stuck believing I've got to figure out how to defeat my giant no you don't Jesus has already defeated your giant he's already taken the head off of every giant and silenced the foe when David killed Goliath he carried his head all the way to Jerusalem is about 20-some odd miles from where they were in the valley of Allah can you imagine that whacking the head off and then carrying it with you 20 miles people are like what you got there I got a giant head I never thought about it before till this morning but you know some people say you've got a giant head no this was literally a giant head and he carried it all the way to the place of worship in Jerusalem in the same way that the little shepherd boy the son of Jesse came from Bethlehem into the valley of the law to take the head off the another shepherd boy came from Bethlehem named Jesus to take the head off of fear and anger and rejection and addiction and he did it in Jerusalem to display in his life in his death and his burial and his resurrection his ascension power that the Giants were done news flash rock hit Goliath he stumbled and shuddered and he died third big idea simply that your giant is dead amen your giant is dead but still deadly your giant is dead power has been taken out of your giant but your giant is still deadly I love James River for the first time ever in my life they've created a crime scene on stage of a 9-foot Giant yes his swords fall in one way the x marks the spot where the rock hit him that is a visual that they were kind enough to create today for all of us so that when anxiety starts talking when fear starts talking when addiction starts talking when anger starts talking yes it's real but you can walk up to fear and realize that hello fear is a crime scene you get it fear is dead it may still be deadly because it's still talking but fear is dead if a snake dies in the woods and it decomposes maybe you come along 90 days 100 days later maybe maybe some snake skin there if it hasn't been disturbed a skeleton obviously will be there but did you know that even 90 days 100 days 120 days later if you were to put your foot in that snakes mouth say it was a rattlesnake a fairly large one and you were to wet your foot in its mouth and puncture your foot on its Fang that venom that had been spring-loaded in the fang of that snake for months and months ago would automatically be injected into your foot and you would be needing medical attention from a snake that it died 120 days ago Jesus has taken a head off your giant but your giant is still talking and if we puncture our heart on the Fang of our Giants they still can be deadly but it helps us when we walk up and go wait a minute fear I hear it talking but fears a crime scene that's going to be my starting point fear is dead and that's the beginning point of freedom for you and me they're still giants in our story even though we're in Christ we're not David in the story Jesus is the giant-slayer our Giants are dead but they still could be deadly they still could be talking because that's what they do [Music] you are heading towards disaster the awful things that might occur there's no hope only failure and if you think that's alive for is going to be long and powerful going to be anxiety is gonna get you by the throat but if you realize that's a crime scene that's a dead giant with one last gasp for somebody who doesn't know the truth it sets us free and you don't have to listen for that giant anymore so how how do we walk free how do we get free how does God get glory I think the road map is in another text that David wrote this same shepherd boy in Psalm 16 and this is what he wrote if you struggling with fear anxiety you should be camped out in the Psalms and in this Psalm particularly I would encourage you to read or memorize the entire psalm opening line keep me safe O God for I for in you I take refuge that's what you want to be thinking about if you're battling anxiety or one of the cousins you know Goliath had cousins more Giants and Goliath family than just him he wasn't the only one with a messed up gene pool in his family the whole thing was a little bit wanky and you can read about that I'm talking about some really weird things ten toes and ten fingers on one hand and one foot I mean these guys were a little bit messed up and there there were more of them in the mix and maybe for you it's your like fear I don't know about fear but fear has cousins like anxiety worry dread panic doom and then the sort of the mothership of it all depression in some form or fashion if that's getting into your story how do you get free and how does God get glory I think it's in Psalm 16 verse eight particularly I have set the Lord always can you say always always before me there's thing freedom is based on what we see with our eyes and what we hear with our ears and what we say with our mouths it's a very sensory thing you're like no it's about five stones in a sling no it's not David before he picked up the rocks already had confidence that the giant was going down because of what he saw he saw a God bigger than his giant and he already believed that God was big enough to defend him against this foe I've said the Lord always before me that means God goes before me everything else goes after me it doesn't deny the everything else I did not come today to preach the denial of everything else oh that addiction that your son or daughter struggling with right now that's not a big deal no it's a very big deal and it is deadly and I'm sharing that as a guy who's several years back fell into a hole a pit of anxiety and depression in the middle of doing some of the greatest ministry we've ever done in our lives in the middle of planning a church in Atlanta Georgia I fell into the darkness for months I didn't leave the house I didn't go to meetings at the church I didn't go to dinner with friends I didn't walk around the cul-de-sac I was broken down in a very very dark place and I thought I was losing my mind and I was the only person who'd ever been in a hole like that I didn't know anybody else with a story like that and I had no comprehension that I ever get out of it if you came to me I'm not kidding you when I was in that place and said Louie don't you worry God's gonna bring you out in a 2017 you're gonna be one of the greatest churches in the world at James River and you're gonna be in your right mind I mean at least according to me and you're gonna be filled with the spirit you're gonna be has a lot of Jesus in your eyes you're going to be exercising your gift you're gonna be doing the thing that you were made to do you're going to be speaking in confidence about the salvation of God you're going to be encouraging people I would have looked at you and said I could imagine riding a bicycle to Jupiter easier then I can see myself out of this hole and encouraging people in Jesus name but here I stand by the grace of God and I'm standing here today to let you know a that we're not offering a one-size-fits-all band-aid today so you've had anger smoldering in your heart for the last 16 years and we're just going to offer a little you know push that to the side band-aid nope but I am Telling You that Jesus is bigger than your giant and you are not crazy there may be some crazy in it but you're not crazy and God is gonna bring you through it he said I've set the Lord continually before me because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken what we can't allow ourselves to do is start praising the Giant and just keep the Giant in front of us and that's what happens when when rejection is in your story that's all you think about well they rejected me she left me he left me they didn't love me they didn't want me I was abandoned and that's just what we repeat over and over and over I'm not minimizing and I'm just saying you got to set something else before you then your giant you've got to put something else in view then your giant you've got to fix your eyes on someone else someone greater and David walked into this valley he didn't say there isn't a giant he just said I see the Giant but in the name of the Lord a God of Israel whom you are taunting you're going down so I see the Giant but I also see someone greater than the Giant so the first thing I would encourage you to do today is to get in the Word of God get the person the character of God in view and keep God in your view you can deal with the Giant but you got to keep God in view three things happen david says when he set the lord continually before him when he knew the lord is not just before and he was beside him and you know means beside you that's the shepherd the most famous passage in scripture the Lord is my shepherd I am in lack of nothing even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are with me you're what your rod and your staff your rod and your staff your rod and your staff they comfort me in other words I'm walking through the valley of the shadow of death something is making me anxious a person a situation something outside of my control I can't change it I can't fix it up light laid awake at night staring to ceiling for a lot of weeks now and I can't control everything I can't bring the outcome the way I want but you know what I'm gonna sleep tonight because God is walking beside me and he's got a rod in his hand and that's what he uses to protect me except three things happen as we close number one my heart is glad when you put God in view your emotional stability will level and the roller coaster of it's gonna work out oh no it's gonna crash and burn oh no it looks good oh no it looks bad I think no no all that roller coaster is the result of keeping your giant before you but once the God of the ages who is the same yesterday and today and forever is in view our emotions stabilize the circumstance may not stabilize but our emotions stabilize he said when God is in view my heart is glad secondly he said my tongue rejoices praise is your weapon against your giant worry and worship cannot be in our mouths at the same time one always displaces the other and if you want worry out of your mouth put worship in your mouth it will displace the enemy and when that giant starts talking to you again do you understand God has given you control of the playlist whoever gave the enemy control of the playlist you have control of the playlist you have a whole Book of Psalms to put in the playlist you can say at any points you're dead you're a crime scene Jesus is already decapitated you and shut you down and spoken truth in life into me raised me from the dead giving me hope and a purpose connecting me to him and to heaven fill me with a spirit giving me the word put me in a community so I don't know who you're talking to but it's not me and you can change the playlist you can just come into the story and say this is not my god I have a god but this ain't my god I've got a voice but this isn't my voice I have a father and he doesn't talk like that I have a father who doesn't say that and you you you have control by the Spirit of God of the playlist you can say nope new playlist the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want No he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters and he restores my soul put that on a loop and let that play he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies he anoints my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will arrive at the house of my god and I will dwell there forever and ever and ever this is the play left of my life fear his faith in the enemy the antidote to fear is encouraged its faith in God and worship is the soundtrack to faith my heart is glad my tongue rejoices and then check this third one and my flesh will dwell secure you know America is not sleeping good at night people aren't sleeping good at night and the only way I can is by naming what's making me anxious so I don't even talk about my anxiety anymore because anxiety is not a thing it's a symptom of something and so I just go one layer down and say Jesus this person is making me anxious this situation which I can't fix or modify or change is making me anxious what they're saying about me and I can't stop it it's making me anxious and when I name it and look up and see a shepherd stay in the middle with a rod in his hand a staff to lead me a rod to protect me and I say Jesus here she is here he is here they are here it is this is what's making your son anxious tonight I want to put it in your hands cuz you're a great Shepherd and you have my back do you know Jesus has your back don't don't I love the bond of friendship but don't bother telling about your friend Kathy who has your back I mean what is she's five foot six like oh no Louie Kathy's fierce she weighs 128 pounds you don't need Kathy to have your back you need to know that your Shepherd has your back and you can lay down and rest secure come on church come on anxiety's dead fear is a liar your father has purposes and plans for you you say yeah but Louie I've already got a place in life where it all went sideways where was God then he was the same place he was when his son was crucified at the hands of evil men for you he was taking a broken world and even using the broken things in the world to accomplish greater purposes for you and for his glory and you can trust him my soundtrack this year for March April May was that song do it again thank you to people I'm glad you're here today by the way you just a minute and hallelujah and you seem like you're into it and like it these people right here nothing thank you I love that song because it's rooted not in a feel-good and there's nothing wrong with feeling good but it's rooted in this walking around those walls took me takes me right back to Jericho and then that chorus is my chorus I have think eye movements I have seen God come through I have seen God make a way where there was no way and I believe that he will do it so whenever fear was coming I mean I could pull my phone out I had it right in my little saved bookmarks I just pull up the live version nine minutes crank it up as loud as I could oh I see the giant but I have a God who makes a way where there is no way and he will do it again
Channel: James River Church
Views: 121,017
Rating: 4.7756739 out of 5
Keywords: james river church, louie giglio, goliath must fall, facing fears, sermon, christianity, overcoming fear, biblical answer for fear, fear, bible, louie, giglio, pastor louie giglio, must, fall, james river church sermons, james, river, best, sermons, church, online, online church, sermon on fear, sermon on fear and worry, sermon on worry, worry, god, jesus, jrc, best sermons, dealing with fear, dealing with fear and anxiety, anxiety, anxiousness, don't worry, encouragement, how to deal with worry
Id: v68aKr9dFy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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