Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table | Louie Giglio

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[Music] well today i've looked forward uh to this morning for a long time since we uh we're able to book our speaker he's one of my uh absolute favorite speakers in all of the world we're so blessed to have louis giglio with us today you know when i think of louis listening to him preach and so many what i would call classic sermons uh messages for the ages that uh just as i've listened to them over and over again they impact my heart and they've increased my love for jesus but then when you get to know louis personally um one of the things you walk away from those conversations is you just want to be like jesus uh this is a man who loves the lord with all of his heart and when you've been with him it just makes you want to go be with jesus because uh you can tell louis spent a lot of time with the lord i have such high respect for him not only as a preacher but just as a man of god and we are blessed blessed blessed to have him at james river church so to all of our campuses would you join me come on let's give louis giglio a big james river welcome thank you so much uh please be seated what a privilege to be back at james river uh miss last summer but i was here a few summers ago and you know it's interesting when um you have a special relationship with a church it's not really so much that you fall in love with a church because you can't fall in love with a church even though i love you so much like when i got this invitation i didn't even pray about it i just said yes and i was like oh wait a minute i need to back up and pray about it before saying yes so if something goes wrong in the message today it's because i didn't pray about it before i just said yes but you don't fall in love with churches you fall in love with people and i love your pastors john and debbie and i have so much respect for them and especially for pastor john his family is amazing his team is amazing and i just am honored again today to be here and just to be with you spend time with you to give thanks to god for the way that you bounded up those stairs i was like look at him go he is back he is healthy he's got that vivacious spirit and that the voice is strong and god is with him and nothing makes me happier than to see god uh blessing you and continuing to give you strength so thank you and god bless you and thank you for letting me be here today i want to preach a message that i preached in this church in fact maybe one of my most favorite times preaching this message was in this church and then god has led me to places all over the world literally on every continent he's taken me to preach this message and and there's seasons of life where he does that it's not my message it's not even my title but it's a message that god has changed my life with what i came to share today changed my life and so eventually it made its way into book form about two months ago so i've done interviews almost every day for the last two months with people all across america and around the world and one of the questions that came in one of the interviews was who did you write this book for and i hadn't been asked that question i really hadn't prepped for that question i really hadn't thought what will i say if someone says who did you write this book for so the answer just kind of blurted out and it sounded a little bit weird but it was true they said who did you write this book don't give the enemy a seat at your table who'd you write that for i said i wrote it for me meaning that this message changed my life and continues to every week of my life this message is still in the mix in my life so i come today not confident in myself and really not confident in a book you don't need a book to change your life we already have a book that changes our lives i'm holding it in my hand right now it's penned by the breadth of the holy spirit of almighty god and it's available to you and it's available to me but the message in this book that i wrote is a message that i believe can transform a life and here's the heart of it all god wants you to know today that you have the authority to change the way you think in the battle for your life the battle for your family for your sanity for your well-being for your peace of mind for your marriage for your children your grandchildren and the generations to come that battle is going to be won or lost in your mind that's why this book says renew your mind the enemy is targeting your thinking and you are the gardener of your own mind so what gets planted there and what gets uprooted there hello is up to you and i know it sounds like i shifted gears from being very encouraging to very sort of preaching wise but the enemy he's bold and brash he went into paradise and lied to eve he didn't have any circumstantial avenue to create doubt in her mind it wasn't oh you lost your loved one in an accident so god must not be good it wasn't like man this drought we're going through is horrendous and it's going to ruin and wreck the agricultural economy there was no circumstantial avenue so we just went straight at her confidence in god and he said so paradise right except that one thing right there what'd god say about that he said we eat that we die oh did he really did he really say that huh i wonder why he said that maybe he's not as good as you think he is maybe he doesn't love you as much as he wants you to think that he loves you maybe there's something about that if you eat that you're going to be even as good as he is or better than he is and he's trying to keep you down and keep him up so maybe that's why he told you not to eat that and immediately he attacked the character and the will and the purposes of god and undermine eve's confidence in god's heart that he's a good god and that he cares for her and has her best in mind and once he planted that seed of doubt in her mind we don't have a timeline we don't know if it was a day later or a week later or three years later but eventually just like me and just like you when that seed got planted and wasn't uprooted by truth but got to root in to her way of thinking eventually she acted on that thought so what that means is you're not harboring any thought today that ultimately you're not going to act on that is also a lie oh i'm never going to do it i'm just thinking about it oh i would never act on that i just been thinking about that no the more you think the more that root is going to take hold and ultimately in this season or the next season you're going to do what you're thinking about because thoughts lead to actions and that's why the enemy knows my goal is to plant lies in your mind and if we were truthful today every single one of us including me in this room has got some kind of lie in our mind right now and jesus is going to make an incredible invitation today he is going to say to you and me again today if you let me i will lead you to truth and my truth will set you free so we're going to believe today for more than a message we're going to believe for freedom and i feel bold because i have a phd didn't get into my introduction but it will next time i have a phd are you ready you're like in in what are you ready in being human so when i get to to the heart of this talk you're going to say how does he know this oh that's right he has a ph.d in being human and what i've learned being a human being is that the first lie is this isn't going to work for you and some of you are already there oh dudes here going to do a talk we're going to talk about how we can change the way we think we're going to talk about people getting set free but it's not going to work for me some of you have already written yourself off from this message today and you've already positioned yourself to protect yourself because that's what we're best at and you're like i'm not going to get my hopes up again because this isn't going to work for me because i've been to these things at church before where i got my hopes up and then i prayed the thing and did the deal and whatever whatever and nothing happened and it didn't change and that's probably what's gonna happen today and you know what my mom was a warrior and her mom was a warrior and that's why i'm a warrior we're just from a worrying family that's just the way it is it's in our dna and it's not gonna change and i don't know what this guy's gonna say today and i don't know what god's gonna put on the table today but i know i'm probably gonna walk out of here and be a warrior just like i walked in here because that's all i've ever known all i've ever seen all my life our family we are olympic medal winning warriors at our house and that's just the way it is and i'm teaching my kids how to worry and the enemy's already telling you you don't like yourself and what is this guy going to say in 30 minutes that's going to change the fact that you haven't liked yourself for the last 30 years it is a lie the enemy is already lying to you telling you that god can't set you free so you'll enjoy the deal you'll come to church again you'll give to the future fun you'll be a part of james river i'll see you at the stronger men's conference but you know that stronghold is not going to get broken you know that pattern isn't going to change you know that you're really not going to see a breakthrough of god in your life and i'm just telling you that is a lie and there's only two voices there's yahweh and there's the other way and if you're believing right now that you can't change guess where that's coming from so right now in jesus name we reject the lie in jesus name and prayed by the power the authority the blood of the risen jesus christ that revelation will happen in this room and that you will see that you can change the way you think because nobody else in this room can do it for you and if i can just say one more thing boldly and then i'll shift into more pastoral tone you can't blame this on anybody else god is giving you the authority to change the way you think and jesus has done everything possible to help you win the battle of your mind so father we trust right now that you'll do that only you can in jesus name amen so this message is predicated around the best known text in scripture the lord is my shepherd say it with me i s i said that part you say the next part sorry i don't have a phd in crowd control let's just say the whole first line together the lord is my shepherd i sh wow so something went wrong because there's a lot of want in the house david tapped into something that i need to tap into he said i know who's leading my life i know who's directing my steps i know who is walking beside me i know who is leading me and restoring me i know who fights for me and defends me i know who provides for me i know who anoints me i know who gives me everything that i need i know who's following me i'm not looking over my shoulder to see who's back there and what their agenda is i know who's back there uh goodness and love's back there that's who's following me every day of my life and i know where i'm going i'm not aimlessly out here cruising through life i know i'm headed to the house of the lord and i'm going to dwell in that house all the days of my life you know why i know all these things because the lord is my shepherd and so everybody's got a shepherd no no shepherdless people in the house we were made by god and for god that means that we were made to be led and so either yahweh is leading me jesus is leading me or somebody else is leading me somebody's opinion something that happened in the past uh someone's approval or for a lot of us in the place if we were honest you would just say i'll tell you who's leading me i'm leading me louie i got the i got the bank account i make the decisions i call the shots i'm in charge which is fine if you want to be in one because that psalm goes something like that i am my shepherd i lead my life i run my show and therefore check back with me in a little while and not only will i have a place where my heart isn't satisfied and i'll be in one i will not have found the green pasture i will not have found the quiet water i will have run my life in the ground and probably run the lives of all the people around me in the ground because when i'm in charge of my life and then you're in charge of your life it doesn't go as great as when yahweh is our shepherd and i love verse five because it's a little bit of a conundrum he says after he says and even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me then he says you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you annoy my head with all my cup overflows and i'm like wait a minute if i had written psalm 23 i would definitely not have written verse 5 in i would have written verse 5 something like this and you prepare a table before me in your presence forget about the enemies wipe out the enemies in fact i would love a table if we could father by the window so i can watch you wipe all my enemies out while we're enjoying our meal together but god's plan and our theology that we're proclaiming today isn't that god wants to hit the eject button and get you out of a broken planet it's that he wants to come into the broken story and he wants to put his presence inside of us by the power of the holy spirit through the person of jesus christ and he wants to walk with us through this life so that we have a table prepared before us in the middle of the storm in the middle of the conflict in the middle of the difficulty in the middle of the person who's trying to stab us in the back in the middle of a person who's saying things about us that aren't true in the middle of the person who's trying to take us out in the middle of the financial breakdown in the middle of the family crisis right in the middle of whatever it is he says i yahweh am going to provide a table before you and it is a table of abundance we put the table here last time and i said i want to do a little different talk they said no get the table back we want to see the table again so here's a picture of what that looks like it's a table that god almighty the alpha and the omega god from eternity past to god into eternity future we're talking about god people is everybody okay so far everybody's looking at me like i'm reading the sports scores or something out of the paper we're talking about yahweh amen he came down in the person of christ and then he sat down at a table he prepared for you hi how are you are you thirsty you look really thirsty it's good to see you by the way you're awesome i'm a living water but i'm going to join you how's life love you oh no have go ahead and you realize hey i've still got pressure i still have enemies not don't think you're my enemies but you look a little suspect but i still have the storm the doctor's report was what it was our marriage right now it's not great my mental situation is like hanging by a thread but in the middle of all that it's real yahweh just poured a glass of water at a table that he prepared before me and it is a table of abundance it is not a table of him going you know things have been really difficult this year and to be on the safe side and an abundance of caution you all share that no he's like if i'm not gonna do it because i don't need to but i could turn this like into 10 000 loaves of bread i've done it before so if you if you think there's not gonna be enough you're not realizing who you're sitting with i love you and i created this for you dear god in heaven help us right now we have turned this into some kind of a a thing when it was always and will always be about a person and if you if you've missed out on this somehow it's because of a couple problems problem number one you just didn't know there was a table or if you did you didn't factor in enough time i think that's a lot of us you know we're we show up and we're like oh my goodness i had no idea i i did not factor this in today i got a jet i could can i borrow your coffee i just saw that down there can i get it to go cup beautiful though in fact before i go real quick do you mind uh okay cool awesome i'm gonna put my bible over here um and he probably put my glasses in here because they're cool warby parker they're not i got those at cvs but that's not a message today um can i borrow someone's phone oh thank you so much i'm taking all your stuff this is like the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life this is so good i don't know breakfast with the king post seriously though it was amazing and next time count me in and you're awesome uh i got a jet but you amazing hey how's it going you are not going to believe what happened earlier today check this out look at that i was no way i mean it was like this big table and oh so incredible anyway about that thing we're working on um hello so you have to know there's someone waiting for you and you have to sit down but the second problem is is that i think that's yours when when we sit down it's amazing how fast things can get interrupted i told this story and i told it in the book and the editors were helping me with the book and they were like do you really want to put this story in the book and i was like i have to put the story in the book and i'm like well it kind of makes you sound like a jerk and i said i know so maybe we can just put that at the bottom i'm really really trying hard not to be a jerk but i told you this story before shelly and are having a birthday dinner at her favorite restaurant in another country and we were sitting at a table for four people but it was just the two of us and we were in the middle of our meal and these people got up and left their table and this young guy turned around and came back nice guy can we just say that together nice guy know everyone say it nice guy if you're if you're hearing this lovely person and he says he's he stops him turns around he goes louie giglio i said yeah hi he goes no way what are you doing here it's like i don't know having dinner and he uh said i never expected to see you here i said i know it's crazy but we actually do get out occasionally and um he said i i was at a conference a few months ago that you spoke at and the lord really touched my life and i didn't think i'd see you here i just want to say thank you well this is like the crazy part of what we get to be a part of all of us is god touching people's lives and their stories and so you just are like thank you lord for letting me be a part of something significant i said thank you so much great to see you great to meet you and off he went to catch up with his group so we went back to our meal and if maybe three four minutes later i see him coming back and i say oh he must have left his keys or his wallet or put his sunglasses down or something but i don't see anything on the table and he gets back and he says um hey this might sound really weird but i got outside and i was telling my friend that that after that conference i had this vision that the lord wanted me to talk to you about something and i never dreamed of having a chance to do that you look so nice and kind you're gonna hate this this next part he said um and so i thought well my friend said maybe this is the moment that you know the holy spirit wants you to have that conversation and so about that time i love the way that you're protecting that cherry about that time he he grabs the empty seat and goes so i thought maybe we could just talk right now okay where are we all here on the spectrum i just need to know because i'm either going to take this one way or the other anybody feeling like this could go sideways or most everybody going i believe it was the lord and i hope that you did invite him to sit down and told your wife we'll have another birthday dinner some other time and so i thought what do i do so i just went to my failsafe and i said hey man that would be so incredible but it's my wife's birthday that's an owl and he goes am i kidding nice guy but he goes oh happy birthday anyway so what i wanted to do and at that point i went oh okay not good and so i had to say hey you know email my office reach out love to have a conversation but not tonight point isn't about that guy because he's they say it with me the point is how fast the enemy can get at your table in a nanosecond you can walk out of this gathering in this atmosphere of worship and truth and faith and on the way home today bam and he always comes through the side door it's very rare that he says hi um he has told you about me i'm the one when he said the thief comes to steal kill and destroy he was talking about me so i'm going to gouge your eyes out and ruin everything good in your life you ready no he comes alongside that point in every one of our lives today where we feel we've been wronged overlooked mistreated taken for granted or where we're confused or afraid and he comes right through that door and he just puts his hand on our shoulder and says how's it going man and we go it's not going good i know your boss what a piece of work i don't know honestly how you stay there you know why frank quit he's your boss and if i were you i'd have been out of there like so long ago i already been like hey i don't know two weeks notice whatever i don't care i'm out my brother all these at home terrible listen most people would have been gone a long time ago props to you i don't know how you do it and before you know it he's eating your lunch yeah that's true at the table that yahweh prepared for you this hit me going through a very challenging season about six years ago one of those enduring seasons of leadership where you want to quit a couple times and some things have been said some things have been done i'd said some things some other people had said some things but we journeyed through in a few months had gone by and on my way home from work one day i got a call that let me know about something that happened that day and this is gonna sound super petty so i'm just gonna be honest yes i have a phd in being human something really small about that big happened that vindicated me and i was so happy has have you ever had that feeling like if we just wait this thing out people are going to see what's really the deal and that day it happened and you know what i did i just quietly took that to the lord in my prayer closet no i immediately texted a friend who had walked through this thing with me and the text started maybe you've never sent a text like this the text started something like you're not going to believe what just happened you are not going to believe what i just heard you're not going to believe blah blah blah blah blah and if you give these things time they usually kind of turn around and i mean a long text that took me at my age quite a minute to compose and i just hit send like come on man this is our day and i waited standing at the top of my driveway i can take you to the exact spot i just waited i am not putting the phone down i'm not waiting for a text to come back later tonight i'm gonna stand right here until i get a text back and it's gonna be a big long text back don't send me any emojis okay and so i'm waiting i'm waiting i'm waiting and finally a text arrives it's like a blurb basically so i'm thinking well on the next text is going to say what i say in half of my text i'm sorry i hit sin too soon here's the rest of that message so i wait there is no more rest of that message and so i finally read the message it was sent nine words don't give the enemy a seat at your table what i was looking for was commiseration what i got was the truth because my friend loved me enough to not give me what i wanted but to give me what i needed and in effect they were saying to me in that text you are acting like an orphan and you are the son of a king you are acting like you're down here on the ground looking for a crumb you know how we're all just beggars one beggar finding a crumb to give another beggar i don't know whoever put that truth in the bible because i'm pretty sure it just said he prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies so he might be saying to you today get up off the floor looking for the crumbs and see the table and see that you're the daughter of a king you're the son of a king you have yahweh as a shepherd he'll protect you and defend you and provide for you and lead you he will prepare a table before you right in the middle of the fray so that no matter what's going on you're going to have what you need not because of what's on the table but because of who's at the table and if you can shift into this reality you can do something powerful you can get the enemy away from your table you can't stop him from prowling around that's what the new testament says he prowls looking for someone to devour but you can stop him from sitting down at your table because it's your table and you can the power of jesus steward the garden of your mind and i'll tell you in the most practical way how it happens you don't get the enemy away from your table by fighting the lie you get him away from the table by focusing on the truth it's not going to happen instantly that's right i talked to a neuro scientist a few weeks ago and she said in 66 days if you think a true thought you can create a new neural pathway in your mind if you think a lie for 66 days you can also create a neural pathway in your mind so not in 66 seconds so that's not what we're going to offer today let's all pray a prayer at the end and boom all of our negative thoughts that have taken up root in our minds for all of our lives are going to all go away not in 66 hours but for 66 days if you focus on what god says is true about you in any particular area you literally will create a new highway in your mind so when god says to daily renew your mind to the truth he knew what he was talking about we're not talking about spiritual mumbo jumbo here we're talking about actually re-creating the way the neuron processes of your mind work based on a thought that you commit to for 66 days so you may have been thinking that you're not good enough for the last six years but in 66 days if you put god's truth in your mind about who he says you are you can create a brand new way of thinking and you say well what would what would the truth be well the truth would be that yahweh came down and then yahweh sat down and he booked a table paid for the table provided the table and joined you at the table because he believes that you are so valuable that he wants to be in a relationship with you he created you in his image for his glory and he loves you he pursued you when you didn't even know who he was he was relentless and he never gave up on you he actually gave his son in exchange for you so if you want to put it down on the bottom shelf you are worth jesus to god so to sit at the table and have the enemy telling you i'm not good enough i'm not smart enough i'm not spiritual enough i didn't come from the right family i don't have the right background i'm never gonna make it god doesn't care about me people don't care about me i don't even know if i love me and bottom line i'm just not enough well you need a revelation today that you are sitting at the table with yahweh and when he is serving you today he's serving you with scars in his wrists and his feet and notice when he offers you the basket the scars in his hands and if you want you can listen to the enemy and you can sit there and say i know i see the scars and i see the table and i know that you've come down for me to have a relationship with me and open a way for me to know almighty god but you know what i still just can't believe that i'm good enough but if you choose to lay that down and to embrace truth you can change the way you think so weird i was turning over to john earlier today to read about the good shepherd john 10 10. and when i did i you can't see this but in my bible which i just got rebound because my other one fell apart completely because i'm so spiritual or because i hold it in my hands almost every day doing things like i'm doing right now and do a lot of things to it but before we found a guy who was brilliant enough to rebind it and replace the pages that were torn and had holes in them and stuff i thought i just have to get a new one but i didn't really want to get a new one but i thought we'll just have to so my friend a few months ago went to the international space station on a spacex rocket and he's there right now and he said i'll take something small for you and i'll take it to the station with me and it'll fly around in space for six months and then i'll bring it back and i'll give it back to you what would you like and i'm like oh man i said no my bible's falling apart and i'm getting a new one so i just tore john one out it was already half coming out and i said take this because it says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us so the truth that you need to change your mind is at the table so you don't need like a bunch of commentaries and encyclopedias at the table you got the truth who is the living word of god at the table and this word became flesh and dwelt among us and so i said send this and then a couple of weeks later my team said hey we found a guy who's going to rebind your bible i said great so we sent the bible off and he rebounded now i got it back and i'm missing the first page of john so you can go from luke to john two but in four months i'm getting john 1 back and i'm going to scotch tape it in you say you should send it back to the guy no i'm just going to scotch tape it in and someone said to me you'll have a page in your bible that has been in space i said my whole bible came down from heaven so what does that mean that means you got to get it open you got to get it open and you got to start locating the truth so that when the lie comes you say where did you come from did you come from yahweh or the other way you'll know right away if that word you're getting matches the character the heart the will the ways and the word of god and if it doesn't you do what paul says in second corinthians 10 you take authority over it and you bind it and you bring it into captivity to the person of jesus christ second corinthians 10 4 you take every thought captive and make it obedient to him you say how do i do that i'll show you can i borrow this thank you can i write in it we're under extreme conditions here so i just need to make sure it's a prop we said it here beforehand because we're smarter than you think we are okay so what's the lie we're done we're closing i'm finished what's the lie oh i know one someone if this is yours could you just raise your hand just raise it high when i write it because i would encourage you to write the lie in your journal i'm not i don't know how you write with this pen hold it straight up and down my wife tells me that all the time i'm like just get a different pin i'm not going to make it anybody show of hands that's your lie right now thank you anybody else i'm not going to make it i'm not going to make it through what oh just ask them they'll tell you through this diagnosis through this relational conflict through the situation our business i'm not gonna make it and i'm not saying this about any of these people but the way you'll know the enemy told him that is because it doesn't match the character the heart the ways and the will and the word of god because that shepherd sitting there said we're going to go through the valley of the shadow of death not to the valley we're going to go through the valley so write it down i'm talking we're getting tactile write it down i'm not going to make it i told my friend that at coffee yesterday they said how you doing i said i don't know i don't know i'm not sure i'm gonna make it did you hear that yahweh told you that other way told me that and when he told you that he lied to you he lied to you just like the last time he told you that and if he hadn't lied to you every time he couldn't even be telling you that right now so what's the truth well you can pick any number of truths you can take god's word from so many different verses but if you combine them all i would write above the lie god has brought me through every situation in every season he brought me through the debilitating illness that ended up taking both my parents lives oh i had not uh scot-free i got scars all over he brought me through a pit of depression i was in for months a decade ago that i thought i'd never see the light of day oh i still feel it i still got i got scars my wife's fathers and seven years plus of cancer treatment right now our family has been through every hardship every kind of difficulty up against every kind of opposition we got scars all over the place but god has brought us through every situation and every season i'd like to see a show of hands if god has brought you through every situation you've ever been through can i see a show hands just hold them as high as you can 100 percent [Music] anybody got any scars but god brought you through so i just wrote above i'm not going to make it god has brought me through every situation and every season and i'm now going to cross out the lie and i'm going to make my new narrative the truth because you don't win the battle of your mind by fighting the lie you win the battle of your mind by focusing on the truth and so now if we have coffee i'm not going to sit down and go uh when you say how are you doing i'm not going to go oh i'm just doing wonderful we got a diagnosis that wasn't what we were expecting the doctor's report was opposite of what we've been praying uh my husband just lost his job but praise god we're blessed and highly favored now i'm gonna say whoa man it is hard right now but i want to make sure you hear me say this is what we're holding on to god has brought me through every situation and every season and i believe he's going to bring us through this yeah and when i focus on that truth i change the way that i think i am uprooting you're not going to make it and i am planting god is faithful and if i focus on god being faithful every day for 66 days i get a brand new highway of the faithfulness of god literally created inside of my mind and now the normal thought of my mind is i'm going to make it i am going to make it god is going to bring us through it might not be today it might not happen tomorrow it might be in heaven but if it is heaven he's going to bring us through because he's always brought us through and he's never going to let us down right now i am going to change the way that i think and this is the power of the gospel and why is the table here so that as i'm saying hey i know it's hard and yes my wife's in treatment or yes my kid is out in left field and i don't know when they're coming back i'm still going to confess god has brought me through every situation and every season and when you do that people at work your neighbors your family they're going to look at you and go what is happening to you how are you so confident in a situation like this how do you do this what is going on and eventually they're going to stop looking at you and they're going to start looking at who you're looking at and they're going to want to know who's at the table with you the table is in the presence of the enemies so that our enemies can see us being satisfied by jesus no matter what and we get good and he gets glory and ultimately that's what it's all about and that's why he didn't put the table in his presence he put it right in the middle of the storm so that people ultimately could see him and say i want whoever is sitting at your table jesus thank you lord thank you that every one of us can look at our scars some of them are literal scars and they're telling a story today of your faithfulness to bring us through god i pray that you would speak over your children today over all of us you are not an orphan you are not abandoned write it down if you think that you are i am abandoned write it down then and then draw a line and above it write what's true jesus came from heaven to earth for me god set still only in families even if my mother and father forsake me the lord will take me up i now am a child of god the lord will ever never leave me or forsake me so i'm going to strike through i'm abandoned even though somebody did walk out on me god walked in on me even though somebody else left my table god continues every day to prepare a table i pray god that you would turn stories around today and i pray that you would give us the grace to take hold of truth the truth that sets us free so if that's you today and there is a specific lie that god just put a laser beam on today and you want to call it out right now in jesus name you just want to call it what it is that's a lie it's not from yahweh it's from the one who's the father of lies been lying from the beginning there's no truth in him and i decide right here and right now i'm taking my table back and i'm setting my eyes on my shepherd and his word and his truth starting here and now could you just lift your hand if you've gotten a specific moment like that in this last few minutes together lord again we know there's no quick fixes but i do thank you that you touch stories and maybe one message can't change everything in an instant but i believe that one instant can change everything and so i pray the power in the name of jesus over people today if they're beginning to zero in on what you're saying to lock eyes with you i pray that your truth would come like a waterfall and wash them and make them new and we thank you for that power in jesus name amen so let's give god some praise today let's give him a shout of praise today oh come on church let's give him the praise he deserves [Applause] today i really want to encourage you right now to order new normal on amazon or wherever books are sold you can pick up one for yourself a friend or a family member because god wants you to live in a land that's full of his promise and possibility and we believe this book will help you on your journey to a new normal we also have an amazing study guide available on amazon so you can go through the book with a small group your spouse or even friends at a coffee shop so you can get the most out of this amazing resource as you go throughout your day this is our prayer for you may the lord bless you and protect you may he smile on you and be gracious to you may he show you his favor and give you his peace god bless
Channel: James River Church
Views: 8,015
Rating: 4.7765365 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, louie giglio sermons, james river church, james river church sermons, church, church online, online church, best sermons, best sermon, sermon, sermons, preaching, preacher, best preachers, best preacher, church live, live church, bible, god, jesus, christianity, biblical, teaching, holy spirit, best sermon 2021, 2021 sermons, christian, church live stream, gods blessing, pray, don't give the enemy a seat at your table, giglio, best sermons of all time, seat, table, enemy, louie
Id: ohqqgJk452U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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